St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 16
- Publication:
- St. Louis Post-Dispatchi
- Location:
- St. Louis, Missouri
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 16
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
16 WILL OF MOTHER RomCTclt Buti Sew Hone OTSTER BAY. NT. Nov. 17. Col.
Theodore Roosevelt has Just bought a new thoroughbred Kentucky Blue Grass a3dle horse for his personal use. It Is a bay galding named Kaiser and was recommended by the Hoboken dealer as' progressively mettlesome. crrvnwi Lm ACKERS AS. L. ACKERMATT, Kar tiger.
610-612 Wahinffton Avenue November Coat Sale 6 1 0 6 1 2 Washington iifidir 'a ta. wks an Genuine Saltex Seal and Pony Caracul Coats i For Friday and Saturday we offer to the ladies of St. Louis one of the best bargain events of the entire season Prominent manufacturers anxious to close out their surplus stocks have made us wonderful price concessions the best of these offers have been accepted and we are now in position to offer the newest and best of this season's merchandise at prices that are positively startling lower prices than you have ever known for Millinery of the Sonnenf eld standard of style and quality! Geamne Beavers, S2.98 1000 children's felt Shapes Beavers some QQ worth as high as A 'ytJ $6.50 choice at Values $30.00 and $35.00 S5 Plash Hats, fl.95 540 fine black and colored velvet and plush Hats values up to $5 in this sale $y5 Tyroiean Hats, SI. 48 600 velour plush Tyrolean JIats black, brown, navy and gray satin lined. SJ.48 if jk mm These handsome Coats are exquisitely man-tailored.
In full length, graceful, semi-fitted models; lined throughout with elegant brocaded satin; picturesque shawl collar and turn back cuffs. You have never had such an opportunity before. Mere words are powerless to describe them. Come and be convinced. Trimmed Mats of all Kinds 35 and $6 Values An extraordinary assortment of new and charming styles over 600 to select from nobby Toques and Bonnets for middle-aged ladies all the new f)(l Turbans and Picture Hats for the young ladies in black and all the -T newest colorings splendid $5 and $6 values, at Women's and Misses' Coats, Very Special at $20,000 Stock of Finest French and Willow Plumes Will be included in this remarkable sale tomorrow, at a bona fide reduction of Children's Bats, 39c 1000 children's felt Shapes 39c and Flats black and.
colors $1.25, values chcice at. Special 85 Black and Colored Willow Plumes perfect quality $18.50 values for 9.95 A collection of more than 300 Coats, embracing every fashionable and highly desirable model, in the very latest materials and colorings chiffon broadcloths; lined throughout; elegant novelty cloths and beautiful mannish worsteds. to This Coat 23.00 EXTRA SPECIAL Special and White Colored French and Tips-rvalues up to $3.00" Special Black and Colored Willow Plumes also in evening shades $7.50 values for On Sale at 9 O'clock Until Sold Only 15 Fur Lined Automobile Coats ASKS 4 CHILDREN TO LIVE TOGETHER Mrs. Maggie Kaiser Leaves $3o a Month for House-. keeper for.
FURNITURE IS DIVIDED Two Sons and Two Daughters Get Jewels, Furs, Dining Room Set. Mrs. Maggie M. Kaiser, president of the Ferd P. Kaiser Publishing who died a few days ago at her home 4aS4 West Pine boulevard, requested in her will that her four children Florence Laurie Francis and Millard remain together as one family, with Lotta Luckow as housekeeper.
The housekeeper, the will provides, Is to receive a month for her cervices and also $1000 from the proceeds of the real estate when It Is sold. The two daughters shall receive $35 a month each until the estate is administered finally; The will further requests that the daughters and the son Francis repose confidence in their brother Millard and be guided by his advice and counsel. It expresses the wish that all the children bear toward each other "that love, respect and confidence inculcated In their minds and hearts by their father and mother." Divides Her Personal Property. Airs. Kaiser's will has been sent to South Haven, to obtain the attestation of one of the witnesses, James E.
Chandler, so It can be entered on the records of the Probate Court. It was written July 27, 1909. Mrs. Kaiser disposes of various personal effects among her children and bequeaths the residue of the estate equally to them. Of the personal effects Florence is to, get a sealskin coat, a pearl and diamond ring and one of the diamonds from her mother's three-stone ring.
Laurie received another one of the stones from the ring, a set of silver fox furs and a diamond pin. The middle stone Is the property of Millard, having been given him by his father. He gets the dining-room set and his mother's library. His brother Francis gets the hall clock, hall rug and other similar articles. Each of the girls gets one-half of the furnishings in the room which they occupied together.
MOTOR AT $4 PER HOUR. Flve-casseneer touring ears $4 per hour, or at taxlcab rates. Olive 2100 or Central 6800. St. Louis Taxlcab Co.
WOMEN AT BIRTHDAY SOCIAL MUST TELL AGE OR PAY $1 Second Baptist Church to Raise Fund to Aid Needy in the Holidays. Women must either tell their ages or pay a dollar when they attend the birthday social at the Second Baptist Church Friday night, under the auspices cf the St. Louis Christian Endeavor Union. The proceeds will be used to make the needy happy during the holidays. The ultimatum offered to women is stated in the following verses upon the printed Invitations: (We hope you will not think us bold) Drop herein a penny for each year old; Should number be ouch you care not to tell.
A dollar In silver wil, do as well. A musical and literary program will be presented. Mrs. Katherine Graves, soprano, will sing two solos. Miss Mary Ellison and Miss Blanche M.
Morriss will give readings. Dr. J. C.Gault end Rolfe Hallowell will sing a duet, and William Junkln will be heard with a tenor solo. There will be a quartet of men and one of women.
Good Thins to Eat and Original with the Bee. 417 N. 7th at. Bakery. Candy Shop and Tea Room.
CHINESE LAUNDRYMAN A LEPER; BOILED SHIRTS HASTILY DOFFED Passaic (N. Residents Alarmed When Case of Asiatic Disease Is Discovered. PASSAIC. N. Nov.
17. More than one resident of this community who put on a clean boiled shirt this morning rushed upstairs to tear It off when he read in the morning papers tnat Mark Lee, a Chinese laundryman, had been taken to the Isolation hospital, suspected of having leprosy. Six physicians who examined him are not positive, but give it as their belief that the caise Is Asiatic leprosy. All the cuffs and shirts in the laundry will be fumigated before they are returned to the owners, the laundry Itself was fumigated and the hack in which Mark Lee was driven was publicly burned by the owner. He will be reimbursed by the city.
Y. W. C. A. TO GIVE 6 LECTURES First One Is Scheduled for Friday in Assembly.
The extension and Industrial sections of the Young Women's Christian Association announce a series of six weekly free lectures by Dr. Thomas J. Riley and Dr. George B. Mangold of the St, Louts School of Social Economy, Friday afternoons at 8 o'clock, on clrlo problems directly touching' the wage-earning weman.
The first one will be Friday. The lectures take place in the assembly rcom of the association at Lucas and Garrison avenues. These Coats are made of gray mannish worsteds and lined with French brown coney skins and trimmed with large opos. collar- actual $35.00 values; while they last, at ZS Manager. id.
throughout mm shawl 15 AMUSEMENTS. iUSsHsaiinvfci OOlUSiiBJA Slrth and Cliarles. THE WOULD- BKXT VAIUKVILLE I P. M. and P.
M. Dally. CARRIE DE MAR The International Comedienne, Frssb From Her Triumrhe in Lea-don and Nsw York. FIVE OLV.MI'IKKH, a European Art Novelty. IIAYWARD II A WARD.
In a ra-mirkililv Funny Coraady, "Holdtns Out." JOSEPH CALLAHAN. In an Original i production, weaves from Pasos of Htetory." i Iee Lloyd Itarnes A Barron Fair, tt, Herat Jules At Otto Viola vVealon Bos "eats tl 00. Seats Knrrvrd. Olive 1S1 Cem. SOS GRfUJD CEUTRAL SIXTH AND MARKET ROSE IVY PRIM'V DONNA SOPRANO Man-'eemsnt S.
H. and Jrcb Opssifeelrner ROLLER SKATING RINK OPEN ATI'RDA EVENING, NOV. 19. Hlh School I nteriM hola.tlo Contest, mliea. Fntrles close haturly P.
RESORTS. IT2 RL AN IN WINTER Outdoor sports, fetes and carnivals on and snow. In brilliant sunahtn and like chatatissno in Its aiiux ouaii. ties d-ecrited In otir WINTER TRAVEL LETTER NO. Si.
It contslns a deal of useful Informatics, and sucaeatlona (or anvono looklns 'or new epriences. KKNT I'KKK OP CHAROB. with a selection of winter travel literature, wtta striking; tilustrstlons. Wist FEDERAL RAILROAD tt Filth Avenue. New York.
DOWN IN THI8 CORNER We cho(. to remind you that If you do not And advsrtkre't today what you are staking- a want ad left at the nearest arm store morrow rsay bring- it. ff Vfta.Ot FOOD GHGPPgt Individual characteristics that any other Chopper made. It will pay every honnenife to nee it. For Sale at All Dealers.
Price, $1.50 FREE useful Cook Book mailed on request. einfeld Bros. 620 Broadway Xtn York BEGINNING NOVEMBER 27, S910 HTha 24-Hour Hew Yorker" ALL-STEEL TRAIN Lvb. St. Louis 4.30 pi, m.
Ars. New York 6.30 p.m. (4.3a p. fet, Louis Tlrue) Leaving St. Louis Arriving Mew York In Pennsylvania Station 7th Avenue at 32d Street One Block from Uroadway Special features Inc'ric Bath, Ladies' Haia, Library, CL; i 'i Car, etc Sleeping Car.Tlircugii ti Washinglcn Other All-Steel Through Service to Pennsylvania S'ation, New Ycrk, leave St Louis Union Slation 3.44 a.
12.40 p. 1.C2 p. 8.15 p. 11.35 p. Daily.
For Particulars consult A gents or address St. Louis City Ticket Office, 10th and Olive 'Phones: Bell Main 3200 Klnioch Central 4616 J. B. MODiSETTE, Geo. Pass'r Agent, ST.
LOUIS The Ladies' Thanksgiving Bird for 1910 St P.umo an! Fleith G20 K. Brradwsy Crooked Noses. Faces, all othr rflpflpurcmi'nti corrected at once and forever bv rR. PIXKSTAFF, 605 Mermod-Jaccard TJldc OCEAN STEAMERS. Horth Gorman Gibraltar Alajlrra Naples Genoa EGYPT, INDIA Colombo Far Kat Australia LONDON Lloyd LONDON -PAKIS BREMEN llESDAVS 1'HIKSUAVS 10 A.
M. ExDress Salllnars. K'orlrzWm N'nv 21 KalaerW.d'Or.Decl Iv.Lulsa (Sat) Do.lT 1 A. M. Twrn-Screw Fast Miil Sailinra Roon Nov.
24 Cassel Dec. d. Gr.Dec. Rheln Dec. 22 -iremen Direct SATIHHAYS 1 M.
Gibraltar. Algiers, Naples, Genoa. Koent Dc. rjrlin, new. Jan.
7 Irene. io LV an. 20 j'Omits Gibraltar. Wlre1ea and Hubmartrie Ktenale independent Arond-the World Tours Traveler' CherVs ood Over the World 0ELRICH3 a CO. Gen.
Agts, 6 way, N. Y. Centra! National Jisnk. Sole Aeente IarBet. Faeteat.
Finest Phfna afloat. treleas Submarine SlrnaJ. DIRECT via FISHGUARD Fishg-uard and Liverpool Mauretanla,, 'J a.m. ii.usitania. Dec.
SrcCIAl CH ISTMAS S4ILIHR jh 8. 8. MAl'KETAMA. DEC. 17, 6 P.
M. Qaeenstewo Finn guard I.trernnol Camiiiii. Deu. 7, lo a. Caronla Dec 14 GIBRALTAR GENOA NAPLES TRIESTE FIUME Carpathia, Dec.
3. noon I VI ton la 23 faanonla. Feb. 2j, noon Saxonla nn SPECIAL CRUISES RIVIERA ITALY EGYPT Madeira, (JiUrnltar. Aleiera.
Vlllefraaclie. Genoa. Narloa. Aleiauilrla. flume, 'omita Alexaadria.
'armanla Jan.T. i tuna Jan. 21.... i runconla tone, new steamer. ii tit N.
Tsft B. W. Cor. Olive tfu has cannot lie found i I flllll 1 :5 St 1 igy 1 1 WMlm EflftLiEft The Smallest ff Store on Broad va Jjf G) co GU AMUSEMENTS. i cn? prirra AERO SHOW November 17-24.
OPENS -7 O'CLOCK TONIGHT AIRSHIPSANDTHEInJ ACCESSORIES On exhibition where you ran touch them and learn how the nvlnlora tns. simulate the marvels. ArMISIOX 25 AM) COLISEUM Special Black and White French Plumes and Tips $1.00 and $1.50 values at, 45 eepji in ii 4Lii V-1 anlir iaYi en nr iMi Wh Black and Plumes Yon Ae Invlu-d to Attend the First Annual Meeting of the Anti Compulsory Vaccination LeaguQ OF MISSOURI, At Central Y. M. C.
A. Half, Grand and Franklin THURSDAY EVENING. NOV. 17, 1910. 8 P.
M. Addresses will be delivered by Dr. L. C. McElwee and William Marlon Reedy.
A permanent organization will be perfected. NO ADMISSION CHARGED. NO TICKET NECESSARY. 95c i4.45 j'-'i v'j i -p i i i i i i i mi i 1 AMUSEMENTS. OLYMPIC SAT.
CHARLES FROHMAX Prenrnta Best of All Musical Ccmetiies ROIIM PROCESS NEXT MOXDAY. SEATS SOW. Matinees Thurs. and Hat. CHARLES FROHMAX Prints MAUDE ADAfVIS In J.
M. HARRIS'S BEST PLAT "What- Every Woman Knows" fcTS KJ I MAT. SAT. HENRY B. HARRIS Presents BOSE STAHL in "The Chorus' Lady" NEXT MOXDAy! SEATS NOW.
HENRY B. HARRIS Presents CHARLES KLEIN'S GREATEST PLAY THE THIRD DEGREE Matinees Thorn, and Sat. Mat. Every Day. Lindeli and Cent.
17. Direct from American Mualo Hall, New York. Week of Msnday Not. 14. lue Marvelous Actios; Monkey CONSUL AND ORIGINAL Sstelle Wordetto Rondell, arm.
Tom and St acta Moore, 5 Musical Mclrens. Lee Tons Foo. NlRhta and Sat. and Sun. 26-B0-76C.
Dally 25-35-BOc. Tickets downtown at Judco 3b Dolph's. 7th and Locust. -ODEONc Saturday Afternoon at 2:30 Friday Evening 8:15 ST. Symphony Orchestra MAX ZACH.
Conductor Irlme. Marcella Sembrich SOLOIST 5 Popular Concerts Every Snndajr at 8:15 Friers and 50c Tickets at Boiiman's. 1120 OUrt t. Tonight at 8115 1T. SAT.
25c SOe Nlsht Prices, ttc, tie. 60c, 75o and $1.00. TMULION LAV6M ML SIC SHOh Giiesa HNEWLYW EDS 60 4 People per cent Olrls. Next Sun. Mat.
"The Soul Kin." awl, Wad 8 by- Waifl Mat. Wis Prize. QTAFir, API! Homo of Folly. Two Frolics Dally. Bmok- niiwnitsf ma In Parauot.
POPn.AR MATTNKK TOUAI MLBS NEW YORK JR. LA BELLE FUOA I THE APACHE DANCE Latast A Qrsaisst Da tes Great Parisian SsnaitiM Nsxt Week THB KENTUCKY BELLES. OH YET V- Bas Kenned Burlesquo. Two Sbsws Uaitr. AI Reeves' Big Beauty Shaw Nsxt Week Robls's Kntrksrbocksrs.
FRUJAX AKATUKd, icnasaaaHKnauHnHmrmaaiiaHBa. Wis minutbs from sNvwHerte I iiFaiatine I BOPLB who are in quarantine are not isolated if they have a St. Louts Two Leading; Theaters. I Vh-icul. Lew Fields Offers the Hg Musical lie- THE JOLLY BACHELOR With Stella Mayhew and a Superlative Cast.
Evenina-a. 8:15. Mats. Wd. Bat.
Seats tor Second Week Today. GARRICK PHONES Main 51 56 Cent. Fop, Mat. Today. 25c to HENRY OIXEY the NAKED TRUTH NEXT MONDAY.
"The Ninety and lne." HAVLIN'OlfP" CavaJIsand HisOrehes-aN I 11 Ira at Evary Par. arms and lar i2bt Prices SO Csnts ZS-CENT MATIN EB TOIlAT mrA I The Big Mslodramatie "Tiny tht BiofblasX EVERT DAY. Praasntsd by ths Havlls Stock Ca. NEXT SCN. MAT-BLCE JEANS.
ODEOR NEXT M0XD1T AT 85 FIRST or A SERIES OF FIVE AUSTRIAN TYROL. Colored Views and Motion Pictures. 5c to SI OO. at Boilmaa's. FOIR MCSICAL CI.ATAOX'S.
Wnrlssaad Instrumental Act. tin. rm i Meitr. EnUro Chaas of Motion Fifturo Prg.r.m. APMIDnlOX, loc.
CHRYSANTHEMUMS Very larao variety fin plants. Free. Daily, a. m. to 10 p.
in. IHAWI GAJIOCN. Bell The Bell Service brings cheer and encouragement to the sick, and is of value in countless other ways. Friends, whether close at hand or far away, can be easily reached, because Bell Service is universal service. The Bell Telephone Company of Missouri Commercial Department 1101 Locust Street.
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