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St. Louis Post-Dispatch du lieu suivant : St. Louis, Missouri • Page 21

St. Louis, Missouri
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DVD in the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH 3 Published Eve ru Dau PART THREE ST. LOUIS, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1946 PAGES 1 4C Corpus Christ. Celebration In the Pacific A Xv i r.y fi'Ti i rm rssssssssssse nrr hi i iimi mmihii nm Times Have Changed Aboard 'Big Apple1 By Keith Wheeler A Special Corrsponaeat the rst-Dlspatck ABOARD U. S.

S. APPALACHIAN, June 24. HOW the U.S.S. Appalachian, or "Bl Apple" as she is called by those who dote on her, came to be chosen press ship for Operation Crossroads is a small and slightly ironic mys 1' 4Smv I 0 1 Tpr 1 I jOW tery. If ships have personalities, which is something many ship lovers claim as fact, the Appalachian's pre sent role as hostess to 103 newspaper and magazine a 1 a a represents a revolutionary change In her social habits.

She used to hate newspaper men and could be thrown into a screaming fit by the mere approach of as many as three at a time. 1 Ml -i' "1 run wmuu iU.LlLM. A I I A i 4U. nnil! i-etekmfinn ft Cnmu Christ! vftsterdav In Florissant. Rich In medieval pomp and religious solemnity, the celebration first was observed there in 1814.

In pic- ture above, priests are approaching the outdoor altar In the courtyard of St. Ferdinand Church. VINSON TAKES OATH 72t fice of the United States today on the south portico of the White House. Chief Justice Dean Lawrence Groner (left) of District of Columbia Court of Appeals administers the oath. Capt.

Clark McAdams Clifford, presidential naval aide, is second from left. Women at right are Mrs. Vinson (second from right) and Vinson's aunt, Mrs. Belle Vinson Hughes, Huntington, W. Va.

Associated Press Wirephoro. Pi -i ll (ni Her anti-social feelings concerning newspaper men were most evident at Guam, where for the first time in her war career she had to serve as theoretical headquarters for the press, although in justice it should be pointed out that she had other pressing duties as headquarters for the whole invasion there. it it IF NXWSPAPER MEN came from the beach, weary and foul and scared and itching with jungle rot, they were spotted a half-mile away by eagle-eyed young officers of the deck. Having no confidence in their own ability to repel boarders, these youngsters would summon a censor of commander's rank, give him a megaphone and let him chase the invaders away. It was explained that the first lieutenant, who Is a ship's hotelkeeper, couldn't abide reporters Kid commonly suffered hysterics at the thought of furnishing meals, sleeping space or typewriter room to one of that persuasion.

The newspaper men were Indignant, of course, as always when denied hospitality, especially so because the Big Apple's churlishness was in such remarkable contrast to a notable friendly feeling in the rest of the fleet. p'- ix ENVOY QUITS Galo Plaza (top), Ecuador's ambassador to the United States, resigned yesterday with the suggestion that Jose Velasco Ibarra (bottom), president of Ecuador, quit, too. Plaza attributed his action to the Ecuadorian domestic political situation. Associated Press Wirephofo.L Looking toward the outdoor altar in the courtyard of St. Ferdinand Church where townspeople from Florissant and visitors from St.

Louis and St. Louis County joined in the traditional celebra- tlon of the feast of Corpus By a Post-Dispatch Staff rhotorraphtr. Witt a. in. '-a Il.uAmavv.

a a w. w-w--v i U. i i 1 i i vl OVE RECALLS a red-headed Newsweek correspondent who achieved a sort of spiteful revenge later, when Guam had become reasonably safe. He was at the dock when a boat load of the Appalachian's officers came stampeding ashore arrayed with pistols, helmets and fresh new battle green. "Tan, tourists." he snarled in a loud voice.

"Souvenir hunters." It should be pointed out quickly, however, that tha Appalachian's officers and men today are not those who were attached to her at Guam. She has an aVnost complete new set and they have a completely new social philosophy. They are tolerant and mellow people, and they appear to like newspaper men, which is probably the top limit to tolerance and mellowness. They even passed around a guest booklet which says, in part: "It is our privilege to serve you in this undertaking. We are proud to have been chosen.

We are anxious to serve." In reply to which, this corner rises quickly to Bay, "That's mighty handsome, brothers. It's a privilege and pleasure to be aboard." If the Big Apple wants to let bygones be bygones, nobody here is going to stand in her way. v- I WIFE GREETS 'KATE' PILOT Lt. (g) Willard M. Fletcher of Edwardsville, as he was greeted by his wife yesterday at Lam-bert-St.

Louis Field after flying a Japanese "Kate" torpedo bomber from Anacostia, D. C. The plane was one of those used In the attack on Pearl Harbor. It will be one of the exhibits at fhe. naval air station open house at Lambert Field next Sunday.

Er a rost-Dispttch Staff rhotocrapher. HANDICAP CONQUERED -J who lost both arms and legs when he stepped on a land mine on Okinawa, drives a specially equipped tractor on his 143-acre farm 12 miles nortri of Birmingham, Ala. The farm was purchased with part of $40,000 in donations in response to news stories of his desire to start a chicken farm, published while Hensel was In an Army hospital at Battle Creek, Mich. Associated Tresi Wlreohoto. a a v': lv HERE ARE some notes on how to observe an atomic bomb explosion, taken from the little guidebook issued to the personnel accompanying Operation Crossroads, and are given here as possibly valuable reference data for everybody everywhere in the atomic future.

Due to the previous scarcity of atomic bomb explosions, however, these procedures have never been tested on a very large scale and are largely academic at the moment. There may be little flaws here and there which will be subject to revision after the bomb goes off. In that case, I will let you know what changes to make, provided that I still have my eyes and am not too radioactive to touch a typewriter. In this, we are pre-supposlng an explosion at sea witnessed from an approximate distance of 20 miles. Our ships will occupy an area about 13 miles from Bikini lagoon and about 20 from the center of the target area.

Ten minutes before the bomb is due to blow, the skipper will warn all available personnel to assemble topside to see the show. Five minutes prior to the explosion, the ships' loudspeakers will bellow a second warning, including advice on which direction to face to avoid looking directly at the explosion. With two minutes to go, the skipper will order all hands to put on polarized, glare-resisting goggles especially designed to take the sting out of the bomb's flash. These goggles will be worn until one minute after the flash. Those who suddenly discover they have left their goggles somewhere else will face away from the forthcoming blast, close their eyes, bow their heads and shield their eyes tightly with the inside of bended elbows.

kA JhC tj iwiiii'l- VU Cf'A-Ci (J7 "cr! 1 i ft ft, kBt wa, 'i THESE PRECAUTIONS have been ordered to prevent damage to vision by the intense glare of the bomb's primary fission. After the first flash, theoretically, it will be all right to watch the rest of the show. Thus far, no regulations have been established for meeting the concussion of the bomb's shock wave. Those who recall stories of the New Mexico bomb knocking people down at 20 miles, however, will probably lie down flat and wrap their arms and legs around the nearest stationary and substantial landmark. After tie bomb has exploded, a wary eye will be kept upon the mushroom-shaped cloud and an expected area of water vapor.

Both smoke and water vapor will be as deadly as prusslc acid, and if the wind should shift and carry these toward the ships, the fleet will open up every burner and high tail. Later, when we visit the scene, we will be sternly discouraged from picking up souvenirs or falling into the water. The water is expected to become dangerously radioactive, at least temporarily. We have been warned that If we pick up some fascinating bit of scrap iron left over from the blast, we are likely to drop it immediatelyalong with the arm that picked it up. Edward W.

Keller of Lemay, one of the strikers at the Monsanto Chemical Co. PICKETING ON HORSEBACK ACQ IMITIATIAN RY LFGION Newly accepted members of American Legion rfMaa 1111 I 1 IVIl kkwiwil posts In St LouIs county were in a ceremony at the Maplewood High School stadium Saturday night. More than 500 new members were added to the rosters of county Legion posts in May, increasing the total membership to 6000. Fourteen new have been chartered in the county so far this-year. bi rost-Dispatcii surr ruotographer.

plant, 1700 South Second street, Introduced a new touch to picketing today when he joined the line astride his horse, Bing. Keller rode the. horse here from Point, N. last summer after being mustered out of the Army. Bt rost-Dispatcli Staff rh6t0iraphr..

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