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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
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i Encampment, Hfc. ftflvl. 3 ineets'at 8 o'clock, Camp, No. 327, 9, 0, S. of moots at 8 o'clock.

I'tiwfcto Council meets At8.00 o'clock. Special meeting. Huntingdon reformatory has 433 inmates, See the new advertisement of house and lot for sale. John Burley spent Sunday with his I)e9t girl in Huntingdon, Harry Swope, of Altoona, was a Tyrone visitor yesterday. A number of our young fellows spent yesterday afternoon at Cresson.

Templeton, Crawford Co, have a now advertisement of interest today. The July meeting of the Board of Trade will bo.held next Monday oven- The Huntingdon vs Tyrone gatno is in progress this afternoon as we go to press. The opera house clothing store advertises the round-up of its great fire sale. John J. L.

Smith, a former resident, ino'w of 1'hHadelphm, was a Sunday visitor in town. L. Olds, the well-known architect of State College, was in Tyrone on Saturday evening. Our veteran Shultz, Jr. of Sinking Valley, now draws a pension amounting to per month.

Do you need brick Read the new advertisement of Donnelly, Welsh proprietors of the Enterprise Brick yard. Miss Mary Stewart, after spending weeks in Tyrone among friends for her home in Philadelphia this morning. George Clark, of the popular clerical force in J. L. Mitchell's oflice, is spending a week's vacation at his former home in Blo'omsburg.

Have you attended the by the ladies of the Lutheran church yet 'f It will be continued again this evening. Assist a worthy cause. Borough council will hold a special meeting, and will continue to hold meetings semi-monthly while the present rush of public business continues. William and Fred Difllo desire to return their thanks to their friends in Tyrone who so kindly assisted them at the time of their recent bereavement. The borough authorities will here.

after enforce the ordinances in regard to the miraling of clogs in this town. Dogs must bo mimled until the first day of October, While W. L. Study was hitching up his horse ou Cameron street the (lies worried the equine into running off. After a wild galop down tho streets tlio horse concluded the dash by voluntary returning to his accustomed place in Study stable on Herald street.

But slight damage resulted to the buggy The festival for the benefit of the English Lutheru church will bo continued this evening, rain or shine. Weather permitting it will be held again on the lawn in rear of the church; otherwise it will bo held indoors. Tick- eta for. supper Saturday evening may bo used this evening. All kinds of refreshments will be served.

John Moore, who is an experienced brick-maker, contractor for Donnelly, Welsh at their new Enterprise Brick Yard, adjoining East Tyrone, completed the burning of the first kiln at that plant on Saturday evening. The initial kiln was an entire success, and the product was 100,000 first class brick, as the result of a live days 1 burning. Under tho superintendence of Mr, Moore, twenty men and boys art) employed at tho Enterprise yard. One the ttosfc dlsAsWdm thrtt has occurred ofi 1'yrwie fof some time, happened oh Spring street, at Opferkuoh Gingrich's coat yard this morning about two o'clock. Tyrone freight drew JSfo, 809, Scott Stonebraker conductor, Cat, Milter engineer, and Charley SWab fireman, were taking a loaded coal train out of the yard with engine No, 124, and when near the western end of the; yard the engine struck a cow belonging to David Phillips, The cow was pushed along in front by tho pilot of the engine until a short distance out of tho yard when the pony wheels were thrown from the rails and soon tho whole engine had been thrown off the track.

The momentum of the heavy train behind was too much to check and when the engine left the raits the weight pushing behind completely turned the engine and tank around throwing them on their side and piled up about six coal cars. The sudden stop caused the other cars of the train to come together with an awful force, crushing in the ends of quite and fireman when they saw tho danger that would likely occur, jumped and escaped injury, which was a very fortunate act, for if they had remained at their posts they would likely have been killed as the cab of the engine was totally demolished, scarcely auy of it remaining fastened to the engine. The pilot, smoke stack, cylinder, cab, whistle, tank, and in fact the whole engine is a total wreck. The cars are badly broken up and bituminous coal is strewn along ou both sides of the track on Spring street for half a square. The Tyrone wreck crew was called to clear up the wreck and by diligent and hard work the track was cleared about eight o'clock.

The passengers on the Bald Eagle and Tyrone and Clearlield trains, were transferred this morning and taken to the station. tyroiie! Keraid 4 A frtith-y of our people ufe tending the meetings of the Aftny. People can be acoomodated with almost anything In the general store tine at Goheen tiros. Mrs, John Newman, who has been sick for Some time, is wo are glad to note, again able to be around, The festival in the chapel wits advertised for Thursday mid Friday evenings of last week but was continued oh Haturelay night. AVe have not learned what the result was financially.

Our churches are all interested in the foreign missionary cause and at certain times in the year special collections are taken up for the cause, which is doubtodly right; but we grieve over tho fact that a special missionary Would find timber to work on right hero at home judging from the conduct of some people on tho Sabbath day. Jan. 28, 1800. This certifies that my child, in months old, was afilictf.d with a very bad skin disease of the face, eyes and inside of the nose. The face was covered with mattering sores, and his eyes, were swollen shut on account of the sores on the eyelids, and his nose was discharging matter, and was full inside'ol! the sores.

I gave him the Cactus Blood Cure for four weeks, and to-day my baby is entirely well. MRS. J. KIONNEY, Mo East 120th stveot, N. Y.

COMPLETE STOCK or TfT 1 woolens NOW READY. C. B. STEWART. For the next ISO days will sell yon anything in the line of CLOTHING AND HATS AT PRICKS THAT WILL SUIT CAS It ntJVRUS, Dmilap Yeoman's LATEST SltAl'KS IN" STIFF HATS.

SUMMER UNDERWEAR, A VINK UN.13 OF NECK WEAR, A BALL AND BAT WITH EVERY BOY'S SUIT, JNotlco. The party holding my one-gallon packing can would confer a favor by letting me know, as I do not know where to send for Korb. I Awtiy From Hume. Seven weeks ago Miss Annie Ivuner- ant, aged twenty years, whoso homo is at York, and who has been for a long time a sufferer from consumption, went to IHulipsburK to visit friends and test a change of air in thn hope of benefit- ting her hoalth, She showed no improvement but steadily grew worse, and her friends endeavored today to remove her to her home, In her wo.ik eoBcJUion it was necessary to carry her on and off; the train, Accompanied by her two brothers Jady friend, she started ou her today, arriving iu Tyrone from ilipsburg on the noon train, It was i intention of the party to take Day i east for York awl they Im4 so, dived, parjpr car seats on that train. McOmber, of the Ward House, the weak condition of the young iKnyeyer, induced them to give up 8UPh a Uuzardous trip and placed the accommodationa of his hotel at sir disposal.

The patient was given given a mom and, G. Barret Miss Kuneranb was a dying comlijioa, jju4 was. no hope tba(i she would. Jive ttxe day. eight minutes Last Saturday afternoon at twenty- five minutes after one o'clock.

Mrs. James Judge departed this life, at her home on North Main street, of old age superinduced by dyseutery. Miss Mary Finnegan was boru in Sligo county, Ireland, in 1816, and in February, 1811, was married to James Judge, who came to this country in 18-10, settling at Bald Eagle and Birmingham and afterwards near what is now Tyrone. He left behind him his wife and threochildren who immigrated to this country in 1852 and joined the head of the family here, where have since resided. The deceased is therefore iu her seventy-fifth She is survived by her aged husband and three sons, who are Michael, of this place, Domiuick, of Bollefonto, and James, of Carson City, Nevada.

Two children, John and Mary, have preceded her to the grave. The Tyrone correspondent to the Altoona Tribune gives the following interesting facts regarding the death of her son John "During the war, when Lee invaded Pennsylvania, all the machinery in the shops and other property iu tho oflices of the Pennsylvania railroad at Altoona, together with the assets of tho then banks of that place and adjoining towns, were shipped to Snow Shoe City, ou the Bollefonto and Snow Shoe railroad, for safety. Upou a rumor of a probable attack from tho rear, all the available force of tho Tyrone division was called into requisition and sent to Snow Shoe. While ou the way, between Julian Furnace and Unionville, tho men, while experimenting with their muskets, her sou John Judge was shot accidently iu the right leg with a loud of buckshot, and was taken to Bollefoute and from his homo where he died from the effects of the wound some thirteen days thereafter, Road Supervisor Surse had charge of tho company, with John Adair as lieutenant." Tho remains will be conveyed to St Matthew's Chapel, on Cameron street, tomorrow morning at uine o'clock where requiem mass will bo held, to be conducted by Ilev. Father 1), J.

Gal, higher, at tho conclusion of which, interment will be made at Tyrone cemetery, The deceased through her kindly acts all through life endeared her to many, till of whom will mourn her loss, The sympathy of tho entire community is extended to her aged husband and three sons, "That Good Medicine." Mr. C. D. Cone, attorney, of Parker, South Dakota, says "I take pleasure in saying to tho public, as I have to my friends and acquaintances for the last five years, that I consider Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea llemedy the best medicine for the purposes it is intended that I ever tried.

Since I have used it I would not be without it. I was always subject to cholera morbus and never fojnd anything else that gives the relief that this remedy does. I never leave home without taking it with me and on many occasions have ran with it to the relief of some sufferer and have never known it to fail. My children always call for'that good when they have a pain in the stomach, or bowels." For sale by Garner Boecking. In order to more fully clear our stock of SPRING and SUMIWER MIL- LINERY and to close a very successful season we will give a casli rebate ol Doctor HIM! rostmii.sKn- were talking about, a ease of serious illness due to a ueirlected cold and rapidly going into Consumption'which was promptly cured by Pan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cure.

Trial bottles free at W. H. Holmes, Druggists A mau who has practiced medicine for years, ought to know salt from sugar read what he says; TOIYKDO. Jan 10,1887. Messrs.

F. J. Cheney have been iu the general practice of medirine for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice, and experience have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that I have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not euro if they would take it according to directions. Yours Truly.

L. GOBSUCH, M. D. Oflice, 216 Summit St. Wo will give for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure.

Taken internally. J. CHENEY Proprietors. Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c.

i and a proportionate rebate on all smaller amounts purchased this week. This offer will hold good in everything in'the Millinery department, in llats and Bonnets, i bons, Yelvets, Muslin Underwear, Aprons, Lace Caps and Hats, Infants' Coats and Drosso and Fancy Goods of all kinds. Do you have an upstairs, hall, bath room or small bed room -hat you want a carpet for' If so, we can suit you, as our immense sales of the past season made many short pieces ill all grades ol carpets, that will bo sold at prices that arc all in your favor. We still have few pieces of the all wool carpet at 55 cents per pard, and five pieces of the Body Brusscli at 00 cents per yard. Call and see us, as we have many things to show you.

the her Mahloq Cryder, the clothier, has a pew advertisement on the third, page today, Read it There will be a game of base ball bef iveen the Gilt Edgeaudthe Morocco Bound clubs on the Athletic grounds tomorrow afternoon. While workmen were engaged in moving the foundation, walls of Patrick Welsh's old building on his styrget lot this afternoon, a portion, of the "party wall" on the side of Jake Cohu'8 shoe store, being left witljput caved in. K.oone was Michael Jlawey, of this lw keen, spending the last coupjle weeks Ocean Grove, JM for the beoflflt of her liealtb, is it don't do to neglect nature's warning aches through the system, cause Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Backnclie, try Bed Flag Oil, the Famous Pain Cure. 25 cents. At W.

II. Holmes, Druggists The following clipped from tho Burlington Junction (Mo.) Post, contains information of no little value to persons troubled with indigestion For years the editor of tho Post has been subject to cramp oolio or fits of indigestion, that prostrated him for several hours and unfitted him for business for two or three days afterward, About a year ago wo ca'lled on J. Butcher, druggist, and asked for something to ward off an attack that was already rnaVing life hideous. Mr, Butcher handed us a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Wo took the medicine according to directions, and not only found relief on that occasion, but have several times siuco tried its virtues and found relief in every iu- Htanco.

We take this method of acknowledging the benefits derived and recommending tho cure to all others subject to indigestion, For ealfl by Garner Boeuking, Chew Filly good dining room girl with at Miss Mary In another column of this paper will be found an advertisement of a mod IT cine known as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea aeme'4y for sale by druggists Garner Uoookmg, or this place In almost every neigh bop. hood, throughout the west, there are some one pr more persons whose lives have been saved by this remedy, It is natural for such persons to take especial pleasure in recommending 1 the remedy toothers. The praise that follows its introduction and use makes it immensely popular. While it is intended especially for colic, cholera morbus.dysentery an4 diarrhoea, it ia also claimed to cure "ironic diarrhoea, if such be the case ja certainly a "God-send" to RW'y a mortal. 22, 24 and 26 JTJNIATA STREET.

BLAIB TYRONE, PliJNN'A. f. t-, Filly plug tobacw? OF sale by dealers. Wtf' money by PAying at W. ooyow Established 1871, INDIVIDUAL MAIUI4TY, KOUHKT A.

MuCOY, CusUlur. STOCKum.njciw.-S. 0, Sluwurt, llninos, S.S, Ululr, Ci.CurUii, Win, J'. Kuuum, Jno. Harris, Holnu-l McCoy, 'Vliis ban If Is locuturt I Stewart ituliaing, ou Jnututa street, awl tenders Us sorvlcus In the transaction ot a general banking business, lutin'ost allowed on tlwo deposits, Drafts issued on all Foreign Countries, No charge for care of Private Boxes or Papers, BAKERY, Qortfeotionsry Brea.4 au.4 every.

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