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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE DOMINANT NBVBPAFn OF MOETHTAfT ARKANSAS AMD BOUTHEACT MISSOURI VOL. 286 BlythenlUe Daily Blythevllle Courier Blytheville Herald Mtwluippl Valley Leader BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS, TUESDAY, MARCH 1 1949 FOURTEEN PAGES SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS Low-Cost Homes Discussed With FHA Group Blytheville Builders Urged to Pare Costs, Retain Livability housing was dlscusset by Blytheville builders, lenders and real estate men with representative of the Federal Housing Artminlstra tion from the Arkansas headquar ters in Little Rock at a meetin held In the City Hall today with I about 75 in attendance. Emphasis was placed on the need for keeping construction up to FHA I standards but at the same time cutting costs to bring the new houses within the price range of a large segment of potential buyers who need homes on the $5,000 to I $6.000 class. Clay E. Smith, state director for the FHA in Arkansas, explained I new regulations which permit own- units to bor- I row up to 85 per cent of the FHA 1 valuations, provided the valuation I does not exceed SQ.OOO and have l.jlO years In which to repay the loan I "with interest at the rale ol four and yone-half per cent.

The outlook for building good homes at less cost was discussed by other members of the FHA staff, Blylheville representatives of the material dealers, and 'he financing agencies, and by representatives oi the Veterans Administration and the Reconstruction Finance Corpo- I ration. Economy Given Emphasis The welcome to the Blytheville which is one of thousands 1 being conducted by the FHA ove I the nation, was extended by Percy A. Wright, city attorney, who I for Mayor E. R. Jackson who wa unable to attend because of Illness W.

M. Van Valkenberg. chle I architect, in the Arkansas FHA of I flees, told the builders that stress 1 must remain on the livability I the homes erected with FHA ap I proval, but that efforts must be I made to bring greater economy (through simple lines of construc- 1 tion in order lo bring the costs (down within the range of so many I who want homes but cannot afford I those which so far have been avail- Mr. Van Valkenberg suggested Ithat pre-cut their lumber, land said that ha many instances I the houses are being pre-fabricated I to have on labor costs. He stressed 1 the need for providing homes which- lean sell for less, and at the same I time leave a reasonable profit for I the builders and the materialmen.

Alvin Hufman, representing I the materialmen in Blytheville, I that the trade this year ex- I peeled the supply in most instan- 1 ces to be equal to, or possibly ex- Iceed. the demand and added that 1 figures show that production last I year was at a peacetime high. Financing Problems Discussed Max Logan, representing the lo- Ical lending agencies, discussed the 1 financing outlook Tor economy I homes. He said that some of the Insurance firms do not make 1 loans In cities under 50,000 popu- llatlon and that some of the smaller 1 companies had used up most of I their funds available such loans bringing to this and similar areas something of a problem in home 1 financing. He commended the FHA tor its program The rental housing program was I discussed by H.

P. Barrc. chief un- Iderwriter for the state FHA. He told I of the difficulties of constructing I units at today's costs at a figure within the reach of those who must and insisted that some cost Jpiring will be necessary to meet the need for those who should be living In homes costing $6,000 or less. Dealing with both rental units I and homes to be sold to the occu- I pants.

Mr. Barre said that the mar- 1 ket is flattening out mid it Is the I duty of private industry to provide I good homes at a lower cost. The 1 relation of the Veterans Admhlts- I tration to the economy home pro- I gram was explained by J. M- Ham- liHon, loan guaranty officer for the IVA ill Arkansas, and the policies of Reconstruction Finance poration with reference to buying 1 was presented by C. R.

Burmidc. Introduces Program Clay E. Smith, state Federal Housl'm; Administration director, See nUH.DERS on Page March Enters In New As Polar Bear March came in as neither lion nor lamb here sort of ambled In like a polar bear. The mercury here dropped to a low of 25 degrees this morning as Blytheville got Its share of the freezing weather that was genera over Dixie. The low a year ago this morning was 40 degrees.

Higl yesterday was 42. The freezing weather that hi much of the Southland today threatened damage to the rlcl peach crops in Georgia and Soul Carolina. The chill extended ove parts of Alabama, Mississippi, Ten nessee and North Carolina. Meanwhile, the northeastern section of the country started to dig out from yesterday's heaviest of the winter season In many areas. Falls up to 12 inches were reported in Western Massachusetts and parts of Connecticut nd measured up to 10 Inches in New York City.

Lake Street Church Builds Annex 1,500 New Tax Enforcement Workers Okayed; Treasury, Funds Approved lans to Permit German Shipping Spark Disputes WASHINGTON, March 1. agencies were rcporte odds Uxlsy over a proiwsnl from Gen. Lucius D. Clay to let the estern Germans build mid operate ocean-going ships. Woman at Dyess Severely Burned Tractor Fuel Used To Rekindle Fire; House is Destroyed Mrs.

Lloyd Chappie, 47, was In the Dyess Hospital today suffering from severe burns received Sunday in a fire which destroyed the three-room home in which she and her husband lived on a son's farm three miles southwest of Dyess. Mrs. Chappie was reported to have used tractor fuel to re-kindle a fire and her clothing was ignited by a flash the fuel contacted hot coals In the stove. She was rushed into the yard where the flames were quickly smothered by a son, Troy Chappie of Marked Tree, and other members of the family, but not before Mrs. Chappie was badly burned from her waist to her head.

The fire in the house spread rapidly and the structure was destroyed along with all of the contents. For a time it was feared that Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Chappie, was trapped In the burning building. The child was asleep when the fire started and when she missed from the group her started into the burning house to find his daughter, aged six, va.Tf ing calmly out of the building.

Her composure prompted an In puiry about why she did not run away from the flames and her answer was that "I'm doing what my teacher told me to do. She salt! to walk, not run." The Chappies had lived in thi house which was built by a son Roy Chappie, on his farm only three months ago. The other son, Troy Chappie, and members of his fam ily were visiting his parents when the fire broke out. Construction of an educational building for the Luke Street Methodist Church was started this week and the architect's drawing above shows how the completed building will appear In relation to the present slruc ture. The two-story annex and the tower are being erected at the rear of the present auditorium.

Concrete been poured for the footings, the pastor, the Rev. Theron McKissou, said today. The drawing was prepared Wendell M. Phillips, architect, c. M.

Baxter is supervising construction and Is assisted by II. O. McHaffcy chairman of the church's building committee. Other members ol committee George stllKell an Charles McDanlel. State Senate Okays Motorist's Liability Law; House Asks Data on Self-Insurance Program Farm Economy Called Worst Since the 30's Fire Insurance Plan For Public Buildings Concentrates Risks LITTLE ROCK, March The rkansas House today directed the egislatlve Council to study the ossibility of a self-insurance pro- ram to carry fire insurance on ublic buildings.

A resolution by Rep. James Ar- lold of Independence County cnll- ng for such a study was adopted. It directed the council to determine Johnson Grass Fight Launched Blyrheville C. of C. Begins Control Plan To Prevent Spread The Arglculture Committee the Postage Rate Hike Is Asked By Committee William F.

Arbocut WASHINGTON, March 1. to hire 1,500 Modified Bill Sets Legal Requirements For Auto Insurance LITTLE ROCK, March A revised motorist's liability la was approved by the Arkansas Ben- ate today. Tlie bill Is modification of one passed by the Senate earlier In the session, but which was defeated in the House. Sen. Weems Triissell of Fordyce, the siHmsor, said he believes the new measure meets the objections he amount of insurance premiums Blythevllle Chamber of Commerce raised In the House, now paid by the state, counties, yesterday launched a plan for con-1 Under the bill's provisions, the cities, school districts and other Irol of Johnson Grass in Mississippi state revenue commissioner would government divisions for fire in-j County.

surance and to study the "feasible Plans for the project were dls-' be required to revo -ytor's license of an ike the opcra- iy person who ity of the state entering a surance prjgram from the stand- point of concentration of cussed a' the committee's first failed to satisfy, within 30 days, 'a Judgment resulting from any traffic accident. The license could rertored only when the Judg- Blent vM paid or the operator had 1 Women Hurt Auto Accident Victims of Crash Near Turret! Taken To Memphis Hospital Mrs. A. G. Shlbley and Mrs.

C. Corey of Dlythevllle and Mrs. Phillip George mid Mrs. O. A.

George of Luxorn are In Baptist Hospital In Memphis today suffering from in- iurles received laic yesterday In ai automobile accident at tho Intersection of highway 61 mid Alternate 63 near Conditions of the four women were reported as "satisfactory" to day by hospital attendants. Mrs Shlbley Is suffering from a frac tured right wrist and broken colhi bone, Mrs. Corey from a broke right arm and facia) laceration and Mrs. Phillip George received fractured wrist and fractured ai kle. The extent of Mrs.

G. George's Injuries was not fully rtc termincd this morning, an atlcm ant suld. According lo Slnlo Pollccmc Tom Smallcy and George Irwln Blythevllle who assisted Slate llcemen of Marlon with the Invest gation of the accident, tho fo women were injured when the in which they were rldliiE and which was driven by Fred George of Luxora, was struck by a pick-up truck driven by Carl Murphy of Tupelo, at the Intersection. Mr. George escaped with only minor lacerations, the officers suld, and Mr.

Murphy and an unidentified boy who was In Ihe truck with 1 enforcing workers the cold war with soviet iiussia. wcro approved today by the ofiiciniH Enid American view- House Appropriations Com- IKilnl.s are so conflicting tho dccl- 0 signers of the 19-15 PoUsdiim agree- saying they woro needed to avert I-nt which tho bulldln I wel eni ln oirrr 1 n11 WM wa urLuiiittce Into Department any re- uul ot Germany as a world ship- (Committee records showed that ilng rival. the addition of 1,500 enforcement Clay understood lo Inive Army workers would give the Internal tmeiit bucking for his vlow Havcnue Bureau about 60,000 em- Imt the time has como to spur the ployce In all. ocovery of the. Western occupa- There no breakdown to ion zone by putting llle shipyards 1 how many of these M.OOO would work und letting tho Germans spend lull time la the enforcement engage directly in foreign com- field.) ucrce.

Asks Poital Rate Hike Clay's were forwarded At tile same time, the committee some time ago under a top secret called for a hike In postage rates, One published report, neither especially those on publications unconfirmed nor denied officially, Is der second class permits, that he favors permitting the Oer- Th comm action was on a mans to 10 000-ton $3.075,603 bill making annual direct appropriation! to the Treasury and the Postoffice Departments lor ths year starling next July 1. In addition, the committee approved so-called permanent and uncontrollable appropriations for the Treasury Department amounting to an estimated These Include interest on the public debt and such items as the old-age and survivors' Insurance fund and the employment trust fund, administered by tho Treasury. Interest on tho $251,600.000,000 national debt estimated at The direct- arid controllable appropriations nre 199,818,846 lesa jw aemaen -wm committee sntd yesterday-thai far- Passed were bills to require that 11.. rmmtv wHh the statf an Insurance us evidence of his ability to all state-owned cars be marked and mers throughout the county were, satisfy future Judgments, concerned with the rapid spread I i i Mitii tile liikUM apiovn Increasing membership on the state Qf Johnson Grass ancl Vml board of health to include a pharmacist and a dentist. The house also passed bills allth- cd to ca ttle raising," rather than orlzing the Welfare Department to or row crolK hire ten additional case workers, it.

wtts pointed out by one of the to repeal an act requiring publication of city audits and permit the information to be filed with Amounts Set The insurance would have to proof the grass usually was followed covcinge $5,000 tor death by the laud eventually being turn- or mjury of one persorli for See SHIPS on Pafe Officers Elected By Country Club W. J. Pollord Named President at Initial Meeting of Directors Results of the elecllon of rlircc- tors for the re-organized Dlytho- I and vlllc country club wore announced 4419.638,2^ more than the same last night at a meeting of the tern- deportments received for the preg- pornry oftlcers in the office of ent yeari Increase was attri- him, un-ln)urcdl Following the fe; Murphy Arkansas forecast: Increasing I ctoudiiic.s;. occasional rciin extreme I southwest portion this afternoon. I Occasional rain Wednesday and vii (south portion tcnisht.

Not quite so CHIOAGO, March 1. The nation's farm economic conditions, says the American Dairy Association's president, are the "worst since the depression days of the 30's." -The situation facing dairying today not only endangers the milk supply of the nation, but threatens the whole economic structure of America," Ada President Bryce Landt of Wisconsin Dells. said last night. "Farmers have been hit hard by the collapse of dairy and farm commodity prices," Landt told a meeting of delegates representing larm and industry dairymen from 40 states. "The cost of milk production has remained high while L'ie farmer's income is dropping.

"When the farmers slow up on their buying, the production ol other goods strikes a snag and unemployment lines begin to form in Industry just like they did in 192932." Owen M. Richards, Chicago, Ada general manager, told the group that "huncjrcds of farmers have been forced out ol the dairy business because the of butter, cheese, dry milk and other dairy foods have fallen below cost of production." Richards added: is estimated the city and county clerks, and to require doctors lo report treatment of persons with knife or gunshot wounds. Other bills defeated would have required candidates in general as well as primary elections to file corrupt practices pledge and permitted the Pharmaceutical Association to revoke the license of a pharmacist for drunkenness or drug addiction. Amendments Beaten or Injury of two or more; nud 81,000 for property damage. The Senate acted quickly on a bm riusmg the salary of the state highway director to $7,500, and de- llnhig his status as that of an employee or the state.

It also approv- row crops of Mississippi had been ruined by the growth of Johnson Grass. The committee's calls for bin requiring the admission treatment of alcoholic patients the solicitation of aid from the State Highway Department and the railroads with right-of-ways through farming areas to ask that they cooperate in getting the grass control- ed ot the proper time. to Advise at the State Hospital. The Budget Committee brought in a bill to appropriate $1.000.000 during the next two years for the purchase and development of public hunting and fishing areas in the The group plans to circulate bill- stat(J The blll Blso provides funds letins and informational folders fm establishment of a two-way telling farmers when (he grass sho- wcr by the Game and uld be cut to prevent the seed from 1 maturing and spreading, or advls- The state administration has bca- I )ng poison methods. Tills material ten back attempts in the Arkansas House to amend two of the measures it is sponsoring.

One proposed amendment would have removed from the bill a refund most of the tax paid on gasoline used in farm operations a requirement that tax-rebate fuel be kept in a separate container. The other would have exempted farm implements from the istration's bill to place a use tax on articles purchased outside the state. The House adopted the amendment, but later expunged the vote by which It was carried and left the matter pending. Another use tax amendment to Is expected to be circulated in early June before time for the seed to dry. The committee also proposed the initiation of action to provide for the covering of transport trucks, which lose parts of tlieir load and spread the grass.

It was also pointed out in yesterday's meeting that control must be started Immediately if It were to be successful. The control Is more effective with cotton of row crops that remilre continued cultivation than with corn or soybeans, and present cotton acreages are unusually high. It was also brought out that cotton acreage control will which the administration agreed probably be resumed In the next was adopted. It exempted railroads few ycai.s, and then control will Fish Commission. Llqum Sale Bill Okaycil The Senate late yesterday passed and sent to the House a bill which would give the state a on wholesaling of all alcoholic beverages except, beer.

Eighteen Senators, the bare majority necessary for passage, voted for the bill; 15 voted against it. Two were absent or not voting. If the House also passes the bill and Governor McMath signs H. the was arrested by Otllcer Irwln as he attempted to catch a bus in Turrell. He Is being held tho Crlt- tonden Comity jail in Murion on charges of driving while under llic Influence of liquor and leaving the scene of nn accident.

According lo Officers Irwln and Smallcy the car driven by Mr. George was moving north on Highway 61 and the truck cast, on Alternate Highway Ii3. Officer Small- cy quoted a witness n.i saying that the truck failed lo slop at a stop sign at the Intersection and plowed Into the side of the George car. The lour women and Mr. George were returning to their homes from Birmingham, where they had been to attend a wctldiiig of a relative of Mrs.

Corey. Officers Smalicy and Tnvin commended highly the action of an unidentified Greyhound Bus driver who arrived at the scene shortly after the accident and gave the injured women emergency first, aid treatment. W. J. Pollard, temporary chairman, and the nrw -directors In turn elecUcd club' officers.

Mr. Pollard was elected president; E. F. Still, vice president, and John p. Lentl, who wn.i temporary secretary, was elected secretary and treasurer.

These three officers arc members of the board of directors and serving with them are: James Terry. C. W. Aflltck, E. M.

Rcgenold and Funds McCalla. The seven directors were elected from a list of nominations submitted by a committee appointed at the reorganization meeting held last, week In the City Hall. The club constitution placed a limit of 150 on the membership in the club which will take over the lease on the present country club proiwrty north of the city and reactivate the club. The membership of the club has been filled and several applications -for mcnllxirshlp are on the waiting list, it was indicated. governor will apiwint a con from the bill.

i be harder. I cold tonight and Wednesday. Missouri forecast: Cloudy, light I sumv beginning extreme west late 1 this afternoon or early tonight, I spreading over central and west I tonight and extreme east Stcwly rising temperatures to- and Wednesday: low tonight. high Wednesday. 35- Miniimim this Maximum Sunset Sunrise Precipitation 24 hours to 7 a.m.

loday 1 Total since Jan. Mean temperature (midway be- lUvcen high and Normal mean for 'this Hale Last Year Minimum this Maximum Pr-cipitatlon Jan. I to this I that the income of dairy farmers lias been cut a quarter billion dollars in the last three months due to the crackup in dairy food prices. This decline quickly reflects In trie national Income picture and hurts the entire economy of the nation. Late yesterday the House amend- The committee is conposed ed the bill to place alcoholic bcver- I Mr.

Ward. Ed Ferguson. L. G. Nash, ages under the sales tax.

The I A. T. Barnctt. Fred Fletman, John amendment would credit $225,000 to Stevens. C.

C. Lantston, C. L. county livestock shows. Wylie and E.

M. Regcncld. Another attempt to amend the Workmen's compensation Act was defeated. The House received five bills embodying some of the salient features of the administration's proposed election code. trol commission.

One ot the three members would be Revenue Commissioner Dean Morlcy. Besides direct authority to- llx tlit number and location of wholesale outlets, the commission would have broad powers in regulation of dispensing. Pre-scnt wholesalers would have OD days in which the to liquidate their stoclf. after aw Soybeans (F.O.B. Chrlago) Open High Low Close May 224 July 223'i 220 Mar.

237 239Ts 235'. New York Cotton NEW YORK, Mar. quotation: p.m. Mar May July Dec, Open High Low Lasl 3225 3233 3221 3204 3212 3201 3095 3098 3083 28CO 2805 2796 2771 3714 3227 3201 3000 2799 2118 Memphis Bank Robber Escapes Miami Jail MIAMI. March Clyde Milton Johnson.

30. one of two men accused in a daring $43,000 holdup of a Memphis, bank, escaped from the 2ist-floor jail of the Dndc County Courthouse early lo- day. Chief Sheriffs Deputy Jim Hawkins said Johnson, alias Horace Alexander, made his escape as other prisoners were being served breakfast. Hawkins said Night Jailer B. A.

Law. after taking breakfast to the prisoners, had started to mop up a puddle of spilled milk near the elevator. The elevator door was open. The jailer told Hawkins that he heard someone running and when he turned around someone had shoved him, the elevator door slammed, and he heard Ihe elevator going down, 5 Sentenced as Spies MUNICH, Germany, March 1. U.

S. Military Commission today convicted five Euopeans of espionage and sentences them to prison terms ranging from 12 to 30 years. The five, three Germais and two Poles, were convicted of obtaining. Information for a forelga power. New York Stocks (1:30 P.M.

QucilatKns) Am. 147 1-2 Tobacco 65 1-4 Beiorc passing the bill, the Senate iiad rejected two amendments propoocd by Sen. Ellis Fagan, Little Hock, the only one to speak against llic measure. One amendment, would have aproprlatcd $5,000,000 to purchase wholesalers' stock; the other would have brought retail liquor stores under its provisions. The Senate passed a bill lo change the set-up of the Arkansas Legislative Council.

The council would be composed of 22 members of the legislature Instead of the present larger council composed of bolli legislative and members. The bill now goes lo the Home. Anaconda 323-4 Beth Steel 31 1-8 Chrysler 53 3-8 Gen. Electric 36 1-4 Gen. Motors 58 Int.

Harvester 24 1-4 Montgomery Ward 553-81 N. Y. Central 11 1-8 Lockheed Corp 18 Sears Roebuck 3fi 1-4 Republic Steel 24 3-4 Socony-Vacuum 15 5-8 Standard Oil N. 67 1-4 John Deere Texas Co. 51 1-8 U.

S. Steel 71 5-8 Southern Pacific 413-4 J. C. Penney Co. Inc Confessions Repudiated In Hungarians' Trials; Intimidation Charged RU'DAPEST, March I.

MV-Five of the 14 men on trial charged with black market rlcal- IHBS for Joscr Cardinal Mlnds- 7rnly ivUlnlrcw today Ihcir pretrial confessions. They charged Instead that police "Intimidated" thrm. A sixth defendant also withdrew part of bis confession. The men were accused of illc- jal dealing In foreign currency of "political conspiracy" wllh the cardinal and already DDT Crew Heads To Attend 2-Week Training Session Crew leaders for the DDT spray program, sponsored by Arkansas Health Department and which Is scheduled to begin here about March 15, will receive a weeks training under representatives of the Health Department in Jone.5- horo next week. W.

O. Stinnett, director for Mississippi County announced today. Mr. Stinnett said that the crew members were also being Delected, but it was not yet known how many crews would be operating here this jcar. "Everyone should realize that each Individual is a potential victim of malaria," Mr.

Stinnett said. "Now when malaria rates arc down Ihe best time to further our efforts to eliminate one o( the major health probletns ol the south- Efforts should be continued until there Is no longer danger of the disease spreading," he said. To reduce possibility of spreading In this county, premise spraying, to Include all outbuildings, will be added to the spray program this year. The householder will be charged a $2 lee to have the house treated, and the charge for premise spraying will bo dependent on size and number, Mr. Stinnett Lost Minister 7 in Treason Trial SOFIA.

Bulgaria. March 15. last of the Protestant churchmen on trial for treason went to the stand today and tearfully confessed. The stale then the culling of witnesses. The clergymen ore accused of spying and black market rleallngr.

and treason. Only one of the 15 deviated from full confession. Lailin Popov, 36. a Pentecostal pastor, denied he had been a spy but said In a quaking voice Hint he was guilty of Illegal currency dealings. Mttko Dimltrov, a Uaptist pastor, butfid primarily to salary granted and other by the lost, Congress.

The Treasury's share of the total direct appropriations reoom- mcmlert for next year Is 11,027,606,403, a cut of from budget requests. The 12,045,209,500 ommcndcd for the postal service ia $34,462,800 below what the Presl- dent requested. Rrduues Request The committee approved $220,500,000 of the Internal Revenue Bureau's request for $233,168,000. In a plea for funds for the full 7.000, Secretary of the Treasury Snyder said the enforcement staff Is undermanned and "I have no way of knowing the precise amount oif uucollccted taxes." George J. Schoeueman, commissioner of internal' revenue, told the committee that dollars Invested In enforcement work "will return themselves nianyfold in the form of additional taxes that are lawfully owing to the government." Schocnenian said that In 2,971,113 tax returns examined last year, additional revenue was obtained in one out of every two total of $1,897,015,000.

He didn't know how much would have been recovered if the 79,736,000 returns which were not investigated had been closely examined but said the extra revenue per front-line enforcement officer averaged Okays Other Budgets The committee approved in full the $1,560,000 budget of the Bureau of Narcotics and granted $35,300,000 of the $35,050,000 requested by the Customs Bureau and $3,054,000 of the $3,165.000 sought by the Secret, Service. It did this after hearing of Increased activity in counterfeiting, smuggling and Illicit, drug market. For stockpiling strategic and critical materials that would be needed in the event of war, the accused one of the leading defendants, Nikola Naumov, supervisor or the Baptist Church In Bulgaria, of saying from Ihe pulpit that "Stalin is a bloodsucker." Augel Dinez, 40. a Pentecostal preacher, accused his superiors In the church of being leaders of Ihe alleged spy ring. He ended his testimony with the standard utterance of repentance.

He asserted he was converted to what called the Tightness of Communism during the three montlis he has been Imprisoned by the secret police. want to thank the security police for showing me for the first lime the human communist," Dinez said. British Create Force To Guard Red Boundary BERLIN, March The British announced today creation of a special force of German police lo guard the border between Ihe British and Russian Zones of Germany. The new force is designed to plug the loop holes In the Western allies' counter-blockade, under which shipments of goods from Western Germany Into the Russian Zone are forbidden. At present the border Is patrolled by German state police.

Alexander Zaharlev, 73, a Methodist, was the last and oldest of those on trial. He accuser! his son- in-law, Yanko Ivanov, the Methodist of uping him into collecting spy data. The old man said he didn't know the Information was wanted by foreign Interests, as the Communist state alleges. He said he never was paid for his work and concluded his confession in a burst of tears and sobs. All defendants have followed the routine of making long confessions, pledging full repentance and ber- glng a chance lo redeem themselves by working for the government.

committee approved the full request of $715,000.000, including in cash and $250,000,000 in contract authority. There were no big cuts recommended in nny of the Postoffice Items but the committee called for "favorable action" on a departmental request for higher rates to help offset an estimated operating deficit next year of $403,612,300. Doctors in New York Disapprove AMA Plan NEW YORK, March 1. largest member group of the American Medical Association has withdrawn Its support of the plan to fight compulsory health Insurance. The New York County (Manhattan) Medical Society took the action last night.

The meeting also defeated a resolution, offered by the executive committee, to approve the 12-polnt program the AMA has offered as "constructive" answer to the government's compulsory health Insurance plan. The vote at last night's meeting was 432 to 333 against the AMA'i $25 per member nssessment to raise $3,000,000 for a campaign In behalf of voluntary health.

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