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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 45

St. Louis, Missouri
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SUNDAY MORNING ST LOUIS POST DISPATCH -MAY 10. 1903. 9 B. WRECK COST SIR WHY IT'S THE PLACE POPULAR SONGS COME FROM "TIN PAN ALLEY?" WHERE THE Oil ARID LMDS? Agricultural Experts Investigating This Problem in Northern Texas. Sir Thomas Lipton Fully Insured Against All Losses to His Eacing Yachts.

COLLECTED S60.0C0 ON SHAMROCK il sales of the songs they make famous. For the money that makes the eon publishers wealthy Is not the money they receive from the singers of the songs. Songs are given free to them. It is the public the dear public that pays for it all and keeps Tin Pan Alley prosperous- A singer sings a song. The audience li taken with It.

What home Is so humble that it hath not a piano? The tender ballad that made the young woman you took to the theater cry is for sale In the great department stores and by all music dealers. The young woman can hardly wait till the stores open to rush off and buy a copy. The songs that appeal to the sentiments, such as "Don't Wear Your Heart on Tour Sleeve." 'The Little Lost Child." "Only a Bird in a Gilded Cage," and the like, are the sorgs from which money Is made by the publishers. It will be rememterei that every piano In every home had a copy of thes or "After the Ball" or "Just Tell Them That You Saw Me." or similar effusions uoon It. Some of the coon songs are hummed and whistled by everybody, but are bought by comparatively few.

Vv.t a coon that Is quaint such as "Under the Bamboo Tree." 'The Congo Love Sorg" and "You Can Fool All of the People Some of the TIm." have big home sales, where the money lies. "Mr. Dooley" was so simple both In SECRETARY WILSON BELIEVES SOIL IS PRODUCTIVE Dr. Knapp Cites the Case of the Cali Becent Accident to Shamrock III Likely to Cost Underwriters LONDON, May 9. Insurance companies, which assumed the risk on Sir Thomas Lipton Shamrock III, are Taemoaning their fat already, although the risks still -have eleven months to run end Sir Tbonsas has paid an extraordinary premium.

1't, plaint of the underwriters, however, brings words and music that the fact interfered out one Interesting fact not generally sus pected, namely, that the many disaster suffered by the various Shamrocks har not cost Sir Lipton himself an extra cent. fornia Eice Lands, Once Con- sidered Valueless. Special to the Poit-TMspitch. HOUSTON, May 9. Dr.

S. A. Knapp of the United States Bureau of Agriculture Is In Houston on an errand of exceptional significance to Texas. Dr. Knapp has recently traveled through China, Ceylon and Corea for the purpose of ascertaining what uses are made of arid lands In those countries, and especially to Investigate the culture of rice, lie has subsequently made trip through Tennessee tor the purpose of seeing what application can be made of what he learned.

Secretary Wilson accompanied him. Concerning the trip and Its purpose Dr. Knapp said: "The section of country through which we traveled in Tennessee Is excellent tobacco land. It might be described as the foothills of that mountain range that pushes down into north Alabama, north Louisiana and Mississippi through Tennessee. It is a section that has not been considered valuable as a farming country.

It has a subsoil of red clay, covered by a light loamy soil, not deep, anywhere from five to ten inches deep. It has been proved by the demonstration farms and methods to be very fine lor tobacco production. Thousands of acres of these lands had been deserted as not being rich enough to cultivate in competition with lands accepted as much better. 'Texas has thousands of acres in the greatly with its sales. For while its composer made FiO.WiO out of It, his profits would have been considerably greater had it been easily remembered.

It is during such days as these In spring, gentle spring, that Tin Pan Alley is at its busiest. The actors are back In town and nre preparing for next season's productions. The noted figures of minstrelsy and musical comedy can be seen in Tin Pan Alley these days looking for new songs for next season. It is the songs, and generally the Interpolated songs that make the show a success. Unless It have good Jongs, brilHant dialogue, funny situations and Una cos Marie Cahill.

Song-Hunting. Mi rikm tan The recent accident to Shamrock 1H wa very similar to that suffered by Shamrock II year before last, and that sraanv up cost the Insurance companies nearly' tJ0.m, or 1 per cent of the total Insured value of the big yacht. The total sum for which Shamrock II was underwritten wa SJW.OCO, the premium amounting to 16 for twelve months. Shamrock II not only experienced aster when King Edward was on board. but she suffered considerably from the weather In crossing the Atlantic, and later she lost Some of her stores In a fire at the dorks In New York.

These casualties led to further claims for salvage of a littis over 33 "per cent, so that at the end of his season Sir Thomas recovered some WOW) from those to whom ho had pail The Insurance companies were verv reluctant to assumo any risk- on Shamrock HI. but Kir Thomas finally placed a totsl policy of paying 10 percent, spainst a ra'e of only 4 li per on Shamrock II in 1901. Shamrock I ar.o II are Insured at 7 guineas jr cent, these making a total premium for the thre boRt for the IS months' Insurance l33. KhniriKirli Ttr scr'dtnt Is llkelv to rout tumes and scenery will not save it from failure, while a few "njrs that set the audience humming and singing will assure success for the dreariest production. Paula Kdwardes Is to star In a new musi cal comedy by the authors of Erminie.

It is to be called "Winsome innle." She wants two songs to interpolate in it. She may be seen in Tin Pan alley listen ing attentively while the house singer bawls a few new ones for her and the house piano player, a sulky young man addicted to cigarettes, pounds the clashing accompaniment. Dan Daly Is rehearsing in "John Henry." He wants a good melancholy-funny song to the companies at least the full amount of these totsl premiums. The season young and underwriters wi'l see their total premiums returning to Sir Thomas' pockets wun 11 monms or pofsiuio am casualties still to come. Once placing his yachts In commission and paying his insurance pfroluitw.

rtir Thomas ran depend upon the inmirsnrc companies to protect him from an ioss thereaftfr. The numerous tciegrsms wnin upper eastern part of the state akin to the lands that have become 'proven' sections in Tennessee. "While on this trip Mr. -Wilson empowered me to carry on the work in Texas to get at the available land of that character that is good and valuable land for the purpose. You can get a.

pretty good idea why this should be dor.e when I tell you that this country now imports of tobacco annually. This work and its prosecution is all arranged for. It his been under consideration for foms time, and to have mentioned It earlier would have been premature, but not so now. He also has directed me to or rather to inquire, into that semi-arid region of Texas and the northwestern with a view to making it valuable bv finding a crop that will flourish upon it a crop that will make the land valuable instead of almost worthless, as it nowappears to he. or is considered.

There are almost whole states in the northwest made up of these lands. Their boundary lines are so Ion? that they can not he sjiven. Tt appears to be a big undertaking, but. as thev say nowadays. I am "up against if and "will do the best that I can.

The case is similar to that of the rice lands of our ooapt rountrv. onlv few years ago. They were, regarded as practically worthless, except to hold world together. Now they are fold anywhere from t20 to or more per acre for the growth of rice. Tn other words, a burden upon us is turned into one of the great wealth producing factors of the section.

Millions now come from a jmurce that was formerly worth, nothing. If we can turn this great arid into a pro-ductivt territory. th l'mlt of its value can not be measured now. Almost the same mny be said of the. tobacco lands of Uan Twurine In itnon Eir Inomn with him lu his rrcat lo suit his funereal personality.

Lew Dockstader will head his own minstrel company next season and he Is a daily visitor to Tin Pan Alley. He thinks he has found one winner already in "I Takes My Fo'ty Fo' and Blows 'Em Down." The murderous melody of a darky desperado. Blanche Ring thinks her song for next season, "In a Cory Corner With the Girl I Love." will be a worthy successor to "In the Good Old Summer Time." She found it in Tin Pan Alley. Paula Edwardes is best pleesed with "Dust of Dreams." a quaint htile lullaby and "Be the Sunlight of My Heart," an American Indian love song, both of which were first dinned into her ears in Tin Pan Allev. least one humorous1 have, therefore, at aspect.

This is "Tin Pan Alley" you can tell by the sounds. The "Problem Solved. From the FaUlaiore American. I Onre rnvno a time there llted ormn wnnie wa a Wr-r were rot mate. The Center of the Song Publishing Business in This Aril r.p'.tliT wna bT n.iro.

Hw irith was a tnirfU, cut on the id: Marie Dressier, the Infectious, magnetic Marie, has recovered her worrfed bloomine health and now seeks In Tin Pan Alley a Country Is in New York, and It Gets It's Name From the Jangling of Pianos That Are Banged and Rattled There Day and Night as New Songs Are Being "Tried On." successor 10 juy susie nna ana other songs she made famous before she was taken ill. Marie Cahill visits the lair of ragtime at least once a week. True she has the world to let anything escape its nets. A few methods of Baxter street obtain. Flaring signs proclaim the fact that the genius who wrote "Them Cruel Words I Cant Forget" is on the premises at this number, while another house puts forth a bulletin to tell the passer-by, whether seeking songs or' not, that "Ben Jerome," Ren Shields and Jean Schwars ar "Always In." Pullers-in and barkers stand In front, of the music shops.

They are supposed to know everybody, the serio-comic queen that slips up from the Dewey after matinee, looking for' "a hot one," or they hail In a siing with Tne Congo Love Song, her rtin was p-cetwUUy absent. Ht akin resembled that of the l.thter i a MeiiJin dog. and her ooior waa own tvi'lr th-ao tbat of a brickbat. She bad ra.) all th Information sil, d'rwtions on the how-to-be-beant If nl. She had aent her food itKorr to the be i doctors everywhere.

not the oiIt irsaon slie vio waa tbat In corret niet Itm her orlnlraliy nalure ii 1 aimed at the limit ar.d bll the baW's-ere. One dT alia wea welkins iKmi roa.J tw. borne whan sue tfcat the flx-t mined a railway tilamHns at br watch, she found tbarit 'i running. Rot the trains war. She beard a famt whHtle rbe 5iran-" rtl "The Glow Worm and the Moth." and "The Melancholy Marshmallow." But If there's NEW YORK.

May 8. Strange are the any other good new song that suits her Dersomailty lying around loose In Tin Pun a melan- ways of Tin Pan Alley. Great is the in Pan Alley In their spare hours looking for the songs that will suit them beet. "Under the Bamboo Tree" and "Nancy Brown" augmented Marie Ca hill's fame. Dan Daly looks for choly funny ecng.

Alley Msrie desires to clinch It for next saVon. fluence of Tin Pan Alley upon our coun try's For here they are conceived. originated, brought forth and spread The Good Old Summer Time" and "The magic lanterns and slides illustrating their McGIffln, of McGiffln and McGuffln, Mthe know onca that It waa th ni broadcast. Belle of Ayenue made Blanche Ring a celebrity. now doing songs to performers who do that sort of king-pins of eongs and dance, Tin Pan Alley Is part cf Twenty- So you see that Twenty-eighth street between Brondway and Sixth avenue is Tin Pen Alley and a most important place.

You know that Paula Kdwardes, Dan Daly, Lww Dockstader and Blanche Ring will liter next season In new plays, and if the sonjs are successful their snows wi.l be successful also and if so 111 wi'l be due to the bustle and hustle of Tin Tan Alley, where the songs comefrom. eighth fclreeet that lies between Broadway Bert Williams, the best of negro come- and Sixth avenue. Here center the song- NECKLACE COST. Mrs. "Ralph ATivian Intends the Costl Banble for Her Future (Copyright.

by the Pres TnblMilns Co.) LONDON. May 8. The mother of young Marshall Roberts of New York, Mrs. Ralph Vivian, bought at Christies, for 1113.000, the famous pearl necklace which belonged to the late Lady Henry Gordon Lennox. She intends it as a weddirfg present for her future daughter-in-law.

Miss Murray. All the leading European' dealers competed with Mrs. Vivian, but she bid them a neat white-faced act at Proctor ana drag him on to a cafe to "ball off." and, while they ply their hospitality at their firm's expense. Impress hlmfthat they have got the song for him that means encores or there's nothing to it. t-hln rrp ta 1 in

t.x off fcer tiaw P'r-rr bat and v-aT-d It fraotlcwllT at the imrm Seafns tha oetertul nation In ber a. t'--ln ske roUrbt liae lr on the if he didn't rtop. tie eturlueer applied the a.r!f.' ard the 'ere ler and atopitd. Wbn It hecama knewn ahe had aa'1 (- train, and p-rhapa tbe IIe ot nmor I'rvm. waa a heroin.

And when the pat came next day. li SL alie waa and pretty." And he wept for Joy to know that at laJt wlxh had cocie tra. A new system of wsrrolnr th corpr. merta on an railway la beirj cr.nsiata of cylinders rcfU with thing. These slides ar photographs taken fltim life and colored twice as natural.

They-cost a great deal of money, as actors and costumes and scenry must be specially supplied for each picture, and eometimes there are twenty pictures to Illustrate ono song. OftUmes they will pay the salary of a singer of their songs thalt goes out with a burlesque troupe. And more than once it has been said tVit certain singers get a percentage on tho The song publishers will advertise glow For Shame! From tho Cornell Widow. "It's all erf." said the nan ss the lt button of his bathing suit gave wsy. TTUm im mtateA tn he ffWlDC forth ing descriptions of their new songs In the publlshlng houses of New York.

It gets Its name from the tin-panny sounds of pianos that are banged and rattled there by night and day as new songs and old are played over and over into the ears of singtng comedians, comic opera prima donnas and single soubrettea and "sister teams" from vaudeville. Now, "Tin Pan Alley" is considered a term of reproach by the Tin Pan AUeyites. They prefer to designate it as "Melody rnf." But this Is a poetic fancy that theatrical papers and give notice that they will send free professional copies and i i frr rewinding nwiw 'if lo twth In prfiiroe and OTietr.iral mmii(iltvn nw ovcovereu id Tlly near Mlllnu. Avyroa, i'raw. all down.

The necklace is composed of about three hundred perfectly matched The publishers provide, free of cost, i. VominAM The medicine men thrie- pearls, equal in beauty, if not in number, to the noted Vanderbilt string. PDOlnted a day ana wannu. nou lay with the functionary or minister who gave her the invitation. On this point, an thoie who go down that way to hear th hie.

screaming hits" do not Indulge ast stick was thrown away, each wenneti SACRED RELICS OTERO'S EXPULSION i v.nv to the too of the mountain. 1 ney ARKANSAS HAD THE DBOP. waited long and well. investigation Is oruer. But, an witn trie tiara of Saltapharnes, none Is prohahle.

What a scandal there would be If It was proved that the invitation came from the austere Pelleton making merry, or even A Story Intended to Illustrate the Av "When the sun Became low in iro great snake came from the Weet likened the country around about ll' in. There ere styles and fashion In songs. Y'ears ago they used to run to old wooden things. "Down In front of Cw7' old bnwra woedtn T.e Wvand Kirls of erenlngi there would form Berer.ger himself. Otero's rage knew no bounds, and ID A mountain.

The medicine men won frightened, but stood their ground. Then. OF THE AROUSES PARISIANS erage Citizen's State iTiae. From the New York Tribune. Secretary Shaw tell a story that illus tratcs the state pride that thrills the aver it or, Several traveling men gain- then she has been at home quite ill, denying ame c.nv at thunder ana o- lghtnlng that almost Minded the lu herself to the French pres.

In reply to a telegram from the she sent the following men. Then a cars cioun apprart-u. fed in a hotel, and they fell discussing II at once there eppearen out oi n.t dark cloud a iMindle, which was hanJl Monsieur received your leifgrum, ar.u regret that illness prevents my receiving to the old men. The hands homing merry group. Tt As he looked that old woodoo clock.

'It lielonged. I to TOM graDdms, ia "Don't put It, 1 bet you. in hock! No Other Incident of King bundle were all that could ne seen, resembled the hands of tbe old rueuici i man who had tiled. you. Here are tne tacts in tne case.

"I had an Invitation In my own name fname underlined), to occupy a chair In the orchestra. fTpbably my beauty my TV.n Mm luiubrlous songs about subse Jewels, modesty as'de, annoyed some of These "Relics quent grief attendant upon the recent ln- Creeks Assert That Mysterious Brass Plates Are Thousand Years Old. Special to the Pot Ilspati-h. EL7FALA, May 9- The two rnost Derail r.ll... I tyn MtiHkoaree.

t.rment of loved ones. "WTiy via iney Edward's Visit Caused Such a Stir. Special Cable to th Poat-Eispateh. ions tvr tha Press Publlalilnj Co.) 1000 Year Old. "As soon as the package containing fl" m.

rtt-nv So DeeD?" Was tciiled bv a Pinkerton Man," and the like- those laaies. An oner was maoe to cnange my seat, but this my Spanish blood would not pernUft me to accept, and. finding the whole proceedings so discourteous, 1 preferred to cult the theater." She Is not appearing on the stage anywhere at present. EDWARD HAD TO REPEAT plates was delivered the cloud move! away and there was a clear sky. Th old men look their charge back to their square house and hid tt until the Then came marital infelicity songs, and with those slides.

The House Is Very Tnelv Since Nelly Went Away," 'Tempt Taoia 9 The expelling of Otero i v. i i ik. To.ka. their annual celebration or green c.rrt from the' Comedie Francalse on the night ni. performance in honor of King die in U.e r.cFIIIR 'L par-chen clan.

Charles a Cretk citizen, writing of the relics, says: ed by Gold She Lieft Her Happy Home." dance, when the plates were introau. Edward has caused-and still is causln- "Phe Left Her Child and Husband and With a Villain Fled." and so on. Then Into their festivities. That was 100 years "nd they are st'il i possession of the town of the a greater stir and more newn-. "One of them reaches back to the time of George 11 of Ensland.

This relic has bevn handed down from one generation I no custooiana oi picirs sion than any other inciaeni what are called the Wild clan. ere a great many of these plates, ana ti to another ud to the present time. The visit to Paris. ok. In "Toub Paris." the elite di ruling clan of To-ka-par-chee was hon- Dictated What eH Could Heaieniber of His Speech at Loubet's Dinner.

Cable to. ths Foat-DDiDapatcb. (Copyright, 11W3, by the Press Pnltllsblnc Co.) rectory, thus: Otero (Mme. Caroline) lyric orea wun ujng tne cumouian ot i George Primrose Helping Lew Dock- largest ones have chsraciers or S'm kind on them. There are exhibited n'y- on state ocssslors.

once a year. one ha a beautiful sound or ring. is said, when they are used In the dam. Avenue Hieber 90. Telephone num- stader to buy a song.

relic It Kj said to be the treaty between the Creeks and Great Britain; it Is on err muklnc sweet mustc. Alter the anc PARIS. May 9. There was consternation genuine shej skin and was wrapped up At the special performance for the King she occupied a prominent place in they sr taken out. on to each Iran, era are scoured rery bright and placed awjr, at PresJdent Loubet's dinner to King Ed in six lavers of dressed deer skin, un- dians.

sings "A First-Class Jonah Man," ward In the when it wa until the neit year, it is said tnai ir smoked. A long time before the rebellion and the sor.g Is grabbed for by host of the orchestra stalls, where also sat ejae. otnr dlsUngulshed actresses. discovered after the King had made 1 speech that notoody had a copy of it- the noted chief, HopatWe Tohola, wa are very as is known the least slip will result In a sure low of the plate, as it Is said the plate, sr Imitators. After pressing entreaties. Poncn- Suddenly an official of the protocol fhsv- custodian of this relic He wa a friend There 4s a small fortune to publisher and and married a To-ka-par-chee woman. author of a song that makes a hit. And all ing charge of Invitations, Introaucuon. and ceremonies) In President Loubet suite "When a custodian this relic was supposed to part turtle er nsn.

they came to the Creeks through tlovA of mist and will dart here snd there if let loose in th water and will get away." their respective habitats. "1 am irom greatest commonwealth of the world, aid one of them. "1 am from the center of the universe, the headquarters of the moneyed lntersts of the country, the home of the greatest aggrsitions of capital the world has ever known. I am from the state that rules the rest of the country and- furr.iehes the brains of the United States. Without it the 1 nlted States would pale Into insignificance.

I am from the empire sovereignty, the great tate of New York. Where are you "I am from the greatest state in the country." replied the person addressed. 'New Y'orX Is all right In ts way. but it doesn't weigh much without my state to give it being; New York would not be on the map without the means my stale gives to keep going, the actual home and sinew xf business, the plain, hard material for its capitalistic euierprses and the fuel for running the Industries it dominates. New York would not be a greaja pot on the map If it were not for the steel.

Iron and coal for the railroads whim my ttate furnishes. New York may do fairly well, but It couldn't be really great without the products of the great Keystono of the Union, Pennsylvania, Where are you from?" to the next man. "I am from the best commonwealth In the whole wide world." responded the third. "Pennsylvania is pretty good in some respects, and so is New York, but I am from the greatest section on the Lord's footstool. I am from the state that raises people that know how to do things, that furnishes more good Presidents to the nation than any other in the aggregation.

I am from the great tate ct Ohio. Where are you from?" to the next one. "Well." replied the fourth traveler, "all tliree of you need not feel like apologizing for your domiciles, but they are not op to my state by a good long ways. None Of your states could get along without food. The industries of the country would languish, every line of human endeavor would cease, and the world would be at st standstill and the people thereof passed into a.

reriort beyond whereof we know not- Why? Simply because the Vorkers are the real spinal column of every enterprise, and the human mechanisms that operate great Industries must have food. The people in very square Inch of the United 9tat! domain, and the entire world ns well, re dependent on the food surplving resources of the earth, the pabulum from th agricultural districts. I am from the state that raises mure grain the square Inch than, any other -epot on the trth, arid If it wasn't for my state the rest of the states would be practically nothing. I am from Iowa. Where arc you fromr to the fifth.

"I am from Arkansan." refilled the la.t one of the party, whipping out a revolver and pointing It threateningly toward the rest of the group, "and don't any on of you dare bay a word ag in sorts of schemes are devlseod and much money Is spent to boom songs that to the by, private secretary to the King, ventured to ask him If he could repeat the words. The King, surprised and greatly irritated, refused to do so at the time, but aiter-ward. when he was satlstleld that it would be Impossible to puhjieh his remarks unless he did so, he finally consented to ciiciaij stepped to her side and wniei Ji.a.l. a fae vhirJk dying It was his will to confer this honor on a safe msn of his clan, to take charge in her ear. imm') experienced ear of the publisher give prom ise of being popular.

a theater. of the relic, and keep It his lifetime, here on the suo- BREAD DEARER IN PARIS. turning It over to someone like the flrat One succeneful song owned or originated one did. About the close of the civil Vm-. accurately expressed Editor Henri Rochefort.

through the In- by some poor employe of a publishing Poor Now Hare to Pay 19 Cents or ho'ise, the hired piano player of the estab the substance of what he said as he recalled it. and this was telegraphed from Southampton. King Edward never writes out beforehand what he is going to say, and the dirficulty arose this ttme because stenographers are not allowed to be present at state function- In France. war this noted old chief died and conferred the honors on Oood-fellow. This man also became rery ill after a long time and he consulted some of the old men of his elan and they de lishment.

pr-rlULps. may make him a rch transegeant, as follows: tbe nuns have been driven from Fonr-Found Loaf. tpeeial Cai ts th Ft DUpat k. (CopynsM. IKOS.

bs rre Puhliatilsf Cef PARIS. May 9-Th poor of I-art man and establish him as the head of for successful raus.c publishing hoi. of bis cided on a man and the relic was deny Marie Dressier looking good eong. their convents, so has Otero been expelled from her place In the This Insult to an Individual, whose orlme is shameful. ered to him.

This man now Is th cus owtn. This is now un fan Alley grew. Four-fifths of the eong publishing houses alarmed th continual rts la the prU of bread- four-pound loaf now cosu I rents In the poorer quarter and li tni In the rich district. thero are offshoots cf older flrns. Or todian of this sac-red relic Story of the Sacred Plates.

had ss-Id In advance Lutheran Orphans' Festival. On Sunday, June the Lutheran Orphans' Home Association will hold Its n-nusl festimal at Koehn's Grove, opposite O' Fallon Park. The rreakers for the occasion wbl be Revs, lerrbrer. ii 7- offiolal affair a song writer and composer may take the royalties paid them by the house that has The last rise cj aoout 1 rant a pound wavt 'P'f T.a.'Ari lnn rould not be came May Irwin and her vogue coon tongs. Songs nowadays take their rogue from ik.

of some one certain sing due. til' association to 1.1- r.1. would be under "Today tlae Indians look upon this relic as nest to brass or copper pistes that ootatneo. um ftir sn hisher pn ana oporer quality of flour. Sc.

reflef la g-ght, and Marl Antcirw d.rf anrl Sohuessher, ana the prwstdnt of tlui association. F. who wtl' read his annual report. th To-ka-psr-che own the plate er. May Irwin established this condition of are hard to describe, as they are kept in ett remark, "Why rtfjri't a vr sscred vault where none is ai people eat cuke II they hav no bread," i recslled.

It'ls'now Marie Cahill who sets the pace in song The kind of songs she lowed to enter except the medicine man or some old chief The hlatory ot Jbea is ss follows: tine old medicine msn wha hid be followea Dy Bronce sea wC- disgraceful: even If FFtWf rdfcanfrrarTd Dr.r was on trlsl for a breacVof r.M a breach of public decency right matVer, the Athenian were rtrorous toward rhyrne hefor- Chrir-t. Perhsp public mod published one or more hits of theirs and start a song publishing bouse of their own with themselves as a nucreus. To start ft song publishing house needs only an offloe in Tin Tan Alley, some stationery with the naaie of the firm and the titles of Its big sor.g hits, a piano and muscular young man to it. Here Is Tin Pan AUy thn. ar.d here come th singers looking for

This ts a matter Important that musical comedy stars cannot relegate it to an understudy. 8o iown they go In state to Tin Eugene IL Lehman, the young Colorado college student, the first American to Ixi awarded a Ithodes scholarship at Oxford, worked his way through Yale, wheie he g-t employment ss a tutr- at Si a day i nd wheeled an Invalid in chair for 2s rents an hour. His credentials al owed a higher than those aubtuiued by is) suioents. i sar notes! for hei the arrealest among the Creeks. I.efore dytng told some ofr the other medlr-ine men that so day" after the day of de-'-ih, I t'i.

would Textui Attorney Drugsred. JOPL1 N. Mo May -It. Brows, cits' at'orwy of was scion at a ndning In tn Ksic at "hoitom, havirg ben critfalir 111 Htnl had ten vlttlr.g ret-s' at Monett, near her, and waa rq was to Tnaa meet hi mnn the rt pesk A sood eons wlU make the reputation of a man or woman for life. A good singer will make the vogue of a song or of a serto.

of songs. Bo there is a constant strugsle aosr.g on between the publishing houses to singers to sing their songs, while "1 A lnra Tin siegers haunt Tin then or them something ery sr i oul Cm ef rxtn' tanrawt tumaea. tor ye a the towa reatdrae of buac Bolt. famnua Trb VI. esty has Increased since 1 strengthen tteir med 4lBt to ennrh lacKeci Mtiaat All Actually, question th.

responslbOKT se hocbt tor good Fan Alley. Tit Fan Alley cannot afford oix the iner i.

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