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St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 9

St. Louis, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

gems 27, pmc2 wo cents. jHD SUNDAY, 15 CENTS TTEEIL 0 SHERITF 8AL8. 7 TSED A BED LIGHT. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The anneal meee. the stockholders ot the Thompson Dry To Prospective Porehasere of the Property 'on Broadway and Olive Mrssti are prepared to outer Into a contract at any time on or before 5 o'clock p.

m. Friday, March 2. to loan the suns of $300,000 at 5 per cent Interest on the property situated at the southeast corner of troadwar and Olive street, which Is to be said Saturday March 3. 1894 Contract for the loan will Do conditioned by the party making such contract purchasing the property, and the loan will lie made on prop'r'y as It at present. This will give prospective purchasers an opportunity to buy the property under much belter terms than chose named in the advertisement of sa.e by tlia Special CoTammett-asdebsox-wadek.

E. By Fasius J. Wad. President. TU8I Honolra.

his wife, by their certain deed of trnst dated Mrcb 26. 1991. recorded In the Recorder's Office far the City of St. Louis. Mo.

In book 997 at page 449, conveyed to the undersigned the following; described real aetata lying and being in the city of St. Louis, to-wlt: Lot ot ground in City Block No. 2484, beginning at the intersection cf the west line af Grand avenue with the south line of Florissant avenue, and running thenea west along the south line ot Florissant avenue, one hundred and thirty-six feet eleven and one-balf inches to land now or formerly owned bv Thomas Sweeney, thence sauth along Sweeney's east line, fifty-one feet, thence east parallel with Florrlsant avenue one hundred and thirty-six feet eleven and one-half Inches to the west fia a of Grand avenue, and thence nort i on Grand avenue flftv-oue feet to the place of begln-nlag which conveyance was made In to secure the' payment of one pr.nclpal and two Interest notes in said dead of trnst fully described, aad whereas default has bean made In the payment of said principal note, and In pursuance of the provisions and powers to the under-signeu. giveu by said le'l of trust. noilce is hereby given that be will, on TUESDAY.

THE VOTH DAY OF MARCH. 1894. between the hours ol 9 o'clock a.m. and 6 clock p. of that day, at the east front door ot the Courthouse, in the city of St.

Louis, proceed to sell the property above described at public vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, for the purpose of satisfying said-note and the provisions ofssld deed of trust. HENKY ASUKEAS, Trustee. St. Louis. Fob.

23. 1894 822 TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, Martin C. Mc-Samara and Catherine A. MoNamara. bis wife, by their deed of trust, dated the 6th day of May.

1393. and recorded ln'the office of lb Recorder cf Deeds for the city of St. Louis and State of Mlsseurl, tn book l.lfti. at page 440. conveyed to the undersigned, as Trustee, the following described real es-State, sitnate in the city of ft.

Louis and State of Missouri, and known and described as follows, to-wit: Lots numbered eighteen (18) and nineteen (19). of block thirty-one U1), In Stoddard Addition, and in city block numbered nine hundred a nd ninety-six (99'J) of the City of St. Louis and tats ar Missouri, beginning at the southwest corner of said block numbered nine hundred and ninetv-elx (996); thence running east ward ly with the 'north lino ef Morgan street fl(tv-f)ve feet (55 three Inches (3 northwardly parallel with Kwlng aveaue one hundred and thirty-lonr feet (134 ft.) eight Inches (S In.) to an alley fifteen (IB ft. feet wide: ttience westwardiv with the sooth line ot said alley Df ty-flve (56 ft.) feet three (3 in. inches to the east line of Ewing avenuet thence southwardly with the east line ef Ewing avenue one hundred and thirty-tour (131 ft.) feet, eight (8 In.) Inches to the place of beni.inWg; together with all the buildings and improvements now erected or to lie erected on sainet subject, however, to a deed of trust of even date therewith, made to secure the payment of seven thousand doll ars and interest, which said conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of the promissory notes in said deed of trust described: and whereas, two of said notes were not paid at their maturity to tne tenor of said notes, and said notes remain oue and unpaid: now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder and owner of said notes, and under and la pursuance of tne provisions of said deed of trust, 1 the undersigned, trustee, will on 8Tl'HDsV, THE 17T11 DAY OF MARCH, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and tire o'clock in the afternoon of said day, proceed to sell the above described property at' public vendue or outcry, at the East front door of the Court-house, In tne City of St.

Louis, and State of Missouri, to tke highest bidder for cash, for the lacatEjE'a a ales. TRUSTEE'S ULE Wevas, by dead elated So. vomeer25. 1. 92.

and duly recorded In tba office pf the Recorder o. Deeds for the county of St. Lonis, In beek page 388, Augustas K. Whiteside did convey to the undersigned. Ban Von Pbul.

the following described real estate, situated tn the county St.Louls aad state ot Vllssourl.asd known end described as follows, to-wit: A tract of laud in United States survey number 2476" and la section 22. town-lp 46 north, range six (6) cast, and more particularly described as beginning al a point In the sonth line of a tract of land conveved by Augustus H. Kvajss and wife to George L. Davis by deed dated November 23. 1846, and recorded In the office ot the Recorder of Deeds for the City (formerly County) St.

Lonis. iu book 4. page 332, irom which a corner In the east line of survey 4W bears aoash 89 west ensio. thanoe along the said soutn line. Berth 89Mr east 18.071 chains to a stone, tbenea south 158 decs.

west 25.60 chains to astoaelntbe north line of said road, thence along the norta line of said road. 45 links wide, south 78" wast lo.87rt.ains to a stone, thence south b4 west 6 chains to a sronc. thence along road twenty feet, north 71 dees. eaat Sofialns, thence north 6914 oast 8. 79 chains, thence along tba eastern line of a road 10 feet wide.

Berth 7A deg. east 15.92 cbalns to tho point of beginning, which said convevanea was in trust to seeore the payment of cortain notes therein escribed i and whersas said note are due aad unpaid. Now, therefore, at tne request at the bolder ot said notes and in pursuance of the terras ot said deed of trnst. notice Is hereby given that an SATURDAY. MARCH 3.

1894. between the hours of 9 o'clock a. in. and 4 o'clook p. at the east front door of tho Court-house, la the Cltv of St.

Louis, tho undersigned will sell, at public vendue or ou'err, to toe highest bidder, for cash, the above described property to satisfy said debt and costs Of sale. BEN VON PHtJL, 207 Trestea. rfiRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas. John i. Bakar.

a JL single man, by his certain deed ef trust, dated the 8th day of September, 1891. and recorded in book 1,044. at page 124. of the offlce of the Recorder of Deeds. In and for the City of St.

Louis, conveyed to the undersigned, ss trustee, the following described real estate, lying and beiug In the City af ist. Louis, state of Missouri, to-wit: His undivided interest as an heir-at-law of Joseph W. Baker, deceased, in a certain lot of ground, with improvements thereon, situated In block seven bun-dred and sixty-seven (767) of said City of St. Louis, beginning at the Intersection of the east line of De Kalb street with the south line of Louisa street, thence eastwardlv with the soutn line of Louisa street one hundred and sixty-five (165) feet to a public alley; thence southwardly wltn the western Una of said alley twenty -five (25) feet: thence westwardly parallel with Louisa street one nundred and sixtr-five (165) feet to De Kalb street: thence northwardly twenty-five (25) feet along the eastern line of De Kalb street to the place of beginning; bounded on the north bv Louisa street, east by public alley, south by Missouri Car aud Foundry Company and west by Da Kalb street; which conveyaaco was made to secure the payment of a certain note therein described. And whereas, default bas been made In the payment of said nete secured by said deed of trust: Now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of 6aid note, ami in pursuance of the terms of said deed of trust, I will, at the eastern front door of the Court-house, in the said city of St.

Louis, Between the hours of nine o'clock a. ra. and five o'clock p. on Thursday, the 15th day of March, 1894. soli the said above aescribed real estate at blic vendue to the highest bidder for cash, to aatisly said debt and trnst.

ANDREW ACHAT. St. Louis. Feb. 19.

1894. (280) Trustee. Jr CTATt OF MISSOURI, cltv of St. Louis, ss. In the Circuit Conn, city of St.

Loais. Februrary term. Iy4. Friday. Feb.

1. 1894 Mettle Smith Vs. (130 April term. 18S14) Clarence Smith. It appearing from the petition herein verified by affidavit that the defendant is not a resident of the State of Missouri, eo that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him, an motion of plaintiff by attorney it is ordered that said defenaant bo notified that a civil action has been commenced against im the object aud ileum al nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony existing between sid parties on the ground toat on or about Nov.

14. lnul. delendant did without any Just or reasonable cause whatsoever desert and abandon plaiatiif and has ever since entirely failed and refused to contrihute to her support and maintenance; and for a decree giving plaintiff the custody of ineir child and reslering to plaintiff her maiden name: and unless he appear at the term-of this Court to hetoguu and held at the city of t. Louis, on the first Mondav of April next, and on or before the third day thereof, answer the plaintiff's petition, the same will he taken against him as confessed. Aud it is further ordered, that a copy hereof be published according to law in the fct.

Louis Fost-Ifispatch. a newspaper printed and published in the citv of St. Louis. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand and seal ef the Circuit Court, citv of St.

Louis, this 17th day of February, 1894. Seal of Court, I'lULIl II. ZiPr Clerk. OHEHIFF'8 SALE. By virtue 'and aarnoee general aad snetlal kj lty of a Issued from tiie office of tue Cierk ok tbe Clrealt Court at tbe City of St, Lenis.

returnable te tbe February term, 1394. ef said court, and to me directed, wherein John Doachertv Is plaintiff and Rees H. Jones Is defendant, I have levied upon an 1 seized tba following deeetlbed reel estate, situated In tbe City of St. Louis and Mate ot Missouri, aad cbarged with tba tnechaulrs' ilea, on which this action la fonnded, aud described la said execution as follows, to wit: A certsln lot, tractor parcel of land In city black 28o6. aod Ironting bit feet on tbe east line of Michigan avenue, by a depth Of eaual width of 147 feet 11 Inches, tha eeatb line ot said lot being 70 feet 5 incbes north et the norta line of Bates street, and I en WEDNESDAY.

THE 2STH DAY Vt FEBRUARY, between the hours 6f 9 o'clock la tbe forenoon and 00 clock In tha afternoon ot that day, at tbo estt front door ef the Court-house, In the Cltv ot M. state of Missouri, sell, public auction, (or cash, to the highest bidder, the above-detcrited property, or so much thereof will satuiy said execution and costs. PATRICK M. STEAD. Bt.

Loais. Feb. 1b94. Ja SHERIFF'S SALE By vtrtae and authority of an anas general and special execution Issued from the offlce of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at the city 01 St. Louis, returnable to the April term.

1891, of said court, and lo ma directed, wherein the i entril Mantel Co. (a corpora tou) le plaintiff aui Paulus A Williamson Architectural Co. (a eorporatlon). Red Cress Boll. ling and Loan Association (also a corporation) William P.

Nelson and Olio L. Mersmsn are defeudants, 1 have levied upon and selred tbe following described real estate, sltuatod in tbe city ol St. Louis and btate of Mlssoarl, aad charged with the mechanic's lien on which I Ma action is fonnded, and described in said exooutloa as follows: Lots autnbered tblrtv-oua (31) and thirty-two (32) of cltv block No. thirty-seven hundred and fony-one (3741) of said city of St Louie aaa Slate of Missouri, which Iota are contiguous to each other aad bave an aggregate front of tlftv (50 feet on the north line of Cook avenue by a depth of feet northwardly to an alley, together with tba Improvements thereon, consisting of foof flats, numbered 4053, 405JA, 4055 and 405SA Cools' avenue, and 1 win on SATURDAY, THE 10TH DAT CF If ARCH, A. D.

1894. between tbe boars of 9 o'clock tn tbe forenoon and 5 o'clock Id the afternoon of that day, at tbe east front door of tbe Coert- nouse, in tne city of Mt. Ijonls, state ot Missouri, sell, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the above described property, or sa uiucli thereof as will satisfy said execution and costs. PATRICK M. STAKD.

Sheriff, city St. Loais. Mo. listed at St. Louis.

Feb. 14. 1894. 247 SHERIFF'S BALK By virtue aaG authority ot a general aad special execution Issued frem the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at the city of St. Louis, returnable to the February term, 1894, cf said court, and to me directed, wherein George Peisch Is plaintiff and Emanuel K.

Sllnde Is defendant, I bave levied and seized upon the following described real estate, situated In the city of St. Leuls aud Slate of Missouri, and cbarged with the mechanic's lien on which tbls action Is founded, and described in said execution aa follows, to-wlt: A two-story brick dwelling boase situated oo the fol-lowlag described premises, to-wlt: A lot of ground nthecttvof bt. Louis. State of Missouri, being the western 20 feet of lo. No.

So! block No. 4 of lllrn-land adaition to tb -lty ot St. Louis, and In city block No. 1722. said lot containing a front of 'JO feet on tbe sooth line ot Walnut street, by a depth southwardly of 121 feet to an alley; bounded oa the nor'h by alnnt street, south by said alley, west br lot No.

6 of said block, and east by a Una 20 feel froo. and running parallel with tbe eastern boundary llue of cald lot No. 5, and will, on THU' SDAY. THE lfT DAY OF MARCH. 1991.

heti ir. a heurs of 9 o'clock In the foreseen and I in tbe afternoon of that day. at the east fvont door ot she Court-house, In the city ot he. Louis. Stte af Missouri, sell, at pubilo auction, for cash, 1 1 Ihe highest bidder, tbe above described property, or so macb i Phereof as will satisfy said txi kuiios anu costs.

St, Loais, Feb. 6. PATRICh M. S'lAED. Sheriff.

City St. Louis, Mo. 1894. 193 Cj'HERIFF'SSALE. By virtue tid authority of a general and a special execution Issued the office ot tbe ef the Circuit Court at tbe city ot St.

Louis, returnable to the February term. 1894. of said court, and to me directed, wherein Hjdraulio Press Brick Co. is plaintiff and William W. Keiue.

George W. Pipe and Thomas F. Maioney, trustee, are bave levied upon snd solzed the following described real estate, situated In the city ot St. Lonis and State of Missouri, and charged with the mechanic's lien, ou which this c.lon is fonnded, aad described tn said execution as tollows. to-wit: A lot ot ground In tba city of St.

I.ouls, being lot number thirty la city block numhor U7JS. ou the east sldu of Sarah street, at tne southeast corner of Evans and bennded on tbe north by Evans avenue, on the loath by an alley, on the east by property now or formerly ef Patrick R. Kain. and on Ihe west by Sarah street, and tue improvement thereon, and I will, on WEDNESDAY, THK 2STH DAT OF FEBRUARY, 1894. between tbe boars ot 9 o' elect In the forenoon and 6 o'clock tn Ihe afternoon of tbat day, at the East front door of the Conrt-hoose.

In the city ot ft. Louis, State of Mlssoarl, sell, at publlo auction, for rash, to tbe highest bidder, tbe above described property, or so much ttterto' as will satisfy said execution and costs. PATRICK M. STAKD. Sheriff city el mu Louis, ID- St.

Lonla. Mo. Feb. 8. 169.

16 SHERIFF'S BALK By virtue end authority ot an alias renaral and epeciat execution Issued from tne office of tbe Clerk el xkh Clreuil Court at tbe city ot St. Louis, returnable So the April term. 1894, ot sala court, and to ma directed, wherein li (antral Mantel o. (a corporation) is plaintiff and Paulus Williamson ArcfiD acVral Co. (a corporation), John D.

Paulus and HsdNcrOss Building and Loan Association (a corporation are defendants, I have levied upon ami seized the following described real estate, situated the city of he Lonis and State of Missouri, and cL-wged wichj the mechanic's lien ou which tbU action founded, and described In said execution a tuilowsl Lots numbered twenty -nine (9) and tbitty (Jo) of cltv block No. thirty-seven hundred and fortr-one (3741) of said etty of St; Louis and State of Missouri, which lots are contiguous to eae other aud have an aggregate front ol fifty (50) feet on the nortb line of Cook avenae, by a dwmb. northward! of feet to an aLey, together witu the improvements thereon consisting of tout flats. cumbered 4069. 4059A, 4061 auC 4061 A Cook are.

Hue. I will, ou SA i URDAY, THE I0TH DAY OF MARCH. 1804 botween tbe hours of 9 o'eleek in '-he forenoon aad o'clock in the afternoon of tha; da, at tha Ev front door of the Conrt-hoase, In trie city of Louis, State of Missouri, sell, at public auction, fm. cash, to the highest nldder. the above described property, or so much thereof as will satisfy said exe cution and costs.

PATIlIvK M. SVAED. Sheriff fcltyef SC. Loan, 1SS4. 24 Dated at St.

Lonis, Feb. 14, SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue end authority of a general and special execution issued from the office of the Clerk of tbe circuit Court at the lty ef St. I.ouis, returnable to Hie term, 1891. said court, snd to me directed, whorem Augustus Pullis and Thomas It. Pullis are plaintiffs cod iu D.

Ogden and C. Mirsh are oMnndantn. I have levied upon and seized the illowlng described rail estaie. situated In the city Ht. Lonis and Stale of Missouri, and charged with two meenauic's lien, on which tills action la founded aud described in said execution as loiiows, to-wit: Lot 24 in city block said lot navlng a Iroiit of 2S feet on the wesr line of Ninth treot by a d-ri'U westwardiv of ISO feot to aa alley 20 leet wide, bounded ob the esstbvNlmh street, on the soutTi by lot 25 of said block 175.

west by said alley and north by alley 16 feet wide, together with tne three-story brick building aud Improvements there- on, and I will TUESDAY. THE 13TH DAT OF MARCH. 1S91. between the hours of 9 o'clock In the foreneoti and 5 o'clock In the alternoon ol that day, at the east front door of the Court-bouse. In tho city of St.

Louis, State of Mlssoarl, sell, at public auction, (or cash, to tha highest bidder, tbe above aescribed property, or so much thereof as will satisfy said execution and costs. PATRICK M. STAED, Sheriff Clay St. Louis, Me. St.

Louis. Feb. 17. 1894. 2CA SHERIFF'S BACK IN PARTITION In the Circuit Coart, City of t-t, Louis, State of ilissotirl; St.

Louis University, plaintiff. Vs. Jemima I.ludeil aad otners, defendants: esse No Itoom 1. Notice Is hereby given tbat by virtue and seniority of a decree In partition, and order of sale made by tne Circuit Court ot the Cltr of bt. Louis in the above entitled eanse en tbe 17th deyot February, 1694.

1, the undersigned Sherljf of the city ot M. Louis, will oa TUESDAY. THE 13TH DAY Of MARCH. 1S94, between the hour of 9 o'clook IK tbe forenoon and 6 o'clock in tbe afternoon of tbat day, aod during the session ot said Circuit at tba east trout door ot iha Court-house, tn tin- city of St. Louie, State of Missouri, sell st pablle vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, and subject to the approval of the Coaft, tbe following described real estate, situate la the Cltv of Et.

Louis aud State of Ml. sourl. to-wlt: Beginning at a point iu running from east to west through the eeoterof city block 17s. said line being lis leet 0 Inches, more or less, equidistant from the north Hoe of Washlugton eveoue and tbe south line of Christy avenue, sn i "id pelnt of beginning being situate la said central Hue. 130 feet east ol the east llneo? Eleventh i street, thence eastwardly along seld central Una 1 feel toa point, thence northwardly aud parallel lo Eleventh street, 87 leet lnens more or Um to a point wbleb is 75 feet soatb at the snath Christy aveauei thence e.lwrdly aod parallel IK feet te a point, c.ence met a more ot 4 to tbe point of beglinlng, ah ih.

north and bounded by land and en tne I inrt.ll Real Fstare e. and east bv land of Edward Marfln. fal'l ill 1. autiteft led lo lie life estete ef Hie i' j.i,. I lodell.

and lo a now ex I. aaa 10 i-. 7 wsde bvJemlme l.tudnli to the Mt. Louis University. May 14, w.

lore 1..... tV P.V th. P-said property durl.g frV'WYften. Sheriff of tbe city of ct. Lott.i.

8. Loots, Fee. 17. 194. i mi APPLICATION" FOR Assignee anilta.

MedUte Co. St. Lonis. Jan. 33.

la4. APPOINTMENTS 07 ASM I "sTATE of rind get Co llloe.l creased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Admlaletraiies an the estate ef Bridget Cuillil. deceased, wre granted to the undersigned by tlf Proeale Court of the city ef bt. Lonis.

eu the 2iia' day vl January, 1894. Ail peneef having claims again st said estate are reqatred le exhibit Ihe same to lb undriaid allowance within one year after the "Ute of letters, ot they may be li ihimwii said estate, end if turn rlaiiae he sot xn'b 4 wimiu two years from me date tbu pnhUcatiuu. they will oa forever barred. Wd ibis 2 jiil day ef Janeary. Administrator tP)ir A.

U. (iaarecun. Attorney for AdB.iBietotot 22 N--rir-itle hereby given to tha creditors of trie Imi Modiste Co. that tb 2d day ot April. 1H44 at the opening ot the St.

l.auls Circuit thereafter as ronoiet fan he bear I I enall apply to said eoort lor a discharge from Saslgae. ef A A-' umPVa oa Saturday. March 24.9 a. at the office ol the company, 1111 ballsbury lor election of directors and an mh th.i may come before tbe company.

IU .1 I I muarovfl, secretary. OFFICE of tha BoHhomtae Realty n.e. cor. 8th and Chestnut bt Louis, Mo. Notice Is a meeting of the stockholders of the Bonhomme Realty Co.

will be held for the purpose of voting on the nronmltlnn of HtulntiA. aad there to be submitted, at the office of tbe company, northeast corner ol Eighth and Chestnut streets. City ot St. Louis. State of Missouri, on Thursday, tbe eighth day of March.

Ia94, at tbe hour oi nine (9) o'clock a. m. WM P. NELSON, President. OTTO L.

MEKSMAN. Secretary, M. B. DWYER. 302 All of the Directors.

OrriCE of Forest Park Realty nartheast corner 8th and Chestnut St. Lonis. Mo. Notice is beraby given that a meeting of the stockholders of tbe Forest Park Realty Co. for tbe elec tion of directors and the transaction ot such other baslness as may come before It will be beld at tbe office of the company, northeast corner 8th and Chestnut streets.

In the city of St. Louis, on Tbursday. the eighth (8th) day of March, 1S94. at the hour of nine (9) o'clock a. m.

sam. ai. HKSSA.KI), lce-rresiuent. OTTO L. MERSMAK.

(secretary. 301 block holders. QT. LOUiS. Feb.

26. 1894. be annual meeting of if the t'anrieventer Avenne the stockholders of the Railway Co. will be held at tbe office of tba com pany, on the northeast corner of Fourth and olive streets, in tbe City of St. Louis.

oa Tuesday, Match 13, 1894, couvening at 9 o'clock a. for Ibe eleetlon of directors and tiie transaction nf suck other business as may properly come be ore said mantle riiwiu'iw ulllTiWt'R Vice-President. James Adkins, Secretary. 348 TyrOTICE OE ANNUAL MEETING Office of Meyer i.1 Bras. Drug Co.

The annual meeting of the stockholders ol Meyer Bros. Drug Co. for the election of Directors and tbe transaction of such other ousiuess as rosy come before it. will be beld at the Office of the eotlinanv at the enrnr of 4rh at. atil Clark St.

Louis. on Saturday. March 10. F. G.

MEYER, President. Gr st A vis G. WSTEK, secretary. Bt. Louis.

Feb. 27, 1894. 3S2 A MEETING of the stockholders ot the Baden St. Louis Railroad Co. will be held at the olfiee of Smith P.

Gait. 414 Olive st lo the city ot St. Louis, on Tuesday, March 13. 1894. at 9 o'clock a.

for the election of five directors to serve one year, or until tbeir successors are chosen. GEO. 8. CASE, President. E.

II. Wanoblin, Secretary- 358 ST- LOUIS, Feb. 21, 18Q4, office of the Union Railroad St Louis, stockholders' meeting The annual meetlag of Ihe stockholders of the L'alen Bailroad Co. for tne election of seven (7) directors to serve for tbe ensuing year, and for the transaction ef such other business as may be legally hrougnt before tbe meeting, will be held at the office of the company. No.

3820 Easton tn tbe city of St. Louis, ou Tuesday, March 1894. 9 o'clock a. m. D.

G. HAMILTON, t. C. S. DrrrY.

Secretary. 292 QT. LOUIS, Feb. 21, 1S94- -Office of tlw Northern kj central Kallway St Louis. Mo.

Stock holders' meetiag The annual meeting orvthe stock holders of the Northern Central Railway Co. for Ihe election of seveu (7) directors to seria for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business' as mav be iegallv brought before tl.h meeting will be beld at tbe office of the companr, 3820 Easton avenHe, In the city of St. Louis, on Tuesday, March ii, lSji, at 9 o'clock a. in. D.

G. HAMILTON, President. C. N. Dt-'FFy Secretary.

21 ST. LOUIS, Feb. 21. 1894. Offlce of tha Citizens11 Railway bt.

Louis, Mo. Stockholders' meeting The animal meeting of the stockholders ol i he Citizens' Kallway Co for the election of seven (7) oireccors to serve for tho ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may be legally brought before the meeting, wilt be beld at tlje ofllce or tlio company. No. Easton in the citv of St. Louis, ou Tuesday, March 6.

1894, at 9 o'clock a. m. D. G. HAMILTON.

President. C. N. Dt'FFY, Secretary. 295 ST.

LOUIS. Mo. Feb. 21. 1804.

-Office of the Cass Avenne and Fair Grounds Railway Company. St. Louis. Mo. StoL'xholdors' ieetlng The annual meeting of stockholders ef tha Cass Avenue and Hair Greunds Railway Company, for the election of seven (7) directors to serve for the ensuing year.

and for the transaction nf such other business as mav be logaliy brought before the meeting, will be held at the ofltce of tno company. No. 3820 Easton avenue. In the city of St. Louis, on Tuesday, March 6.

1894, at 9 o'clock m. D. G. HAMILTON, President C. N.

DrFFY. secretary. 293 TyjOTICE By direction of the Board of Directors a is meeting of the stock holders of the Nashville Sprinkling Co. will take place at the office of the Company, In the cltv of St. Louis, on Friday, March 2, 1894, at the hour ot nine (9) o'cleek, for the purpose of determining whether the eompany sbail sell its assets, appiv the proceeds thereof upon the shares el stock of the stockholders and take measures for dissolving tbe corporation, and lor such other business as mav come beforo the meet lng.

P. GORKY. President. A. C.

Secretary. ct T. T.OTTIB. Feb. 17.

1SQ. The annual meetlag ot ij tbe stockholders of the Lladell Hallway Co. will he hold at tho ollice of the company oa the nartheast corner of Fourth and Oiiva streets, in the City of st i.nnu. M.I.. on Monday.

March 5. 1894. eon- for the election of live directors and the transaction af such Other baslness as may properly come before said meetinv. nv riis HITAKER. President.

Jawer Auxins. Secretary. 263 C0MMISSI0NEB3' BALES. fWMMISSIONEK'9 SALE-By authority of an order order ot sale made bg the Ircttit Court, city of 8:. Louis.

Missouri, iu an action for partition. wnereiu H. 1 ranklin Jones is plaintiff and u. w. Hospes and Theresa B.

Hespes, minors, are defendants, I will, on SA 1 URD AY, MARCH 3. 1894, between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m.

of that day. at the east front door or the Court-house, In said city ot St. Louis, sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for rash, the following described real estate in city block 4733 ot said cltv, to-wit Lots 9 and 28 of the Conn ty Farm Subdivision, said lot 9 having a front of 1''0 feet on Arsenal stroet. bv a depth of 200 feet. and lot 28 having a front of 100 feet oa Kemper Park by depth of 200 leet.

CHARLES K. JONES. 239 Special Commissioner. OAML'KL BOWMAN' vs. the Western Distilling kj Company et in the Circuit court, city oi t.

Louis: To the creditors of the Western Distilling Company; You hereby notifled that the Circuit court, citv of St Lonis. has appointed the under' signed commissioner and referee to hnar, determine aud allew all claims and demands agaiust the Vt est em Distilling Company. and against the estate'ln tho Hauls ot tue receiver mereof, famuei jiowman. Aim said court, bv Its onlor entered in the above entitled cause, on the 23d day of ebruary. If 94 did order that all creditors of said corporation, the Western Distilling Company, appear and present tbeir claims to the undersigned commissioner and releree at his offlce.

No. Id North 4th street, tt. Louis. oa or before Monday. April 2.

18S4 aod thit all Creditors who fall to present their claims and demands within said time, shall be forever precluded and barred frem participation ta the assets of said corporation in the hands of Samuel Bowman, receiver. And it was further ordered by said Court that said Commissioner and Referee, within five days from Feb. 13, 1894, give pnbllc notice for fifteen davs In the St. Loais Post-Dispatch, and by circulars mailed to all known creditors ol said estate of the time and place of pmantlng and allowauce of their claims anu uemaniis, anu oi me lima wnun wuitu aaiu claims must be presentee. You are further notified that at 10 o'clock s.

tn on Thursday, March 15, 1894. at my ollice. No. in N. 4th street, St.

Louis. I will proceed to bear, determine and allow claims and demands against said corporation. the Western Distilling and that ail claims against said corporation not pre sented te me lor allowance at saia Eiace, on or be fore Monday. April 2. 1894.

will be forever barred from partial pation In the assets of said corporation in the hands ot samuei oowman, neceiver. FORD SMITH, Commissioner and Referee. St. Lonis. Feb.

27, 1894. 354 PARTITION SALE By Special Commissioner in the Circuit court. City ot HI. Louis, Htate nf Missouri. Burses estate, a eorporatlon, plaintiff, ftrArri A.

Pratte et defendants. (Case No. 60,019, reom No 2). Notice Is hereby given that by authority of a decree In partlon aad order of sale, made by tbe Clrealt Court of tne City of St. Louis aad State of Missouri.

In tbe above entitled causa on tba 7th day of June, A. D. 1893. which order of tale was renewed by laid court on the 6th day ot February. 1694.

tbe undersigned, special Com. missloner appointed by laid coart to make iuch sale. wl' MARCH S. 184. between the hours ol 9 o'clock In tbe forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and during the session of tbe Circuit Court of tne City of re.

Loais. la said State, at the eaat front door of tbe ourt-bouse In said City of St. Louis and State of Missouri, sail at public ven due, to the highest blsder. and subject to the approval ot said Circuit Court of the City ot St. Lonis, the following described lot er tract of land situated in tbe City nf St.

Louis and State of Missouri, to-wit: All that lot ot gTonnd or parcel of land lying In block number oae hundred (100) et tha lily of St. I.ouls. Mlssoarl, baring a front ol eighty seven feet six inches (S It. mere or less, on tha east line of Broadway (formerly Fifth by a depth of one hundred and twenty-seven leet six Inches (127 ft. 6 in.) on the south line of Olive steeet; bnnnded west by liroadway.

north by Olive street, east bv an alley, ana south by land now er lormeriy oi Bredetl. Terms ot sale Ons-faarth easli and the balanee In one. two and three years, tbe deferred payments to be secured hy deed ef trust on said property, and to bear Interest at the rate of per cent per annumt tbe purchaser to have the privilege of paring ene-tbird rasb and the baiaace In one and two years, or all cash, by electing sa to do before the approval ei tbe sale by tbe court. JAMES E. KAIMk, Special commissioner St.

Lonis. Mo. Feb. LICTI01I NOTICES. tILECTION NOTICE Dardenne Aasne aad Fish Clab.

St Louis. Feb. 24. ly-ietce annual eiecnoa TManVe o-i- I rcldenl. I r.

D. BiTTKaUt. beeietary. nT 1 SB) fa thaat til Dardenne Game and Fish Club for the will be held at the Commercial Bank, n(fm' dfkS." cif JET Sea tf Cox. F.

MATftCT. Secret arv. I "I FCTION NOTICE Mount Ollire Dslry St. ia lis 'eh. 2i.

I Midi- rneeil'" tbe c. 14 H. lotS oa the -h flf sVaMf-ll nT HHfPI" ttempt to Hold Up a Santa Pa Pas senger Train in Kansas. THE DA5GEB SIGNAL 8ZT IS THE KID' DUE OF TEE TSACK. Engineer McNeil Was Suspicious an Opened the Throttle A Thcrcngh Searoh cf the Vicinity by a Pons Da velcperl No Clsw The Would-Ee Hob- bers Fivs In Hunsbw.

HuTCHiKoir. Feb. 27. An attempt was made last night to hold up the east-bound Santa Fe passenger train at the Rock Island crossing, one mile east of this city. A red light was swung la front of the ap proaching train and then left in the middle of the track.

Engineer McNeil, suspecting something wrong, opened the throttle and put on full speed. Word was sent to this city from Kent and a posse was at once organized and a thorough search of the vicinity instituted, but no traces of the men could be found. Engineer McNeil reported that the men were five la number, wore no masts and from all appearances were ordinary tramps who were green at the job. For Attempted Burglary. Springfield.

Feb. 27. Ex-Deputy County Auditor R. H. Lowman was arrested this morning at New Carlisle for attempted Burglary.

He was found crouching under a lot of old clothes In Mrs. Malloy's residence. Crime In Frlef. Eleven saloon keeper were fined $100 eeh at ftalesburg. 111., for selling liquor on Suna.ay and Cve (amblers were given floes of from S10 to tau lor dying tbeir vocations, A great deal of Interest Is being shown in the trial of K.

T. While and H. W. Hoerath at Nebraska City. Neb who are charged with libel for haying huui In effigy Secretary Morton anil his son Carl.

Thomas J. Wood, ox-President or the Ninth National Hank of Dallas. Tex. was yesterday acquitted lu the T'nite States Court of the charge ot embezzling J31S.000 of the bank's money. Th citizens of St.

Joseph. Mo. have formed an anti-ehlckea thief society anil are laying la a stock of spring gnus, bear traps anil other contrivances. IGNORE THE HOUSE. The E.

3. Map at the Inblf Improve-mciit Committee. The I'oard of PubUc Improvement took occasion to Hre a shot this morning at the Committee on Public Improvements of tlie House of Delegates. The Commlttse on Streets of the board recommended the approval of about twenty streets and alleys for reconstruction and the board 'approved but Instead or sending them to the House of Delezates first, as has been the custom, they were ordered to be niamed Council bills and torwaraed to that body for passage. The action was evidently the result of the hold up" methods now being practiced hy the House Committee, which has scores of similar bills before It on which It has taken no action.

The members of that committee will not only loot upon this as a breach of custom, which is. In their opinion, uncalled for. hut also an open ship at them tor presuming to send back to the board a bitch of ordinances tor amendments. The board hopes for plainer Balling in the Upper House, but as rh hiua mint ultimately come to the House Delegates ana pass through the committee's hands. tue delav taetiC3 may be resorted to again with a vengeance.

As the members ot the committee are at present In Louisville gathering pointers on vitrified brick tlieir opinions on this action of the B. P. I. could nut be obtatued. Fitcp Telford Pavlrg.

A large meeting of Easton avenue propety owners was held in the comrolttee-room of the House of relegates this morning for the purpose of determining the kind of street to ba laid on that thoroughfare irom Union avenue to the western city limits. Mr. Adam OffensteinS was mauo Chairmen and Mr. John G. Favist.

secretary, the chairman stated the object of the meeting and Delegate W. C. Kelly explained the situation as renaras the Hoard of Public Improvements. He said the board had concluded to order the street improved and was willing to recomend any kind of pavement that met with the approval of the majority of property owners. Secretary t'nust lavored an asphalt street with granitoid sidewalks, but many ot the property owners considered this too expen- Upon a vote being tfiUen It was found that the majority favored a common Telford street with granitoid sidewalks.

The action of the meeting will be reported to the Board of Public Improvement. Street Rcorstractlon Ordered. The Board of Public Improvements held a meeting this morning and approved ordin ances to reconstruct Easton avenue, from Grand to Spring avenue; Seventh street, frnm iTnntiin to Cass avenue, and Van Chester avenue, from alley In city block 1720 toConipton avenue, wiin grunne uiutu u.i sand foundation, and also to reconstruct fourteen dlflerent alleys with granite on concrete foundations. A public hearing was given the property-owners on Easton avenue, from King's lilgU-u a in tiiA r-itv limits. There were no re monstrances filed against Improvements, the differences Ceing as to the una oi paveiuem tobelnt.l.

Capt. McCulloch of the Cttleens Kallway Co. appeared before the board and stated that the company was ready to go ahead at once with the work of laying the tracks, but If there were any Immediate nrnciiort nf tim street being Improved they tbouehttt preferable to wait tor the estab lished grade. He was luformed that the board had concluded of its own motion to order the Improvement at ones. A recess was then taKen until noon, when bids were opened for the two sprinkling contracts which were thrown up by Joseph Webber, who claimed he had bid too low.

Weak Mentally and Physically. Ilenry Lange, 21 years of age, who came here from Campbell Hill, 111., and was a patient at St. John's Hospital, was taen before Dr. Priest this morning on suspicion of being Insane. He was found to be very weak.

Doth mentally and physically, but Ir. Priest thinks that Inasmuch as the man did njt belong to this State he should be sent bark home and not retained hereto become a burden on the city. He was sent temporarily to the City Hospital. ABOUT TOWN. Liqi-or Without a Ltcbksk.

Charles Meyer and Frank dud ware held tor the tirend-tury yesterday by United States Commls-aiener Crawford for selling liquor without a license. Boy Hex Ovfh. Edward "Math, an 8-year-old boy living at 3523 Arkansaaavenue. was knocked down and run over bv a horse attached to a covered waton occupied by three unknown men. The accident occurred at Hie Oravois avenue crossing, and the right teg wai very badly braised.

Mf.t With an Accident Hernard Haley, years old and livlairat 203 Scbirmer street, was found lat night In troct ot 7905 South Broadway with a sprained lett lex, which he eialtned to have sustained by atepplng on an Insecure cellar door at above address. It was ascrrtalnd. however, that Haley had etumbied aad in tliatfall received the Injury Boaru or Hr.AiTH Vattiihs. The Board ot Health held a meeting yesterday afternoon and decided to permit two nurses St. Luke's Hospital lo serve at the Female, llespital to increase their emcteney.

1 hey are to receive no salary. Jacob Svheetfer appointed assistant enaineer at the Insane Asylum and John W. brightly a re man at the Small-pox Hospital A lew wells war condemned and the board adjourned. THI CIRCUS Ownf.h MiRtTNO. Ten musicians end a (roup of rlrcaa performers are anxloas to dud James Cornelins, who opened a winter circus al Ceutral Turner Hall Bandar Unlit, lie secured Ills musical and acrobatic talent In t.

Loais aud had a large crowd at the initial performance. Id the rutddlrof the programme the loader vt the banu went la search ol Cornelias to receive His par otit of the box-oejee receipts. He learned thai Cornelia had departed with a satchel la bis hand. The band leader aad bis laen let the arena at one aad the oapefiT disbanded jrosterday moralaf. BANE STATEMENTS.

Official Statement of the AMERICAN EXCHANGE BASK at St. State of Missouri, at the Close of Business on the 20th Daj of Febuary, 1S94. RESOURCES. Loans anddlseounts undoubtedly good on personal or collateral security. SI, 655, 667 90 Loans and discounts undoubtedly good on real estate security Overdrafts by solvent eostomers 19,122 4S United States bonds on hand Other bonds and stocks at their present cash market price 2,200 00 Real estate at present cash market value 126 6 Furniture and fixtures Due frem other banks, good on sight draft 189.760 40 Checks and other cash Items 140,411 92 National bank notes, lefal tender United Mates notes and gold and silver certificates 350.529 00 Gold coin 169 00 Silver coin 2.543 60 Total.

94 Li ABILITIES. Capital steck paid In 500.000 00 Surplus fundson hand 347. 923 83 2C5.262 77 1.159.309 39 H7.021 95 Deposits subject to draft at sight by banks and bankers. Deposits subject to draft at sight by Individuals and others Desoeits subject to draft at givea dates Bills payable and bills raiiiscounted Total $2,359,521 94 State of Missouri. City of St.

Louis, ss. We. Peter Nicholson. President, and Walker Hill. Cashier of said bank, each of ns.

do sol emnly swear that the above statement is trae to the best of our knowledge and belief. PETEK NICHOLSON. President. WALKER HILL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of February, A.

D. 1994. Witness my hand and notarial seal the date last aforesaid. (Commissioned and qualified for a term expiring Sov. 14.

1897.) rEYTOR T. CABR, Notary Public Correct Attest: EPHROX CATLIX. SAM M. KENS ARD, ALVAH MAKSlR, Directors. ASSIGNEE BALES.

ASSIGNMENT OF FRERICKS DEDEIK Notice is hereby given that until March 8, 18S4. the undersigned will receive sealed bids for the purchase, fer cash, of the remaining stock of groceries and merchandise conveyed to him by said assignors, and that if said croceries and merchandise Da not uisposea ox oinerwise xne stme win do as pebiie auction, for cash, in lots to suit purchaser on SATURDAY. MARCH 10, beginning at 10 o'clock a. ill at the premises. No.

1201 cuth peventti street, frt. Louis, Io. The said greceries and merchandise can be seon at the above named premises. All bids to be addressed to the unJersIrnotl and deposited in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. M.

Louis, Mo. Bids will be openod Marah at 12 o'clock, and will be subject to the approval of the Circuit Court The right to reject all bids is reserved. GEORGE H. Wr.TTERAU. S50 Assignee of Frericks Dedeck.

AnawriT- 11 Cureai I promptly, without addition- treatment, all recent or chronic discharges of the urinary oreans. J. ierre, (aurcessor 10 uror. Pharmacien, Paris. Sold by drug-frists hronghont the "United Statea.

Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. TYeaknes, Nervonsness, ui'Diiii atria ine ot evils irom early errors or later excesses, tee results ol iverwork. sickness, worry. etc. and tone given to organ aad por'iou I ural methods.

Immedi- Ui ate improvement seen. are impossible. 2.000 references. Look. explanation and proofs mailed taealed) free.

ERIE MEDICAL Buffalo, N.Y. 4 i i i 4 i i A Little Schoolmaster The Children have recently discovered and fallen in love with, is the is attentive to their wants. It teaches them what is good. It tells them how to be good. It interests them with true stories.

It instructs them how to be useful. It gives new ideas every week. It aids in gaining an education. It is published every Sunday with the Sunday Post-Dispatch. Young America's News Budget.

VIBOR MEN Faih uflflH' 1 a Hp purpose oi satisrvini; seiu ueea oi rust. THOMAS F. FARKtLLY, Trustee. St. Louis, Feb.

21, 1894. 300 W'HEREAS, the St. Louis Agricultural and Me-tv chanical Association, a corporation, duly organized aad exlstiug under the laws of the Mate of Missouri, by Its certain deed of trust, bearing date the first dav of August. 1S90. and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for the city of St Louis.

in book number 964. beginning al fiage 542, conveyed to the undersigned the foliow-of described real estate, situate, lying and being in the city of St. Louis and Stare of Missouri, thst Is to sar: First, All that tract or parcel of ground, located In the City of St. Lenis. In the Stale ot Missouri, and described as follows: Commencing at the Intersection of the west Hue of Grand avenue with rwe northern Hue of the 'aturai Bridge road, running whence northwardly, vtth the west line of Grand avenue, feurteeu hundred and seventy-four feet and eleven and one-fourtb Inches (1.474 ft ID In.) to Kossuiii aveuae; thence westwardly.

along the southern line of ivossuth avenne, thirty-eight hundred aud ninety-six feet end two and three-feurttis Incite. n.S'Jd ft- -li in) te Fair avenue: thence, ou thwaroly. along the eastern fine of Fair avenue, fourteen hundred and sixty-four feet and six Inches (1,404 It. In.) to the Bridge road: thence, eastwardly, along the northern Hue ot said Natural Bridge road, thirty-eight hundred and ninetv-slx feet and two and three-fourths Inches (3.SVH ft. Vt in.) to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and thirtv-one acres and forty-six hnndredtht of an acre (161 4d-100)bethe same more or lets.

Second, Also all that tract or parcel of ground located In the City ot St. Louis, State of Missouri, and described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Norrherm line of Margaretta avenue witn the western line of Fair aveaoa, and running thence westwardly, with the northern line of Margaretta avenue, two hundred and twenty-four feet (224 ft. thence northwaidlv along the eastern Una of land belonging tO the Schools of tne Clly ol St. Louis, and parallel to Fair avenue, one buudrad and sixty feet (lt) ft- thence westwardly. aloug the northern line of an aliev twenty feet (I'O ft.

wine, two handred and thirty-nine feet (239 thence southwardly, and parallel with Fair avenne. ten feet (10 thenea westwardly, and parallel to Margaretta avenue, foer hundred and slxty-t ro feet (4C2 ft.) to Red Bud avenue; tnence. northwardly, along the eastern line ol Red Biui avenae three hundred and nlnety-tw-i feet (392 ft.) te tiie northern line of Anderson and Deaderlck's thence east-wardlv al ong the northern line of said subdivision nine hundred and twenty-fire feet (925 ft.) the western line ef Fair avenue; thence sentbwardiy along the western line of Ftir avenue live hundred and forty-three feet and four inches (513 ft. 4 in.) to the place of berinninz, and containing nine acres and five hundredths of an acre (9 5-100), be the same more or less. AH the said tracts or parcels of land Hereinabove describee being and constituting the property generally known as the fair Grund and the grounds upon which the stables of the said St.

L.onls Agricultural and Mechanical As3.ociation.4iavo been erected i and whereas said conveyance was made to the undersigned to secure the payment of certain bonds and interest coupons therein described: and, whereas, certain of said interest coupons tn said doed ot trnst described, have become duo an have remained unpaid for the space of more than thirty aavs. attor the same were due anil payable, and thereby, according to the provisions of said deed ol trust, ail of the coupons and bonds, therein described, have become due and payable. Now therefore, by virtue of tne power of sale conferred upon pie by said deed of tru6t, at the request of the legal holder of said Interest coupons so due and remaining unpaid as aforesaid, and in pursuance of the terms of said deed of trust. I will offer the above described real estate for sale, at public venduo, te the highest bidder, for cash, at the east front doof ol the Conrt-hoase, In the Citv of St. Leuls.

Mis- THURSDAY, THE 5TI1 DAY OF APRIL. 1894, between the hours of 10 o'clock In tie foreuoen and 8 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, for the pur-reses of said deed of trust. CHARLES PA RSONS. TrPStcw APPOINTasEHI JJFjtXJiCOTOKS. TESTATE of Augusta Hoitcamp.

Deceased Notice JlJ is hereby giveu that letters testamentary on tho estate of Augusta Hoitcamp, deceased, were granted to the uuderign9d li oirt of ci.y ol St. Louis, ou the 15th day of FeDruary, 18J1. All persons having claims against said eitato are required to exhibit same to the nndersigued for allowance, within one year after the uate of said letters, or they mav be precluded from any benetlt nf said estate, and if said claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, thej will be forever barred. iiato'l, this l-th iayof February? 1S94. CHARLES W.

HOLTCAMP. 77 Exhcutor. ESTATE OF EDWIN B. SHERZER, DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary the estate ot Edwin B.

Slierrer. deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of the City ot Su Louis, on th 12th day of February, having claims against said estate are re-qnired to exhibit the same to tba undersigned for allowance within one year after the date of said letters or they mav be precluded from any benefit of said ctate. and If siioh claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, they will be forever barred. Dated this 12th dav of February, 1894 244 ELIZABETH Nf. SHKK2H.R, Executrix INSTATE of William Figge, Deceased Notice 'j is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of William Figge.

deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of the city St. Louis ou the 31st day of February, 1894. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any )onefit of sain estate, and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication ther will be forever barren. Dated this 21st day of February, 1694. 360 WILLIAM WRIEDEN, t-xeootor.

TESTATE of Morris Hoffmann, Deceased Notice is li hnrnhT clren that letters testamentarv or. the es tate of Morris Hoffmann, deceased, were granted ta the undersigned by tne Probate Court of the City of St. Lonis, on tne am neoruary, isy4. A'l persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to tho uaderslgned tor allowance, within one year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benelit of said estate, and if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date af this publication thev will be forever barred. Dated this 2th day of Febuary.

1994. 361 AUGl'sTE HOFFMANN, Executrix. TESTATE of William Dickinson, deceased Notice Jj Is hereby given that letters testamentarv on the estate of William Dickinson, deceased, were granted to the anderslgned bv the Probate Court ot the City of St. Loais. on the 14tli day of February.

1894. All persons haviag claims ag.ilnst said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance within ono year after the date of said letters, or tney may be precluded from any benelit ot said estate, and if sncb claims lie not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication, thev will be forever barred Dated this 14th day ot February, 1S94. OsCAIt L. WIHTELAW. 28H Executor.

INSTATE OF WALLACE It. PKKKY. DKCK AfKD Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Wallace R. Perry, deceased, were granted ta the undersigned by tho Probate Court of the City of St. Louis, on the 19th day of February, 1891.

All persons having claims against said estate are reqatred to exhibit tba same to the undersigned icr allowance, within one tear after the date ot said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit from said estate, and 11 such claims be not exhibited within two years from the data ot this publication, they will be forever bar rid Dated this 19lh day of February js-u MARYT. lty Fxccntrlx. Bright Freati from tua inintj Havr for sale In any qaantfty Faaaltt tb counting rooiajol tiiti fog-Dispatch. 'l niBir.r, nereas, nenri or his certain deed ot trust, dated the th day of Julr, lMlii, and recorded in the offlce of the Recorder of Deeds for the city of St. Louts, in book 9H0, page 542, conveyed to the undersigned true-tee, with other property, the following described property: A tract of ground In United States survey No 37S, more fallv described as follows: Beginning ac a point tn the west line of Da Balivere avenue, extended northwardly distant 210 feet south of tho south line of Delmar avenne; thence westwardly parallel with Delmar aveuue: Twelve liundrod and ten (1210) feet and eight (8) inches more or less, to the west Hue of property acquired by Collins from Donovan by deed recorded In the office of Recorder of Deeds tor the Citv of 8t.

Luols, In book 623. at page S3 therein, southwardly along said west line. Seven hundred and twenty-eight (7-8) feet and ten (10) inches to tne south line of property acquired by said deed; thence easlwardly along said seutn line twelve hundred and ten (1210) leet aud eight (8) inches, more or less, to the west line of De Balivere avenue, extended northwardly: thence northwardly along said west Hdc of avenue, ssvsn hundred and twentv-eight (72.) fees and ten (10) inches, more or less, to the place-ol beginning which said conveyance was in trust to secure tbe pavment of certain notes In said deed described and whereas, one of said notes is now due and payable and remains unpaid; now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder af laid notes, and tn pursuance of the terms of said deed, I will offer said property lor sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, at public vendue, at the east frontdoor of tho Courthouse, in tba city of bt. Lotils, between tbe hours of lo o'clock a. m.

and 4 o'clock p. tn. of MONDAY. THE 12TH DAY OF MaKLH, 1S94. for the purpose of said trust.

-n ir tl-u n- it- i 1 i i totM .1 N. B. A deed of release was given for the southern one-third part of above described property on payment of a portion of said indebtedness. 201 rpursTEK'S SALE-Whereas, William O. Cootie.

trustee, and Arzelia Cooke, now more than nine months desd, and Ullam O. Cooke, her husband, by their certain deed ot trust, dated the 28th day of June. and duly recorded in the Recorder's Ollice of the Citv of St. Louis, Missouri In bonk No. 949 at page 555, conveyeo.

to Frank E. Hlchey the following described lot of ground in the Cltv of St. Lonis, Missouri, to wit: Lot No. Seven (7) of Schuyler's Subdivision and In Block No. 1813 of the Citv of St.

Louis having a front ot twenty-nve (25) feet on trie North line of Caroline street by a deprn of One Hundred and Twenty-Eve (125) feet (more or less) to an alloy firteen (15) feet wide, on which lot Is the bri'-R dwelling No. 2751 Caroline st. Which said conveyance was in trust to secure the a certain note or obligation therein described, and ot certain monthly payment of dues, iikterost and premium, therein described; and whoreas said note Is due anil unpaid, and said dues, interest and premium is due ami unpaid, and default has beoa made therein for more than the space of six (0) months. ow therefore at the request of the legal holder of said note or obligation and in pursuance of the terms and conditions ot said deed of trust, norice is hereby given that on TUESDAY. MARCH 20.

1894. between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m.

a.t the east front door of the Court-house, in the city of St. Louis and State of Missouri, tha nn-dersigtied trustee will sell at public vendue or outcry, to the highest bidder, tor cash, the above described property, for the purposes of said trust. FRANK E. KICHEY. Trustee.

St. Louis. Doc. 19. 1393.

269 TRUSTFES' SA.LE Whereas. Isaac Markison, trustee of Elizabeth, Sarah Markison and Ell7.a-, both, s-arali Markison and Isaac Markison, her bus-bsna, by tlioir certain deed of trust, dated Dec.f27, 1SS0, and recorded iu book. 643, at page 227. of Hie St. Louis city records, conveyed to the undersigned the following described real estate, situated in the city of St.

Louis and State cf Missouri, to wit: cot No. 2, in bloek No. 4 of Mallincarodt's addition to said city of St. Louis, said lot havlna a front ot 20 feet on the east line of Bellefontaine road by a depth eastwardly ef 133 feet end 3 inches to an alley; bounded uorth by lot No. 3, cast by said allay, south by lot No.

1 and west by Bellefontaiae road, which conveyance to the undersigned was made ta secure tiie payment of certain notes in said deed described. And whereas default has been made in the payment of the principal note together with the Interest accrued thereon. Now therefore at the request cf the legal holder of sa Id note and In pursuance ot the terms of said deed. I will on WEDNESDAY THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH. 1894.

at the east front door of the Court-house In said City ot St. Louis, between the hours of 10 o'clack a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in sell said property at public vendue or outcry, to tne highest bidder far cash, to satis fysald note, and cos: of executing this trust.

GEOhGE M. KEELEY. Trustee. St. Louis, Feb.

13, 1894. 243 TRUSTER'S SALE. hereas Rees H. Jones and Sarah J. Jones nis wile, by deed dated Mav 2d.

1S91. and recorded in book 1006, page 500, of St. Louis cltv records. -convered to the undersigned the following described real estate situated in the city of St. Louis aud State of Missouri, to-wlt: A lot of ground in city block 286, fronting eighty (80) feet on toe east sine or mcnigaa avenue by a deptn eastwardly between parallel lines ol 147 feet 11 Inches.

The southern line ot lot herein conveyed being (70) seventy feet five Incbes north of and parallel with the north line ot nates street. hlch conveyance to tbe undersigned was made tn secure the payment of a certain note herein described i And whereas default has been mado in tbe payment of the principal note. Now I will on SATURDAY, MARCH 3RD. 1894. at the east front door of the Court-beuse ta tha city of St.

Loulssell said property at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash between 10 a. m. aad 4 p. to satisfy said deet so secured. J- L.

HOHNSBY. Trustee. bt. Loais. Feb.

8. 1804. 219 rrRUSTEK'S SALE Whereas. Charles W. Heag, A py ins cervaiu umu oi trust, uateil 26111 dav of September, it-sil, and recorded In tha office of tho Kecorder ot Deeds tor the city st Mt.

Louis. In book 1045. Pge 140. conveyed to the undersigned, trustee, the following described real estate, being lot 62 in block 5 of Taylor Subdivision, In survey 3.300 anu iy or h. Jbouls and State of Missouri, having a front of twenty-live feet en tne east line ot lis reus avenue by a depth BIHwannj K3 icec wiue; which said conveyance was made la truss tn secure the payment ol eortain notes in said deed described; and whereas, oae of said notes Is past due and remains unpaid, now therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said and In pursuance of the terms of said deed 1 will offer said property for sale ior comi oi.

u.uMor si puuuc vendue at the east front door of tha Court-house in the citv otit. l.ouis. between the hours of 10 o'clock a in. and 4 o'clock p. m.

on tho 15tb day of Marcn 194, for tbe purpose of said trust. 329. JOHN MKMENAMY, Trustee. WHEREAS, by their deed of trust dated Ang. 13 1892.

and recorded In the office the Kecorder of Deeds of the city or St. Louis, la record bopk 1.095. at page 474. George N. Tmesdale and Caroline M.

Truesdale. his wife, coaveved to the oudersigned trustee the following described real estate, situated In St. Louis, silssoarl. lo-wlt: located In eliy block number thirtv-sevon hundred an-i twenty-nine (379. fronting fifty-one (61) feet on the south line of Evans avenae.

bv a death southwardly between parallel lines of one bandred and nttv-three (153) feet, to an alley filreeu (151 feet wide, being bouaded north br Ui sooth line ol Avans avenue, east by lot nasnber thirty-four (34), south by alley and west by lot aum-ber thirty-two (82) ot laid block No. 37,29, In trust, however, to secure tha payment nf their one principal note therein described, and whereas default bss been made In tba pymcnt ot said note, Now at tbe re qnest of tbe legal holder ef said note and deed of trust, I will, on MONDAY. MARCH 17. 1904. at tbe east front rieor of tbe Ceurt-honse.

In said city of Ss. Louts, between the boar of lo eVIeek a. m. and 4 o'clock p.m.. proceed to sell said property at paolie vendue or outcry, to tbe blgoeti bidder, for cash, to satisfy said trust.

HERMAN W. AY, Trustee. bt. LonM, fab. 20, 1894.

STATE OF MISSOURI, City of St. I.ouls. ss. In the Clrcu It Court, Itv of St Louis. February term, lit4.

Tuesday. February Into. 191. i May Griffin vs. dames Urlftin, (No.

1. April term, 1S94. Now at this day comes plaintiff bv attorney aad presents to the Court her petition, duly verified by affidavit, from which It appears that the defendant Is a non-resident of the Mate slissouri. and his whereabouts unknown to plaintiff; wherefore, on motion of plaintiff it is ordered that said defendaat be notified that a civil action has been commenced agaiust him. the object and general uatnre of which Is to obtain a decree divorce from the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant on the grounds that defeadant has been grillty of such cruel and taiuarous treatment of plaintiff as to endanger her life, acd has ol fered to her such indignities as to re ider her condition intolerable, and unless he appear at the term ot this Court, to be begun and held at the citv of St.

Louts, on the first Monday of April next, an 1 on or helore the third day thereof, answer he plaintiff's petition, the same will be taken against him as confessed. And it is further ordered, that a capv hereof be published according to law In the St. Louts l'ost-IMspatch. a newspaper printed and Published in the City of St. Louis.

A true copy from the record. Witness mv hand and seal of the Circuit Court. Citv of St. Louis, this 16tU dav of February. 1894.

fSeal of Court,) i'HILIF H. ZEI'P, 2o Clerk. CTAIE OF MISSOURI. City of bt. Louis, ss.

in IO the Circuit Court, City of St. Louis. February term, 181'4, Wednesday, 14th, 1894. Leua Shea vs. Wllliani J.

Shea. (No. 115. April term, 1S94. at tills dar comes plaintiff, bv attorney, and files a petition qniy verified by, from which it appears that the defendant is a non-resident of the State of Missouri.

nerefors. on motion of nlalntlri by attorney, it Is ordered that said defendant be notified that a civil action has been commenced againft htm. the ot'ject and general nature of which is to obtain a decree ol divorce from the bonds of matrimony ex isting between plaintiff and defendant on trie grounds that the defendant, wholly disregarding his duties as the husband of plaintiff, has willfully absented himself from tee abode ot plaintiff for the space of more than one whole year next prior to toe nung ox ine petision nerein, wjritoni a reasena-bte cause, find that defendant has failed to support plaintiff and their mlaor child, and unless be appear at the term of this Court to be begun and held at the lty ol M. l.ouis. on the tlrst ot April next, at4 on or before the third "day thereof, answer the plaintiff's petition, the same will be taken as con tested.

And It Is further ordered, that a copy be published according to law In the St. Louis I'ot liispatch. a newspaper printed and i-ubilshed in the City ot t. Louis. A true copy from the record.

Witness my hand and seal of the I Coart. City of St. Louis, this 15th day of Fchr iir, l-94. oi court. ritiLir" m.

itrr, ciera. Wsi. Bust BAttoraey. 21 STATS OF MISSOURI. City of St.

Lo tis. ss. In the Circuit Court, City of St. Louis. February term, 139.

Wodnesday, Feb ly. 1S94. Mansur Tebbetts Implement Co. vs. C.

Aultinsn corporation (95.Z5). It appearing from the enTJavit Iliel with trie petition herein that defendant is a non-resident of the State of Missouri, whose chief office or place of business is in the St tte of Ohio, therefore, on motion of plaintiff bv attornev it is ordered, that the dofon-uant oe notitte 1 that a civil action has been commenced aralnst it for the cam of S8.013.7S on ae-account of damages sustained hv reason of defective and imperfect threshers and engines sold by defendant to plaintiff under contract of sale, and that Its property has been attaohed; aud unless it appear at this term of this court, to be tiegun and held at the City of St. i.ouls, on the first Monday of April next, and on or before the ttird day thereof. answer to the action aforesaid, accordlag to law, judgment will be rendered azalast it, and its property sold to satisfy the saute. And it is further ordered that a copy thereof le punlishel according to law, in the St.

Louis Tost-Dispatch, a newspaper printed and published in the city of St Louis. A true copy from the record. Witness, mv hand and the seal of the Circuit Court, city of St. Louis, this JOth day of February. Ic91.

1M1ILH' II. ZiPP, Clerk. Seal of Court. 279 STATE OF MISSOURI, Citv of St. Louis, ss In the Clrcnit Cou rt.

City of St. Louis, February term, ll94, Tuesday, February 13, 1S94. Kd win D. Weary vs. The Ilenry Dibloe Company.

(95.2.U.) Attachment. It appearing from the petition herein veriiied by amdavit that the defendant is a non-resident of the State of Missouri, on motion of plaintiff by attorney, it is ordered that the defendant be untitled that a civil action has been commenced against It for the sum of six thousand elcht hundred dollars en account of an account stated between plaintiff end defendant, on December 1st. 1693, on which It was found and agreed by and between the said parties that there was due from defendant to plaintiff the balance of $6,800. which said balance defendant then and there promised to pay but which has not been paid, or any part thereof, and that Its property has been attached! and unlets it appear at the term of this court, to be begun and held at the City ot St. Louis, on the first Moudav of April next, and on er before the third dav theroof, auswer to tne action aforesaid, according to law, Judgment will be rendered against It aad its property sold to satisfy tne same.

And it is further ordered, that a copy hereof be ambushed according to law in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a newspaper printed and published in the City ot SI. Loais. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand aad the seal of the Circuit Court, city of St.

Louis, this 16th day of February. 1394. Seal Court 2S7 PHILIP ir ZEfr. Clerk. ASSIGNEE NOTICES.

Is hereby given that the undersigned, as-lv signee of the Haynes Kealty and Financial will, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the second, third and fourth davs of April, 1894, at hi office, 211 North Eighth street, in the city of St. Louis proceed publicly to adjust and allow demands agaiast the estate and effects ot his assignor, the said Uaynes Kealty and Financial Co. K. JONES. 3S4 Assignee Haynes Realty and Financial Co.

A' Kl; NOTICK-Notlce is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of the tilass-Uox 1 Igar Co. that O. J. Mudn, the assignee of said estate, will, on rnasday, the ymh day of March. 1894.

at room 713, Security Building, southwest corner fourth and Locust streets. St. Louis, proceed puallcly to hear, adjust and allow demands ana effects assigned to me by if" for the benefit of creditors, and will continue said hearing during two following dT- O. J. MUDD, Assignee of Glass-Bax Cigar Co.

St. Louts. Feo 7. '94. S57 JN MAI TEK of the Asslgnsaen of Frericks Ie-dect.

Notice Is hereby given that oeorge H. of the firm of Frericks Dederk. composed of Barnard H. Frericks and Joseph Dedeck. lias filed and exhibited to the Circuit Court.

City ol St. Loais. a statement ot the accounts of his trust to the February Term, 1S94. af said Court, together with aropei vouchers, and thatlsaid accounts will be allowed by said Court In Itoom No. 1.

on Friday, ttie Jd day of March, 1894, anless good causa to (he contrary ba shown. PHILIP H. ZKPP, 855 Seal) Clerk Icetilt Court. Citv of St Louis. CuMu's Spciiic Mixta With this rerr-edy persoas can cure themselves wi.uoni turn least expoeure, chaBfe ot ei.ii" la application te business.

Tne medicine caatoiaf Botning that te at the least Injury to tne Aaa ru AraaxlM lew U. frta tsatla 'i1S.

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