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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 2

St. Louis, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TOO lj li-JTi LOPZICITDAY tnVCEaftg, AUGUST 30 UK ivSrrsa BADWAT. THE DISPATCH! eWsssssssesasssss a bout It tod, that sul. homes summer toe opening their doors welcome book the weary absentees. at sea-side 4 -pr efctie-as of 1 of retrenchment in matters of fashionable exoenditnre. laa? too operated un- to the laivubtds, it having been found that quite asmnch comfort gas ba at loa as sbWW, inuring long tonfinrf Her barometer.

In tne meantime, the springs and the beaches and the mountain nooses were never before so industriously written up and advertised ad nau- team, fy who frequent tiep. Jphi son will at least relieve the public of one oi the most wearisome of newapape nuisan peouwotos Sobemhtl LJ IKKWtutro.PqufM, pf. New. York YUTi lojriru; CUSSSTHS WOS3T PACTS VOTXUrjLEOUX kftsr tm AmWmMmiu'wi say ess mtkii FAisr. 'if I at ens OIIIiYPAIIIIiElIIIDY That aaaa stops taw nUays inflammation.

snd sjuessa, WBwhar sas aunts, sssmsm. bo sans, by one agpUoafcaa. rat fbom OKiTto Xwzstt MnrcTxu lVanBBAMaMaBsn3aMBa.M JfcasMSA4AKM sviaa mmWmT aaVIarYWswVTejr fMBersKnfTZMr wM VaKM, KMmMUo. tlae-rM. Infirm, CMppied.

Kton minimiMIBMIUlM mSIISSB. Had-wtiy's Beady Belief WOI afftwd Instant ieddr, TnSsyaron oC toe Bowels. Stomps, uennin or ue COLD cmrT Tst AGUE CHILLH, The sppUesHon ef the Ready Belief tothe parte PjwbersUMain or aifaciutr esisat willaffosa Twenty dropa ia half a tumbler ef water wttltaa fw minutes, ease iCrampe, Sprains. Sour Stan. WaaffM in water wul prevent sickness or pains frna or utters as a sssnaUnt.

FEVER AND ACUE. Wwroi and Sue enred for sn imnlm There Is not a remxbai etrrm in the world taat will cure Fever va As-oe. and su other ktalarious. Bilious, Scarlet. Ty.

Phod, Tallow and other Fevers (sided by Rad-wVs Pills) so quick aa Badwayw Heady Belief Fifty cents per bottle. HT1ATTOH BEATJTTI Strong; and pare rich blood: Increase of flesh aad Weight: clear skin and beautiful eomplexioa secured to all. DR. BADWAri Sarsaparillian Besolrent Has made tbe moat eetoniahlnjr cores. So quick, rapid are the chanoee the body undergoes under the infloenoe of this truly wonderful medicine, that Every Bar aa La la Flask aa WsSrht I ana Felt, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.

Evry flrop of th RirtapariUIan Besolvent eorn- mnniraies inrouirn we. diooo. sweat, urtne, and it 1 other fluids and Jul life, for it reneire tl HOC nf Intnm lhA wiM. nt and sound material, iiiw, ior refwrm we waevee 01 tne Doay Wltn MAmfulm. vnliili.

Annmmn tian, s-Iandnlar disesse, ulcer in the throat, mouth, tuinora, oodea in the (lands and other parts of the system, sore eyes, strumorous dischargres from ths ears, and the worst forms of skin diseases, eruptions, fever, sores, scald head, ring-worm, salt rheum, erysipelas, ache, black spots, wormsin tbe flesh, tumors, cancers in the womb, sod all weak and iinf nl discSaiyea, nisht Sweats, lose of penn snd all wastes of the hfe principles, are within tbe curative range of this wonder or modern enetn- wiry, ana a sew asyr use wui prove to any pa oama-n ior aitner of tnese diseases its potent pew er to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced bv the and deoompoeition thai at continually pro- that at STeasins. si arreetimr these wastes. repairs uie came with new material made from ana heettay blood and this SaraanarulMui will and does secure a cure is certain for when ones this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes. Ha repairs will be rapid, and every dsy ths patient will feel himself growing better snd stronger, tbe food digesting better, appetite improving and flesh and weiaht inn Mm Kot only does the Sarsaparfflian Resolvent steel an known remeditl araita hi the euro of Chronia Scrofulous, Constitutional and okia diseases; but it is the only positive curs for Kidney and Bladder Complaints, TTrinsry snd Worab LHsesses, Gravel, Diabetes.

Proiwy, stoppage of water, incontinence of urine. Blight's disease, albnminaria, and in all cases where there are brickdnst deposlta, or the water ia thick, cloudy, mixed with subetanoes like the white of an egg. or threads like white silk, or there ia morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a prickling, burn-ing sensation when psesing water, and pain in ths small of the back and along the loins. Tajaior ef Twelve Years' Growth Cared fey Badwny'a Bssolvsst. BZVXBI.V.

Mass, July 18. US. Da. Badwav I have bad ovarian tumor in the ovarlea and bowel. AU the doctors said "there wan uo help for it." I tried everything that wa recommended, but nothing helped me.

I aawyoor Reeolvent, and thonrta 1 1 would try it bnt had no faith in it. Because 1 nsd suffered tor twelve years. 1 took six nettles of the Reeolvent, sad one box of Badwayw Pills, and two bottles of your Ready Belief, and there is not sign of tumor to be seen or felt, snd I feel better, smarter and happier than I have for twelve years. The worst tumor wax In tbe left side sf the bowels, over the groin. I write this for the benefit ef others.

Yon caUpubliah it if you choose. HANNAH p. KHAFF, PRICK, tl FEB BOXXUL AN IMPORTANT IETTEU from a prominent mntlemau and resident of Oln cinnati. Ohio, for the nant forty years weU known to the newspepss Dnbttahers throughout the United tales. Krw Your, Oct.

11. m. TVT err 3 Lven tot tla is not alwayii ua into conflict with an armed and deeper ate bttndar. If discretion is ever the bet night, when hal! aroused, or aie startled out of their usual 'and1 we tod burseltes in a aotfra, wids-awaka, able bOdiaaVjaad def ined law breaker, wkieqnite wefing 'to go peaoe tl we win allow bim io do so. We should remember thAthirgWdo- not come villi the mtantiak 'of Committing He only wants to ileal, and wffl noS perpeizaU a crime that will subject, hisi to the deatb penalty anlaes wes force him to it by putting his on bis defense egainsft capture.

If he has aireadi secured hii swag, he will consent to carry it off quietly," and wiH readily agree to let-uo aka will ahowbis the anw earn aksrBML tvluS; "secured rki plunder, at least rune "cases' but of ten he will gladly go ay without -it rather khan suffer ths aonoyanee ota dtsfesibanee in the house. It is to be hoped that none of the readers of the Dispatch will attempt staler the exampla of Mr, New York merchant, who permitted himself to rush blindly and unarmed at 1 burglar, and sueoeaded in getting bias-, Ufe, or twenty years in the penftentSary the bocglar owed it to himself to take th Hfe. The only wsy, titereforej to catch your burglar, is to kill bim outright. In this you may be sure that you wiH have ths law and the jury on your side, and it is only necessary to be equally sure that you do not catch a Tartar. A humane person, or a timid one, will 1st his burglar escape, plunder or no plunder; a public-spiritei man, or a valorous' one, will attempt to catch or kill bim; and it is -by no -mean certain that the humane- or timid individual does not usually bavethe best of it.

NEWS AMD NOTES. The first baJe of new crop Sea Island cotton received at our port this season, arrived at Savannah on the Wth Inst. 5. A bust of the late Gen. George fickett, by the-seulptoc Valentin, of Richmond, is nearly completed, and it la said to be a work of great merit.

At the University of Charlottesborg, Ya.f Leo Napoleon Levi, of Victoria, Texas, the only Jew in the university, received the gold medal for eloquence, In a contest of eight stu dents selected to represent the whole body. There is a Brooklyn Democrat who ought to roost Ugh in the affections of Uncle Bill Allen. He doesn't want any hard-money. He says rag-money comes hard enough for him. Argus.

A cable dispatch announces the death of the wife of Garibaldi. Garibaldi's real wife died some years ago, and he then married another woman, but never Bved with her. The person whose death is snaouneed was his wife only by a sort of a morganatio arrangement. A correspondent of the Boston Tranmripi states that one cause of the great falling off in the catch of lobsters in Cape Cod and Ply mouth bay has lately been found to be the raking of the rocky bottom for Irish moss, which is now carried on to a great extent up and down the coast. A man smuggling tobacco from Belgium into Franco clothed himself from head to foot with the leaves and then put es his or dinary clothes.

Having scene Batae to walk be got into a perspiration, ana his skin absorbing the strength of the tobacco caused severe illness, resulting in his detection. At last accounts he was not expected to live. The new cattle distemper Eugiand is called "the foot and mouth disease." The same thing has prevailed in this country among statesmen for years past. Its princi pal feature, and that which gives it its name, a that the victim can't open his mouth with out putting his foot into it. S.

T. Com mercial Adteriinr. Missouri has thoroughly awakened to the 'mi ortance of being properly represented at the Centennial Exposition, and the State Board of Centennial managers say that the indications point to a signal success in that direction. One by one the states fall into line, arfd ere long all win have joined hands to make the great celebrstiona grand national success. rfiiladvlphia

Mile. Itoch, the pretty daughter of Un guillotinist of all France, was recently mar ried to a government clerk, and, in order to avoid a 'crowd anxious to see the of Terrors," the ceremony was performed at five o'clock in the attorning. Jonathan Edwards, who has Just died in New Haven, formerly practiced law at Hart ford, and was editor of the Connecticut Mir ror when George D. Prentiee and Gideon Wel les edited the New England Hecine and the Hartford He took his law course in the office ef Zephaniah Swift, chief Justice of the state and author of Swift's Digest. The late Judge Graver's sense of humor was very acute, and to quote one of his ex pression8 may not be out of place.

Meeting a friend at Saratoga about a year ago, the subject of the Beecher scandal arose, and naturally the judge's opinion was anxiously awaited. "Wall," said he, with a Jrawl for which he was noted. it may not be jest the thing for me to express an opinion, but after reading them letters of Beecher's -all I ken say is, if he is innocent he Is the longest-suffering Christian I ever knew A'e York Graphic. It is said that peaches will sell for ten cents per box before the season is ever, but if yon are offered any at eleven cents, don't hold on for a softer thing. Detroit Free Press.

The Cisterns In London Houses. (From the Laneet.T The London season has now closed, and walk through the deserted squares and streets will show how universal the exodus is that takes place at this period of the year. The large nouses are no longer full of tenants, but are left in charge of one or two domestics or professional 'ninders." A change on so urge a scale must make an important ira pression on. the sanitary condition of the city, for not only is less sewerage poured into the drains, but also less water to flush them is used. It is dimoult to say if the diminution in the quantity of sewage is proportionate to diminished return of water ta the sewers, but it would be an interesting poiittto ascertain.

We wish now. however, to draw attention to the condi tion of the cisterns in empty homeidurinj the oun montM. 'lnese cistern am generally eoav-structed to contain sufficient water to meet the requirements of the house when full, allowing so wen? Railoiis per head for the estimated number of During the season the cisterns can barely meet the demands made upon them, and consequently' the "water is thoroughly changed every day, wr at the most every two days. When the family is from home the cisterns are seldom emptied, a small qaantity is only withdrawn every day, generally from one cistern the most accessible the others being left unused. Consequently in these the water becomes stale, and even in the favored cistern the quantity of fresh water admitted daily is too smalL in proportion to the stale water left unused, to be either agreeable or wholesome.

The family returns to town after many months' absence, and the water id the cistern is th many instances used, by them, when it must be iaa 'very bad condition from kuwt storage. We weuld advise house-holders to give injunctions to their servants or those left in eharga, to draw off the water in all cisterns in tne house at least onoe a weekdurJngtfaeir absence, and before letuimug to have the cisterns themselves cleaned put. By doing this they wfll insure a wholesome and fresh supply of water for themselves, end the water poured into the house djatos to eonaiderable quantities by those weekly flualunes will lnwn Uun in also to the au wheKruSoi01 collect in tham. They wfll wt nnnuiiuua or i utuiBBi weiz neagnoora by reoiruinir AD. Misa Anna Eva Fay's Drawing-Boom sascss' CniiaFsiiTatBia fit Eev the Llgkt-A Carnival In the Dark Ghostly Legerdemain.

istastf carious daatactittwaa ginlaeietoas! tog by was Annie jsva ay, in a parlor at the South End, at which many of ilswprisiagl? dexterous feats Jthat have, within the year, been 4 so 32sof ewbefL uts by twi Hnxle? lVCteokes, Sergean. Cox an4N BfMhXiiaoiulire netMltned teniae pretearc of about twenty ladies and gentlft ual tofiuencef yonerathig outside the win of the jUierest 'Ofi the performance is in no degree dependent on a belief in such power, the phenomena produced by Miss Fay being rental sable if regarded simply aa juggling. As compared with the ordinary sa-calted yeabiaai. they er superior In point of skill and delicacy of Misa jFay no cabinet or other place of close concealment; but quietly sitting, bound; swetosejtji aajageaufty can devise the means, a corner of a private parlor, it requires only that a curtain be drawn lor an instant Between ner ana tne spectators for inanimate thin era to be endowed with Ufe aud to petfomastouBdjngaatics ap- ansa wy waot is car sugn ngurw sac very little muscular power, was last evening bound yith strips of cotton cloth about each wrist, which were then wound with thread for greater Eccnritv. and over all trine of adhesive 'plaster were-' plaeed Th cloth was then paeeeo tnrougn staples aortweq ta tne window-casing and the ends sewed after being knotted; her bead being fastened in the same wav by a band about the neck.

It is proper to say that tnetving was oone Dy certain of toe and that a cord connected with her. feet was talso held by one of the spectators to detect any movement of ner limbs, in tnls position, -with ths tight burning, a curtain was drawa-for a moment and iaunedietely Jet fall, when a strip of cloth hung about her neck was found bra hard knot A paper was marked and pnt on her lap with a pair at sessaorav Immediatdy-4he curtain waa drawn, the sound of cutting was hoard, and two paper dolls wt re the Product of the mysterious man ipulation, neatly scissored out -to the styto most approved by pa venue con nxa wars in the aiticle. Ii is unnecessary to say that after each feat the bands were carefully examined and the adhesive plaster, knots and stitches nmamed uamstnrDea, sufficiently attesting the sot that Miss Fay's hands had not been rt moved from behind her back, where they were fecurely fastened, and that at the close of the sitting they were round in the same ccr.dition. -A A Another concealment of the aitter was followed by a jangling-discord of bells and musical instruments, wind, string and percussion, in an inharmonious medley. Another, aad a large water pail waa placed on Miss FayY Finally, to conclude the fantastic si ries, a pocket knife, placed on her lap, was opened, and the bands which bound her were severally cut; bat not before the same ghostly itfineBoe hail lifted a brimming glass of water to her lips without spilling a drop.

In what was called the "dark seance," the company sitting in a circle with Miss Fay to the centre, the musical instruments flitted through the air and whirled about the heads of (he visitor, a heavy guitar banging mono- torouBiy sno to a degree painruiiy, upon tne bead of one investigator in time to the rattle of the tamlourine, strange hands patted the cheeks and pulled the hair of one after another, and a babel of confusion was created at the call of the conjurer. While in many points the performances of Miss Fay come easily within the range of less gifted professors of thanmaturgy, the tightness and dexterity with which many very clever feats are done in the light; with only an instant of concealment and no apparent possibility of movement on her part, are extraordinary beyond heretofore shown. These phenomena also gain distinction and merit notice from the fact that they nave successiuuy wuusiooa tne test conai tions imposed bv leading scientific investiga tors in England, among them being that of the galvanometer to determine tne existence of any rrovement on the part of the pert orm-r. Whether Miss Fay is to be regarded as a 'medium" or as a professor of legerdemain. she is certainly a very graceful practitioner.

A MYSTERY CLEARED UP. An Ingenious Sneak Thief and His Wonderful Trunk. (Lisbon Letter, July 33, to the London News One J. SprunRli. a Swiss, has inst been ar rested on a charge of robbery board the steamer Liguria, frcm Liverpool.

For the last two years complaints of theft have been made by pasf enger? of The Pacific steamers, tr.d about twelve months ago a very large robleiy occnrred on board the Potosi. It now appears that M. Spruugli was a passenger then. This person has visited Lisbon several times, and baa usually lodged at the Hotel Central, where lie was especially liked by the wait erf, being both liberal and affable, after the manner of such agreeable gentlemen. The police agents, Palmella and Ferreh-a, watched the landing of the passengers.

Among the first to come ashore was M. 3prungli, followed by one or the agents in plainclothes. The foimer took a walk toward the railway station at St. Apolonia, madetheYonndof two or three tack streets in tbe Aliama, and then took a tramway car back to the custoso-house ia- terdiDK to pass his baejrsgc. which had been landed in the mean time.

Here, in the presence of the officials, his trunk was submitted to a rigorous examination, but nothing was dit covered. As Sprnngli now wished to leave the place, ore of the detectives declared himself, and said he had orders to take him and his trunk to the civil governor's office. The Swiss protested strongly agsinst this arrange ment, ano said ne would claim tne protection of his consul. However, he was obliged to accompany tbe ponce to the civil governor's department, where another and more search- mg elimination as maoeor tne trunk. Nothing was found, and the search was be ing given up, when CssteUo Bianco, the very able chief of tbe detectives.

Observed narrowly the iron work with which the trunk was profusely bound on the outside, and noticed that it was not riveted, but screwed, and that several or the screws seemed loose. He accordingly unscrewed the Iron bands, and tnen came a moe disclosure. There were no less than sixteen secret compartments, flUed with money and valu ables. Brought to bay thus, M. Sprnngli became very much agitated, and made a clean breast of it Among the valuables were gold watches, chains, brooches, diamond studs and pins, bracelets, gold crosses, a large number of sovereigns, a pearl necklace, and other costly articles.

M. Sprnngli, says the pub- nsbed account, is a native of Zurich, about thirty years of age. He speaks three or four languages fluently, and is of gentlemanly and prepossessing appearance. He was formerly a merchant in Africa, but failed in business and got into very low water. About two years ago he came to Europe, and, according to his own confession, struck out a fresh line.

His plan has been to travel by mail steamers and to prey upon tbe passengers. His plan of action was to make bis observations during the day, and at night enter the state rooms. It is said be has had the ability to enter a room where four passengers were sleeping, and raneack pockets, drawers, take watches off hooks, loose money and other valuables, and tnen retreat without betng observed. As there is always a night guard in the saloon, his operations must have been cat-like and well managed. ureat credit is due to the Lisbon aent for his firmness and activity.

A reward of 500 milTeas, about 110, was offered for the discovery of the robberies, and this will probably be given to Sen or Castello Bianco. It is said stewards and cabin servants have suffer ed a good deal to consequence of the robberies, snd that a short time since a young Frenchman, a passenger from the Brazils, on board a steamer where many thefts had been committed, ana wnere several persons were suspected, took the matter so much to heart that be blew out his brains in the Lisbon Lazaretto, although from his general character the other passengers acquitted him of all blame. M. Bprungh is safely lodged to jail, and will probably be seat to England for trial, as the offence was comnuttedin a British vessel on the high seas. Barled with Him.

When the late kin? of the Sandwich Is lands was gathered to his fathers, he was buried in a great feather cloak which had passed down to hire through numerous generations of royal chieftains. When the remains were about to be placed in the coffin, ana were removed from the feather robe on which they had lain in state, the aged father at once commanded that the body be buriei in the robe, aa the dead king, his son, was the lai-t of the family, and to him, therefore, it belonged. It will cost more than 0100.000 to renlaoe this beautiful robe, if it is ever reoUced. for one million of birds, possessed of rare red and yellow prumage, were caught to furnish the material of which it was made. Ex-Judjje Morris is enjoying himself in the country, and at the same timo building up his intellect or tne forensic com oats or tne coming court terms.

His faith in the Jury system is sun aa lovely as a young am- Sator's confidence in its mother. He thinks icre are twelve intelligent men somewhere in Brooklyn who can sit on the pastor of Biooklyn church and hurt him. Big tents and braying noma may Detunaie peopie oi an oriental cast of mind, but the Indira is DTOUd to say there is nothing oriental about him. 1 Deplorable Condition of Eat lisle So- "eitiy e9w Woi fTrom tte Loudon Ttaes.1 It must always bey waMr oefes delieacr knd hesitation that we make any allusion to those who are supposed to be less aide to de fend tMnseives. ana itte more unoet just au-.

khorlty, as wen, it must be added, as aiao the' knost sinned -aw woe reman must be made. Even on the most, superficial sur-jvey of society, whether the great furnace bf the auetropoKs aw to the lesser P-jviacial and rural life, who can shut his eyes lo the lamentable fact that the gentler and UndUer sea have a very great deal -to do fwttA that toiiirtaawi and raaowaS: Irravaganoa. which totrodocea au. the vices, and disables all the virtues, even to decay and extinction? It may be the bcesssstyac the duty of seats to atwnd princely Sort unea in prinoaiy pomp luxury if iso, they are only to be pitied for the difficulty bf doing It gracefully, and redeeming material jwwttoWKhfiersonal raaaemeat- But iu this great town, and each season aor shaathe last, there are thousands and thousands who are mamiestiy spanning jar more waa tae chcninstthcee wfll enow. For -very touch of dawn, aidespread.

andatm Sin laniau vtt vba women, are answerable. It ia -thy who dress at a rate far beyond taeir income; tney huast on the best houses tu the best uetghbsrhoad? they who mast have sqntaagas ior an uses, times, ana puces; tney cannot abate their manifold requirements even when the family increases and nobler cares taaw tae mace or enzuusn amnarav Of course, the man have their besets ting sjna and their pet extravagances, sometimes very, costly; and they have often the sfffl ereater fault of not explaininsr their pe cuniary affairs to their wives with manly can cer or common oaamesB-nae accuracy, aney do not make the wife a confident and fellow counsellor. But there cannot be a doubt that in the great majority ef house tbe lady knows quite enough to-eooy with a very little reflection, that, she ja. her, husband and family into iitratoesusad embarrassment, with the risk of rain. People must have very many and very Kood acres, or very stood in- veStments tooecd; to be able-to spend often tawteoUlef atgoodeetatatoa ample auwr-tainment a dressmaker's or an upholsterer'8 lifll a hnnse at a fashionable watering place.

a prolonged- Oouwuentol tots'. twekUs, or some ether toy. Yelwojneo are such creatures of rivalry and display that they cannot help a sort Oa uhuuub over mose wuo avw usaa fortunate or less spirited, and ao are Dentin- nally the foremost to inflame a pernicious What ean their huabanda do They snhams. nerbans. Zhev sulk, nerbans.

They mora commonly east about for ways and means, and. as tbev near ana lean more. tbey are mora apt to take counsel from despair, and give iheoneiTea np to the stream in hieh they am already floating helplessly. Iheyeacmot be worse than they are; they may be tetter. ao tney speculate tnst is.

they gamble. They soon Hnd tbe are mo-limtL and set it down to their ataipiioit or then4 scruples. By and by they make the discovery that in such aa affair it ia better to be at the head than at the tail; better to be on the right side of the wall; better to be lathe ring than an outsider. So they press inward, give and take confidence, and in time ant millionaires, or bankrupts and exiles A Brooklyn Widow's Blasted Affec tions. Abraham Hymen, a wealthy citizen of Bhode Island, became acquainted with beautiful Brooklyn widow, and afteraahort pnnrtshin.

isimiisml as allseed, to marry her The wedding waa fixed for the 15th of August and be made her a present of a diamond ring, diamond earrings and a pair of chain bracelets. He subsequently re turned to Bhode Island. Oa the 14th inst, he wrote the widow, Mrs. Uegina Jacobs, say ing that he would be obliged to postpone the wedding. Monday Mrs.

Jacobs began a suit against Mr. Hyman for breach of promise, claimina? 5,000 damages, and he was ar rested in New York just as he was about to go on board the car for his home. He was very indiensnt bnt was compelled to go to jail; and on Tuesday his bail was fixed at 2,000. A Verdict In Accordance with Proofs. The verdict of the public in favor of Hos- tetter's Stomach Bitters differs from some (hat might be mentioned, ia being in strict accordance with the proof repeatedly ad duced in support of the claims of America's most popular remedy.

It may cell be doubted if there was ever a medicine in substantiation of whose merits such a mass of unsolicited testimony has accumulated. An examination of this testimony establishes a fact of the last importance to the sick and debilitated, aa well as those who are exposed to unfavorable influences of climate name ly, that the Bitters are an unequalled tonic, an active and thorough specific for every disorder of the digestive, biliary and excretory organs, a reliable means of regulating the discharge of the most important functions of the body, and a supreme protective against intermittent and remittent fevers, and all other diseases to which malaria gives birth. AMUSEMENTS. (JHRUS CAVB. SUMMER NIGHT CONCERTS V0GETJ8 OBCHI8TKA FirTT FLECKS XV-ery Sunday.

Tuesday and I'iidayiilst: INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. QUARTER BONDS OF FIVC DOLLARS EACH, $5 00 EACH. FIVE DOLLARS EACH. S5.00 Win bay a hand at the Industrial Kxhlhl- 10DUO.OI SewXork. KsdiOuarterBoBdiartlelMtesin Four series at.

etnents every veer, until It is redeemed. The followhur Premiums show what any Bond may receive. A quarter bond would reoeii luartar of the below named premiums. on JASTJAKY a 1 premium of SluO.OTO 10.0 inu) tjm lfiuo tlOM SMM S.TU0 S.4OT nsmlnaa of. 1 premium 1 1 premium of 1 premium of premramsof saw each IS premiums of S7 premiums of 1U0 each 8 premiums of to each premiums of at TasI, AFBQift OCTOBEB.

Ossh ROM) S.000 two a.uu s.ono s.tos SMS law SUMO 1 premium 1 premium 1 ntwmiofln 1 mmhtnltf I premimws of tl.OM to premiums of IS premiums of SB premiums of tue 44 premiums of to KW premiums of inv one Isvestliisr hi these bands, has ths tim. faction of knowing that his bond certain to be raid at maturity and further that he assists la bnildina la ths citv of pie of Industry, which will be an ornament and a ot new i ore, a permanent Tetn- nrM. ta aver Amflvii Each bondholder, wntfl his bona at redeemed, la a part owner twenty 4we acres of land situated la the heart of the xitj of Sew York, and estimated to be worth Two aiuhe-n, Feur Hundred Thousand Ttcfisrs. And tkestukuaw which is estimate aseast BevFaalUUana. Tbe excavations for the foundation was oca mraced on the SSth of May, M7t, and ths bnOdins will be ready to receive Qxe froods from the Oantan nisi Eihibmon at its close.

TO Ko investment for people ef small means was eve. offered eqnUin- the Bonds of the Indastrlal Exhibition Co. The bonds are secured bye mortnew, wbicb makes tbe principal safe and eminently secure, and in addition to which each bondholder par. tiaipstes four times a rear la ths sf pre anlnaaa above named The difference between these bonds and a lottery ticket, ia, in a lottery the bolder mart lneehiit money or grew a prise, wans tua nouer of aa industrial Exhibition Bond lose his investment, bnl must have returni to him the principal and a smaO rate of interest added, and te addition, has sn op-ortoplty to draw a pnsniian ranging from ta to trdof Directors and theTrustass ef me are aavmar me most smiaeBt of ths ban! atNjw York, and isoj lbeUTaguarsntes The Oom parry nactresponsfble for sr sent, moeot tt be by check, metal enter, draft XaelBdiastrial Kx- niDinatuo. Otrcmlata sent sn i-.

i A Address. KLUSTHIAL EEIEIT10K KaUlstBemteeTitBitrtja IIW TOKX CUT ft aMiiiiiila' Cosalnsj Annual ft -f tt TH- ttonalSoard' with a BeDresen- From the Hew Tort Timet. Aug. A special meeting of the National Board of Steam Navigation was held yesterday afternoon at the office of the board. No.

40 Burling sup, to make arrangements for the forthcoming fourth annual Baseting of the association, which will take place in the Metropolitan hotel, beginning on the 31st intt. and ending September 8. On ths Slat the executive committee are to meet and prepare their report, which will eover their transections, not only for the past year, but since the or. Snization of the association. It promises to very interesting.

The National board will be In session on September 1 and t. The association is composed of steamboat aad steamship owners in all parts of the United States, representing 600,000,000 of invested capital. It was organised in Louisville five years ago, and now consists of a national board, and local boards in all the principal lake and sea ports of the Union. xne pnncipe bwt ui viu ixnuo imiura the board wiU be the proposed repeal ef the steamboat act of congress of February 28, 1871. which steam vessel owners have beau fighting since it passage, to overthrow.

They claim that by its provisions all sorts of useless patents have been foisted upon them, involving them in an immense expense. They JZHSLJZriZZrZEL iu T. rTX; Zr- boilers. Boats plying on some of the West ern rivers are botnerea by a deposit or mna on the bottoms of their boilers, which retained the heat so as to bum out the bottom and render the boiler liable to burst This touted anom as a ncetext under the law. to compel owner of steam vessels everywhere to purchase mud arums, at a cost tou yum.

Instead of rehevma the boilers, the drama increased the deposit of mod, and this fact being brought to the notice Of the super vising inspectors, uie oiaer surugBea, bot cot until 80.000 had found their way into the Dockets of the patentees. One of the insi ectors was subsequently discov ered to be interested ia the patent and was diwharced from the service. Another exam ple given is the patent steam-gauge, whose use was discontinued after large sums had Veen scent on it by steamboat owners and it bad proved to be utterly worthless to record the steam pressure. There was a bell attachment to these gauges, which rang whenever the pre sure reached a certain point and a notice teine conspicuously posted that this indicated danger, although it did not a panic was several times created among the paan-gera on board of various boats. Still another example given ia the safety-valve locks, which cost the steamDoat owner nve aouars apiece, andwhrseuee is still obturate nr.

The boat man is obliged to make a requisition for them on the treasury department which forwards the order to tne seal company, who transmit the locks or dered to the supervising inspectors. ccmpamed by an invoice, a duplicate invoice- being rent to tne treasury asparuneni. xne inspectors send the looks to the boatman, who pays for them at the local cu3tom-houe. and the couector iorwaras uie money to ue treasury department through which channel it finally reaches tne Heal Ijoch company. The same locks are sold to tne railroad com paries at tl SO each, and a much better lock is existence wnicn sens at zo cents.

The steamboat men have another cause of complaint in the fact that railroads are al lowed to carry nay ana cotton uncovered. while the law requires them to cover each bale. A similar discrimination in regard to petroleum and other ignitable substances is made bv the law in favor of railway companies. But the most fertile source of dissatisfaction ia the liability clause. If a man owns $5,000 in a steamboat, and through the carelessness of its captain a collision should take place involving $160,000 damages, his private property is liable to his proportionate share of those damages over and above his interest in the boat, and to the entire amount if his copartners have not the wherewithal to bear their proportion.

Many boats in the West are now, on this account, run by limited liability stock companies incorporated under state laws, but if they happen to get caught outside of their state the law becomes operative on their prop erty and person. Most of these obnoxious features have been rendered inoperative by treasury regulations or local decision, which leave a boat hable to all the annoyances of the law when she happens to pass out of local jurisdiction or from the waters of one district into those of another. The object of the convention will be to secure more uniformity and it is thought that this can be best done by a repeal of the old law and the substitution, if mvcesKsrv, of a new one. While the convention will devote all its en ergies to the accomplishment of this main object, a strong effort will also be made, looking to the abolishment of the United States ship- inc commission and a return of the business of that office to the uustom-nouse. xne secretary has received communications which lead him to believe that 150 delegates frcm the various lake and seaport cities will attend the convention.

The Things That Are Csesar's. Amor the many old comic yarns which are floating about attributed to the wrong sources, we recall and reclaim for their rightful owi-tm, says the Tribune, a few that are of dran a tic origin. On an occasion when au affectionate but in-judicious mother had been showing off her children as vocalists and dedaimers, at ths table, Quia, the actor, who was one of the guckts, was heard to mutter, "Oh, the injured xoemcry of Herod!" This has been ascribed to Charles Lamb. Geary Bartley, actor and stage manager in England, need to say with reference to the intelligence of the British public, "You mast first tell them that you are going to do so and so, you must then tell them that yon ire doing it and then that you have done it; and then, jerLaps, they will understand you." This, a ahghtly different dress, has long een on its travels as the remark of Dion Boncicault David Morris, a London theatrical manager, of whom Planche says that he would have been the most perfect specimen of his class in England had he but possessed the talent of a theatrical management observed one morn-ine? at the rehearsal of some music at the Haymarket theater, that one member of the band was silent. Accordingly tie touched him on the shoulder aad asked "Why are you not playing, sir?" "I have twelve rest, sir, answered the musician.

"Best" -retorted the annoyed manager, "don't talk to me about rest! Don't you get your salary, sir? I pay you to play, not to rest sir. Best hen you've done your work aad not in the middle of it This was told of old Astlev. the circus manager, but for a considerable time has been in circulation here as an incident in the career of Mr. John Stetson, man ager of the Howard Atnenjenm, in ixwton. Fast Special Mall Trains.

Frcm the Spring-field Republican. In connection with the fast special mail train to run between New York aad Chicago in 2S hours, some modifications of the present lew England mail service will probably be. made so as to give Boston and all this part of the country the full benefits ef the quickened time to sxd from the West By delaying the starting of the present night train over the Boston and Albany road from Boston till mid night, it can take all mail matter centering at Boston, every night, aad all gathered en route oa the special train at Albany at 8 o'clock in the morning, and such a change will undoubt edly te made, me new xora service oi mans and passengers can still be done aa well by the same train, for though leaving Boston three hours later than now, it would still reach New York at 8 a. or in ample time for southern connections or citv business. Re turning from the West, the fast mall train is to reach Albany about 8 p.

and its New England mails can be brought on by the present servke, and reach all parte of New England doting the next day. If the new fast train, which is to go by way of the New York and Michigan lines, works well, probably a second one will be started over the. Pennsyl vania lines, leaving Aiew I art tne teniae, and thus giving a double daily quick mail service between the' East and the West Prob ably this is, indeed, bat taw becinnsns; of put ting the wttoie mall service oi tae tiuoauy settled portions of the country upon special aRd fast trams that wtu ao tne wnote won or the postoflices while in motion. Beautor Poreey'a Poeltton. fFrou the Helens World, There wit a great deal of true mwardaeas ia that interview of Senator with a St Louia Times reporter.

The tor was not slow in stating that Arkansas was in the best condition, and that the people were iniiy sausneo wun ueir laws ana gover nors. Mr. Dorsey knows that it will not do to misrepresent ns. end that if he remains to public life it must be through the men whom he once endeavored to crush out forever; therefore we observe, this latter day statement "That the people are all pleased, and that Arkansas ia exowine in nrosDentv. etc Throurh which channel will the honorable -representative ia the upper house workhis way into favor, is the question, for most certainly his own bodv will not be noticed when the tune comes for the work to be done.

There are men in the state. not a few of them. who would sell themselves completely for of- nce, who are known as independent Democrats. This class, we have it through the best of authority, are being buttonholed quite extensively by both of the defeated senators, at this wnun. sskssassssaaaaiaMasawaaaBWjBaTBw) Jay Gould's project to start a religious newsDeoer in New York meets with consider- able opposition from the members of the Btock Exchange and the friends of Daniel Uncle Dan ia especially disturbed, and seems to be apprehensive that this new move of Gould's is indicative of bis purpose eventually to found a theological seminary.

I The Becord of Four More Remark- abWAsensioafl If i i giisliinieilea.y We are able to give this morning the reoord iM vu mure esssBaaaoasoi rtoxessor Donald-ann, and to bring his diary, up to ti- when he went baUoosaag ras a pto-IfspfeiWemareasetoaeJy is possible higaffwhiiasft4noiud it always' andNaometimes'eloqueaC The natare and attainments of the man may be judged best, and his progress in serial navigation best traced by giving his notes literally. His verse; while not altogether elegant, shows that there was a dash of romance about the man, audit is therefore worth while to reproduce specimen. A vl Twaai y-TOPBTO'Asosjtaroav made this ascension from Chicago, Jnly 6, 1872. I ascended slow and easy, floating west, then over the lake. Striking another ourrent Iwvewfriedbase; ores; the ottn threw out sOBtetballastjaad -remained stationary, bet movies that I Could tell for about three oftsjrtiof aa hourA Bad a splendid view the city, the burnt district, the lake and surrounding country, and my only wish is that I had words to delineate that grandest sight that human doubt ever beheld? The fallen ruins of ths great conflagration were imposingly black and desolate.

Finally I made a landing lust outside the city, coming dewn so very heltiy hat I scold scarcely tell when I stack the ground. Hadn't been oa the ground five minutes before thousands, as I suppose, were around me. I saw them coming in a black mass as I was descending. TwawTi-rrrTH ASCKN8IOH. "Next I went to Saginaw Orty.Micbigan, filled the balloon about two miles from the city; bnt the gas was poor, and I made a very poor aeeenaiosfc setae; 4gk utel httnney whack, was btrfldUst, aad bnke a keaw scant- iwrtttti litf iffiftR TWIKTT-SIXTH ASCENSION BlmBO A.

THUJTDIS-8TOBM. This ascension was also made from Saginaw, and was in every way a success. I floated northward andkept ascending until it commenced to rain, and Chat stopped the balloon from joing-upsSo I 'remained- about on a hue with the clouds. I saw a thunder storm coming, and that made me feel uneasy, for I could not get above it. The darting and fiery streaks or lightning that shot down tiirough the clouds and passed out of sight far below the deep-toned thunder that followed, almost shaking my italloon, all at once combined and seemed to givo me cheer rather than rear, and 1 enjoyed a most delightful ride in front of that storm.

The clouds seemed to be dispesed in- layers, and it was rapturous to see the lightning loan from eloui down to cloud. Gradually I sank, and, east. inc to clear spot, made a safe landing. Just got packed up when the cloud came over me and the rain began coming down in torrents. At one tune 1 saw a number of colored rings and rainbows between the layers of ctouds the clouds being perhaps a thousand feet apart; and as the rain fell from the upper strata, the sun shone down through an opening in the upper strata, and the reflections were most beautiful.

TWEKTT-SETXMTH AacKKSlOV 19,000 FEET HIGH BEAT THICKNESS OP CLOUDS LAKE SUPERIOfc RAIX, VIST, BAIXBOWS AKO PAB- This was my last ascension from East Sic- inaw, when I went up quite rapidly, end in ten minutes as out of sight above the clouds. 1 found myseir going northwest, toward Lake Superior, but entering the clouds at the height of 4,000 feet, was then at a loss to tell where I was, over water or land. I did not desire getting into the lake, for I can assure you I had as mnch of that sort of experience as I cared for at Chicago. I could hear sounds of ears, and I knew that I was still over land. A roaring in my ears indicated that I was tnouga sun surrounaea on au tides by load a.

I looked at my barometer and found that I was already over fourteen thousand feet high. The thought struck me to measure the clouds, as did Means. Olaisher rnd Coxwell. who, at the height of 20,000 feet, still saw clouds above them, and were not above the clouds until they were 33,000 ni iuku. usy Massac, wnen lie was zj.ihhj feet hitch, saw small clouds at a considerable distiBce a Dove mm.

kept aseending until I was nearlv 19.000 feet hieh. and I was still enveloped in clouds; but all at onoe I felt the upward breeze, and I knew that I was falling. I came down rapidly and made a routrh land ing, so much so as to render my balloon entirely useless. We often hear people speak of rain as coming from the clouds. That is a mistake Sain comes from them first as a mist, and is collected into drops by passing through lower strata of air, much on the same ptinciple on which shot is formed.

Many anxions people desiie to know the dif- ferruto between the rainbows as seen from a balloon and those as seen from the ground. to which I can but say they are variable; the same as those that are seen reflected from iagara Falls or those that are formed upon the crest of the waves called marine rainbows, or like those formed in the spray thrown up by tne wneei oi a vessel. A rainbow is always the same in color, though many mav be the shapes it assumes, a circle, semi-circK dou ble or single; as a wide or multiplied in number as the case may be. Many queationa are also asked about sound. jan you near good up Well, I can hear better than you can.

Sound goes up better than it goes down. The whistle of a locomotive I have often heard when was 10,040 and 1S.00O feet high. I have heard the noise of a train at cart when 7, aad 8,000 feet high. I can bear a man shout nearlv 1,000 feet, butl can not make mvself heard or un derstood unless I am within 400 or 500 feet of the ground, (and I have a wood voice. many can vouch for).

A fog comers sound better than dry air, and clouds convey the sounds still better. The clouds often enable me to hear our band plavhur when I am out of ht of the-earth, perhaps J.UOOor feet high. I am keeping a record of my observations, and bv continued repetition I may be enabled to make thesa etrisCy aeaarate. Many are anxious to know my feehngs, to which can but answer, have always had a feeling so far of perfect It seems that it was a second nature of ronaldson's to want to be high up, whether on the tight tope upon the trapaae-bar, and upon his cards he had Minted the follow ing verse that is distinctively descriptive ef bis natare it is Donaldson's whole soul in four lines: "There's pleasure in a lively trip, when sailing through the air, The word is given, let her go to land I know not where; The view is grand, 'tis like a dream, when many miles irom nome My castle in the air I love, above the clouds to roam." "Many want to know of me if the wind blows hard up there. They do not think that I am carried by the wind.

I go with the wind, and whether I am in a dead calm or sailing at the rate of an hundred miles an hour I au perfectly still; and when I went ten miles in seven minutes I did not feel the slightest breeze, and when I can not see the earth it is impossible to tell whether I am going or hang ing still. After making his third ascension at Sag inaw Donaldson returned to his home in Penn sylvania aad applied himself diligently to Kind v. in order to nrenare himself thoroughly for a letter career during the year 1873, where we will find him engaged in the transatlantic attc nipt and numerous other ascensions that have a history far exceeding to interest any that he had made up to that date, wnen be partially ceased mere exhibiting and prepared ior experimental ascents. The Bemaace of an Opal Necklace Marietta Bemy, a beautiful girl, who had led ramer a gay me, mea rans tne otner aay, She was known among her friends as Opal, from the fact that she always wore a very handsome opal necklace. This necklace was given ber bv her first lover, who.

at the time. said: "You know that opals are gems which uw. jiAjr im msepaxBDie, xrom tnese, hen you see them become dull and die. too, shall be at the point of death." One day they thought the were weary of each other, and separated. But after he had gone, Mark tte found that ber love for him was still ardent, and she sought to recall him.

It was too late; he had left the country. She con soled Herself however, by looking at her neck lace and saying: "The opal still lives. 1 shall fee him seam." But about a month since the opals began to grow dull; then, one by one, they lost all their lustre aad became dead. A few days ago but one remained, and that gave only a faint reflection. "He is shout to die," thought Marietta.

She fell into profound melancholy, and said "Then too, must die." And when one evening the last opal gave Ha last gleam she took poison and died. The same day this telegram from Luchon reached Paris "Paul Bordav. ill her. for some time back, died yesterday." Paul Eorday was Manette a lover. A Mysterious DtMppestrttnee.

From the Denison (Texas) Cresset.) On the 26th of July a man named William P. Ehnan left Denison on a stock train for St Louis. He disappeared very mysteriously in the nation and it is supposed he was murdered. About the time be left here, a man was found murdered at Muskogee, and a man was run over by the cars which his friend thinks inirbf have been Ehnan. He was very steady: in his habits and when he left here had a letter of introduction from the brotherof A.B.

Bales of this dty, to his brother in Illinois, requesting htm to give Xlman wbrk xxi his arrival. The missing man has two children living with a man in the East part of town, whom he intended to send for as soon as he got located. The mother is dead. All endeavors to get any cine to the missing man so far, have been futile, and perhaps his fate will alwaya remain a mystery, like hundreds of who hate gone Into the country and disappeared by the SBsasHint' hands. and Weekly, TEST ST.

LOUIS DISPAlX6SaAr TERMS. 1 per 0 40 to .4 un8 HMI Clubs of AH corumnntcsrtorti ahcmld be addrean-d in TOO am ST. LOUIS DISPATCH OO. thing itself, bat a good deal in the relative profits. Km -whom astute signed for Uie ministry" should' be careful how they take np the profession ef arms.

Xz seems to us sobuvJted'tfai eljra-. pnybfHiaTtSuntfy mlgtt ment as a translator at the telegraph of-I fruiii that quarter preseat tbsunost "1 druma of the da.uj muse S. iJ IvJ It Is worth while to be an Ettgllshtaan when the la 'away rom -bis Tiativeiand, The Britiab minuter to Qtk waskept waiting la ma ante-room by a Chinese viceroy, and a fleet would have avenged the insult, if the viceroy had not promptly apologised. It is quite -otheiv wise in America, since the Radicals have in power. 1 'Tot leading banks of Peru, the Na-cional and the at have agreed to suspend specie payment of their obligations, until they may be enabled to procure sufficient coined money for their necessities." When the greatest gold-producing countries the world fail to yield metal enough to furnish an adequate currency basis for local uses, what supreme folly it is to talk about returning to specie payments.

The gold banks, it is evident, rest upon the most uncertain and insecure foundation of all others. Many people will be grieved to learn that the condition of Mrs. Lincoln has not really improved, notwithstanding ths representations recently made by Mrs. Myra Bradwell and her husband. The story of conspiracy and ewtrage has certainly been exploded, and it appears that the excitement occasioned by the agitation of the subject has had an injurious effect upon the unfortunate lady, as her mind is more perturbed than when the physician in charge of the Bellevue asylum made the hopeful statement which was so widely circulated by the press.

Jottli-ab has accomplished his mission in Spain. There appears to be now a strong probability, at least, that Seo d'Urgel has actually surrendered, and the proportion of officers to soldiers, among the eight hundred prisoners that were taken, would be remarkable if the war were not in Spain. This success is glory enough to last Jovellar a long time, and In aaln perminmon to return to Cuba, as his presence in Fpain, is no longer necessary. It may be shrewdly suspected that he is anxious to get away before the Carl-fets' week shall come again, and the tables shall be turned on the Alphonsists. Thz news from Europe is important and interesting.

The rebellion in Khokan, which was announced as having been quelled a while ago, is now said to be spreading, and the Russian government has its hands pretty full The Turkish insurgents are also prospering. They are so confident of success, that they reject the intervention of the European powers, and demand the independence of Bosnia. These insurgents are getting to be very troublesome people, to their neighbors as well as to their rulers, and it daily becomes more evident that the snarl in which the Eastern question is caught will not be easily unraveled. Thxbe are many grave defects in our present telegraphic system, of which no practicable means of relief are immediately apparent and it is the existence of these defects no doubt which has produced the conviction in many minds that the only method of arriving at needed reforms is to bring the telegraph lines under the direct control of the government. It is argued that in this way the individual monopolies that operate as a burden upon the people will be supplanted by a system representing no special interest and administered upon the minimum basis of economy; but.

the experiment has already been tried in England with anything but satisfactory results, and it is much to be doubted if the plan would work any more acceptably, if as well, in this country. The London Tim says that government telegraph there has become "a heavy and increasing permanent charge upon the finances," a losing business in fact almost from the start, and getting to be more so as its facilities are enlarged, and its patronage amplified. That the system could be brought any nearer to a self-supporting standard in the United States, with its immense area of territory to be supplied, cannot be credited for a moment. Is argues very little confidence on the part of Bt. Louis In its boasted metropolitan char acter that it makes such urgent dam ad for lightning postal communication with New York.

To Chicago, of course, it is an absolute necessity to have the speediest possible communication with aome reputable and responsible city; but Bt. Louia ought to be above the necessity of asking it. Detroit FreePmt. But St. Louis doesn't ask it.

A very-wrong impression has gone abroad in relation to this matter, although it has been partially corrected by the press. All that Mr. Filley, the St. Louis postmaster, and thoseco-operating with asked of the department, i thai' this city be supplied with ordinary mail service, similar to the double daily service now existing between New York and the Northwest. We do not enjoy those facilities at present, oyer the regular postal routes to say nothing of special fast trains for extra accommodation.

It is certainly the right of St. Louis to ask this much, not only as a matter of justice to herself, but in behalf of that vast domain to the 'West and Southwest, Which is tributary to this commercial center, and the commercial Interests of which are rapidly augmenting bt magnitude and importance. At present, only a sinsla dsily line of railroad postal service, which Is of no avail to he West, exists upon the Pennsylvania railroad between Pittsburg sad St. Louis. to I who appropriately dates from the Bible House a letter, offering to lay a wager'tin the sobject Governor Tiklen'p 'repeal cuuuiuuu, is aeiernunea mat xuaen must and, shall, be aflJUcted paralysis.

Although- yorf see hlm'goW around so," fcrjrs Hol ii effect fhia pwpp here Tfai'toes not know does be believe As tar mt ha 'm swere, his appetite is good, bis nerves and notaries ere in excellent order, his digest ive apparatus works wen, his brain' Is -healthy, 'anjl his (tenesmi physical condition. is sound) but this New York physician insists upon it that ha partial paralysis of his left optic nerve and the wbolaxaster serve of hie lat ski, and that this paralysis may end in fmB.par; alysis at any moment. Dr. Holmes not only makes this assertion, but he proves it by betting or offering to bet, which is the same thing that it is true. Leaving out of view the quite reasonable supposition that the New York physician is only attempting to advertise himself into notoriety, it wiB be a sad thing, and a damper upon the political aspirations of the average American, if our presidential aspirants are to be killed off by such premature investigations into their physical condition.

If this sort of thing had been started sooner, the country would have suffered from the lack of candidates as well as presidents, it mignt easuy have been shown," for instance, that old Zach. Taylor had an appetite for cherry pie, which might at any moment throw him into cholera; that Gen. Scott's digestion had been permanently impaired by a too hasty plate of soup, and his ability to take his seat destroyed by a fire in the rear; that Frank. Pierce had a propensity for falling off bis horse, which might at any time cause bim to break his neck; or that Abraham Lincoln's skull was not strong enough to withstand the sudden impact of a pistol balL Because of such unpleasant possibilities, we must object to this newly discovered plan for putting an end to the presidential aspirations of our prominent politicians. But, if it shall be admitted as an element in the approaching campaign, and if it shall be decided, under Dr.

Holmes' wager that GovernorTilden has had a partial paralysis, win he anxious to go a little farther, and to bet that that same paralysis is contagious. We will forfeit $1,000, or any other sum, if the New York canal ring has not become paralyzed by contact with Governor Tilden, and if numbers of his political opponents have not suffered in the same way, and will leave the decision of the wager to the people of ths state of New York or of the United States. CONCERN IXG BURGLARS. There is an old story about some one who wrote a cookery book, in the time of Dr. Johnson, and the book contained a recipe, among others, for cooking turbot.

"First catch your turbot," was the begin ning of the directions. A similar recipe for the treatment of burglars would render necessary an answer to the difficult question, how shall we catch our burglars? This is a very important subject of inquiry at the present time, as burglary has become not only one of the fine arts but one of the prominent industries of the age. As burglary is an out-breaking, as well as an in-breaking crime, it is necessary to be careful how we treat it, especially if we happen to come in collision with the burglar. Presence of mind is the first requisite, although we can get along without it very well when our houses are burglarized during our absence. In this event, it is best to mention the matter to the police, who will send the detectives to work up the case; The detectives wiH at once invent "theory," and win shortly announce that they have a "clue," which they wUl vigilantly keep our of the view of the reporters, and wiU finally inform-us that the job was the work of "professionals," which ought to be highly satisfactory to us.

We will at least have the consolation of knowing that our absence of body has relieved us of the necessity of exhibiting our presence of mind, and the pleasure of bragging about what we would have done if we had encounter cd the burglar. If we do meet the burglar, that is quit. another matter. We are very likely to meet him, if we keep a terrier dog in the house, unless we huddle the bed-clothes over our heads, or hide in the closets. when we meet him, it is important that we should know exactly what to do and how to do it, especially as burglars have a peculiarly inconvenient habit of breaking houses at night, and of carrying weapons with which to defend themselves It may aa well be stated, in the first place, that there are several things that we had better not do.

The nrst and chief of these neg ative actions is this We should nanrer attempt to Btop our or to interfere with him in any way, unless we are quite sure that we ean do the job effectually. If we area woman, it win not do at all to display our heroism by rushing at a burglar empty- handed and bare-armed, as he will be likely to hreak our head or do us other serious injury, and ahaJL gain nothing by the sacrifice. A' woman's best weapon is her tongue, with which she may mildly request her burglar to vacate her premises, or may give such aT blood-curdling screech as may. scare him away and as is sure to bring assistance. As for the ptetol, the DrariTCH is decidedly of 4he Opinion that 1 a woman had better not attempt to use i that deaalv ain- strument, as it is much move likely to kill herself than maim the intruder.

There may be women who Can be and have been trained to use revolvers with safety to themselves and damage to other people; but they do not number Ofle Da. BanwtT lam induced by a I duty tothe suffering to make a brief statement -f if tbe working of yonr medioine on myself. Fog levrral yean 1 had been affected with eorae tronble of nf several veare 1 had tieen affected with eonoe tronhle in the biadaer ana urinary organa whiob soma twelve months ago culminated In a most terribly at ecting disease, which the physiciana all said was a prostatic stricture in the urethrals also inSaipme-tionof the kidneys and bladder, and gave tt aa their opinion that my age 78 years would nrevect my freiung ihwui a xuma fcneu a nnmcer rbyaicians, and bad taken a Urge quantity of medicine, both ailopatti te end homeopathic, but had got no relief. I had read of astonishing cures having: been made by year remedies, snd some four months seo read a notice in the PhUadolphe Saturday Evening Poet of a enre having been effected on a person who had long been su Bering ss I had been, I went right off and get asms ef each yonr oaraaparilla Besolvent. Ready Belief ana Regiilauxig Pills-end commenced takiM til am.

Is three days I was teatly retteved. and jow feel as well ss ever. aW. MOO. OmnlnnaM.OhIa, Dr.

Radwas Regufating Pills perfectly tsstsleas, eleranOy eoa mm. regulate. Dnriiv. eMani eoatedwlth isejtand i Badwayw Puis, for the curs of all Ktomach. Liver.

Bowels, Kidneya, iJiaeaacs, Headache, tXmMipanon, re Bladder. Kervons Oostivenem. la. aigeevK BUiuuiuess. Btiions rsvsc.

rwela. Piles and all StrtMfc menta of the Internal Visrers, warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, eontabuaf ne mercury, minerals, ot aslstertons drugs. Sr Observe the plowing; symptoms resultinaT -f'ic9aauttton? Inward fntFnreeor the rUood to the Read. AeMlty of Ue fMomaoh,, Heart.

Twrn. luigua oa oi-a, gminass or weignt ut use iHomsca.Boar or ri utterlnn i ths ot tris H-ntsan, nwunming er tl tbe Ferried and IM1 flHeney of nrsiara eon, Ysuewpsas of the and den system frem sn tne seeee amed dsacasfw, aata Bead ens Wttaatatap to R1DWAY a warren street. Kew Tork. LaformaUon wast. Brooklyn Argus.

is wiU be sent yea..

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