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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 54

St. Louis, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i I'll ji'l I c.Jt3 v.rQ tlJ inlJ) Oculists Declare Moving Picture Exhibitions, Seen by St. Louisans at a Hundred Theaters, Strain Optical Nerves, That Millions of Eyes Have Been Affected but in Time May Adjust Themselves to the New Jr. ft. erience Exo THE PROBLEM IN ST. LOUIS HERE are at present more than 100 moving picture tneaters in oi.

i.uui. nuuimti iOVIES are writing new I the number is larger, when the outdoor shows flourish. It is estimated by O. I. craw-ford, who is a controlling stockholder in a large group of such theaters, that the weekly r4 chapter In a world romance of many pages the history of the human eye.

This does not mean that the eyesight of the world is threatened. The eyesight of the world has aurvived many ordeals. The distinction of the "movies lies, according to leading oculists, in the fact that it is the most difficult and dangerous or attendance in winter is about 600,000. making a total of ,200,000 Tor the year, without including the extra attendance at the summer alrdomes. According to these figures, the people or St.

Louis pay $3,000,000 a year, in dimes, to see the movies." These shows are open seven days in iLe week, and some of them give Sunday matinees. There are many moving picture fiends," meaning those who go very frequently to enjoy the pictures. If the oeuhaU are correct in their theory as to the effect of these exhibitions upon the es of spectator, it in the habitual attendants, of course, who are in greatest danger of acquiring the "dancinr; eye." lit. Louis occupies no unusual pot-it ion umcngst American cities in respect to the demand for moving pictures. In ever Anieiican city there are such theaters, and their number probably is no smaller than here, according to population.

ft Si' 4 deal yet presented. The human eye has telescoped. It has widened, narrowed, bulged and performed various other gymnastic stunts of equal intricacy. But never Lefore in the history of its many adaptations and its days at close work, a mildly myopic condition cles a heavy and dangerous strain, would be ideal. As short-sightedness nas been "You have seen a runner poised for the start-thoroughly proved to be hereditary, it may safely ing pistol? Every muscle is tense, every nerve be said that devotion to close work by the people nady.

The condition of the eye while watching of several ucvessive generations would result Piovirg pictures is similar. It is keyed to the 'v ijP adjustments has it been tailed upon to dance. i. i- In thi snpHallv ndaoted eve. luzhest Ditch.

It is ready to dance this way or ii is uancing now. i ne movies nave set tne time; the eve. faithful to its job. has plunged "Now' motlon P'ures. in all probability, are that, up or down, to the right or the The i.nnuestioningly upon the floor.

It is a new and oing to play a very important part in the his- picture quivers suddenly and leaps to ore side, mamre experience for this most delicate and torv of the few "nturtes. They are going The eye goes with it. It jumps again. The eye a flil tlo-as of organs; it: best frijnds cannot assert what the final results will be. Dr.

Percy Friedenberg is one of the few proni- inont o.o .......1.11.1. 1, 1,1 to be used a great deal in educational wor i neir nurrieaiy resaju-is useir io me cnauge. uouj effects on the eye may develop into a racial char- of horsemen gj'lop across the screen. The eye acteristic. A specially adapted moving picture becomes almost hysterical in its effoit to keep eye would be a little too intricate for even so pace.

All this is a tremendous strain. If it were marvelous a mechanism as man possesses; the all the eye would have sufficient excuse for get- iih ill. oct taiioig liu lias )miu 7t3ll licitlttl L- JpvC-ntion to the motion picture question. When ting tired. But it isn't.

"To admit light the pupil must expand; to rep-l light the pupil must contract. If you look straight af the sun your pupil contracts to a pin joiPt if you go into a dark cellar it opens wide, like an only possible thing of the kind would be an electrical mechanism eonnef ted with the picture itself. But, beyond a doubt, the human eye, if given a chance, will adapt itself in a measure to this newest and most difficult of its experiences. rapidly moving objects, the fiequent changes disgusted and weai completing the fatigue of the boms altc" hr. If the pictures are good, it is There are many things about the motion pic- owl s.

If you go suddenly from the cellar into Any ftn-'tr- I yj -r 6it tfwr way outraged organ. well to take mmis well don in front; If they tie "What is tue result? You get a headache. Fer- faulty or pooily manipulated, rct an far away haps the letina protests, and ter you' have left from tl lis pnssin e. If you find that a partic- the theater you see spots ahead of you. remaps ular piddle cae special irritation, don't look the useless efforts of the eye muscles start an at it." inflammation, resulting in exciting the tear ducts fr.

Charles A. tt.ihn. a famrrus oculbt of Nw end causing watery eyes. At any rate, your eyes. O'leans, suKRests In a recent article In the New ir they have any weaVness.

snow it promptly and Medi'-al and Surgical Journal other cmit-cn in a manner you cannot fall to understand. The for the "inov'ng picture eye." One is the habit normal eye can stand even motion pictures In a leitain iK-rsoiis have of starln unhllnkintly moderate amount; the weak eye fans before them whatever intensely interests them. This halift. iiotion pictures first burst into popularity 12 yeais ago, many oculists expressed doubts concerning the ability of the eye to stand them. As no immediate ill effects appeared, however, the subject was generally dropped.

Only a few physicians remained Interested. Dr. Friedenberg was one. Headache Chief Symptom of Moving Picture Eye. Since 1900 ne has carefully watched the effects of motion pictures on the vision of New York.

Some of his conclusions are: That half, or even more, of the city's vision has proved unequal to the strain. That the "moving picture eye" is aiready a well-developed optical phenomenon. That, in the course of time, the eye may adapt itself to this new experience, making the influence of the motion picture an Ineradical part of eye history. "Moving picture eye" has various symptoms. The most prominent is headache.

Others are retinal fatigue or eye weariness: spasmodic blur from day to night scenes, the imperfections and of the film, the muscles which control the have about all they can do. The reeiilt is tiiat they become tired and announce the fact 1 aching in proportion to their indignation. "There is one more cause of ouble. It Is peculiarly illustrative of the eyes effort to its work. Imagine that someone is coming toward you from a distance.

At first to get him into focus your eye must telescope. As he draws near-e- it mus't elongate. The principle is exactly like that of a camera. The lenses of your eye flatten out and expand like an accordion. In this way you keep the approaching object in focus.

"Now, imagine that the same object is coming toward you on a moving picture screen say a How the Eyes Are Projections of the Brain, Worked by Muscles Around Their Sockets. the physician advises, ran be overcome by fore-trg one's self not to look either too sharply cr too continuously at any one point. He also cll attention to the importance of the spectators' position, but. contrary to Dr. Friedenberg.

4-v'ses a rear seat as the least hurtful point of view. Me estimates that "a man with normal eyes'tht can safely ensure four sittings of 30 minutes each per week with but little or vo unpleasant iirip-t nis and no pormarunt ill iffi man on horseback. As he gallops nearer your ture which make it diiticuit, and of these, its the sun you are dazzled. The muscles of the pupil rvP hastens to elongate. The futility of its ef- ring of the vision; and excescive activity of the movement is the most rotable The eye, in fol- find themselves unable to make an immediate fort js pathetic.

As a matter of fact, of course. immediately. Faulty Eyes Exposed by Moving Pictures. "Half of this city's vision has alrendy proved unequal to the strain. Whatever else the motion picture may be.

It is certainly a reientWs ex-poser of faulty eyes. Thousands of persons who never, until their experience with motion pictures, knew they had ocular trouble, found i' out at the "There is only one thing to do consult an oculist. A good many causes of eye weakness which, i they had neon allowed to run a few years, ould have resulted in serious trouble, have been checked In this manner. The "movies' revealed the weakness in advance. Temporary relief may be obtained by closing the eyes fi a few minutes a' a time not winking thei or.

If the trouble has become serious, staying away from motion lowing moving objects, must keep in continuous readjustment. In the interval your retina is tne js no closer to you than he was when motion. During the time it is in motion it is flooded with an abnormal amount of light. The your eye first saw him. He is just where he blind.

Try this by loo.ting suddenly from one same thing would apply if ou returned suddenly started on the screen. Your eye fails to undor- corner of the room to another. If you see any- fiom the daylight to the cellar. stand. Since the beginning of its experience, thing between it will be from unconscious mem- "In moving pictures the licht is changing ion- nothing like that has ever happened to it before, ory.

The eye, while it is moving, sees nothing, stantly. No more unequal diffusion of this most desperately gets back into its proper focus In watching a moving picture this shifting of impoitant of the accessories to sight could be and tries to stav Mere. Somehow it can't. Other vision is almost continuous. The result is a imacined.

The pupil is forced to make innum- obiects keen annroarhine from distances. The result is a imacined. constant flooding and withdrawing of light upon eral le readjustments fhe light is bad anyway. The eve automatically continues its attempts at the retina, in it-elf a sufficient source of trouble, beinu the dazzling light of the arc lamp. When readjustments.

Each failure is like a blow in the In addition to this there falls upon the eye mus- to this is added the passage across the screen face. And. in the end. these muscles, too. get 3 Years to Pay for tho SwMt-TwMcl Meistei Piano 30 Days' Ffee'Trial .1 Jl, FJI.WV II Kip BLUE DRESS SUITS AND PURPLE OVERCOATS NOW New Invention May Prevent Titanic Disasters tear ducts.

If you are a "movie" fan and are visited by any of these afflictions, the cause is probably to be found in "moving picture eye." I means that your eyes have been unable to keep up with the dance. A normal eye. Dr. Friedenberg says, is not equal to motion pictures, it is better than a shortsighted or a far-sighted eye, but it still falls short of the demand made upon it. The ideal "movie" eye, as Dr.

Friedenberg conceives it. would be ar Infrlcats mechanism geared to oscillate automatically with the movement of the pictures. It would be capable of jumping forward and backward, up and down, or to either side. A delicate electrical apparatus would keep it connected with the picture under exhibition, so that every time the picture Jumped the eye would jump with it. The normal eye does this, but it does it under protest.

The attendant strain is mainly responsible for "moving picture eye." Dr. Friedenberg is not an enemy of motion pictures. He takes the attitude that they have come to stay; that, in fact, they are enly in the very earliest stages of a career which bids fair to extend over many centuries. It is for this reason that he believes they will set an indelible mark on the world's vision. I'nlike most physicians, it.

Friedenberg does not view his profession irom a purely prosaic standpoint; he sees its romance. Human Eye Adapts Itself to Conditions. "It Is Impossible," he explained the other day, "to know the history of the eye mid not peneive Dat and fat tact let mm I is not so many years since men dresed in back, for instance, in nap clotn, hich is now so colors as vivid as those-which nowadays popular. At first we found It extremely hard to adorn womankind. When unmethin like oersuade customen that it was a smart and be- mrmv It 1 k' dona for 61.

othara la tha lat ail vioatha. I rlin tit bata tha only u-rrul rir for Kaaioaa mtaii aa4 I vast roa lolat aiaaaad roa JtraaiaMBt H.E.H. aatiralf at aiyaieaaaa. doa't aarv aow maay ao-aila4 rum, or ray me relent Yet ara ant a.kad tn aja. SW i I I or mmy or aaa fTl 1 1 I araal la anv way antil VQ If I I II I ynu i.n.

and that tT II I VTSr II I apparatus invented by a Scotch engineer named McNab. aaiaiaaor aaoa yea avar vrtaa i triad a centii'-y ago, trousers came in and knee breeches' coming garment. Now It Is quite a favorite. But and frill-cuffed coats went out, men began to generally we avoid pressing anytning outre' on I doa't oara ho a-ltkoat ant. Iiaouatad fn laal Bot tr ad ar rura A which not only detects icebergs many miles away, but bra nh taoai all- keeps up its warning until the vessel on which it is borne Tne soner sartorial hues which have lasted our clients.

ve should be afraid of them coming nd I bavaaarh aNioluia aoaftdaara la It tbat I ffalaa; arad fmm trratataat aaaalatvlr Ki F. It I a woadarlut moll aoaia real aiaat whlrK ralia aiiaiarutr ini aiab Co a-a It. TkH thaaa ar tha lar ma at aaiaa $1 a Week or Jj 5 a TontH has deviated from the danger zone, is to be installed by the White for tfveral generations, with only now and then, back In a very bad temper to say that people In Star owners of the Ill-fated Titanic, upon the steamship Bal- and here nd ther- renascent revolution in the street nad been making remarks about them." alowMt jaataatlir of ail rami It raatmattaa rauaaof tha huaUta and thua tha aly de. ffriiir diappaara all tbta whila ara waarinc ti(lter aluiaa Ibaa cnar. linn ill doall and I jmc toaad Inr a traatairat UCK, at air atiBa.

twaua I No raab paraiall dmrtt. fa Inl raat wll ta tail ai mw fiMU atamt aa tka 1 Ul akmmiMH WrXaaaw, color, and tnat confined chiefly to waistcoats. A well-known tal'or In Savile row. who is a Now there seems to be a revivalf noticeable In St. supporter of these ideas, took quite the opposite louis.

as elsewhere. or ra-ety. or, at any rate, view to this. "If spade work is to be done," he a protest against somberness. in the colors of said, "it is the tailor who has got to do it, and outer clothing worn by men.

A St. Louis tailor ho must not be nervous of what his customer Is says that blue this season has almost usurped going to say afterward. To beeln with, he would the place formerly held by black. only advise something ultra-smart for a certain Now comes from London the intelligence that type of customer who could carry It off snecess- Itllto Hreuu bllifli hava I.bqii I. L.

i wl niratn Vi a ninut I m. tic. The Cunard liner Mauretania recently proved its worth. I'ntil this year ir huge steamships were using just the same methods for iceberg detection as were practiced a century ago. In spite of the great increase In speed, the primitive business of taking temperature readings from buckets of water hauled up the ship's side continued.

The Titanic disaster has opened a new era. The ship of the future will tie as fully equipped with acrident preventing appliances as with those for life saving. Already the tap as mtm wmi il a a Mini ta mm 9mm Mat a.n aad aad will kaaaatyaa Mvrnaac. I ailraa nf any kind. Plan ataxd and mrmrt Ira.

I ea aka analaaa a yaa at a vnarwa. ol Hi -iTlA?" fo aatcf eYaaCatataa; akweb akw mm mt rnM. O. fiw iinj M. m.9 asjaa Rothschild Company DafXi.

lT.r. CMttta, llUaai. anaiattf ta alata mill aaaaiaaw 1 'K. AA AA. Mil.

IWWMiniK I O.W. IIL llli il Ml a i. u. nr. ii i' urit'll blfl IP IH 1UC nun run.

i. mi'H iifii.p.. tains "bridge' Is being transformed into a high class instrument fashionable beaux, and that nurnle overcoat are craduallv. room. In a short while it promises to resemble a well stocked Inn ii'iiiniiir.

ii im wim'i tiiir- liiillllin imril-shlps. Innumerable alterations. Innumerable changes and evolutions. That it will undergo threatened London expects to see shortly a "Within the next two or three years I expect to nractlcal Hertinnetratlrtn nn a DAnA e.o -reat revli-nl nf ritnri Vi a t.iiMir- physical laboratory, and prominently among the instruments This Beautiful 20-Year Witch, $3.75 there will undoubtedly figure the frlgidometer. the instrument .7 7 1 7 7 iinn i ur in using orient colors IC oops iiui uinjrimaiiu ii uiai nowauays jusi wnnn nas just proved its utility on the Mauretania by giving warning of an iceberg floating at a distance of 1.1 miles away Icebergs are always surrounded by a zone of cold water.

Ow- men's suits and top coats. As to what form the fine shades and effects can be produced In cloths demonstration will take it is impossible at pros- as were formerly produced In silks and satins. eltt to 94 the iAar m1.rrlol u. that a-e fun combine 1 urn bill a aiinreme more nerore tne oeam or ine numan race is certainly plausible. What they will be depends entirely on the conditions which it is forced to meet.

"Aboriginal man had the eyes of the hawk. He was compelled to penetrate great distances. keep his eyes ever on he horizon. As civilization Increased his interest in the things closer ing to the fac that seven eighths of an Icebeg is alwavs beneath fi', a jealously until the time is ripe to present it. elegance that In the days of ruffles was only pos- MORPHINE Mr.

Carney said: "I ftrt cured myself of the Morphine Habit since then I have cured hundreds by mail." Send for hii free book telling bow a cure can be secretl made at home and testimonials of people cured. Absolute secrecy guaranteed Ad-dre CARNEY COMMON-SENSE 5CG Lebanon Melrose, Mass. rM-zwm I MJBIL IlilllflOl ftllC.UtiM4iiia the water, this zone of low temperature is surprisingly extensive. Hitherto it has been the practice when steaming in doubtful waters to take the temperature of repeated samples of sea ater and ftnti.siaih yj tmimtm 4 mmm -tit jo m.m mtf Hfi-y i.M Hsff- LdlaW Mww B- MUNTM WATCH 2M CMICA69, A recent article In the Iondon Standard on the sible with the most delicate fabrics. On the con-question of brighter colors for men's garb caused tinent there Is a move toward this elegance in a great deal of interest among the West Fnd colors.

England Is still supreme In the making tailors and also a great diversify of opinion of cloths, and will always rema'n so. But If we "Theoretically I am very much In favor of the p-e not careful we shall have the contlier iilea." said a tailor of Picradllly. "hut It is quite tine the styles for men's dre well as about him, this power diminished. He began to wtrh carefully for any pronounced drop in the mercury of the OLD COINS thermometer. The difficulty with the old and crude method has been that the temperature of the water on the immediate surface of the sea Is no index of the temperature a few feet benath.

The new Iceberg detector has tw "nerve" enters In the shape T.7 faM f-r RiRF) itt ltt quartrra. (or a bif lar. a i'Kll prrmium in hundrrda rnlna. an mnnav 1ai1 hfora an. I nd TKN rnta at rac f9, nur Nw llliiiratd fain Valiia Hook.

alB 47. It may m.i, i ir frnr. on1 lodav fTR UIIV Ir. M. fftarneaKeru.

I 'a. a different matter to fit it Into practice. The only customer we ever get here who wants any- and that is a thing that every patriotic Knrl -b-nian must weep over. Fancy our bef dre ed men being tailored by another nation'" 1 TRUSS WEARERS one olacec. n1Kn on me n.remasi ana in- oiner 1h, way of briRht roW hp built low in the keel at a point well forward.

As the temperature nrf, vrTV frni Hm pnt the Tbe writer privileged to some of Me become short-sighted. His eyes automatically adjusted themselves to their new duties. At the present time thin phenomonon has become so prominent that many persons predict shoi t-Ulit-edness to be one of the future characteristics of the entire numan race. "A moderate condition of myopia is an actual advantage to anyone who is compelled to do much leading or any other sort of work which must Ik? held at close range. The reason is simple.

To see things near by, the eyes of a man wilh normal Ight must undergo a forced elongation. This, ffillA ilrtrree hi rleirree the merenrv In the lhrnnAniflni-i: ART iSchofarshTtf 'a aa.aartaaini.aa "aW a toM m-mi a aailM I a. mt i a ad. Vm aaMu ii-mi serious rnonmer will nave nothing 'hat Is new brighter colored eitns Jut out o' rn -n- ofr he beaten tree' Anvthinc ontre' ma''c. him fuehrers' bands, whirh the r- rents to a segmented indicator on the captain bridge A loud Judder.

We have found, indeed that while until the coming snrin- and tbe autumn sounding alarm is also connected with the Indicator. yrar we mor. JnK. Tn.y re'v beautiful prodn-t'oos. Fpon a steamer with the equipment entering an ice-infected yrar h(lv.

dropppd bark to th qlptt tonrs. fr in cse a little daring, and mnv a district, and the alarm sounding, the observer on the bridge waistcoats, for instance "not asked tonne exnuisite will welcome them with Hv. FREEsSSI lMftMli atkvaaa um tmm aa mmnrw4 a. mi a. i 999 in? ft li rm Bl a IHI.fc VI rUVWaw ahatva aar a mm tmm If continued for any length of time, is a painful moves two levers round the face of the indicator until the alarm for an jsf now There is a delicate purple fo- overcoats which strain on the eye muscles.

With the short- ceases to sound. The option of the levers then show air "T' ue that recently ha-e made two blue will make tie reputation of tbe ir" sighted or myopic man this elongation Is already and water temperatures. The moment either of these tempera- eveninc dress suits, but these are very much the 1 fortunate enough to be the first to wear accomplished; consequently, his eyes ate spared tutes falls further, the alarm again comes into action and is exception, v.e find It terv difficult to Introduce ar.d this is onlv one of Innumerable new and tb extra exertion. For a race compelled to spend again only hoc kod by a readjustment of the dial levers. rai changes-the blue coat with 1 strap at th beautiful shades and combinations a imim rut.

VHa.ta.a.1. SONG POEMS VJX'l ntwtK rV PH.T-.r;. "aLU rab. aablacta. D.

tmm 1 -f tj 4 a4r I 'B ai MfbflM.l CM mlnsX Cd txattfaca. ten. tnnaM. n. PAGE SIX SUNDAY MAGAZINEST.


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