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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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evfef Disappoints Want and Pot Sale Page 41st 352, Registration Are Close at Citizens Urgent Request for George B. Marquart Paper Out and Being Numerously Signed Requesting Him to Become Candidate for City Seeking the Man Desutte the fact that George B. Marquart, ft former city treasurer and mayor of Lebanon, has repeatedly and consistently refused to hecome ft -candidate for city council under tho new "commission law," a paper is out today, and is being numerously Blgned, to have his name appear on the ballot at the primary election to be held next month. Just where the venture will end is not yet In evidence. Mr.

Marquart's 'name was mentioned as a desirable candidate ever sinco 1'ave been casting about fov desirable men for tho new council, and neighbors many others have tried to impress upon him the need of his experience in the new adminis- tration but he has turned a deaf ear to such importunities right along, and his answer was just as positively in the negative, when early this week, a committee of prominent citizens called upon him and urged him to I get a petition out and become a assuring him of hearty support at the polls. i MANY SIGNERS. The same Insistent people are now back of the petition which Is being i circulated for signatures. It is said that an attempt will be made to get a large number of signers, and thus make the appeal strong and personal. from Paso One) "Poultry Item" Editor Attend! ng4lj4 Fair George A.

Rlnehart, of Scllorsville, a representative of "Poultry Item," a journal published in the interests of poultry breeders, was one of the most enthusiastic attendants at the Lebanon county fair this week. He was here in the interests of the "Item" and that journal is likely to Bptak well of tho poultry exhibits of the local fair. Mr. Rlnehart during the course of his stay, paid his respects to his professional brethren at the home of the Lebanon Daily News. Open's Real Estate and Insurance Office City Councils Meet on Monday Evening The regular meeting of City Councils Is scheduled for Monday evening of week.

During (he thonths of July and August there were a number of special meetings during the vacation period, but thn last Monday In August Is scheduled for a regular meeting. It Is likely that Common Council will at this meeting pass fln- ally thc appropriation to complete thc new engine houses, and contracts will probably be awarded at a special meeting some time next week. The next regular meeting of councils wilt not take place until thc last Monday In September. Woman's Missionary Society Program The program for the 1013-14 meetings of'tU'o woman's missionary society of tho Fourth Street Presbyter- Ian church has, been arranged by the Ocorge C. C.lelm.

The meetings will be hold monthly start- Ing next month and continue ton months ending with June. Tho other officer's of tho society are Mrs. J. H. Edmonds, vice president; Mrs.

W. Pass, secretary, and Miss Anna L. McCoy, Band on Annual Outing C. M-. Bbenk, of Harrlsburg, who for tne past several years has been connected with the real estate and insurance agency of Blrk and Mickey, of that city, ban moved to Annville into the residence which was recently vacated by Judge Henry.

i Although still connected with. tho Karristagpagency, Mr. has opendl 'ofrice in Annville, going Harrlsburg about twice a week. Mr. Shenk represents some of the leading insurance companies and this to-I gether with his real estate experience already given him considerable I business in this county.

1U13. by Press The annual outing of the Eureka cornet band, of Clcona, is being held today and will be continued tomorrow at Valley Glen Park on the S-" Creek. Concerts are bcbig throughout the day and evening and tomorrow afternoon sacred music will be rendered. Tho Hershey office force picnicked in the grove today. SETTLEMENT EFFECTED IN ASSAULT CASE A has been effected in prosecution of Edwin Brown, of VWhington, 'D.

Avho was charged eBames'derfer, of this city, wlVh having struck him on the shoulder with a hammer, Brown, who had been' aimi to jail by Alderman Herman, of the, Second- ward, in default of bail, wap djschargod. Lebanon Couple Will Wed This Evening William J. Smith, a traveling salesman for R. L. Bby, the wholesale grocer, and Miss Minnie M.

Politer, daughter of Adam PeJffer, both of this city, will bo this evening at Matamoras, Pike county, The ceremony is flxed for seven o'clock in thc parsonage of Rev. W. L. Ketner, pastor of the Evangelical church, whoso 1 wife is a friend of the bride. Mr.

and Mrs. Smith will leave on a ding trip, following the ceremony, and on their return home will reside at 113 Lehman street, 1 Mr. Smith la a son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Hugh Smith, of this city, and Is very well known, having for a number of years prior to bin becoming a sales- iman for Mr.

Kby, acceptably filled a clerkship in the store. The marriage license was lifted here on Friday. on the Ear Swatara Haymakers at their August inetlng- on Friday evening in the niyloft at' -8ons of America Hall en- Joyed 1 a rich feast- of corn on the ear. There was a large turnout. LETTERS GRANTED Deputy Register Hoke has granted l.Cj^tcjrs ot administration on tho estate bt the la-te Rosa Paurlc, city, to Ad'am Pictures of the Fair HARPet'S Window Tonight NOTICE! Hotel Conewago Mt, Gretna, A.

Special KtUe, Starting Aug. 80 $10,00 per Week Load Came Down When Wheel Left Wagon One of the heavy Weslenberger ice teams rout with a slight mishap on Friday afternoon, about four thirty o'clock, when tho front wheel came off. Tho team was being driven eastr ward along Chestnut street, when the nut on the came off, and the left front wheel rolled away just as the wagon was crossing JSleventh street. Although there. was a heavy load of ce the axlo was not broken, the fall, end after a tedious search the mud the missing nut was found, and the team proceeded on its way.

NEW BICYCLES AT 8PSQIAL PRICES Open Evenings if 0, WENTZ 511 Partridge Ave, (Bear of 511 JONESTOWN UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Many residents of Jonestown am v.Unity arc gathered In the grove a Hellmandale today, participating in thc annuad picnic of the Union Sun day schools of Jonestown. A band music is present to furnish music and there is every prospect of a picas ant day Tor the large crowds. LADIES RETURNED FROM EXTENDED TOUR 1302 Fdrgo- Street, and Esther Paine, of 222 Sotifh Eighth 'street, returned home ia'lt' evening having spent the past two weeks on an" extended tour through Northern New York, Michigan and Canada. They stoppo dover at Falls, Detroit, Pontiac, Toronto'and Windsor. While at Pontiac, they were the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Benhcthum, formerly of this city. YOUNG LWIES LEAVE FOR AHANTIC CITY Misses Tlllio and Lena Dehm, of 527 North --Eleventh street, and Miss Oracencla Klmmel, of 371 N. street, left this morning on the New York flyer for Atlantic City, where they will spend a week's vacation sight seeing and in general recreation. Miss Kimmel is employed as a 'clerk' at the Bon Ton store.

MARRIAGE LICENSE Last Production of Pain's Stupendous I'yroteuh- nic MATINEE Midway Attractions Still in! Thursday, AttR. 2, nnd Saturday, Sept. 'Is, are the three registration, days, any one of which tho cltuen desiring tor vote this fail for city councllmon, and county nnd ward candidates, on Tuesday, Sept. 16, must go to his plncc and qualify being legally entitled to exercise the right of; franchise in thc city of Lebanon. The hours are from 8 a.

rrt. to 1 from 2 p. m. to 6 p. and from 7 P.

m. to 10 p. on each of the thrcr dnyi mentioned, to Qualify as voter, the citizen must, have resided within (he state for at least one yflttr' previous and In his respective 'voting district two ivonths and must produce pithrr county or state, tax receipt showing a payment within two years. Persons recently naturalized may register upon producing their papers and provlim that they are oVcY 22, years of age and have resided within thc district at least one month. Special Meetino of Fish and Game Men Former Mayor K.

A. Wclmcr, president of tho Lebanon County Fish and (Jnmc Protective Association, has Js- iiod a call for a special meeting to bo hold on Monday evening, August 25, nt tho court house at which time tho Important matter of exercising- an option, on fully stocked llsh dam Is lo bo given consideration. The option on tho property expires August nnd for this reason it is considered most important that there be a full attendance of tho membership on Monday evening at eight o'clock. Thn property Is said to be admirably constituted for tho location of summer cottages and camp sites during tho season. Met in ISngine House Friday Evening and Chose Candidates ATTY.

SPEECH 'Makes Strong Appeal i'ov Representative Men and Honest Government About fifty representative Republicans of North Londonderry township, met In the tiro engine house on Friday evening for tho purpose of framing a ticket for tho coining primary election. County Committcoman IJarry Miller, called the meeting to order and ex-assemblyman Q. H. Moyer Was elected permanent chairman. On assuming tho chair Mr.

Moyer made the following address: your action IK-IT tonight will de- tormlno your policy us nioiiibcra of Instructor in Physics and, Chemistry in City High. School Retires WORK COMMENDABLE as Assistant to Prof. at Columbia Uni-, versity, N. Y. Roger B.

iviylor, ol Annville, who for the prvst two terms has been In-' structor In. Mhysics and chemistry in 4 thR Lebanon HlgV school, has ed his resignation to the school board, nnd has ncc pted an assistant (CoiHiiuii-il on Lebanon Chosen for Biennial Convention 111ISH CATHOLIC BKNKVOU8NT UNION TO MJ'JKT HK1M3 Mot Tills Year at Kingston, c'j Oil- I torship In physics at Columbia veriilty, New York City. Mr. is a graduate of the Lebanon Class of 1911, and the follffW- ing year became a member of the lo- cnl faculty upon the resignation Prof. David T.

Werner, who to become cashier of the People's National bank. Mr. Saylor's work here has been commendable, and a large share of the credit for the high (Continued on Pago Two) Adam Whitman Has Prolific Plum Adam Whitman, ol Yeagle.ystown,%^Ji PETITIONS i 13 iilaboi'atc slupondous llrowprks clfiA Battle in the Will bo given Its inrodiicUionvhero this pn tiho fair 'ground B.i Rain the spectacle Friday eve- 1 ph to the ol' viewed It at least and were desirous of again; witnessing it. to- the evening performance, uifder) Uio most favorable wpatlier conditions 'have on Four) HARKINS LEFT TO ENJOY SEA BREEZES Ralph L. Light, son of Daniel of Lebanon R.

F. No, 3, and Miss RoQte K. Werner, daughter of Jacob J. Werner, of Prescott. Frank Horvot, son (of John Horvot, and Miss Annie Do'blae, daugh- or of Frank Oobias, both ol this city.

'KJnaftk peemer, eon of Henry Deemer, and Miss Irene Carpenter, daughter of John Carpenter, boith of Rexniont, Claude Harklns, local -roaniiger for ha Postal Telegraph CSompanr, wltli In tho Central hotel buUdJng, today loft on his vacation? which will be spent with liia parents at irieudtt at Bethlehem and Easton und ctjijoyJnR tho aoa breezes at Atlantic City, During his absence the business 'Of tho local office will bo looked after by Charles Miller, tho assistant. MoNEAL'S ICE QBEAM Peaoh WST Mrs, M. C. Smlih, 9f llo. wpod strpol, recoived a basket 'of peaches on Wednesday, parcels peat.

The fruit came as a gift from her father, K. Hiney, who resides at ChftrJeBtown, West Virginia. The fruit is of tho finest seen In, Lebanon thja year and it Is Bay highly prized by 1 WHS a very busy day for 'Rob nr( n. Light, clerk to tho board Lebanon county fo there wns an avalanche of pclitloiw Illrd for ward. city, township, borough and county offices.

Notwlt'h- Btandlng all that, has boon published concerning tho Importance of having the petition properly signed and filled out Clerk Light continues to nnd largo number of thorn faulty to those respects and all those lie is required by iho law to return to tho proper party for correction. MODERN WOODMAN PAYS $2,000 POLICY Aldorman J. Henry Herman, of tho Second ward, who Is dork of Lebanon Camp. No. 7BH4, Modern Woodmen of America, today received from the national headquarters on order for the payment of $2,000 to tho widow of the lato P.

S. LOUR, of Tenth and Scull streets. Mr. I-OIIR was member of tho local rainn and had a policy for that amount. YOUNG LADIES HOME FROM THIM VACATION Miss Catherine McGowan and-Oath- erlno Cavanaugh, of this city, returned homo after upending two weeks vacation at tho homo of Mrs.

John Hwtnelt, South Fourth street, Bethlehem. A farewell party was given thorn by tho muny friends Ujey made during their stay In -NOTICK TAXI'AYKIW. Tho City Treasurer's office will bo open every day and evening from August 25ih to SftUi, inclusive, for accommodation of Oily Tux- payers M. F. HIGH, City Treasurer.

sions came to a close on Friday at-' tcr Lebanon had bean chosen as the place of next meeting. Paul Alhvoin, who was ono of the delegates from tho local union, arid his follow delegates are expected homo tomorrow or Monday, and win then give full rtotiiils of their unexpected success in landing tho convention for this city. Tho association IH a large ono, representing all the cities whore Catholic churches exist, and the convention will bring a host of visitors from all parts of the American continent. At thc Kingston biennial convention, which closed on Friday, the following officers wore elocted: President, Daniel Duffy, Pottsvlllo, vice presidents, Mrs. Nolan, Wilkos-Barre, and Mrs, H.

Pittsburgh; secretary, Frank P. Philadelphia, WILLIAM ZWEIER HERE ON VISIT TO PARENTS William Zweier, of Charlotte, North Carolina, Is bore on a visit to hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Zweler, of 615 Walnut, street. Mr.

Zweler has been a resident of the South for almost twenty years, but annually spends a portion of his vacation hero 'With ills-parents. Ho is a brother to ijlarry Zwoler, the grocer, and has a lucrative position In one of the largest of Charlotte's stores. Tito rt it! I'lit Close Range of Lebanon Co. FORMER RESIDENT HERE Itaivel, the Cumberland photographer, is displaying In the window at his store a numbe close range pictures taken at county fair. Mr, Harpel was fo In securing most admirable the monster that grounds and witnessed the races.

ANNUAL REUNION OF FEASE FAMILY TOD The annual reunion of the being hold today at Park. An elaborate program of has been arranged, and the promises te be most succesat number of Lebanonlana who are hers of the family, left for He this morning, to attend the reunj PICNIC AT HERSHEY FROM SINKING SPRI A train of iwenty-two sections, passed through, this morning, Bliortly after eight, a' on its way to Springs, carrying monster of picnickers. VISIT Churlei foundry fore- nifn In the Burna'ro steel plant, in here on a visit' to relatives arid friends for severaj days. Mr. LelwttU IB former resident of this city, having been resident of the FiftU Ward for of years.

DANCE TUKBOAV KVKNINO, Four 1'rtew for Funcy Music by FOJRNWAWP ARE AND WOJOT We have just IN BVI5NIKO, Prizes tor Dancing Snpclnl BxoHrblon Ticket to.At}«Ptl« City NOTICE.

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