Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 34
- Publication:
- Democrat and Chroniclei
- Location:
- Rochester, New York
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 34
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
170 PREMINCU PRESENTS 24 ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE Thursday, April 27, 1961 ADVERTISEMENT For BIDS EXTERIOR PAINTING SCHOOL 16 Sealed bids will be received it the -OW'r CHOICE SEATS NOW ON SALI office of the Purchasing Agent, Second Today to Flubberl at the Palace Rochester Premiere TUES. May 9 Schini's NEW RIVIERA 1453 Laki Avt. Ah, What Fun It's Fast and Funny By JEAN WALRATH 8 ACADEMY AWARD TWIN-BILL! BEST! ICTURLDIRICTOR ADVERTISEMENT For BIDS ALTERATIONS TO ROOMS 213 AND 215 JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Purchasing Agent, Second Floor, Education Building, 13 South Fitihugh Street, Rochester, New York, to 12 o'clock noon (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) on Tuesday, May 16. 1961, for the General Construction work: Plumbing, Heating, and Ventilating Work: and Electric Work In connection with Alterations to Rooms 213 and 213 at Jefferson High School located at Edgerton Park, Rochester, New York, in accordance with the plant and specifications prepared by the Architect for the Board of Education, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read. Sets of proposed contract documents, Including plans, specifications, and official bid forms, may be examined at the office of the Superintendent of School Buildings, Second Floor, Education Building, and copies thereof may be obtaiied upon presentation of two bidder's checks in the amount of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.30) each made payable to the Board of Education, which deposit will be returned to the bidder upon return of said plans and specifications In good condition on or before the date set for such return by the said Superintendent; but those BEST! ACTOR.
MiPPORrtNG ACTRESS I OTHtRS I lur Lancaster Shirley Janes Moor. Education Huilding, 13 I iMhiigh Street, Rochester. New York, to 12 o'clock noon (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) on Thursday, May U. IV6I. for Exterior Painting at School 16 located at 321 Post Avenue, Rochester, New York, in accordance with the specifications prepared by the Architect tor tilt Board of Education, at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read.
Sets of proposed contract documents, Including specifications and official bid forms, may be secured at the office of the Superintendent of School Buildings, Second Floor, Education Building. Each bid shall contain the name of every person interested in same, and shall be accompanied by security in an amount of not less than five per centum 13) of the base bid, in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. The Bosrd of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals as the best interests of education in the City of Rochester may require. By order of the Board of Education. JAMES S.
MCALLISTER, Coordinator of Business Affairs, Acting as Purchasing Agent. BE 427 It. jack ummon fA tHWLCT MboLAIHCI I okay too, along with Leon Ames and Elliott Reid, and a special bow is for Steve Allen's real-life mother, Belle Montrose, who at 74 is making her screen debut as the professor's housekeeper. Bill Walsh wrote the screenplay from a story by Samuel W. Taylor directed by Robert Stevenson for Walt Disney.
The theater was filled, nearly to the last row of the balcony last night when Tom Grierson played a 25-minute program on the newly renovated organ. SZ RIVIERA 1451 LAKI AVI. CI 1-1168 is such an uppance that all the fire department (including Chief Ed Wynn) and most of the townsfolk, are helpless in the face of it. The price of admission has now paid off and anything more is premium for the audience. I Mac Murray, calm cookie that he is in situations such as this, does an expert job of bouncing the flubber for laughs.
Keenan Wynn is fun as the "heavy," and Nancy Olson a crisp leading lady. Tommy Kirk is Ives. Me, rkni 7 P.M. CcVt. Sat.
Sua. from 2 P.M. AT REGULAR PRICES ko(IA aoura Ave. i-vvv. sj ajana swaai am eweMsaaaiaaj Si breoorv FINES ARTS) Ismsmm; 1 prospective bidders who do not gurtmit a bid but return the plans and specifications in good condition on or before the date set for such return wilt be refunded one-half the amount of their NOW PLAYING ACADEMY AWARD BEST ACTRFS the YEAR PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Applicalloa of deposit.
I Ml'SIC Eastman Theater Philadelphia Orchestra under Eugene Ormandy, 8:15 p.m. Nazareth Hall Spring concert by students, 8 p.m. MOVIES Loew's Cantinflas, Shirley Jones and Dan Dailey in "Pepe," 12:05, 3:00, 5:05, 8:50. Palace Fred MacMurray and Nancy Olson in "The Ab-sent-Minded 12:15, 2:40, 5:55, 7:30, 9:55. Paramount Don Murray in "The Hoodlum Priest," 12:40, 3:45, 6:55, 10.
Regent "Mighty Crusader," 1, 4, 7, 10, and "Prisoners of the Congo." Cinema "Carry On, Nurse," 5:50, 7:50, 9:50. Fine Arts Elizabeth Taylor in "Butterfield 8," 7:10 and 9:20. Little "Please Turn Over," 1:50. 3:50, 5:45, 7:45, 9:40. Monroe Kirk Douglas and Jean Simmons in "Spartacus," a Riviera "Elmer Gantry," 7 "The Apartment, 9:35.
Rialto, E. Roch. "The World of Suzie Wong" and Police Dog Story." 7 and 9:15. Lyell "The World of Suzie Wong," 7:10 and 9:25. DRIVEINS Central "The World of Each bid shall contain the name ot At 7:10 every person interested in tame, and 3 8 i Mll-M muit Macedon Water District No.
4. Notice Is Hereby Given that, pursuant ELIZABETH TAYLOR BUTURHHO1 'Ml to Section 431 of the Conservation Law, the Water Resources Commission will meet in the Town Hall of the Town of Macedon in Macedon on the 11th day LAlmtnoc nAilVCT EDDIE FISHER shall be accompanied by securtty in an amount of not less than five per centum (5) of the base bid, in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals as the best interests of education in the City of Rochester may require. By order of the Board of Education. JAMES S.
MCALLISTER, Coordinator of Business Affairs, Acting as Purchasing Agent, BF427 It, of May. 1961. at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon of that day for the purpose of hearing all persons, waterworks corporations, municipal corporations or LAST TIMES TODAY "TUE SUNDOWNER ii 39E mmmmmmsm parking mmmmmmmmmsm other civu divisions ot the Mate or New York that may be affected by the execution of the plans of the Town of 7 MS P.M. Reg. Werlng Prices 2 Complete Prf.
WARING I Macedon, wayne county. lor trie taking of a supply of water for Macedon Water District No. 4 by the purchase of such a supply from the facilities of the Monroe County Water Authority through the intervening facilities of the town of Perinton, Monroe County, and for the construction proposed in con Here They Come! THE MISFITS ON THE LOOSE! THIS is what movies are f0r to fulfill such dreams of man as can't be satisfied any other way. Such as throwing one's flivver into flight gear and taking off for a spin over the rooftops. That's why the new movie at the Palace, "The Absent-Minded Professor," arrives with the reputation of sublime success.
That movie has it. Flubber. Flubber is the stuff scientist-professor Murray invents in his laboratory that converts his jalopy into a flying machine, turns losers into winners on a basketball court, throws the Pentagon into a muddle, provides an incomparable way of getting even with rivals and crooks and anything you want to dream up if you are a lover of convenient and silly situations. Anyone who thinks that being flubberized is more important than showing up for a wedding to the girl who has waited in vain three times, is going to be sympathetic with Murray right off the bat the first bounce, we mean. Here stands the lovliest girl in the world with flowers in her hand, the preacher and the guests waiting, and there in his backshed is Murray, a man with a discovery.
There's a little un-gig-gling wait until the elements all coalesce, but when flubber takes hold of the normal-sized college team in a home game against giants, the fudge begins to bubble. The inevitable opportunist and pusher-around emerges in the town loan shark, played by Keenan Wynn, who wants to own the invention. When one says that Wynn gets his come-up-pance, never was the situation more mildly stated. It nection therewith, plans for which have been filed with the Water Resources Gable Monroe ICIift Commission, at its office in Albany. N.Y..
where the same are open for WILLIAM NMCT public inspection: and for the purpose of determining whether said plans are justified by public necessity, whether they provide for the proper and safe construction of all work connected therewith, whether they provide for the proper protection of the supply and 6A HOLOEN KWAN Thelma Ritler- EH WalTach Of ,5 SUZiE v. hcii Irom contamination or provide for the proper filtration of such auuitional supply, whether they are just and equitable to the other municipalities and civil divisions of the State of New York and to the inhabitants thereof affected thereby, and whether "WONG dL-J TECHNICOLOR A MIAMOUMt tClMit Line no. er. uewev At they make fair and equitable provisions for the determination and payment of any and all legal damages to persons and property, both direct and indirect, which will result from the execution thereof. All persons, waterworks Suzie Wong" and "Under Ten Flags." Empire "The World of Suzie Wong" and "Savage Innocents." Lake Shore "The World of Suzie Wong" and "Wild Is the Wind." North Park "Where the Boys Are," and "First Man in Space." Starlite "Oceans 11" and "Deep Sea." Washington "The World of Suzie Wong" and "Elephant Walk." 17 Aowat BOTH THEATRES I AHHtSHOHE BT WILLIAM KANCY HOLDEN KWAN glKSv I hTwohbob municipal corporations, or other civil divisions of the Slate of New York, who have objections to the execution of said plans, in order to be heard thereon, must file such objections there, to in writing and in duplicate in the RIALTO Doers Opea :30 Wm.
Holden Nancy Kwan SUZiE ufTHOff amwil if I umcm mucosal fVtilJil office of the Water Resources Com- mission in the city of Albany, New York, on or before the 10th day of THE WORLD OF SeT 1 May, 1961. Every objection so filed PRIVi OUT TO OUR DRIVMNS TONIGHT must particularly specuy the grounds SUZIE WONG thereof. No persons, waterworks or municipal corporation or local authority can be James Brown Mary Anders NOTICE OF HEARING Notice of Public Hearings ea the Buds-et Estimate of the Board of Education and the Budget Estimate of the CIO Manager for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1961 and Expiring June 30, 1961. City Clerk's Office Rochester, N.Y. April 23.
1961 Notice Is Hereby Given, pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Council of heard in opposition thereto except on object so filed. Dated, Albany. New York, April 21, 1961. i WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION. C.
THOMPSON, "POLICE DOG STORY" NO PARKING PROBLEMS WITH MUSIC BY Tom Grierson back at organ last night at Palace for brief concert as new film bill opened. Costly organ has just been overhauled. Secretary of the Commission. AY 427, 3,4 2t. the City of Rochester on the 23th day of April 1961, that a Public Hearing Pon 0 n-so m.
ul be given by the Council on Morv 3d 'Movies on a Shoestring' Slated The Music of Franz Lehar's "The MERRY WIDOW" Chorus Solohtt Paul White The Rochester POPS Orchestra Friday, April 28, at day. May I. 1961, at 8:00 P.M., In the Council Chamber, Room 30, City Ha I si Rochtstsr, New York, to all persons wishing to be heard in reference to the Budget Estimate of the Board of Edu LAST 2 PLEASE cation for the fiscal year commencing DAYS July 1. 1961. and expiring June 30, 1962, and that a Public Hearing will also be given by the Council on May 1, 1961.
at 8:30 P.M.. in the Council Eastman Theatre the sensalien ef 'Around Iris World In 80 Oars Chamber. Room 30. City Hall. Roch ester, New York, to all persons wishing Reserved Seats Now I $1.10.
Il.lS to be heard in reference to the Budget Estimate of the City Manaser for the A Civic A'" Preientation fiscal year commencing July 1, 1961 and expiring June 30, 1962. BEGINS SAT. Presents CinemaScope Color KALrn oCri A UMA, City Clerk. VSSft tJ! IN TH BIS AU-42S-27-2S 3t, UNtMASCOK Cs-Storrlns Tregillus. Those from other cities are: "Spreading the News" by C.
D. Woodley of Toronto, an 8 mm entry. "Where the Sirens Sang" by Helen Welsh of Albany, about the island of Capri. "Article of Fate" by Bob Schaefer of Buffalo, a "suspense" film. "Rhythmic Motions of Growing Plants," by Prof.
William Harlow of New York State College of Forestry; time-lapse photography. The event has been arranged by a committee headed by Martha Hill of 65 Briar Lane. Warren Dore-mus, for the third time, will be master of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS DON DAILEY Ml Daan Zwick. "Massachusetts Revisited," travel with humor by Edward M. Crane.
"Hodge Podge," semi-abstract, experimental, by Leonard Tregillus. "Nudd's Ark," vacation scenes from Tupper Lake region by Robert Messenger. "Engineer in a Fir Coat," nature film about beavers by Earl Hilfiker. "Operation Inland Seas." documentary of the 1959 "invasion" of Rochester, made by Leslie Edgcomb, Robert Messenger and Keith Pfohl. "A Holiday Treasure Hunt," story in which children are the only actors, set in Cape Cod, by Leonard 3JOVIES on a Shoestring, the third annual showing of low-budget movies made by Rochesterians and guest exhibitors from four other cities, will be presented publicly Friday night in the Dryden Theater of George Eastman House.
Selected by a panel from among many entries, a dozen films will be shown. Most are 16 mm. The list includes: "All About Andrew," an 8 mm fable, narrated in poetry by the producer, Keith Pfohl. With magnetic sound track, it will be shown on the new Kodak Sound 8 projector. "Available Light at Tea-neck," documentary by SHIRLEY JONES Contract MC 61-34 Moaroe County Hater Authority Rochester.
New York Sealed bids for construction of a 20- in. Transmission Main and Appurtenant Work will be received by the Adminis 4 Academy Awards trative Director. Monroe County Water Authority, 339 East Avenue, Rochester. N.Y., until 10 a.m. EUs I on Monday.
Mav 13th. 1961. at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Work involves construction of water rat' Dinelinea and appurtenant work. Irtcl.
Peter UsfJnov "Bejt Supporting This project is subject to the provl-tlons of Chapter 603. laws of the State Jf IPIlflJlLAni)IEILPflMA I Orchestra EUGENE ORMANDY, Conducting PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS i FRA.NCK'S MINOR SYMPHONY R. STRAUSS "Ein Heldenleben" df TONIGHT April 27th 8:15 Eastman Theatre AggtggA Civic Music Auocfoflo Presentation gtggfgatw NOT SINCE Kong fgga A of New York of 1939, Section 103-A of the General Municipal Laws. Drawine and contract documents may the IMPULSE COURT CHESTNUT STS. (NON-ALCOHOLIC) Tonite Thru Sun.
SHIRLEY SCOTT TRIO FEATURING Stanley Turrentine Firs Show 9:30 P.M. Lett Show 3:00 A. M. Matinee Sun. Afternoon P.
M. be examined and obtained at offices of the Monroe County Water Authority, inii immiSiim Actor 39 East Rochester. N.Y.; J23.O0 deposit. Ormandy Performs Tonight Bid Security K.juu certniea. treas ADVERTISEMENT For BIDS PUPIL SEATING SPENCERPORT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.
1. SPENCERPORT, NEW YORK The Board of Education of Central urer'! or cashier's check or Bid Bond. rAkTAtf TONITE AT I P.M. Ceed Seats for All Perft. of lei Office, Mall or Pkoae 3-OtM Successful bidder must furnish lOOVi Performance Bond.
The right is reserved to reject any School District No. 1 of the Towns of Ogden. Gates, Greece and Parma, Mon roe county, iNtw you, popularly nnown as spencerpon central School, (in accordance with Section 103 of or all bids, to waive any informalities in the bids, or to accept any bid deemed to be in the best interest of the Monroe Countv Water Authority. MONROE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY. By: GEORGE R.
WILLIAMS, Chairman. BG 427 It. DESERVES TO BUN A YEAR! SCHIANO'S STEAK HOUSE Serving Packer's and U. S. Choice Steer Steak Open daily from 5 p.
m. Sundays from 1 p. m. Porterhouse $2.25 N. Y.
Cut Sirloin $2.25 Sttoks Include Vegetoblo, Potato Salad Lobster Tail $2.00 Spaghetti end Meat Baits 90 Car. SCOTTSVILLi PAUL ROS. milt poit large Canal in minor of Cesar Franck and "Invocation and Dance" by Paul Creston. Shirley's Girl In Movie HOLLYWOOD Shirley a a i 's 4-year-old daughter, Stephanie, made her motion picture debut with her mother in Metro-Goldwyn Mayer's Loves" although she didn't know it at the time. On a visit to the studio, she wandered into a schoolroom set of the picture in which Miss MacLaine was appearing as a teacher of 30 young pupils.
Unobserved, she remained while the "take" was completed. Article 3-A of the General Municipal Law) hereby invites the submission of sealed bids on Pupil Seating for use in the schools of the district. Rids will be received until 7:30 P.M., E.D.S.T., on the 8th day of May 1961, at Spencerport Elementary School at which time and place all will be publicly opened. Specifications and bid form may be obtained at the school. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject all bids.
Any bid submitted will be binding for 10 days subsequent to the date of bid opening. BOARD OF EDUCATION, Central School District No. I of the Towns of Ogden, Gates, Greece and Parma, Monroe County, Spencerport, New York, By: MILDRED H. HART. Clerk.
April 24. 1961. BA 427 It. 'JHE Civic Music Association season comes to a close on an Olympian plane tonight with the appearance of the Philadelphia Orchestra under Eugene Ormandy in the Eastman Theater at 8:15 p.m. The program consists of two major standard works and a contemporary piece: "Ein Heldenleben" by Richard Strauss, the Symphony Bernstein Concert A Hit in Tokyo TOKYO Lfl The New York Philharmonic and conductor Leonard Bernstein last night captivated their audience in an open 2 ALL-TIME LAFF SMASHES on 1 Hilarious Program LVfil aaW I a i-.
i at fg fll III II III IU It.HJ UlimUhlJI UIII'liKI 'Mi i 0 sli gT FRII IN CAR HIATIRS I The picture tops the book I Tlis picture tops the playl ft-' 1 1 S-7240 EMPIRE EMPIRE ILVt, AND IT'S ALL IN a I nniniifl ing performance at the East-West Music Center. Bernstein and the orchestra took seven boys after the final number. The conductor thanked the audience of 3,000 at Tokyo's new festival hall in Japanese and offered one "chiisai (small)" encore with a hoedown from Cope-land's ballet suite "Rodeo." ADVERTISEMENT Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed by Ioom falsa teeth slipping, dropping or wobbling when you eat, talk or laugh. Just sprinkle a little FASTKETH on your plates. This pleasant powder gives remarkable sense of added comfort and security by holding plates more firmly.
No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Its alkaline (non-acid). Get FASTEETH at anv drug counter. William HoMen Nancy Iwan Color "World of Suzie Wong" Anthony Qulnn In Color "Savage Innocence" aoaBBaa, Kenneth More Dana Wynter "SINK THE BISMARK" Hope Lanee Stephen (Bca Hur) Boyd "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" gbLUillUUd Ji technicolor! BE S-792 Original kd: ROCHESTER! A SCOTTSVIUE RO. OPP.
AIRPORT WINS EVERY MEDAL FOR MIRTH! AU Color Show Frank Sinatra rtT 11 fJCS Dean Martin VWJa COLOR SPECTAMATIOfl ir 5-2220 STARLITE W. HENRIETTA ID. Michael Gouch Mareo Iohns Iess km Claire Gqroqm i HERMAN COHEN Alan Ladd DEEP SIX Diane Foster Sure its ridiculous-nuT The Screens Laughtime of a Lifetime! Doloree Hart George Hamilton iTSyi DAILY 1 KORS OPEN re isrwr rv ri 2 5152 Ti I i- I 7 I I 7 I I North PARK ANDY GRIFFITH Starring in tht stags rele that rsckta him to tamef 'WHERE THE BOYS ARE" la Cinemascope 4 Color Plua "FIRST MAN INTO SPACE" 15M IBOSOR AVE. i fUKNiER TH.W THF RAYl HATOER THAN THE BOOKl William Hoidn Nancy Kwan I Jan i ii CL 4-8381 I IP STARTS TOMORROW eieP In Color THE WORLD OF SUZIE WONG' Van Hefltn Mylene Damonqeot 'UNDER TEN FLAGS' CENTRAL 1701 1016 PORD IB. Utt In.
I hJ at STARTS TOH'W MM Haft of the Sea" 7ttSaaa. OA LAST OAT iu mi til i tci I uif gjjf iH i If I Uil tfiwvmox smith LAST "THE MIGHTY CRUSADERS" DAY "PRISONERS OF THE CONGO" "HOODLUM PRIEST" Pies "AMoslef Mr. Callegkaar' m. t- i -L i .1 4 1 i a a a.
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