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The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 5

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Efet Cimts-gOT0rrat: Suntoro, 21, 1898. FOBSALE. FOR SAIsE. HELP WAKTED. WAJiTS.

aw teal tat Resit. 1 SCllUWAS ADD a 6 and 10c counter to your a tore; results will surprise you. William Kline. Loaisrille and NaahTllle. Arrive.

Depart. No. 1. rt line. .7:15 pre No.

2. rt mi 43 pa Xo. 3. rt l. .7:4 No.

4, llm ...11:13 am No. 5. llm 8:10 pm No. 6. ft ml.

am No. I. coast Ilea. S. roast Urn.

(daily, except I (daily, except Sunday! ..:00 am Scniiay) ....3:20 am No. p. coaat 1X0. lit, coast train -oaily. z- I train tdaLir as i AX KftMNMiU u4 narriagse and death tlew for lnarrtioB la The Tlmee- at regular rates auay be left at the oUa1iic place antil 'clock p.

KEPPLER. Druggist, corner Dryides ad Euterpe streets. D. BLANCH ART). Droggiat.

Ill inline and Magaxlno Place, le.epaone 1677. AGOOD cook to but oa promisee. At 1325 street, wtr tx.liacaui. A. IJCHTKXTAG.

1118 Robin. Dnr Coliseum Park. SHORTHAND A.VD TYPEWRITING. Pupils employed tor poet tmi years. We qualified them la FOL to SIX WEEKS by thePARAGOX system.

Aio taught by alAlL A RETAIL grocery clerk; one who anfler-ataade the city business. Address Ula far. A FIRST class shingle mill ma a to file cad ke charge. Addreaa M. Boadreaux Sons, Macabuuia.

La. A YOUNG hlM ann Mink. Anolr 2SG3 aiagaxtae atraet. A GOOD cabinetmaker or iolner; a Geraiaa preferred. Addreaa P.

O. Box 13. city. A COOK ta aaslat in housework. Apply, with references, at Xo.

161 State street. A WHITE cook. Apply U. W. MeaBM, ot.

cr.arias asd state. A COOK at 1414 Carondelet atreet; white Inferred; must sice oa preiulsee. A GIRL, ta go to Mobile ta art aa waitress I la cafe where only coffee, tea. milk, cakeo aad aaadwlcbea are served; a respectable aad good bom for prafer party; referencea glveu aa to nigh staomng of establishment. Addreaa rate office.

fuL Apply 1121 Foocber, near Camp sueet -u. FU ur A L-ISHWAJSQEii at 615 Graeter atraet. A CISTERN maker, and a boy. A. Biggs A niz perdklo street.

A SMALL girl to nurse chlid; aleep oa premise A XoL'NO whit wtMnaa to Bursa and as-alat la housework. No. 1511 Lrufoasat, between fet. Charlea and Prytaala atrta. A GOOD housegiri; sleep on premises.

St. Charlea; rail after o'clock. 1104 A UUJAISLE aarse, with referencea. W2ti Esplanade. A OOlfPETEXT and laduatrions regiatered lay cle-k.

Apply Salmea and Iuuber SUdelL La. A YOUNG white woman or girl to do general bouaswork. mtsl sleep on premises and -iv good referencea. Apply after 1t o'clock 2211 AaannciatloB. above Jackaon syenne.

A VuUNG woman to do washing aad assist ta general homework. Hia Peters arenue. AGENTS call at drug store corner Bienville and VUlere streets, from ta 11 this morning. AGEvVTS everywhere, general or canvassing; cut MR, will send sample; quick seller, pay-lug mora money steady than anything elae in America, bestt Company, Barclay atreet, Xew lock. AXfiLET sella loU at so; SI caah and SI per month; ao charge lor title.

142 Union atreet. AXT boy or girl can wake 75 ceuta dally after achool honra right around bowe working far me; write to-day for free particular. C. 14. Lptoa, S24 Dearbora Chicago.

AT OnceA colored girl to do general bouse-auork. Apply at 101b iowpb street. BAKERY with all necessary pans, Cue opening, aa inuuecnient to right party, will give first twa utontb' rent free. Address M. Mccomb City.

Hi. BE sure and get C. O- T. and have good bealtfa; price tea ceots. BULKING AND 1JAN 8TOCK BolUHT, whether In arrears or la advance.

Address -Stock," this office. Br FT ED and broken typewriters put In flret alass Condition by A. H. Chamberlain, 1 Commercial place. The WllLaius ia the best; It writea ia plaia sight.

CUKAP Prk-es tor Good Work ttUineaus. cards, tags, ststement, each 15 cents per thousand; -at beads. SI letter head. S2 aw; envelope. 1 evervtiaag else In proportion, t.

p. granaao. vio uravier. CIGAR Salesmaa Best pTOposition out: caah conxmiaakw IIO per tnouaand. ail city la-troduotlon Lou lav 111c, Ky.

CLOTHING oa easy terms; one-third down, balance in small paymeata. "Crow clothing bouse, lag bt, Chsries. COTTON Buyer Wsnted-A competent cotton bu-ier aad claiaer to buy lita from factors for uil la, wanted In Ylcksburg. state salary, with references. Address Lock Box 246.

Vicksbarg. Mies. COMPETENT cook and dining room steward; I coVored lored preferred. At til at. Cbartea street, i COIORED cook: references required.

1742 St. Charles avenue, near Felicity. "COLORED aurse for beipless invalid laly; BBoat have best of recommendatioua. 1742 fet. Charles avenue, near Felicity CatADiT Clothing ready aoade and to meaaara; tenM ooe-thhd down, balance ta email payment.

"Crowa" clothing bouse. 126 St. Charles. DRUG derk; reglsterod. qualified assistant; lodusTiious.

studious aad of good cnarai-ier. 7 Second street. DRUGGIST. SOo per month; aaaiatant, 25. Apply Permanent Situatioa.

this otnee. EXERGEfPIC salesman: school supplies; country work; Slot salary and extras. R. O. Evaas A Can-ago.

EiPKRIEXCIjr nurse for two children; Fivech preferred. 936 Eaplaaade. EXPERIENCEX traveling sslesmsa to aril our epecmlty to dry good trade: must have rieaa record and give bond; one having extensive acquaintance with country dealers pre-ferred. Box bl4. Chicago.

EXPERIENCED pants maker to stitch pants hi factory. Apply 210 Decatur street. FIRST CLASS. SORER MILKERS FOR COUNT RY DAIRY. APPLY 33S CAMP ST.

FIRST class skip carpenters. Apply steamship Oteri. Illinois Central Railroad fruit wharf. Monday veulng, FIRST class aoapaiaker; state experience and give reference, o. this office.

FOUR Intelligent men to take orders for booka; Cuba and the war with Spain; good pay. Inquire St. Peter street. FIVE carpenter to go to Lu truer. at Apply to Clio street.

FOR a family of three adults, a settled wo-mas to cook aad do booeework; must sleep 00 the premises. Apply at 1712 Valmoat, near Dryadee street. FOR Guatemala Boilermaker. S7 day; leave Thursday. Apply 214 Exchanae alley.

to FIFTEEN good bridge or wharf carpenters to work at Passe a 1 Outre rrevasae. Apply Jalla and river Monday after 10 o'clock. GIRL for general bouaesork; quired. 612 Julia atreet. reference re- GIRL te aurse and do housework; must sleep on premises.

Apply 2ot Magsxine street. GIRL1, oomiter. claaer. snd office girl. King Mom us Cigar Factory, Girod aod Ucbotipltouias.

GOVERNMENT Positions Don't prepare for any civil service examination without seeing ear Illustrated catalogue of information; sent free. Columbian Correspondence College, Wah-tagton, D. C. GUEjG'S suortnsnd practia-al bookko-plng. taueht quickly, thoroughly: day and nigut for twelve-page catalogue and testimonials.

Mreiiy, tC- ommercial Place. HORTER TERTRoU bsraees hsad. Limited, want UOUSEGIRL with references. 1208 Magaxlne street DM sleep on premises. HUSTLER to drive grocery wagon and solicit trade.

Prytania. LADY teacher for girl twelve years eld; cjusimcariens oeceasary. Euglirh branches, nualhema tic. Latin. Irench or Gentian, and Jiualc: stste salsry exxected; references required Presbyterian preferred.

Address W. W. Beld. Orange, let. NUFSE to mind child and help In housework.

if3 Prytanis. ON installment! Mans and boys' clothing, fare lab lug gooda and hate; terms, eoe-third down, balaaoe In small paymenta. "Crown' dethtng be. 124 St. Charles atreet.

OPIUM. MORPHINE. WHISKY. If Interested ia the cure of these habits arrlte for my bonk oa these dlseasee. ma lied free.

B. M. Waohay. M. Atiasts.

Oa. PATENTED aad unpatented mventlone bought and sold. C. A. tiaas.

Commercial St. Louis. HoKTER-TERTKoC Limited, want barnes? hand. EESPaCTABLE white woman to cook for mall family. AvTly Monday, Charles Durr, Baroane and stive ts.

EN Local or traveling, oa rommie-aloa. to sell calendar aad advertising novelties te sll classes ot buaineaa: elegant side line. coneaiat to curry, snd pn.uipt layment each week. BroadwayXovelty Cincinnati. O.

SALESMAN to carry aide line to dry goods trade IB Louisisna, Arkansas and Texas. An-awer with stamp, giving referencea. line traveled snd territory. Mfg Ageut, Box 71. yatehcx.

Miss. SALESMEN $100 a month and expenses guaranteed selling to merchants and families sr machinee for cooling ref tigers tors: guar anteed 75 par rest cheaper than lee. For full taitieolnr addreea Arctic Refrigerating Cincinnati. O. tsMEN for eigara; $129 month and ex- eld axDecieace anneceesary: In- aseKeatta te caatotcera.

afcaboa Co, a I In J. St. slot the for A. S. WAXSON GOES BT RAIL TO COVINGTON.


NEAR JULIA. CREOLE TOOTHACHE PASTE stops pain mstsntly; 10 rents. At all druggists. COVINGTON, Abila Sprinits. La.

Bargains in farms ea' ail kiude and aixca. Consult Swsnauo. gent's bicycle, nesrly new; lamp. b-U and cyclometer; cbeep. Apply Li24 Camp street.

confectionery sacruh-ad i-vo; new baks oveo: market stand; sickness. Ssranaoa, biuker. 3S Church streeC 5C PER ropy, mandolin and guttsr music, at StrsttoB music store, 23 1'jyUras street. CISTERNS200O 3.roogIlooa, S-'t5. A.

Riggsjk V1J Perdido street. CHEAP, double two-story residence; nine moms, three cabinets each side: good repair; aqua re from St. Charles, near Thalia. Apply 1331 Carondelet CHEAP for aaa J. J.

poultry Faxia. Apply 73 Dublin street. HEAP for caah, bar snd grocery flxturee end lKesse. Call Sunday or Monday, 1101 amn.jeiei atreet. HOICK town aad country property at Hsmmiad.

healthiest place Soutn: 53 miles from New Orleans 00 I. C. H. T. L.

Mortoa, UiBBeM, La. COLT. 17 months. Mount Vernon. 2:154.

Nutwood, dam Kate. Imp. Storm. S300. 1422 Tballa.

CHOICE country estate near Mandeville aod Covlngtoa: 4o acres land; 2 acres In youa orchara aad bernea: a aires clear; excellent new residence; lmprvvementa alone cost SloJO: ewaer had te go North and the place Is held st a sacrifice; price mi; aoo uown. balance one. two aad three years st per cent inter-eat, or will rent cheap to good tenant. Call 121 rontn nampsrt. near Canal street.

COVERED brewery wsgon. shnost new, (100; two good mules. S10O: double bameaa. brass mounted. $25: whole outfit to one purchaser.

)- Apply to Geo. F. fctanneld. An est 101 tt 4wdiiw street. UAIRT store.

(200: sella dallv lam ananrltv pure mux. creamery potter, cream, cream rneese, ice cream, vara em: verv omflrabla Dt suees; Fourth District; cun er. bwanson. 39 vnurca street. DRUG store.

Third Diatncr- 1r. ver lished: sacrificed on aonount of owner's death; bo opposition; stock about S400; property for bum. oee awanson. DOUBLE: houae on itiM Custembooae and BlenvUle: four rooms earn sine, rront gallery: retinal: larze abed: lot toxiao: well rented: ia anod ardar. Annlr uw ok a nuip.

Do You Want to Make Money Fast If so. in vestigate this buaioees spot witcout soy op posit too: grocery aod bar. (45u: license long established; big everyday bar trade: sells i.w quarters neer luonthly; you caa have ep- on property lor ene year: cauae ot aellin" obi age. Particulars only with esramtoa. li censed broker, 3a Church street.

DON'T fad te Bee the Orleans bleed- nri i ie oea vuimerciai piece. DO box foruet the Nanoluon Avenn ltwt Company lots oa snd Bear proposed railroad mi rnat avenue, ror partlculara see W. L. Sbepsrd. real estate agent, 401 Carondelet st.

iKJLBLE cottage; five rooms each side: wster In kltrfaea; cheap to yearly tenaat; pixia x'jsrnct. nee ciwansen. ELEGANT suburoaa bicrcle: a ansa at 123 aiie s. ee utoimerciai place. ECONOMY GAS LAMP (SECOND-H tNDi.

AUDKtvSS RAYMOND, 155e CANAL, CITY. ELEGANT ODriiit Fischer Plane, nerfect or der; coat $500; aarrtflce J10O. Aldreaa B. O. B.

r-. A. iu AaAI Al avail oe street. sells claret wine 13c gailoa. ELEGANT country borne, ona mile from I C.

R. R. depot, Amite City, fine resi- ee, outhouses, garden: highly im Droved grouwu: grove or nearing pecan and fruit and ornamental trees: term sod woodland st. lamed; suited fur dilry or truck: all well Improved: dO seres or 120 If desired; will ell euwar lunusura ua entire larmiag outnt, live tocg, pvaitry. growing crop.

etc. Addreaa Mr. u. ou 23, Amite tlty. La.

FINE Loctt loo Sixth District; an elegant borne; aacrlficed for good rrseous to $45a; actual cost to build $70ta; every comfort and convenience; Schtlleuger. emhelliabed grounds snd wslks; lot 32x2ue feet end 42 feet rear lite: best terms given aa immediate purchaser: Investigate at oace. Swarison, licensed broi er. SS Church street, near Juila. FOUR lota 12rxl2o.

Marengo and Liberty atreet. Apply auroane etreet. FOR excessive Bersnlratiea of the feet er body, for offensive odors srtslng from perspira tion of the feet ar body, for itching eruptions. chafing, sere, swollea or tender feet, and for many forma of ecaema. Creole Perspiration powder Is a gurstet IN LARGE (3 OZ) BOXES.

PRICE 90 CENTS. FOUR lots of ground. In Sixth District: Im- provsmeate consist of bouse with five roeaue. stsble aad outbuildings. Bumerous fruit and snade trees and a oeautlful garden.

Apply to 1 r.i..L. i i vwiimiw, m. 1.1 FINE saloon. $550: all Ucease: best oyster ruslcru: best class patronage; line bonae; cheap rent lor desirable purchaser; situated oa Prytania atreet; big provpecre In near future; only reason snd causa for selling, owner has another buninesa. Swansea, llcetaed broker.

3S Church atreet. FIXE, brand new double cottage: five rooms each side; water la kitchen; SchiUlDCT front and alleys; galleries: Iron fence. Mr, lie- kettle Levy, $24 Joseph street, near Constance. FIVE strokes with oar foot pump lnflstaa your tire; price 5)c. At White's.

644 Commer cial place.j FINE aingle cottage; home. $2200: seven ele gantly finiabed rvoma; deep lot: driveway; on Maxlgny street. Swanaon, licensed broker. 3S i hurra street. GENTS 2S-in-h wheel, cyclometer and new Searchlight, all $17 5t.

1421 Constantinople street. GENTLE pony, suitable for lady to drive. Apply 1133 St. Philip. GROCERY and barroom, $400: real bargain; crowded locality; resava for sacrifice; Sixth District, bee anaou.


IZBD SHEET IRON laaaorted gangem. best I ANITA, bottom figures, csrlosds or Edward Thompson. 530 Natcbex street. GOOD yO'iBg mule, suitable for any kind of work. Apply 812 South Rampart.

GLASS-DOOR araaolr walnut bedroom set. 11 pieces, la teat style, good ss new. cost $2uO; price aao. aiu Aorta itampart. GROCERIES and barrooms, (too.

$4m. $11. SlbOO, $4oU0. J. A.

Cbarbonnet. 3S1 Ca- roodeiet. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON, best quality, at bottom fig'Jree. Edward Thompson, 5.i Natches atreet. HALL bester.

In perfect conditloa. accounb having to move thla month. 5u27 Constance street. HALF aide new double corf aire, five rooms. $lo fur (uud teoaot; sixth District.

See Swaa- HEAVY draft bourse and jump-sest surrey. Feed Store. Washington avenue and South Rampart street. HoUSE and two lets: high ground: at neigh iwrbood; cheap. Apply Nell, 3bl Audu bon street.

HOMESTEAD stockholders, buy a bouse for youraetvea; bow is tbe time; (et my new sale list tor bargains; eleven aew pieces of prop erty received this meek; owner will get good re wilts oy placing came upon my Bext sale list; no rnargs UBieae yoa seil. u. Sbepard, real estate agent, eoi tmnoeiel street. HENRY CLAY avenue, corner Perrier. five filled lore.

ST.V each; $150 cash, bal- lawe $160 a year with Interest; street grav eled and aides alk laid W. L. Sbepard. real estate agent. 401 Carondelet street.

HALF Interest tea-ton absorption Ice plant. new. having a good cash trade, in a growlnx yair ceaai low a. a or partlculara address P. Box 4.

Long Besch. Miss. INVESTMENTS WHICH WILL PAY TO IN VEST. Two double cottages. $1150 each: Seventh Dtatrict: good Investment: Invest Irate.

Two double eottifres. new. $15ou: Sixth Dis trict. Bear Nspoleoo avenue One single two-story. $25J: Sixth District.

One brand new double cottage, fine, (2r. One double cot tare. Second atreet. $-'. New double cottage, with driveway.

Fine double cottage. $3350: Elyaian FieMa. Single cottage. I rooms, $I2u; rents IIS. Double cottage, $14oo; Dsnphine and Dea- londe.

Two stogie cottages. $6oo each; Bear Espla nade. Two lots. Loulslaaa avenue aad Hobertaaa: cheap; comer. Two fia lot, comer Magnolia and Second.

Five lota. Gravler and Wbite; cheap. Corner Naahville avenue and Constance. Corner Berlin and Chestnut streers. Three lts.

Cleveland and Hagan avenues. Three lots. Hagaa aveniae ao Palmyra. Single cottage and two lota. $800.

Full particular of each bargain with Swnn- oa. broker. 38 burr a street, near Julia. Of- re hours: 8 to 11. 4 to 8.

sharp. IP TOC HAVE A LITTLE MONEY a kit. we are reauy to build a house for to occupy, mat sell. We provide the money without premium or commiaaioo; fur- ish plana without rharee; complete the build and arrange payments to salt your clrrum- kcs: you can a our work in course of construction snd completed snd talk with owners. Come snd see as.

Metropolitan Construction Practical Bulldera, Room 23. Caroedelet street. JUST Received A carload of nice Colorado horses, cheaper than ever, at 101 Bienville street. LOTS oa sod near Tulane avenue, from $223 p. Ward BUV, aol carooaelet.

as 1 $0 SALESMAN, elty aad couatry; first class on: jr. Knur Momus Clear Factory, Glrod and cboupltoulas. SAWYER wasted, small pine mill; nraet have tools to do oaa repslrs; state wage expecteu and reference, Addreaa Sawyer, Mississippi City. Mlae. SETTLED woniaa te aarae two cblldren.

Apply l.ia Ftliclty street. SHORTHAND, r-okkeeolux. typewriting, arithmetic, from 13. Ulna OaeaL low bt. Charles.

1252 8. Rampart. START a Bill order business at your own fcotiit pan let lars free. W. Faulkner Savsnnsb, Gs.

TnliV tn mate hi mar "if nseful aa I farm: iraii or colored. Root. Barney, Mar- La. KTIioNG bo-. a.

18 or 20 years old; cigarette smokers dot I efer need not apply. Soatbera Gravler aad Tenoupisouise atreeta. STENOGRAPHERS, salesmen. bekkeera, druggists aad teachers deslrlBg pvUMM la Texas are invl ed to addreaa ''The Texas Bosl-nea Bureau," 1. W.

BadnalL proprietor, Dal- laa. Tex. SOTS aad pacta to measure ap tn- la. "trowa" clothing hanss. 12C at.

Charlea. TWO eiperlenced and aober tlanera: none othera need apply. Addreaa P. A. Wutke.

LHMialdauDTllle. Le. TWO young, healthy and eettee muiatreaaea to act aa aervaota during foreuopa; reading and writing indispensable: g.wd wages. For furthar particular apiWy daily, from ft ta p. m-, at 2i3 North Bacipart.

TWO nmt outdoor aaleamea; n-farence rerjuired. Call It ta 1 dock Suoday. 1308 St. Clawle street. TWt guud saah aad bUad makers; one good mantel maker, one pood machine bani and taro 1 -i Tilled nutnet Inteticadeax-e street.

TWENTY ladies to ceorass a useful article; I fjC big money ia it. Apply i4 Canal. THOl'KAND agcau wanted to sell the fa- biwu VaHkae" watch: samples oy mail si. William Kiln. TTPEWR ITERS of all makes for rant, by the week or month; machines demered ta all parts of the dJ.

A. 1- cnamner lain, Commercial place. lAfJI'lilVKIl atenneranben. perfectly comueteBt and rood si-elh-rs. will do well to leaTS tbeir names with the Hammond Type writer Aancr.

5124 Camp street. New Orlesns. XL- a VTmTo make to measure 100.000 suiu from X4 up; the very Sueat Import eo: worsteua. rat to TcMir sbcaaure. ffr X--- Aaiiresa or rail imfirh Affli nierli-aa nouieu aiiiia J.

manager. 1903 Cleveland ave nue. New trbans, 1. WHAT is Care Ton Tes Ask your neighbor for the liver. At drug stores.

WHITE woman to cook. s' St. Cbsrles atreet. WHY work for others when, you caa. with little evnenae.

at art a buaineaa In your town that will pay well? Write postal to Wbeatoa A New Bedford. for particulars ana list practical money-making reclpaa, trade ae- crets aaa private lormuias. WILLING boy ta bakfrr bnsiaeaa. C. Bacber.

Foocber and Laiurel recta. WOMAN' to cook, wsah arm iron and houae- woik; family of twa. 4K39 Frytania. WtMEN aad girl to do faacy work for at tbeir bomea; S4 to S7 per week; ao expe rience neceauMtry. Address, with stamp.

Xba Mctee 6U5 Race street. Clacinnati. O. YoUXG man alwut lb years of aga to collect and make himself generally useful; give ref erences and state salary expected. Address P.

O. Drawer Xo. 42. YOUXG girl to attend to twa childrea and do. housework Apply 7to9a.rn.ero to 7 p.

m. 172.1 rJiterpe street. 100 LEVEB men; good atatijn work. Apply to kL D. lioour A Xo.

euti Coouuer- elal place, or Lafourche Crossing, Bayuav-Xa- fvurcbe. 4O.00O YARDS sailroad grading to let: good wheel scraper work. For particulars address New Orlesas. P. O.

Box 2W. $15 TO S-T3 a week and expenses paid men to sell cigars on time: experience anaeceassry, W. L. KUne -at. Louis.

Mo. HORTER-TKRTROU bameaa bands. Umlted. want SITUATIONS WANTED. A WASHING by a first class laundress.

Nancy Carter. 181a Harmony street. A PLAl wanted by a good cook. No. 2ol2 South Raaipart street.

A WOMAN wants waahlng to take borne Address 21C8 Peters avense. corner Liberty at. A YOUTH desires a position in office: caa operate typewriter. Address G. this office.

A YOUXG lady wants a situation ss Isdy's companion: Do objection ta leaving the city; a good seamstress. Address Box 600, F. O. A MASTER mechanic snd millwright desires position. Address A 17, Times-Democrat.

AS cane weigher or general clerk on plantation; best of reference given. 17, this office. AS earptaier. porter, driver, by married man; aober and reliable: city er country. A-ddreas Neeur.

2-S7 tirades streeC AS bookkeeper or stenograpter, by Mlas M. A. Watson, Allen. Muss. AS clerk In country store; good reference; five years' experience; not afraid of work.

Address Foreigner, thla ofttce. AS overseer ou sugar plantation: many years experience; csn furnish first clsss references; would srrept poettioa during grinding season. Address A. this office. AS derk or assistant In office by a yoaug man of red family.

Address C. A. 31 Bienville street. BOOKKEEPER snd general of floe aa educated young man. thoroughly competent; small salary to start.

Address Id, this office. PY settled white woman, a place aa caec. Address 7: Toledano street. BY widow ss working housekeeper for widower or bachelor; city or country; Induatrlous, reliable; bent references given. Addreaa for two weeks.

Mrs. Warren, this office. BY capable bookkeetier, set books requiring four or five hours dally. 13, Times-Democrat. BY a ynung lady, owaing Remiugton us- chine, position aa atenogrspber: several yesr experience In all branch of work.

Address Good, tbls ofoce. BY Toon it man stenographer: good references; salary moderate; now employed. Id. this efflce BY an Al cook: white eettled woman. Addreaa 16.

this office. BY experienced traveling snd city salesman and office man; best reference. 16, this office. BY Beat German woman, to do plain cooking small family. Addrea 21)15 Royal.

BY amanucnais, employed, with machine notarial matter specialty; references; youth. Anxioua. Time-leTiicrat BY a young man, prsitloa ss collector or otner employment eity or couoTry; can de posit If required. Address Cols. office.

BY colored girl ss houae and dining roota work. Apply C23 houth Koman. H' drummer to represent machinery and groceries in Cuba: apeaka Spanish snd French; can control considerable trade. Address Hawk, this ofnee. BY a gardener (aged German), competent and exiierien-ed In all kind Dowers and vegetaMes; ran milk, cat of borers: references first class, Address Competent 24.

thla office. BY youiig married man. position as bookkeeper or clerk, either city or country. Addreaa J. 2333 Laurel atreet.

BY white man. city or conn try. to make bimaelf generally useful. Address Al bert. P2H St.

Ann street. BY trained nurse. 17 St. Charlea. BY an Al dredgeboat runner and dipper canoier; can do own repairing.

Addreaa K. Ia thla office. BY thoroughly competent and experienced male stenograph, owning typewriter. Address Stenograpiisr, tbls office. COLORED man wishes situation ss cook.

S33 North Liberty street. GARDENER Will tske rare of private garden cheap and well. Address August. 240 Ann. IN a country store, by a steady, experienced man, Wbo hsa also a knowledge of farming and stock rsiMng.

Addreaa 2331 Chippewa street. New Orleans. Le. IN drug ste. by young man twenty -one; two yetn' experience.

Address Times-Democrat. LADY teacher will teach French. English, makic; best rererences. 1424 Saratoga atreet. LADY would amoime rharee of boirding houae in our ont of city; references.

"Competent," Times-Democrat. POSITK as classifier snd shipper of cot ton: twenty yeare eip-neoce can also as- with sny office aork. Address P. O. Box 5so.

CJiarlesttm. S. C. TELEGRAPH curator. aten.gra pher.

expert typewriter and ln-nkkeeper d-alres poairion where he can be useful in all branches, if poa-siMe. Address "Raymond," 15oo' Canal street, city. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. A THOUSAND business card, properly printed, $1. Myera Printing House.

617 SIO Camp. ISAIX YOPKEEDio make first payment oo a lot -ef ground; no charge titiaw ABSiay Land (aa, 2J buioa attaaC. be Be in II O. P. ONS American collar and cuff Ironer.

one 8- norae oower boiler, one -borae power eoaine. used tlree months: one Hvstt filter, eanacitv about gallons per day: one asfe. Dlebold c.mninai on im-k. Aildreas P. O.



3S CHFRCH STREET, NEAR JUIJ STKFFT: BoURS TO 11 4 TO P. SHARP. I GGER Ta-o Biorhera; a Bne. light draft Dot: 3oxll: all galvanized faatenlngs; new sailboat in nerfect condition; laat price caB. Apply to A 11 dor Torres.

Krsemer P. or baa. L. Hopkins. Allemanda P.

LARGfi German nelghborbood: something guaranteed: exceptional opportunity: fine gro cery aad barroom. SHOO; leaving city. See Swaaoen. LOTS Eleanor, near Constance, and Magnolia an. I Mixth: will aell as they are or erect comfortable onttacee and accept small monthly payment a.

8. McWillktme. 342 Camp. MARfH almost new; Rate BtcTcle House. 12i Camp street.

Cut X1NK ExrePtlonaTlT Pine Business OnnnrTnni. Ilea Nine long etabliabed croceriee and bar rfcms, ir00 giVIO, 2ta. $Z'r3. S4500. $..

tX: thonwchlv reliable and of the hleheav nntMl.l i ...1 ine nignest eommerclal standing ami respocal- billty; the owsers are absolutely retiring, prop- -1 mm tr- uwnii irrw made with psrtles meaning bnalnesa. Full particulars with Swanaon. licensed broker. 73 Church near Julia. Hours: 8 to 11.

4 to 5. XO other wheel comperes with the Orlesns at S25. See them at White's, 644 Commercial place. NEW Domestic sewing machine, in use ene wee: cseap Tor csaa. Id.

thU office. NEW single cottage. (o5o; 3 rooms, gallery. rooi: an reared; imaraod Tor (30O; in- au ranee (.00: rent ta. Swanaon.

3a Cburob st. now the wsr Is over, nesce ncnclaimel- aow la the greatest opportunity for buyers to start snd mxks big money; now Is tti? time xo purrnase groceries, saloons and barrooms; uo otner Business gives you more money to proprny wits; swaasoa make tbls elm er custoesa a specialty; of course, he has many real sscrlfic bargain. Alwavs consult Swanaon. Licensed Broker, 38 Cburra atreec. Bear Julia: office hours.

to 11 a. 4 to p. m. sr.arp. XhV.

fine double rottaee. no town- heal-tav ocanty: rneap till Oct. i. See Swanaon. NEAT alnale large yard.

Camp. XOM Is the time to bay real estate: It ia sure to go higher; our Hat has many bargains. -u st snaw, jji larooaelet. NO opposition: Second District: fine arocerv sou oarroom. siiAK; lull and complete stork.

wita privilege purchasing property: only rea son, sicsness. issuit bwansuu. broker. ON INSTALLMENTS A PRETTY SIV- KOOM OI EEN AN.VK CtrTTAtlK NO ROBERT STREET: LARGE HALL. SPACIOI rt rooms.

WITH BATH. AND MODERN I.M- EA1EN TS ONE ateam tnt. two vaara old- 34 Inches arart: good condition: verv fast. Acolv to J. nuniuiD, lTinity.

kA. ocl niuiard table. S. dl Transni A Sow. corner ot. snd CiatPorne avenue. ONE good opHnht piano ia beet order: octave: Apply 742 Harmony street. ONLY Reason. Sbwneas Beat rea-lv monev- makioc grocery and barroom in city. $1050: bis colored caah trade: wholesale merchant will enow monthly business: beer sslea, monthly uius.

less uiaconnt. a-tot sversge. wanton. iiceosed broker, SS Church street. ONE very fine Vletoris.

slmoat aew at bargain; also one doctor' phaeton, cheap. Can ee seen st ui rsrdido atreet. UK exensnjr for eltv iinmjrrv a ranntiv borne, three lull from Ablta: aew house, burn sua iences. good wster. live oaks around nvuse; stream od place: fruit and pecan trees: 104 sere: 15 accee cleared: Dries SlauO.

Ad. ureas lit. a. Pops. 1-4 tiaronne street.

PLANER shavings In carload Iota: loi prices. Texas Tram, and Lumber Company, oeauiooui. 1 ex. PARLOR, bedroom seta, dining table, chairs. esrnets.

numerous other articlea. 1112 ft. naries aveaoe. PROPERTY over the lake, cheao. Address a.

wsveiana. QUICK Bargain fT Someone Three-year-old single cottage, allot: four rooms, elate toot: lot lxl.a; Mxth See Swsnson. REMEMBER. NO A Note of Tit Interest and Imnortance to Buyers ataxe no mistske wnea you read Swansoa's advertisements Id The Times-Dem ocrat; yon will find them all truthful and hon est baldness chance opportunities which are tor lie; yoa can make yoor own offer tor any one alter lnveatlratkm from Swanaon. the licensed broker.

28 Church street, near Julia. Ofnee boors: 8 to 10 sad 4 to sharp. RACKET stores supplied all throurh tha pwb, Bewj iw imj catalogue, u. Clioe. REAL estate formerly belonging to Interna tional Cotton Press Couipssr: 1.

Lara oiuare er ground oouooea oy Lvce, rout. Galen- nle and Calliope streets; 2. Square of ground attaining anove (except four lotat. bounded bv a.ratn, Lievee and rront streets: 3. rortlon or ground la aqusre bounded bv New Levee.

Tcbouritoulas, Thalia aad Hunter streets, measuring 74 feet 2 inches froat on New Levee street. 2 feet inches rout on Hunter street, and adjoining In the rear. Apply J. U. GUTHRIE, Morris Building, and A.

H. WILSON. 27 Gravler street. New Orleans. SO PER copy, mandolin and rultar music, at surattou muaic store, run foyaras street.

REDUCED TO TEN CENTS. CREOLE CORN CURE. Best on earth. At ail druggists. R'JPE Two col la 8-lnch Manila rope, never useo.

and nve coils 1 to lO-lm a Manila rope, almost new: cheap. Apply to S. Oteri, 403 S. root srreet. RAISED simrle bouse. Bienville bat 3oxl3u; 5 lame room; front, side callerlee. urireway. galvaaized iron shed, large cistern. pavea nan.jueiie; ia good order. Apply 2Jb0 rt.

i-uinp. SEE OUR NEW WUBMj AT xil Cut Rate Bicyole House. lJa Camp street. SIXTH IHstrict Modern two-story; bed- rnonia, parlor. Bitting room, kitrnen, pantry.

uaiia. uining room. itn. atanie. M-bllliuger waits, graveled atreet; large srmind: rbeao: terms eaay.

or nomestesu Plan. prvtania near state. 8MALL restaurant, cbeao. to onick hnver invesricate. tbls oruce; owner going to Cuba.

SMALL truck farm at south end of Kun. for particulars address 16, tbls office. STEAMBOAT for sale or charter: rheso: good condition: under 10O tons; pscket or lowing. Auurna a a. in is office.

STOVEWOfID ARh-osk load, with klndlinr t. oas-pine. spilt pine. $175; pir.e blocks. $1 5): oak pine block.

$1 7.V Pnt in. side. T. J. Murray.

Kampart and St. Andrew. Biaao: caoiuet grand: goial a new; coat $50u; price $125. S10 North Ram part, STYLISH horse anJ trap: will sell seiarat. ly; horse city broke: lady ran drive, awl Is besvy snd One enough for fancy delivery wsgoo: will be sold st bargain owluz to ehanice ot resilience, im naronne atreet, corner First.

TATTERSALL Sales One carload broken and anbroken horse, one lot males, buggies, wsgoos. Boats and drays, at public auction. Saturday. Aug 27. at 12 o'clock 911 and 021 Gravler street.

IliK Orleans will last five yesrs: price $25. ai nire s. 04 ouiuier-iai place. TWO 32-Inch Hep worth rt-atrifugals. with mixer, complete: in good order.

A. Marx. 630 to 647 Tchoupltoulas street. To Make. Money Fast Investigate This Fine saloon.

SiOOO; best reasons oa earth given for selling out. Swauson, broker, 3S Church st. TWO fin ssfes; suitable for leweler or fine office; one reglater. three fine counter show case aod s'ao'ls. Apply 2iw hart re at.

THREE atores. with good dwelllnga; Julia. comer Paaln; corner Claiborne and Flyalan Field, and corner Lyon and Perrier street. Particulars with Swnaoa. TEN R.l P.A.N.

for 5 rents, st druggists: one gives relief. TAKE hold of this business and make money rapidly; beat flret class salooa town: will buy it; long established by owner: retire permanently. Swanaon. licensed broker. 38 Church street.

UPRIGHT piano. In good condition. For par ticular address it), this ernce. VERY Cheap A fine building lot filled to grade, and sidewalk, on South Rampart, river aide, between Jena and ftapoieea avenue. L.

Pnaey. attorney, room 4 er lo. Masonic Tem pi. VICTOR bicycle in perfect order: $17. At White s.

w44 u-Bwrriil place. WHITE rabbits: fine onee; $1 pair. Box 12. Grind Coteau. Ia.

WAVERLY bicycle: perfect order: $17. Cut Rate Bicyi-le Houae. 12S Camp atreet. YOUNG Man. Look at This Fine avenue gro cery sod barroom.

$. or take stock; account airknea. See Swauson. loO ACRES land. 25 Improved, at Indepen dence.

3 muse weat or railroad depot. near Nataibaay river, cultivated aad improved. roliows: a seres in srrawnerrtes. 1 acres com. 7 acres ia cotton.

1 sere in potatoes, SO fruit trees; one 6-room bouse, 2tenement oabtna. oarn. 1 buggy avuse. 2 well hoe water: price $1200; terms $600 raso. balaace (4ot parable la aiz months.

P. O. Box 1024. Also 317 seres timber land adjoinina- above at per acre; timber alone $2 per acre. l7 LADY'S Columbia.

$35. at Whits' a a4 Commercial place. I'M LADY'S Crescent: ased ene mdatki 123. At White 84 Cxnaaatclal place. I AN elgbt-room alng le cottage and stable.

Ad areas J. cars ximes-tfemecrat. BY responsible party, for one year, furnished bouse In healthy part of city; must have all modern improvements, four bedrooms, some groncds: rental, anfuraiabed. not to exceed Addrea. with aU detail, a.

Box 023. poat- inca. BY reliable teusnt. house containing nine roasne aaa naua tor ao: fourth or Sixth Dia trict. Bear cars.

Addreaa Immediate, thla of lice. FROM ewaer of property, a hoeae. lx eight room, ap town. 16. this office.

to FURNISHED bouse, eight rooms or convenient to business portloa city, for best visiting boarders, from September. Address Fifty-one. Hotel Deacchaud. HOUSES of all kinds; we are having a big demand, and caa rent all we rsa get. so bring teem In; we Issue our Hat dally.

Ward A Shaw. 331 Caraodelet. I DISTRIBUTE 300 rent licta every 4 days and have aumoera et clients wnose wants cannot aupply. Bring your empty houses to 33d Carondelet street and get goad teaaau oa leasee. W.

H. trap trick. Auctioneer. TWO unfurnished roome from Oct. 1: a Jaokaoa avenue or the Park preferred.

Addreaa U. thl ofnee. Paplla AVaateeL A. A. McNALLY.

ebortbaad and typewriting office and school tPlttmaa system) dlctatttia elassee. 215 Henaea Building. Carondelet aad Common; copying. KM AN EX. Commercial Shorthand, rrnewrlt.

Ing Office and 5xkm1 Room 22, 21 Caronda- let (Ueaegre puiiuuia'. EASY coBversational SpaaUa leasona: rapid. thorough course. per woath. Address CoBV potent xeacner.

imwurawnt. rRENt. aad Suaaiah taught; 50 aeata 1 sea; French and Spanish eveuiag classes. Vis iting Gentleman, lmee-jjemocrat. IN English.

German. French. Spanlah. muale; terms moderate. Mrs.

Mocaaoee. 4 at. Jacksoa Square. MISS FLORENCE HTTBERWALD. voice cul ture and the art of singing.

14o2 Prytanla at. MISS D. POINTS' Musical Institute snd School of Oratory. Elocution aad Singing. No.

930 Elyalaa Fields sve. Piano, vloUa. areas. guitar, banjo, mandolin, autouarp aad sluier taurht: also typewrtting. anoruiana ana Doyst- cat culture; aay ana n.gnt classes.

SLOAN-DUPLOfAN SHORTHAND: almpla. legible, apeeoy: particular aaaiiea tree. at. L. Brewleo.

1x0 ar iTaroa deist. SHOKTHAND and TYPEWRITING Mrs. H. M. McCants, NOT Commoa terme moderate.

Ttsraer Wasted. SPANISH TEACHER. S2S Carondelet atreet. TEACHERS mala and female teachers Beeded now to fill vacancies caused by Cuban war. Union Teachera' Agencies, Pittsburg, pa.

mated ta Borrow. S5000 ON first clsss dry real estate for fear yesrs; will pay 6 per cent per annum. Addreaa thla office. JFXMlJJALjE AT your price, giass-door armoir set and other furniture; bargalna. 1045 Camp atreet.

A POULTRY plant with anod dwelling and ample lands, moating and brooding noueea, incubator and stock, and also suitable for the dairy buaineas. being within a few minutes' drive of New Orleans. For farther particulars sddreaa Economy Gas Lamn. Raronne street. New Orleane.

A FORTUNE for Sharp Business Mas A very valuable and extensively large drayage haal- aess; slock guaranteed: eoarmoas yearly proau; only psrtles giving praor or meenlng business need apply; full particulars only la the hands of bwaneoa. licensed broker, 3a Church atreet. oear Julia atreet. A FINE family horse aad buggy. 621 Poy- drafl atreet.

A LARGE Falrbank scale: perfect condition; cheep. Address V. Timee-Democrst. A iiiALTlFLL bicycie aod very durable, the Orleans. At White'a.

44 Uoaunarcial place. A LARGE, com fort a hie home oa I. O. Rail road, ia small town: piny woods, two and half bouts' ride from New Orleans; will sell ea eaay terms or exceange for tl'y property. Addrewe I.

thla office. A SuUARE. or lots. Nashville a- Joseph. An.4v 1737 Berlia street.

stnxie cottage, 471 camp atreet: lot avx ISO; (Deo. Apply aa above. A REAL Snap Bargain Monday Grocery and oar, aoo; urease paM; nig colored ana wars- Ing class neighborhood; rent SIS- Swansea, broker. A BIG moaev-making grocery and barroom. $12; full stock: average dally receipt, gts twmka prove Duuaeas; wbeicasie BuerrnaBts books prove facta.

Swantoa. licensed broker, 3b Church, street, near alia atreet. A FINfcl organ: suitable for church, lodge. cneap. 1014 anal.

AN uprurbt riscner plan no; $150; aa lBcn be Toe and brooder. $15. J. A VE 1Y superior and exceptionally fine two- el ory emitie bouse; besuttrully laid out gar den in Shillinger: lot 32x3 teet: at real sac rifice: Sixth Diatrirtj near Peters avenue. Swanaon.

licensed broker. 33 Church atreet. Bear Julia street. A FIRST class saloon, centrally located. cense, a mall stock, and grand opportunity for man small capital: must ce sola at once.

J. Times-Democrat office. AN honest bicycle at aa honest price, the Or leans, x. VI bite t44 Commercial place. AN ELL'S COUGH 8YRCP.

Twenty-live aad Fifty Ceata. A WAGON LOAD of split sh and oak. livered Inside premise. (2.2: oak and bine it. roat.

ia9 rruiit. A BARGAIN; double houae; Audnboa Park on time or monthly payaacnta. Address Club, Times-Democrat. A BATTERY of aecoad-hacd a brock WUcox boilers; 312-hoise power; bow la thla dty. Appty ta The Babceck A Wilcox Col.


GROUND AND CHIPPED GLASS; GET ESTIMATES O.N lOl WANTS. M. A H. AUGUST1N. 310 AND 312 BARONNE ST A MAN WHO WANTS THE EARTH can have It at So per lot; $1 caah and $1 per month; no charge for title.

Anslry Land 4Z mon sxreex. A DOl BLE. slate roof. 10-rootu cottage, extra lot: Dryades atreet. near markets.

schools, churches: two car lines paca; S-totaj cash or tertna. Address 11. Time Democrat A BARGAIN Bicycle, safe and sound. (U ot Cut Rate Bicycle House. 129 Camp street.

A DO I BUT. sad single cottage oa Arabella street: cheap. a. A. Uremia u.

$37 Carondelet street. AT a Bargain That very desirable and vala- able property on Lafayette atreet. Baton Rouge. known na the City HoteL Addreaa J. M.

Henabsw. New Iberia, La. A THOUSAND buaineaa sards, properly print- BARGAIN in double cottage. Third District rents $1-4: seventh werd; between car lines. E.

Jonas, i-ll Oxnmervlal place. BAKERY for sale. Apply at 62 Adele atreet. BEST chance la Third District young married couple to nau money iaat. and easy; nice clean well ranged grocery sad bar: plenty of business every dsy without any ep-pueitioa: big Saturday trade: only caaae for selling out.

owner baa another business and anuot give hia persousl atteatloa: no objection tskinc valuation: Invesrirate once with SwsneaM, licensed broker, 3SCharch street. BUGGY aad carriage harness, single and double; riding saddles, bridles. Up dusters, robes, whips and turf gooda. F. Glefera, 333 Baronne.

BLUE flame oil Steves, gaaoliue. oiia. Btevea. ranges and lamps; lights furniahed for picnics, etc F. PecoaL 24 ha rues; telephone 1007.

BUSTED bicycles repaired by expert workmen only. Cut Rste Bicycle House, 12b Csmp. BARROOM, cheep: location central; frond ressvn for selling. Addreea Charm, thla office. BRAND New Fine double cottage, $2400; lo rooms, wster in kitchen.

Schiilincer front and alleys. Iroa fence; Sixth Dtatrict. bnker. BEAUTIFUL boye Waverly. Wfalte's.

644 Comaaerclal place. $12 50. at BICYCLE, 2o-lnch, Sesrchlight. for caah anytjlng desired. Jonca.

limes-Democrat. BREAD and cake bskery ia good loralityT wirh modern Improvements, and bones and wagons; doing; good buaineaa. Addreea lo, office. BUY the beet typewriter ribbon at Chamber-Iain's. 621 Commercial place; every ribbon guaranteed to give satisfaction er aaoney refunded.


Edward Thompson. 53 Natcbex street. CALIGRAPH typewriters. $15 to $33; Ieoe-more. Bar-lo.

ka. to $40; Remingtoos, to HO. A. H. Chamberlain.

621 Commercial place: sU kinds of typewrite supplies and office devices. CR4W FOBD bicycle: splendid condition; $12. White's. o44 CmmercUI place. CHEAP Single cottage, $775.

with twa lota KXj2 feet, fenced: 8 rooms, sned, cistern; Orleans street. Bear Lopes street; rapidly improving Beljthhorbopd. j-wapsos. XLL' JKIA bicycle; good aa aew; $33 90. Cut Rale Bicjcia Bauae, 128- Caaaj atrsat.

U. or yoa ing 137 CARPETS, furniture la small or entire contents of residences, for caah. Buyer, P. O. Bur 120.

DfcBK.NTL'KES bouxbt in the L'nJoa. Ger- smnia -Loan and Garwaa-AmerVaa coujpanles. Camp FURNITURE, carpets, la email lota, or entire boaacboids; cash. Exporter. Box 1 UHMTUKE.

in small iota or entire contenre of -bouse; blcbest cash prices paid. Address shipper. Box 65d. P. O.

FURNITURE, carpet a. Dianoa. contents reatdfincea and stores purchased. P. O.

Box Uoa. GOLD and aUar bought: watches and ew elrr for sale: also books, news, mazaxiaea. ayttonery, ootloaa. Petrce, lu2t Caul, next ricawica viud. NEWSPAPER Wanted ta lease charge of a weekly.

15. thla eince. OLD BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. FAIR pricea paid. U.

Jacobs. 727 Poydraa street. OUR war books new ready; send your orders for "Our Country In War" to as. r. neroa.

agent. 1217 Fern atreet. PIANO tuning fl; repxlrtog and ranlatlag a apecialty: aauaractloo guaranteeo. wpvn. Tlmes-LVmocrat.

WANTCD Landlords and agents ta know that the Pellcaa Excmratlog Company cleana TBulta cbeauer than any other company, vi ne 320 Can-odelet. WANTEI ood fornltura aa atorace la trie splendid building 54 Baranae atreet. K. Ctntia. WANTKI Namea of Toersana troubled with asthma or any cough; samples and book mailed free, Oouaux.

iiouma. a. 90 PER cent to 23 ner cent can be saved by aaing the Chicago impression books; a postal will bring a representatlTe to demonatrate thla. A. H.

ChamberUin. bZl Uommerrtai place Ageals Wamtcel. AGENTS and orgs nicer la every community Immediate indemnity for accident, sickness or death; splendid renewal contracts, w. A. Chcrieston, a.

AGENTS Ml or female: new style Ger- an silver embroidery needle for raised aephyr work. Whale Art Co St. Lonia, Mo. AGENTS Write for oartlculara: fastest aell Ing article invented. Box 12, Grand Coteaa, AGENTS Wanted Men with small capital to represent buggy manufactory in every county.

Dayton Vehicle Dayton. AGENTS ia city and country for rapid-sell Ing articles. B. Allison, KJ23 rolynnia. New Orleans.

AGK.ViS to sell to mills, manufactories, el trie light plants, have agents making 1 10 per day. Morse Chemical ami Supply 11 Seventh Pittsburg, Pa. AGENTS wanted to aell ready-made novelty lan arize 11x14 Inchest: 75 ner rent proDl quick sellers. Vai. Schreier Milwaukee, la.

AGENTS Big money selling our (Ira-proof bowe snd business safes; 173 40 cleared one day by new agent: capital or experience aa- ar pessary: write for special term and cata logue. Alpine Sate Cincinnati, o. AGENTS S25 weekly taking orders for Marvel waterproof, eelf-aulnlrig polish for russet and black shoes: auuliea out once weekly; economixea shoe bills: leather preserver; send stamps. Holladay A Chicago. AGENTS Our beautiful copyright picture, the "War Congress of the U.

22x2Si. la selling like not cakes; every American borne buys one for xac: subageata make aio a oav Slate areata make Slot a week: write quick for exclusive territory; sample free; seod three 2c stemp to cover postage. Manhattan, Novel ty 3B5 Manhattan Chicago. AGENTS (25 per day guaranteed, permanent for life: two new paleuls: evil oa aigut to every person; exclusive territory granted: yoa can't fnil: sample free at once oa applica- o. Bra bam Fen 131 Cincinnati, O.

GET Rich Do a mail ordor business; our books explain all; particulars for stamp, ii. B. lenuug. Box T41. Des Moines.

Ia. OhLY perfect tapor bath; latest patent; greateat seller. It. M. Irwin.

xabville. lena WE want lady manager in every towa to save charge of local agrata avuing Mar-tbo-na, our new treatment for women: write at eaca. Weber Chemical Schiller Chicago. WE ao not want boys or loafers to write ns: but men of sbllity; to $ax per month; aslessaen and general agents: salary or com-mhislon. Racine Fire Engine Racine, Wis.

WHITE er colored, to aell articles especisUy for colored pevpie: eay to sell and big profit. Addreea Room 4u9, lus Fulton New Yerk. STO WEEKLY giving swsy Flsvoring Ex tracts aad 'atrouai'iaa Coubisatloa Dipper, Fuauel, btralner and Lemon Soueexer; sample tree. a. 1.

roraoee Cincinnati. J. Boarders Waaitesl. AT 1133 St. Charles Delightfully furnished rooms, amgle or ea suite, wits board.

A STRICTLY pries te family aavini taan tbey require, csn aervmmouate a faw gfnileujcn; table first class; bath snd all home comforts: no children; referencea ex changed. Address M. Times-Democrat of fice. CAN accommodate with pteaaant rooms and board In private family. 1107 St.

Charles sve. GENTLEMAN can secure fine room and best board in private Jewish family, i It, Tlmea- uenaorrai. GENTLEMAN to board In private borne: beat accommodations. Address V. Tlmes- Democrat.

KWisil family, CrlcUy private, offers su perior BccuBHnodatloas. Addreea with full Barnes. P. O. Box b2o.

ROOMER or boarder wanted by childless blow; no one on premises. Address P. 2212 Ursulinee avenue. ROOM and board for young man: no other boarders; State street; t-ii. Address Comfort.

Wanted to I'rcliae. A RESIDENCE, single or double, below Lou isiana aveB'ie. Camp and Baron ne, to coat between and H. Dsvls, Xe. 3.15 St.

Charlea. A SECOND-HAND hearse. 521 Poydras street. A SINGLE or double cottage; $4)0 rash and balance on easy terms; state location, num ber or rooma ana best term. Address X.

this office. A SIX or eight-room single cottage on easy monthly psymruts. conveuieut to Ninth Street Market. Address tois or ore. A NICE set of bar fixtures, cheap.

Yelloi Kid Saloon. St. Bernard parish. BARBER centrally located: two chairs. Address Uesaonable, this office.

FURNITURE aod conteuts of houses and stores bought for caah. Addreaa Liberal, this on ice. GOOD, sound mule; msst he cheap; rice. Grocer. P.

O. Box 1137. tate I WILL sell your property in a hurry per 2 per cent. eow perdido street. MEDIUM size folding dour lros safe; etate where caa be Been.

P. O. Box 1720. SECOND-HAND dynamo: fifty light; must In perfect condition. Donaldsonville Foundry.

Donaldsonviile, La. SINGLE cottage: five rooms; two lota; la Fourth or Sixth District. J. A. Ctarboaiiet.

337 Carondelet. SINGLE" cottage: up-town dtatrict; six or Ten rooms; shout j.iCN. Addrea. riving particular. Address P.

Timea-Democrat. SQUARE of ground on river front. Caatell A 145 Carondelet. John J. WASHBURN mandolin: state lowest price.

Address B. O. this office. 25-llOKsE power stationary boiler; must be rood order. Address, giving particulars snd price, care of Times-Deuioerat.

Rooaea said Beard Waated. A SMALL family, having furniture, wish two large uufurnlshed rooma. with loard; house mast have grounds. Address Times-Democrat office. BY young man.

within walking distance; terms mim be reasonable; references. Address lti. tbii. office. BY young man in family where Spinlsh Is spoken; term must be reasonable; references.

Address G-. this office. FOR three adults; separate rooms; walking d1atano Canal street. Address F. W.

this office. Partaer Wasted. A HUSTLER with $1000 te $1500 to taks half interest in establiabed printing business. Address IS, Times-Democrat. I HAVE a few thousand dollars and some buaiaess experience to invest with party similarly In some promising buaineaa.

Addresa "John," this office. PARTY compsny. with $2.0 aa partner in theatrical Addres. 16. this office.

WITH a capital of f'. in an did estsb- livbed snd well-known retail business in prominent locality, on Canal street. Reply G-. P. Box 12S5.

Hoonas Bated. BY a single gentleman, a large front room. unfurniahed: private family preferred. Answer D. Q-.

this office. TWO unfurnished rooms, below Melpootene, with board; mas. wile, small child; price. Flat. Times-Democrat.

Monte- to Leaa. I HAVE Sao.000 to loaa ea city property. Theo. G. Spiufadea, aotary public.


S176.00O TO LOAN ON PROPERlk. OCTAVE GOMEZ. 314 Caroedelet atraet. Bear or thl $:5 At cept Sun.) 8:25 am cept Sua.l...4:45 ia o. 11.

Snn.ex.u-25 nm No. 12 ir.i am I No. 13. WeU.ex :25 pro No. 14 ana Uarca svad Creseewt.

No. 1. 10:30 a No. 2, lim o.3. ft ftmailioSJS Illlaola Cealral.

No. 23, local 24. laral limirea aad No. 1 maii So no. 1: 1 nuar svcnrai.m o.

aooaay Vae, Memphis ex II I Pt ller. Vk-Jourg ex i. Menma na Baton rL.1 ex.S:lfi a at i i. accom. 4 :80 as sowtaerai Parils.

I Kiure, I aieilcsn I Cl. Sipi "it Loalalaa. Sondav n.j7 4-OP No. 3.. aucuran.

Siew Isle. Sunday Oulv Altfern TpmlAiaiars bm Algi.11'' ST-aT 8und8.7 9 Alglera a mlrlera i Saturday aad Sunday Only Algier. .:55 a miAlgier. Airier. "r-tP Sunday.

Alglera Airier, 8 a BB Loolalaua Soatbera. Daily, Except Sunaav. Balalr and Shall Beach Reach From Belalr. From Shell From Shell CWMUHY Ul IT, .7:30 am for s. Beach.

8:00 a ra For S. Beach. am 10:13 a in For Beach (For Belatr. .5 3o .3:30 m. For S.

Beach. 7:90 at .7 00 Shell Beach. FOR SALE. V(0 ACRES of .1.. Bayou I Outre, ia ininn narluh J.

ThouiliSOU A Ouelntuu'a 1 $10 LOTS. Ablta Snrinesr 11 ZmZ sol monrb. CAR RE RE. Sn perdido street. 12 LOIS.

A bits Surlma XI month. CARRERE. 800 Ptrdldo street. li LOTS. Abits Snrinea- XI ri nnrb.

CAKRKRE. 06 Perdido street. ELEGANT 7 i.a,... i good aa brand aew: stoll and scarf t.ll.. guaranteed.

Anuhraster s. 121 South Rampart! near Canal. 15o UPRIGHT FiachM- nl.iu. der: a bargain. Strattun a mumin Poydraa street.

BANKS i. double cottnse; 4 room a sloe. T'ne: slajle eottajte. (woo 203 Broad, neae n.t.i.j. 1500-272r, RoyaL sear Port; 3 story.

CARREHE. btsj Perdido. $2700 CHEAP Residence (m street. Dear State, containing three bedrooma, hall. t.i.

mini room, airmen, pastry, bethroom. term te ult nurek anie Octave Lagman. 1237 Caroadehrt streat. $5ilO NEW double A-yri W'abater street; ground meaaures dOxloO. For Sale or Heat.

FINE residence on St. Charles avenue: aonth- exposure: choice location; large front and uv uiwu. aauiyw xt. ii tnis oxnos. OCEAN Springs beach property-, nartlv rue.

Biahed: summer or winter. Address id tki. Pfflce. KOOMS FOR KENT. AT 84S CAMP STJsEET.

Two connecting furnished front rooms. AT 128 (OLD NO. 141 mupiRT st NEAR CANAL-FURNISHED APARIMENTs! AT New No. ST St. Charlea Street Room.

single or light housekeeping. AT S32 Camp Desirable furnished iunm: privilege light housekeeping if preferred. AT 718 Constantinople Furnished rooms the whole fire-roota cottage; retired froii street. AT Reduced Rate Elegant rooma. slncle I mm aiiir- hafK, a.

1 1 accounnodatlou'; references, ova) to C-J roodeiet; entrance 742 Julia. A COUPLE of furnished rooma in nrlvat family. 1132 St. Charles avenue, near Clio. A NICELY furnished room for rentlemani cheap.

Apply Monday. 201 Ds up tine, street. CHEAP At 1814 Canal itiMt h.utma front room, newly furnlahed and 'well ventilated. DELIGHTFUL rooms, furnished, large aad mall. 1018 St.

Charles snd Lee Plac. DELIGHTFUL rooms, furnished and unfnr- niahed, from SS to $12; references. 1002 Camp street. FINELY furnished, sincle or en suite: lla-ht houarkeepmg if desired. 1304 Bareaae.

FOR light housekeeping: sum a large arable with three dwelling rooma above. So4 How ard avenue, near Camp FRONT aad other rooms, neatly furnished: housekeeping if desired; cooL clean, boo Caron delet atreet. FURNISHED rooma (or light bonaekeeplng. snd also single rooma for gentlemen. Oamp street.

FURNISHED Rooms Privilege light hooae- keeplng. IM Magazine atreet. corner Orange. NICELY furnished room In private family: no other roomers; with bath; iu nice locality. Address 16, tbls Office.

fnrnisbd rooma; $1 week up; come them. 74 Pcydraa and Carondelet; tran sients aollcitetl. PLEASANT rooms, with board. No. 1A3A.

Thalia street. VERY desirable connecting rooma for light housekeeping, at 170o Carondelet, corner Eue terpe. 641 CARONDELET Large, cool, connecting rooms; large galleries; sou beta exposure; board optional; terms ressonable. CARONDMET Elegant furnished spart- men a. with er without board, $1 week up; transients solicited.

MM ROYAL large, comfortable back room. se-ond snd third Doors, $1 75, $1 90 weekly; othen $1. 2ft MAGAZIVEi-Coei. romrertably furnlah ed front, second story, ia fine he use; desirable oeigbborbood; references. JR003IS AXD BARD.

843 ST. CHARLES Handsomely tarnished rooms; tabis unexcelled; transient custom solicited. Mrs. A. K.

Biackutar. AT 803 St. Charles. Corner Julia Street Mrs. A.

Alien, formerly of Bay St. Louis Ho tel; fsruiabed rooms, with board. AT 'MS Bouroon Furnished rooois $1 60 up: table board e-l weekly; private Preach fam ily- AT 600 St. Charlea Handsomely furnished rooms; taw unexcelled; hot and cold bathe, with filtered water; electric lane. hlrs.

F. A. Dougisa. AT S42 St. ''harlee ilandaomeiy furnished rooms with lirat clsae board; electric fans; bath.

ELEGANTLY fnmlahed rooms; anexceled table; finest location; large lawn; rates reasonable. Call Monday. 2-4. 2425 Chestnut. HAVING more room than 1 can use.

1 will let to first rlaae part lea a few handsomely furnlahed apartment, with bath; elegant ait-ting room superior board and service: first class neighborhood. Addreaa. with full namea. Ultra. Times-Democrat office.

LARGE cool rooms, with board, lo private family; sttrsctlve location. 1703 Jackson, cor ner Carondelet. LARGE room, good table, reasonable terms. Mrs. M.

B. Byrne. 1117 Delacnaike. comer Camp. PRIVATE Fantiiy Delightful room: moil era convenience: hot baths; excellent table.

Calliope, near Camp. ROOMS -Vic up; rooms ami board $3 up, and light housekeeping. 1614 Canal. ST. CHARLES MANSION (NEW APART MENT HOTEL); ELEGANT ROOMS AN CUISINE; SUMMER RATES PER WEEK AND UP.

822 TO 826 ST. CHARLES. 721 ST. CHARLES Street-Dellgbtfully cool rooms, with first clans board; reasonable rausa. 625 CAMP Pleasant rooma and first class board; Path; term moderate.

BOAKOINCJ. A LOT OF GROUND for $1 cash aod $. per month until paid; no charge for title. Analey Land 742 Coioa street. EXCELLENT board, large lixb halls- well vent Haled: bath, hot and cold water.

Mis Butier. 172 Colls sxa Park. ao. er Polymsia, 1 I I ft 1 1 BAU GrAviar. Boaa, to 10 and 2 to A IT.

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