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El Dorado Daily Republican from El Dorado, Kansas • Page 3

El Dorado, Kansas
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Eyes treated and glasses fitted. The refraction records of Dr. Chas. Fullinwlder are on file at this office. Patients may have liroken lenses replaced promptly.

Office over Selip's drug store. Auction Sale of Land Saturday, June 7th at 1:30 p. m. I will sc-ll Public Sale 2 miles east and 5 miles south nf Kl Ihiradd and li miles west and miles north of Leon in- 1 mile west of the Yanhuss school house, the followinpr tract of land: The Southeast quarter and the South one-half of the Northeast quarter of sectionein, towhship 2G, range 6 east There are 210 in this tract, 80 acres of which are in cultivation meadow. No buildings.

XCriUS Of SfllC nas eon apor-oved on lanti, oaiance casn. ur it desired MAN I M'CRANER TKACHEfi OF VIOLIN AND 1'IANO FlPthany Conservatory 200 Mechanic Phone 15 T. P. MANNION Real Estate, Farm Loam and Farm and City Insurance. Office over lira.

KooRler'fi Miller Office Phone 76 liesiiienee Phone 123 DR. CHAS. SAUNDERS Veterinarian. flood hospital accommodations for Horses, Cows and Dogs at Reasonable Hates. Office and Infirmary at lie Enst Central Avo.

Office Phone 131 Residence 133. LAND LOANS AND INSUR- ANCE. Trades a Specialty Phone 557 H. H. BERSIE MISS GRACE KEPLINGER 503 South Emporia Telephone 114 Manicuring Scalp Treatment Facial Massage Shampooing Will call at Residence.

Switches made from Combings ms part of liit'ani'o can be arranged will be Auctioneers: V. VV. MOSS and mfc5fr Ji MikS; dfeVniiiimii FLY BOOSTERS It. 'member that your good faithful horse Is here fur a purpose as well as yourself. And now Is the time to help him out in fighting the fly.

ELY NETS You can find them at the Pioneer Harness Shop on Wall street near City Building. For we have always been a friend to the horse and keep Ely Nets anil overs at ju ices that will enable you and your horse too to live and be happy. We are always pleased to serve you with any goods In the Harness line, as we hope to be with you a while longer holding our job on Wall street. MRS. ELLA EARP Teacher VOICE AND PIANO 412 West Cth Ave.

DR. WILLAMINA CLJMMING3 Osteopath. Second House North of Chris- tian Church. Phone 234. Dr.

C. M. Mutz ELECTRO THERAPIST NERVOUS DISEASES, DISEASES OP WOMEN, CANCER AND TUMORS. Cor 7th and El Dorado, Kansas LELAND, GEDDES RALSTON LAWYERS El Dorado, Kansas Practice In All Courts. Dodwell Jones' Candy Kitchen and Fountain Next Shipment Catch yonr little troubles in time, before they become big troubles.

A neglected earache often leads to permanent deafness; neglect a running nose you may get catarrah: neglect a sore throat and you may bring on diptheria or lung disease-Do not let your ailments run on without attention. Get now the "ounce of prevention." We supply none but pure, fresh drugs. Come to OUR Drug Store THE OWL DRUG STORE. V. Sowers and wife were in El Dorado Wednesday and Thursday attending the lodge.

Mrs. McCatrree Is staying with her daughter, A. Proscot, this week. V. K.

Ilrowiu and family made trip in their car to Wichita recently. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield nnd Pete Hrodie were flshlus on Hickory creek last Wednesday nnd took dinner with W. Servis and family. Mrs.

Wnrtic and flertrmle Winn of Loon visited at W. Wurtic's Inst week. Miss Anna Hunter Is home from 1. eon lor a rest from the central of-jliee. The Pauline and Irene Colter of l.eon visited their uncle.

A. (letter, and family over Sunday. The Utile child of Kd Mathews and wife was very sick last week on account of sw allow ini; sonic store Kussoll Helsier of l.eon is helping W. Servis with his allnlla. Vera (letter returned home Monday alter spendiim a week iu l.eon with relatives.

Fred and John Jturnlniin ami Miss Mildred llurnhani ate ice cream with W. Servis mid family Saturday eeu-inu. The Mosques of Adriannple. The of, mosques of Adrinnoplc represent a larly liberal allowance of places of public worship lor a Mahometan population, as it was before the war, ol something on Tlie number suggests comparison with the churches of a mediaeval Kuropeau city- as, for example. Noi icli, wherein there still stand almost exact-ly as many old churches as there are mosipies iu Adriannple Kven this total, however, Is trivial when compared wltli that ol London iu the Ages.

The monk Fit who at the end of the twelfth century wrote the first detailed description of Loudon (hat has survived, stales that there were the city iu his day then as now a square mile in area mi; parish churches, together with 13 large conventual institutions, Manchester Huiirdian. Guaranteed Ecrema Remedy. The constant Itching, burning, redness, rash nnd disagreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum, Itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions can he readily cured and the skin made clear ami smooth with Dr. Ilohson's Kczema Ointment. Mr.

.1. ('. Kveland, of llalli, says: "I had ei.ema twenty-live years and had tried everything. All failed. When I found lir.

Hob-son's Kczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment Is the formula if a physician and lias been In use lor years not nn experiment. That. Is why wo can guarantee It. All drug gists, or by mall. Price Hue.

Pfell'l'-r Chemical Philadelphia and St Louis. Mexicans Kill 400 In Battle. 101 Paso, -Four hun dred are reported killed In a battle Saturday between Chihuahua City and Simla llosalia, Chihuahua state. Hot li bids and federals withdrew alter tho day's fighting with the losses ill vhled. Nogilles, June 2.

-den. Pedro OJeda's federals yesterday Hhelled the constitutionalist, camp at Maytorena and drove the slate troops back to their base at Orllz. The insurgents are said to be short of water. The Preneh aviator so far has failed to make liny showing with his aeroplane, from which II was planned lo drop shells on the gunboats lying In (lunyniiis Harbor. Take Plenty of Time to Eat.

There is a saying that "llapld Kut slow suicide." If ou havV formed the habit of eating ton. rapidly you are most likely suffering from In digestion or constipation, which will result eventually In serious Illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth. Pond should bo thorough ly inasllenled and Insalivated. Then when you have fullness of tie- sto leach or feel dull and stupid alter oat ing.

take one of Chamberlain's Tab 'els. Many severe cases of stomach i Rouble and constipation have been cured by the uh of these tablets They are easy to take nnd most, atrce ablo In effect. I'or sale by all il'a! ers. "1 much prefer eggs to children," said the Cynical Hacholor. "How can you say such a thing?" remanded tie married man.

"Well, eggs never get loo fresh," replied the Cynical Haehe lor. One way to relieve habitual const! patlon Is to take regularly it mild laxative. I loan's Kegulets are recoiu mended for this purpose. a box at all drug stores Buy Horns On Mcthly Payments We represent the Kallroaii Loan ti Savings company of Newton, Kansas, who will help you buy a home. Call and see us and will show you bow you can buy a home and save rent.

I. C. HOYT Ik CO. tf The Newton Kansau auuouuccn K. Canon has opened restaurant and saloon at the corner of and itailroad streets." On closer exiiinin at Ion It Is found that the Item Is bead ed, "Forty Years Ago." Kor earache, toothache, paiiis burns, scalds, sore throat, try I'r Thomas' Kciectlc Oil, splendid rem edy for emergencies.

Bee McOipots tor ileal ftstuiv t'nl Loans. Kansas City, June 3. Pat Lawson, of Poteati, 19 years old, was shot fatally on a train by Sick, an express messenger. Sick who says ho believed Lawson and his companion, Albert Pruett, of Poteau. 2 years old, were hold-up men, was arrested here as he came In off his run.

Sick knew that he had shot a man who he thought was trying to enter his car near Howe, but was shocked when the officers told hi in the man was dead. His arrest was asked by the sheriff of Leflore county, Oklahoma, at Poteau. Sick told the following story of the shooting: "As we were leaving Heavener. shortly after 2 o'clock I no ticed what looked like two men crouching on the steps of the express car. I ordered them off the train and bought no more of them.

A few min utes later I started to bar the rear door. One of the men sprang up behind me. He raised his right arm. tt seemed to me in the dark that he had something In his hand that looked like a blackjack. I stepped behind a bag of beans and jerked out by revolver.

The bullet hit him in the head. "Several hold ups on our line In the last few months," continued Mr. Sick, "have put us on our guard. It was one of our messengers, was held up and left for dead about five months ago. Then I remembered The robber who shot Jesse M.

Short, the Japlln miner. "The man whom I shot I forget his name was taken off at Howe, and treated by a doctor. The other man got away, but I understand he was caught later. I didn't know the man I shot was dead until the officers told me so at the depot." Sick is 25 years old and married. Most Children Have Worms.

Many mothers think their children are Buffering from indigestion, headache, nervousness, weakness, costive-ness, when they aro victims of that most common of all children's ailmentsworms. Peevish, ill-tempered, fretful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symptoms or having worms, and should be given Klekaprto Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which expels worms, regulates the bowels, tones up the system, and makes children well and happy. Klckapoo Work Killer is guaranteed All druggists, or by mail. Price li5c. Klckapoo Indian Medicine Philadelphia and St.

In Canadian River 8 Drown. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 3. Four laborers employed by contractors building the Grant Trunk Pacific rail way In the Rocky mountains were drowned today In tho Grand Canyon In the Tete Jaune Cache district. The lccldent was caused by tho breaking if a rcow. St.

John Dutch, Albert Nixon, William Kennedy and Hubert Barber wer the victims. Four other men, all of Winnipeg, also were drowned today in the Astha basca river between rGand Kapids and t'ort McMurray when their canoe was ivorturned, according to reports re-'elved here. They were A. Sherley, W. Campbell, John Papin, Edmonton, and Claud Cusack, Winnipeg.

Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every without exception should keep this preparation nt hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost when needed a'id is almost certain to be needed before the summer Is over. It has no superior for the purposes for which Is intended. Uu' it now.

For sale by til dealers. The Augusta school board lias pur chased an outfit of machinery for the manual training department of the Augusta, high school. Prof. Itaxter of the department is quite proud of the iddition to the department. Prof.

Baxter left Tuesday for Pittsburg where he will take a three-months' summer course at the normal when he will return to Augusta put the machinery in Its place to begin work when school opens in September. Ulcers and Skin Trouble. If you are suffering with any old, running or fever sores, ulcei'H, bolls, eczema or other skin troubles, get a box of JJucklen'g Arnica Salve and you will get relief promptly. Mrs Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, suffered from an ugly ulcer lor nine months and Ilucklen's Arnica Salce cured her in two weeks. Will help you.

Only Recommended by C. If. Selig. An educational note In the Topeka Capital says: " Wiley, who hasn't been to school for a generation, wants to know if the search for the greatest common divisor Is still being prosecuted." Shake Off Your Rheumatism. Now is tho time to get rid of your rheumatism.

Try a twenty-five cent, bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see bow quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. The Holton Signal complains that one young woman In that town makes a noise, when she chews gum, like a cow eating a watermelon. Picnic time is here again and we suggest the following appetizing accompaniment for your lunch packed in convenient sized tins. Heinz Baked Beans VanCamp Baked Beans Scaled Smokod Herring Smoked Herring in Boullion Deviled Herring Smoked Norwegian Sardines Monarch Imported Sardines Caviar Shrimp Lobster Good lliincs to Eaf will iinM iin jc ys for yon if y.w luive or STOMACH, I.IVTR or hlllNTV trouble.

You in net big doctor's bills, but if on suffer from miy of tlicenilmi'iitM ju-r st. into vonr n. iim it uiul grt lit bottle ol SI.IIN IIVKkS, tie- gr.Ml IimiiIcM n-: ly, the finest tonic and bloo.l I ll your HV--tem if run il 11 wiint f'o rcuuin yont I i-y MVIN HARKS will iu pli-h it.t.oU vnr iliL-est iiii.l in 1 Money nidi i 'I 1 1 mill i.j,,y 1.1 )m Addle- VI UH Vurraj S.I., Vu York. VY. I Do Wood Work 1 cut, wagon wheels down, put ill felloes, spokes, hounds, rims, thills nnd crossbill's.

I set tires hot, or cold. M. I. MORGAN CHIROPRACTIC A. J.

Darling Nerve and Spinal Adjuster. Opposite Court House, Phone oil El Dorado, Kansas Dickson Brothers Painters and Decorators Phone 417. Residence: 510 Carr Avenue L. II. LEHMAN PRACTICAL PLUMBING, OAS FITTING AND SEWERAGE 314 Vine Street Phone 578 Constipation "For many yearu 1 was troubled, in spite of I'll so-calleil remedies 1 used.

At last Hound quick relief uiuicuie in those mild, yut thorough uuii really wonderful DR. KlfJC'S New Lifo Pills Adolph Schinitm-k, Hullnlo, N. V. 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE ALL DRUGGISTS. II.

J. Nulick Repairs very hi ng And does it Expertly West Central Ave. A. W. SANFORD Contractor, Builder Plans and estimates furnished See me before letting any con-' tracts for buildings; shop in building at rear of Dr.

Karps office, around by While llon hotel. Residence Phone No. 525. EL DORADO, KANSAS WHY NOT TRY POPHAM'S iptliiii nrucnv Glvefl Prompt and PohIHvi- Hell(rf In Every Trial PiM-kmc Mtt.ll luy. WILLIAMS MFG.

Props. Cleveland, 0. OWL, D1UJO STOKE. Subscribe for the Itipubllcau now. A WORD ABOUT HORSE SHOEING Bring your Horses and Mules to my stand in Dr.

Saunders' Veterinary shop for SHOES THAT ARE KIGHT E. A. Ervln. 1 James YOU GET IT AT SKI.L Oil TRADE IT REPUBLICAN WANTS for. Abstract showing good title furnished.

OWNER. Write to-day I'or this hand some book and information about low fares for summer travel. J.G. SIIKLDEN Agent. Particular Cleaning Pressing I FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Prices Lowest In Town.

118 East Central. i Cottage Cleaners and Dyers PARSER'S A HAIR BALSAM I Hair to ltl Youthful OOU t'rtvi'tiu rntir riuuiiir. Wilson. 1 It. Choice Fruits with your Ice Cream and Sundaes Opposite We invito you to patronize our foun- rostoffice tain, where the best only la served.

Fancy and hojne made Candies. Before Planning Your Summer Vacation Let Us Send You Our Beautiful Colorado Beck fm HIS book a work of art is profusely JL illustrated and describes briefly and ur- i i li ly nil the many Intel est in' points to be vi iti il, telling how to reach th most onven-' iently. Il is almost universally conceded that nowhere in the Old world is there anything to compare wilb scenic wonders of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. I be way is via ihe Missouri Pacific Highway of the Height SHIP YOUR STOCK TO THE LEE LIYE STOCK COMMISSION CO. KANSAS CITY, MO.

They have the best salesmen In all departments, give personal attention to all bhlpments and guarantee satisfaction. Send Us Your mm GEORGE LEWIS HAS MANTLES FROM 10 CENTS TO 23 CENTS In Welch back and Other Standard Makes. WILL FIT ANY BURNER. LEWIS PLUMBING SHOP NORTH MAIN STREET SPRUCE UP WANTED WORK All kinds of plowing done and all kinds of job haulitur, roek, sand, dirt or any rubish.also teams to hire by the hour or day H. E.

BA'KER Even Mother Nature the Trees, the Flowers, the Fields and Meadows aro now in New Dress. It's high time for you to get that New Tailored Look Come in and let us sUoWyiSu what we have. PALACE DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS 226 W. Central Ave. Phone 247 J.

W. DUKE, Prop. VK'A.

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