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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 1

St. Louis, Missouri
Issue Date:
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FALL IN LINE. THE FOURTH Y. AKD SETS A GOOD EXAMPLE TO B0LTKKS. nearly overwhelmed by their friends. The following is the score by innings: 6COKB BY INNINGS.

128456789 Chicago 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 6 Browns 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Base Hits Chicago, St. Louis, 5. Krrors Chicago. St. Louis, 6.

Umpire McQuade. WOULD-BE ACTRESSES. last Saturday evening In indorsing the Independent candidacy of Pat O'Oonnell for Justice of the Peace against Jos. Spauld-ing, the regular Democratic nominee. It is claimed that the resolution was adopted by a minority of the mem-beF of the dub and an attempt will be made to repudiate their action.

The matter has created a great deal of bitter feeling and a lively wrangle is expected when it comes up lor consideration to-morrow night. Gossip. llnnin MilliiiPif Qiifl p.W Pn I eoLIliT i iiiiu ANSON'S PET limuij 111 Broadway, Bet. WEDNESDAY, Oclsr 20, Id'j Phi itltw OX EXIIIBITK OX EXHIBITION. ALSO, iiUMUUii il'iii HATS CLOAKS AND li mi Grand Piano Conceit BY PROF.

Ft! Grand Piano furnished ctnr ri r. m. Elepant OST A COKMAL OTITATIOX AX by ondon Millinery end Cloak Company I'l North liroadwaj, Between Tine and Chestnut Streets, MANAGER. I L. V.

i Fave disclosed some enormous depths. Even the average depth of the ocean may be three miles or it may be more. We are not r-repared to give the exact flg-ures. In some we do not err t'- Eoundinsrs have failed to find the bottom at all, so gTeat is thedpth. Any one impelled by curiosity or self-interest can easily ertisTy himself that the bottom prices for Clothing and Gents' "furnishing Goods in this market are at the T3 Za Ml- i 4 it 11 TaV-o, for emple, that magnificent exhibition of Globa Cassimero Pants that we are selling at $5.50, SQ, J6.5Q and $7.

ljrVces that have never been quoted before in St. Louis for such fabrics. All departments of tho WHEN abound in similar bar-Aj gains. TIIUEE FEMALE SHOPLIFTERS TAKEN HI AT EAHIi'3 TO-DAY. Caught with Their Basket FnTl of StoTmk Goods How Greed XaH to a Kail A Wagon-Load of 1'lunder Found In tho Women Residence on Pago Avenue Talks with the Thieves.

Shoplifters have opened their fall campaign, and from now until after the Christmas holidays the largo retail dry goods stores ot the city ure apt to sutler bmllj from their depredations. Barr's store appears to bo the principal sufferer, severul women being caught there of lato. This morning tbreo more were arrested. Shortly before 11 o'clock a young man named Fred Dehlert, employed as a salesman at the underwear counter, saw a woman slip a suit of underwear of? the counter and pass it to a couple of women with her. He immediately placed tiie women under ar-reHt, and when searched it was found tnatthev hud about $20 worth of underwear which stlfl hud the store tags on it, and was immediately Identified as stolen property.

The. women had been hanging around tho underwear counter all day, and one of them would slip goods off the counter and pass it to tho others. Then they would go up-stuira and pack tho goods In baskets which thev had there. After making several trips back and forth they started out of the stoie with their baskets filled, but stopped to take one more suit of underwear. It whs a tatal greed to them as It resulted in their capture.

They wero taken to tho Four tlourts In the "hoodlum" wsgon and there locked up and warrants for petit larceny issued aaainst them. At liurr's store tw of tho women gave tho names of Coleman but at the Four Courts they said their names were Mrs. Susan Swtnhsirt and Mrs. Annie Swinhnrt. The former gave her age us 40 years and tho latter, who elaimn to be her danghter-in-iaw, pit Mded guilty to 24.

The other woman, who is about -Ji years of age, gave the name of Jennie Korgy. Tlit said they resided at Nos. and I'auei avenue and officers were sont out to search the house. Wn.VT THF. VOMEV PAV.

When seen In the hold-over by a renorter the women were all very anxious to keow whether their names would bo published, and then the Forirev woman Immediately retired into the tartherest and darkest corner of the cell und culled to the others: "Come away and don't say anything at all to him. They lingered, however, near tho bars, notwithstanding her advice, but said they imd nothing to say to tho charge on which tiiey had been arrested. "Do you deny stealing tho goods?" asked the reporter. "Well, of course we can't deny stealing th articles, as we were arrested right there in the store with them in our possession," naUl tbe cider Mrs. Swmhart.

Hut, she added, "it was the first and will bo the hist time we will ever do anything of the kind." said that she lived at No. Pat'O uvenue. and wns the mother-in-law of tho other Mrs. swinhurt and the mother of Mrs. Forgey, who resides nt No.

avenue with her husband. The directory gives Thomas J. Foigoy, a commission merchant living at that number. Tln husband of tho younger Mrs. Swino-hart is employed on delivery wagon ut David Nicholson's.

In the directory aro the names of Charles, Edward B. rry Humphrey and Walter Wwluhart, all given as residing at No. 3U10 Pago avenue, whiin Elias Swlnhart Is us living at No. 9007 Page avenue mid his occupation Is down as driver. The old lady is a stout, well preserved woman tho youna Mrs.

Sw lnhart a tall, rather slender, dark complected wimim and Mrs. Forgey, a medium-sized woman of rather comely appearance. She wns dressed In brown und the other two in black; tho elder Mrs. bwinhart's dress, hich was of calico being dotted with white. The most marked thing about the old lady's appearuueo are several hairs on her face, which look as though thev crew out of moles.

Officer Bat-tersby muu'e the arrest. a wagon load op PI.rVPKH. Officers Badger and Flyhu went out to sf-nrch the house and about telephoned tor tho patiol wagon, saying that tuern was more plunder than they could carry in by themselves. A POLITICAL SSUA15HI.E. The Methodist Ministers IM0er Ahont tho G.

O. P. Other Monday Meef lugs. Politics was tho dominant fenturo of tho Methodist mrhidtors meeting this morning. Rev.

Isaac W. Hlgs culled tha attention of Rev. Dr. C. E.

Krltou to the lact that in his sermon at Union Church yesterday, ot which Mr. li'iggs was a hearer, he had said or Intimated that the Republican party favored submission und was therefore entitled to the support of temperance people. Mr. Illggs told Dr. Felton that the plat lor in of the Republicans did not declare for submission at ull.

Dr. Felton was surprised. hud always enter-tained that Idea, aud Mr. Hiitus must lie mistaken. But Mr.

insiited that ho wasn't, that the platform straudled tho question, aud quoted the clause from memory. To settle the matter both Mr. reltou and Mr. Illggs called on Dr. Ft v.

tho editor of tho Tno latter sustained Mr. Illggs find lookliur over his clippings brought out the clause, which gave Mr. Illgtrs tho victory. The report of the special coinmittoo on the relation of tho ministers to the third party was presented by the chairman. Rev.

T. II. Ilagerty. it declared tho committee's sense to he that any man in of submission should be supported without distinction of party lines. The report was adopted unanimously.

Kc-v. li. M. Gwvuno from Idaho was the only visitor to tho lively meeting. The Presbyterian passed a resolution memorialising the lAsglsiafuro of Missouri to appoint a chaplain for tho Penitentiary, ti be paid enough to allow him to make that his sole A committer consisting of Revs.

J. W. Allen, E. Mur-tin and Robert Brank was appointed to prcparo the memorial und secure the co-operation ol other ministerial associations. 'ihen there wns an Informal discussion of the ynod last week at Fulton, and the one fthe southern) coming otf to-morrow at Furmingtou.

Ikv. Mr. Mllll-gan. member of tho Board tit Trustees of tho theological seminary ut Chicago gave nn account of tho prospects of that Institution. Tue visitor present were v.

Dr. Nelson, formerly pastor of the First Church, city, and Rev. A. W. Ncsbltt of Sedalia, Mo.

The Baptists were viaito 1 bv Revs. W. B. Bnnby of, W. G.

Hudson ol Charleston I.awaon Muzz oi V. and E. R. I 'ope of Carbondale, 111. Tho socletlm of tlio Fourth Church were unuounced to meet Tuesday evening, the In a missionary concert.

The Mxth Street Tabernacle announced that a council of pastor would soon be called to past upon Edwin Clifton for ordination. To-morrow morning about five hundred Buntlets leave for the general association at Moberly to-morrow evening. Among the Christians visitors were Messrs. Timothy und Joseph Coop, big capitalists of Southport. England, en route to the general convention ut Kansas City to morrow Kev.

W. W. Hop'sins read a paper on the "lloly spirit." Yesterday the Central Church ordered the Board of Directors to sell the lot oa Delmar uvenun. Tue outhoru McthodiU only heard reports. New Warrants.

A warrant for attempted fraud was to-day issued against Win. Francis, who was arrested Saturday for attempting to get ISO blankets valued at SLOW from the Jacob Strauss fc-addlery Company by 'falsely representing that he was with Li mp's brewery. William hold is charged with titeulinsi pair of punts fiom Joseph woodman. James nwecney. James liurn mid Michael Mccormick me accused of the grund larceny pounds of tobacco, valued at frotiA the Duueriun Tobacco Peter TtckMck accuses Jamas Reddish of assault and battery.

CtiaiicH it cluvrged with defrnudtnsf S. Kckhardt out of "wurth of buuiU and lodging. Aicx. Freeman Id cliuJJJJ kcepUM gambllng-houao. An Important Meeting To-Morrow.

Kiffht Dixnffceted Democrats Coming; Back to the Party Fold The Situation In the Tenth and Twenty-Fourtli Wards Central Committee Meetings Democrats Will liutily To-Niuht Gossip. The reported disaffection In the ranks of the Local Democracy in the Tenth, Eighteenth, Fourth and Twenty-fourth Wards, is attracting a great deal of attention in both parties, and is having no little influence upon the canvass. The origin of the various contests has been published repeatedly in the columns of the Post-Dispatch and are familiar to all persons interested in politics. Tho probable effect of these party quarrels, however, is an unknown quantity which, as is usual in such cases, has been greatly exaggerated in the common political gossip ot the hour. In the Fourth Ward Doo MoGarry, leader of the supposed disgruntled or anti-committee crowd, has swallowed his anger and Is working industriously to awing the contending elements into line.

While the McGarry follow" ing are loth to recognize the regularity of the election of Committeeman Jas. Moore, yet they are willing to bury all personal prejudices until after November 2, in the general Interest of the party ticket. They will hold no joint meetings nor "will thev caucus with the Moore faction but they will place themselves on record before the day ot election, as good and obedient Democrats. In a conversation with a Post-Dispatch reporter this morning Doo McGarry said: "The toilowers of the anti-Moore delegation in the late city primaries and a number of independent Democrat of the Ward, who are allied with no particular faction but poll a lartre vote, will hold a joint meeting at St. Patrick's Hall to-morrow night, when steps will bo taken to Bridge over any disaffection which may exist, for the general good of the Democratic ticket.

We know, and it is generallv recognized by the party at larsre, that we were victoiious at the primaries despite the arbitrary rulings of the Credential Committee of the convention and, conscious of that victory, we are read to re-enter the arena and fight for the old party again." In the Tenth and Eighteenth Wards the fight centers on the O'Connell-Spaulding contest for Justice of tho Peace. The attempt to drag In Glover and Kenefick has thus far not met with any pronounced success. Mr. Kene-flck's friends claim that he is In no way interested in injuring Mr. Glover and that they have done nothing to create tho impression that Mr.

Kenenek or his friends would Dot lend Mr. Glover as heartv support as to the other Democrats on the ticket. A crowd of kickers, headed by T. L. O'Suili-van, are attempting to create a diversion by threatening to knife Kenefick.

The first move by the O'Sullivan crowd was to endorse Sam Hathaway us an independent Senatorial candidate against the regular Democratic candidate. Outside of the O'Connell-Spaulding contest it is not likely that the disaifectiou will amount to much on election day. The only really daneerous bolt is in the Twenty-fourth Ward, where the auti-McDer-mott faction have bound themselves by resolution to tbe number of 503 to vote against the party nominees unless they obtain proper recognition at the hands of the City Central Committee. As the Central Committee ha3 tabled all protests and contests growing out of the election of committeemen, it is probable that the Twenty-fourth Warders will keep their word. The only charge against Mclermott, who is tho ard Comm tteeman, Is that on the day of the primaries he refused to carry on 5 tho resolution adopted by the Democratic Central Committee, giving to ail opposing factions equal representation in the polling places.

Mr. Edgar and several respectable citizens and Democrats attempted to obtain recognition, under the resolution referred to, and change that they were put out of the polls. In the Ciardy primaries where both sides were equally represented in the appointment of judges and clerks, the crowd claim to have carried the Ward by a majority of li) odd votes, which showing thev quote as proof of their superior voting strength. It Was Current Gossip. On last Friday afternoon tho Post-Pi patch published as a piece of current political gossip a report of tho miscarriage of an incipient boom for Gen.

J. B. Henderson for tho liepublican Congressional nomination in the Ninth District. The story was common talk at Republican headquarters and among Ice-publican politicians at the time, many of whom were only too willing to exaggerate its importance, if for no other purpose than to make it serve as a convenient explanation of Filley's victory. Emory Foster having been currently credited with tho rumor and P.

C. Bulkley having figured conspicuously subsequently in denying it, the Major's remarks on the subject to a Post-Dispatch reporter are significant. He said: "On Tuesday evening a member of the Republican State Committee, Mr. Bulkley, said in my presence that he regretted very much that Gen. Henderson's speech, delivered the day before, had not been printed on that morning, Tuesday, 'as he hud thought it would, or as had been understood' instead of delaying it." The report grew out of just such remarks as these, and was magnified by repetitions, but at no time did it amount to anything more that a piece of current political gossip, and was simply written as such by tho Post-Dispatch reporter.

The Republican Committee. That the anger of the Silk Stocking Republicans over Filley's victory is rapidly disappearing is evident from the interest which tho Silk-Stocking Republican Central Committee is taking in Frank's canvass. This afternoon at 4 o'clock representatives of Filley's Ninth District liepublican Congressional Committee attended a meeting of the Central Committee, and a general conference was held, with the campaign as tho subject of discussion. Chris. Overbeck, Chairman of the Committee on Speakers and Meetings, reported on the arrangements for a grand ratification meeting to be held shortly, and the matter was considered by the committee.

The Democratic Committee. The Democratic City Central Committee will meet at 8 o'clock this evening at their headquarters. Sixth and Chestnut streets. Chairman Judge stated this morning in his opinion nothing further would be done in tho Fourth, Tenth and Twenty-fourth Ward contents. He regrets the reported disaffection, but places little credence in It and thinks that it will all disappear before election day.

The treasurer of the committee reports favorable progress in the collection of candidates' assessments and the committee is well fixed financially. The oniv business remaining before tho committee is of a routine character. Will Ratify To-Xight. The grand Democratic ratification meeting of the campaign will be held at the west door of the Court-house, at 8 o'clock this evening, under the auspices of the Hendricks Association. Among those who are expected to speak are: Senator Cockroll, Gov.

J. S. Phelps, Judge Theodore Brace, Judge Philips. Cbas E. Peers, E.

C. Kehr, Comptroller Campbell, It- Graham Frost, D. P. Rowland, W. C.

Marshall, Judga Valliant, Col. Breathitt and others. Col. Breathitt, Democratic candidate for railroad commissioner, and lion. Martin L.

Ciardy arrived here this morning. Senator Cockrell, Judge Brace and other prominent Democrats are expected this evening. A Misunderstanding. A special meeting of the Hendricks CInb will be held to-morrow evening for the transaction ot important business. Tho business in-this lnstanoe Is the reconsideration of tho action of members ot tho clnrr Why the 'Woodburne Sisters' Fled From Home in Indianapolis.

A telegram was received here Saturday morning by Hugo Sarner, tho German comedian, from Charles Xeeb, IJecorder of the city of Indianapolis, requesting the actor to trace up Xoeb's two daughters, LiUie and Carrie, 17 and 1S years of age. The dispatch stated that the girls left Indianapolis for St. Louis Thursday morning, reaching hero Thursday evening, and that as they were badly stage-etruek, they would probably bo found attempting to act at some theater. A brief description of the girls was also given in the telegram. With this information to goon, Sarner made arouudof the theaters and found that two girls answering their description had been to see Wiley Hamilton, manager of tbe Casino Theater, in regard to securing an engagement.

They had iven tho euphonious vaudeville name of Woouburno sisters, but when Informed that the place was a vaudeville theater did not care to accept an engagement, statine that it was not in their lino, their specialty beiHg tragedy. The girls loft, concluding to wait for the opening of Booth and Join his company as banner carriers. After a further hunt Sarner learned that the talented young ladies were stopping at Mrs. Kndres' boarding-house, 71i Chestnut street, lie visited tho place and offered them an engagement with his company, which was to give a performance at PoDe's lat evening, his intention being to get their father here and turn the girls over to him. They did not like the idea of dropping from English tragedy to German comedy, and it was only by promising to make thein both stars that he succeeded in securing their valuable acquisition, to his company.

He telegraphed their lather, but instead of coming, Need sent a telegram to Sarner to draw on him for any necessary money and send the girls home. He also telegraphed them to draw on him for any amount and return to the parental home. Tho girls were at Pope's Theater-Saturday evening but did not show up last night, having concluded to go back to their father. Their make-up when they appeared at the theater Saturday evening was admirably suited for tragedy. They are both long, lean, sallow girls with straw-colored hair and wore unbelted mother liubbards of blue calico and had little silk hats resembling paper-collar boxes perched on the back ot tueir heads.

They had hold of each other's hands and looked the picture of verdure as they stood swinging their hands. This morning they stated that they would get ready aud start for home this evening, visiting friends at Cincinnati on the way. They have telegraphed their father ot their intention. MOXIE'S HEALTH. He Was Lying at the Point of Death in ew York.

The New York Times of a recent date says: "Though there has been no public mention of it Vice-President Uoxie of the Missouri Pacific Kailroad Company for over two weeks has been lying at the point of death in this city. It was "pointed out in the Times a month ago that overwork and the anxieties that attended his position during the recent Southwestern railway strike had told severely upon him and that his health was badly impaired. He soon afterward went to to remain there continually till the present. Now he is believed to be much improved, and the doctors say that he is out of danger, but he is yet a very sick man, tu ifcis likely to be some time before he gets ofli to bnainess again. Grave surgical operations had to be performed to save his life, and several physicians have been kept in constant attendance upon him.

Jay Gould is personally much attached to Mr. lloxie. The millionaire has found the tall, thin, iif: vous lloxie one of the reliable, one of the most enterprising railroad managers with whom he has ever associated. Mr. Gould, during the pendency ot the Missouri Pacific strike last spring, said to me one day athisoiiice: "If any other man than lloxie was conducting this finht for us I niisrht not be so confident of success, but lloxie never fails." During Mr.

lloxin's present -ickness Mr. Gould has been a daily caller upon him at the apartments in the Broadway over the Metropolitan Opera-house; where the 6ick man is situated with his tamily, the guest of his old Iriend and past associate. General Manasrer Hayes of the Jersey Central Bah road. And though "the apartments where Mr. lloxie is attended are on the third or fourth floor, reached by an elevator car, Juy Gouid has stunchly declined always to ride up stairs, climbing instead the steep stairways, at a pace, however, that was almost as fast as the elevator could rise.

Mr. Gould did not start on his Southwestern trip on Thursday until alter he had been assured by the doctors mat his lieutenant was out of danger." "CABBIED THE MAIL." A Hoodlum Who "Knocked Out" a and a Lawyer. Judge Cady, City Attorney Dyer, and In fact the whole First District Police Court, were floored this morning by a witness in a disturbance of the peace case. John Healey lives at No. 2i; South Main street, and a young man rained P.

Daly resides in the prime honse. According to Daly's testimony Healv drew a large pocket-knife on him at 5:30 Saturday evening and rushed at him with it. "What did you dor" asked Mr. Dyer of the witness. "What did I do? Well yon Just bet I had to carry de mail.

"Oh, you're a letter carrier, aro you?" "Nan. I'm no letter-carrier." "Well, whatdo you mean by having to carry the "When he cemed at me wid de knife, course I had to carry de mail." Judge Cady and Mr. Dyer fell back In their chairs aghast. "What do you mean bj- having to carry the mail?" again asked Mr. Dyer.

The witness loooked puzzled and astonished at being asked such a question, and said: "Why, you know what carryin' de mail is. I meanl lambed I screwed me nut. The official hoodlum interpreter of the court explained that the witness meant that he ran away, and Judre Cady fined the defendant $25. HE SPOKE GERMAN. Why Jaeob Kntler Endeavored to Placate Judge Cady.

Jacob Knttler, a tramp, who looks like an escaped museum curiosity, was arrested last night while walking along the street gefticu-latine wildly and speaking German to himself, but loud enough for everybody to hear. He was arraigned before Judge Cady this morning on a charge of disturbing the peace, and was a9ked how long he had been out of the Work-house. "I don't know," was tho reply, "I have been there several times and don't remember just when I got out last. But, your Honor, that policeman that arrested me is Irish and don't understand German, and I would like to know how ho could tell whetner 1 was disturbing the peace when he don't understand the language I was speaking." "Was it Germna you were speaking on the street?" "Yes, voor Honor. "Then'l'll fine you 10." Attempted Bnrglary.

Milton Linn and Henry Carter, two negroes, were tried before Judge Cady this morning on a charge of vagrancy. Officer Tubbs testified that at 1 Friday morning he found them on Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. Carter was 6ittingon a box in front of the grocery store on the corner and Linn was endeavoring to open the door of the store with a bunch of keys which he had in his hand. When he came upon them alter watching them in the dark for some time the men claimed that they had 1ut returned from a dance and were wait-insr for an owl car. He placed them both under arrest.

Judire Cady after hearing the testimony ordered the officer to swear out a warrant for attempted burglary and larceny against the negroea, holding them until too bad doue 80s. Tho nendricks Club last Saturday night in- aorsed the Independent candidacy of Pat O'Connell for Justice of tbe Peace in the Seventh District. The colored members of tho Miners and Laborers' Association have decided not to indorse the United Labor ticket. Democratic raass-meetlnsrs will be held in the Nineteenth and Fifth "Wards to-morrow night. An independent O'Connell mass -meeting of the voters of the Tenth and Eighteenth wards will be held next Wednesday night at Ewin avenue and Market street.

A young men's Independent club has been organized in the Eastern Precinct of tho fifteenth Ward. One hundred and eighteen members have been enrolled. Mr. Rudolph of the Labor candidates for the Legislature whoso name it was stated several evenings ago did not appear on the tax lists, says he Is not onlv a property-holder but has paid his taxes" and holds his receiDt for the same. The matter of nominating Republican candidates for Justices of the peace and constables has been left by the Republican Central Committee to the Ward Committeemen, with instruction to hold mass-mectlnes for that purpose and report to the Central Committee on or before the 25th inst.

A number of committeemen are making active preparations for nominating meetings, and the ticket, so far as Justices and Constables are concerned, will be completed shortly. 1 J1 Democratic State Central Committee Is dally in receipt of encouraaing reports of tho campaign from over the State. secretary Mitlton of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association will, in a few days, address interrogatories on the subject of railroad discrimination to candidates lor the Leidslature. The Tilden Club of the Tenth AVard threatens to nominate a full city ticket, selected from canuidatea on both tickets. Tue name of the United Labor candidate for Constable in the Tenth and Eighteenth Wards is Samuel Lonquist, and not Samuel Loeder as previously printed.

The Seventeenth Ward Democratic Club will meet to-morrow night. Precinct commtttee-nien will be appointed and other important business will be tranaacted. The dissatisfied voters of both parties in Jelferson County have nominated an Anti-Ring" ticket as follows: For Circuit Judge, Hon. Jos. J.

Williams; for Representative. T. M.Guy; for Sheriff," G. W. McFry; for Collector, Win.

Braekman; for County Clerk, R. C.Moore; for Circuit Clerk, Dan B. Veazy; for Prosecuting Attorney, C. H. hieinschmidt forjudge of Probate, Win.

Brvan; for Treasurer, Henry for Recorder, Amos L. Colman; for Assessor, Chris W. Vogt; for Presiding Judge, James Hopson for District Judges, Henry Seckman and J. C. Cape.

A meeting of the Liberal Club will bo held this evening at 416 North Third street. JUDGE NOONAN's LIST. A Number of Minor Cases Disposed of this Morning. Judge Xoonan this morning sent Casper Johle to the Work-house for sixty days for embezzling from A. E.

Walling. Dan Martin, Owen Hines, Tim Barry and Jim Powers, charged with assaulting Mr. and Mrs. Pat Byron and Michael Byron, failed to answer when their case was called and their bonds were declared forfeited. George E.

Stull and William Nugont, charged with stealing a satchel and contents valued at the Southern Hotel, pleaded guflty by consent to petit larceny and were fined $100 each and sentenced to thirty days in Jail. The fines were stayed, however. The same disposition was made of the other case against them in which they were accused of a satchel and contents valued at $a0 from the Lindell Hotel. Thomas Bates had an examination on a charge of robbery in first degree and was He was accused of holding up Mollie Fairchilds and stealing from her. Jack Miller pleaded guilty to assaulting Ellen Clark and was fined $5, but sentence was deferred.

The case of assault to kill against Charles Mohrman was dismissed for want of prosecution. Henry Johnson was tried for assaulting Andrew t-mitli and discharged. A nolle prosequi was entered In the case of Mr. Guhl, charged with malicious trespass. THE WHEAT CROP, Seeding Nearly Finished in Missouri md Kansas Winter Wheat Threatened.

Chicago, October IS. The Farmers' Review publishes the following summary of Its weekly crop report; Fall wheat seeding has been nearly finished in Missouri and Kansas and Is still progressing in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. The reports are not yet sufficiently complete to indicate the acreage as compared with forme." years, but the few returns made show an Increase in Ohio and ludiana over last year. Tho Ohio reports show that the seeding was accomplished under generally favorable conditions, though one or two counties report Insuf-clent moisture. The conditions in Missouri are generally reported favorable.

Reports of drouth again come from Kansas and in Davis, Rush and Sumner Counties tho reports state that the winter wheat Is acaln threatened with ruin owing to lack of In Inujana. Iowa and Nebraska, the conditions are reported favorable for fall plowing and seeding. In Ohio and Indiana the marketing of wheat is reported to bo free, while in Iowa and Minnesota It is fair, and in Kansas, Missouri and Illinois it is reported to be very small. THE CONGREGATION ALISTS.

Report of the Committee on Theological Seminaries This Morning's Session. Chicago, October IS. The National Council of the Congregational Church heard the report at this morning's session of the Committee on Theological Seminaries. The report urged the necessity of the churches taking a greater interest in the work of preparing students for the ministry. The missionary field In particular called for more men.

The seminaries could care for twice as many students as those at present nttending the schools. The reports of the professors of the colleges were then called fcr. Prof. Egbert Smith of tho Andover Theological the well-known exponent of the. probation after death" theory, was the first one called upon and his appearance created interest.

He spoke of the workings of the various departments of the school, and the great progress which had been shown during the past three years. SA1XES SQUARES UP. The Ex-Alderman's Bondsman Hands in Check for ISUS.OOO. New York, October 18. When tho case ot Ex-Alderman Henry L.

Sayles, tho latest addition to the American colony at Canada, was called at the Court of General Sessions to-day, the habitues und officials were much surprised at the presentation of a check for to Judge Cowing by the bondsman, Sol Sayles. Notw itiistand-lng the strenuous efforts of Lawyer Richard Newcombe, ex-Alderman McCahe attorney, a motion by the District Attorney to havTfis trial set down for the -24th inst. was granted. McCabe was then committed to the loiubd to await trial. A Reporter's Life.

Mr. Carl Uhgar, who has had longand varied experience as a German newspaper reporter In this city, has struck the clever idea of embodying them In literary shape by writing his recollections of reporter Ufa and issning them in tho form of convenient pamphlets in German, containing reminisce aces and sketches written in entertalninar and spirited style. The first number has just been issued, and is full of clever sketches. Tbe pamphlets are Issued monthly and cost 60 cents a number, or $4 for a year's subscription, Pine and Chestnut, THURSDAY, OcteUer 21. NNETS LATEST STYLES IN Afternoon and Evening, BEYER.

Field-French Co. Boutonnieres presented to Ladies. TO EVEEY BTBry Mm Is Own Earlier The Only Safety Piazor in the Harket. Any one can use them without danger of cutting. Fcr Sale by 0 i ALUfc Cor.

4th and Oifve Sts Price S2.00 in a Handsome Case. Hats is now complete. Dunlap $3.50. sa.OO, $2.50, S3.00 and 31.25 and $1.50. apltal Miitei (ESTABLISHED THIRTY TEAKS) No.

317 SorthBroadffay, Under Mercantile Librarj Hall. Special Bargains Jn Piamonds. Watches. Fine Jewelry, Silverware, Mul- Bt-xej. (ivltars Art iiriilans.

Violins. et-. Gun9. r'ktrf C'Lci Trunk. Tiafellnj? Bafts, Clothhu.eto Hijfheit amount loaned aa tie above.

AllKoodi warranted a represented. WALitEB. AND 00 BAPS! El i Bgiii is ESi IKsfm Pif OQii BEil Down Our Browns in the; First Championship Game. The Great Struggle For the World's Supremacy To-Day. Total Score, Chicago 6, St.

ZiOtUs Scenes on the Ground Before and Durin the Game Chicago Marches on With a Big Brass Band The Score by Innings Details of tho Flny. fty Telegraph to the FOST-TrsrATCH. Chicago, October 13. President Von der Ahe and tlie Browns arrived here this morn-inaf. They aro In a state of tbe wildest Indignation over a St.

Louis special published In to-day's Tribune which says indirectly that Mc-Quade, the umpire, threw the game at St. Louis yesterday to the Browns. The special refers to Latham as a monkey and advises Kelly of the. Chicagoes to collide with him if possible at third base. The Browns are greatly incensed over the matter as well as the St.

Louis people who came with them. They call the whole thing a piece of the vilest scurrillity. THE OAMES, which begin to-day, are for the championshit) of tho world. They were arranged some weeks ago in a 6eries of letters between President Von der Ahe of the St. Louis Club and President Spalding of the Leaaue.

The final arrangements were that six games should be played, three in Chicago, begining to-day, and three in St. Louis, begining on Thursday. In case the six games should result in a tie, then Messrs. SpaJdiug and Von der Ahe are each to select a town, and by a toss decide which of the two towns shall "have the deciding game. Mr.

Von der Aha has already declared that lie will select Cincinnati as his place. In addition to the championship, a large amount of money depends on the series begun to-dav. Mr. Spalding, In one of the letters arranging the series, proponed tusit tue winners should take the gross receipts and the losers should pay all the expenses. This Mr.

Voa der Ahe substantially agreed to, the only expense which comes out of the gross receipts being 5600, viz. JKJ0 per diem to pav the board of four umpires, each of which gets flo a day. It Is cure that, with fine weather, the gross receipts will be all of which money goes with the results. Presidents Spaldinn and Von der Ahe have each promised to Give the men half the receipts, so that both ollicers and men have the greatest incentive to make the hardest struggle posibie to win. The Board of mpires consists of Kelley and McQnade of the American Association and Valentine and Quest of the League.

A MKETINO was held this morning at 11 o'clock In the office of A. G. Spalding to make the final arrangements for the world's series. There were presenc Messrs. Spalding and Von der Ahe and the four umpires selected to umpire the nerios.

The agreements which had been made by telegraph for the games, that the dates, expenses, th taker of the receipts, were ratified. A discussion then followed as to the umpiring of the games, und it was decided that the first game be umpired by a selection of one man by lot from tlie four. To-morrow's gnma and also one earne in St. Louis will be umpired as follows, and if found satisfactory will be adopted for the balance: A League man will umpire when the Browns bat, and an Association umpire when the Chicagos bat. Appeals from the decision wili be made by an idle umpire to a referee, whose decision will be final.

KOlt Til CONTEST. The first game between the Chicagos and the St. Louis Browns for the championship of tho world began this afternoon at the White Stocking Park at 8 o'clock, before an audience which was not as large as had been anticipated. It is estimated that there were about three thousand people in the grand stand. While the.

clubs had their practice a band played in the grand stand. The Chicagos practiced first, and made way for the Browns who arrived on the grounds at 2 :30. The day was cloudy up to about that hour when the sky cleared and the sun came out. The size of the crowd is attributed to the weather, which is quite cold. PRACTICE l'LAT.

When the bell for practice rang the Chicagos, preceded by a brass band, inarched up from the end of the grounds towards the home plate and while little Willie liahn, the mascot, dressed in the costume of the club, took his seat upon the Chicago players' bench, the Chicago champions spread out on the diamond, the fielders and basmen taking their regular positions und thebatteries the track to practice. Chicago put in Clarkson and Kelley and the Browns and Bushongas batteries for the game. The game was not as brilliant as had been expected, especially on tho part of the St. Louis champions. THB GAME FIRST At 3 o'clock promptly the bell to play rang and McQuade, who had been chosen umpire, called play.

Tho Browns were first at bat. Latham was first on the list, and was applauded when be stepped to the plate, "Play," "high ball," cried the umpire and Clarkson began to pitch. Bali after ball was pitched in and Arlie fouled four of them. Cries of rats" came from the grand stand. Notwithstanding this, however, Clarkson registered two strikes on on him, and he was finally struck out amidst the most vociferous applause.

Caruthtjrs came next, hit down towards second aud died at first. The next man went out as easily, and the Browns were retired for no runs, as tiiey were in every other inning throughout the game. For the Chicagos two runs were scored in tho first inning, on a three-bagger by Anson who led off. followed by good batting and loose fielding on the part of the champions from St. Louis.

Anson's pets added 1 run in the sixth inning and 3 runs in the eignth, making their total score C. while the Browns were blanked ail through. MAKING TITE FITtST TWO RTTSS. The League champions scored their 2 runs in the first inning as follows: Ooro led off for Chicago. Latham began his famous coaching, his "parrot" talk being received with roars from the crowd.

Gore went to base on balls. Kelly followed at the bat. lie bit to short, forcing Goro out at second, but reaching first bass safely. Tricky Mike deliberately stole second, and scored a minute afterwards on "Baby" Anson's three bagger to rignt field Then Pfeffer hit safe and Anson scored. Williamson fouled out, and Pfeffer, who had been threatening to run down all along, started down for second but was easily caught bv Dr.

Bushong's good throw to lloblnson. The game proceeded quickly after this, the Chicago boys scoring on two more occasions. At the end of the gam the uproar of the Chicago crowd was terrible, and tho champions were HpaT -mm is leau ei Air-Tiil Ovens en Wong Stoves Exisloflefl THE ERRORS OF 50 YEARS CORRECTED! For Good Cooking, Fresh Air Admitted Into an Oven is a Necessity. To show oar eltlzcne and the public the Greit Improvements sii'l Pavlnes In the USE OF TUB DOOK3 on CooVin Stoves and Kanges. Oie EXCKLSIOU MAJiUFACTUKINU COM TAN will make Dally Exliitltioiu zt EakUig, Eoastins and Urolliug during the Expwitioa Fiason at 1118 Washington Av.

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