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Weekly Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 1

Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BY vVlLLiA.U K. i'lUi IV I'tiii aiAi'2, tU. Volume. XIX. LiTTI -St.

Crt've Cache --l .1 plila, ec-rioritjr red to uViiia naient of thus DOixas. tn autaact. TERMS OF ADVBRT1SIX3. For.anuareof 10 tu, or dollar, and eVT. ic CMiUnittuce; aver 10 tues and e-chains 13, la be charged a square and a ha ovr 1 and xcM'iitf as iareJ and ia thai proportion for longer JfhlSaflndii'wal account, at tha above rates, amounts to 50 and amler yr, a discount of So per cent, will diftcounVoffiftTpercenUwiilbematia.

deductron, K-er'ar. will be mads, if payment be deferred after the rear hilae expired; nor will any reduction he made oo legal ad-' "imamrimrd by hf ha published, r. CONTRACTS BV TUB YBA1U go v-' All ailvftaiemeni, or parts thereof, exceedint 1. 3-1, or 65 nL as the case my be, suU.iectto the charts and discounts 8 meoiia and no contracts at the ri a less term ibTn avear. No deduction 6 eeaonl ivnifwrnna.

Far 10 lines cless, 7 each adduwaal "Alt'Y thour njs are ret 'y ti- teiUfy cf over ar.y I i the American rec. ia cf I .2 ALL An irrportant r. a to t' is, lat it cures fevers wi or cr prostrating the patient at all i'at it A.cta a re ia less tune than any other medicine heretofore trawn and that lb patient in then pursue LiscrJ; ry husinsss, Oty loss of time from prostration or dv'ui'Jty. persons travehrt on steam-boats) should always provide themselves with it, and those livir.g in sickly sections of country should use it as directed ia the envelopement, to prevent attacks of fever. lhe tollowm? persons have been appointed agents for tlis sale of the above medicine'iti the iftata cf Ar- kansas, viz Jn While county, Hiram Peeler Green county, Murphree Moore Gideon Dradihear Evin Thomson John Lindley Ja Independence county, Jacob Cotton William Landers -John Gallagher II Hynsou James Smalley James liutherford In Ran Ju'ph county.

Doct Pitman James Tyler John Vance Doct Jno Johnson In Conn ay county, 'Stephen Lewis Thomas Mathers -John Murray Maon Co i- In Laxortnee county, Thomas Bandy Williai Rob't Moore Robinson, Campbell Co Inge 6c. Hammond -John Wood rome William Thompson Henry W8yland In Johnson countij, A Pace Thointis May WiIliain Stafford Wesley Garrott In Franklin county, i Kennedy Co Henderson Eouriand James Galbraith Joseph Russell Justin Deneaux In Madison county, Barrel llomesley, -John Long Go John Doneu John Iloleman In Woih.ngfon county, James Sutton Daniel Rater Daniel Vaughan Jacob Oxford lli LBrodie Evans Wright In X'arion coui.ty, f- Ahrara Nave Goodman Rutherford iiiannew Aaams isaac ii moouiuan In Izard county, A II Crisweil Jacob Wolf Si, Co la Monroe county, Clarke Thompson James Kelleam Si. Francis county, Longsdale Harrison llig inbotham Charles Shaver WiiLam Strong In Jackson county, John Saylors RT Dunbar In J'jferton county. Bond Si, McLemcre Jmes Sanders Ianace Doy Rubert Alcora In Carroll eouuty, John Peal A Co Samuel Dawsoa In Crevford caxnty. William Duval Solomon Forester- Fleming Nathaniel ILssoa Ira Smoot In William Amot DeEaun Co Hardy Junea Smitn fit Tew James Smith Robert Wattoa John Wilkeraon Clermont Mobley Pickett Gregg Pulaski county, James Erwin 3oUn Humphries Isaac Baldwin Azkantat county, James Brummett.

Geo Watson, stn. Thomas Carter In Pave county. Saddler Co Rose A Sangrain Lokey Losan it Co John Wifliamsoa Robert Davidson In Setter county, Robert II Scott ames Wrtsht William Wright John McCowen Elliott Jackaon Hamilton 6c Iloleman ties Boring John Miller In Hemptiead county, Henry Lick Ei'WS Johnson Henry Roaclr John Anderson Khzabeih Young Eadea William Br-n Britten la Hot Spring county, Taylor Polk tieotae Jones Gibson Si. Co I A Kulia In Saline tour.tij, David DodJ Jacoo Hoover Oen A McWilliams Remembrance Davis In Scoit county, Alexander A Scott Jjseph Tomlinsoa Absalom Hopper In, Union county, Charles II Sears Jerry Smith illiant Lradley Benjamin Nettles In Ciicot cnunly, VuirumDiiJ II Holt Hect-ir Losby Ilndsm Ja ehardson Fevero tepnen Caster In Clark eonnt'K Janes John lo-bey JosJHayden A Thornton 1 ro'inty, Jacob To.T. Fountain i'; Co 2 Titswonh l.C Lafujtt.e curii-j, I.Iinha Lans Crabtres C.7C.'tB, Israel Foljom lledcr Ziring Josiafi Doik Cherokee 2' ition, Price Tho's Murphy li, Co Thomss at James Ward 1'ort CLmoa.

J. Da BAL'N Si. Agents. Link Lick, July ii-lh, I. i.

23-6w ie tf Circuit Court, Hay 1C" i 'J row, acf ''(" i rt- 5 t' -3 i 1 5 a v. i i 1 it i of the is at -f I i i.i cfr I I. i i i i I ti" I 1 ft I I t.i. cf I in-; rovt il I Ci "ai 1 I 1 I i 1 i-i. as L.

i For survey tli9 coast r.f i Unl i chiding :p.r.. sittinij, r'sse'y dol'rj 1'or cou.pletirj tl.e p-" iliouejnd dul. 1 or eof -plating irveya in jma, re i. act eft' 1 huudreJ and, tUiriy-sevj, do.l art For acrveya in Msouri "ta ihe towns narre in t.i oi tweniy-aixili mUcti tvt.r;. J-'ir, ihouatnd c.l.ari For the cornpentaiioa to two keepers cf the archives ia Florida, one tbous.

tSoilara; tor ti.iiiiatera of tbo Hiw.e i Cfat tntain, France, Spain,, as.d 'f. ty-hva thousand dollar ti ur eaiar.t; oi ma cl legation to BHiiiiw jnaces. ten- inouaana coiiart; sal-ries of charge des aifaira to nark, Sweden, Hollar.d, Turk ey, f.e:-.utr" Lre-il," Chili, Peru, Central America, Granada, an4 a. neiuela, an4 'oraa ta a charge cV.V.rtau ftru hundred duiiars 4 aaLry ot iha drogonieo, and conunaai.t ex. peiifea of tha legiuca to iix f.vt hundred doilars For contingent expenses of al.

il Uila.iui ibrw.i, thir-y thousand a 1'or salaries if the cf tie Ut ei li tmdon and Paris, four thousand dolTart or expenses of intercourse with tha Barbary raw. ers, atTenteert thousand four hundred dollars; For the relief und prof cison Amaiicao seamen ia" foreign countries, friy tLctiand dollita For lbs cooiingent expensss cf foreign intcrcotr, Eileen thousand dollars; Ft r. clerk-hire, cff.ce-rent, pensts, ia the effee cf the American consul in LotvL per act of oineieenih Jaouary, eifchtcen hundred ccd tiiirfyix, two, thousandfeight hundred dollars; For inierpreters, guards, and ether 'ilpenses dental to the consuiutea-in the dominions, fiva -ihoiigand five hundred tfoilara i For aalary of the principal ar.d two asma'an! libra. rians pay of the mcaaenger. und fur cor.i.neen! ex.

penses of the hbriry, fn.r ifccsand iwo Lar.Crta i ttn. dollars 1 For the purchase ef books fcr lae l.Lriry gress, Eft thousand dollars For registers for sh psand vaistla and LY.s tf tfiT. four thousand doilars For. comptnsaiiun ta a feraon antiployej in an abstract of tha pension Jaws, nd in preparir ui papers for congress, ucder the resolution housa ot representatives of ihe ninth of Octobsr, eighteen hundred and thirty-aeven, five hundred dotiars For earning hito ef.cct tl.e fourth articla cf i treaty with Spain, three dollars; Fur alterations rui.repajra.f,$h.cap,ioI, and ir'U. demaJ expense, six sbouaand tbria hundred tti thirty, one c'o'iari i or ti.ang up street ta irar.t ol carpen'era conducting water to the tublic ttubies, five dred and fifty dollars; Ian.

pa aVJ uperiniendnc vf publ'a grounds around the Eve thouaand nine huacirti and seventy-six dollars For extending capttol square west, and irrprovir; the same south cf the centre footway, according to plan already, ia part executed, tl. proy1sio-1 tf aa act of tla last congress," tho hundred and twenty. seven doilars ar.d eighty sn For attendance at the wrs'etn gates of tl.e five hundred and foriy-seven collars end fifty cents For salary of the principal gardener, vuo ii.o? -J dollars For alteration and repairs of ihe president' i.owc, nd.or auperiniendene of the ground around tiie ame, fvur thousand eight hundred and Cutea dollars For flag foot-ways across Pennsylvania avento i. Third, Foiir.ariJ-a-h";. Seventh, sr.ih, Elevenlh, Twellth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and I J.

i i letuiu (iitcts, atiu across i irst street, etisi ot ci square, two thousand two hundred and cV tor repairing the marine hor-pital at CU.rU. 'on, South Carol, si two thousand dollars T- 9 r. i or ins eecona payment to i eijic I to contract made. wRij hirn, tr a group cf i for the capi'ol, four thousand dollars; I For the second payment to tie ef.g- ii executing painting Jor the 'ju'i. captic 1, the joint resoluuoa cf tie a i.jv-ei,M i dollars 5 For purcliislr eighty Soi' pieces cf and the expense of tl., thirteen rs the service of the geriral year ighteen hundrd tni tfarty-ei-Lf, i.i c. ta the act. of second July, ani aix, foar zrdUior. ui t. i-liety-faur thootand dr.ars, v.i tran cf c.d thoce i da'l!" -res ct locr For cor- en? cf tirty.five tou it1 i Tor ship, stefn thousand dcllars For wr--; irj For oT.ce fu' lu For mail tr For bla-ks, Fcr rriA locks i 1 Jatier tlir' I thou- i 'it'.

.1 dollsrs -our i 1 -s, icr i 1 s-1 ci.l' For r. 1 ror- f.r i.f '1 i ia i ter eft cf i I I I i 1'vr i i three i i've or core pen ta tl.a ex. i i cf the frt comf-roi' i 1 t-re h'ltitlre dollars it. For compensation to second thousand dollars For conipensiition to the clerks and i i.i the o.T.ce ot the second comptroller, incta. i pensatiori of to clerks trar.sit-rred from tl.j cf the louith auditur, twelve thotsanJ two tltv dollars For to the first auditor of ie treasury, three thousand dollars; For cotnpensaiion to the clerks and messenger in the o.T.ce of the rt auditor, Cfieeti thousand nine hundred dcllars; -r.

For eompensaiton to the second auditor of the trea. surv, three thousand dollars; For eompenaation to the cierka and" messenger in the office tf the second auditor, seventeen thousand nine hundred dollars Forcompeasationto the third auditor, three thousand dollars For eompenaation to the cierka and messengers in the office of the third auditor, twenty-seven thousand two hundred and fitty dollars For compensation to two additional eterks, employed under the act of the eighteenth January, one thousand eight hundred and, thirty-seven, for the payment; of horses and othsr property lost or destroyed, two thou-j sand lour hundred dollars For compensation to tho fourth auditor, ihree, thou. sand dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of tle fourth auditor, fifteen thousand nine bun. dred and fifty dollars; For an additional clerk in the same, lo carry into effect the act of the third of March last, for. 'ho more equitable administration of the pension fund, oiiC thou-; sand dollars; 'V.

For compensation to the fifth auditor, three thousand dollars; For compensation to the clerks and mesaenger ia the office of fifth auditor, nine thousand eiht hundred dollars; For compensation to the treasurer of the United States, three thousand dollara For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office ol the treasurer of the United States, lea thou, sand seven hundred and fifty For compensation to; the register of the treasury, three thousand dollars; For compensation lo the cierka and messengers in the office of the register of the treasury, twenty-lour thousand two hundred dollars; For compensation of the commissioner of the gene. ral land-office, per act of fourth Ju'y, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand dollars; or compensation of the recorder, solicitor, draughts man, and assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers. and packers, in lhe office of commissioner of the general land-office, one hundred and seven thousand eight hundted aud fifty dollars for compensation to the ao'tcitor of the treasury, three thousand five hundred dollars Z1 For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the solicitor of the treasury, thousand Bins hundred ana htty dollara; For expenses of stationery, prtntins, and all other contingent expenses of the treasury department, vil tut the orlice ot the secretary of the treasury, in. eluding copying, and expenses incurred in consequence of the burning of the. treasury building, twelve thou.

sand rave hundred dollars For translating foreign and for receiving and transmitting passports and sea let ers, in the of fice of the secretary of the three hundred dollars Fur stating and printing public accounts, one thou. sand four hundred dollars; For the office of the first comptroller, two thousand dollars For the office of the second comptroller, one thou. sand five hundred dollars; ror the olhce of the First Auditor, one thousand dollar; lar lha ofuce of the second audiior. one thousand dollars For tha oiuce of the third auditor, mcluding one thousand four hundred and 6fty dollars, the estimated amount due to printers for publishing rules and regula. tious and ooticet to claimants, under the act of the eighteenth of January, eighteen hundred and thirty, aeven, to provide for the payment of horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military service of the United States, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars For.the ofSce of ihe fourth auditor, one thousand dollars; i For the ofTice of the fifth auditor, one thousand dollars; For the office of the treasurer of the United Slates, one thousand three hundred dollars For the office of the register of the treasury, three thousand dollars For tie office ofthe solicitor of the treasury, incbding 1 five hundred dollars for the purchase of books, one thousand five hundred dollars; For compensation of superintendent aid two watch.

men for the additional building lor the use of the gene ral land-omce, one thousand and htty dollars; For compensation of tb uperiruendent and watch. men of the south-east executivetuilding, two thousand one hundred dollars; For coating ent expenses of the building occupied by the treasury, including fuel, oil, labor, repairs, furni-tnre, and for rent, amounting to four thousand three hundred and Cfty dollars per annum, twelve thousand do'iars; For corrpenpa ion to lhe cierka messep-rera in the oL.ce ol the secretary of war, i. 'eluding me rues. sencer in the bounty land bureau, tl.ineen thousand two hundred and fifty dollara; For continjent expenses of the o.T.ce of the Secre tary of war, three thousand dollars For books, maps, and plans, fur the war department, one thousand doilars For compensation of extra clerks, when employed iu eiid oHkCt three dollars For corcpensation of tl- a I.idia af. fairs, three For cf the cl a 1 r.r o.T.0 3 cf il: a tf it If vp; i.

ia t. 3 C. i 1 Ar c- a -1 7 i jiiv a i of for en a I 1 t' v. i. 1 i i a ana ta.i, cr teen or fourteen l.

I a right hind foot aid Lee, wi i a i hairs on his hack raided at foi-v c' Apnl, 1S33. ClIACLLS I L.L 'ILL1 AM JOEiil This is a true list of the value cf ie horse, which Nathan Louder brought to l.ou;t;, ly men which waaTV'pointed to apprai. a aame, by me, a justice of the patce, wis 14th May. i JOHN CliGCIi, J. Recorded this 15th May.

II. McFARLAND, '-Clerk of the trt of Greene county. Arknn jry BBLS. fresh flour, (only li) days from Louis-47 villa.) 353 sacks salt; 35 bbls. sugar 35 sacks coffee 3 bbls.

molasses 2000 lbs. bar lead; 25 kes white lead 1 bbl. linseed oil 25 boxes im. cavendish tcbacco 15 Sperm candies 3,000 Trabuca cigars; 5,000 superior cigars 10,000 Spanish ceroota .20 half-boxes sardines 2 casks London Porter 15 tons castings, assorted SO bbls. peach brandy; fcOO galls, atone ware oil bed9teada.

Also, a general assortment of wines and liquors, for sale by PITCHER Sc. WALTERS. JyS5, 1833. 32-tf Stateof Arkansas, County of' IV ashington. Circuit Court, May Term, 1533.

-v Aaron MtUe, 1 vs. Petition roa Divorce. Katharine Mills, AND now, on this day, came the complainant, by xA S. G. Sneed bis solicitor, and it appearing by the return of the Sheriff, that (he said Katharine Mills not a resident of this State, it is therefore ordered by by the court, that an alias summons issue in this case, and that publication be made in some newspaper print-ed in this State, requiring ice defendant to be and appear oil the first day of the next term of the circuit court, a court to be holden at the court-house in the town of Fayetteville, in and for said county, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in October next, then and there to answer the complainant's petition, other, wise the aame will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered accordingly.

And it is farther ordered that a copy of this order be published in the Arkansas State Gazette six weeks in succession. A copy. Teste 75 n. II. SMITHSON, Clerk IiOol.

out for Kegro Tliievesl fTTlW transient characters left thecounty of Chicot, Li. on the 20th June last, who claim their residence in' the Parish of Ouachita, Louisiana. One of them is by the name nf JOHN SIMES, and the other by the a i vhcD tiy. fi i iiauie AijbAniiiyuih, iiis vui imtuii riauie nut Kauwa here These two men were guilty of attempting to steal and take away a family of five negroes from me. 1 he secret was accidentty discovered, by their trying to eel other men to join them.

To one man they offered $100, ami to another they offered $200, to assist them. When tbey found that their designs were discovered, and that they were about to be apprehended, they put out between two days. Simea is a man about vo yeara of age, weighs about 220 lbs -f; Alexander is a man of ordinary 27 years of age, and bis head as white as a boy's of 7 years old. 1 have understood that a certain Mr. Centaman Temple, who lives at Point Plersant, Parish of Ouachita, has spoken very highly of their robbing expedition.

Whether ho is a brother chip, or a well-wisher, we will leave for the community to judge. I ieel it a duty 1 owe to the public, to publish these characters. CYRUS HATHAWAY, i Smith's Settlement, Chicot county, Arkansas, July 20, 1833. 32-3 FCIA LE SCHOOL, Sen ton, Saline county, II. W.JEFFRIES, informal the public that if A-'ahe has commenced her first session oi school teaching in the town of Benton.

From her experience far several years, as a leatereas, she solicits public patronage. Benton is a nourishing village, located in a high and healthy country, and furnished with the best of water; twenty-two milts Irom the City of Little Koct, near the centre ot the Male. Studies and Prices of Tuition, The following are the branchea tausht. together with the prices of I union, per session of bra months. Spellings reading, writing, and common arith.

metic, per session ol hve months, Slu C3 English grammar and eofapbyt wiU lhe se of the globes, 12 50 Natural, moral, and intellectual rhetoric, logic, geometry, and chemistry, 15 00 The Latin and French languages. 15 00 Boardinz, ik the best of families, can be had upon reasonable terms Benton, Jula 23, 1833. 33-4 The editor of the Times and Advocate will give this 4 insertions and lorward the account to the "pTOTICE is hereby given, that an instalment of Ten Dollars on each ahsre of the stock subscribed far in the LITTLE ROCK THEATRE, is to be paid on or before the lOih of Augys-, to George C. Watktns, Treasurer. By order of the.

Board DAVID W. GALLOWAY. Sv. Little Rock, August 1, lJo. C3-2vr XT It is to be hoped tint ail persons wha have sub.

scribed for, stock in the Theatre, will come forward ard pay their first of C13 on each share, as the work is -w about to be let out by contract, and it is necessary that there should be some money in the treasury. lor 9 c.v t' tre i Lu.a- ia lore i a lof I t' 3 t. A 1 i -r-er ii lhe dat- For i 1 vo I'tit COP ti I i I rs anl I' 10 hun 1 I I. -i I.r if, i rf i- '1 1 i. rent of boUiity I'll a new btiiiJ.r i i 1 I f.

1. I i i s. au. a 1. acred thorixed by the a.t cf and th.rty.

seven; and far tl.e a.t. 'nes aad apparatus, Ltt thou" of 1 t'rjj h-nireJ doUars For tl.a clerks and nf.c in the oiT.ce of the cf the navy, a .1 tliousand eiht hundred ar.i dollars; For contingent exposes of aid o.Tce, three i-ou-sand dollars For compensation of the commis.lorters of the navy board, ten thousand nve hundred doiiars l'r compensation of the secretary uf lha navy bord, two thousand dlUrs For compensation tc lhe clerks and of the navy burd, eight thou-uiid four hundred and L. dai-lars; For contingent expenses of said c.Tice, eric thousand eight hundred dollars 7 "For salary of and watchmen of iha soutb.wcst excem've bailjirtg, one thousand two iua- ured and nlty dollars For contingent expenses of said building, three thousand three hundred an fifty dollars For compensation to three postmi: ge. nerul, per act third Ju'y, Hieen.l. -JrJ and six, seven thousand hundred Uoliurs For compeinatiim to clerks and messengers in the general post-office, forty.eight thousand six hundred dollars For ajutingent expenses of said ofTice, includirg four thousand dollars for rent and fuel for the auditor's cf.

fice, fwelve thousand Eve hundred dollars 1 For arrearages lor the year eighteen hundred end thitty-seven, six thoustnd seven hundred and forty-r iiie collars and cents; For cotnpenaatiort -o( two watchmen, 'tlx hundred dollars; For compensation ta tha auditor of the post-offce, three thousand dollars For compensation ta lha clerks and messengers lu said, fifty-Eve thousand fiva hundred For contingent expenses of laid office, iuctudirtg the expense of quarterly books, printing, pay of laborers, and arrearages of espenses incidental to the occupation of the oiT.ce, jsavcti tijound four hundred and ttiirty.sevei doilars; For compensation ot the survayor gancrul north-west of the Ohio, two thousand duiiars For compensation lo clerks in his, per sets of ninth. May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, six luou-sand three hundred dollars For compensation la the survevor general f-r Illinois and Missouri, tw a thousand dollars For compensation lo clerks in the office of said sur. yeyor feneral, per act." of ninth eighteen hundred and thirty-six, iu iiuiidred uuiiurs; For compensation ta the surveyor general of Arkan. Baa, two thousand dollars tor compensation ol forks in the ol aa.d tar veyor general, three thousand dollars; jtcr compensation ta surveyor eral efLoi aca, two thousand uo.ars; For compensation to the cierka in iha c.ce surveyor general, per acts ol -lay, e'uieen hundre'l and thiriy-s lour thoiisand three hundred dollars For compensation cf the surveycr general of -lis. aipni, two inousana conara; xor compensation ol clerk.

in trie o.ace ot aa.d sur veyor general, per acts of the oin May, eighteen hun dred and thirty.six, five hundred dollars For comoensation of the surveyor reneral cf Ala bama, two thousand For compensation cf e'erks in the c.ce cf sur veyor general, perac a of May, eighteen huncred and thirty-six, including one thousand five hundred dol lars for additional clera-hire in rreuanrj the sujvey and return of the Che-okee cesion, two ihousasd eight hundred and twenty dollars; ForcompenKauofj cf surveyor general of Honda, two thousand dollars For compensation of clerks in the effee of said surveyor general, two dollars; For com pen ft, ion a the commi-sipner of public b.i Pipings in Washington, tv a thousand three hutidred dul. lars For compensation jo three ass's '3 ma to ti for cf tie sioner, as euperinte'dent cf the 1 utomac bri the expense of oil t' a one hundred and forty.two dollars and cents For compen' -ion tr.s c. mint, twenty For pay of 1 or in t' sva mint, and for cor tr; pri f.ur:.-a l-ou-and aix hundred For r' i ij t' i branch mint at I.or.a Carol, dollars For py of laborers in t' varl saffl, tlrie thm 1 For cf 1 1 If r.r-tha s- f.vs t' 1 1 i clerk cf t' six thou --rtr r. 4 tl.a i e' I or r.rwi. Ct: -i i.

a i C. tj ai 1 tl i jo" tie 's cf brsnch r. at Cul' Cor lars Tari cf 1 i i sae, eix 1 1 ot wa-. t' i i. v.r Lra i i i 1 i 3 f.

cf 3 months WJ square, 11 15 00 ill ranrtinr advertisements will be char-red atUie first men ttaed rates, unless a contract be maaewnen imi Adve'" of per, mal altercations will. ia all eases, be chafed 82 per square for the first insertion, and 1 for each con- AUerttoemenW mstb marked wltS the number sflmw- mititinul unt il utrliin. Ann ti.msdfSirea,ouiflrwHKm7 be made from the above ratPS 3I1XITIA 1UAAV. ttt'qt mihlUhed. and ior sale, at the office of the Arkansas Gazette, he ct for the Government of the Militia of this State, passed at the last eeeaitwi of the ieterl Assembly price 95 eta rent r.xlnt Ttnnli Blanks 7Tj01NDS and Mortgagee, for Stock in the Ileal Es.

i.i. KankJ and blank Amjraiaemenlfl lor iw Westers Brinch, for sale at the office of die Gazette A VALUABLE TAN-YARD FOil SALE. raj-alTR euliacrioer' offers for' sale, a yaluale Tan il yard, situate in the Town of Washington, Hemp, atead county, together with fouracres of land adjoining, and on which it is located. It all the necea-aary buildiusrs for carrying ori the busiiiess, 33 vats, a nrk lit ill: with a Rever.faiiins spring ol water. Any penuin wishina to purchase property of this de-erintion.

will da well to examiua the aucve, ta it wi.l be said on accomniodating terms. tt inn iir of Mr. WlLLAM BuilTO. Or ol the Sub, aoriber, in Pike county, ASA TIIOMTON 42-tf "by txiE or the it STATES. purauance of law, MAUTINT VAN EUR EN nf rhe United States of A'ncnca, do hi re.

by declare and make known that pn'u. f.A will bs held at thd undermentioned in the State of Arkansas, the periods hereinafter designated, to y. At tHe land-office at Littlb Rock, en Monday, the tighlh day nf Ocla'er next, for the disposal of t'ae pub. lie lands wituiif the limits of the undermentioned town-' ships and fractional township; )o wit: forth of Iht base line, and vest bj the ffih principal vtrridiOit. That.jnrt of township six, lying norih of the old Cherokee line, of range sixteen.

frhal, part of township iy lyinj ccrih cf the Ar-kansns river, of range seventeen. Sttutk ef lhc base line, and vet of the fifth principal taerid'on. Townships si ar.d sixteen, of rane eight. Townsiiips twelve, fourteen, sixteen, and seventeen, of range nine. At the land-office at FAriTTEVitxE, on irlonday, the fifteenth day of October vext, for the thepossd of the public lands within the luutta of the tndermetitioned townshms.

to wit Nmh of thi tut line, and uett of the fifth printipal p.crtiliart. TownsliiDSStxaad seven, of rsnse eighteen. Townships six and seven (north cf Arkansas river) of range 1 Township sixteen, of range thirty two. Townshio seventeen, ol rang-es twen'y-seven, twe.T- tV.eijht. twentv-nine.

thirty, and thirty-lwo. Lands expropriated by law for the use of schools, militarv rlud other curpoaea. will be excluded from sale. The sales will each be kept open for two weeks fun. less the lands ere saoner disposed of, and no longer; and no nnvate citries of land in the townships so ctler.

ed will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my band, at the cily of Washington, thissixthejy of July, anno tJomint, 1BJ3. IA. VAN EUSEN, By the President James hitcokb. Cummitsoner of the General LancLOfJiet.

NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person c'aiaimjj the right of pre-emption to any o.the lands designated tn the above proclamation, ia requested to prove- the same to the satisfaction of the Kegister and Receiver of the proper land.o."ce. Sod make payment therefor a toon us praclxaile of ter teeing ihttnotice, in order that the claim may be adjudicated by oCcers agreeably to law, in due time prior to die day appointed for trie conii. ncemmit of the-public and all claims not duly rtiado known and paid Icr prior to the date aforecaid. declared by law lo be torfe ted.

JAS. Cvm.r.Uswner rf the Ga.eral "A LL those indebted to us either fcy note or book IJk. account, wul please call and seii without ce ay S. JOHNSON Ci. CO.

--Liltlt April 13-tf Ths house, in the eastern part of town, re. I ce occupied by ij. Lee, is ollered fur I r. i rent. For terms, apply at the o.Tace.

a. i Little Hock, JuntS.7, 18'J. 13-tf HAVE recpived from the-Clerk ''of tie Circuit Courw the Tax List, and sm now rearly to'receive! 1 axes duo the f.aie and county for lt JAMES LAV.J.T. jm, SUer-Jf and J'dy ICC. J-if i 7 an i f.r t'-s Acts cf a loo; 8 13 i cf i c- t'.

i eft' i nee I. Also, t' a Ac' west cf --9 r-. Le-'. ct t' It 1' 3 fT' 1 I Of 11 17 rr 1 IV I 6f I a i. ti-.

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