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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 14

St. Louis, Missouri
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14 era when the feet are regardeo as for other pur ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH rounded lv JOSEPH PULITZER. Dee. It. 1818.

Published oy the Pulitzer Publishing SJO-tlt X. Broadvay. ANSWERS TO QUEREs BEAtTT CTLTrmsi. R. M.

P. To keep hair UrM. chamomile leaves from Viib2L" lp tablenpoor.ful in hair cm, dry; then 2.p In the tea sun; It may take eeverej Hons to show results. Blt. A- B- To prevent tanning- out.

thorouh)y wain trf throat In warm water. rtnW.H cld, then while fa and the porea all open, NO MORE RAILWAY STRIKES. In the regulation of lntrstate commerce and the power to control public carriers engaged therein the public right and interest is paramount over the private right and Interest. The Government has the power to exercise the right of control to prevent the cessation of the operation of public carriers and to protect the country from the disasters attending such cessation when the private right of agreement is not exercised to prevent disastrous consequences to public Interests. This seems to be the sweeping conclusion of the Supreme Court affirming the validity of the Ad-amson law.

Not only Is that act declared valid, but by Inference Congress may by legislation pre vent the consequences of the Interruption of interstate transportation when the vast interests depending upon it may be threatened by the failure of the employers and employes to agree. What other conclusion can be Inferred from the following statement, which is amplified In other parts Jfca JSP rrt I i THL LURE OF LIBERTY. poses than merely to be kept warm. Silk stockings come higher in price at least for man and country. But the parent whose ooys and girls have safely reached the silk-stocking age will cheerfully pay when he can and so will the patriot when he realizes that the nation has got beyond gumshoes and homespun.

Papers in Paris are to be restricted to one shset daily. And just when tbe news is gettln; good: a GENERAL ASSEMBLY'S RECORD. The public will have no disposition to with hold from the Forty-ninth General Assembly full recognition for its record of unusual and help ful accomplishments. It came together at a time when the sins of omission and commission of many prior General Assemblies had culminated in an alarming fiscal crisis. Perhaps the diligence with which it ad dressed itself to solving the problems of that crisis explains in part why it left undone some of the work it was confidently expected to do.

In its enactment of revenue legislation it has achieved what has long been looked on as the impossible in Missouri. It has taken the preliminaries to putting taxation on a basis of justice and common sense. It has provided the funds for enlarging educational facilities and amplify ing agencies of service to the people. Shortage in revenue has sadly handicapped many beneficent and necessary State activities in the past. It will be long remembered with gratitude for the humane and remedial legislation to which it gave sanction.

Its reform of the prison system will remove a humiliatins dissrace. Its enact ment of a comprehensive road system will bring universal benefits. It passed the children's code measures distinctively designed for the protection of children. Various of its acts represent the public desire for greater efficiency in government nd better safeguards against abuses. The large credit items in the rec ord, however, cannot offset certain heavy debit Items.

It left unenacted the constitutional re vision bill and the workingmen's compensation bill. These measures had been sol emnly pledged to the people in the platform of both the Democratic and Republican parties, This deliberate neglect, to whose consequences the attention of the legislators was repeatedly called, deprives the people of benefits to which they have long been entitled. More serious even I than this outrageous deprivation, which cannot be too strongly condemned, is the lightness in which their promises to the public have been re garded. To attempt to excuse the dereliction is to put a premium on betrayal of trust, to concede that a party principle has validity only before election, to adopt the cynical view that a political platform is simply a meaningless declaration framed to get votes. France did tbe best fighting In 'its history im mediately after the revolution.

Will Russia duplicate the performance? THE LESSON TO LABOR. Can the true friends of labor ever cease to re gret the ill-starred plan for a railroad strike on March 17, at 6 p. There was no more reason for striking then i) than there as for striking in October or in December or in February. Indeed, to strike in March was a virtual admission that it was a mis take to call the strike off last September, after tbe passage of the Adamson act. For the unions had won their fight in that enactment, the most far-reaching single piece of legislation ever adopted for labor's benefit in this country.

Since it took effect the extra wages had been carefully set aside for the men practically deposited in the bank to their credit, pending the court decision which was to determine wheth er Congress has the power to pass soch an act. It would be pleasant to think, now that it is all over, that the men, preserving their dignity and prestige, had quietly awaited the rendering of that decision. That they sought to defeat the very Intent with which Congress passed the law namely, to prevent a strike was a blunder. It would have been just as much of a blunder, looking back from the standpoint of- today, if the decision had been adverse instead of favorable to the law. What good genius prompted the consent of the brotherhood officials to the 48-hour postponement of the walkout? Otherwise the decision upholding the law at every point would hare been handed down after traffic and business bad been paralyzed for a day and a half by an unnecessary, wanton, arbitrary strike.

To say that the officials would hare felt like 80 cents would hardly describe their mortification. The lesson is one American labor should never forget. see Having been forced out of advanced positions on the Franco-Belgian front, German warriors are retaliating by throwing bombs on peaceable En glish towns and killing the civilian population of Monastlr with asphyxiating gases. BRITAIN AND THE ARABS. Great Britain has been so long in the business of handling obscure nations on the outer fringes of the world that the rapidity and apparent success of her efforts to perfect alliances with Arabic tribes around Bagdad scarcely excites comment.

Yet these efforts are likely to mean more to the future of that corner of Asia than eren military triumphs. Turkey's rule over the nomadic Arabs baa been only nominal, sustained by an occasional show of force. There is a natural and mutual an tipathy between the Turk and the Arab whlcn an outsider can scarcely comprehend. To the Arab, the Turk is still an Interloper, a churl and a barbarian. His leadership In Islam Is to the Arab a usurpation still nnforgiren.

When to this is added his incapacity for government It la easy to see that there is ample foundation upon which a massive superstructure ot discontent has been raised. The wily Briton has taken advantage of his opportunity. In calling attention to the last 20 years ot Turkish misrule he Is making aa appeal to deep-seated prejudices. It is not Improbable that the tTurk has already lost his Arabic pos sessions forever. 1 JUST A MINUTE Written for the POST-DISPATCH by Clark McAdamt gCBCRrPTTOW RATES BT MAIL IS ADVANCE Pally and Sunday, yaer II II iSelly without Sunday, on Tr Bandar only.

year Remit either by postal order, czpreee money order or St. Leols axehasce. Te St. I.eul and Suburbe. eer roenth.

Out af St. Louie, par month so Entered paelofflee. St. Louie, aa second-elsaa mattar. It.

At Klmleck. Ceetrel THE POST-DISPATCH PLATFORM. I know that my retirement will mako no difference in its cardinal principles, that it wHJ always fight for progress and reform, never tolerate injustice or conniption, always fight demagogues of all parties, never belong to any party, always oppose privileged classes and public plunderers, never lack sympathy with the poor, always remain devoted to the public welfare, never be satisfied with merely printing news, always bo drastically independent, never be afraid to attack wrong, whether by predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty. JOSEPH PULITZER. April 10, 1907.

Fost-JJispatch Avvraf etmlatlea eeMre year Sunday, 356,193 Daily, 204,201 BLr-The POST-DISPATCH sells more papers in St. Louis and Sab trrbt every day in the year than LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE AMERICANISM IN BT. LOUIS. Te the Editor of the Foet-Dlepatch: Much concern has been manifested by the thinking element of tha city over tha failure of tha Republican party leaders and candidates on the ticket to Indorse In their official platform tha national Government- course with reg-ard to tha foretrn crisis. Surely soma reference might have been made on tha tremendous Issues now confronting: tha national administration, together with an appeal to tha patriotism and solemn obligation of American manhood.

Republican leaders. Including the Mayor, attempt to evade tha issue with statements that this waa quite unnecessary. Indeed! When can on say too much concerning these great things? With all due reapect to their etatamenta as to tha reasons for not doing so, they have, to say the least, place! themselves In a very questionable light. The local campaign presents many slnglar and vital problems for solution. Much significance is attached to the outcome as regards the conduct of the municipal government for The next four years.

Law-abiding- oitlsens of St. Loots who have been proclaiming! to the world such fine Ideals anent progresalveness, when is this spirit to culminate with the election of fitting offjciaTs to the re sponsible offices of our city government? Voters of EL Louis, when are you going to smash the machine and strive for a notler politico by casting your ballot for men who have the welfare of the city at heart, regardless of the partisan Idea? Taxpayer of St. Louis, when are you going to repudiate ao-called officials, who willfully neglect your Interests, who disregard the merit and efficiency provisions of the new city charter by appointing Incapable men to city positions of high trast and responsibility for their own personal and political advantage? When are you going to disregard partisanship and by an overwhelming vote reject men who heap special tax after apeclal tax upon your shoulders and show very little, if anything, in value received? The Mill Creek sewer scandal and the free bridge procrastination are shameful examples. When are you going to look upon a municipal election, not as a gala occasion, but with a discreet eye to business, and exercise the sacred franchise of the ballot with solemn care and sober Judgment? CI tisane of 61 Louis! Are you alive to an opportunity? Are you going to grasp it? Are yon going te vote for a continuation of unjust taxation, waste and extravagance in administering the affairs ef the city and shameful disregard of the merit system? EUGENE F. HAVEMANN.

The Labor Question. Te the IMitae ef the 7M ernxe aaysi "A man wfto works la a feel bert a bigger fool la one who hires) work.sss.' Of tsstss. In the last aaaryeU. the eve sane wVy Is te let even one work for himself er herself Socialism. Am long aa men live, no ether adjust ment of labor differences will be feasible.

As af fairs are now, the faithful, dependable toller Is not favored by the typical boss. The faithful ene Is tnaAe to carry the butt end ef the log to make Cor the slackers. SIDNEY AVE RILL. Vlgvjs. Mo.

Smoking en Street Cars. tae BMtter ef the Peet-tHrr-atch For It years have enjoyed my cigar after meals and enjoy my morning smoke best of all. Verily. I believe all smokers will express the same sentiment as to thetr morning smoke. Tet wnen up rrora tne nreaarast table we rush for a street car.

lo te en time for our day's work, we are denied the privilege of smoking on the car. This ende the morning pleasure, as many of as are denied the prtvllea alee In ear office work. tare, factory or dally labor. VThat we want Is the privilege ef smoking on trailer. Why cannot Ft.

Louis come eft Just HVle from Its conservative perch and request ef Its city officials an amendment to the ordinance forbidding smoking on cars, by allowing same on trailers? Many men wm percnance win read this are hi position te agitate the subject with the powers that be. Surely there can be no serious objection and the privilege will be appreciated by the smoking public OAT, Ho, Hum I Te the Cdlter ef the Feet -Dispatch: Tvmmyret en O. R. IVs talk about Stone and tne roet-uispetcA ror giving it space, it you would eemeerve thle epece with real newe of In tereet te the peeple. without offering an excuse ewtttag down the else of the paper, for aa ex pectea cause, you would have more readers.

This Is a poor buelneee policy. Tou are going to loee say patronage, and thousands of others. Olve the peepi the real news and they will buy. J. J.

pfXILL. sooa cream inat has no hajZ ing propert'e and uirhtly a pure powder. On tha I trie outing apply PPly a rer.erou, -e cold rrram; gently wjp, off cloth. thn wash tL. plication of the cold tew moments 'u nen trim wash uichlv aa at the htnr.lnc means the fine texture and cawi onna- of the skin will be DrLT" (A paste to spread on the tan is com posed of one ouiy honey, four ounces of irTKjna u-T the white of ne egg and li drotJv; tincture of bensoln.

Spread On fir. mnA 7 ii iiiv morning remove vater and a soap.) HEALTH IIIT. MO. NO. vinegar-cider SPR1.VGF1ELX.

Tonics, In a term used to refer generwV to the various means the physician to remove the coQi't a of debility, tieieral special. lahing fooi. fresh air and exercu." cold bathlnir. etc, are thus pci7. of as having a tonic effect.

A. i druits. such as directly Improv, hB' trition. or Indirectlv accomplish same end ty exciting the and Increasing digestive por ar called "tonics. The most proa'sea! examiles of the former ar "iri.

which In anemia directly stisraia.M the manufacture of the red Mood pusclea: od liver oil. which operaia as a fatty food of unusuallr eaay at- imilatlon; pr-oihnrus, which 'n mm esses of nervous exhaustloa er lunclional nervoua derancenent seems to Improve the nutrition ta nerve structures: and prepaxatleas ef some of the higher metaia, as sUrer rinc. mercury, arsenic, which la I ruliar condmona of malnutrition tea in some unknown way to detralr me nutritive dsck Into tV, health channels. Of the drugs wnkk are "tcnic bv Improving dlcevtira power, the most serviceable are table bitters, aa cinchona and Its a). Knioias.

srenuan. columbo. nut vomica, aromatlcs a4 spices: acids, both mineral and or. aanic: and weak alcoholic bevertgat in very morce.raie quantity. The us: might be greatly extended, for It general property of Irritants taken Internally In small doses, tend to Increase the sctiv-Ity of the dlreertve organs snd tat secretion of the digestive fluid.

LAW POINTS. P. A. P. Patience! There la we rs' of law compelling a Judge to art am a motion for a new trial before he ready.

I G. M. delivering the 4t4i party mentioned you may rest bso and feel safe In acquiring the property at her death. A. B.

This column Is not for the nr. I oone of writlrg wills, especially stasia! form you desire. See the trust oomptt-you have In new. S. T.

Tour mother having vre-deceaet your lister, the bequest to her iapa4. and If no children or descendants ear-vived her. under laws ot Mlaaluip-t uoli lapsed bequest properly went ts bet kushand. FARMER "Minora made upon a fa" In the ordinary manner, from con sua- e-tton of Its products, cannot be remorej by outgoing tenant unless by spettxi contract. In a few other states sqcs not the case.

E. E. B. Fifteen hours sfcealc reckoned ss to Bunder time; If In I.1- latter cane he takes the other's pUn at the request of your employer, he 'f entitled to the overtime OS hoorei: oi-erwlse. only 10 hours of tbe party accommodated.

P. 8. The liiterest should deTease nr Increase, depending upon contrst. Interest Is to be paid on sum of principal in force preceding, each period the Interest deereasas safe month: If eah Installment bears i. own interest, the same lnrreaes eacs month.

C. M. T. The acknowledgment not be taken, and may be omitted: wr out such the Instrument cannot be admitted of record; however. beteet the parties It is valid.

If record every person Is presumed to have thereof: if not. an innocent purchf S2 of the mortgared article will be protected In his purchase, felling tnortgices Articles without notifying buyer is crime, 8. M. The mortgagee can set compelled to accept the arransament vou suggest: It would, besides, neoajai-tate cancelling the mortgage upoa par-chaser executing another In lieu tseraaf and put such buyer to considerable expense, which lie can also refuse te vou were satisfied that he assume debt to which the deed la proof, so cannot complain; even so, the ortn" need not recognise that. an stands now.

the buyer Is the prtBctpsi debtor and you a surety. MiscEiLaneori. CURIOUS Its. no apostrorKa E. Z.

Committee not appointed. A. G. Ree Answers. Mar.

II. REB Phore Jewelers; hslf tc W. C. Phone Boar of Mvieefloa STUDENT. See Comptroller rtparU.

at city halL P. O. D. We have nothing ae wna bets. MAT.

Comptometer dealers WIS you full Information. A. writing Aajotajtr.w -he Army. Waahi niton, for eviaUos llstment. NOACIO-Oenmai oewl e.ew- thins- from Hamburg Ja Japaa garM ha Rnrn Tapanooo war.

B. There la tie Amerleaa Terk te Rio Janeiro, Brt line. Lamport sad Belt A. F. B- There are twe Pnilr nenartrrent chauffeura.

TBT celve LS4 and IM a month. F. F. lO-At present tkere railway statist fa Chicago as la's as Kt Louis cnion eianon. o.

K. There no Oermsa for foul balL Home ran te bsj-lauft: -haae hit. helmschlag CITIZEN Whn la the primary rJ scratched two Repub.loaa substituted the name of a the ballot became Invalid so far aatM in office waa concerned, but valid as to the unecratcbed THAN KB. Fine dark hatr eMWfT France. Italy.

Pelrlura- from India an China. Germar-v Hcandlnavta avjorly he fair tlnta. aoioen tint to mort vein- frmi the dead ta Inferior tba the living. a VTif.frV( new law IS ne i. i -n A ftrmT te the ocean.

In case ot war wna tan country the flrtitlng Zi ablv b- largely naval Hhould er rV be defeated there might be great lies on land. Lv Py meeting the entrance flratlons of the Harris Tf1 tr, leae. a we'll as other col possible for graduates Of h'h zlZZ to prepare Ihemaalves aa art. dumeetle sclance, it''zJ a-rade school teacher, wniwoi c--' percentage of at time of TJABTLONIA-A Mason ot decree ts entit ed to haUT ternlty stands fr. Chapter a hodv Must be a third degree mew to )oln other bodiea As te Home, yoa wltl bare to to find out.

Fraternity d.a nt age on to Join for the purpose Jovlng Its prtvUegea. Caaa Tele.s. faltaWd We VALUE. D. II "lt between bust and date, I I.

rente, cts "SI cert. era er; South fide; Mara Samuel; -i n. it. Quotations are by St. LeeAsj Afldreee questions, "Aaseerew ess of the opinion: What would be the value of the right to a reasonable rate if all movement In Interstate commerce could be stopped as a result of a dlsp'-ite between the parties or their failure to exert a primary private right concerning a matter of Interstate commerce; again, what purpose would be subserved by all the regulations established to secure the enjoyment by the public of an efficient and reasonable service If there was no power in Government to prevent all service from being destroyed? Further, yet what benefits would flow to society by recognizing the right, because of the public interest, to regulate the relation of employer and employe and of the employes amongst themselves and to give to the latter peculiar and special rights safeguarding their persons, protecting them In case of accident and giving sufficient remedies for that purpose.

If there was no power to remedy a situation created by a dispute between employers and employes aa to rate of If not remedied, would leave the publlo helpless, the whole people ruined and all the homes of the land submitted to a danger of the most serious character. The court specifically declares there is a limitation upon the right of employes, by concert of action, to agree with others to leave employment "when employment Is accepted in a business charged with public interest and as to which the power to regulate commerce possessed by Con gress applied. The right to strike in interstate transportation is limited by congressional power to control Inter state transportation and service on public car riers in the public interest. Congress can guard against the cessation of service by failure of em ployers and employes to agree. It can adopt leg Islatlon to this i by compelling a system of ar bitration or by fixing hours, wages and conditions of labor.

If Congress does Us duty under its constitution al powers there will never be another strike or a menace of a strike on interstate railroads. MISSOURI ABOLISHES DEATH PENALTY, The Whltaker bill abolishing the death penalty in Missouri was not passed reluctantly under the coercion of any public agitation or propaganda. In fact the approval of the measure was preceded by so little discussion In the Legislature as to come with surprise to very many Mlssourians. The action, however, cannot be said to be in advance of public opinion. Rather the legisla tors hare merely Ttept pace with it What they have done is the more impressive because it is the deliberate expression of a slow-growing, mature conviction that the supreme penalty known to civilized law is not essential to the full protec tion of society.

From the old border day standards of an in dlTlduallsm that often did not hesitate to take the law Into its own hands, and work Its will with deeds of violence, to the days of such re spect for the sanctity of life that even the state itself declines to destroy it as a punishment for crime, but on the contrary sets an example in for-beafTnce. Is tbe interesting transition which one generation has seen in this State. Missouri is in good company in refusing longer to Impose on its officials the repulsive duty of executing criminals. It Is the thirteenth state to abolish capital punishment. The number includes soma ot the most Intelligent and best governed commonwealths In the Union.

Their experience showy that the substitution ef life Imprisonment doe not Increase the frequency of grave offenses. THH COTTON-SOCK KEXIC. Because the Dulcineas and even the Dinahs rt the backwoods towns are no longer happy unless their tootsies are encased In the silkiest of silk hosiery, there Is a shortage of the country's silk stocking supply. (It will be observed that the expression "risible supply" is distinctly es chewed.) Time was when such an announcement would have been the signal for the envious to rail and the carpers to carp for the Messrs. and Mmes, Tecksnlff all over the land lo draw from it the text for a homily upon waste and extrava gance.

Yet so hare times changed that the newspapers print It upon the first page as a matter of course and a patriotic people reads with pride. To short skirts, feminine vanity and general prosperity, la the order named. Is the credit given. It la quite possible, however, that the reason lies deeper than that. It may mean that the land of the free and the home of the brave has decided that It must no longer be content to remain a cotton-sock country.

There Is no Intention here to sneer at the cotton sock or to asperse Its usefulness. The cotton sock has long been the symbol of democracy and the solace of bunions. It is to be commended for its wearing and Its wanning qualities. It is faithful and dependable and darnable even unto the end. But It lacks somewhat of those finer graces to which a progressive people aspires.

In individuals the eotton-eock age ends along about the time a boy get his first substantial raise Id pay or a girl gets her first Inritatlon to the theater. In nations It comes with the waning ef the provincialism period. In both it means an ii il 4 ii (S ii it i ii ii it 13 It' I 1 it I fi i ij II The Sultan's crown, Mid other things, Is reinforced With bonntt strings. Though All reigns Where he is at, He stm mxj hare Aa Easter hat. King Connie's crown, 8o It appears.

Is moored with wires Around his ears. They say a guard Stands all about To chase the Haberdashers out. Go East, go West. This truth is trite-Nobody's crown Is fitting tight. The lot of kings la mighty sad.

And my, the wind Is awful badl BALLADE OV INO NICE has lost His royal job. And passed his sceptei To a mob. Upon his head He wears a hat That Bhows exactly Where he's at. King Bill is busy Tying down His own somewhat Unstable crown. And here and there A paper dares To ask what size Of hat he wears.

King Carl, they say. Is full of fears. And wears his crown Down on his ears. A dozen hatters, It is said. Are measuring His royal head.

King George Is breathing Mighty soft. And feeling Insecure aloft. Tbe folk who deal la smart men's togs Are sending him Hat catalogues. ANY PORT la Tisw ef tha fact tha Xebraeka is te bona dry en tha first af lay, tha foilowlnj; sign la aa Omaha aalooB errplaina itaalf. It Is changed from day to days i Only 43 mora shopping days.


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