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Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana • Page 1

Evansville Pressi
Evansville, Indiana
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HOME Evansville Press THE WEATHER For Erans-Tflle: Unsettled tonight and Probably local showers. EDITION Vol. 11, No. 55. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1916.

ONE CENT 1 i i BfllRilSTFHS Tfl PIMCHl labor speaks! I TltiHT HDUB" "VICTOHY ODAYS I Rev. Brightmire Says Committee Will Have Pastors File Affi davits. Signing of Adamson Bill Makes Holiday One of Greatest In History. By the United Press. WASHINGTON, Sept.

4. With the Adamson eight-hour day bill passed by congress Saturdav night and signed by President Wilson" Sunday, Labor Day had a different aspect to the entire country from what seemed likely a few days ago when a strike of the four great railroad brotherhoods was threatened. As the Evansville Pastors Association was about to convene at the A at 10 a. in. Monday Rev.

"VY. H. Brightmire announced that his law enforce ment committee would recommend that affidavits be filed against the saloonkeepers who are keeping open Many congratulatory messages received by brotherhood officials today expressed the sentiment that this will go down in history as a wir 'feted A it 'ifer'-- -ttji gvr? MARRYING SQUIRES HERE WON'T STRIKE FOR HIGHER FEES Evansrille squires say they can not follow the example of the Indianapolis justices in setting a $3 limit for marriage fees. The capital justices have formed an association with "$3 or nothing" as their slogan and refuse to perform marriage ceremonies for less. "We wouldn't have any business if we did that," said Justice To-drank.

"We charge $2 and take more if it is offered." He said he had once married a negro for 40 cents when it was all the man had. The groom came back in about a week and paid one dollar more. "I'll sure pay you the rest, boss" he promised, when told the marriage was not legal unless he paid the full rate, but that was the last seen of him. HUGHES PASSES THRU EVANSVILLE Ch'as. Evans Hughes, Republican candidate for president of the United States, passed thru this city at 2:50 a.

m. Monday on his way from St. Louis to Louisville, where he will speak Monday in the Labor Day celebration. CONGRESS NEAR END WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 Confidently expecting adjournment of congress by Wednesday, many members left for home today.

Congress has been in session nine months. MOTHER JONES ALondav violation or law. I and other ministers have watcnea tne siae doors of sa loons this morning and have taken the names of business men who have entered," he said Many saloons, but not all. are open. "I was told by representatives of the Indiana Law Enforcement and Reform league that they would prosecute law violations in Evansville.

"I got Chief Schmitt out of bed this morning and asked him to close the saloons. He said he would see what he could do. "We don't plan to file affidavits against the Central Labor union for selling beer at the Labor Day picnic. Plan Huge Reception For Evangelist The ministers at their meeting were to make plans for a big reception to Evangelist Henry W. Stough, who will wage war on liquor, when he comes to the city next Saturday.

They will send a committee up the line to board his train. A crowd of hundreds or thousands is to be assembled in the station to roar a welcome. Plans were also to be mads ir.r the dedication of the tabernacle on Main-st and Eichel-av by Bishop S. P. Spreng of Naper-rille, 111., next Sunday.

Score Churchmen's Double Life The double life was flayed by the speakers at the mass meeting at Evans hall Sunday in preparation for the Stough campaign. W. W. Shannon said that there were many deacons and other officers of the church who were no better than saloonkespers srd gamblers. This meeting will be followed by another to be held next Sunday at 3 p.

m. at Evans hall. MRS. BACON'S FINGER PRINTS FIRST TAKEN Visitors passed thru the new police station Sunday all day accompanied by officers. Everybody wanted to see how It felt to be in a cell.

Some locked themselves in and had to yell for release. Bertlllon Chief Heeger took finger prints of the visitors. The first person to have finger prints taken was Mrs. Albion Fellows Bacon. a 6 HOUR OAY; WANTS VVILSO SLAB OR, am feeling my strength today, my strength that digs your mines and works your factories, my strength that welds- your1 tools GOAL 1 0 CENTS IN OCTOBER A uniform price will be charged for coal In any size lot after OOct.

1, L. H. Kramer, an official of tne Retal' Dealers' association, said Monday. He said that the price advanced Sept. 1, and would advance again on the first of October.

He declined to quote prices-. ii as iearnea tnat a coal dealer told a consumer that the price would be 9 1-2 cents on 100 bushel lots this month aim wouiu oe cents in any quantity alter Lct. 1. FLOCK TRUSTS PASTOR THO HE WAS INDISCREET Archdeacon Wm. R.

Plummer of Evansville found the congregation of St. Martin's Episcopal church, Austin, Chicago, to be Christians. When their pastor, the Rev. R. H.

Fortesque-Gairdner, 56, was twice found in the company of a girl he bad helped out of trouble, they followed the advice of the Apostle James, and "judged not." The congregation received the Rev. Gairdner back into their mil- pit Sunday. Archdeacon Plum mer, who supplied for him following the trouble and during the summer vacation has returned to the Holy "It was the most remarkable congregation I have ever seen," he said. "Not one of them believed their pastor guilty. They believed that Gairdner, an impractical man, had been- indiscreet but nothing worse.

"Gairdner, a tall, broad-browed man, is too poetic for a hard world. He is way up in the clouds. "When a year ago, he saw the picture of a prepossessing girl in newspaper, with a story that she was held on a city larceny charge, and had not a friend in that whole (Continued on Page Six) "Of course I don't want Jim to be a scab," the woman thought, "I want him to stand by the brotherhood that has kept him in prosperity for so many years. "But what it the strike should fail and he would be out of a job?" When the jrder to call off the strike was flashed from home to home Saturday night, the woman sighed with relief. "Xow Jim will have to work only eight hours and he will have more time to sped with nel" she cried.

"And his job's safe. "God bless President Wilson!" UNION By GEORGE L. BERRY. President of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of Jforth America. The success of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union during the past three years has eclipsed any similar period in the history of the organization.

A- 4(y. The growth numericaly a shown in report of executive council of the American Federation of Labor was the largest GEQ.L.3fcKRX made by any international union. A union of pressmen and assistants of 35,000 artisans has had less than a dozen men in industrial conflict in two years. Increased compensation. Improved working and general economic conditions of the workers have been eminently satisfactory.

An organization of 90 per cent, of the pressmen and assistants of this continent has little fear of adversities being prophesied following the European war. If the ending of the war Is to bring increased prosperity as against what we now consider normal ia the printing fn-, -7, we 1 Trl cf A Railroader's Wife to Have Her Man; He'll Keep Job! and builds your palaces, my strength that sails vour ships and spans your distances, mv strength that red letter day for labor. As an appropriate finale of the passage of the hill which resulted in the calling off of the strike. President Wilson signed it in a railroad car in the union station, here. The bill was presented to him for signature in his private car at the union station here while President and Mrs.

Wilson were on their way from Shadow Lawn, N. to Hodgenville, where President Wilson will today accept the Lincoln homestead on behalf of the government. A number of trainmen in overalls stood outside the president's car at the time the bill was signed and several engines whistled in the near-by yards in celebrating the event. None of the railroad brotherhod officials witnessed the signing, but the president of each brotherhood will receive one of the four pens used, one for each Many congratulatory mesages In order to meet any possible attack on the constitutionality of the Adamson act because it was signed on Sunday, President Wilson will sign it again when he turns Tuesday from Kentucky. The bill provides for a commission to investigate the workings of the eight-hour bill.

If the railroads do not undertake to test the constitutionality of the measure, which becomes effective Jan. 1, ths brotherhoods will take no action, it was stated today. The brotherhoods will, however, be prepared to order a strike should the railroads succeed in knocking out the act and endeavor to restore the ten-hour day. Immediately following the passage of the measure Saturday night orders were sent by brotherhood officials thruout the country calling off the strike which had been ordered to begin at 7 a. m.

today. DEM eight-hour law for the iailroad brotherhoods, ha3 taught the workers that it could pass a law to give every worker in the country in every occupation an eight-hour day!" Socialist, Bat She Wants Wilson Mother, Jones, famed as a socialist, was asked what sha thought of the campaign. "I think Wilson will be reelected and I think he ought to be!" she said. "I don't know of anyone we could put in the White House who would do better. Socialism is a long way off; I want something right now! "Wilson went down to the Capitol and told the congressmen that they MUST stop the child labor by which our rising generation was being ground into dollars! "What other president did that? I myself got 80 children from the slave-pens of Philadel- (Continued on Page Six.) By JAMES DUNCAN.

President Granite Cotters' International Association of America. Since Labor Day, 1915, workmen in the granite industry have made i rable gains by adoption of a number of trade agreements carrying an average increase in wages of 75 certs per day and plac- ino flia minimum wage rate for an I c5 eight-hour work fiL 2 day a nt less than 50 cents per hour. Work shop con TOMES JXiNON ditions were also improved. A slump in the building industry affected our trade, making it more memorable that we were able to secure material advantages in wages and conditions this year. By persistent activity tuberculosis among granite cutters has been reduced from 80 per cent to 45 per cent.

Trade prospects are encouraging. There is every reason to believe prosperity will continue another year. In this prosperity labor is determined to share. Organized labor expects ISIS to be even better than 1S15. A OS reaps your crops and feeds your furnaces my I stamp your steel and carve your cathedrals; I weave vour woolens and fell vour forests; I make the winds and waves and the blasts of heaven your humble servants; and I pierce the stony bowels of earth in search of the yellow wealth for which you barter my mind and muscle! When your enemies rise to take that with which I have enriched you, I gird up my loins and battle your foes! For all that vou possess, little states, little nations, little wprld THANK ME strength that is parent of your -power, mother of vour might my strength that IT IS LABOR, that clothes your bodies and fills your stomach; but for me woulcL you run unshaven and unshod, playthings for the elements, brothers to the beast! and teachers is planned soon by the Teachers' Federation.

OF PROGRESS Eight-hour day! Huh! Mother Jones, in Evansville Monday to speak at the Labor day picnic, thinks that six hours a day Is enough, (White-haired, she has, at 86, a complexion 16 might envy rose and snow she Is!) "With modern machinery, all the work of the world could be done in six hours a day," she told a Press reporter. "The worker would have time to improve his mind and body. "But the railroad brotherhoods have won a great victory. Yet, they'd better look out for the supreme court! Some of the high class burglars may carry the eight-hour law to the supreme court and the supreme court may knock it out. This power to declare laws unconstitutional should be taken away from the supreme court.

When congress says that a bill is a law, that should end it. "Congress, in passing the By T. F. Flaherty. Secretary-Treasurer of the Xa-tional Federation of Post Office Clerks.

Since postal workers of United States, following the the ex ample of their brothers in the British service, have become Identified with the organized labor movement there has been a steady improvement in their working conditions. With affiliation Ti F. FLAHERTY, with. American Federation of Labor came progress the strength to accomplish needed reforms. The postal worker, today enjoys an eight-hour law, a weekly rest law, an adequate workmen's compensation 'law and, thanks to the Lloyd-La Follette legislation he can petition congress individually or collectively.

In the past year clerks: carriers, printers and laborers received wage increases congress rebuked the department for unjustly demoting mail collectors; the vicious 150-day sick leave limitation has been repealed, and clerks and carriers will hereafter enjoy the seven principal holidays. The government employe Is finding his place in the American or- -4 zed -labor movement-- -A "I'm going to have my man and my man's going to have his job!" This was the thought of 500 Evansville women Monday, following the calling off of the threatened railroad strike. For weeks the dread of the great strike has hung heavy on the hearts of the wives, mothers and sweethearts of the trainmen. They had learned long ago not to fear the shriek of the locomo-tve, the roar of when tells of the danger of their men's daily occupation. But they had come to dread the day when, these noises should be- silenced by the great strike.

LABOR By JOHN P. WHITE. President United Mine Workers. Labor Day, 1916, will round out the most successful year in the history of the United Mine Workers. The New York agreement, negotiated this year between miners and" operators, covering a period of two years, brought into the honest weight column western Pennsylvania, the nation's largest JOUN P.

WHITE bituminous field, and the 50-year fight for universal mine run is over. In addition to the mine run victory, the bituminous miners won substantial increases in every branch of the industry. Winning of the eight-hour day for the 176,000 men and boys of the anthracite coal region, coupled with the nine hours pay to which was added a substantial increase in wages, without the loss of a single day's work thru suspension or strike, has been characterized by many of the leading newspapers, magazine and labor leaders as the greatest single victory of the year. coaJ industry ia the eastern Car shortages lake fr-- -i lets you live! dent are several Pocket democrats. They are: Mayor Bosse, John W.

Boehne, Judge W. Spen- I cer. Judere Herdis Clements of IMt. Vernon, Arch Stevenson of Rockport, Maj. G.

V. Menzies of Mt. Vernon. By J. W.

KLINE. General President International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers. The International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers was benefited by the wave of Drosner- fr demand for skilled labor that 1 i came with the war. Our membership has steadily increased, nearly 50 new unions having been organized since last Labor Day. The American lAS-W-KLlNE.

wage earner is convinced he has not been getting a square deal and about the only time he has to recuperate financially is in these periodical industrial booms. We will experience a reaction after the European war, the seriousness of which will depend upon the demands from foreign markets. The warring nations will be bankrupt and the outlook in that direction is not very optimistic. If we cannot extend our markets enormously in other directions, I fear the effects on our industrial life will more serious than we can realize now. Wen munition factories close and shipping of war: tr t3, ws will i riia.

lava CAL1 LI tu Local Men On Marshall Committee On the reception committee for the notification at Indianapolis Sept. 14 of Thomas R. Marshall of his nomination for vice-presi By OWEN MILLER. Secretary American Federation of Musicians. When the American Federation of Musicians affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, in October, 1896, the a nnouncement was greeted with the same kind of sarcastic newspaper criticism as' is now in- dulged in by- the would be funny I i paragraphers on the proposed affiliation of the OWEN MILLER teachers with the A of The musicians responsible for this affiliation thoroly understand the sophistry and hypocrisy, of these criticisms and knew the employer of musicians, employed them exactly the same way, and under the same conditions as he employed any other kind of labor.

By affiliating with the A of musicians increased from an organization of 24 locals with a membership of 3,429 to one with 710 locals in the United States and Canada, with a membership of 72,000. Every symphony orchestra in the United States and Canada is composed of members of the A of except the Boston" symphony 1 1- i3 a foreign cr- ADS Three new teachers will take tip their duties when high school opens. They are Laura Sanders, English; Chas. Zimmerman, history; B. B.

O'Neale, printing and Leroy Carmack, science. A reception for the new superintendent By H. P. PERHAM. President Order of Railroad Telegraphers.

The Order of Railroad Telegraphers, representing telegraphers, train dispatchers, station agents, line repairers, le-verman, train directors, telephone operators, block operat ors and staffmen employed on railroads, has been in existence more than 30 years. Schedules and contracts are in URPE2UAM. effect witn over 90 per cent, of all the railroads in the United States and Canada. Since Labor Day, last year, 71 re vised schedules and contracts have been secured with as many different railroads, carrying increases in wages and improved working conditions, all of which has been accomplished without strife or commotion. Conferences between representatives of the employes and the railroads and mediation and arbitration under federal statutes have been the methods employed.

The 'advent of will doubtless bring new conditions such as no man can foresee now, but the strong vein of common sense inherent with rich and poor alike in th3 United rtatr vrill tcoet 6 A The plans and specifications for the erection of No. 9 Hose house have been approved by the workers and bids will be advertised for. By MARSDEft G. SCOTT President Typographical Union. Since last Labor Day conditions in the printing industry have im proved considerably.

The prog ress of the International Typographical Union is reflected in wage scale increases in many jurisdictions. The unjustifiable boosting of prices in the print paper market has, however, created a condi- "VuyS M.G-. SCOTT tion which threatens to cause a marked decrease in the number of newspaper pages printed, and the consequent unemployment of a large number of compositors, pressmen, stereotypers and photo engravers. The methods of the middlemen and manufacturers in the paper industry should be thoroly investigated and drastic steps taken to put an end to the activities of the highwaymen who are holding up many newspaper publishers. The; greatly (increased prices have no justification in an increased cost of labor or materials used in the manufacture of news print paper.

may he some justification for an increase of several dollars per but there is none for tc -rj price f) cd 1T1 per YEAR.

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