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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 31

St. Louis, Missouri
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Approval by Missouri Public Service Commission of Reorganization Plan, Apparently Would Give Reorganizing Syndicate Unrestricted Control Hereafter. Walter H. Askew, Sophomore at Missouri School of Mines, Meets Death as Driver Swerves His Car to Avoid Running Down Pedestrian. illnr Photo-diagram of the parking ar- fffm'm''M 1 JsN. rangement for Liberty Bell at the I 4 1 sS fW GERMAN STEAMER afHk 11 If TitJwim EN SHARK'S BODY I gfcl, WmmmJ Copyright by Underwood Underwood.

First Feature of Reception This Morning in Honor of Historic Treasure Military Parade at 8 Breakfast to Relic's Escort. Showing How It Is Cracked. 'CORPORATE PURPOSES' LEFT UNEXPLAINED Scheme Increases Capital by $35,040,382 Instead of Reducing It Stockholders to Supply Money, Bankers to Get Control. A plan for a reorganization of the Frisco Railroad was filed Nov. 10 with the Missouri Public Service Commission In Jefferson City by J.

W. Seligman Co. and Speyer New York bankers, who ask the commission to approve it. The Fost-Dlspatch today presents the first detailed analysis of the plan, showing that previous reports, based on direct statements In the plan as filed, hat the reorganization means a reduction In the capital of the company, are erroneous, and that In fact the capitalization actually is increased $35,040,382, and that the lnr terest charges actually are increased $1,363,124.08, from $12,160,994.68 to $13,524,118.76. It alao 1m shown that although the present stockholder i of the Frisco supply all of the money needed by the railroad In the reorganization, the entire control of the road la taken out of the hands of the stockholders and placed with the New York financiers, who, it Is estimated, will receive In excess of for directing the reorganization.

Want to Isue The total of capital stock and bonds which thu reorganizers ask the Public Service Commission to authorize is though It is proposed to issue immediately only the remainder to be issued for future property to be acquired In the event It should be needed. Of the $850,000,000, there is to be $200,000,000 of preferred stock, of common stock, $250,000,000 of prior lien bonds, $75,000,000 of cumulative adjustment bonds and $75,000,000 of Income mortgage bonds. Seemingly, If the commission approves the plan, the reorganizers will not have to return to the commission for permission to authorize the issuance of the stocks and bonds which, though they are not to be immediately issued, may be thrown onto the market whenever they or the directors of the road desire. There Is nothing in the plan which tates for what purpose these additional securities are to be Issued. Under the law the Public Service Commission authorizes security Issues only on a showing of the purpose for which the money Is to be used and then only when convinced that the assets against which they are to be charged will be ample to protect the obligation.

The Frisco railroad has been In the hands of receivers since May. 1913, following default in the payment of interest on $68,557,000 of refunding mortgage bonds. $69,284,000 of general lien 15-20-year-5-per-cent gold bonds and other securities. Obligations Gathered I p. Immediately after the receivership, Speyer Co.

called for a deposit of the refunding mortgage bonds and thereafter appeared as representing the holders of those bonds. Other obligations of the company were represented by various "defense" committees, mainly In New York. After many months of negotiations, a plan of reorganization was evolved, and it is this plan which has been submitted to the Public Service Commission. The plan provides for reorganization managers, who are J. W.

Seligman and Speyer Co. Through them the entire liquidation of the old compnny and the creation of the new company will pass. It is estimated that will be required to finance the change and the reorganization managers, by an extraordinary system of finance, are to provide the money. Must Pay or Lose All Rights. The plan reveals that the money actually will come from the stock Reported That Entente Powers Now Desire Only That Greece Shall Maintain Its Benevolent Neutrality.

Bulgars Said to Be in Monas-tir and Northern Servian Army Being Driven Back to Montenegrin Border. LONDON, Nov. 20. An Athens dispatch to Reuters Telegram Co. says that Earl Kitchener, British Secretary for War, after an audience with Kins; Constantine, lasting more than an hour, conferred with Premier Skoulodis and left Athens at 6 o'clock this evening.

The anxiety felt over the announce, ment of the allies' Intention to bring pressure to bear on Greece In order to assure the unmolested passage of tha allied troops through Greek territory In case such a course Is necessary, the cor respondent adds, has been perceptibly allayed by Lord Kitchener's visit. However, the present military situa tion in Servla, which appears to make Servian retreat Into Greek territory almost inevitable, will, the belief lit confidently expressed here, forcn Greeca within 24 hours to abandon the am-biKUOijp altitude which baa been a rautto of both to tiie triple etitenta anJ the central Powers, and deelaro some definite, intelligible pulley. Siich a policy, even if it is adverse to the en tente allies, will at least be welcomed he us an end to thu un crtuinty of th. last month. (irccse's Reported Intet.tlon.

It has already been declined through German channels that the Greek Government has informed tlm foieign dip lomat. that. In order to maintain neu trality, it will disarm and l-itern all Servian troops which may retreat Into Greek territory. It is also stated In German newspapers that Albanian troops are trjing to bar the other road of retreat by concentrating on the Ser vian border. Earl Kitchener's visit follows closely that of Deny Cochin, the French Cabi net member, who went to Greeca on a special mission and had an audience with the King of the Hellenes.

What representations were made to tha Greek monarch have not developed, but word reached Pari today quoting Jean Giiilleniln, French Minister to Greece, ft saving that the recent negotiations with Greece weie not being conducted with view, to securing her participation In the wht. The diplomat indicated that what was now expected of Greece was the maintenance of her benevolent neutrality and she "accord faeilltles, as agreed" the continue tlon of th operations of the allies in the Balkans without interference by Greeca pre sumably be'tig meant by the quoted phjase. Strvlan ar Montenegrin Itordrr. The Servian armies, which have bean for the better part of two months grad ually falling back before the Teutonic advance from the north, are now reaching territory In cloae proximity to th Montenegrin border. Operating In tha region west of the Kopaeritk Pianlna, the forces of Field Marshal von Mack- risen are pressing on Novlhazar, which roughly Is only miles from the frontier.

Berlin announces tne taxing of liaska, a dozen mtlea to the north-east of Novlhazar. and of Dren. ap proximately the same distant: directly to the east. Twenty-five miles to the nnrthweat of Novl-bazar the Austrian advance has leached Slenlca, narrowing appreciably the gap through which the Servian retreat must be conducted. In the south the situation appears even more threatening to the Servians, the fall of Monastlr being persistently reported, although no official announcement of Its character haa been made.

The Austrian defenders of Gorizia apparently are being given little rest by Gen. Cadorria's forces, the pounding of the Italian guns on th city and Its defenses being sever and virtually continuous, according to report frn Rome and Vlenna. Gorlsla' Fall ftalal Isssslaent. The fall of Gorlaia and the breaking of the Austrian bold on the laonso ar reported to Imminent. A dispatch from Zurich saya that Italian Infantry preparing for the final and greatest assault.

Th Austrlans. fighting deapr-stely. ar reported making preparations to give up th city and fall back a new line, which has bn pr a pared fof snm time. Th Austrian losses yesterday ar reported to have been 0O0. WnU all new from Italian sources say th Austria grip on Oortzl la nearly broken.

Vienna, tonight claims that th Austrian troops. In the face of furious assaults. Lav. retained all their posit Ion a Throughout th night th Italians kept up their bombardment of th city th defense Jaadlog UP 1W if STUDENT IS THROWN OUT OF THE MACHINE Was on His Way to Union Station to Catch Train to Rolla 57 Persons Killed by Motor Vehicles This Year. "Walter II.

Askew, 22 years old, right tackle on the football team of the Rolla School of Mines, was killed last night near Thirteenth and Benton streets when an automobile, in which he was being driven to Union Station to catch a train, was run into the curb to avoid striking a pedestrian. The total of deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents in St. Louis since Jan. 1 is now 57 Robert P. Hecker, 25, of 2943 Eads avenue, who drove the machine, was arrested.

George H. Kublin, 23, of 42S0A Holly avenue, formerly Askew's classmate at Rolla, disappeared from the scene. In the belief that the pedestrian had been killed, and was later arrested when he returned to his home. Had But Two Drinks. Kublin said the party had been driving about town during the afternoon and had had two drinks.

Askew intended taking a train for Rolla at 8:30 o'clock. The aocident happened at 8:15, at a point 30 blocks from Union Station. Kubiin asserted the machine was being driven only about 15 miles an hour, but the police said the speedometer, stopping when the machine struck the curb, indicated a speed of 27 miles an hour. Until he reached the police statio.i, Kublin said, he was not aware that hia former classmate had been killed. Hecker was driving south on Thirteenth street.

An automobile just ahead of him had crossed Benton street A man stepped from the west curb cross to the east side of Thirteenth street. Hecker said he swerved the machine sharply to the east to avoid striking the pedestrian. The machine 'lit the east curb, breaking off the left front wheel. The police, after investigation, stated that Askew was thrown against a tre3, striking on his head, but that he fell back into the machine as it continued to bump along the gutter utii it stopped near North Market street, about 250 south. At that point the Jolting Askew to the sidewalk, where he wis picked up dead.

His skull was frac-ured and his neck broken. Rolla Team on Visit. The Rolla team came to St. Louis yesterday morning from Warrensburg, where on Friday they had defeated the Normal School eleven. Kublin said that Askew and Jack Imlay, Rolla's star halfback, telephoned him.

They met downtown, and later lmlay left the party to keep another engagement, saying he would meet Askew at the train. Askew was a sophomore, and was studying mining engineering. He had registered from Aberdeen, S. and was a member of the Sigma Nti fraternity. Kublin left school last spring to become a draftsman for the Moon Motor Car where Hecker also is employed.

It was said Hecker was driving a touring car belonging to the automobile company. FAIR TODAY AND PROBABLY TOMORROW; SOMEWHAT COLDER OPEN SEASON AGAIN FOR 6 a. 38 I) a. 4.1 12 noon 64 3 p. 70 6 p.

50 7 p. 8 p. 9 D. 4S Humidity at 7 p. ni.

yesterday. 47 per cent. Official forecast for St. I.ouls and vicinity: Fnlr todny and probably tomorron) ommhat colder today. When the renting problem is under consideration cither from fie standpoint of the tenant or landlord the Post-Dispatch Real Estate and Renting Directory is the best medix for sure and satisfactory results.

Captain of Vessel Carry ing Coal to Raiders Said to Have Thrown Papers Overboard. Ity teased Wire From the Ntw York Mureau of the Post-Dinpatch. NEW YORK, Nov. 20. Evidence that the German Government was fully prepared to keep its South Atlantic i aiding fleet in fuel and food supplies several weeks before the declaration of war will be brought out next week, at the trial of Carl G.

Bunz, director of the Hamburg-American Steamship Line, and three other officials of that company, under indictment on a charge of violating 'the customs law. And, according to a story printed here, much of it has been "brought out" of a shark's body. According to information given to t'nited States Attorney Marshall by secret service operatives, IS merchant ships were under charter in July, 1914. while Germany was still at peace, and arrangements were under way to purchase provisions valued at more than M.eoo.oiK). The burden of the work of preparation, according to Federal officials, was upon Capt.

Boy-Ed, naval attache of the German embassy, who, the attorneys for the defendants in the Hamburg-American line case concede, was one of the directing heads of the activities. Put in at Pernambuco. It was also admitted that the German agents intended using the chartered neutral ships to establish supply bases at several ports on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. According to the shark part of the story, the Maria Quesada sailed from Newport News early in December of last year with a cargo of coal. Her clearance papers stated Valparaiso to be the collier's destination.

But the charge is made that the coal on the Maria Quesada was really intended for one of the German warships under Admiral von Spee, then cruising atout the South Atlantic, seeking merchantmen of Great Britain and France, and for some reason best known to the ship's captain the steamer put into the port of Pernambuco, Brazil. Someone on the Maria Quesada, who did not want the Brazilian authorities to come aboard and demand to see the clearance papers, according to the story, conceived the idea of painting up one of the crew to resemble a man stricken with smallpox. It had the desired effect. But oriTy for a time. Later a boat filled with customs officials from the custom house hove alongside the Maria Quesada.

The chief inspector said that, smallpox or no smallpox, the inspectors were going aboard to look at the ship's clearance papers. "We have mislaid them," said one of the. officers of the Maria Quesada. "Well, we will look for them," said the Brazilian customs men, and they began climbing aboard. Sharks Snlmlnx About.

Before the first one of them reached the ship's deck, someone on the other side of the vessel dropped a leather wallet overboard. Some sharks of the man-eating variety were swimming around the ship. One of them swallowed the wallet. The search of the customs men was in vain. days later one of the crew of a Brazilian warship in the harbor was anuiHing himself angling for sharks.

Ho caught one eight feet long. He ripped the flsh open and found inside the body a leather wallet. In It were the clearance papers of the Maria Quesada. If this story is doubted. H.

Snowdon Marshall, United States District Attorney, who will prosecute Buenss and his associates when they are arraigned before Judge Howe in the United States Circuit Court tomorrow, will say that one of the Government witnesses is prepared to tell this story under oath. Hut whether he will be called to the stand remains to be seen. Liberty Bell on Eighth and Probably Its Last Trip From Philadelphia WHEN the Liberty Bell gets home to Philadelphia, on Thanksgiving Day, it will probably have finished its travels forever. The corrosive effects of time have begun to show on the venerable relic, and many Philadelphlans are convinced that the crack In its side has been widened by the jarring which It has suffered on its journeys by rail, and that it may some day split in two for this cause. Formidable protests have been made at every proposal to take the bell away from Its home in Independence Hall, and it is not likely that any city or any exposition will be able to overcome these protests in the near future.

The Philadelphia Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution objected to the San Francisco Journey, and official consent to this Journey was finally brought about only by the Importance of the occasion. The bell bell has been away from home eight times in 1777, when it was taken to Allentown.Pa., to keep the British from getting it; and to modern expositions and celebrations as follows: New Orleans. 1884; Chicago. lSfl.1; Atlanta, Charleston. 1502, Boston, 11103; St.

Louis, 1904; and San Francisco this year. Columbus. J. J. Redmond Court of Honor.

Capt. George T. Smith. St. Louis Lodge.

Loyal Order of Moose. Capt. Ben. Garrison. IMnii for hildren.

School children, who are to be accompanied by parents, will be expected to view the bell before 0 o'clock and to line up along Lindell avenue as far east its Kind's highway to view the parade. This, it is hoped, will prevent congestion at any one place. Every effort will be made to keep a throng from gathering in the neighborhood of the bells car, the rule bring that each person shall take a good look at the bell and shall then move on. i ne special raiiroaa track was constructed parallel with and to the east of DeBaiiviere avenue, from the Wabash tracks ot a point in front of the Jeffer son Memorial, where the bell will be on exhibition. Platforms have been erected on each side of the railroad track, and those viewing the bell will move In two lines on each aide of tlie car.

Bands will play during the entire ceremonies. A reviewing stand, for officials and honor guests has been erected at the east side of the memorial steps. The Urgeit American flag In th world, which recently was presented to the city by the Million Population Club, been drnped over the north side of the east wing of the memorial building, and almost wholly rovers the east wing. After the bell starts East, the pub lie la Invited to visit the Missouri His torical Society's rooms in the Jefferson A sunrise meeting of Sunday school -hildren before the Liberty Bell, in Oa Bahvicre avenue between Lindell boulevard and the Wabash tracks, at 6:50 this morning, will be the first feature of reception program which will continue until 10:30, the time set for the bell to start on its homeward journey to Philadelphia. The Bell was scheduled to arrive at Union Station at 1 o'clock this morning, but the train waa almost two hours late.

Preparations were made for th immediate transfer of the bell's spi- lal car to a special track which has been laid on de Baliviere avenue. There It will be in sikIu of tiie statue of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, the adoption of which was proclaimed by the ringing of the bell. To Breakfast Committee. The Committee of Escort, comprising Philadelphia city officials, is to take breakfast with the local reception committee at 7 o'clock at the St. Louis Club.

Mayor Kiel will preside at this breakfast and Kdward Hidden, presi dent of the Business Men's League, will present a banner to the City of Philadelphia from the City of St. Louis In token of appreciation of the bell's visit. At 8 o'clock a military parade will start west on Lindell boulevard from Grand avenue. The parade will be led by the grand marshal. Col.

A. B. Donelly of the First Regiment, and his staff, Mayor Kiel, the official Liberty Bell escort from Philadelphia and the St. Louis Reception Committee in automobiles. There will be four divisions of the parade, as follows: First Division.

Col. John H. Beacom. United States army, marshal and staff. Band of recruiting rendezvous, Jefferson Barracks.

Battalion of United States army troops from Jefferson Barracks. Capt. A. K. Williams.

First Infantry, National Guard of Missouri, Lieutenant-Colonel Leroy K. Rob-bins. Field Battery Missouri National Guard, Capt. Frank M. Rumbold.

Troop "15," Cavalry, Missouri National Guard. First Lieut. Kugene A. Helt-kamp. First.

Second and Third divisions. Naval Militia of Missouri Schwartz. Capt. G. F.

Alton Division Illinois Naval Militia, Lieut. Maxfield. Second Division. Dr. F.

W. Veninga, marshal, and staff. United Spanish War Veterans. Federation Band No. 1.

Sons of Veterans. Grand Army of the Republic, Col. James B. Dobyne. United Spanish War Veterans.

Capt. Robert E. Lee. Third Division. Scout Commissioner II.

H. Simmons, marshal. Federation Band No. I Boy Scouts of St. Louis.

Arlington School Drum Corps. Fourth Division. Col. Allan C. Orrlck, marshal.

Moolah Patrol, Col. C. A. Sin-air. Woodmen of the World, Col.

A. F. Al-phonse. Modern Woodmen of America. MaJ.

William L. Eck. Grotto Drill Corps, Capt. W. C.

Kim. Knights of Columbus Band. Knights of Near View of Liberty Bell, OUR CITY HAUNTS Kolkschneider Organization Can't See Any Good in Anything but Municipal Dock. The Taxpayers' Protective Federation, of which Henry W. Kolkschneider of 3725 North Twenty-fifth streets, a president, is taking a mighty gloomy view of municipal affairs in St.

Louis. Thirteen "whereases" appeared in the resolutions passed yesterday by the board of directors of the federation. There were six subdivisions to one of the "whereases," which condemned the proposition to establish a municipal electric light plant. "Therefore be it Resolved," frequently appeared throughout the long document. The resolutions condemned, first and foremost, the new city charter, and authorized Kolkschneider to employ counsel to find a way to amend It.

The future for the taxpayers of the city looks mighty dark, according to the resolutions, on account of the high taxes. An alarming amount of property has been nearly confiscated by taxation, it is stated, and the worst is to come. The expenditure of SO per cent of the city revenue for salaries is condemned. The Board of Education is scored for erecting beautiful school buildings, when plainer ones Would do. and is also criticised for employing 3257 persons.

It is also condemned for providing recreation, amusements and "excitements" for the children at the expense of the taxpayers. The use of the scnools for public meeting places and for dances and clubhouse purposes is also condemned and great fear is expressed that the Board of Education may get through a $3. 000. 000 bond issue. The federation went on record as opposed to all bond issues, except for public docks.

The Park Department is condemned for spending money for amusements, recreations and "excitements" and permitting the parks to look like cow pastures. The municipal lodging house Is also condemned. In fact, there is little that seems rosy. Sun as Canse of Fire. NEW I.OXWX, Nov.

20. Sun shining through a bowl of gold fish it was said, started a' fire in a box celluloid handled tooth brushes in the Schrelner drug store here today. The bulldlps was destroyed. GLOOMY VISION 0 AXPAYERS DDT GIRL INJURED BY STREET CAR GETS $15,000 VERDICT Julia Patterson Was Hit by Natural Bridge Car and Left Leg Was Fractured. A verdict for $15,000 in favor of Julia Patterson, 12 years old.

who was knocked down and seriously injured by a street car Feb. 23, was returned by a Jury In Circuit Judge Koerner's Court yesterday. She is the daughter of Harry G. Patterson of 4369A Lee avenue. The girl, when hurt, was on her way from the Ashland School to the Third Baptist Church, where she was to attend a sewing bee.

She alighted from a Natural Brige car at Grand avenue and North Market street, intending to transfer to a Grand car. She attempted to cross in front of the Natural Bridge car, but It started and she was caught in the fender and dragged several feet. She suffered a compound fracture of the left leg. and the fracture of several ribs. Since the accident she has been walking with the aid of a crutch.

The United Railways' defense was contributory negligence on her part. The suit was for $25,000 damages. OFFERS STREET RAILWAY AS CHRISMASPRESENT TO CITY San Annrlo, Man Would Turn Over S10O.0OO Systems Authorities Undecided as to Acceptance. SAN ANGELO. Nov.

20. J. D. Sugg, a wealthy citizen of San Angelo. has offered the entire San Angelo street railway system, valued at about to the city as a Christmas gift, according to announcement here today.

City authorities are undecided as to whether the gift should be accepted. The car system, it Is understood, has been unprofitable for several years. MAMMOTH CAVE TO BE FILMED LOUISVILLE. Nov. 20.

The representative of a New York moving picture company completed arrangements today for the staging of a movie drama in Mammoth Cave. To light the cave tor the purpose an electric plant r. ill be built near its mouth. The mountains, valleys and waters of the cave will supply everything- In a scenic way cee4i Xor drills. holders of the old company, who will jiHy $5 on each share of stock to a syn-ctcste known ns the purchase syndicate, composed of Speyer Scligmnu i the Guaranty Trust Co.

of Ne.v Ycrk and Lee. Higglnson Co. Any deficiency in the money will be provided by a loan syndicate, of which the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York Is syndicate manager, and the plan specifically provides that the reorganisation managers may be members of the loan syndicate. Consideration first "ill he given to the "situation in which stockholders of th old Frisco find themselves.

The old company has a capital of $30,000,000, of Coatlaaeg Pas Column 2. tattiit4 raa; 8 Cisma.

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