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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 7

Rochester, New York
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ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT ANT) CHRONICLE :5. 1363 r.urs Mothers Vigil ForWrongMan 'Most Dangerous Animal' Sign and Mirror at Zoo Cause Men to Reflect Savings Interest Controls Sought GATESHEAD, England I Told by police that her son 1 had been seriously injured in a car crash. Mrs. Mary Mc-N'ichol sped to a hospital and Democrat and Chronicle present $10,000. i limit would be lifted in favor Special Service The g.

Ls which hold an of a standbv procedure. WASHINGTON The Ken- estimated $80 billion in sav- The administration's carrot kept an all-night vigil at the neay aaminisiraiion oisciosea ings. lavor higher insurance Huuiiuuutuuii umiunu iui idtui ii i i-i I tiisuitfiii.Tr lovrarrsoairr KENNETH KEATING Critic of Our Cuban Policy Meet Sen. Keating of N. V.

neither a liberal nor conservative and an outspoken critic of our policy on Cuba. In May Reader's Digest youll find a revealing portrait of this leading statesmanwho believes we can turn the tide in the Caribbean without a war Gt May Reader's Digest now on lak. i bedside of a bandaged figure vpctprHav that it Men and women read the words, contemplated their images, and walked on with thoughtful expressions. The children? That was something different. Here is a sampling their remarks as they spelled out the sobering words: Who? Me?" Who savs I'm an animal?" in the accident ward.

thnntv in in the report of a toD-level When she went home the navmentc nn savinp? arrminic Manv cmaiw hankc Dresidential conimitfpp on next moming tO get SOme in Savings and loan astnria- strnntflv cnnnnH tho nrnnncal nrivato financial in.tnt.Anc sleep. Mrs. McNichol, found her son. Ken. 61.

20, CJ "'f. fvm uv.m. i v. i iliuii. tai Biiawi UltUltS tlons- But the L's are opposed issued earlier this week The authority, in the form to controls on the dividend took legislative form as hear- asleep in his bedroom.

I The man in the hospital as other pJrovisions for tight. as mh as 4.85per cent opened before the House is Dennis lucnardson. 31. npH forif banking and Currency Com- The man in the Dennis Richardson. was A friend of Ken.

he had bor- be requested from Congress Reserve Board regulations, mittee on a bill that would rowed an envelope from the next month as the price of banks mav pav out a maxi- do nothing but raise the in-outn to jot down some notes, white House support for an mum of 4 per cent on savings' surance ceiling on savings lie enxeiope, atter the acci- increase in the maximum fed- funds held one vear or accounts in both banks and dent, bore Mc.Nicnols name eral insurance coverage to longer. Under the White the home mortgage-writing and address. $25,000 per account from the House proposal, this str-ct L's. People have faith in Reader's Digest By JOHN G. ROGERS Democrat and Chronicle Special Service NEW YORK Thousands of 'the most dangerous animals in the world' filed through the Great Apes House at the Bronx Zoo yesterday and most of them paused for a brief look into a mirror.

They were people! Boys and girls, mostly, but some men and women. Right between the cage of Andy and Sandra, the orangutans, and that of Mambo, the lowland gorilla, this mirror was mounted on the wall. Across its face were bars so that the viewer saw his reflection as though he, too. were caged. And.

underneath the grave reminderi in capital letters: "You are looking at the most dangerous animal in the world. It alone of all the animals that ever lived can exterminate (and has) entire species of animals. Now it has achieved the power to wipe out all life on earth." The adults who read this message put there recently by the zoo administration accept it as a bit of a jolt. "They take it the way we want them to," said Joseph A. Davis curator of mammals, 'it gets them to stop and think that, in a manner of speaking, they're worse than tigers or gorillas or rattlesnakes." A tour of observation in the Great Apes House yesterday largely confirmed this.

ir "llsy, look at me, Hymie! I'm dangerous." Maw. when do we eat?" "I didn't come here to be insulted." "Joe, I always said you belong in a zoo." "What does exterminate mean?" "What is this? Some kind of a joke?" 'if I'm an animal, when do they feed me?" After the caption was explained to one little guy. he kept asking his father when they were going to remove the mirror so that he could see the most dangerous animal behind it. But. the prize had to go to a trio of teen-age boys in tight pants and those elaborate wavy hair arrangements.

Either they couldn't read or they didn't see the message. The sight of the mirror, however, produced an almost instant reaction. They whipped out their combs and put their hair in shape, ending up ith delicate pats with the palm of the hand and expressions of great admiration. 4i i OUR VERSATILE GLASS FIBERGLAS DRAPERIES It ir-1; BEAUTIFY EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE IT Army Nurses Chief Named Deserter Hides 15YearsinCellar PATRAS. Greece A who was given a death sent-soldier sentenced to death for deserting during a by Pittsburgh Plate Class WASHINGTON Lt.

Communist rebellion in 1948. Col. Mildred I. Clark, now at vpars sen a a ripsprtpr was found by police yesterday in believed San Francisco, has been named to become chief of a 4-tooi square cellar storeroom where he said he had hidden since 1948. Police identified the man as Aristides Pragalis, now 43, Police said only his sevens the Army Nurse Corps in brothers and their wives September, knew he was hiding in the She will be promoted to cramped storeroom under his colonel when she takes over home.

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