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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 25

St. Louis, Missouri
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MONDAY, 'APKIL' 1940 SI LOUIS POST-DISPATCH PAGE 3Jj jl Cj iL li 1 I My OPINION nac itranqer ait me uoor jviav tne census ivian Some of His Questions May Sound Silly, but There's a Good Reason for Asking Them By MARTHA CARR EVERYDAY MAGAZINE A THEY'LL BE ASKING YOU MANY THINGS ABOUT YOUR HOME I Wis ir-' Pnar Martha Ca. r. IF Mr. John Brown 'a husband dies is her mail still addressed to Mrs. John Brown? How does she sign her own name? When entering a restaurant who goes first, the girl or the boy? When entering a theater? Should a girl have her hat and coat in the hall ready to feu ,1 ilj i i IF OWNER-OCCUPIED, IS PROPERTY MORTGAGED? PRESENT AMOUNT OF INDEBTEDNESS ON FIRST MORTGAGE OR LAND CONTRACT? ON JUNIOR LIENS? FREQUENCY AND AMOUNT OF REGULAR PAYMENT? LIENS? FREQUENCY AND AMOUNT 1 put on, so that when her boy Letters intended for this col- Iriend arrives he roerelv helps tmn must he addressed to VrVI WCV J5U; Mt- if art ha Carr at the f.

Louis Mrs. Carr will leave or should she ask him to be seated while she goes to her room and gets them? PUZZLED LASSIE. evfr all Questions oj general interest but, of course, cannot advire on matters of a pvrrly lepal or medical nature. Thmr do not care to have thexr letters published may en-addrrfgrd ani stamped 7 personal reply. Mrs.

John Brown's mail is addressed to her, as a widow, just as it was before her husband died. She is still Mrs. zZ.r lU--V) -r- LfT -yZtn structure? 41 XL I'') -Zjxm lfcriiiiMiit Jnfcn Erown, and she still signs her name Jane Smith Brown, and underneath or to the left in parenthesis, Mrs. John Brown. In a restaurant the woman follows the head waiter and the man follows her.

In a theater if the usher is at the head of the aisle, the girl follows the usher down the aisle; but if the usher is not at the head of the aisle, the boy goes first down the aisle til he finds the usher. Then he allows the girl to precede him. In any event, he stands at the end of their seats and lets her take her place first, and then takes the seat nearest the aisle. When you have a date to go out for the evening, it is well to have your hat and coat near by so that there will be no deay In petting started. In an apartment it would be natural to g-to vour room ar.d get them, in a house you would probably have them downstairs to save time climbing upstairs to get them.

rr Martha Carr: WHAT ACCESSORIES should I wear with a wine-color fpnr.p coat" What day did Jan. 13. 1924, fall on? How much should a girl 14 years old, five feet four inches, weigh? F. Y. "YES, I'VE GOT A HUSBAND, A RADIO, A MORTGAGE AND A TOILET NOW I'LL ASK YOU SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT." By VIRGINIA IRWIN Either blue or black patent leather accessories would rriHAT stranger who knocks re smart with the wine-colored coat.

Jan. 13, 1924, was a Sun-cay. A girl of the age and height given should weigh about 120 pounds. Dear Mrs. Carr: I WOULD T.IKE to know what shade finger-nail polish girls cif 13 and 14 should wear? And please tell us some -ways to wear our hair and how long our dresses should be.

We don't want our hair to look too artificial for graduation, so when Ihould we get our permanents? Is it all right for a girl of 13 to go with a boy 16? ANXIOUSLY WAITING. home owned? 1 -)cy 1 1 p3k HOW MUCH RENT IS PAID? NUMBER PEOPLE IN C3 HOUSEHOLD? Did You Know? THE last census figures show that of the two billion barrels of oil produced in the entire world every year, one and one-quarter billion barrels, or 62 per cent, are produced in the United States. Wild and conspicuous shades of nail-polish should be avoided et your age; try to keep looking as natural as possible. The ahade of polish called "natural" would be best. When you have your hair done get your permanent about a week or 10 days before graduation.

Have a soft, loose permanent. It depends on the shapes of your faces how you girls should dress your hair. It might be a thin fringe of bangs would be becoming, or a little bird's nest of curls, or a slightly high side parting, and a perky little ribbon. You will have to do some experimenting before the mirror and decide. If the 16-year-old boy belongs to your crowd then he does not think 13-year-old girls too young for him.

Dating in groups is all right at your age, but single dating should be skipped for a few years. Dear Martha Carr: The United States produces one-third of all the pig-iron and steel produced in the world and we mine 3 5 per cent of the copper and the lead and the zinc; and 30 per cent of the world's the way toward the Intelligent development of residential construction, with its great potentialities for the investment of idle capital, stimulation of durable-goods industries and the relief of unemployment. Sounds pretty complicated, doesn't it? And it is complicated, and a lot more so than the first census taken back in 1790, when the whole business was started. Then, at President Washington's order, the 17 United States marshals hired 650 helpers and set out on horseback, on foot and by stagecoach to count the new nation's noses. And noses were all that mattered in the censuses of 1790, 1800, 1810 and 1820.

But in 1830, under President Andrew Jackson, the Government began to feel the need of knowing other things about the growing population and in that year the census takers numbered the deaf, dumb and blind. By 1S50, the Government was really getting personal and wanted to know the value of the real estate you owned and actually had the effrontery to ask if you were "insane, idiotic, a pauper or a convict." In the census records of 1860. Abraham Lincoln reported the value of real estate and value of personal estate as did all other persons in the nation and by 1880 the Government had got around to asking questions about and unemployment and by 1S90 Uncle Sam was already botherine himself about that question of home mortgage which is bothering you today. Under Benjamin Harrison, the census enumerators were asking for mortgage information and wanting to know about the rent business. Under Hoover, the census boys actually got down to asking the amount of monthly rental.

AND so, like the question of marital status that is annoying the ladies and which goes back to the census of 1880 under President Rutherford B. Hayes, there isn't much that is new in this sixteenth decennial census. It's just a little more detailed than the ones that have gone before. No better example of the importance of census figures can be found than in showing i-he falling off of the birthrate and its effect on the schools. If it were not for Iyour door some day within the next two weeks may not be an old pot-holder-and-shoe-lace salesman, lady.

He may be one of your Uncle Sam's great army of 120,000 census takers, so treat him with some of that good all-wool American courtesy. Give him 15 minutes of your time and give him some honest answers, and there's 150 years of census-taking that says you won't be sorry. He or it might be she has his bit to do in helping get together the biggest inventory ever taken in any country and just as Gus Green, your grocer, needs to periodically count his stock, so the United States needs an up-to-date picture of its people, its industries and its resources. Sure, there'll be questions that you will want to answer with, "None of your business, buddy." But stop and think. Uncle Sam isn't asking these questions because he's a nosey gent.

There are reasons, and reasons aplenty, behind each and every question. The best minds of the nation and not political minds either helped decide what queries needed to be put to you this year. And from the findings based on your answers, and the returns on 132,000,000 other Americans, experts will be able to take the nation's blood pressure. Take those questions on income, for instance. Ten to one you've heard a lot of people say that if it weren't for the threat of being thrown in the jug, they'd tell the census enumerator to go lay an eggr when he comes to these queries.

Eut it is important that we have accurate information on income if we are to have a complete picture of the unemployment problem. And then take those questions about your home. Maybe you can't see what good could come of telling the census taker whether you own or rent, whether there's a bathroom or furnace, or whether you've got a mortgage around your neck. But it has been granted for years that the major industry which probably could wield the greatest influence toward general economic improvement, if it should experience a major revival, is the home-building industry and the present housing census is necessary to point in for it. By the time the census taker is through with the farmer, the poor fellow will hardly have "a secret left in the world, including the number of cucumbers he sold and the number of acres of lespede-za seed harvested in 1939.

Of course, the two full pages of are being asked for his own good, and because Uncle Sam realizes that something has to be done about the plight of the farmer. For this greatest fact-finding undertaking in the nation's history, there will be 120.000 enumerators, with 900 assigned to St. Louis and St. Louis County alone. When the returns are all tabulated, Uncle Sam will have a pretty accurate picture of the United States of 1940 down to the last mortgage and bathtub.

And. as you probably already know, the returns are held in absolute confidence. Not even the FBI can get into the steel vaults in Washington where the- records are kept. So we can answer the census taker's questions freely and graciously because the whole gig-antic undertaking is designed simply to tell us something about the land we live in and make available the greatest assemblage of facts ever collected by any people about the things that affect their welfare. ington bureaucrats but by the permanent census staff in co-operation with a volunteer committee of experts from our most illustrious universities and various other organizations engaged in sociological research.

FROM the thousands of proposed questions were selected the ones that will enable Uncle Sam to take the blood pressure, the heart beat and the digestive capacity of our nation. Selfish interests with axes to grind tried to get a lot of other questions included in the list and amateur suggesters popped up with many others. One lobby wanted a count of lightning rods included in the housing census. Another outfit wanted to know if your silverware is plate or sterling. And others plugged for a count of all chickens hatched from eggs laid by hens bought from commercial hatcheries.

One suggestion was that, a count be made -of all native born Americans over six feet tall. The board of experts tossed out all these questions as quickly as they did the suggestions that you state whether or not you own a burial plot and how many miles you travel on your vacation. Lengthy as is the list of questions asked the city dwellers about I WANT TO BECOME a trained nurse, out nave not iin-ished high school. Where can I go to complete my high school course? Where can I find a book on what the tall girl should wear? I am five ieet eleven inches ta.lL What should I weigh? V. M.

L. coal. I i The United States consumes 45 i per cent of the world's tin, 56 per cent of its rubber, 72 per cent of its silk. There are 43 million automobiles in the world and 29 million of them are in the United States. set The world has 41 million tele- phones and 20 million of them are in the United States.

The United the decrease in the national death rate, the deaths this year would have exceeded the births, and without immigration, our population would already have reached its peak. But as it is, the peak may not be reached before another 20 or 30 years and, according to present trends, our peak population at that time should be around 145,000,000. From then on, unless trends change, there will be a gradual decline. Just what is going on now in this population business means a lot to those who study the school problems of the nation, so please, lady, don't say as I heard one woman remark, "It's nobodv's business but mine how many kids I've got." New in this cens'-s is the question about where you lived on April 1, 1935. And offhand, it prompts you to wondtr why anybody would care, doesn't it? But it is the Government's effort to check up on internal population migration and on such folks as the Joads of "The Grapes of Wrath." When times are good and the wheels of industry whizz busily, people go from country t0 town.

When the mills and factories shut dowr, the movement is reversed. The tempe of the times may be told by these drifts and from the census figures showing the migrations of our restless people in a depression era. Uncle Sam will be able to chart the new emergencies the future. And so it is that there is a very vital reason behind every question that will be asked you. And to the benighted contingent of our population who cry "violation of privacy" and "Hitler tactics," it should be explained that the census questions were compiled not by Wash You can always attend night school and finish your high chool education in this way.

Call the high school nearest you for information regarding courses, etc. You can get books on dress at the Public Library. You do not tell me your age, but if I you are 20 years old and five feet eleven inches tall, you should States consumes 34 per cent of! the world coffee production. the things the Government really needs to know, it's the farmer who's weigh J.a3 pounds. PERHAPS YOU HAVE HEARD IX ANSWER to Heartbroken: Yours 's a legal question and outside cf my province.

It would be best for you to consult a lawyer, or go to the Free Legal Aid Bureau in the Municipal all the censuses embrace over 000 pages and a mile of Courts Building. Designing Women Ll ii" kT- who violates your confidence and gabs about your answers. That the 1940 census will not ask if you are illiterate. Instead you will be asked the extent of your education. That the census of 1790 showed a population of 3.929.214 and took 18 months in the enumeration; the 1940 census will be taken in two weeks and probably will show a population of 132,000,000.

That ankle knitters, catstitch-ers, chimney blowers, clod pullers, devil tenders, ding men and roll overmen are among the 20.000 occupations listed by the United States Bureau of the Census. That the population records of Uncle Sam Wants to Know: ABOUT the famous old lady who answered the census enumerator's questions and then asked him in turn why he wanted to know. "The idea," said the polite census taker, "is to get information on all the people in the United States." "Poor boy," said the old lady, "I do hope they give you somebody to help you." That the statute under which the Census Bureau operates, provides a $100 fine plus 60 days in jail for failing to answer the census questions end $500. plus a year for giving false information to enumerator. And that this same statute provides a fine of $1000 and two years' imprisonment for anv census enumerator l.

2. mo 3. tj 4. J.ti i 3 -S 5. xATi qoor skirls Cdrlq to clean house with wonderful HRH PAINT CLEANER Its formula contains th secret of A-5-Y Qeen'wsC-VolcenicAsh-Stfves bard rubbing bockdebesrime end temper.

Makes their 9. Residence April 1, 1935. a. City, town or village. b.

County. c. State, Territory or foreign country. d. On farm? 10.

Employment Status Persons 1 4 Years old and over) a. Was this person at work for pay or profit in private or non-emergency Government work during week of March 24-30? b. If not. was he at work, or assigned in public emergency work (WPA. NY CCC, etc.) during that week? c.

Was this person seeking work? d. Did this person have a job, business, Indicate whether engaged in housework, in school, unable to work or other. f. If private or non-emergency Government work, give number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940. tj.

If seeking work or assigned to public emergency work, give duration of unemployment in weeks up to March 24, 1940. 'h. Occupation (kind of work). i. Industry (cotton mill, grocery, medical practice, j.

Class of worker (private work. Government work, employer, working on own account or unpaid family worker). k. Number of weeks worked in 1939. Z.

Amount of money, wages or salary received. m. Income of $50 or more from sources other than wages or salary? Yes or No no amount. The propriety of asking this Question was under fire in Congress. Location a.

Street, avenue or road. b. House number. Household Data a. Home owned or rented.

b. Value of home, if owned, or monthly rental, if rented. c. Does this household live on a farm? Name a. Name of each person whose usual place of residence on April 1, 1940, was in this household.

b. Persons temporarily absent. c. Children under 1 year old. "Infant" if no first name yet given.

Relation a. Relationship of each person to head of household, as wife, daughter, lodger, servant, etc. Personal Description a. Sex. b.

Color or race. c. Age at last birthday. d. Marital status Single, married, widowed, divorced.

Education a. Attended school or college any time since March 1, 1940? b. Highest grade of school completed. Place of Birth a. If born in United States, give State, Territory or possession.

b. If foreign-born, give country In which birthplace was situated on January 1, 1937. Distinguish Canada-French from Canada-English, and Irish Free State Eire from Northern Ireland. Citizenship Status a. Whether naturalized, having first papers or alien.

Uv- A Sill Curvaceous Chestle 6. jsala lives easier and happier. HRH hat served foithfttlki in millions of homes for 7. ncarlq helfdcenturq. "i i sip if fli Get the HRN 'habit early; with every 3 cakes at regular lOW C0ST-Y0O GET ONE EXTRA fULL-SIZf CAKE OF SWEETHEART soap- for only morel 11 11 MARGARETTA BYERS SAYS CHECKS are conspicuous.

So never use them in areas that you want subdued. A wide-hipped girl definitely does not want a checked skirt with a darker jacket. But vice versa. As to lines here, the jacket cut straight around the hips is fatal mistake. But the new suits with short jackets sloping Vip over the hips and cut down into a point in front are positively inspired! Notice, too, the double rever effect real re vers nd then pleats behind them nipping in at the waist.

Naturally "'ve given this figure a swing skirt, a big hat. a long bob and hort, high necklace. All of which made her mighty pleased 'ith herself. Watch for Your Type Tomorrow Cms; For et ononiical hovers the I'ost-DispaU ant" advertisers present the opportunity to M-lwt slightly i.s-d article at price far he-row their actual value, and in many cases these articles have the appoaranc TOILET SOAP tHI iOW THAT Aftttli WITH TOUfc.iKJM i it being new. Read the Want Ads, take advantage vi.

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