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The Republic du lieu suivant : Columbus, Indiana • Page 21

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
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PAGE TWENTY-TWO THE'REPUBLIC, COLUMBUS. INDIANA," THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 197L Where They Are Now World DEAR ABBY: I am 39. and .7 By NATALIE AIRHEAD 4 Servicemen from the Columbus area are now serving at armed' forces bases -throughout; the world including Saudi Arabia, Japan and Thailand, 1 to my natural brown color with gold highlights. Ever since, my husband has been throwing a fit because he wants me to be A blond again. SoVAbby; tped some advice from you and from" your readers.

Should I be a blond to nlease mV husband, or should i I I tr MWMMMBjj.lMMMMM.M IH'IIHIHiI I Mill Air; Forces. He previously, served -at-Misawa -air North Vernon route 1, has re- ceived the Air Force Commen- -dation medal for; meritorious service while assigned Udorn" Royal'ThaiAir Force baSernrairand.l.Sgt; Fox, a navi- gatioiK8ystems repairman the medal at Kirt land Air Force N.M.' where now. serves with a unitof the Air Weather serviced The sergeant is a. 1959 graduate of North Vernon high rl965 graduate of Edinburg -high school, attended Indiana university before, entering the air I stay the way I am to please myself? To Dye Or Not To Dye DEAR TO: To thine own self force. suspect Edwin is trying to get rid of you, beat him to the punch and gef rid of Him.

If you can't afford a lawyer, see your local legal aid society Better to be suspicious and alive, than the dead 'Victim" of an (P.S.:lJje asks yoiLto go hunting, fishing, boating, or mountain climbing with him, don't go.) DEAR ABBY: During most of my childhood I had pale blond but as I grew older it gradually turned to that "dishwater blond," so I started to bleach it in order to retain the same light blond color. At the time I met my husband I was a "blond," with the help of the beauty parlor. I never tried to deceive him. He knew, and had no objections. About a month Steven son of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Graham of North VernonToute 2, has graduated at Kessler Air Force from the technical training course for Air Force postal and courier operations specialists. Sgt. Graham, who trained'; in poli of the U.S. Armed Forces overseas post offices, has -been assigned to an Air Force 'unit at Dhahran airfield, Saudi Arabia.

A 1965 graduate of North Jacob A. Fox, son of Mr. andMrSr-Garlan. Fox-of r-tr Sit Edwin is 40. We've been married for 19 years.j-and I'm not saying our marriage has been a bed of roses, but then, whose has? About a year ago Edwin tried to run me down with his car but I was too quick for him.

Of course, he denied it said the brakes didn't hold, but he was lying. A few months ago Edwin was on the roof fixing a leak and I was down below turning on the garden hose when he tried to drop a heavy metal tool box on my head. It missed me by a hair. I just don't know what he will pull next, Abby. I have heard rumors about him and a neighbor lady whose Jiusband is gone for months at a time working on a ship.

If Edwin wants to be rid of me, why doesn't he say so? If I didn't have 9 kids I would leave him tomorrow. Suspicious DEAR SUSPICIOUS: If you be true. Retain your natural color and explain, that is forever: And tell him that when he loses his thatch you'll not love him less. P.S. Buy a smartly styled blond wig for those occasions when he gets blond-hungry.

Mudd Furniture EQUIPMENT CHECK Sheriff Jim McKinney "receives a check for $6,000 from County Prosecutor Robert. Wilson from the Criminal Justice Planning agency 'as Region 7 agency director Charles Holmes looks on. The check is for new radio equipment being purchased by the county law enforcement agency thii The new equipment Is expected to arrive later this month, according to" the sheriff. Mr. Wilson is a member of the region board.

Vernon high School, the ser DEAR ABBY: I alwavs read Tfefe lre still allewJ your column first for two reasons. First, because it is dif geant attended Purdue university and Hanover college and is a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. His wife, Teresa, is the daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzglbbon ferent every day, whereas the barqams news is always the same, pontics, war.

crime, etc. And sec before our marriage I took a good look at myself and decided the artificial blond hair was not becoming to me also my hair was in sad shape from all the bleaching, so I dyed it back ond because it shows us what a of North Vernon, route Nixons To See David- Graduate motley crowd we human beings are. Air Force SSgt Charles D. Coffman has arrived Jor For examDle. vou recently had duty at Hickman Air Force base, Hawaii.

Sergeant Coff Mattress WASHINGTON (UPI) President and Mrs. Nixon plan to fly to Newport, R.I. Friday for the graduation of their son-in-law, David Eisenhower, from Naval Officers Training School. Spr mg man, the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower, will be unable to attend the ceremony because she is in Palm Springs, Calif, and does not like to ffly. The Nixon family Is expected to go to Key Biscayne, Fla. after the graduation to spend the-weekend Ve Must Sell further Kenneth D.

Coffman of 310 North Kyle street in Edinburg, is a security-policeman and Ms assigned to a unit of the Pacific Factory Clearance. a letter from a woman commenting about a previous' fetter concerning sickness in old age. She believed that sickness in old age is punishment for sins committed in younger days. That's like, believing, as -they did in the early Christian era, that people with mental illnesses were possessed of the devil. Then todav vou told somebody Eisenhower's grandmother, HONG KONG CUSTOM TAILORS that people who leave their TV i sets on wnen inenas canea arej iustif ied if the callers dropped eaucuond 2 DAYS ONLY IN COLUMBUS MARCH 12, 13.

FRIDAY SATURDAY We fit any size, age, taste and waist. Beat inflation and get custom fitted by your mas-' ter Chinese tailors. Store Furniture ENTIRE DEPARTMENT STOCK in unexpected. If you are right, what lias happened to the old idea of friendliness? I can't think of a TV program that is more important than having an old friend drop in to pay me a visit. It's the folks who are called upon who are honored.

We are always pleased when unexpected company. drops in. Yes, we human beings are a motley crowd. One Of Them 14th and Sycamore SAVE rp A Dresses Men's Wear Linens Gifts Yard Goods Shoes For Family MEN'S SUITS $45 to $72 LADIES' KNIT SUITS I- $39 to $65 (Plus Postage and Duty) VISIT OR CALL BOB GURBANI 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.


ii what's vour problem? You'll feel better if you get it oil OPEN MON. to SAT. 8:30 to 5:00 FRIDAY TILL 9:00 vour chest. Write to ABBY, Box 69700, Los Angeles, wuw. Pnr nersonal reolv enclose stamped, addressed envelope.

GUMBLES 438 Ave. North Vernon For Abby new oooiuei, "What Teen-Agers Want to Knnw." send SI to Abby. Box 69700, Los Angeles, Calif. 90069. oil i v-.

TP i 1 onea an-oiarasni a I fe, CMf ilV jA no (otiW- jfnm So dig out your pen and paper and start writing those limericks to the exciting Limerick Contest IT'S EASY! IT'S FUN! AND YOU MIGHT BE A WINNER. HERES ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO ENTER THE REPUBLIC'S FUN LIMERICK CONTEST 1 1. 1 2. -All limericks must be about or pertaining to classified newspaper ad- vertising (see example below), You may make up a limerick about an actual result story from using classified want-ads or you may make up the entire limerick. A limerick is, according to the American College Dictionary, "a kind of humorous verse of 5 lines in which the first and second line rhyme with the fifth line and the shorter third line rhymes with the shorter fourth (If you prefer the 4 line rhymes we'll accept them).

Sf The Republic's limerick contest is run mostly for fun but winning en- try's will be printed each day in the classified pages of The Republic. First entries will be be printed March 15. The best entry of the week will receive $1.00 while the best entry of the month will receive J5.00. Alf entries must have your name, address and telephone number and be sent to; Don Newton, Limerick Contest, The Republic, 444 5th Street, Columbus, Indiana. You may enter as often as you wish but The Republic cannot assume the responsibility of returning your limericks.

All limericks will be- come the property of The Republic and will be printed as time and space permit. The Republic must also reserve the right to cancel the limerick contest without notice. Read the idea starters shown below. Dig out your pad and pencil and start writing those creative, humorous 5 line limericks. Think of the different ways you can use a classified want-ad and build your humorous First entries will be printed March 15, 1971.

Remember-- --r. -j- W-r'-W YOUR MONEY EARNS MORE AT CITIZENS 5 514 534 6 PASSBOOK SAVINGS SAYINGS SAVINGS SAVINGS CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATES Compounded 6 Months 12 Months 24 Months Continuously $1,000 Minimum 1,000 Minimum $10,000 Minimum 4 HERE ARE A COUPLE OF IDEAS TO GET YOU STARTED 1 A girl we know whose car broke down couldn't get herself to town. The thing she tried was a classified and now she's driving all around. A man I knew on Franklin Street was thrown out upon the cold concrete. With a classified ad found a new pad, and now he thinks want-ads are sweet.

vmm I SEND TO: DON NEWTON, LIMERICK CONTEST, BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION 431 Washington Street 2117 Twenty-fifth Street (812) 372-7811' 444 5th Columbus.

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