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Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana • Page 6

Evansville Pressi
Evansville, Indiana
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Germany's Latest Proposal of Peace The WASHINGTON, Oct. text of the German peace reply follows: "In reply to the question of the President of the United States of America, the German government hereby declares: "The German government has accepted the terms laid down by President Wilson in his address of Jan. 8 and his subsequent addresses on the foundation of: a permanent peace of justice. Consequently its object in entering into discussions would be only to agree upon practical details of the application of these terms. The German government believes that the governments of the powers associated with the government of the United States also take the position taken by President Wilson in his address.

The German government, in accordance with the Austro-Hungarian government, for the purpose of bringing about an armistice, tions declares itself ready to comply with the propositions of the President in regard to evacuation. "The German government suggests that the President may occasion the meeting of a mixed commission for making the necessary arrangements concerning the evacuation. The present German government which has undertaken the responsibility for this step towards peace has been formed by conferences and in The agreement with the great majority of the reichstag. chancellor, supported in all of his actions by the will of this maiority, speaks in the name of the German government and of the German people. (Signed) "SOLF, State Secretary of Foreign Office." Berlin, Oct.

12, 1918. Ten Reasons Why the Democratic Administration Should Be Retained in Power 1. The immediate purpose of the Democratic party, the purpose which takes precedence of every other, is to win the war. The fate of true democracy everywhere depends upon being won. Its object is to rid 'the world once for all of the threat of violence and injustice which must hang over it so long as there government is anywhere which can an autocratic peace or dominate its fortunes.

The outrages against right which Germany has committed have directly touched our own citizens and our liberties, and they have done Anton threatened more than that. They right and liberty everywhere, and Germany must brought to terms by such a victory as will leave no doubt in the minds of her rulers and her people as to what forces control mankind. We entered upon our present course in self-defense to resist a menacing assault, directed against our freedom and our national integrity; we shall not abandon it until our, objective is definitely attained. 2. We are confirmed and strenghened in our support of the administration, and are in full harmony with it, not merely because we are at war and must stand behind the only common instrumentality thru which we can win it, but also because the administration has deserved our confidence by its record.

3. Our purposes look also beyond the period of the war. We recognize that the. war must of necessity be followed by a period of reconstruction, to whose problems it will be necessary that the best, most sympathetic and most liberal minds of the country should be devoted. Those problems will some of them be new, and many of them, the old problems, will wear a new aspect and significance.

They must be approached without regard to old party catchwords, formulas or prepossessions, in full recognition of the fact that they are new and must be dealt with in a new way. 4. As development as possible of vocational training must be undertaken, particular attention beIng given to the rehabilitation of those who have been in one way or another disabled by the war. Opportunitles for their industrial employment must be sougnt and found and they must be equipped to take advantage of those opportunities. 6.

And not in their case alone must the sympathetic aid of the Federal Government be given to the allocation of labor, the development of its skill and the establishment of proper labor conditions, but such services must be rendered all laborers and a systematic effort must be made to raise the whole level of labor of labor to employment and the conditions and facilitate do the access improvement of its preparation and training. We must seek to avoid in the future the conflicts between capital and labor which have been all too frequent in the past, and must to do so by measures of co-ordinaseek as we have hitherto not attempted. The statesmanship of must be devoted to this fundamental and all-important task whose successful working out is a condition precedent to harmonious democracy. Provision must be made for the settlement of all questions upon the single basis of fair: ness and justice. 7.

The whole industry, of country must be in the most liberal and enlightened manner. Raw materials and a all universal essentials like coal and electrical poly. power must be made accessible to all upon equal and equitable terms. The natural resources of the country must be systematically develed or development oped where, they have been delayed. Arid and waste lands must be reclaimed and agriculture, in general, further sustained and encouraged.

New industries must be fostered and the barriers removed which have stood in the way ones, and the thought of devoted to every impartial process by which the industrial prosperity of the country may be secured, by methods which will absolutely exclude monoply. 8. Railway transportation must in such a way as to be controlled, assure complete co-ordination, adequate development and the equal service of the railways in every field of economic activity. The water transportation of the country must be developed in such a way as adequately to supplement and, wherever advantageous, parallel the transportation systems of railways. 9.

budget system for the Federal Government has become imperative necessity, and the legislative and executive branches the Government should work together for its establishment. 10. There a single test and standard forstube, public policy. Every measure must put to this test: Is it just? Is it for the benefit of the average man without influence or privilege? Does it, in real fact, embody the highest conception of social justice and of right dealing without regard to person or class or special interest? (Political Advertisement.) DONT THROW YOUR OLD SHOES AWAY! Before After The Average Shoe Is Made To Outwear Two or Three Soles Then throw away over half the value of your shoes just because the sole is worn through? HALF SOLES Don't be wasteful let PULL SOLES, sole them and give RUBBER HEELS. them a general "touching PATCHING up." STITCHING, ETC.

JOS. A. RIEBER 930 Main St. Phone 3386 Work Called for and Delivered Free. ARMISTICE VICTORY By Press.

WASHINGTON, Oct. H. C. Lodge, Republican the senate and ranking Republican member on the senate foreign relations committee, takes view that the German peace note does not mean surrender for Germany. In a statement Lodge "The German note is not a surrender and it is highly tional.

If we accept that note it means that Germany has failed to conquer the world at this moment that We have lost the war. "The President made three inquiries. He promised, no terms; he made no promises; he committed himself to nothing, no matter what the answer might be. Germans represent his quesas terms offered and then say that for the purpose of bring- BROKE CANE OVER ALIEN ENEMY'S HEAD Special to The Press. HENDERSON, Oct.

A medium-sized hickory cane was broken over the of Carl Braunz, German reservist and registered enemy alien, by Thomas Calloway, Main-st saloon keeper and former proprietor of the saloon at Seventh and Mainin Evansville, Saturday night following remarks uttered by Braunz. Braunz had been drinking and according to local authorities is said to have stated that he would never submit to turning his prop- A erty over to Judge Hawkins, alien enemy property custodian here. V. Schertzinger. a member of thine local fire of departmentosand ed the expression of Braunz after which Braunz attacked the elder American.

Calloway then struck Braunz with the cane and Braunz was removed to a doctor's office where several stitches were taken in his head. The cane is being kept at the local police station as a relic of the war. FLYERS SLAUGHTER MASSED GERMANS By The United Press. WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IN FRANCE, Oct. 14-Thousands of German soldiers have been killed the last several days by British aviators flying low over the German transport roads.

Transport trains have been destroyed and the roads torn up by bombs from the airplanes. Massed soldiers offered easy targets for machine guns. CARMI OBSERVES THE CHURCHLESS SUNDAY Special to The Press. CARMI, Oct. an order of the board of health, none of the schools in the city opened today.

All the churches remained closed Sunday, and lic gatherings of all kinds have been prohibited until the epidemic of influenza is overcome. -THE EVANSVILLE PRESS. MEANS FOR HUNS -SENATOR LODGE ing about an armistice, they are ready to accept the President's general propositions and to details. cuss, we agree to an armistice now, the war is lost. If we refuse the armistice, the war will be agree armistice, Germany will haven oppor-1 tunity restore and refresh her armies and accumulate munitions.

Her fleet is untouched. She will be in exactly the same position territorially as she was when the war began. Then she will discuss under the President's general propositions the details, including everything that is vital and we are to sit around a table and discuss them with Germany, who can refuse everything she does not like under the threat of renewing the war in a more advantageous tion." This, added the senator, would be "a peace pot bargains." The chancellor, asserted, has charged, but the German government remains the same. And there is nothing in the German note about reparations. the if we German accept note it in is any authen- degree, the war is lost and all our sacrifices have been made in vain," Senator Lodge concluded.

"We are on the eve of victory. We must have unconditional surrender. We must impose our own terms. we accept the German note there will be no surrender and we shall be left to humiliating defeat by a peace of bargain and compromise." HUN JUNKERS NOT READY TO QUIT By The United Press. BASEL, Switzerland, Oct.

14. -The German junkers are not yet ready to give up. The conservative party in the reichstag has published the following declaration: "Our armies are still far in the enemy countries. Before an honorable peace and the integrity of the empire's territory is guaranteed, all abandonment of German soil may beefatal and able with honor. "Numerous patriotic societies await with us a declaration from the German government saying it will not yield upon these points.

The German people are resolved to defend the sacred soil of their country to the last man." WILL TALK TO PEOPLE WHO DID NOT TAKE QUOTA Special to The Press. MT. VERNON, Oct. The total registration of voters Posey county this is 5,353, according to the report the registration clerk. This number is higher than the actual vote cast in the last election.

Fred Leonard has been elected chairman 'and James Williams secretary of the appeal board of the Posey-co Liberty Loan organboard before it citization. wiDuring the week the izens of the county who have failed to buy their quota of bonds and give them an opportunity to explain why. HON. LESLIE M. SHAW Former Presidential Cabinet Official As Secretary of the Treasury Also Former Governor of Iowa Recommends Nuxated Iron After His Personal Use Of It Dr.

James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor New York City, highly endorses action of Secretary Shaw--Says there are thousands of weak, nervous, rundown folks who need just such a preparation as Nuxated Iron to help build them up, but who do not know what to take, and that this action on the part of Secretary Shaw will undoubtedly be the means of giving many people the very information they' desire. In commenting on the action of former Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw in authorizing the publication of his endorsement of Nuxated Iron, Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor New York and the Westchester County Hospital, said: "There are thousands of weak, nervous, run-down folks who need just such a preparation as Nuxated Iron to help build them up but wHo do not know what to take and Secretary Shaw's endorsement of this remarkable product will undoubtedly be the means of giving many people the very information they desire," says Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor New York, and the Westchester County Hospital.

"Secretary Shaw is widely known and his good faith and integrity cannot be questioned. Therefore, his recommendation of Nuxated Iron in public print should inspire the greatest confidence among the public at large and serve as convincing evidence of the genuine merit of this preparation. "The Formula of the composition of Nuxated Iron is now being widely published and a careful examination of it by any physician or pharmacist should convince him that it is of great therapeutic value, and one which doctors frequently could prescribe with advantage to our patients." "Modern methods of cooking and the rapid pace at which people of this country live has made an alarming increase in iron deficiency in the blood of. American men and women. an For want of iron you may be old man at 30, dull of intellect, poor in memory, nervous, irritable and all "run while at 40 or 50 in the absence of any organic ailment and with plenty of iron in your blood, you may still be young in feeling, full of life, your whole being brimming over with energy and force.

"As proof of this take the case of Former Charles A. United States Senator Towne, who at past 58 is still a veritable mountain of tireless energy. Senator Towne says: "I have found Nuxated Iron of the greatest beneft as a tonic and regulative. Henceforth I shall not be without it." "Then thee is former Health Commissioner Wm. R.

Kerr of Chicago, who is past the three score year mark, but still vigorous, active, PAGE 6-OCTOBER 14. SIR ERIC GEDDES DOUBTS HUN OFFER By The United Press. NEW YORK, Oct. -Sir Eric Geddes, first lord of the British admiralty, visiting this country, places no faith in the German peace note. "Peace will be got by going on with the war now," said he, "and the best way to finish the job is to buy Liberty Bonds." Sir Eric further stated that the allied navies were preparing for a great new u-boat campaign by the Germans, a campaign more rutheless than any other hitherto.

He declared that he believed there would be two more years of war. the manner in Sir Eric paid whompliment to ican destroyers and submarine chasers were harassing the enemy. 2 VINCENNES BOYS KILLED IN ACTION Special The Press. VINCENNES, Oct. Vincennes boys have been killed in action in France, accordto messages received here today.

A. J. McCausland received word of the death of his son, Henry, on Sept. 7. and Mrs.

James Wall received a telegram informing them of the death of their son, James R. Wall, on Sept. 15. He was among the marines killed on that day. Herman Davis, who was reported missing in action, has written to his parents stating that he is being well cared for in a base hospital having been wounded July 18.

DELKER BUGGY CO. PRESIDENT IS DEAD Special The Press. HENDERSON. Oct. The funeral of Edward J.

Schlamp, 42, president of the died Saturday afternoon was to George Delker a Buggy who be held from the residence at 3.p. m. Monday. Mr. Schlamp was among the foremost business men of western Kentucky, and had held offices in both the Masons and Elks.

His death was caused by pneumonia following an attack of influenza. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary D. Schlamp, and three sisters, Mrs. Starling Marshall, and Misses Mable and Clara Schlamp, all of this city.

Services will be conducted by Rev. Thomas Cummings of the First Presbyterian church. FINLAND DOES NOT HUN TROOPS By The United Press. STOCKHOLM, Oct. German high commander on Finnish territory, General von der Goltz, has been requested the Finnish government to withdraw the German troops from Finland.

RAILROAD OFFICIAL DIES OF INFLUENZA By The United Press. WASHINGTON, Oct of the known railroad men in Ami H. W. Belnap, chief of the burea. of safety of the interstate commerce commission, died here Saturday afternoon of Spanish influenza.

Belnap, who was connected with the commission for many years, came from Mattoon, Ill. His widow, also, has influenza. BOYS FROM NEARBY TOWNS DIE AT CAMP By. The United Press. CAMP ZACHARY TAYLOR, LOUISVILLE, Oct.

from influenza and pneumonia includes Charles E. Boehm, Bunker Hill, Henry Winterheimer, Newburg, ouis F. Steward, Spencerville, and Grover Sparks, Terre Haute, Ind. SEND SOLDIERS' BODIES TO HOMES AT MT. CARMEL Special to The Press.

MT. CARMEL, Oct. The bodies of two Mt. Carmel soldiers who have died in camps during the past two days will arrive home today and a funeral services will be conducted here. John Farrer, who went to Sherman last July, died of pneuat that camp, and Earl Painter died at Camp Mills, N.

of the same disease. FORTY-EIGHT BOONVILLE SELECTIVES TO LEAVE Special to The Press. SP BOONVILLE, Oct. Forty-eight registrants will leave for Camp Wadsworth, S. on Oct.

23 thru orders received by the local board here today, A telegram was received this morning stating that the Liberty Loan exhibit train would positively arrive here today. U. S. SUBMARINE CHASER SINKS AFTER EXPLOSION By The United Press. WASHINGTON.

Oct. The American submarine chaser No. 219 sank after an explosion in foreign waters, the navy department announced. One man was killed, one man is missing, and one officer and eight men were injured. The chaser was taking fuel from a supply ship when the chaser's bow blew up, setting fire to the vessel.

COUPLE HAD MISSING RUGS AND JARDINIERES Special to The Press. VINCENNES, Oct. James Johnson and Bertha Katschefskey have been arrected by local police after a number of rugs and jardinieres which have been missing from homes here were found in their possession. Took Out Dreadful Soreness When the kidneys are weakened or overworked so that they fail to filter and throw all impurities out of the blood, the poison remains in the system and backache, soreness, lameness and rheumatic pains are likely to develop. Mrs.

David Henry, 65 S. Lincoln Washington, N. writes: "Foley Kidney Pills are doing me much good, rheumatism. both my They kidneys took and all the dreadful soreness out of my limbs. Sold everywhere.

I FRENCH TO ENLARGE THEIR SHIPPING By The United Press. PARIS, Oct. Bouisson, under secretary of state of the merchant marine has announced that the French government purposes to construct 1,500,000 tons of new vessels The ships will replace ones torpedoed. "We must be able to double the strength of our merchant fleet as it was before the war," said M. Boisson.

"Moreover, the will Li order the construction of government giant steamships to compete both in comfort and in speed with the biggest vessels of the kind afloat." The under secretary desires an appropriation of two billion francs from parliament. MANY LIVES LOST IN EARTHQUAKE By The United Pream. SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Oct. 14. -An earthquake which shook Porto Rico on Friday caused the loss of 150 lives.

Slight shocks continue. Loss of life seems to have been heaviest in Mayaguez and Aguadilla, on the the interior. Reports constabnadea because wires are down. Threequarters of the concrete and buildings in Mayaguez were brick. strovedal wave swept the west coast.

San Juan had only slight damage. Governor Yager and the Red Cross are in charge of the relief. FIGHT IT OUT, SAYS ROOSEVELT By The United Press. OYSTER BAY, N. Oct.

14. -Col. Theodore Roosevelt, in a Liberty Loan address to neighbors, declared that inviting the Germans, Austrians and Turks to join a league of nations would be like inviting all the burglars and gunmen in New York to join the police force. "We should fight war thru to a finish," he said. should this, put an absolute end to the threat the world domain and instead of Germany talking about future mag justice, we should justice now to all the nations oppressed bring, by Germany and her allies." Finke's, "'37 Steps From Main' -On Seventh Street.

Happy Are the Evenings Spent at Home Home influence is our grandest American institution working for happy, thriving and contented families. Nothing is so beneficial in this desire as pleasing, comfortable and prideful home furnishings. This store meets its responsibility in serving you the proper things on a most economical basis. Everybody wants a beautiful home. If we had lots of money it would be a simple matter to have just what we wanted at all times, but most of us work for what we get and it's only by careful planning and economical purchasing that we can surround ourselves with the comforts and conveniences of modern living.

Get Your Heater See Finke's for Now and be the Best in Heaters Ready for Winter and Hot Blasts You'll find King Winter is going to be a mighty hard force to Our line includes a comcombat this winter and an ex- plete showing of pensive one also, for coal is not only high but scarce. And it is The Globe Hot Blast el Heaters up to you to buy a better Heater than former years for a poor The Darling Hot Blast Line Heater can certainly EAT UP COAL. The Crescent Line of Heaters Do Your Own Sewing Baby Should be resented With Finke has Fall One of Our Go Caris This a dept. that brings joy to housewives. It is the sewing machine section.

Finke's large stock of high grade Go-Carts Here you can choose a high grade Sewing Ma- excite the admiration of every mother who vischine, at a price well within your reach, and its this dept. We have just received several pay for it on the most convenient of terms. new models which we have added to our deready large department and want you to come in and see them. Come in and see our values in Sewing Me In this section Finke is showing a complete chines that are strictly modern, that do line of Go-Carts, Sulkies, etc. not tire one to operate.

For this week Finke of- For this week as a special Finke offers exa special in a first class new Sewing Ma- ceptional values in strictly new fers designs in Gochine at Carts ranging in price from $29.50 $25.00 up Finke's Exchange Sale the Sellers' Kitcheneed Talk of the Town The Only Real Kitchen Cabinet Just a Few of the Big Specials for This Week. 25 Dining. 75c Six refinished Chairs up Beds 45 Rockers, slightly at $4.00 up me as new $3 up Springs Three $1.50 1 up used, but good a Fibre and rat- 3 golden oak Kitchen tan Rugs $8.50 up Cabinets, $13.50 up $4.00 9x12 Tapestry Brussels $21.50 7 golden cak FoldRugs a ing Beds $9.50 up Library Tables, golden special oak, at $5.00 Kitchen $3.00 up Extension $6.50 up 36x7 75c Agency for the complete line. '16 Shades new features. Saves miles of Dressers, a big variat ety, $15.75 up 28x5 50c steps, hours of toil, costs less than Shades a soft drink to own.

Your Old Furniture Accepted In Part Payment on New Goods. $1 a Week Get Your Blankets and Comforts From Finke and Save Money We don't say much about this department but many folks buy all their Blankets and Comforts at this store. Cold weather is certainly with us and if you find prices high on good Blankets and Comforts drop in Finke's and see what we can save- you. We Have the Quality- the Patterns and Our Prices Are Right. 307-309 Up.

7th St Cash Steps Save You Dollars" Open or An Account Credit Here full of life, vim and energy. Former Health Commissioner Kerr says he believes his own personal activity today is largely due to his use of Nuxated Iron and that he believes it ought to be prescribed by every physician and used in every hospital Former in the country. Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw says: "I have been taking Nutated Iron for some little time and feel justified in recommending it as a very valuable tonic." Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, food merely passes thru you without doing you any good.

You don't get the strength out of it, and as a consequence you become weak, pale and sickly looking, just like a plant trying to grow in soil deficient in iron. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary after Nuxated Iron three times per day meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Numbers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while, have increased their strength and endurance in two weeks' time while taking iron in the proper form.

Manufacturers' Note: Nuxated Iron, which is prescribed and recommended by physicians and which is now being used by over 3,000,000 people annually, is not secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. Unlike it the older inorganic iron products is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black nor upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to every money, purchaser It or is they will refund your by J. F. Bomm.

dispensed in this city Drug and all other druggists..

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