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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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Myerstown Boy Emulates Grandfather and Joined Company at Lebanon MINOR EMPLOYES! Myerstown. 21. and Moyrl Yost, of Walker Friend, a son of Mr. and Collar-, are homo fo their summer Mrt. Robert H.

Krirnd. South vacations. Street, was probulily llrst Mrs. fvmmn Snioyor and family f-n- 'tortninf-d Miss Dorothy Speck, of Pnn- brook. Artnm Mulch, of York, for sfvornl days was tho purst of Dr.

and Mrs. A. (Jf-nmrt. Prof. A.

MurlBP. of th" department of i lu'mlHti-y, nt. Albright Inft to spend the summer at. his liomn (il Hrlinnpftady. N.

V. boy to enlist fur tho Impending Mf-xlcan (rouble. hW becomp a member of ro. Lebanon. His prandfathpr.

Mlfhael JVlend, Who dlcrl recently, was durinc tho civil War. ind the grandson, by thn patriotic Is -Willing to do as rnnch for his country. Accident, on Tump-Ik r. and his daiiph- wei'p rcUiriilnK from with load of furniture, at fi sale hfld by Mr father, the bnrse they worn WILIl i MU bo Riven In the Lutheran Sf Vgunday nnd Momlny even SellnrB. thn noted Irollcy car.

Mr. Vnglp In (ho art 6f getttng from the wnpon lo hold thf horse, when It turned suddenly thtOWlng him on 'he street railway track. The wapon was and tin. Child was nlso thrown violently lo Hi" ground, but escaped with badly sprained rlRht arm. Mr Niinlc was flicked tip nnd In ken to his father's home at Lebanon, where hlq InJiirlPH, consisting of a larerat'Ml ear and Iw.) Rpllt ribs were, Riven attention, and "he Wfln Inlor brough to Hie homo of Ills father-in-law, William al this place, where Nagle Is 'nlAylng.

Thn ImrHe wan also liadly hurt, tllR front end of the Hhaft rfioiu'- tratlng Ills body a ponslderabli- distance. The nnlmnl IH I be uropr-rly 'if liveryman Edward spanglei, thl.i placn. i Seoul Jill ties. Prof. CllarloH Kelcbner bun ns- Itned his duties ncoul for th St.

IfOUla Amorlcnn I.PIIKU biiHebnll team, went directly to Norfolk. and thoncn throunh North Carolina, South nnd Georgia, lo over promising nia.lor leiiRim 'timber. Ho ox pec IB lo re'naln In tin 1 'South in. jRyOcitnl In Ijulhwiiti f'lnurli. Myorstown pooplo urn looking fnr- ward with anticipation to Iho recltuhi I'nlnpH, bv noted KiiKlish The follow lint prnpnun will followed: Humlay evenliiK.

K.3n. 1: Tone ponin, "Chant Sans Puroles." TschalkovBky; In "An ICvonlnp Idyl" (new). Bcllars; "Allesro AppaiwonatN nnd Aflago from tho I'lflh nant. Monday ovonliiK. nt o'clock, II: "Concert 0 In Holllns; "CillHilcne Sollura; "A ''Prelude In Slmrp Minor," Vodorl- "Thp March of Nations," ar- by Mr.

Ovorluiv (o Tell," Ito.sHlnl; "Tho piece (as played at Lncnrn will also included. nr. (iobblo Will J'rwivh. A. (lohblo will deliver HIP, vdrmon on Mohn null campim at; 'ISunday evening.

In ens of Inclement tho minims will bo hold im the United lOvangnUcut church. I i C. T. V. Will Meet.

The monthly meeilng of tho Wo-j TO Oil's Chi'ldtlun I'nlon be hold nl tlm home of Mrs. Philip Boyer, Smith street,) evonliiK, June All mom-! ore urged In present. Sbirt.s, Superior Khlrl factory, maiiHuer, is ciimpli'tinj; iiu for fiOll wliitu solsctto for the Puniunn Hall'way t'oin- pftljy Bud COO doy.en Ian soji for tho employes of Canal. IVihomil have sinned with the Kiflh Ward Qnolling Club, or Lebanon, and will report Tor garne.H, bcBinniiiB July I. laitliprtin Sunday school clasa taught by Mrs.

Charlea IV T''rant7. has hern busy for several months, preparing needed articles to he sent to thn Toptnn Home. i Myrn Klsh'-'i, of X. .1. arrived for a visit to her relatives at tblft place.

i Mrs. K. It. Noll has opened an art studio In the building adjoining 111') of Dr. H.

IHxH'in, on of tracher In lvxil I 0 ,1 Sermon by Mirtflon fi.ITi p. Mohn Hall K. Gobble. Lebanon Witt Not Forget Noble Sons Who Answered Call (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE.) I not he left in want should disease or Mexican bullets end their lives while in the service of their country. A group of prominent business men have planned a Company Insurance Fund.

INSURANCE COMPANY Realizing that many who are going to the front leave families and relatives dependent upon them, that many would be left in actual and immediate want should their support be taken away from them, they propose to organize the citizens of Lebanon county into a patriotic insurance company, and they call upon one thousand men and women to signify their willingness to assist them. They ask that one thousand citizens pledge themselves to contribute one dollar each towards the assistance of those actually dependent upon a member of Company who dies in active service. Committee. D. Company Filed Answer to Motor Clubs plure, has IPPCII re-fleeted a tho Kill)ml a School (id ii in Kiindny wlv a Morning worship.

Dr A (Johiiie. Hand on the Campus. lOvenlnu worship on the Campus. bv Dr. A Kverybody welcome, bert, pastor.

lialph C. f)el- A NOTRE DAMD LADY'S APPEAL To nil UnnwInR nnffprci'H of i whether iiiiisniliir nr in inn ntlrn, liiinbHRo. tinrkiicho. pninn In tlio klclnoyH in- niMirnlKlii ID wrlti; In tier lionif Irfd linont wlilrli hn.i re- ciirfd nil nf thfuo InrlurnH. duly lo Hoii'l II lo nil Niif- KtiKK Yon rurc ycnirnolf al nx I hollMMllftH Will If'HlLfy MO of ctltnnto bolriK ThlH ill.wcMVpi'v hniilAhrA urtr the hlnml.

hrlKhtPn.i tho pyoH, U'l I nnd Inmi ID HIM whnlp II II' IllMIVI' IllllTP.IIS you Jinx N'olre tianif. 1'or In 1. BURY George Tlury, senior vice presl- George Bury, senior vice president of the Canadian Pacific, an- noutivPR two trpe applied Rclences srholttrships covering four years' tuition in McOIII university, for apprentices and other employes of the railway under 21 years of age, and to minor sons of em- ployes, subject to competitive ox-, aminatlon. CONCERfBY" FERARI BAND SUNDAY EVEN. FORT HENRY Mr.

and Mrs. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Kim rsou MIIK'r, Mr.

iiiui Mrs. Itoberl llobr mid rblldren, ChnrlcH Miller and John Wttinan, of Le.banon, vlsltnd here. Mr. and Mrs. lOrlwIn Sherman chlldivn, of Tnmplo, vlnHcd nt the homi! of the scribe.

Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K. Marks and Mr.

and Mrs. Adum (Jorimlnr, of Lobanon, visited at Kor I Henry, Mrs. Calvin Itrown and Mrs. DiiHhorn wnro I nil horn. Mr.

and Mrn. Isaac Mlllnr. of I.eb- nnon, visited (ho family of David Welilner. BERNV1LLE in in th Itev II. S.

Pino held services Thomns' Union church. Ken. Liiwrence. Mlllor held services Krieden's Lutheran church. The ntrawherry Ice cream festival lu'ld under tho auspices of St.

Thomas' I'nlon Sunday school, In llet'Hpr's was well nltended. Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

I'orter and Mr. anil Mrs. Lehman Kissllng vis- nmoiinl of care, lied Mr Klssllng's brother, Warren, lintorostiiiK work Lumait's I'lttce. Luncusier county. Tho trip was made In Hie former's now Mecca cur.

Mi-is Siellh K. Winters, Mrs. Lydiu i lilalt und Mrs. Kntle re- i turned home after spending a week Stober's hmlhcr. Jira, (Jooi'Ko Kauch.

Mr. and Muson SiuiUo und sou, wen' guents of J. A. Ixjoso nnd Schock. of WonieNdorf, of Wllmingliiii.

Annie Knljih Schoei and M. (Jrny. wero in town. The nernvllle orchcslra music at a festival held Mury Bowman, of Smith I'loiisnnt. the Misses Norn Yost and Churlos Uiphardson, lit Ml.

of Hood Msinn tiiwuy, wan at honin for a Duffy's In Convalescence A tonic-stimulant that is really pure, that is not over stimulous, is pleasant to take, and produces no unpleasant after eflects is especially valuable in convalescence. Many careful, unprejudiced physicians never hesitate to prescribe Pure Malt Whiskey reconstructive tonic because of its absolute purity, and that they find, nothing better for the delicate stomach for strengthening those who are weak, nervous and run- It renovates the system, giving life and vigor to the broken down tissues and increases longevity. Pure Malt Whiskey is a genuine article, absolutely wholespnie, which smells tastes good and "Oft Duffy's tnd Keep Will. 11 4 BOTTLES ONLY. of "Are going to see t.hp Col.

Francis Kernri Show fi I'nited unload?" IBJI common quory about the city today. If weather conditions ar 0 favorable when tho special train arrives over) tho I', and It. Linos from llarriaburg. jit Is sar 0 to nay that nearly tho entire 'town will he at tho show train. It.

Is expected that tho thousands ot enthusiastic people who inak thisf event a regular holiday will he there to see all they can. Peoplo who go to see the nhow unload aro quick to sizu up the show and soon tho word circulates up town as to what kind of an outfit, it Is. About the, Koran aggregation they urn bound to sny "This Is some big show." Even tho character of the, performances nro judged by the nuisslvunesH of th 0 wagons, their general as well as tlm kind of poplo that they carry with it. Occasionally after tho show has boon In a streak of had wenthor, has had muddy roads, rainstorms, bad lots and long hauls, tho show ap- ipem-H disorganized, when, iw a mut- jlor of fact, if It wore not for Iho iloyallty of. tho management and tho employes, and thn excellent system, tho show would not tiavo surmounted 111 dilliciiltieg which meet every show annually, generally in tho spring.

Tho management of tho Col. Francis Kernri Shows t'nited welcomes thn throngs to soo their paraphernalia and equipment unloaded. Whllo thoro Is more or loss danger, as nr- ciclontH may and do happen, yet If tho will exercise a reasonable they can soo I ho accomplished without liny danger. Following a conference between tho com it-loo of th Chemical Co. undor whoso iHisplcos tho Kerari Shows are to exhibit hero and Mayor it has been that Lebanon is going lo he given a treat of! som 0 ival good music, it's all going to bo free too and It'll not cost a diuio.

Col. Francis Kni-arl's lloyal Italian Band, under tho leadership ot the celebrated I'rof. Corado, have been persuaded lo give a concert this Sunday evening on Cumberland street nftor church services, and all lh peoplo will bo glvoi tho opportunity of hearing them. The Citizens' Committee as organized for this work consists of members, D. J.

Leopold, i ashler of the First National Bank, will act as Chairman; Frank P. Hammar, the Insurance and Heal Kstato Agent, will net. as Treasurer; Maxwell Krausn, Secretary of tho George Krauso Hardware Conipanv. as Secretary; A. H.

Bchropp, President of the DAILV NEWS; W. J. Noll. Chairman of the Republican County Com- mlttep, nnd A. I.

Hartmnn, Chairman of the Democratic ('ounty Committee, will act as Advlwory Borrd. Treasurer Ham mar has offered his office as Headquarters and tho ser- vlecs of his stenographer in tho clerical work entailed. He has, in addition, offered to give bond to cover the total subscription list. $1000 Kor Family. livery subscrlbor to this patriotic fund automatically becomes a member.

It costs him nothing oxcept in the Rvent of the death, 'in active service, of a member of Company who has someone dependent upon him, who. In the opinion of tho Advisory Board, Is deserving of the assistance. He will then he assessed OIK dollar, nnd the family of the soldier who IIRF died for his country will receive Ono Thousand Dollars, If sufficient subscriptions can be secur- c-1. SIGN THK HLANK. TUB DAILY NEWS prints today a subscription pledge which every clti7cn should be ready and e'lger to sign.

These blanks may be tilled out and left at the NEWS office or mailed to the NEWS or to Treasurer Frank P. Hammer, 43 South Eighth Street. The prediction has been made that ono thousand of these blanks will have bean returned before the next Issue, of the NEWS goes to press. And the NEWS puts tho Issue squarely bo- fure tbo men and women of Lebanon. DO THEY WISH TO GO ON THE County.

HONOR ROLL OF THOSE WHO STAY AT HOME? Are they patriotic enough to help ease tho minds of Lebanon's soldier boys who leave families dependent upon tnem? Will they respond eagerly ind quickly to this appeal of the Citizens Committee? Lot everyone nil out and return a pledge at once. To the Citizens of Lebanon Tim uiidei-siKiicd nppcal to tho patriotic men and women of Imitation County to Oil out. the plodpro hrlmv and return It lo The Dally News or lo Frank P. Maminar, South Highlit street. They In turn plwlgo themselves lo l.urn over Iho money collected to those really dependent II(HIII any niombor of Company who loses his life in active whether by illsenso or violence.

One thousand! dollars will be turned in ouch NO deserving if sufdclenl subscriptions can be D. J. Chairman. K. I'.


W. .1. A. II SCHHOPr. Denying the allegations in general as made by the Motor flubs of Harrisburg, RaArttns and Lebanon, in their Joint complaint against the rendition of the Berks and Dauphin turnpike, filed recently with the Public Service Commission at Harrisburg, the turnpike company today filed with the Commission its answer.

In addition to the general denial the company asserts state ot facts existing as set forth in the statement filed by Its counsel. Cyrus O. Derr, ot Reading, and Grant Weidman, of this city, as folJows: The that such 'Infects exist In Its turnpike roan nrft thf result of an open winter with much rain and a constant of HIP road, not only bv ordinary vehicles, hut by automobiles many of hnvlriR chains on tho wheels, flhrl thn respondent Is entitled to but hns not. hiul time to complete the repairs. The respondent hns the appliances for making rimcnrlnm road, In- clmllnif a roarl-roller Insofar as It has been possible to secure material and labor nnd ns the season has permitted, li and has been ccmctantly carrying on the process of reparation; and the respondent nvers that Its rond IB In ns good condition can reasonably he expected of a macadam roart, which la the only kind of roarl which Its charter It to mnkr and mnlntnln.

The respondent furthor shows to tho Vuhllc Service Comrolsslcn tbnt lipllev- Ing that In order to maintain road- over ent suited to much automobile travel It, It necessary for tho eni to adopt a different method or roa.l surfacing atid crowning road, and to use a binder which will hold tno mii- terlB.1 together and resist the we rubber tfi-iM) on ruplrtly driven machines, at the tltnfe rendering the roan surface Impervious to water and pie- ventlnK washing. In furtherance of Idea, the re- before the filing of the petition Ih this proceeding, employed VVrn. H. Pechflnt ft Son. Engineers, to nvaUS survey and proper plans and specimen- tlons and secure bids for the resurfacing of the entire road using a bituminous hinder.

The much ralnv weather hns snnip- what delayed this work, but respondent expects to have the bids by the beginning of July next, nnd ns to the section of road westward from Lebanon, beltiR about IS should the. cost not be (oo Krent, It contemplated that tho Board of Directors will with reasonnhln promptness award a contract for the work. Should the cost appear too preat to warrant the managers In taking the responsibility, they contemplate submitting to tho stockholders after constitutional and statutory notice, the question of Increasing the Indebtedness of company to such extent as will enabln the respondent to apply such treatment to thn entire roadway between terminal points. The respondent submits to the Commission that under the circumstances there should he no (Imp fixed for hearing until the respondent shall have had an opportunity of maklnR proper re- pnlrs for temporary purposes and tak- Irir nrtlnn upon the parmanent Improvement of the ronrtwny ns above described. Organizations Will Pay Sick and Death Benefits Bon Ton Store.

Any man In the employ of Louis Samler, proprietor of the Don Ton store, who has enlisted or shall enlist In the If. H. army In response to President. Wilson's call for troops for duty on the Mexican border, will not only be paid his wages during tho term of his enlistment but his position will bn held open for him on bin return. Further than this Mr.

Samlnr also pledges his nld In support of the family of any enlisted married mnn who are dependent upon him for support, rlnK the term of his enlistment. Mr. Samuel today caused the following notice to lie posted In his store: PLEDGE 1, the undersigned, agree to pay to Frank P. Ilam- nmr, Treasurer of the Company Insurance Fund, one dollar upon the death in active service of any of Company Fourth Regiment, Pa. U.

S. during the Mexican campaign, who leaves dependents in need of such aid. I agree to pay this sum upon the publication in The DAILY NEWS of such death, and the appeal of the officers of the Insurance Fund. Signed Address. Date.

Stars and Stripes at The Industrial Plants LINGLESTOWN The services for old folks In the Hothel church by tho Rev. Mr. Whit laker, Sunday morning wero very Ira prosslvo. Simon Harper was tbo oldest person who attended tho per vtco, being tn tho "nighties." He imulo tho cloning prayer. Mrs.

Susie lluwer returned home on Sunday spending a weeks with relatives in Hummelstown. Mrs. Daniel Orubb and children Georgo ttiul Mary, visited Mr. and Airs. Paul Bowors at Pleasant View on Saturday.

Mr. anil Mrs. (Mi a fins Look, daughter, Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Care sou, Jorn, and Miss Jane Care took an automobile trip to Hngcrstown on Sunday.

Mr. und Mra, John Chester, daughter, Ruth, of Steelton, were the guests of rMs. Mary Furling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

William Mcllhenny ami daughter, Bertha, of Harrlsbnvg. wereg uosts of Mrs. Annie Smith on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Lewis Heller was the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Hicks on Sunday. Dr.

Biker, of Philadelphia, is the guest of his moiiier. Mrs. Rebecca Baker. Mr. and Mrs.

O. B. Leese, son, Walter, were guests of Mr. Leese's parents, near Palmyra, on Sunday. On Sunday, Dorothy, the little daujhtev of Mr.

antj Mrs. William 3ucH died ft a illness will be works throughout the city are today presenting a most pa- thiotic appearance with windows decorated with tiie National emblems and hunting. It can easily be seen that the young ladles working in the various factories lack none of the patriotic spirit which Is gripping everybody at this time, and are doing their best to show the boys in khp.kl their appreciation of entering the National service Nearly all tho mills ami plants that employ men are also displaying tho National colors. On Thursday em- ployes of tho machine department of tho American Iron and Steal Manufacturing Company's plant purchased a largo flag and flung it to the on a high pole on top of the machine shop. It Is gratifying to note the large number of foreigners In the western and eastern end of the city, that are displaying Hags, hunting, and oth- or National emblems oulsklo their homes.

Tbo interior of the Philadelphia and Reading railway company's freight office Is literally lined with flags and tri-colorod emblems. In the freight house proper, thero are four large flags displayed, one in each corner and a large one on the top of the building. Those flags were put up In honor of two 1 of the ireight house employes, Walter Stupp and Walker H. Friend. The flags will bo left hanging until the boys return from service.

The Reading company will hold positions for all their men who enlist in the National service. Any man In my employ who or rlenlres tn nnliat fnr service to our country In this of will lie pakl clurlnjf tlin tlmo ho Is away also Ills position wll held for him unlit lie returns from the front. I will also lielp lo support the family of BII.V married man of t'o who are dopoiKlnnl upon him for tlmlr durinn hla alwence In tho of his country. A Ml Prop, of The Bon Ton. Tribo.

Swatara Trlbo, No. 276, Red Men, at its meeting on Friday evening went on record in support of President Wilson's call for volunteers for service on the Mexican border by the unanimous adoption of a resolution providing for the payment of the dues of all members who have or shall FREDERICKSBURG Harry Houser and Miss Kate Hess, of East Hanover, wer united in marriage by Rev. C. M. Kissinger.

Miss Emma Hank, of Williamstown, IB visiting her relatives here. David Stelnmetz, coach trimmer, of Myerstown, Is doing work for Samuel Miller. Professor Harry Focht took a trip to Harrlbtirg on business. The I'nited Brethren congregation held a rally day service. A number enlist.

At present there aro tbrcoi Rod Men members of the local Com-' pany Fourth Infantry. They aroj Sergeant Blllman, Levl T. Moase and John K. Sluger. Following the trlbo meeting was hold the monthly gathering of the Swatara Haymakers who taught ono tramp the art of making hay by gun-! light and began planning for a trip to York on Saturday, July 15, to participate In the annual State Haymakers convention.

It is probable that the association's Slaugfhter-housB band will furnish music on the occasion. Tjoflgo, I. O. O. F.

Lebanon Lodge, No. 121, Odd Follows, at UK mooting on Friday evening decided by unanimous vote to maintain tn good standing with its obligation to pay sick and death bene- 11 ts all members who shall onllst In the present Mexican Imbroglio. At this time there Is no member of the lodge enlisted in tho U. S. Athletic Association.

Kdgar Kellers and Jacob Maier, Corporals, and Harry Earnhardt, Lieutenant ot Company Fourth Regiment, aro members of the Lebanon Athletic Association, and at a special meeting of the association last evening it wna decided unanimously to keep their names good on the books and keep their dues paid up. of Jonestown folks attended and the church was filled. Lucy Kirst Is attending school at Lebanon. George Loose, of Suedberg, a former resident, was buried In Cedar Hill cemetery. Rev.

Kober preached, Charles Gerhart, grain and feed dealer, suffered tb loss of one eye. Th operation was performed at the Good Samaritan Hospital. A glass ey was replaced. Miss Edith Gerhart, of Lebanon, is visiting her mother here, Former Lebanon County Girl Weds At Denver, Col, Friends iu this oily and county will bo surprised to loam of the wedding in Denver, Colorado, on Satvmluy afternoon June 17th, 1916, of Miss Martha Mock, formerly of and Andy A. Raycher, of Wyoming.

Miss MocU is a daughter of John Mock, and well known in this section. The ceremony was performed at 5.30 o'clock In the afternoon by the Rev. J. K. Hummend, a Lutheran minster, at the parsonage, and was followed by au elaborate supper served to few intiniate friends of the couple.

They will make their iiome with the sister, Mrs. ids Mrs. Ida E. Zimmerman, and Messrs. Jack Retuick, Lee J.

Ponte, Kdward. L. Ponte, Guy L. Zimmerman and Monroe Zimmerman. Mae PLEASANT VALLEY Mrs.

Elizabeth Peters and daug.n- ter, of Lebanon, called on Mr. and Mrs Morris Peters. John Reich is still on the sick list- Mrs. Kufus Peifer was at Palmyra on Saturday. The following called on Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Schell on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Rufug Peifer, Messrs. Herman Arnold.

Wilfred Arnold, John Hoke. Aaron Hoke. Harvey Keller and Miss Klsie Peifer. Farmers 'buve delayed their haymaking on account of the wet weather. A cow died for Jonathan Daub.

Mis Elsie Peifer visited gt the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Mrs. Frank WeJdle called OIL pother, pf fcer PURE FOOD Makes Healthy Children, Pure food is insured by the Leonard Cleanable Oite-Piece, Porcelain Lined. Refrigerator The refrigerator you want.

It is with genuine porcelain, fused (not baked) on steel; IN ONE PIECE, 4) Its constant circulation of dry cold air serves your food. Its ten walls'save your ice, Look for that radt-mark: LEONA RD for your protection against painted CALL and see the Leonard Cleanable at our store, Frants'i Furniture Bazaar Cumkertaadj.

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