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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 17

St. Louis, Missouri
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SETE COBB IN VENICE the three vessels between the acid chambers. "VANILLA, PLEASE!" tries against tbe introduction or our modern inaoblnery and every evidence of an advanced civilization owes its discovery and application TO KILL BY ELECTRICITY. toral vote.Mr. Lam on promises the Amerioan people four years of unparalleled prosperity and peace. Speaking of Western cities, he said: "There a marked difference between the people of the West and those of the I)Mt, even it they have removed to the West only a short time before.

The Western citizen has more local pride, for instanoe. You can make fun of the follies of New York and Boston and print it in their own papers, receiving a large salary therefor, but if yon make fun of a Western olty and expeot good pay for it you must live another town. Take St. Paul and Minneapolis for Instanoe. I never felt so much restraint as I did there.

You've heard, no These vessels are termed washers. Tbey are filled abont two-thirds full with bvdrant water that has been well boiled in a tank overhead. leaving It verv Dure. The nines In the wash ers do not reach to the bottom, and any dust or acid that may manage to enter tbe first washer along with the i does not enter the second, certainly not the third, but settles to the bottom. Then when tbe gas Is thoroughly is allowed to pass through a pipe leading to six CISTER1T8 OF BOILED WATT It.

These cisterns renoie on a rocker thst la moved to and fro by steam power, and when the gas has entered In quantities sufllolent to cause a pressure of 175 pounds to tbe square men, tne soda water is readv fnr nan. He. tween 5,000 and 8,000 glasses of soda and mln- r3 Cx rs A The Ruth for Ice Cream Soda. eral water are during hot weather disposed of at tne tnree estaoiisnments referred to, wnlle from 7,000 to 10.000 bottles, holding a glasa full each, are sold to the retail trade In this city. As for the endless variety of syrups in use.

tne purest 01 tnem are not extracts, nut are made from granulated sugar and tbe Juice of iruits, so tbal they possess a delicate and distinctive taste. Some 75,000 glasses of soda water is the amount of soft drink sold on an average hot day tn ct. Louis, and In well-manaued estab lisbments the clear profit on sales is 100 per cent. In tbe matter of mineral water vlchy Is tne reigning ravorite, witn seltzer and natural spring waters from various portions of this country hardly less popular. Old drinks, wltb slight variations, are forever masquerading under new names and the combinations that can be evolved by tbe judicious mixture of soda and sirup are endless.

THE MILK -SHAKE bas bad a great run this year. Milk, shaved ice, flavoring and agitation ere all that it necessary to its production and it Is popular witn an classes, one exploded on washing ton avenue tbe other day and spoiled a lady's dress, but as a rule the drink Is non-explosive. Ice-cream soda has been making fearful Inroads on the purses of fair ones, and the girl wltb the dime-saving craze roust hunt up a young man or go unsatisfied. Hut the populace de mands a drink Ior a nickel, and tbe demand sr i fir.71 A'Arfc An Frplodina Milk Shake. has been granted, some fountain owners go ing so far us to throw in a dash ot Ice cream with each iroblet.

One man with a long head, whose fountain is for the most part patronized by the aliop- olna sex. announces tbe latest symphony in soda. In color the c-cncoctlon Is the most delicate pink, but in name it Is frmlllar and suggestive. He calls it an egg-flip, serves it in small glasses and shakes cinnamon powder on the foamy crest. There Is sherry in it be-vond doubt, lust enough to make the liquid cheering without inebriating.

"ror, of course. If 1 pnt too much wine it it," explains tbe comDounder. "it wouldn't pay, and be sides tnat would be coming dangerously near to a liquor business." So the shonners come and go, and the more tbey go tbe less Is tbe flip save wherein tbls may pertain to tne young man aforesaid, tor be knows his business. Sheridan's Memoirs. From tbe New York Sua.

For years before he began tb "Per sonal Memoirs" Gen Sheridan bad collected the material for a correct history of bis mili tary career, but was averse to putting lt in the first person as an autobiographic narrative. But after the great success 01 oen. urant' book in tbls form there was no hesitation 1 to following Its example. Alike for tbe In terest and tbe Intrinsic value of the work this decision was most fortunate, and the "Personal Memoirs" will show Gen. Sheridan to be possessed of a most Interesting style, easy and flowing, and rising to tbe picturesqueness and dramatic Quality of many of tbe scenes be has de picted.

Many incidents and anecdotes woven into the main thread of the narrative will also show that be has no little of tbe art of the story-teller. Such Judgments as be bas to pats upon military men and tbings will be especially interesting. Decease even more than orant and Sherman, be is looked upon as the type of the pro fessional soldier; tnat is to say, al though the great fames of Grant and Sher man are founded on exploits in war, tbey bad yet both voluntarily renounced tbe profession of arms for a civil career, wbleb was not the case with Sheridan, and probably never would have been even 11 tne fjivu war naa not oc curred. Gen. Sheridan will always be as shin ing an example as could be furnished of what may be done in lire, under iavonng circum stances, by one wbo combines sound judgment and executive skill with a great endow ment of eonragn and pugnacity.

Thomas J. Matall, recently deceased. started as a poor boy. He Invented the first rubber belt, tbe first cylinder printing ma chine for wall-paper printing and aiao for displacing tbe former mode of prlnt-d( from independent blocks; Invented rubber ement and satin-flnisbed paper; helped Charles Goodyear io tbe invention of vulcanised rubber, and also produced a nomber of other Inventions In revolvers, gnns. rifles.

steam apparatus for loading and firing artU-1 I lery, ammunition, eofTae-bulling msoblnes, sit-acting drawjtWgss and. WimKnrnKhm 1 "in I II ir V' 7 All as of to American Drams. I bear yon ask how is the fishing'? I would have given 1100 in Venice or at Lake uomo or Lake uonstauce to bave had yon and your riot alonir. Venloe the morning after my arrival while waiting lor my Dreaaiasi to cook sat In the parlor door and must have caught fifty sea bass weighing from five to seventeen and three-quarters pounds. Every time I pulled one In intrueLanham style I exclaimed; "Here's your cows." The expression is now one of venioe.

Alter breakfast I concluded I would try tor some larger fish, and hiring a gondolier I started out for a troll. My line was scarcely straight before I was snatched from my seat and Dut for tbe gondolier would have been pulled into the canal. We both held on to our end of the line while tbe gondola was going through the oanai like lightning, the propelling power at the other end of the line evidently heading for the Adrt-atio Sea. We fairly flew from one canal to another, tbe people cheering us from their win dows and gonaolaa and pleasure boats, ail giving us the right of way, ortunately there were two heavy dredge boats lying alongside near the Kialto between whioh the fish cot tightly wedged, and with the aid of a few roustabouts we were enabled to land our game. I imagine I hear you say, "He was no bniithbaas." Yon are right.

It was a slippery, slimy eel, measuring 49 feet, 2Mi Inches. and weighing nounda. We took him up on the Kialto and be reached almost from one end to the other. The strangest coincidence comes in right here. The Kialto you know was made famous by in nis --mercnant oi Venice" where Sbylock says to bignor Antonio: Many a time and oft On the Kiaito you bare rated me, etc.

Well, curiosity led us to open his eelshlp and in him we found a large seal ring which from the lnrcrlption is unquestionHbly the wedding ring of Shylock's daughter Jessica and Lorenzo. The date was blurred IN THE CANAL. and tbe seal a little damaged, but "still in tbe ring." I have bad tbe eel photographed for our club bouse at Murdock's. llie ring I shall give to my Italian guide as a trophy to the biggest liar in tne wond. Venice is a roraantid'prce.

Yon can walk out of your bed-room door into the canal. Royaltji Sahitts Mr. Cobb. take a swim around the neighborhood and re turn without tbe trouble of dressing. Many of tbe Venetian ladies go calling in swimming costumes, flopping up on the parlor steps from place to place and exohanglng tbe compliments of tbe day, drinking a glass of wine.

ana on again like a swarm ot ducks. My fishing at lakes Como and Constance were equally as successful and exciting, and I must nave wisned ior you a tnousand times. My time is out, and I must reserve my lake sport for a future letter. shall take a good rest here, then go to Weisbaden, down the Rhine to Cologne, thence via Brussels to Paris, wnere we snail maxe a long stay. lours, 8.

W. COBB. P. 6. We have been treated with tbe utmost courtesy by the nobility of Europe.

They never fail to takeoff their hats aa "we pass uy. Kerlin, July 28, 1583. What the Doctors Say. St. Louis, July 1888, Eictutrdion- Taylor Med.

Co. Gkntlkitex During tbe past three months I have prescribed "Taylor's Sure Chill Cure" in some ten or twelve cases of biliousness. malarial troubles and constipation, also In ope case of cholera morbus, and in one threatened attack of malarial fever, and In every instance lt has given tbe most complete satisfaction. From its rapid and beneficial action npoa tbe liver. I can easily believe it to be what its name implies, a "Sure Chill Cure." Very truly yours, M.

L. Cbaffet, M. 1404 X. Grand avenue. Taylor's Pare Chill Cure is a never failing remedy for tbe cure of chills and fever.

biliousness, liver complaint, constipation and any disordered conditio of the stomach or bowels, bold by all druggists. 25e and 6O0 bottles. Rickakdsojc-Tatlor Med. St. Louis, Mo.

The Listening Mother. From the LewUton Journal. "Ethel," asked a Lewlston mother of ber daughter as tbe fair young girl sat down at a late breakfast in ber morning gown, "did George leave any package for me last even-lngr Ethel blnaued and said iaitertngly: "Why, no, mammal What mads you ask?" "Oh, nothing; I only heard bim say at the door as be said good-bye, 'Now. here is one more for your mother, and 1 know but lt was that pattern or lsce lambrequins that bis mother has promised me." Jbtbel eakk nothing. wmm I I BIS SUMXIE FXPXEIEHCKS IN THI NATIONAL CAPITAL.

joe Washington Fly A Talk 'With Grover Sic Early Struggles His Hopes and jars The Hollow Condition of Fame Tbe President Allndes to His Western Irip The Wild and Wooly William Belarus to His Sell as t. Copyright, 1888. by IdniW. Nye. VsWT ASHLNGTOX, D.C., Au gust 17.

In response to call from several prominent statesmen who desired to consuls me relative to the issues of the day, regardless of party, I came here two days ago, and have been closeted with from two to six of toem ever since. We have been lining with closed doors, and a trusted messenger has executed our behests, meantime charging same to our room. Washington at this season of the vear is hot, with traces of humidity, and the exaggerated country-seat is not a desirable place espeoially in which to dwell. Paradise is full of people who aonght to spend the summer In Washington, D. C.

In winter all is gaiety here. In summer bromide and remorse are the leading characteristics. How many eminent men, civil and military, have here received their first subpoena from the Great Court of last resort and fled away to the mountains of the sea to die in peace. How many great men have gone to Washington robust and resolute only to die in the midst of their success and In the meridian of their lives, followed down to the cool and quiet portals of the tomb by a long line of bulletins and temperature and pulse records. And this suggests to our minds the pleasures of dying in America at the end of a glorious career, surrounded by an able corps of cor respondents and telegraph operators who Congressional Harcttt Hands.

herald to the nation, not because they want to 3o so, but because the nation wants them to. the details of death clear down to the em balmer's solemn but highly remunerative job. Any American boy who reads these lines may, if he will, become so great and so widely known that when he dies amateur photographers will get snap-shot views of his tongue wben he exposes It for the ad location of his physician and the papers will publish interior views of him. showing a condition of affairs terrible to contemplate. Washington is a beautiful city, but malaria assassination and bluff lurk here on every hand.

The flies of Washington are peculiar to the capital, I think. They are a gross phlegmatic Insect, with cold feet. Their ctr dilation Is poor and their lives seem almost destitute of praiseworthy motive. When Washington fly alights on one's person one feels a slight congestive chill, followed by a soft-shell-crab sort of bite, and one naturally claps at the place with to find that one has fooled away one's time, for the nawsty little insect simply meanders over to one side and goes on with his business. He Is a dignified insect and moves with great deliberation, reminding one very much in that respect of the Supreme Court.

Most of the office-seekers whom I met last winter while here have gone out of the city. Some have returned to their homes In the South, while others have hired out as harvest hands between here and Philadelphia. I went over to see Mr. Cleveland for a few hoars the other evening and bad a pood talk with bim about our bopes and ambitions. Tor a while I would talk about myself, and then he would talk about himself, and thus each one talked about what he really felt the most interest in.

After we had done this for some time we started out to the barn and sat on the lid of the bran box for a long while conversing about the dear dead past and our struggles to confines people that we were great and how many obstacles we bad met with all I told him bow I did chores for my board while I was striving to master the Greek grammar and how I had to milk eleven cows every morning, even while in college, and that I wore a bovine air about me even in the classroom, which earned for me the pseudonym of "The Lowing Herd." Then be told me how te had struggled also as a boy and bow the other boys used to lie his shirt In a very bard knot when he went In ivimmini, and, therefore, he was always the last one dressed. He said that wben he was a little fat boy, large, greenish freckles on the back of hie neck and warts on bis feet, he felt In his bones that some day he would be President. tnocgh he says he did not know that he would mn for a second term. He bad not looked ahead so far as that, be said. No boy can reaily figure out definitely In his" own mind letuer he will run for a second term or not.

Be may calculate to do so wben the time tomes, and then again he may not. Speaking of our common country, the Presl-nt said: "I still remember with much pleas-8r- toe good time I had on my trip West, and toe cordiality extended to my wife and my-el. I also cherish, and ever shall, the deep and honest sentiments of regard expressed by tSose whom I met throughout the United j-tates who had Just been appointed to office bT me. I did not suppose that such hearty, 'tuple love and admiration could spring up in 'be hearts of comparative strangers as I found among these people. I wish, if you get a to work It into the papers, that you onia QO to mu lt 8 eometnjns bare anted to express in some way for a long tune, but I have not bad the chance.

At times, when be knows that no one Is kine; at him. the President's face assume took of sadness and his slight form is with sighs. He expresses no desire for election, but says that be thinks that be onldgive us a better Administration next ue aid this. He savs that lni wwue should secure tbe balk of the elec3 is In lt a WONDEBFCL FISHING AND A WILD GON DOLA BIDE IN ITS CANALS. The Ex-Fresident of tbe Merchants' Ex change Sits In His Pnrlor Door and Catches Big Sea Baas Royalty Doffs Its Crown to Him Fashionable Calls in Venice His Morning Sniia Around the Hotel Block.

IX letters from Enrol that appear In tne newspapers In the shape of speoial correspondence are, as a rule, interest ing, because they ac quaint the people of ln oaeitie and uatnt- UM'itT' wlllMa aKe meas- 'I tired by thousands ti spondents generally trJ--- rr'c Dni many strange in foreign climes, but it has remained for a St. Louis man to discover tbe wonderful flshlag which exists in Venice. Mr. Seth W. Cobb, whose veracity will be vouched for by every member of tbe Merchants' Exchange, of which be was a few years ago the President, semis a few cold and MJl.

COBB FISBISa certified piscatorial facts from tbe city of the Doges to his friend and feliow.flsherman P. S. Lanham, which will be read with interest by every disciple of Izaak Walton in St. Louis. Mr.

Cobb writes from Berlin, where he was at last accounts. By permission, those portions of his letter which Interest tourists and lovers of the finny tribe are printed in the Sdndat Post-Dispatch to-day. It will be noticed that tbe letter does not appear on tbe same page wltb tbe romances which have been entered for the prize in tbe Liars' Tourney, which circumstance will substantiate the statement that Mr. Ccbb is not competing for tbe Post-Dispatch price, though it Is needless to add that tbe tourney would come to a sudden and unexpected end right here, if he were. The following is Mr.

Cobb's letter: rat letter. Mt Dear Kijtett My trip bas been a delightful one so far. or, to use your expression, which my wife and Sophie are quoting every day, we lixe it first rate as "far as we' ve went." They bave never forgotten the fun you made for tbom at Murdcck's. When we arrived In London we were told if we dared to go into Italy, especially Koine, It would be sudden death. 1 was not at all afraid to make tbe trip myself and I knew none of my party would ever die happy to conie to Europe and not go to Kome and kiss the Pope's toe, so I put It to a vote, with sudden death as every one said, staring us In the face.

The vote was unanimous to go, so oft we went, and I am prepared to say ail this bugbear about Kuasian fever, and the burning suns of Italy is a humbug. I went to the dangerous places first, and remained longest fat them. Rome, Naples, Pisa, where tbey say It is Impossible to live in July and August, and we never bad a better time In our lives. Slept under cover and with our windows tightly closed every night we were in Italy. About noon, tbe glare is unpleasant to tbe eye, possibly a little more so tban in it.

Louis or New York, but tbe neat is by no means so oppressive. Europe Is at least a hundred years behind America in everything except her an-tiqultlee. Old ruins, monasteries, churches, coliseums, etc. Is all tbey have to show you. Yoo point to some building that would do for a revolutionary relic with us and the guide will shrug his shoulders and say: "Oh that's modern that's only twelve or fifteen hundred years old." Most of tbe old curiosities date back to several hundred years before Christ.

Some of 7 A FathiomaUe Call in Tenice. the old monks banging aronnd them look like tbey had been right there all the time, without washing or changing their clothes. There is an immense amount of first class Iving done by tbe guides. 1 hid to laugh outright sometimes: this seemed to annov them and tbey got so after awhile lat wben they wanted to get off a big one they would take the ladles aside and give It to them, and I was excluded. Tbe more I see over here the prouder I am of my own country.

I would rather be a policeman, or eves a real estate man and auctioneer, iii America than a prince iuKiuope. They are doing nc thing bei toward the advancement of modern soience. ia fact tnay have laws in a early all cons-: lw 1 Wfc Iwli At THE SODA-WATEK HABIT AND ITS POPULARITY IN ST. LOUIS. Nearly 100,000 Glasses of Soda Sold In a Day in This City A 835,000 Fountain The Milk Shake and the Egg Clip How Soda Water Is Made.

AGGABD and pallid of feature, which the only feature that Is neither haggard nor pallid, but serves to enhance, are the sundry citizens who may be seen just be fore business hours, dropping into the down town drug stores along Olive street and Wash- ington avenue. They are the men lor whom a dull sun has by slow and sickly stages climbed across the line, after a night that was decidedly less dull, lt but a trifle less sickly, and tbe young man wbo manipulates the soda water fountain knows them as old customers. Their appear ance is nis signal that tbe day's business has begun, and while the first of them is fumbling for a nickel, the drug clerk hesitates not an Instant. lie knows what is wanted and that tbe thlr customer before him expects him to know It without being asked. Slzzl goes the carbonic acid gas with which the stream from a given spigot Is charged, and wben tbe soda and acid phosphate Is drawn and foaming In tbe goblet, tbe bubbles at tbe brim wink in response to the appreciative leer of tbe parched citizen, who mentally smacks his lips.

Then he grasps the glass and drains lt eagerly, smacks bis lips with a physical smack and looks better for tbe experience. by one this class of customer drops in. till the sun Is well up and traffics is bumming. There was a time when be took brandy of a morning, or maybe a matutinal cock-tail, but that time has slipped away and only the dregs of recollection remain. He takes acid phos phate with bis soda now.

and finds that it FILLS TBI LONG-FELT WAST for which bis torrid Interior has been seeking. it grips nis itiroat, oraces ntm up ana opens his eyes: and what more can he ask? All night he has been looking through a glass darkly, and bis vision is perhaps a trifle dim when be turns from the fountain of vermouth to the bonanza ot tbe drug-store man, so that tbe soda water clerk looms up like a fire man, turning the spigot on the merriest kind of a conflagration that is rag ing away down at tne base of bis throat. But these seekers after soda are notli- ing, numerically speaking, to the great army of thirsty men and women wbo, in the succeed ing hours ot a not summer's day and A Regular Customer far into the night, swarm where the fountain fizzes, lime was when carbonic acid uas md Its accompaniments, as a medium for slaking tbe mnscuilne thirst, were but little resorted to, and the man who In a drug store called for anrtnine nut mineral water naa in ms immedi ate vicinity the latest tbing In lawn, that softly lisped, amiia, piease. uut an tnis nas changed, and the soda water industry, along witn tne soaa-water tiaDit, is experiencing a boom that knows no bursting. When the mercury is coquetting with tbe nineties tbe spirits ot the drug man keep pace wltb the upward tendency of the quicksilver, while the spirits stored away in cut-glass bottles suffer from the competition.

Some one hundred and fifty foutains of various degrees of splen dor cater to tn dry palates 01 oc Louisans, and twice that many youths turn the taps. Soda and sobriety go hand in band and the mixers of milk-shakes ask for a "raise" in salary. How lt bas all come about Is a good deal of a mystery that the men who are profiting cannot find tbe time to explain. IM 15S an enterprising dry goods house on North Broadway purchased for the bie- fest soda water fountain in tbe world. I cost its maker $25,000, and after be bad exhibited it at the Centennial at Philadelphia he was a long time waiting for a purchaser.

But tne purchaser came, and from tbe mammoth marble affair Is daily drawn during the summer season between 2,000 and S.OoO glasses of soda. This fountain towers 83 feet from the base proper, or nearly 60 feet including the hidden portion that reaches down into the cellar below, and weighs just 40 tons. It has long since paid for itself in the advertisement lt nss proved to tne nouse, ior it is rignt iu tne path of the shopper, and she cannot withstand the temptation. Twenty-five thousand dollars Is a large sum to invest in a mere apparatus of this kind, and even less than half that seem an expenditure that would make most business men think twice. Inducements of a more stable kind, such as are held out at the establishment re ferred to, are needed to sustain what would otherwise be an extravagant outlay, and it is scarcely necessary to say that tne fountain in question stands aione as tne costliest areni ture of Its kind.

Yet the drug men are not far behind in the erection of handsome foun tains. There must be a big profit In their manufaotura, for they range in price all tbe wav from iVJO to S6.000, and there are not a few in St. Louis that represent am outlay approximating the last-named figures. Tbey are mostly of marble, embellished In some In stances with carved and costly wood, and are models of Ingenious mechaninrn. Those of RECENT COSSTRCCTIOS are provided with individual receptacles for the syrups, made of glass and easily removed for cleansing, while at either end of tbe counter in a down-town store revolving fans operated by electricity send a cold wave to agitate tiie bangs of fair fiatrons.

No device or expense Is spared to ure tbe fleeting nickeln'of passing pedestrians, and one wide-awake fountain-owner is credited with the Intention of supplanting bis boyish assistants wbo bave won a bubble renutatlon with good looking young women and thus may the advertisement of the future "Secure your soda at tbe original fountain head. lroD your ntcaei in tne eiot at (tie es tablishment of tbe only Esculaptua and Hebe will negotiate the nectar. Six beautiful young ladies in attendance. Even tbe name of soda water is now a mis nomer. It was originally thus called because the method of concoction was primitive, and bi carbonate of soda was nsed as a basis.

Now soda water Is not soda water at ail, but simply very pure water highly ebarged with carbonic acid gaa and, when properly manufactured, mucb purer tban that with which the average citizen is aocustomed to dampen bis palate Some time ago an enterprising Olive street druggist bit upon a beverage with soda water for a basis that wltb many bas grown more popular tban beer. The taste of tbe people for SOFT ICllSIRDBmiS new. and now In addition to the fountain at his drux store tie bas two flourishing estab lishments at points further west In the city, where nothing but soda water and like drinks are dispensed bo great nas tnra new industry rrnwn that be now manufactures bis own soda water and sells largely to others, his factory being situated at one or the up town stands. To make soda water and to make It nure. without tbe suggestion ot sulphuric add or marble dust ever Intruding In the draft dnwn from the fountain, is a very aim Die matter.

At tbls particular factory Is a ro of five large vessels witn connecting pipes, xne vessaia at each end are acid chambers, and into one of them is poured sulphuric acid which Is allowed to drain into another similar-looking vessel below. This Is tbe generator, and into it is pot marble dust, a chemical compound of carbonic acid and lime. In tbe generator are paddies, operated by steain, and as the ta pu uric acid mingles voire. Theooe arises the carbonic acid ras, which Is led through a jsipe suocessiysly Insot witn tue mtruit uuh, iuty an oaaera re WIW1 WOB0DT KS0WSB0W MUCH IS NEEDED TO TO TASK LIFE. Experiments on Dogs nave Been Fninc- cessfnl In Demonstrating a Hetbod et Destroying Men Without MiullMinrf Ihim Scientists Diecuss tho Subject life Restored After a Death by CIeo-trlclty.

Special Corrsapondence of the Post-Dispatcw. ew ioie, August ll. XPEKT electrician entertain grave doubts as to the expediency of killing murderers by electricity. Cnlees science progresses very fast and develops some more reliable data to work npoa than tics cult at are to sent exists, the State autnor likely to find It dim-secure the services of aa electrician capable of Intelligently superin tending arrangements when the iaw goes Into effect in New York on January 1. 1SS3.

ids nearest approaches to human beings are dumb animals, which have been accepted as proper substitutes In tests by medical scientists, and many experiments have recently been made la this way. Since they began the faith of experts In electricity as an executioner has steadily decreased. Experiments with dogs recently mads showed that In nine animals the difference In resistance varied all af the way from 3.0 ohms to 27,600. Nor did the siz of the dog apparently have anything to do witn lt, as a ten-pound doar measured 7, 500 ohrns resistance. fifty-nine-pound one only and a fifly-hix- pouno one went as nign as z.oju onins.

wnua the 3,000 ohms resistance was found In one weighing fifty-five pounds. That there are other conditions entering into the capacity of the dogs to receive electric shock than the resistance was also demonstrated by tbe tests, one dog of 6, 000 ohms resistance as kllie 1 with a 1,000 volt and Vt ampere current. Another of eqnal resistance stood seven shocks from 1,000 volts and 1-10 ampere measurement up to 1,400 volts and 2-5 an pore and 1,429 volts and l-a ampere respectively witnout ap parent effect, and was as playful after as before the experiments. Tin-." experiments ware with tbe continuous current. There were also experiments made with the alternating: currents which demonstrated that one dog of 27,600 ohms resistance was killed witnibl volts and another of 8.

mK) ohais re sistance withstood 805, 4'K) and 500 volts, and, was finally killed wltb 670. These latter tests are disputed, however, and it is evident that tuey should not be accepted as conclusive, as tbe proper measurements of ampere or current strength were not made, and this la an. essential element In conjunction with the voltage or current pressure. A very high volt age may be ootalned with one-hundredth part of an ampere of current strength and bo harmless, and a low voltage with an ampere of strength may prove fatal. it it easily ascertained wnat amount and quality of current may be fatal, but more dlfli- cuit to ten nat will De so and not proiu sickening mutilations of tbe human body.

r.xperlments in killing dogs under the super vision of so able an electrician as Thomas A. Edison resulted la the hides of some ot the animals being split open, and a human belitif might be similarly served, say expert eleu-trloians. Dr. Frederick Peterson, an expert In dis eases of the nerves and a close student of elec trical effects on animals, assumes that tin average resistance of man Is about two thousand live hundred obms, but it Is known to vary materially In different persons, and instances are on record where the wmouiffot' current that bas proven fatal wltu some people bas only sufficed to severely burn others; in one Instance at least the flesh being burned off clear to the bone. Lightning has burned, lacerated, and even perforated human bodies without causing death, and In other Instances baa caused death without leaving a mark.

uaroid Jirown. tne chain tilon of the eon. tlnuons dynamo current, claims that all currents of fKO volts or over are dangerous to human life, yet In numerous Instances he nas given oogs 1,000 volts or over without injurious results. A number of men hava testified under oath that they bave received shocks from alternating currents of l.oiK) volts force, and many more men are known to bave lost their lives through, much less pressure, and Mr. Brown killed dogs with 4sl to SOO volts of alternating current.

Balph W. Papa, Secretary of the American Society of Electrical Engineers and a practical rieuincai upen, Baia to tUe I OST- Disfatcu correspondent: "It la a question as to whether In uslnar elec trical currents tbe executioner can be sure of producing death without mutilation, boine men are much more susceptible to the in fluences of electricity than others, and there Is not sufficient reliable data to base calculations upon. There Is no doubt of the ability of electricity to kill, but lt mtwnin it be accompanied by some horrifying conse quences. Then there Is some question as ft whether a man apparently dead from an electric shock may not be brought back to lifa again by applying proper and prompt treatment. Science has not as yet duteriulned the, exact action from an electrical standpoint of tue current on tne nurnan Heart.

1 am not prepared to give an opinion on that subject, as experiments and researches thus far hava not determined the exact nature. Some scientists believe It Is something similar to polar ization or magnetization, which can be ooun. teracted In ordinary electrical bodies if not in human bodies." On July 29 the Sew York Wohld uubliRhad a telegram from Block Island In which was given tbe exuerlence of II. V. t-tvn Boston electrician, who was once apparently killed by eleotricty.

He came in contact witk; a highly charged electric light wire in Lowell, ana tne current passed through bis body from band to band, and botb bands vers burned to the bone, and a blood vessl In his head was rnptnred, canslng blood to flow front bis nose, moutnand ears. Wht discover! six hours later no signs of life remained, eve'i to expert physicians, but, nevertheless, efforts were made to resuscitate bim, and after lonir and vigorous work be regained consciousness, and finally recovered bis health, although ba experienced many painful and peculiar sensations while coming to. Bo eminent an authority aa fir wmium Thompson Is reported as saying tbat tbe action of electricity on the human heart was similar to polarisation, and lt Is a known fact tbat tuetait effected by polarization can readily be restored to their normal condition depolarised. American electricians do not advance this theory, as a rule, but tbey ares not prepared to eombat it on expisinaUi grounds. ABTHkACTTE the best In tbe market soldi by Donk Bros.

4 Co. 816 Olive streee. Con earners will save money by buying thi month. How the IlacbM CeU On. From tbe Liverpool Post.

Tbe new Duchess of Marlborough Is Decern tag quite a familiar figure In London She arrived Just In time to find the season stUI in fuu fling, and has made toe most of it. sb towers nearly a head above her new husband, who has not for years been so often In London drawing rooms as has happened during ti last fortnight. At present tbe uu2 a4 Daebess are staying at Grosvencr Ruuare wttu the Dowager Duchess of Marioorougb, wbo has taken vary kindly to richly dowrei daagbter-ln-law. This was, of curse, enougs to secore the new Imcbtss aa into Lou.

don society. The first of ber money sptmt is London bas Las a forth Lord Brow nlow's mansion im ihw. terrace, where she aud tbe Unit Inteud It iEffJK in the glories or which are to be revived by the tails uiaa of tbe. American uoUaj. CaBeK.

Craartta. Barrel to lie Tapped. From he Ctadaaatt JEn jnttvr (Deta. i. rreaalooal nomination rn 7,7.1 fUsfajtiJi.

JTa In the Stable. doubt, of the Minneapolis preacher who took his text from St. Paul and half the congrega tion arose and left?" Yes, Mr. President," said "I have beard a great many times; but go on." "Well, It goes to Bhow the intense rivalry there is between the two cities, and the only way I could get along was to always speak of them together. The growth of these cities is subject of which tbe people never tire.

One man told me that he had started in to farming three times in the vicinity of Minneapolis and been driven out two or three miles each time by men who desired to build an opera bouse In the middle of the field." At a late hour the President bade me good night, and as be apologized for not asking me to remain because the spare-room carpet had been taken ud temporarily, be told me to come again often and if I would let blm know when I was coming he would meet me at the depot. i aid not see Mrs. Cleveland, and by some unfortunate combination of circumstances she missed me. As I looked back at the President over my shoulder, while he stood thoughtfully ad al most sadly, I fancied, watching my rapidly decreasing form, I said to myself, "Grover, you have attained your life's ambition and oc cupy me nignest position officially of any human being known to astronomy, and yet how brief, bow transitory and how fleeting is it all In a few brief years the physicians will consult over you and prospect and assay your system, and they will report on it, and they will sign the report, and they will continue to do so till at last your portrait will make its final appearance In the papers, and you will A rutty Messenger. be at rest.

Then some smart Aleck will arise and state that he thought your thlDks for you and made you all you seemed to be." So, after all, fame is a doubtful ultimatum especially in America. Look at the immense amount of Interest taken at one time In Lydia E. Plnkbam, and yet to-day she la almost for gotten. Other young and more attractive ladies have arisen to take her place, so that like the buffalo and tbe bustle, she is passing away. To-morrow I will take passage for New York, en route for my feudal castle on Staten Island, where may be found my broad country seat with preserves onto ft.

Bill Xte Little Ah Goo. I. Little Ah Goo Is pudgy and odd. With a purple eye and a sapient nod. And a voice as soft as a wood-dove's coo- Answering everything, "Goo, ah goo!" ii.

Little Ah Goo has en open smile. And cheeks that dimple like velvet pile. And a month like the bow that cupid drew As it gently murmurs, "Ah goo, ah goor III. Little Ah Goo has a neck like milk. And hair as soft and as smooth as silk.

Pigeon toes, like a Chinaman, too, -And a pig-tall even baa little Ah Goo nr. Little Ah Goo is but nine weeks old. With ages of loveliness Into them rolled. And merry all day as a piping merle la little Ah Goo she's a babv girl Jxo. Paul JSocock.

Jay Gould's Daughter Nellie. Troy Times Saratoga Letter. I Miss Nellie Gould is to run down to Atlantic City for a day or two, her chief object being a visit to the Children's Seaside House, in which be has taken much interest. When she was there last spring sne was accounted one of tbe brightest and sweetest ladies at the Brighton She is an artist of considerable ability, and lt is said that her collection of bric-a-brac which has been adorned by her brush and pencil, at home and on her Journeys, is very fine. Miss Nellie Is probably the richest faeir-eas in America, and at her father's death will enrna in (or more than twenty millions.

She is not too proud to wait on herself, nor Is her mother, ene waixs inu nues in nurse cars in nnit of ber New York shopping excursions. and it is said that she does not appear nearly onnncnnential aa the wives of some of tbe men wbo serve her. Wben at home she has a cleasaot habit of taking several little girl i.r York onarltT hospital on some Rue win nuticiuun away fxos her father's aide very long..

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