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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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1 "IP i AT LASTf AT It Has Come at Last Another lot of EXTRA DRY Imitation CHAMPAGNE Arrived Today hsiB the nmook that others Krim Brewing Co. IlELh PHONE OR5-J Mohnton National will add ft trust company's- business to with a capital of 1126,000, The Carbon County Supervisors' has elected County Commlsclonai John C. Schaefer, of Palmerton, president. U. S.

Army and Navy I Goods Sale Store 24 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET I' Another largo shipment of Army and Navy Good 8 Just ro- 0. D. Blankets; UreechoB; OvercoatB; Leather 0. D. Blankets; Breeches; Overcoats; Leather 3ttktos; Sheepskin Coats; Shoes and Boots at very low prices.

ivj del tho best for loss. 100 Dozen 0. D. Woolen Shirts at $1.95 OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 0 P. M.

Maw fSght for i CONDENSED STATEMENT of The Palmyra Bank Of Palftiyra, Pa. December 31, 1920. itA 1Y.AB/iiiB*f*f*a' IjllluilitlOS vcv A A rt ft JT Capital Stock 60,000.00 i ft wants 171,703.88 BurninKsUoBcrvGd jerve for Kuniinluro Ai Fixtures Deposits 957,678.11 114 Eggs A Day Now Instead Of 25 A Day Tills Mentis About $120 Kxtra Income Per Month for Mrs. llopp "I havci 200 lions, Including pul- lots not old cnouKli to luy. mid IJn.u Rolling to 3U day.

Then I irlcil ijon Sung nmi urn now gcvimt; lo 111 CKKB a JSsslo 11. llopp. it. 11. luil.

'J'hls Increase of 7 dozen a day in tho middle of winter, lit COc a dozi'ii, makes $liU extra liiL'umo per month. for her 20U Iio.ns cost auout it paid her, and we guarantee it will pay you. Givu your lions Don Sung arid watch rosultH for ono month. If you don't find that It puyB for It.solf and pays yuii a jcootl pront hcHldes, nlmply toll IIH and your money will bo clieiirfully refunded. Don Mimic (ChlnoMo for cwK-layiiiK) a Holontlllo tonic and conditioner.

It Is easily Blvi-n In Iho fnixl, Improves tlm IUMI'H lii-itllh and innjioH her Htrongor and moru iii'tlvo. It tones up tlio otrs- liiylnK and tho VKKa, 'io matler how cold or win ilia weather. Don can ho obtained promptly from your clruKKlit or poultry nunody dealer, or woiid (Incliifles war tax) for it pJiokiiKO by rnnll llurrntl- DuffBcr 21-1 Columbia ln- dlunnpollH. Ind. Mrs.

Pfautz to Speak This Evening In the Memorial U. B. Church An excellent meeting was conducted last evening at the Memorial U. B. church in the revival services now In progress In the church Many seekers of penitence ahe presenting themselves at the altar nightly.

Tke services will be conducted this eve nlng and will begin at 7:45 o'clock aaid Mrs. Piautz will apeak. Poison Gas Pistol A Now French for protection of Householder. The good citizens of Paris seem to have taken tho initiative 'In the war on which muet be fought In ordei to suppress the tidal wave of crj'iio that has swept almost all since the termination of hostilities and thb dlsbandment of largo armies. It has remained for some ingenious Frenchman to produce a poison gas pistol.

This little in-trument o. protection for the law cHlzou has been Inspired by war. It has the ad- Much of the choice dessert fruit niutago pu'ting an adversary hors guihorod lute In tho Beaton is spoilt JQ con Immediately, but without SAVE YOUR FRUIT the storing. There is still an antiquated idea abroad, that wtruw ia a good thing In which to htoro fruit, but this IB Kj-oat mistake. Dr.od bracken, or loaves ol LPO common fern, uro far aweoter than and when unob- tuinubla, nwvspupers may be uaed.

Whore there Is plenty of room ap- effectc 01 any kind. The gun liquid poisonous gas which, it strikes the bandit, put him to deep at onco. Afeam, If strikes -n bandit in the eyes It bltndt him several days. Tho handle of tne gun contains -lie HquUl poison, which Is compress with the aid of a bicycle pump ni READING THE NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS Of persons Who have used email for Indigestion and other stomach troubles? Well, you don't think they would stultify themeelres about the statements' they make, do you? Besides, they are on file as proof of the good faith of the publication of those by us. They Inform the public that TONALL Is a remedy, purely vegetable, compounded from Roots, Herbs and Barks and put on the market to sell to those Who are sufferers from the numerous ailments arising from a disordered stornnoh.

How long are you going to delay putting off the day when you can get the same relief, and restored to your good health? The time Is here now. Are you going to continue to suffer, or are you willing to decide on getting free from your suffering? i Tonall IB sold at Snavtly's Drug store, Lebanon, where the Tonall Chemist is explaining ltd merits. Fonnll is Also sold by all leading druggists in Lebanon County. ROBERTA mm P. AND R.

COMPANY AGENT AT FERN ROCK Announcement has been made by the Philadelphia and Heading Rai way of the appointment of Robert H. Seattle as agent at Fern Rock. Mr. Beattie fills the vacancy caused by the transfer of Howard W. Becker from Fern Rock to the position of traveling freight agent of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway and the Atlantic City Railroad Co.

UNCONSCIOUS IRONY AS the liner left 1he wharf at York the free and euldghtcn- American citizen heaved a sitjh of relief. "I guess I'll hav a hlgl- lipll," he said to the steward. "I guess not sir," replied the af- stewaid: "Why nor?" This is sir. not yet." saifl the 3 A. a British ship, isn't "The why can't I have a drftik? "We have not yet pnssed Hntuo Of Li'berty, sir," replied award.

London Post. tho tht, $1,186,006.09 EUGENE W. DOWMAN, Vice-Pros. 11 i tf V4 vil 1L4 UL and pears thould not touch It the owel end Qf tho hundl0t A11 one space Is limited, there shpuld not be uisto 8 tQ po ntt he gun (t U)e more than two or throe layers ol tnrget ttt a distance of not more-than pears on one shelf, they sot up decay 1Q feQt un( the triggeri whlch much more quickly than apples. roloasei) a hln st enm which ac- Very choice poarn should bo ban- unUe nt that range Tno (1 died as little us possible.

Ihoj mluh 0 onous gasOSi ddsarras should be tied with thin string at h(j buu(H American. tV.e stems, and suspended on separate nails whore tho air can pluy around thorn. Mnny of tho hilrdior varieties needing Poor Directors have ask- of peurw ripen well spread In single et Col an approprlauon of 175,000 layers between a blanUet or some lIUo material, but they should bo in- cp very short Intervals. Shelve? for'frviit-storlnu should be rando in ultxt.s but boxes (n which po- ui headquarters In Reading tritros nro sprouted do very well If or I IH thlity third convention of tliov uro thoronrhly clean. Tho ctore-room should be cool, well ventilated and ''ark.

If there must be a vMm'ow, th'a can cu Uy bo cov- nrod in. No wind-full or insect-bitten I fruit f.h'-iiVt p' In'n how-' over slight rVtiivgo. HtnIT on 'M-- and use It np aa oon aa The Stats Highway Department haa announced that the State highway from Nee-quehoninc to Lansford will bo built next summer. Charged by William Young with robbing him of $59, Mr. and Mt's.

Rudolph C. flush, of Pottstown, were held (or Court. Nipper, the White tionse wffl a new playmaW when the O. Ol P. elephant takes possession of Washington March, 4.

You can see by his expression that he Isn't sure whether he'd rather have the elephant or the departing donkey. However, he thinks he'll continue to live among the trees of the White Housa lawn. WILLIAM BARRY AND WIFE ANNOUNCE THE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr, and Mrs. William Barry, ot Church 'treets, announce the birth of a baby daughter, Lucille Emily, at the Lebanon Sanatorium on Tuesday morning. This is the first child in the Barry family and the paronts are receiving the con- gratulauons of their friends.

The proud father Is a plumber. TRANSGRESSION The yo'uthful Softlelgh. soeme'l to depressed that his friend lolgh was moved to ask the c.on "Alice has inent," saJd bro'ken our engage- he Of the d'owncaat look. "Sorry "to hear that," said "Sorry to' hoa that." said tlio "Why did she break it "Because I stole a kiss-" "What! A flancee object to follow stealing a 3 from her!" "The trouble was," Softleigh darned, didn't steal it from Post. News Want Ads Bring Results rein the Commissioners for yeai 1921.

Francis S. Blncls, of Philadelphia, the Jlartor Painters' and Puperers SABOTAGE Mother: You were very naughty to kick over the home your little ilgtep was building with her blocks. tittle Bobby: But, mother, I'm an I. and she couldn't ahow a membership card. TQ THE keeps from air, doesn't It?" prices." PIRATES WITHIN THE UAW HI: city privateers all we make, 81.

Yer mean Hiram. Hi: th dlff'runcef all plratea within th' law. Turks Prefer Bsads to Bread Bends aro more necessary than bread In the Levant. and children wear and c'rry beads to ward off 111 luck. Even tho horses and donkeys Uavo strands of beads aniout thoir necks to "luifflo tho evil eyo" and Uui horns of the work oxen are daoonitod with blue and while betul-: to keep them from falling prey to rtiaoisea.

In Athens, Constantinople, TiflU. Smyrna and other lilies of tho Lo- vun't men of till classes carry short strandis of fidget beads, which they piny with while walking in the street rtdin.sf in street cars and trains i us nervous men in the West finger i thoir watch chains. Head shops abound everywhere in the larger cit- kv and genera: stores and market stalls sell them in the smaller places. Peddlers hawk in the streets everywhere. Light colored amber beads of large sUo aro the Uitesit hinga in bead4 for women Meerschaum beads aro also popular," and for the moment plain of all sorts have displaced highly omate cawed beads of the type which Spriaus produce in great quantities for Washington Post, Palatable easily digested, thebeaj; foi? time is EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk KEEP WARM With One of Our Strictly' First-Class PELESS FURNACES We guarantee you to save J25.00 to $75.00 (according to size) on every Furnace bought of us.

You may never again have an opportunity to buy a strictly first class Guaranteed Furnace AT OUR PRICE 8I2E NO. 1 $125.00 3 NO. SIZE NO. 1 Rooting to. 115 North Ninth St.

ACIDS IN STOMACH CAUSE INDIGESTION Create Gas, Sourness and Pain How To Treat, Medical authorities state that nearly nine-tenths of the cases of trouble. Indigestion, sourness, stomach uas, bloating nausea, are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid In tho etomach and not as some bolleva to a lack of digestive Juices. The delicate stomach lining Is Irritated, digestion 13 delayed and food aours, causing tho disagreeable symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows BO well. Artificial dlgestentb uro not needed In such cases and may do real harm. Try laying aside all digestive aids and Instead get from any druggist a few ounces of Blsurated Magnesia and taka a teaspoonful In a quarter glass of water right after eating.

This swee'- ons tho stomach, prevents tho formation of excess acid ami there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (In powder or tablet liquid or milk) "Is harmless to the stomach, In, expensive to take and Is the most efficient form of magnesia for stomach purposes. It Is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of Indigestion. NOTICE We Buy Cars. Also sell Cars and parts of various makes.

Lebanon Auto Parts Co. North Eighth St. Between P. R. Penna.

Railroads ax i $9 PJJOGY cuugUecl for an hour after hcdUwe Wotbcr thought Balsam, A ball teaspoon ful quickly rc- Heved toe "WHY BUSINESS DEMANDS ACCOUNTANT TRAINED MEN" is the subject of a lecture to be delivered by Charles B. Couchman, P. A. Member of Crockett, Couchman Crawford, Certified! Public New York City. On Thursday Night, Jan, 20, at 8:15 O'clock, 4 the Lebanon Y.

M. A. Uuder the Auspices KBYSTONB INSTJTUTB), Headisg, Fa. You are corutelly InvlteA le Mr. lee- tyre without course, a frlena or two to the ppeuiftif or MW itt aud In- class will (AccouuUng) )8oS When the course of true love-runs not smoothly, and you two sit, chilled and hurt and no words seem quate to bring about the longed for let nature's lovely children plead for It With Flowers!" J.

F. Vavrous' Sons 835 Guilford Street 518 Cumberland St. R. J. SCHROP Dentist 17 Eighth Street Lebanon, Pa..

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