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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 30

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

vv EVENING REPUBLICAN, INDIANA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19C6 PAGE THIRTY Help WontedFemale case; the overwhelming major! fnF vmjv iron A ty of correspondents da not get CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY HOME SERVICE representative wanted for Columbu area and Must- have United Press International exe thousands of words, and considerable closeup reporting. "It is a pity that Gen. Marshalr-tiid not acquaint reporters, photographers and cameramen who are jlsking their lives in reporting the warTiartr-saldAt 1east to the front" Leary noted thaUtheovet car, free to travel evenings. Sal- Katie et Flsml Slt Uatat aad Petltlm Btotrlte Notice Is hereby given to the creditor, heir and legatee William B. Bueche deceaed, to appear In the Bartholomew Circuit Court held In the City- of Columbu.

State of Indiana, on the lth day of October 1968, and show ceuee. If any why the final eettlement account of the estate oLaald hould not be MMMji 1 whelming majority of U.S. himself with the UPI file before four press "people" have been cutive said Wednesday the war in Viet Nam is better and more accurately reported, "with more close-up eyewitness detail on jmy- troops do not get to the front, Joining the cliaue that attempts ary ano tr uu pany benefits. Apply peraon lit Indiana Oa and Water Company, 3133 National road ask lor Kenny Klnman. MERCHANDISE FOR.

SAil A actio Sales let Alr-Coa4ltlaiag 11 Aatlqaca lei Aafllaace ft HH Eulameat 1 Faraltur HH Coo4 IM Mailcal Indniment 17 Balo TV Set 1 Ckxhlag Stork Auk IIS either. to smear the press generally in killed and many wounaea in Viet Nam." In his article, Marshall cited Cra Tbaak 1 Mm. 1 Faaaral Director fMral Flower 4 tat n4 Fame Cmwttry Lots, Monument MMtlngi Lodft Nolle 7 Porwaal Special Notice Traaiaortalloa Travel in-efforr-to arnoKe screen VAs does the military with its logistic problems, the media in WAITRESS FROM I n.Htlnn trt diatrW government and military infor Operation Paul Revere II Apply in peron ju Viet Nam have processing, ops. of Swap of An Blade Ill mation shenanigans designed to try to keep the press from coordinating and editing chores rrnHf an vegetable August In mountainous, jungle Good Thing to Eat which must be centered at the countrv. He said that "no doing its Job," he said.

Learv said that Leon Daniel, -EMPLOYMENT ltla Wt4 Female Hch Waaia Mala Male Waat4M er SHaatloM WaMa4 Female Sltuatloa Waatc Mala Atnla-Salfmta Waat4 WANTEDt-DAY earhop and nlsht. waitresses. Uniforms furnished. Good wage. Christmas bonu.

Frlsch' Big Boy Drlv ln. WAITRESSES WANTED. Apply In person at Bob-O-Link Restaurant, communications base In Saigon, but the eatate will be heard at aid time and place and. all heir of -the-decadant and -all-other Interested are requested to appear and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part tf aid estate. Maudie Graham, Administratrix Walker A Conner Attorney Date: Sept.

58, 1966 Oct 6. 13. 1966 understanding of its proportions indeed, scarcely any aware staff correspondent, and 114 114 II 114 in in lis 1M ataraata Sm Balbt Fertillzar Nunery StochvPlaat Fktver Mlicellaaeoag for Sal Mlaeellaneoti Wanted Fuel ft Wood Healing Equipment Bulldln Material junction iii ana w. ness of its existence, though it Involved manv-of their sons- INSTRUCTION-SCHOOLS Many of these men have pressured us for assignments at the front, but all can't go at the same time. -There are many military, economic and social angles of the Viet Nam story Kyoichi Sawada, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer, both of whom have frequently been under fire in Viet Nam, Francis T.

leary, vice- presidentanL execuUyeieditor, made the statement in com-' menting on a charge by retired Brig. Gen. S.L.A. Marshall that the American press "continues to be derelict" in its responsibilities in reporting Viet Nam battles. The Marshall view was in the lead article of the Oct.

10 issue of the magazine The New Leader. "Gen. Marshall's charges are unsupported, generalized and set forth a canard that does a dissercive-to public and to the many devoted was conveyed to the people of 114 IM SumIIc 111 Electric Eaalpmeat Offlce Eulprneat I CarrataoiUaxr Cmim Local laitracUoa Oatte JMaaleal, Daaclaf, Dramatic Jafe Tralalag Privet laatnietlM Waatee Iaitruiloa SS 31 se 17 Tyaawriters 111 Camera Pbota Saatrile IIS the United States." Disputes Contention LADIES: DO you have 15 to 20 hour a week to pare? Make them profitable by selling Avon. Terrltorle available In Columbus, Hawcreek township and Wayne townahlp. Other opening are available from time to time.

Details given by appointment. Call 372-2887. were among 1 UPI staff personnel who personally covered the Paul Revere II action. that must be cqvered, in addition to the battles." The fact is, Leary said, that Other staff men oh the scene the U.S. news services and other media carried accounts durine Ausust included Maurice Blcyclee Motor Scooter 117 Sporting Good 114 ftUtcaJlaaeoai DlipUf 141 FARMERS MARKET: Farm EulB-Sal or Beat 114 Farm E.uloment Wanted III Farm Product for Sal IM Pd Bad Hay IU Mlieellaaaoas Farm SavalMt IM Farm Product Wanted II7- Agricultural DUplay ISS about Paul The UPI Wilmott, Robert Kaylor, Tho WAITRESSES: MUST be 21 or over, experience not essential.

Day or night shifts available. Apply In person to Mr. Hunter, mas Co mora. steohenrVan carried daily reports totaling 1 NOTICB TO TRAFFIC COJKTRACTORSi Notice i hereby given that ealed proposal for the Conduction of certain highway Improvement aa described below will be received by the Indiana State Highway Commllon at its office In the Indiana State Office-Building, Room 1813. In-dlanapoll.

Indiana, until 10:00 A.M. Eastern Standard-Tim on the 25th day of October, 1166, when all proposal will ba publicly opened and read. thereafter. In th Caf e-terla In the basement of the Indiana State Office Building. 100 N.

Senate Avenue, Indianapolis. Indiana. 7 CONTRACT NO. T-7229. Bid are Invito nn rnmnapted Ararrerate Harrison i-axes younuy Meter, Frank Faulkner, all of whom have seen considerable Church-To Host-Superintendent The, Rev.

Tom Williams of UvMKxk T4H Poultry front line action, and several '144 Animal Breodlag CLERICAL WORKERS for the die-- ury department Over 25 year of age. 40-hour week. Every other Sunday. Call Bartholomew county hospital. 378-4441, ext.

60, for Vietnamese reporters employed by UPI. catti Her SVlB Other Livestock Wanted Poultry ft Babbit appointment. 11 11 11 144 14- IM 17 Colorado Springs, general superintendent of the Im-manuel Missionary church, along with the Rev. Allen McVey Cites Examples 7 TRAY GIRLS for the dietary de-. 21 years of "ge.

Junior Pet Column "On the basis of his article," IUSINESS SERVICE Builatii Sarvkci Orfcrca laaaraaM Boii'i )1 Profanloaal Service 'Tallrta Preitlag 41 Waalte BhiImii Service FINANCIAL Bat! Opportaaltle ST lavMtineau, Stack Beatl Meaep to t4 Waaiee to Borrow 4 Tax Service 41 REAL ESTATE Kmc for tt flr Acreaie i Farm, for Sal -r Bailee Frtrtjr laeenie Pre early Other Baal Eatate Bal Eitate Waalc4 1 Baal Ertete for Trad 71 Beat Ettat Dltalay 7J 1ENULS- Aaartmeata Furnlihe 1. 71 Aaartmeata UafMraliheS 74 Moaie for Boat 71 Hotel Motel a Mobil Homo Parking Slaeplag Boom S4 Boom with Boari 5 arm for adaoi a Offlce gaac Vaeatloa Rental Other Reatai Want4 to Beat H.A.C i. Bwe. on-tne-joo training, wui i iuu.u-mw county hoapltal, 3794441 SU. Pet ft Pet Suppllei Veterinary Service and the Edward' of Leary said, "it can be assumed -174 172 H.A.C.

Surface Type ivrain- Animal Boarding 80, tor appointment. Pennsylvania, will be special Airtomotiv Atrcroft loots and Seeding In the Gen. Marshall did not talk to any of these men including YOUNG WOMAN to hare home In town after Oct. 17. 342-3071.

Aircraft 4 Equipment I7S Beat 177 Marino Outboard Motor 174 MatarevelM 14 oeymour fiairici on wis iuiiuw-Ing: BARTHOLOMEW- COUNTT On CD At 9Ch Qtr.tV Jk Wahlns- Danielp' who once filed r- a CURB GIRLS needed. Apply person at Jerry' Drive-ln, 3413" National road. personal report on his experien 75th CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND 3 PER SHARE 2 fromlncomt. guests at the Euzabethtown Immanuel Missionary church at services at 7:30 p.m. Friday, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. ton Street, 8R 46 (Washington ces in a mud-mied trench, Aato Aeceorle Bpal 'M Automobile Painting 11 Glaw-BodyFeader Work 14 Tlr Repair Ik Recapping IM under mortar attack, with dead Help Wanted Male IS ttireet) at iin oireei, Do.u in Columbu. Indiana) Plan and Proposals may be tha Afflxa nt the and wounded troops around SIX CARPENTERS. 84.00 per hour.

Automobile for Hire Mobile Home Camper! IM Utility Trailer 11 Track Paaalo PIckaM The Revf Roland Cruser is Indiana State Highway Comml- him; or Sawada, who once Payable October 12, 1966, to Sharsnolders of record September 23.1368. lon in tne mate uinee nuua church pastor: uaymu, Ohio. Mut have reference. Conuct Jim Fitzgerald; to p.m. Friday only in garage at rear of 1401 Chestnut.

drew the wrath of a U.S. officer because he was out ahead of the troops, In a mine Tractor Antomoblle-TrocVs Wuld IM Autemobtlea for Seal, 17 Automotive DUplay lm LIKE GRAMMA naj. Room 1313, Indianapolis, imMANA STATE COMMISSION Oct 18, 20, 1966 Oct 14, 21, 1966 ST. LOUIS (UPI) -Sherry field, taking pictures." Hamilton Funds Marshall mentioned favorably BEVERAGE SALES TRAINEE TO call on established local accounts. 88,000 plus com- pany car and expense account.

No fee. Mr. Williams. SNELLINQ SNELLING 405 Waihlnaton atreet 372-8451 INC. Lee Barber is the third generation of her family to attend the same Clay Elemen P.O.

ft INI, Otmw, Cthni ttt7 four correspondents he hid met in Viet Nam, including one who Bridge Jacoby-on was said "In any tary Public School. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS' Yor Suallfled trucK anvers. contact: lu River Feed Mills at Edinburg, 526-5507. By Oswald James Jacoby Written for NEA OPEN MOfJ. FRI; U.

his ace. Then South led the, ten of clubs. East rose with the ace oflharnrait and returned a heart South won in his hand WANTED: FARM hand. Steady work with new house. Small (am- Ily preferred.

Good wage. Joe Wertx, 879-8330. II NORTH 5 A74 ft 1 and overtook his ten of diamonds with dummy's jack. This ADVERTISING INFORMATION It'ry place jroer Want-Ad In The Erenlng Republican. Your credit Is good.

Juit phone 872-7811 between a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or a.m. to 1 p.m. Sat-: urday and your ad will start the foUowmg day.

We will send you a (tatemeat en the day your ad itarta. A liberal cash discount allowed for payment within aerea day. If you wUh to eonttnue your ad please call the Classlfled Department before 10 a.m. on the last day your ad I published. If you wish to cancel your ad, Just phono between and 8:30 am: and your ed wul be -taken out of the paper the am day.

Call ui for rate Information or assistance with your ad. YOUNG MAN to work after school and week and. Red Barn, Twenty-fifth street ALWAYS F1R8T QUALITY time East rose with the ace XJ98 410892 1 (D) and led a second heart to dum my's ace. South cashed dum my's last two diamonds, dis WEST AKQ74S -1883? 653 -6 carding a club. Then he led an AQ82 A74 AQ74 other club, toward his own hand AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE Set-up Men for All Types 4 PER hour and 858 week expenses.

Extensive amount of overtime for out-of-state lobs. In southern part of United States. Extremely long term, permanent for th right persons. PMC DESIGNING, INC. 1832 Amberlawn avenue Cincinnati 37, Ohio PHONE COLLECT area code 613, 7614010 for Saturday and Sunday interview by appointment.

An equal opportunity employer. SOTJTH dkAje VKQ Qio: Funeral Directors: BARKES AND INLOW FUNERAL HOME 1029 WASHINGTON STREET PHONE 372-2S1S 1KJ93 North-South vulnerable West North Esst South 1 1N.T. Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3N.T. Pass Pass Pass REED FUNERAL HOME WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Relocate within 30 mile Columbu Experienced talesman only SEND COMPLETE resume to Box 128.

in care of The Evening Re-. publican. All replies kept confl-: dentlal. 3729 25th street Phone 378 3341 Openlnf lead 44 and made his contract Tfr Ufs Suppose The bidding has been: West North East Sooth iT Pass IV. Pass 24 Pass 4 Pass Y6u, South hold: AAK7I5 VA14I4AKT41 What do you do now? A Bid six hearts.

There It bo reasoB. to try for seres since If ysta yartner held too see of dlainonds sad gooi enooi-h hearts to warrant a serea bid be would not hare bid four hearts- over your two spades. today's QiranoN Instead of bidding four hearts your partner has bid three diamonds over your, two spades. What do you do now?" Answer Tomorrow THE r-- HATHAWAY -iW -FUNERAL HOME PHONE 379-4419 1022 PEARL ST. CARPENTER POSSIBLE lead man.

Top pay for the right 342-3445 after p.m. Lest and Found When you hold the ten spot addition to the ace and jack you can be sure of two tricks in the suit if you play your ace on the king or queen. In that situation, when you hold up you aren't executing a Bath coup. You are doing the exact opposite, because you may be throw LOST: LITTLE White terrier with brown ear. Lost In th vicinity or 4-H fairground," Reward.

376-3653. Ptnonds--Spcial Notices GEORGETOWN? MULTI MILLION-DOLLAR COM-r PANY expanding into Indiana from Illinois and Iowa. If you hav sales or Insurance experience, we can offer you promotions high commission tock options and other ring benefit. Send brief resume to Box 137, in: oar of The Evening Republican, for confidential private inter- view. AMERICANA CRAFTS.

Specializing ing away a trick. South saw that he could be in distressed ana anuquec plaques. Custom work on picture. Antique. Organ, stool.

Browse week i dav. Sunday afternoon. On sure of. two spade tricks if-he simply put his ace of spades on mile north of Nashville on 135. 988-7124.

CARPENTER, GOOD WAGES. Call 372-2674. KOTICB OF PUBLIC HEARING The County Board of Zoning; the queenr" Further thought WHY REUPHOLSTER? Fabspray showed that he would not be like STOCK-UP NOW! INFANTS' PLAYWEAR! ly to make his contract if he did restores color to faded chairs, sofas and auto Interior. Neat Paint and Wallpaper. Appeal ha scheduled a bearing; the can of Brlte-Ute Sign Company for Peco Realty wherein a variance 1 requested that It looked to him as if CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING the year -around.

Hob on Monday, beef on-iThurday Call for appoint to erect a 10 23' lgn 88 blgn within 22'S" of the property line and to erect a Blgn -14Lalgn within 83'S" of the property line in Section 11. Townihio North. 122 ment. 528-5100, Knignts rooa i-oc iter, Edinburg. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for three more full and part-time experienced service station ants and mechanic.

Paid vaca-" Hons uniforms. Group insur ance, other benefits. References necessary. No in person only at Richard' Standard Service, 803 Washington street, Co- lumbu. Ind.

TRAINEE FOR variety itore manager. Mutt be 18 and high school graduate. Apply at Scott's 8 A 19, Twenty-Fifth Street Shopping cen- ter. West had opened fourth, best from a five card suit headed by the king. This left East with the ace-queen of clubs and ace of diamonds for his opening club bid.

South would lead a spade Range East, Columbu Town- ATTENTION CLUB GROUPS CHURCHES A PROGRAM, "Sing your way to and West would hold back his nip, on u. u. 31 at approxiraaie-ly 125W. For the puproae of hearing those for -or against the granting of said requeet, the Board of Zonln; Appeal will hold a nubile earl ir October 24. 1966 king.

The next time in -West neaven i now accepting dour- Ing date. For further information write Frank Shay Box 122 in -care of th Evening Republican, 444 Sth Street, Columbu. woulcTcouect three spade tncRs. Buy for now for next too! Cof-tort -poplin crawl abouts, playsuifs, playtogs. Many with colorful appliques.

Boys': girls' sfylesZl Therefore South let East hold that first spade trick and ducked the second spade lead also. A RETIRED MAN, still In good health. Manage plumbing (tore and answer telephone. Salary and commission. Excellent opportunity for right man.

Write Box 129, in care of The Evening Republican. at 7:30 P.M. in the Plan Com-mlailon baiement of the Bartholomew County Court Uouie. Herman Darlage, Secretary. WANT MAJOR QUALITY? GO FARGO AND SAVE Third and Chetnut 8 a.m.-9 p.m.

third spade cleared up the suit Oct 13. 1888 for WesUutdhinino good DON'T MERELY brighten your carpet Blue Lustre them. Ilminate rapid soiling. Rent electric shampooer, $1. Hook's Drug.

at all. Herever was able to NIGHT BARTENDER. Apply In person for-Mr. Theophllu. Holiday Inn, Road 46 West.

WOTICB or PUBLIC HEARING eet in to take them. After winning the spade and Transportotloa Travel 9 The County Board of Zoning Appeal haa acheduled a hearing in the caae of Moorman Manufacturing Company, wherein a variance- i requested to Help Wanted or 14 discarding a club from dummy South entered dummy by over SOMEONE WHO I willing to make trip to Cleveland, Ohio, to take lady. Expense paid. Soon as possible. 379-4317.

i taking his queen of diamonds with the king. East held back CHANCE OF A LIFETIME JWE NATIONALLY famous White Cross Plan underwritten by Bank- era Life and Casualty Company permit the eonatructlon and use of an 80' 180' warehouse on 10 acre of land owned by Carl R. and Annamae Zlegler in Section 8. -To wnahip -7 NorthrrrRanre Help WantetJmdeH leens new East. Wayne Towntnip, on u.

o. at at anna. RELIABLE BABYSITTER from a.m. to p.m. 372-4353 after 8 p.m.

For the purpose of hearing Student Tests Deadline Oct. 21 STAFF MEMBERS DUR TO tremendous number of In- 3uiries we are receiving from our Irect mall, magazine and radio advertising those lor or against tne granting of aaid requet the Board of Zonln a- Arjneal will hold a WAITRESSES. Night 4 public hearing October 24, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. In the -Plan Commission basement of the 8 to 11 p.m. sue per nour.

Meais, Insurance and uniforms furnished. "Apply in person at Howard John-son's 48 West. Do jfpu meet these requirements? Bartholomew county court 1. AGES 23 to 55 House. -----i- Herman Darlage, Secretary.

Oct 13. 1966 WAITRESSES FOR fly la dude ranch and resort Open year-- around. Helmsburg. Ind. 988-2295.

2 AMBITIOUS HONEST 4. ABLE to furnish reference! 5. NEAT appearance HAVE a good automobile -V POTENTIAL to 110,000 a year HOTICB OF TTKUC HEARING COOK WANTED. Evening hour, -Apply. In person to Carmlchael' Fish a Pizza, 844 Jackson street.

The Cnuntv Board of Zoning Appeals haa acheduled a hearing BABYSITTER IN my home, vicinity of Donner park. 7 to 8:30 a.m. to end 9-year-old to school. 372-4121. FOR INTERVIEW write to P.O.

Box 997, Richmond, 47374. in tne caae or Air. ana jars. Homer Foxworthy. wherein a College smen interested in taking the college qualification test to.

determine selective service statuawere ,1 reminded that applications must be postmarked by Friday, Oct Rose of the local draft board, said applications for' the test may be secured from any selective service office. A student need not apply with his own draft board. The test will be administered Nov. 18 and 19 at several Indiana sites. light out? not yet! prices on our variance is requested to permit the parking- of a houaetraller for residential purpose on Lot No.

37 in -the Town of St. Louis Crosaina-. Indiana Flatrock CLEANING LADY on day each week or. two W-day for older gentleman in northern part of town. Reference required.

Write: Box 135, in care of The Evening Republican. Township owned by Mr. Peart Gaymode sleepwear reduced thru Saturday only! FOLDING SWIYEUWHEEL STROLLER WANTED: TWO waitresses for night shift. One part-time, one full-time. Closed Sundays and holidays.

Snack Shoppe, 432 Fourth street. Ervin. For the purpose of hearing those for or against the granting of aald request, the Board of Zoning; Appeal will hold public hearing October 24, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. In the Plan Commission Room, baiement of the Bartholomew County 1998 Charge Itt reo. 3.98, NOW 27 OFFICE GIRL to handle bookkeeping and general office work.

Light typing. Fringe benefits and paid vacation. Apply in person to the Holthouse Furniture, Fourth and Franklin, Mr. B.R. Whltecotton.

House. Herman Darlage, Secretary. Oct 13. 1966 LAST DAY Smart girls won't retire 'til they check these terrific Penney Days buys! Our own Gay-mode flannelette sleepwear luxurious, cloud-soft blends of ZantrelS polynosic rayon-and-cottonl Dreamy easy-care gowns and tailored pajamas in pretty pastel prints or solids trimmed with lace and smocking, tucks and And, to please your practical side, the savings are twice as nicel Sizes and 32 to 40! TRAFFIC JAM LONDON. (UPI) '-Britain, with 135.8 vehicles for every mile of highway, or one vehicle every 12.8 yards, believes it has the most congested roads in the world.

1 I I I Adjusts as a stroller, sleep or a walker! Chrome plated tubular steel frame, shopping basket, footrest ana soft padded vinyl seat. Netlee Final Settlement at Estate aa Petltlea Dlatrlbate Notice la hereby given to the creditor, heira and legatee of SHORT OF cash? Work mornings or afternoons, housewives preferred, no experience necessary. Call: Studio Girl Area manager at 372-6564. MARSH SUPERMARKET has immediate openings in the various locations for QUALIFIED JOURNEYMEN and EXPERIENCED APPRENTICES AND MEAT CUTTERS Excellent starting wage. Opportunity for advancement.

Complete fringe benefits program including retirement plan. For Personal Interview Apply SUPERMARKET MARSH 2710 STATE ST. COLUMBUS, IND. Gowns in extra sizes, reg. 4.49 now 2 for $8 BarDara Marie unampton, de ceased, to aoDear in the Berth nlnmew Runerlor Court held in IMMEDIATE OPENING for counter girl.

Apply in person to colonel Take-Home, 2815 National road. TERRIFIC INFANT DUYS the City of Columbu. State of Indiana, on the 20 day of October 1966, and ahow cause. If any, why the final settlement account of the estate of said decedent should not be approved. The petition to distribute the wstate will be heard at aald time and place and SOMEONE TO babysit from 3:30 p.m.

to 12:30 a.m my home for two children In Jewell Village. References required. 376-8041. all helra of the decedent and alf Boys' Girls' NorriCR or ADMINISTRATION In the Circuit Court of Bartholomew County, Indiana. Notice la- hereby given that Anna C.

Weekly wai on the 10th day of October 1611, appointed executrix Of the will of E. Ray Weekly deceased. All peraon having claim again aald estate, whether or not now must file the aam in ald court within fix month from th date of the first publication -of thl notice or aald claim will be forever barred. Dated at, Columbu, Indiana, this 10th day of October 1964. Frank M.

Runge, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Bartholomew County, Indiana IN HOPE area middle-aged lady to care for child in my home. 8 a.m. to noon daily. 546-5337. 100o Cotton otnera wiereaiea are requeaieu appear and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of 100 Cctrcn pants 100 Cotton Matching PULLOVER SHIRT Special VATERFiTOOF PAIITS WAITRESSES WANTED.

Apply: Jerry' Restaurant. said estate.) Paul A. Champion, Robert H. Chamrjlon and Helen M. Cox.

Corduroy PAIITS Co-Executors of the Estate of Abeorbant Double Barbara Marie Champion if 00 Body Cotton Knit A400 00 00 (. Doable Body Cotton Knit Keeps Them Dry All Nlte 3r 31 31 1 OPENINGS FOR three professional nurse positions. State merit system position Including fringe benefit Minimum starting salary annually. Contact: Miss White, Director of Nurses, Mus-catatuck state Hospital and Training center Elastic Waistband Washable 7 An Saual Opportunity Triple Thtckneas Crotch M. Runge, Clerk, Bartholomew Superior Court Mllford B.

Anness Attorney Date; October 3, 1961 Oct 1S.1I6I Employer I walker ana Conner Attorney Oct IS, to, 17, mi.

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