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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 10

St. Louis, Missouri
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7 'I-'. St. fouis osi-gispatt, Sunbaa, 1, 1891. 10 In- IN THE GAY WORLD. ETADLEKS Sesli.

and'R BRffl PORTERS $25 Cash and We Handle Exclusively the Soups, Pates, Entrees, Broths, ETC. OF THE Mount Auburn is located at the terminus of the new Locust Street Electric Line, is one of the highest and healthiest points in St. Louis. Lots are sold ior $10 per foot and upwards. It will dslv vou to take a ride on the new electric road WILL ARRI YE EARLY THIS WEEK, Our own importation of Crop 1891 FRENCH CRYS1ALIZED FRDITS Packed in beautiful cartons.

lbs, 50c. 1 lbs, 80c. 2 lbs, $1.50. Also a large shipment of STUFFED PRUNES, Put up especially for us by Wm. Laaff, Mainz, Germany.

Price, 80c per box. A delicious and strengthening confection for the invalid. Also, an elegant lot of Thanksgiving Figs, new crop, 30c per pound. and visit Mount Auburn to-morrow. Our agent will be on the ground to show property and quote I TTT 1 1 1 4- a prices, we nave aiau Queen Anne house lor terms so extraordinarily liberal that any one who can pay rent can purchase the house.

Hammett-Anderson-WadB, 213 6th BROADWAY 263 421 fti. BROADWAY. ftWIIIIilf Card tn Invalids. We make a specialty of palatable and easily digested foods and relishes for invalids and convalescents also, strictly pure Old Wines and Liquors of our own importation for medical Choice Patterns and Styles, Regular Price $1 a Yard, To Be Sold at 65c a Yard Sea Our Advertisements in To-Day's RepnMc and Globe-Democrat. Look Out for Our Red Page Xmas Adfertisement to' Republic, Dec.

13. J. H. TIEMEYER'S, 14 Franklin Av. i i I i 1 i 'i in1) 'i "i ill 1 I i Hi iff i Cap id Continues to Make' Captures in St Louis Society, ROTABLE EECEPTI0H3 AND ENTERTAIJff-MEffTS DTSIITG THE WEEK.

Mrs. Kaime Beeeives Her Friends in Ela-gtat Style-Mri Senator Cockrell 1 Entertained. Box Parties for the Thomas Concerts Departure, Returns and Visitors Gossip. Invitations have been issued PT Mr. and Mrs.

Ben May to the marriage of their daugh-" Miss Katie May, to James Morgan Bull of South St. Xouls. The marriage of Kev. J. F.

Trlplett to Miss Mary L. Woody, daughter of the late John D. Woody, has been announced. The ceremony was celebrated Oct. 20 at Cape Girardeau, where the bride has resided since the death of her father.

Cards have been issued announcing the marriage or Mr. Frank I Ottofy to Mrs. fcarah Sittington. The ceremony was celebrated at the E. Church, at Benton, Oct.

20, at 4 o'clock. In the afternoon of Oct. 2S. at the residence or the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Mc-Mechen, Miss May, one of society's favorites, and Mr. Ira Garth Shryock, were united In marriage by the Rev.Wm. Short of St. Peter's Church. Owing to the recent death the groom's father, Mr.

William P. Shryock, the marriage was witnessed by only the relatives of the contracting parties. The couple left that evening for New Orleans' end other southern cities, but will be home to their friends after Dec. 1. Mrs.

Alexis Mudd has Issued cards announcing the marriage of her daughter. Miss Lulu Mudd, to Mr. Alonzo Wood Loree, which was celebrated Sept. 30. Mr.

and Mrs. Ixree have returned from their bridal tour and are settled at the Llndell Hotel, where they will be at home to their friends, Tuesdays, afternoon and evening, in November. i The marriage of Miss Bessie Shirk, daughter of Judge W. S. Shirk of Sedalia, to Mr.

S. 1. Johns of Sedalia, was a society event of interest to St. Louisans, where the young couple have numerous friends. The bridal was a brilliant affair, to which 1.000 Invitations were Issued, and was celebrated on Thursday morning, Oct.

22, at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in the presence of an immense throng of guests. The ceremony was followed by a large reception. Invitations have been received here to the marriage of Mr. L. Prince to Miss Blanche Bernhelmer of Cincinnati, O.

Miss Sophia Darlan, only daughter of Mr. Gustavo Darlan, was married on Thursday evening at the residence of her brother, Mr. Fred Darlan, to Mr. Louis Kelfschneider of St. Louis County.

The marriage of Miss Julia Sellner this week to Mr. Gardener, will prove a very beautiful affair. It wlU be a "love-knot wedding," and will be celebrated at the Holy Communion Church which will be elaboratly decked with flowers for the occasion, love-knots being the special design. There wlU be six brldeinaids all dressed in white chiffon, embroidered in love-knot deslstns, and In the Karnlture of the gown which will be worn by the fair bride the same tasteful design will be wrought. After the ceremony a handsome dinner will be given to the bridal party at the residence of the bride's parents, after which the happy pair will start upon their wedding Journey.

Miss Ally Donaldson will give an ante-nuptlai dinner to the bridal party this week. The reception given on Thursday afternoon and evening by Mrs. Kaime at her handsome house on Grand avenue, followed by a dance In the evening, was a very beautiful affair. White and gold was the leading feature and made a beautiful effect, with the background of green. The lights were all shaded with yellow silk.

In the dining-room the same effects were maintained. A large fern vase was filled with yellow chrysanthemums, and the lamps, banked in terns, had yellow shades. Yellow ribbons were used with pleasing effect every where. Miss Kaime wore a lovely lavender silk, the long train cut in vardykes and tilled with fan pleattngs of chiffon, with a fringe of violets, the same sweet flower clustered over the draperies and bodice. Miss Saldee Kaime wore a lovely gown of poppy-colored gauze, garlanded with popples.

Miss Duff wore a very striking combination of carnation gauze with black. Mrs. Kaima was elegantly gowned In purple velvet, with Louis XVI. coat of brocaded lavender satin. Mr.

and Mrs. George W. Leighton gave a very elegant reception on Thursday evening in compliment to Mr. Chaplin, the new chancellor of Washington Lniverslty. The decorations for this notable affair were entirely of American beauties with ferns.

Mrs. Chapman's reception was also one of tne elegant receptions wnicn margea rnurs-day as a red letter day In the swim. Here all of the decorations were In pink, large, feathery chrysanthemums being lavishly used In carrying out the design, and pins silk snacles subdividing the lights. The refreshment table was bowed with pfnk ribbons, and a large basket in the center Was filled with pink chrysanthemums fringed with ferns; fairy lamps shaded with pink, occupied the corners upon mats of ferns. Mrs.

l.acklund'8 luncheon In compliment to Mrs. Oockerell on Thursday was a rose luncheon and a very tasteful and beautiful affair as are all the entertainments of this charming hostess. For this week quite a number of interesting functions are underlined. On the 4th, MrsT Huntington Smith will give a beautiful reception to her cousin, Miss Spalding, of Louisville. Ky.

On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Flesh will give a handsome ball at Mahler's assembly rooms on Olive street.

Introducing their young daughter. Miss Mattle Flesh. 6 On Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. W.

Rhep-pard will give a large rauslcale for which a Vf iy brilliant programme of music has been arranged. Mrs. H. B. Slaughter entertains her card club on Tuesday.

Mrs. Deane Cooper gives a dupllca-te whist party and Mrs. D. K. Powell gives the first of a series of whist parties.

The reception given on Thursday afternoon by Mrs. i Duraont Jones, assisted by gMrs. Augustine Jones, Miss Marie Jones and Mis Beatrice Branch, was a very delightful affair. Their large house was decked with flowers, and an orchestra of mandolins rendered a pleasing selection of music. Mrs.

Jones, was gowned la black thread lace over sllit. Mrs. Augustine Jones, the pretty young bride, wore cream tallle and chiffon. Miss Marie Jones wore pale blue silk and gauze and Miss Beatrice Branch wore a toilette of pink silk and chiffon. Miss Idalle Nichols, who with Miss Llda Bevis dispensed the puDch, wore a dainty gown of white chlfTon and ribbons and lace, and Miss Bevis was very handsome In poppy-colored gauze.

At the tea table was stationed Miss Louise Mllburn and Miss Fladd, both of these youna ladies prettily gowned In chiffon and lace. KNTERTAINM ENTS. The Theodore Thomas concerts promise to very brilliant socially as well as artistically. Mr. Adolphus Busch wlU give a large box party on Monday evening.

Mr. Frank Bldgely lias taken a box and. has Invited a party of guests. Mr. Hamilton Daughaday will also have a box on Monday and will have a charming box party.

In the dress circle and parquette there will be numerous large parties. Among the many beautlfnl entertainments Wltn wllicn Mrs. una utwu uumpii- monted this week was a very handsome luncheon given by Mrs. Thomas Tutt of Lucas place on Wednesday artornoou. i nuy Mrs.

Frank Lane of West Pine street gave a very elaborate and tasteful luncheon in compliment to Mrs. This, with the Iuiiiittriil ii n'rhiclf i7ivn bir her slator-in- Juw, Ukb. Cuaa. ttwing, completed a round cl $10 Per Rflonth. call tuogaLiu ucw u-iuum a sale on this property, on I Pieces AT TAKE T0UK CHOICE.

Half a Dozen Well-Known Aids to Good Complexion. Written for the SrXDAT There was a queen once upon a time never mind who she was who' said: "If when I die, my heart Is taken out and examined you will find engraved therein the word Calais," so much trouble had that port caused her. If the heart of the modern woman who wants to be beautiful and what woman doesn't? were to be examined you would And complexion" engraved therein. So anxious Is she to have a lovely complex- Ion to combine In her cheek the lily and the rose on a skin of satin texture that she tries every complexion improver, from perspiring to massaee. from boiling water to grease, to ui ius niHjui lue uesirea result.

Aliu tue result clo you know what it Is? inat sfez.wo.ooQ are spent for cosmetics in the United states alone This because the average woman tries everything that Is recommended as "good for the complexion," quite regardless of what particular good" it Is for. The hrst thing a woman who is complexion-disturbed should do Is find out what her skin needs Indeed, the first question Is, "Dues It neea ior a woman's complexion Is peculiar to herself. Many a rainy good skin has been ruined bv the persistent endeavor of Us dissatisfied owner to change it. li tnesxin is sick it can be cured just as well as any organ that needs attention, but the bloom of 16 cannot be replaced on the sxin mat's weatnerea as summers. hen the skin is oily and has an unclean look, when there are blackheads and a sur face eruption of clniDles which ainer raai.

cally from pimples caused by internal de rangements or ueoiuty the (-Kin neeas purging, and that can be done by sweating It. A face mask is good for this. A Russian or Turkish bath, or the two combined. Is better and in lieu of them, holding the face over ooinng water is gooa. ho, too, is exercise that brings on a free flow of perspiration.

After the pores have given a free discharge wash the face thoroughly, but gently, lit warm water, with pure soap, and not too much soap, for a very free useof It makes tl-e skin scaly, or. scientifically, takes otr tlia outer One layer in flakes. Rinse in cooh water, scarcely tepid, in which a few crops of tincture of benzoin has been poured. This treatment, till the skin Is clear and clean, is about all that is necessary for tlia dirty, over-fed looking complexions. The overfed complexion nas Its opposite la the starved complexion.

This, when it isn't caused by debility. Is caused by an overzeal-ous effort to be clean. The alkali of the soap eats away the natural oil and leaves the scia meager and dry-looking. Vaseline feeds it well, but vaseline also Induces a downy growttt that Is anything but beautiful. The old-fash- lonea remeay, mutton lanow.

is goou, an enters into several high priced "lmprovm-s" In the market. Glycerine, spirits of camphor and a little rose water some starving skins, while with others It doesn't agre. Pure almond meal Is a good remedy lor nearly every skin If used directly after bathing before the skin Is perfectly dry. Powder should be severely let alone while feeding a skin. One of the nicest powders to use If you are not satisfied with rice powder Is an ounce of prepared chalk Jmixed with twenty drops of tincture of benzoin.

Camphor Ice and cold creams that don get rancid also help to make the sUln smoot and healthly looking, and a "honey and almond milk" Is another rare good thing. Fathers, make your little ones happy by taking home a box. of Weuneker's iitfJ Caramels. St. I.ouls Provident Association.

The annual meeting of the fet. Louis I'rov-Ident Association will be held In parlor 22, Llndel Hotel, to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. DELICIOUS FlaYorin NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla perfect purity. LeiTIOn Ereat streng-th.

OrangO Economy In tholrusa ROSS, elC. as delicately and deliclouisly as the fresh fruit. SAfwA The Ilicloi kij.4-1a i Grape Joioe Eyatem Tonia, SOc a bottle. Auk your druggist or wM 1 11 ii mm i SOLE AGENTS FOR 4 NEW YORK Fancy. Bon Bons and Chocolates.

KIX13ST MADE. Packed in beautiful boxes. Try a box. 80c per pound. Received by express twice a 'PHONE 248.

week with St. Louis friend3, has returned to Washington. Mrs. Sam Knight left last week to spend a week or two at her country place. airs.

M. Li. Merry left on rriaar to return to her home In Sedalia after a pleasant visit to her sister. Mrs. W.

H. Plukett. who ha3 been visiting Mrs. J. N.

Cowdry, has returned home. Mrs. Jennie Parker, who has been visiting Miss Ida heeler, left last week to return to her home at Washington. Dr. and Mrs.

James Piper and Miss Lulu Piper left last week to return home after a dellsrhtful visit to St. Louis relatives. 5Irs. J. Klntrolskr who has been snendlnsr the fall season with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Lowen of Chestnut street, has returned to her home la Kansas City: Mrs. Louise J. itozier nas returnea to ner home in tne soutn- west after a visit of ten days to St. Louis friends.

Mrs. C. D. Roberts has crone back to her home at Springfield. Misses Katie, ana Noel stani.

who nave been visiting Miss Katie Peckham, have returned home. Misses Mary and Nettie Springer, who nave oeen visiting t. ixuis relatives, re turned last week to their home In Independ ence, wr. ana Airs, ueorge smitn leit on Friday In their private car for the West. They were accompanied, by Mr.

and Mrs. E. V. P. Rltter.

Mrs. Wilbur L. smith, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Red man, returnea to ner nome at Lexington.

Ky. Mrs. E. W. Sharo.

after a pleasant visit to Mrs. J. B. Snow, has returned to her home In Kansas. Mr.

and Mrs. A. H. Stephens have gone back to Boonville after a delightful visit to St. Louis.

They were at the Southern. Mrs. A. P. Williams, who has been visitlnar St.

Louis friends, has returned to her home in Springfield, leaving her daughter. Miss Lydia Williams, here, to attend the Conservatory of Music. Miss ellie Young. 'who has been visiting Miss Kate Peckham, has returned home. GOSSIP.

Miss Bessie Craft has returned from Col- llnsville, 111. Miss Elise Bowles is lust recovering from a serious Illness. Miss Bevis Is confined to the bouse with a sprained ankle. Mr. A.

S. Mermod Is spending a few weeks at Lebanon Springs. Mrs. Mortimer Taylor Is again confined to her house by Illness. Mrs.

D. B. Wesson will move to her. new home, 4137 Finney avenue. Mrs.

Basil Duke arrived on Thursday from Kansas City to visit friends. Mrs. Georga S. Beers Is Confined to her room by quite a serious illness. Mrs.

P. S. O'Reilly Is contemplating a visit to her relatives In New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Wyatt of New York are paying their annual visit to the city. Mrs. Grace January is expected shortly to visit the family of Judge Wilbur Boyle.

Miss Birdie V. Gallagher has returned to the city after a delightful visit at Hot Springs. Mrs. Georare Kimball of Morgan street lias returned from a visit to her sister In Chicago. Mrs.

Schuarte has been entertaining for a couple of months herlster from Van Buren. Ark. Mrs. Thomas Walsh has been spending sev eral days with her ststerat her home in Kirk-wood. Miss Jennie Thurmond leaves next week to visit her sister In Bloomlngton for several weeks.

L. Montedonleof Memphis, Is the guest of Mrs. J. Garbarlno, 3i3t Chestnut street. Mr.

Galas Paddock has gone to Mexico'to look after some mining interests for Ills father. Misses Fannie and Isabel Bartle have been spending a week with relatives at Webster Groves. Mrs. Henry P. Miller or Bell avenue Is at Lebanon Springs where she is the guest of friends.

Miss Irma Nelson will leave for the East Tuesday, to be absent several weeks, visiting relatives. Mrs. Shepherd of Palmyra, who has been spending a week with Mrs. Clark, will return home to-day. Mr.

and Mrs. W. B. Farr have rented for the winter the residence of Mrs. Douglas on Delmar avenue.

Mrs. Moses Fraley left on Friday to spend two weeks in visiting her married daughter at Cleveland, O. Misses Helen and Laura Hartog will receive their friends on Mondays at their new home, 5143 Wells avenue. Mrs. EretRhmar nf ffew York will spend November with her mother.

They will be at home ednesdays. Mrs. T. W. Pierce, will spend another an1 I (a wwii 1 1 ner parents, in.

Elliott, S822 Cook avenue. Mrs. A. O. Parsons rt Tacoma, Is visiting Mrs.

William Bruton of Thirty-second and chestnut streets. SetonHawther and wife of San Francisco arrived last week to spend a few weeks with Mr. ana Mrs. H. C.

Hleatt. rtr -in-trww. visiting his daacrh ter, Mrs. Ad. Walker, at her lovely home at x-ieasant ureen.

near seutu' ami ILtva Tavlnpflnd their their daugh ter, Miss Saliie Taylor, are located for the winter at 874a West Pine suw- Mrs. H.B.Robertson returned from Chicago Wednesday morning ana is euwiuuumf mis. Dr. Ewlng from Batesville, Ark. Miss Lempke has gone to New York where she has accepted a situation to teach German In a young ladies' seminary.

Mrs. ana MUa Wttl. uno 1119 TRY THEM. In order to appreciate same you should see our line of Olives, Oiive Oils, Chutneys, Catsups, Salad Dressings, Sauces, Imported Vinegars, Sardines, Sardelles, Anchovies, Pastes, Pates Potted, Deviled and Lunch Meats; Yarmouth Bloaters, Kippered Herring, Spiced Sea Food; Lobster, Salmon, Crabs, Clams, Clam Chowder, Mackerel, Tomato SauceShrimps, Oysters, Sea Turtle, etc, etc. The Finest Line Ever Shown West of New Yorlc.

German Preserves. OWN I3SP03TATI0IT. Price List. Flac- Vi Flac oris. obs.

Strawberries, red and $1 25 75 Cherries, red and -white 1 25 75 Quinces, red and yellow 1 25 75 red 125 75 Apricots, red 1 25 75 Gooseberries 1 25 75 Reirta Clauden. 1 25 75 Melange 125 75 Hagebutten (haw-buds). 1 25 75 Peaches 1 25 75 Green Almonds (vanilla) 1 25 75 Maronen (chestnuts) 1 25 75 English Walnuts 1 25 75 Hazelnuts 1 25 75 Red and White Currants (pitted). 125 FRENCH FRUITS, tlycl. rles, Figs.

Pears, Quinces, $1, and Peaches $1.25 in quart jars. French Fruit au jus (in syrup). Figs, Pears, Cherries, Peaches and Strawberries, quart jars, pint jars, 75c. delightful events which filled completely every day of her visit to St. Louis.

VISITORS. Mr. and Sirs. George W. Eonlck of AUanta, are making a little visit to St.

Louis friends, en route for home. Miss Adele Bryant, who has been spending the festival season with St. Lou's friends, has returned to Independance, Mo. Mrs. D.

Robert Barclay Is here from Washington City to visit the family of her son, and several old friends. Mr. Bernhelmer of Sew York City has been visiting his sisters In St. Louis, en route for Port Gibson, where he is now visitln his mother. Mrs.

F. L. Buner of Bloomlngton, 111., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. W.

Thur-man of Compton avenue. Miss Laura Bingham has been spending the past week with Mrs. C. A. Lawton.

Miss Emily Olelland arrived on Friday from Springfield, to mate a visit of some weeks to Miss Bessie Kehlor of Pine street. Miss Helen Carson of Chicago is visiting St. Louis friends. Mrs. Eberson arrives this week from Norfolk, to visit Mrs.

M. Rosenstetler of No. 3028 Chestnut street and attend the Eberson-Wleder wending, which will be celebrated on Thanksgiving evening at Mahler's Hall. Mrs. Ettlng and her children, who have been spendlnethe past month In the city at the Llndell Hotel, left on Friday evening to join, her husband, Capt.

Ettlng, who is stationed in Texas. Mrs. Jennie Edwards has been spending the past week In the city, visiting friends on the South Side. Mlsa Eversham of Chicago is visiting Miss Hattle Dickinson of Bell avenue. Mrs.

D. U. Francis is making a little visit to the family of her father, Mr. John D. Perry of Vandeventer place.

Mrs. Eugene Field of Chicago is visiting Mrs. Edgar V. Comstock of Fraser Park. Mrs.

Albert Fischel of Chicago is visiting friends on Dolman street. Miss Ellen Garcelon. daughter of ex-Gov. Garcelon of Lewlston, Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. V.

H. Clark of Jfo. 1120 North Compton avenue. Mrs. Wm.

Albert Hodgedon has been spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prltchett, at Benton Heights, and Is now with friends in the city. Mr. Will Kingdom, who now resides in Memphis, is visiting his old friends and relatives.

The Misses Kahn of Clinton, are visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Sternberg of the South Side. Mrs. Wm.

Erug, nee Griesedleck, has arrived from Omaha to visit her sisters, the first visit she has made them since her marriage. Miss Lemon of St. Joseph, is visiting Miss Eliza Breck. Mrs. M.

G. Nelson has arrived from Kansas City to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Birch of Washington avenue.

Mr. Horace McClure has been visiting his brother. Kev. Charles McClure. Mrs.

Jose phine Mott of Cleveland. O. has been visiting her sister. Mrs. J.

F. Crews: also Mrs. Frank Miller of Chicago, who arrived last week to join her sister In a visit to Mrs. Crews. Miss Lena McLelian of Troy, Mo.

la visiting relatives at Mapiewood. Miss Susie Magoffla spent Thursday In the city with friends. Mrs. E. W.

Miller, who has been spending the month of October with St. Louis irienus, lias returned nome. airs, oesiie Marmaduke is -visiting the family of Judge Phillips on West Morgan street. Mrs. Charles Newman of Garrison avenue is entertaining her mother from Philadelphia.

Mrs. Fannie Obermeyer has returned to her home in Kansas City, alter a pleasant visit to fet. Louis relatives. Miss Minerva Primm has been having a delightful visit to Miss Clara Sherwood. Miss Katie Penn of Troy, Mo.

is visiting friends at Mapiewood. Mrs. M. C. Park, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs.

Laura B. Tenney, has returned to her home in Southwest Missouri. Miss Susan B. Pace will arrive Nov. 1 from Denver, to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs.

Dr. Hardaway. She has been snendlng the past year witn her daughter, Mrs. Laurence. Ravlstes of Mobile, Is visiting her son, Mr.

Paul Kavisles. Mrs. Frank Koberts Is the guest of Mrs. C. B.

Smith of Vandeventer place. Mrs. Bosenbaum of Mt. Vernon, Ind. is visiting her sister, Mrs.

Max Russocfc. Katie Rogers of Louisville, Ky. arrived last week to make a visit to her cousin. Mrs. Victoria Schmitt.

Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie of Cleveland, O. are visiting ner sister, Airs. w.iceauer, at ner suburban home.

Miss Carrie Sicher of Topeka, is visiting friends on Morrison avenua. Miss Isabel Steinberg of Lawrence, Is visiting friends In the South Side. Miss Seaman after spending the festival season with friends has returned to her home in Springfield. Miss Mary Stirling Is visiting Mrs. T.

C. Edgar, No. 4040 Washington avenue, and will not return to her home in Greenville, until the latter part of the month. Col. II.

II. M. Williams of Cape Girardeau. who has been visiting his daughter on Finney avenue, has returned home. Mrs.

A. Well of Chicago has charge of her sister's, Mrs. Glover's, house during her absence and is visiting her old St. Louis friends. Mrs.

Floyd anon, wno nas oeen spending me past month with Mrs. R. K. Walker on Lucas avenue, has returned to her home lu Mississippi. RETURNS.

Mrs. A. 8. Aloe has returned from Cincin nati, where she went to attend the marriage of her brother. She was accompanied by her sister.

Mrs. Hart, from San Francises. Mr Louis Alsberg has returned from Lebanon springs. Mrs. Adolphus Busch has returned from short visit to Chicago.

Mrs, A. J. Ball has rellirnftd Mull trln tn 1 1. 1 1 lien.M. Blake has returned from a visit to i icuus ui uaiiintf ton, Mrs.

ra. Condeil has returned from a visit lumauinai uccaiur, ill. Mis Maa Car-Ien(er has returned from a visit to Miss Fan-ultt I. bJtuwsr. juus usi cox bag ruturaea FRlGO-lilCl FOOD CO.

The margin of profit is smaller on these than on any other Soups in the market, but believing them to be the best, we carry a full line to the exclusion of all others. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND Ferris' New York HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON, BEEF TONGUES, A trial will Satisfy you that they are the best. Also, Westphalia and English Hams. Also, Imported Cervalat and Frankfurter Sausages III OUR STOCK OF FEY CHEESES You will find Norton's Pineapple, Edam, Genuine English Stilton, Gloucestershire, Menauta, Brie, Coulomier, Camembert, Roquefort and Sapsago, all of the very finest quality. Grand Avenue Hotel, have gone to the coun try to spend a week with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bentlv. formerly Miss Mamie Hunt, will leave in a few days to return to their home In New Orleans. Mr.

and Mrs. Halsted Burnet have been spending the week with their Chicago relatives. They will return home by to-day. Mr. John Derecskev.

lately ladles' tailor at the court of Vienna, has opened his "Ladies xauonng jrariors- at no. iis oiive street. Mrs. C. L.

Goodale of California, after a pleasant visit to her St. Louis friends, left last week for a few weeks' visit In the South. Mrs. Dr. Bennett, with her daughters.

Misses Laura and Jennie Bennett of New Orleans, are spending the winter in St. Louis. A klssable mouth, ruby Hps, pearly teeth and fragrant breath, produced by "Crushed Roses," for the teeth, 25 cents, at all dealers. Rev. and Mrs.

J. J. Wilkins. who have been visiting their daughte.r Mrs. Felix Carter, nave leiuiucu iu toen uumo yes momes.

Io. The latest fad In parties Is "star gazing parties," one of which was given by well-known society ladles of the West End last Thursday eve. The Henrietta Club have a handsome Invitation out for one of their elegant dancing parties to be given at the Pickwick Thursday evening, Nov. 19. Miss Fork of Boston will give lessons in painting on china and in water colors at the St.

Louis Decorative Art Society, 8142 Olive street, after Nov. 1. Miss Carrie Todd of Columbia Is visiting Mrs. Pearce In Cabanne place. She has delayed her departure for home a few days, but will leave this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Christy Church and baby boy are spending a few days with Mrs. Church's parents. Mr.

and Mrs. George Myers, at their suburban home, Gleadale. Mr. Clark Knowlton.a prominent beau In Memphis society, who has recently married, has been with his bride, spending the honeymoon with St. Louis friends.

Prof. Louis H. Frellgh has returned from an extended European tour, enriched by many musical experiences. He will resume uls piano lessons Monday, Nov. 2.

The report that Mrs. Louisa Meyers had returned to Chicago this week was a mistake. She is still the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wagoner of Belle avenue. Miss Freeman of Denver and Miss Oandee of Indianapolis, who have been spending the festival season with Mrs.

Charles Pope of Morgan street, have returned home. Miss Lucy Hodgeman who has been making a tour of Europe with her sister. Mrs. Joseph Holllday, is expected home soon, having sailed from Liverpool on the 28th ult. Mr.

and Mrs. Nor rls Gregg have moved Into their lovely new house, which has Just been completed, on the corner of Forty-second street and Washington avenue. Mrs. St. Gem, who has been visiting St.

Louis friends, has gone to Little Rock to visit her son, Mr. Gus St. Gem, and his wife before returning to her home at Ste. Genevieve. Mrs.

Shannon Douglas, and Mrs. Egbert Chapman of Kansas City, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Burr of Morgan street, have returned home. Mr.

and Mrs. Moire, formerly Miss Sophia Dunlap, daughter of the late Bishop Dunlap afcer a pleasant visit to old Klrkwood friends, have returned to their home in Las Vegas. Misses Nettie Cayce and Edna Butler spent several ays last week with Mr. and Mrs. A.

T. Harlow at their lovely home, "Windsor Harbor," Klmmswlck, returning Saturday, Judge J. P. Nixon and family, after spending ten days in St. Louis wPh friends, have gone to Bristol, to stay several weeks before returning to their home at Lebanon Springs.

Mrs. H. M. Franck, who spent the summer at Huntsvllle, has taken a bouse In Klrkwood and win spend a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Edwards, while waiting to take possession.

Mrs. Haywood, who has been making a visit to her sister, Mrs. Doddridge of Westminster place, for the past two months, will leave soon to return to her home at Cham-bersburg, Pa. Mrs. Vaugh, nee Miss Clara Jacobs" or this city, who now lives at San Antonio.

passed through St. Louis and remained sev! for New" Vorktlng ld frleads lately. route Senator Cockrell arrived on Friday evenlnz to Join his wife, who is visiting her relatives They will leave early this week to return to Warrensburg, to make ready for their departure for Washington City. Mr. and Mrs.

Randall gave a social and musicale In honor of their daughter's birthday, at their EUendale residence, Thursday evening, which was attended by most of the young society people of EUendale and many from the city. Mrs. George Keller of Nicholson place and Miss Lulle Keller have been entertaining a number of friends during the month of October. Miss Corinne Keller will not be a debutante this season, but will defer her appear-ance until next winter. Miss Minnie Thomas Is now the guest of her aunt.

Mrs. Alfred Rvnn at her hama run Delmar avenue. Mrs. Thomas Ryan, her grandmother, and Mrs. Thomas have given up their home on Washington avenue and bis uwruuig tor tot wisier, On Saturday, the 24th, Mrs.

John 8. Davis of 1707 Bacon street entertained Mrs. Carrie incMurray or Mexico, at o'clock tea. Messrs. McMurray and Davis were partners in business before the war, and the occasion was a reunion of very old friends.

Dr. and Mrs. Rhodes have returned during luii.i, foreign travel, visiting all the points of inter, est in Europe. Their congregation, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, are preparing a "welcome home" social in their honor.

The second hop of the season given by the Duquesne Club took place at Pickwick Hall Friday evening. The ball-room was beautifully decorated with floral designs, which made a pretty effect, especially the music stand, which was completely enveloped la palms. Mrs. Alexis Mudd has Issued cards, announcing the marriage of her daughter. Miss Lulu Mudd, to Mr.

Alonzo Losee, Sept. 3. They are at the Llndell Hotel, and will be at home to their friends, Tuesday afternoons and evenings in December. Mrs. B.

F. Hammett. has returned from Hot Springs very much improved in health. Air. uammett has gone to lexas tor a snort rest before returning home, and Master Forrest Hammett, who has been visiting his sister In St.

Joe during his parents' absence, Is home again. Mrs. Bobert Ward, nee Miss Julia Archie Dean, who has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Frank Armstrong of Bell avenue, for the past week, has gone West with her husband on their bridal tour. Mr.

and Mrs. Ward will reside permanently In Lebanon on their re turn to Missouri. have been visiting friends at Dallas, have returned to Gainesville, where Miss Josephine will remain with her sister for a little visit before going to Waco to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, who have recently moved to that point to reside.

Mrs. Walters of Baden gave a progressive euchre party, Thursday, Oct. 29, at her residence. Miss Robinson won the first prize for ladles. Miss Toepel tne second, and Miss Ostermeyer the third.

The prizes for gentle men were carriea on oy Messrs. iienry weg-men, John Guhmay and Mr. Jones. Mrs. Jo Halildav and little son who have been spending the summer In Luronean travel, will remain abroad this winter, her son Deing at scnooi in uenin.

Mrs. Isabel Trask and her daughter, Mrs. Annie Trasfc Thompson, are home again from their European trip, and are at No. 3S63 Delmar avenue. Miss Maude Belcher after having been fle-.

lightfully entertained by Miss Frances Cabanne, has returned to her home in Memphis, Tenn. She will return to St. Louis later, in time for the grand ball which will be given by the Daughters of the Confederacy on Thanksgiving night, and will spend the month of December with Miss Marie Lucas. A Halloween party was tendered Miss Xellte McKenna at her home, 2808 St. Louis avenue.

Among those present were Misses Nellie McKenna, Maggie Miles, Minnie Mullaney Kelly, Emma Miles, Magele Turrey, Winnie McMarrow and Messrs. Reuben Peters. Chas. fBckert, Jas. O.

Laughlln, P. Wagner, Chas. Kelley, Will Putney. DrlscoU, Clark, B. Col- gan.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Joy celebrated their tin wedding anniversary on Tuesday evening at their home. 3617 Sullivan avenue. It was a most enjoyable affair.

Among those present were Wm. Simpson and wife, M. McDermott, wife and daughter, Ed Goodfellow and wife, Jos. Wheeler, John Schultz, Misses Walker, McBrlde. Ricks, be ward, Bredensteln and Stewart.

Avery Interesting donkey party was given by Miss Mamie Sipley in honor of the 17th birthday of her sister. The prizes were all very handsome. Quite a large number of guests were present. There was dancing and an elegant supper served in the dining-salon, which was appropriately decorated with flowers suitable to the natal day of the honored guest. Miss Foley assisted Miss Sip-ley in receiving and entertaining the guests.

An old-fashioned husking bes was held at the residence of A. E. Tatum, on Cote Brll. llante avenue west of King's highway, Thursday night. Mr.

Tatum had raised a quantity of corn and a part of It was heaped upon the floor of the spacious barn, and the young people engaged In the work of husking it. They became enthusiastic In the employment. Dancing followed the sport, and a bountiful supper was served in the house, the menu comprising all the viands that tradition associates with rustic merry-makings. About thirty couples participated. On Friday evening, Oct.

30, a delightful re ceptlon was given Rev. Milford Rlggs and wife by the members of the Fourth Baptist Church. A musical and literary programme was finely rendered. Rev. Mr.

Rlggs and wife were Introduced to the audience by C. Allen, who extended a cordial greeting to the young couple. In behalf of the church, an elegant plush and oak rocker was presented the counle. W' Allen. The Chair.

man of the Retention rvimmif fn R. Cha n. man, then invited the guests to partake of a pouhtlful repast prepared and served by the ladles of the conirreuratlon. Letters of resrrat were received from the ministers of the city hi uV present. The Golden Chain.

The Golden Chain fhllilnin'i TTrnnnna Rr eiety held a meeting Friday afternoon In the Lac lede Hotel. Several papers were read ana selections rendered. Masters Jones Hawkins. Andrew Walker, Henry 'nm jueary, nor man Gawhn and Willie Marshall were aura ui ea to membership. Vice-President it' Knneth Mckenzie suggested that oiaeo chain be represented at the V'1 -iara Harrington reported tnat i ayor and his daughter were members.

The President stated that Oueen icioria naa abolished the cbeclt-reln from if 1 V-- jcctioxebs ait over town pronounce p.caja caramels the best and most DODular home after spending several weeks In the far West. Mrs. D. Dillen berg and daughter have returned from a little trip to Excelsior Springs for the benefit of the waters. Mr.

and Mrs. James T. Drummond have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John N.

Drummond at Alton. Mrs. Alexander Frankenthal has returned from Chicago, where she has been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Felix Levy, formerly of St.

Louis. Gen. and Mrs. D. M.

Frost have returned from the East, having left two of their daughters at the convent at Georgetown, D. C. Mrs. Wm. Gross has returned from a visit to her mother in St.

Charles. Mrs. Charles Greely and family returned home last week after spending four months in the East. Mr. and Mrs.

Gllmore have returned from a trip East. Miss Lottie Herzog returned on Sunday atter spending five months the East, tene spent the summer wltn friends at Far Rocka- way Beach ana has been spending tne iau in New York City. air. j. u.

lesg nas returnea irom a snort trip to Kentucky. Mrs. Lfurg has returned irom a short trip out or town. air. ana Mrs.

Morris w. Alexander nave re turned from a trip through Kentucky. Mrs. E. Michaels and daughter have returned from a visit to her daughter in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Murphy have returned from meir oriaai trip ana are locatea at cnest- nut st. Mrs. Eocene C.

Harrington of Cook avenue. who has been spending five months at Lake Mlnnetonka and the different Northern lakes. has returned home a gain, completely restored to good health, which she traveled to recover. Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Harris, who have been visiting friends la Chicago, returned last week to their home. Mrs. Edward Ploer has returned from a visit to relatives at Decatur, 111. Miss Hortense Paulln has returned from a visit to friends in the country. miss Kay Kotnscmias nas returnea irom a visit of three weeks to Kansas City.

Mrs. E. It. Redman has returned to Boonville after spending three weeks with St. Louis relatives.

Mrs. II. F. Little has returned from a visit to Mrs. W.

W. Kent at Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Y.

Smith have returned after several months' absence. Miss Belle Trevor ha3 returned from Leba non, where she went to attend the marriage of her cousin. Miss Llllle Wheatonhas returned home after spending a year in the West. Misses Carrie ana Beavebe liklnson nave returnea irom Carroliton. where they attended the marriage of their cousin.

Miss Leila Wernden to Mr. nan. Minnie liklnson has returnea rrom a visit to the family of James Wilkinson. Miss Agnes loung nas returnea irom a visit to relatives in Illinois, where she attended a large reception given by Dr. and Mrs.

Mar cus a. wace. Mrs. 1 rank Brown of Bell avenue has re turned from a two weeks' visit to Springfield Mo. DEPARTURES.

Mrs. Franklin Lewis Baam of Bloomlngton, who for the past week has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. George W. Thurmond of Compton avenue, near Chestnut street, left yesterday for he home. Mrs.

'inerese uanss oi leaves tnis week for her home after a pleasant visit to ner iriena, Mrs. Alienor Washington avenue. Airs. ai. Anare Howies, oi cnicago.

wno has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. John c. ivory, at ner resiuence on ware avenue during the carnival season, returned home yesterday. miss Annie uiennernasset returns this week to her home In Forest City, Io. after a pieasant visit to ner cousin.

Miss Marie Adams, at her home on the Narrow Gauge. Mrs. Addison Cobb, accompanied by her two sons. Lawrence and Hamilton, leaves next month lor New Mexico to spena a month, and not to reside as has been erroneously stated by the morning papers. Mrs.

Anna Carr leaves Saturday for Denver to spend some time with Eastern friends. Miss Alice Corwln goes to-morrow to Lebanon to spend a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Church of Thirty-first and Franklin auenue have gone East.

Their niece, Miss Katie Starr, is keeping house during Mrs. Gilbert and Miss Lucy Gilbert of Dubuque, who have been during the carnival the guests of their brother and sister, Dr. and Mrs. James A. Campbell of Lucas avenue, left yesterday for fchelr home.

Miss Anna Gorse of Evansvllle, who has been the guest of Mrs. Tompkins of Lafayette avenue, left Wednesday for her home. Mrs, D. Baer has returned to her home in Murfreesboro after spending the fall season with St. Louis relatives.

Mrs. Eugene Ball, who has been visiting relatives on Llndell avenue, has returned to her home at Louisville, Ky. Miss Nellie Boulware, who has been visiting Mrs. Harold Holllngswortb. has returned to Palmyra.

Miss Grace Brewster has returned home after spending the festival season with 1st. Louis irienas. miss Adele Bryant, who has been spending the fall season in St. Louis, has returned to her home at Independence. Miss Caddie Olearv has returned to her home in Chicago after a charming visit to ei.

iouts irienas. Mrs. C. G. conn, who has been spending the summer with her narents.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Hirsch, left last week to return to her nome in wicnica. Kan.

Mrs. Henry Evans has gone to Anna, 111., to visit her mother, Mrs. Sandborn. Miss Nellie Evans, who has been spending the fall season witn st. louis relatives; nas returnea to Chester.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Glasor have gone East to spend three weeks visiting the principal ciues. Mr.

and Mrs. Hugh Crawford left last week to visit his relatives in Pennsylvania. Llzgie Jones, who nas been spending a 5 unci yeuuiuf mo summer ia.

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