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The Humboldt Republican from Humboldt, Iowa • Page 8

Humboldt, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEEKLY NEWS OF THOR Newsy H--IS of Interest From Tlmt Growing T-nvn Gathered By Our Special News Reporter. This.In i.rTtn<Mii of tin- riRlTIit.K'AN IH ns- fur usn of thnvttlztMi- of Thor vU-l i-litirchcs. or nn.v public irnthrrhiit Jhmilit iirlmiiilriUo C. H.liMr r'i'ir Thor. Imvit Grain tutu kt'ts arc quite lirely.

S. nt llunilmldt on I-Yi- Mr. is hunting ice for tho city tiiu.t market. Written for the HIMM. ROUT, Jan.

Iti' Miss Anna Smith lias ht-fii past three months visiting In sistor, Mrs. N. Russell, left Kridiiy afternoon for her home in Oklahoma. liarr sisters have rheir millinery storn in this city to Miss May White, of Uhumgo, who will possession Marrh 1st. We wish the new llrm siu'i-ess.

Mackl'ind is a vory severe time wilh his eyes, inthinimatiun is the ailnipnt. U. Pinch of the llrm of U. ami R. Ole our local butcher, the roller mills, triitiRHeted hiisiness in Havelock lust is imyhitf host for liiilps.

Mr. of Eftulo Grovo, was intow'ion Monday last on Mr. YuijjhHonk chargo nf the crpnnt- ery during Hit' absence of Mr.Tohlik'in lust Mr. Theo loro of Hiim- Thurfidiiy. Married, at noon on Wednesday, Jimuai-y LTith, nt.

home of I lie bride's parents, north of this city, vlr. Arthur U-jinley mid Miss Allieiln IVck. After the wedding a bounteous feast wasservod t.o thu quests. After a short hohlt college, was home on Thuosday i honeymoon they will locate at last I llapids, where Mr. Ft.

in Mr. S. Ophiem of Itumboldt, the mercantile business. Hoth nf Ihese in tmvt: liiiMtK'ss a couple of dnys ivus well and uvorytlmin sold at Rood Mr. Ivor Ij'ii'son is busy taking orders lur tlv Nursery Luke Oily, Miss XeKiu of llumljoldt, was tier: 1 Sundry vi.sitii.ft with her sister.

She re'iinied Monday. Miss Mimiir' K'orslarul returned to l-'ttKle drove Monday, after pnt-nd- her folks. E. Miutnii one day last week from (irnve looking up the interests of his r. Ophiem returned from Chicago lust week, after spending a few days visiting friends in the, city.

At M.Ciiistopherson's is the place to get vour furniture at the right prices. Cull iind see him before buying elsewhere. Three cnrlo.ul-5 of stock weroshipped from here on Sunday morning last. Also two carloads were shipped from here on Lewis Tokhium, who was away a couple of rhiys lust week in attendance of the creamery convention returned home on Saturday last. The biisket social which was to have been given by tho M.

W. of A. on Saturday evening, was postponed until Feb. -1, ISnn, on accouut of the cold weather. All are cordially invited to attend, TOWNSHIP- Written (or Tin-Republican.

LAKE, Jan. 31, The grip is Ole Nervig is around assessing. Jacob Williams put up much needed wind mill last week, and we will see one raised at Ole Ilokel's which will increase the price of land and add attraction to the already much proved country. im- Considering wind and weather, the meeting held Suuday evening was well attended. They will meet very Suuday evening at Kvery body come, take part and help make it a success.

The ladle's aid society will meet to- inurrow at CE'O. Munsous. J. T. Nerrig returned last Wednesday from Slater, Iowa, where ho has been visiting for some time.

Amos T. Nervis is up from Des. Moiues looking for a good location. He cannot miss it if he buys iu Lake township, I'or this is the banner township. Xels Korem has finished painting his new barn.

Andrew aud Jacob Hokel sold fourteen head of cattle last week and got a good price for them. Ole Anderson has been shelling corn for Miuhuelson, Hokel, Kuutsou, and Williamson. They are getting25 cents per bushel for it. Betsy Jackson is home again after a short visit. Enoch Lonning visited in Lake township Sunday.

Ned Munsou went to Eagle Grove Saturday to make urrangments for the future establishment of a permanent corporation. Carl Jensen has been away working at his trade reparing harnesses for some one down near Thor. If. yoi have any work iu that line, give him a chaucr. and you can have your harness iu good for springs work.

of tho weather are such to stop com husking at present. yiHitiK people are well known in this locality and we extend congratulations. Elmer I'eck and family, who have lived in this city for tho past six months, have moved to Illinois. Miss Flo Mnrdoc.k return.Ml to her homo in utter a short time with her friend Miss Anna Dennis. G.

K. Hill will five a lecture in Ihe ehuivh this (Monday) evening on "Europe Kevisited for the Beuellt of the 1. O. G. T.

Loiign." We to make a ec.rrentiuu in regard to an item tiiHt. in tills column last 'J'he mime Oscar 13en should hiivo reail Oscur Ueu. Ernest, Coiner left Tlmrsil.iy for Puuliun, whore he has secured position as iippruitico in the Times We can recommend Mr. Coiner to tho editor as living an honest, sober and industrious yonnn man. feel cou- (lilent.

that he will make success of the trade. Albert Gadd departed last week for an extended visit with his brother Clarence, who was once a resident of Uolfe. Miss Maude Chaplain! visited her sister, Mrs. F. O.

Neal who resides at Pocahontai Center. Mrs. L.C. Lyons, Nebraska, is hero assisted at, l.ue M. W.

Culllii, of Lyons, Nebraska, is hero gssistiui; at tho M. W. Colun home. Joseph Wiley and wife were iu Madrid, IIJWB, h'sl week being called there by illness of Mrs. Wiley's mother.

Jesso Uastiu, the young man who has position on the ftirm of Fnw- for tlio tou months, clepai'tud last week for Omaha, where ho goes to secure a job as brakesman on the Union PaciHc rallrond. Unrlug his short stay iu this city he tuade many frieuds who regret to see Him leave. Roy Piiwcett, of Ottosen, is visitiug his brother Floyd, this week. Mrs. Floyd Fawcett departed Saturday for Humboldt for a short visit with relatives.

M. Cralmu is pu'cking part of his largo stock of clothing and shipping it to Strawberry Point, where ho is opening a branch store. M. F. Seely had the misfortune to fall on the 'ieo last Thursday and sprained his back quite badly James Fox is visiting iu Charlotte, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Creger wore numbered with the sick last week.

Announcements are out for a grant; select ball by Messrs. Henry Louse Zac Carroll and O. C. Oleson uexl Thursday evening. Charlie Grieves who has boon employed in the furniture store of Me Intire Brothers departed last week for South Dakota where he will herd cat tie.

BRADGATE HAPPENINGS Our Correspondent all the Comings and Goings of the Enterprising Citizens of our Wide-awake Neighbor. HiumiATE, IOWA. Feb. Cold weather the past I Tho Hradgntn people nro putting up ice. Mrs.

Mygatt spent fiunday wilh frii'nds in town. Koy Smith's cars got, too cool last. Sunday. They will feel better after they prel off. Col.

of Livermore, was in town Monday. Fred Fairmau was a liradgate caller Wednesday. Lawyer Lnvrien of Humboldt, transacted business in town Monday. Mr. Willison is sick with diphthrriii at the homo of Henry Davis.

Dr. Holt ol'Oilmoro, is attending. Miss Etuerett Linglois closed her school at the Center last Friday, and returned to hor homo in Humholdt. Fmvcott is very sick with grip. Mr.

and Mrs, liennett IIIOVD- ed to llnmboldt, last week. Mr. llen- nett has accepted the position of sex- Mini of Union Cemetery. We arc very sorry to Insu I hem from our community. The Good Templars installed olllrors ''riday evening.

The Ladies Circle of I he Baptist hurch meets with Mrs. E. V. iioyden his week. The Ladies Aid Society of the M.

E. fhurch meets with Mrs. M. C. Tilton his week.

Miss Yargason, of (iilmons pent. Sunday wilh Miss Myrtle Mr. Vargason and family will soon uovo from Gilmoro to Arnold iu Irove township, where Mr. V. will take iharge of the creamery.

E. Penfield has been receiving a from his father. Little Theodore Billings has been sick. tho number of loads of shelled coming to town we would jndgo hat IJradgate dealers iu grain were loing a thriving busiuoss. WEAVER.

Vrlttcti fur MID Itepuhllcna. WKAVEII, Jan.31,18U9.—Cold weather once more, 30 degrees below iu yesterday morning, Mr. oager spent Sunday nt Mr. larl Mr Sam Grove, has recicved his milk separator. Mr.

Pratt Bush of Gilmore, called at RAILROAD C. Fi. ft. At HUMBOLDT DUtllNESS DIREOTOnY COM I IlKiliTS-K I.CIiil'.'. Sehrlo- Ni.uTii.

i 'jolMiSMi'TN UI No. lit (1'iiM.) a. m. HiMnlr Sin ('. D.

navenport is (Minllnod to the llonso with si-vt'i-e ntliurk ihi'iinm- No.VlI"(l'ns^)''J::K'|,. ni.JN...r.tlTriis»ri.':'lS'!l. ni I Hi'jnlr'H'"! -A K.o. Knu.lson made a Krol w.r-1.1-H to I'ort Dmliiw liistTlllirsduy. "in tin in.

ILuise-ll I) Muslim On Feb. (i, the only living son of Olo Hull will nonccrt. at llarlger as- sisted by Iwi. Nonvny's must, falniius m. St.

U. at Humboldt. vocalists. 1'rlco of admission llfry i in! lr, l-lints. m.l I p.

ni. (H.INO HotfTM. CORINTH. Wrllli'ti Mr Ihf Kciitililli'nii. CiiiiiNTil.

David No iiml liduily. All othnm dully except A Hoot nail Pliiie llousos Cioo .1 Iliiusos-Jiihii A Unoil. Wooil Kooil Stores--. I I) Fust IT II l.illli! I'ross MuklnB simps- Miss MUsiisA'Miiiira Sunday. Wi.smi ciiiiii'v A i I.

C. N. uj. at Dakota city. uoiNfi KAJ.T.

I WTCNT. lliiverhihd his n.n, the of i 5 ffe I 1 p. m. Hil'fl u.m. i S.

Krrl't the week er. Charley Sclinrlil. i- loaded mr of wheat tho (list week. Miss WHS vlsltiim in 1 1 Ilunibolilr. wiv Mrs.

Aiiins mvived a gold TfilT. witch KM- bM h.lay SJ Pret liuy'M bci.v hiiti a spasm Friday. I I ir. ii. i i i ii, nt HIM i (for.

Master Gail Creger visited his grand parents in Fonda last week. Will Bell, the young man who is em ployed as assistant iu the post oflice was called to Albany, Wisconsin, lasl week by the severe illness of his mother. Mrs. Mike Keenan, of Pocahontas Center visited old acquaintances in thi city last woek. A.

O. Garlnck was up from De Moines last week on business. Mrs. Ernest Whitman returned las Thursday to hor homo in Spencer, afte a short visit with relatives in this oily Thos. Heather was quite sick witl tho grip last week but is now som better.

uuggestiun Ir. of tho meeting HHffDY. Wrllti-n forllio lifpalilli'iin. ll.Hil.Y, Jan. If-Mi Ktv mu'tingi begin next Suuday.

A 1 from Spencer will huyr 111111 L' I II IllJ I and Dr. Kinney vns enlleil and relieved the littlo sufferer. The linys are Iryini: to husk the rest of their cum din John Sloebu last week which was kind .1 to his neighbors we A party in yontiK folks spent Sunday at, the (intsi-li linme. There was an oyster supper at Mr. Amos Wood's Monday evening, given in honor of his son Oliver's twei.tioth pirlhiiiiy.

In ull tlini-oiirts.'.lilt. town IB CITY. lur riiLMoiii! CITY, Iowa, Cassiw Wood reinrned from Ff. Mr.

mid Mis. A. c. Wood, of Fort Dodge, III-M vi-itini; friunds liere. i''lon'tice returned from Tuesday.

Mr-. Priuls' rohirnnd from her visit Maud Mailer and son have been vis- ting her sister in tuu Foil IhU week. Rev. Giifroy's folks are iinarantined. The infant son of Mr.

and Mrs. Motnan die 1 Friday noon. Miss Pauls is visiting her brother, I. Pauls. Grandma Bull died at her homo in his city liu.t, Tuesday noon.

Lee Sells ami Jessie Wuoil spent Sunday in town. Mrs. E'lgeiliKton was surprised by the young people of Gilmorn Fri- iay evo. Mrs. Mtirdocl; is on tin.

list. ChHi-lio Kigluw has rented the Kel- lojjg farm. Mrs. Kellngg is to join hor husband in Calilornii. Mitrd.n'k is visiting in Chican i.

BAKEff. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. All culls OiUoe over 10 n. in. to p.

m. T. G. Perreby D. D.

5. DENTIST. AMklmU nf wnr); OHicu In llnmliolilt. Devereaux (ids lulmlntstrmd. ImnU.

Hiunholilt. Hoi- Mr. Brcaneale Monday. We glad to state that Mrs. is siiii Miss Myrtle Creazealo is spending tliis week with Mrs.

Eyer, near Humboldt. Mr. Walter Millward and sister Llmo spent last week visiting at Mr. John O'Uoyls. Miss Dolly Goeslin is on tho sick this week.

Miss Quivcy visited Clara Ottoway Sunday. Mr. Will Stracheu has purchased a matched buggy team. AH wishing to see them will do well by calling at his will be fully repaid for tho trouble. Mr.

Eldon llolroyd is hauling corn to Frank Jackson's. AND PER NGING. I will (In ydur worlt rlfflit. mill at reason nrli-n. I'nnnpt iitlontlmi u'lvcn tu all ofiliM'd.

mid li.UlHlui-tioii u'liiiruntood G. W. VJILSOrj. 'Bus LINE, R. F.

OSTRITCH 1-nOF. I'liMsenirorBniul ourritil to all pnrtH of inn l.mivi'Mi-ilorsiiMhoiliis^nll HIIIIHO. MinnhuliU. HAN en DRAY LINE. Dues nil kliulH of truiiRfprrlnjr, otc.

Call tin him for in lino nt Itntif linliit. Jrnvn. Editor Miller, of the says that our suggestion that Livermore drop the idea of buying a new windmill, and attach the present gear to Miller, is not practical. He broached the subject to the city dads, and they unanimously decided that would blow the fans off the mill ihe first day. WANTED lU'lliibh' niiui in tills vklnltv to open a small otllce unil liHtiillo my Posliluii ir your record Is U.K.

here Is tin (MK'iiliiK fur you. Klntlly HR-ntluu UiU pupi'r when A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O. id us that they wi-ru v.ot liickol" winU, but thai I almost i U.

and with a r. ni the odur 1 up this way, from our saiictuin. The lhat permeates j-our nostrils over tiie remains nf your libel suit up by the court h-juse. Come down and bury them. Sum! Tho L'ulks missionary Society gave a Mii.pei 1 at thochurch FrHay evening.

Mr. Mor.iU of J'riduy. Mr. l'has. SH.xtou entertained a number of young people at his home Wednesday evening.

Mrs. A. Ueguin and son visited with her sister Thursday and Friday. (irip is prevalent in this community. U.

T. Nijrvig relurned from Slater lust Wednesday evening. uu Lu VKRNE, IOWA, Juu. Mrs. B.

F. Guthrie returned Friday from her Now York and Pennsylvania visit. Gil'uert StiiuH'Kcher, of Monroe, is visiting with his uncle, M. li. Luchsiutfer.

Miss Klva Barton returned Saturday from Humboldt Bollege, whore she has boon attending school. Guy Finloy cttmo up from Eagle Grovo, Tuesday, to visit his mother. Miss Lou Qrobe, of Ootioyou, spent Sunday at home. Master Lloyd Barton, of has been visiting at his graudpuix-uta Mr. aud Mrs.

Launder Uurtoii. Dr. Keiineflok, of Algoua, was iu town Tuesday, united iu council with Dr. JiUss in case of Mrs. Hiley.

County Supt. Van Erbwyak visited our schools one day iabt W. A. Paltorsou has sold hid and lot to Wtn. Teiperman.

Mr. and Mra. R. W. Iluuua visited over Sunday at Albert Goo.

Minklcr has purchased tho resi- now occupied by (I. Goodwin. Mrs. Kd. Itaymond, of Spirit Lake, is visiting rehitiv.i!H about DEBAVKFi.

for tin- K-iiiilihcHii. IU. Jijn.IJl. Mi.inluy morn- iiitf was su (liis v-'intor, i in Jji-uvur. mercury liorc'd basktt i uMlul Thius- thty cvemnj: in No.

5. Alniul, ten dolhii'. Tiios. ublc Mil. nt tho JasL week.

(J. K. Johnson tliu ''ijrip' 1 pEitlOllt. John J. litttlo yirl i-j couvultbcunt.

The infatit child uf Mr.s. Ariua GaUKestad ia very bick with bronchitis. Dr. Hull of Hadxer, is uttuudiug her. discom- forta and dangers of child-birth can bo almost to-1 tirely WineofCarduP relicvesex- pectant mothers.

It gives tonetothegen- puts them ia condition to do their work perfectly. That makes pregnancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUMBOLDT.

IOWA. JfiVni'y to LUIIII. Uo'lrrtiuns Muiln. S. J.

LUND, AUOTION EIER, THOR. IOW iniulo nn In luiypnrtef thustutn tlnvun 3'p'H-s nf pnmtk'ul cxitoi-i- OIIIT. IS rr. I or of Pnhuiil Chiutl and F. C.

LOVRIEN, ATTORNEY AT HUMBOllDT, IOWH. AiiiMiclos-slriu'inL A Ill-own lllonn Paint SlKMis-WIII 'I'lnkli-im. Ili'O Urns. Myora. llonl.lsts— 11 Di'ViToinix.

Tt) Ki Ptni-k llroi-iliM-i .1 .1 .1 Smart. Jones. Tun A A MoKltrlok. Htiuilini Norllnvostovii. Mlnno- SI- I.

l'i 1 'roil in fry Imlt-piMHU'iit, Ilor- illll-llOIl I'ilt. Mllllniiry ll.iuscs Mrs llrlon Shiiinnim, Mrs .1 t.lnlvoy. MbsM Mrs Sons. I) Krouskup llotiornl Siiros-(i II Sims .1 II Illtm Sous. II A IMIroiiio.

1) A liny. Aiulorsoa KliiM-lli. KliuiM-'riinrn Slorrs-II llnlilmril. .1 I'' A Huso. Doiui llnijr 'n.

loo llnnsos- Murkcls -Suiltli r.o.:i-i";. A siHTiuau. Kinnllui-oSloios- Cdinlist Iliniouu. I'n. ml, llntiks-l'oiiplos Hunk.

HaailiKlilt Pint- Ililuk Cnrpoator Shops -11 Wrla'nl. Stin.ltvjL I'ronty. Covlo A- Pi-out v. A Star- i-oti-. I' i.nvi-i"ii.

.1 run. w'l. "mini. A SCarllolil.d IISIiolloulior or Dootors-flink t'lurli. li.i|.-ci.

() Dunn. I I. II Kliin. y. I'lolit Mllls-Norllioni llnllor Mllllim Sim-It Smith lluili-oolo, Wiil- tors PruotU-ul I-: lltiut- Kxprt'ss United Stu'rs.

Aaiorl- I'un firaln Ori'iit Wostorti. Uliurclios-t'oniirocullonul. Utiltnrlnn, llan- tlst. MotliiulM. Liithonin (IrooiM-v Stoi-os- II Itlnu.t Sons.

IIS riiorn. Nols Mrs llrovvn tlukerles-I-' II lOH.snorlli. II. I Pri'lih' I'itrin Iinploinotits-C KK Hon- nott. Krinik Co lIoU'ls-Uussoll Mouse.

Pui-k Hotel. Jiitncs llunl, A Sliiuinon. 1. Ivory c. Dst.rloh.

Thorn llluoksnillli Shops- VVTyiell. A Onllle, Hoh Hawkins. llorsoshoers-W Tyrrell. It Ilinvlilns Lumliur Yanls-O I-' A very. A A I'lnney.

i Solnill Kiu-liirles-Mlaorid Springs Itoltllni; Kocjipe llnttllai; Mlni-ralSlirliiKsllntt-llillt Co Steuin binniclrles-lloi-irun llros SI Miss Criailall Store Miistin Ki ilterns. Tuft Co Feed lluriis-i: Chirk. Jus Hunt Civic Kustcrn Stnr.l F. Ileb'jkus. Ivnli-hls of I'ylhlus.

WuinlniiMl A of Honur, Hume 1'oruin. (jooil Ti-iiiulurs Practices at all courts. He solicits ires a man for his homes iuthe skies, share of your patronage. i Hut early to bed aud Little Early -lisor, tho pill tlmt lonftor and better and wiser. A.

K. Unse, J.C. CHIiNKY, C. J. t.L'.ND CAHHIBIt.

Thor Savings Bank. Thon, louia. utulci the laws nf tho state of Iowa. Capital ytock paid up. $15,000.

O. H. WILSON, Auctioneer I Will cry sales in this ur couiilifS iiL rfjiisontiblo vutes. Cull on or uddress at Humboldt, Iowa. N.

NELSON, Crios siilos in Humboldt nnrl Hiljoin- iiiR coiuit.kiK. Limvtt orders at, REPUBLICAN oUluo. has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren lor years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble.

It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. .00 per bottle. For advice In raaea rtffiulrlntr special directions. etvlni? symptoms, the Department.

The Chattunooea Medicine C.utu- nocga, Term, Mrs. LOUISA HA1.K, cf "When I first tool: ofdrduf wo had boon niLrrUtJ tlirco ycarj, bul coultl not havi) rl.ildrcn. TJillQ uiijullis later I hail a yirl UJhat Shall Do. A serious and dtsoasu prtvtiils in this country, dangerous bocausobo deceptive. It comeri on so I slowlj- yut sn turoly that it is often (irmly suatod before wo are awaroof it.

The r-tiDio of this disease which may bo divided into threw distinct stages If), First Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back, rheumatism, him- batfo, freqnout dosiro to urinate, often with a burning sensation, tho (low of urinn being copious or scant with strong odor. if allowed to advance, this reaches tho second or Bladder trouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen low down botweon the navel and the water I pHKRtiffp, increasing, desiro to urinate, with hculdintf seiination iu small quantities being passed with difficulty, souiotimcH necessary to draw it with infctrumentH. If urio acid or hits formed, it will prove dangerous if ueKlected. The third stawu is IJright's dlsoasf. Thori' In comfort in knowing that Dr.

Kilmer, tho groat kidney and bhtd- (lornpi'ciiilist, has dh'L'ufGreduRonu'dy famous for its marvelous cures of the most diitrt's'iing trust's tuid known Dr. Kilmer 1 Swamp-Hoot. is sold by nil druggists. A-i a proof of thw wonilfcrful virtues (if yifiit disi'dvory, Swninp Itont, imp hott I'M i lid Imnk of in- 1'urinat ion will ho absoltilidv trc't on Mnplii'iil inn to Dr. Kilmm- N.

V. v.ri'- it u' iiiciitinii tlmt, you rusul o'i' in (In. 1 Many a Liovap. llns turned with di-Kiist from an otherwise lovable wilh an offensive Karl's Cloror Root Tea purifies tho breath by its netiun on the- bowels, as nothing elso will.

Sold for years on absoiuto guarantee. Price 20 ots. and 50 cts. On Every Bottle. Of Sbiloh's Gousmnption is this guarantee; "All wo ask of ou is to use two thirds of the contents of this botllo faithfully, then if you can say you are not benefited return the bottle to your Druggist and he may refund Uw paid." Price iiu HO cts.

and 81.00. AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUItK -ALT. AVrf-oiw- Wjcnues-ralUnB Mom- OIy Irupotency, by Abura or othor Kicowca and cratlonH, and reatore Lout Vitality In old or younir an5 fit a iflBn for itutl hualniMi or marriaga. ProTent Iniunitj and 1C Their RM imtnodlute improTo- in in titoa. Their itntnodiuto ImproTo- itund oDoots CUKE whoro all other fail In- flat upon Imvitm tha KV'nnina AJnx Tobleta.

Ther thousands and will cons you. V- ilivowrltteuKUuruiUfw ench or refund tho mouor- 1' or nix (full treatmontl ill. in plain wrntitior. nynn ot I AJAX REMEDY Successful Physicians. Wo hourtlly reoommuinl Dr.

Hathnway Co, of Cor. 4th uml Nobraska Sioux City, as beinn porfitctly rolmblftand romarkably Buccesa- ful in tho tcoutiiiDUl of chronic disenaos of men uncl women. Thny euro whero full. Our if la ncfd of medical help Bhould certain ly writo oinineDt dootorH.Bnd yon will njcmvo a and oxpr-rt opinion of your caao by roturu muil withoui cont. 1 v- lions in ii I.

h- MIT HO MOH2V. t.ri. 1 Jllc-s'jh Ifixl i'-iHli- tuliliuti inlii.iituil i Ihri-o c-jpy iiiiu.t )U (Iitio it wrltti i-roinpilv. j). M.

JJ. I'ub- i tf-10. J.u nik' rxp! 1 yi-y imH'-raln. I urfrL-u Httilno Dapyrimont L). I'l-i N.

Cor. fuul riiculurs Muiiim.Cliltaao, lliim.u. c. C. UUAltlCU, Jowu-.

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