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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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Su. 14 21 28 Mo. 15 22 29 Tu. 16 23 We. 10 17 24 Th.

11 18 25 Fr. 12 19 26 Sa. I 3 20 27 Innlruclod for Cleveland. SHAMOKIN, Feb. Democratic convention organized with H.

P. Mann, of Sunhcry, as chairman, and G. C. Stahl. of Milton, as secretary.

The following nominations -were then made Hon. H. C. Dickerman, of Milton, delegate to the national Democratic convention, and instructed for Cleveland. The delegates to the state convention are: F.

Nicholson, Shamokin; J. F.icholtz and H. E. Davis, Sunbnry; Dr. J.

F. McClure, Watsonto-wn; Daniel Klinger. Milton J. H. Hollister.

Mount Carniel, and I. T. Treisler, Jackson. MOON'S PHASES. First 4:38 fT Third nn 7:1 jQuarter a.

m. It Quarter p.r Full -i 2:38 7:15 p.m. THE SEALJISHERIES The Cabinet Now Occupied with Behring Sea Matters. PEOPOSED CHANGE IN METHODS. Instead or Their Being Sox-en Arbitrators, au Originally Proposed, It Js Now Said the Questions at Issue 'Will Be Decided by a Commission of Three Members.

WASHINGTON-, Fel), the cabinet meeting it is said the presentation of Chilean affairs was very meager, most of the session being occupied with the Behring sea matter. Considerable progress was made in disposing of the preliminaries of the case. Inasmuch as it is manifestly impossible to conclude an agreement on the subject before the season for the taking of seal begins, Secretary Elaine was requested to arrange an extension of the moflng Vivendi in force last year, to cover the season of 1893. nnd to get the necessary notices to the fleets before they sail. In furtherance of ibis plan it is understood that Secretary Elaine and Sir Julian Paunce- fote, the British minister, ha da conference yesterday afternoon.

It is expected that the arrangement to extend the modus vivehdi mil be made within Qfietr days. To Be Decided by Three Arbitrators. A change in the method of proceeding in the matter of reaching a final determination of the -nfhole subject was discussed. According to the terms of the agreement to arbitrate the question arrived at between Secretiiry Blaine and Lord Salisbury there were to be seven arbitrators, three of whom shall be from a neutral country. Two of the remainder were to be citizens of the United States and the other two to representtheantaprognistic interests, one being a citizen of Great Britain and the other a Canadian.

These latter have been appointed in the persons of the gentlemen named as commissioners by tlie two countries, Sir Baden Powell, of England, and Mr. Dawson, of Canada, and Professors T. C. Mendenhull and E. Hart Merriam, of the United States.

It is now proposed, it is understood, to limit the board of arbitrators to three, not all of whom need necessarily be from 'one country, who shall take the evidence furnished by these comims- on the subject of the seal industry, and by other commissioners on tlie question of jurisdiction of the territory under dispute. This change will "be suggested to the proper authorities and. will probably be adopted. The names of the three arbitrators are said to have been agreed upon by the narties in interest. Hunted Their Father's Murderer.

BOSTON, Feb. Italian, named Ceriaceo Venuto, aged 34 vears, was arrested here yesterday. It is charged that on Oct. 28, 1890, "he murdered his father-in-law, named Uestario, in an Italian town about forty-two miles from Naples. The arrest was made on the accusation of two sous of Destario, vho have traveled from Italj- in search of their father's murderer.

They say their father Venuto quarreled over the possession of some sheep, during which Veuutoshot aud killed the old man. Vennto -denies the charge. He was turned over to the United States authorities. Atlanta's Greeting to Cleveland. ATLANTA, G.i..

Feb. Cleveland passed through here yesterday on his way to New York. At Central station he was given a tremendous ovation. Fully ri.OOO people were assem- bled in and about the station. Cannon saluted the arrival of the train and before it had stopped Governor Northern had gotten aboard the train and introduced Mr.

Cleveland to the multitude. For twenty minutes he shook hands "with the crowd and in response to a call xnaae a speech. His corning was uo1 inown until au hour before the train arrived. Thawed Out Dynamite. MONTREAL.

Feb. Dupre, a resident of Cote St. Limis. an outlying suburb of Montreal, placed several frozen dynamite cartridges on the stove to thaw out. A few moments later the cartridges exploded with tremendous force, shattering the house.

Dupre terribly injured. His two little daughters, one an infant of 9 months, were fatally burned. 5V third daughter, agei 9 vears, had her skull fractured, auc will probably die. Mrs. Dupre was made insane bv the disaster.

Pittsburj; Protests. PiTTsniiiG. Feb. the quarterlj meeting of the Pittsburg presbytery a resolution was adopted that the tery of Pittsbnrg recommends to the members of all churches under its care to neither take part in the Chicago World's fair as exhibitors, nor conn teuance it by their personal presence unless the management recognize the sacredness of the Lord's day and the absolute prohibition of the liquor traffic on the exposition grounds. Not an Artistic "Wringer." GRAND RAPIDS.

Mk-K, Feb. Albert of Solon township, hab filed a compliant for divorce from his wife, Lottie K. whom he marriei in 1880. The grounds 011 which he for a legal separation are extreme crnelty jealousy. violent temper and persona', abuse.

He cites several instances of the latter, one of which occurred in June when she slapped him violently in the face because he did not turn the clothes just right. Extradition with France. PARIS, Feb. Minister WMtelaw Beid has been intrusted with the uego tiation of a new extradition treaty be tween France and the United States The one now in existence fails to rneei the exigencies of modern criminal life. having been originally signed nearly fifty years ago.

The main points of the new treaty have been agreed upon by the two governments. Heirs Claim Inde'mnity. WASHINGTON, Feb. W. Kerr, late assistant attorney general of the United States, presented at the department of state a claim for indemnity from the Chilean government for the murder of Riggiii, one of the Baltimore's sailors, at Valparaiso.

The petitioners are John Riggin, Mary and MattSews. I have been troubled with chronic ca tarrh for years. Ely's Cream Balm the only remedy among the many that liava that affords me 1 "WUlard, druggist, Joliett, 111. Baltimore's License Board. ANNAPOLIS, Feb.

application has already been filed for the place the Republican member of the liquor icense board of Baltimore city, and it is ikely a change will be made. It would be no surprise indeed if the whole board was changed, because there is such a for places on the commission, vhich has come to be recognized as a body of great political importance. It seems to be considered certain, however, that the feature of the minority representation on the board will be done away with. Urged to Prolong His Vacation. LONDON, Feb.

2. Mr. Gladstone's Wends are urging him to remain abroad until the influenza epidemic in England will have abated. He win probably remain on the continent another fortnight, which case Sir William Vernon Harcourt will lead the opposition on the reopening of parliament. The archbishop of Canterbury has issued a special prayer against influenza.

Blinded by Dynamos. TORONTO, Feb. W. Martin, electrician of the Toronto electric light cornpanj-, while passing between two large dynamos, completed the circuit between them and was rendered unconscious and possibly fatally injured by the shock. When he recovered consciousness it was found that he was blind.

AA for Tour Check. In order that the accounts between the ot the NEWS whose papers delivered and the subscription collected by carriers, in this city and suburbs, and the collector and the office may be correctly kept, the publishers ttave provided checks, one of which the collector gives in return for each 10 cents received by him as a receipt. We learu that some subscribers fail to take the check. This should not be so, as it has lead to a great deal of trouble in a number of cases. Let us hope that none of the subscribers hereafter will refuse to lift their checks, yea, in fact, will demand them when the collectors fail to offer- them.

The collectors will make their -vreekly call on Satuiday forenoon, when every subscriber should be in readiness to meet them, and also see that the proper credit is given them in the collection book. Subscribers wil" confer a favor if they will inform the publishers when the collector fails to make his weekly call. Don't pay more than $4.25 for Chest nut Coal. That's the price for Buck Mountain Chestnut, the best Coal in the market, at Mish Seventh and Willow Rtreets. mar9-tf HEREDITARY SCROFULA.

A RE you aware that In your blood the taint of scrofula lias a prominent place? This is true of every one. It Is liable at any time, on the slightest provocation, to develop Itself in some Insidious disease. Consumption and many ether diseases are outgrowths of this Impurity of the Wood. HOOD'S SAIISAPAKILUI. has a wonderful power over all scrofulous troubles, as the re- testimonials wo have receives unmistakably prove.

An ex-alderman of this city says of Hood's Sarsaparilla, It is the strongest Sarsaparilla I ever saw." HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. The following testimonial from a reliable gentleman, who has specially observed effects resulting from the use of more than a hundred bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla by different persons, Is only one many at our, and proves the following to be fact, namely, that Hood's Sarsaparilla la superior to all other preparations as a specific remedy for scrofula and the numerous diseases springing from this taint In the blood, the extent of which must be realized, when statistics show that a large majority of our population are suffering from Its Influence, either directly or indirectly. N. H. MESSRS.

C. I. HOOD Lowell, The little girl for whom I procured your Sarsaparilla was BO badly afflicted with scrofula, that tlie side her neck, extending all over the ear and up Into the hair, was one complete mass of matter. At tills stage of the eruption 1 pavchera part of a bottle of ood's she had taken nil of that it began to heal. I then got one bottle more and that cured her completely, leaving no scar to show that she had ever been troubled by that terrible disease, Sciofula.

The beneficial effcctderived from the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla by those for whom I have procured it, has In every instance been more speedy and positive, than I have ever found to be the case from the use of any other preparation of the kind. Very truly vours, £. G. NVOODMAN. By a somewhat remarkable coincidence, yesterday, we happened to learn of four different persons in four different places, -who confessed to having tried Hood Sarsaparilla with marked success.

But no better proof of its value could be needed than its STEADILY IKCBEASIXG SALE. EdUorB Lowell Daily Courier. THE restoring and uvrtg- eratlng properties of HOOD'S SARSAPARrmL, combined with its power to vitalize and enrich the blood, render it peculiarly adapted to that change in life when the young girl enters womanhood and the matron passes beyond it This change in both cases is one of serious mo- ir-nt, and assistance at the proper time results in good health, while neglect may cost the indivldnij a life of sickness and and oftentimes life Itself. Numerous cases ot both stages where HOOD'S "SARSAPARILLA has been used and has accomplished the most gratifying results, have been reported to us. To see how highly these appreciate the benefits received from the use of Hoop's SARSAVABILLA, Is worth all the efforts we have put forth to give to Ihe public a medicine which Is worthy their entire confidence.

jy Hood's Sarsaparina Is sold by ell druggists. Price six bottles for $3i Trial size CO cents. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.

TEY HOOD'S TOOTH POWDEE. TflE'NEXT MORNINGTVEEL BRfGHT AND NEW AND MV COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor Tt RenUyon the stomach. liver and kidneys, madia pleasant laxative. This drink la made from herba, and la prepared fur uso aa a.

It to called All drugsuSselTlt mSDc. ana tun perpai-Ca Boy one Lmee 1 Medicl MoTra the Sowelii each dar. In order to healthy, necessary. be EBAKOK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Located it JONXSTOWS, FA.

Incorporated APKTL, 21st, 1858. OC129-1890 Losses paid lECKfPTS AKD EXPENDITURES from Fourth Page.) boa Miller, S. boarding boarding and turnkey 1,976 65 eter Hauer, gas 123 80 oseph A Bowman, shoes 2 95 gi oceries 3 OLI Walraer, groceries 7 85 eo Krause mdse. II 25 ohn Kleiser, shoes 5 25 Light soap 4 to saac Maun Son. clothing 16 00 amuel Helms, glazing 1 oo urnes March, harrowing and rolling lot 3 50 NEW JAIL.

For 1890. ames March, grading prison lot in full $300 00 eo Hess, lettering cells 4 40 Bucks, labor 4 it) Vm Fauber, provision track 16 39 lichard Boynton, water back 3 00 ames Wood Heating balance on heating apparatus 192 66 Shenk. cariet 7082 hott Bowman, painting 12 ou teiuoehl Nutting, 2 hitching posts 125 Manuf. Co, gong 5 93 Miller carpenter work 4317 -ebanon Manuf. grating 1,336 28 Lebanon Jlauuf rooting 18U 00 Lebanon Mauuf.

extra work on grating 3350 ohn Bressler.material and work 142 42 no A Eby, two stone bases 2 2u Seltzer hardware 23 00 Woelfly. laying carpet 7 95 I McLauehlia. plumbing 6 50 "eo Zimmerman, shade trees 1910 Weimer Machine Works iron sheeting doors 52 40 ipangler carpenter work 46 07 roseph Peters, painting 3 30 Thos Shott, painting radiators 240 'ierce Arnold, freight on water back S2.814 54 43 $250937 3'KINCIPAL AND INTEHEST. Sondsredeemed 45,350 CO Notes redeemed OU nterest paid ou bonds and notes 4.110 52 52 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Keinhard Sharp, printing and advertising 25 ilelnhard Sharp, Co acc'ts 81 50 Bowman.

Co. accounts 81 50 Bowman, printing and advertising 61 00 John Breslin, printing and advertlsiiiK 9100 Burnside, printing and advertising 39 45 Aunville Journal, printing and 1110 WS Uhrich, printing and advertising 10 CO Palmyra Publ. printing and advertising 9 70 Light, Rodearmel Atkins, printing and advertising 362 85 Light, Rodearmel Atkins, Register's office, 42 10 Light. Rodeaimel Atkins, Recorder's office 59 70 Light. Rodearmel Atkins, Prothonotary's oflice 80 95 Houck, printing and advertising 18500 Report Publishing printing and advertising 14 i5 7o POSTAGE.

Wm Breslin, postage 55 75 STATION IKY. Frost, books, 05 A DeHuff, stationery 42 68 Tice 21 61 Wm Gerberich, blank forms, Prothonotary office 65 00 Jacob Strouse, Bethel IS 79 S. S. B-imberger. 14 Jno.

East 1 Thos. J.strlcklcr. 21 Wm. Oli-wine. Jackson 19 Asa Boyer, North Lebanon 53 34 John Fittery.South i 2ii 68 Martin Early.

Londonderry 15 74 J. W. Weiss, 24 Peter B. Borgner. Union 21 Lcvi Blouch.

vVest Lebanon 48 John A. Uhler, First ward Hi 40 Johu A. Uhler. Sfcuml 5ti John A. Uhler, Third want 21 John A.Vtier, ward 42 so John A.

Uhler. Filth wa-il 41 to John A. Uhler, Sixtft ward 27 So FOR 1891. Cyrus Hera-ling, West Lebanon UNSEATED LAND TAXE4 RETURNED TO COUNTY TREASURER BY COLLECTORS. FOK Johu n.

Shuey, East Hanover FOR ISM. Jno. Rehrer, Union ABATFMENT OF 5 I'ER CENT, ALLOWED BY COLLECTORS. FOR 1X91. Wm.

C. Nye. Ninth Aimville $79 14 Henry L. Garman. Annville 13 K.

W. BHhel 159 53 Cold Spring. 2 70 Allen R. Gillinue. Conirtall 2t'l Henry Kurtz.

N.Curnwall 61 Milton Ilurgner, E. Hanover 70 09 Adam MOCK, Uciclelbcrg 105 32 Wm.Olen Jackson 174 79 Henry M. Ellis, 24 Wm.Wecher. North Li-banon. 141 17 Henry R.

Dohner. S. 129 64 Cyrus llrvirlinir. W. Lfluinuti 70 John 134 2.5 John W.Weiss.

4S Josiah L. Swatara 4D 'M John Rehrer. Union 35 53 $49944 $223 Bomgardner Cllley. shoes, S3 50 John H. Brua and wife, wages, 236 CO L.

A. Sherk, M. 12 oo E. witter, appiebutter, 2 es Daniel Witmeyer, books and stationery, 3 00 John Batdorr, rails, 40 13 Minnie Kregle, wages, 17 00 A irred Krall, potatoes, 46 80 Henry Leinlnger, blacksmith, 25 SO Moses Arnold, cow, £c-, 21 75 A. It (ilonlnger, consultation and'eianVs 12 00 vinegar, 2 4S Peter Schram, applebutter, 9 60 E.

Krall, salao', 281 OS Peter Freyllnghauser, potatoes, Sf 9 00 John Uarkes, wages, 31 00 Geo. Freyllnghauser, potatoes, SO 30 yrus Dodge, mending shoes, 3 74 A. Grant Boger, waifea, 23 13 Mrs. John Light, wages, 24 on Isaac Maun, clothing, 2 75 Adam 3 oo 24 earthen crocks, 2 16 J. A.

Kobland, coffins, 45 25 I Expenses to Reading (directors'), 17 27 "air A. Kline, wages, head Girl, 101 25 B. Wagner, extracting teeth, 4 celsior Water Proof 5 in ohn Krall, one BeilTer, 31 68 Ah, There! $1,075 42 $1,709 96 OUTSTANDING TAXES, JAN. 1. '92.

FOR 1SS6. Spring $30 54 FOR 1SS7. Spring $2648 FOR 1SSS. Cold Spring $21 25 FOK Spring $7970 John Weml ing, E. 25 DO FOR 1S90.

Vm. C. Nye, N. Annville $S7 (B Spring Si ohn Suavely, Cornwall 44 27 ohn H.Shully, Jimrs'own 41 61 osiah L. Ci-osey, Swataia 123 50 B.

Burgner, Union 4S 39 FOR 1891. Vm. C. Nye. North $059 70 1.

L. Garnian. South Annvhle. 225 S5 F. W.

Hunsicker. Bethel 555 45 Spring. 21 81 MlenK. Uiinmie, Cornwall 264 06 lenry Kurtz, X. Cornwall 582 70 Hilton BurL-ner, E.

331 77 Muck, Heidelberg S3i 03 Vm. Olewine. Jackson 491 12 lenrv M. Ellis. Jonestown 53 82 m.

Blecher, North Lebanon. 1.149 45 Ifury R. Dohner. s. Lebanon.

476 03 lohn Killinger, lohn W. Weiss, Millcreek wiah (ieesev o. B. Rehrer, Union lohn A. Uhler, First ward lohn A.

Uhler, Second ward 1 XHSCELLANEOUS. It Telegraph messages 50 Win Gerberich, reporting judgments 120 70 eo ljuboden, balance on State tax. 18911 2,180 72 Geo tax on loan, 1891 243 07 Vt'm Bocshore, funeral expenses Jos Bean 3495 A Gherst, expense to Harrisburg 1 03 Bentz, funeral expenses Jacob Michael 35 00 Henry Fegan, reporting mortgages 90 70 Jos Lemberger, funeral penses Henry Strickler 35 00 Grant Weiilman.liook Ladder appropriation 5000 Grittioger, funeral expenses Wm Christ 35 00 Imboden, 65 eo Imboden, State tax 11.385 16 lartlieb Bros. Erb, coping Monument Park for 189J 3,52115 Hartlieb Bros, (c Erb, extra work for 18'JJ 2) 00 B.irtlieb Bros Erb, 8 lime stone posts on coping 21: OJ Stambauch llaak.mdse.for election outfit 1 65 Uriah (iingrich.overp.d taxes 5 85 "ej llise, fuoei-al expenses Jas Uonley eo Keinhard, street scraping Fox Emfcich, lumber and election boxes Jeremiah Uaueherty, Lead stone, Juo Miller Samuel Coleman, hauliDgrub- bish Asa Boyer. overpaid taxes Henry Miller, insurance Wm Mjyder.

hauling rubbish Samuel lientz, funeral exp. Short ieo Rise, funeral expenses John Koch larroll Uves, repairing lawn mower, II Boyd. city directory El Moyer, funeral expenses Herman Kvarts John Weiss, overpaid taxes Jeremiah lleiltnan, funeral expenses A Kistenbatt Jerome Hammer, removing rubbish James Snyder, expenses to W3S34 John Wenger, head dier Elliot, exp. to Lancaster. Commissioners' State Dr IK Uhrich, post mortem Geo Kreider, qualifying jury commissioners HartliBb Bros.

Erb, repairing monumeKt Daniel I.audermilch, grand jury to almshouse Smith, iiualifying jury commissioners Peter ilauer, acknowledgments John Snoke, institute appropriation Joseph Behiiey, funeral exp. John Hirst Lewis Rehr, qualifying jury commissioners James State tax return, paid by the Auditor General Jos Bowman Co, funeral expenses Hartman A Kli-st Allen Shuey, qualifying assistant assessors, C. Spring Gross, Insane Asylum, Harrisburg John Beck, sundry records, 1891 William Gerbericb, sundry records, 1891 Alfred Gates Son, blacksmith work; Garman, overpaid taxes, S. Aunville 35 iD 1 55 7 50 1500 375 4 84 5673 150 3500 3500 1 CO 25J 3500' 35 00 25 306 1500 971 L'SOJ 33.25 4 00 75 75 2000 1500 2 50 1,742 25 11295 15703 615 3 51 LAND TAXES. Tims.

Lesher, Tjnlun twp $135 67 llenr-y road tax. Union townsuip 89 32 F21599 COI.I.ECTOKS" PAY. (2 TEK CENT.) OCT. 1ST, ISM. Cvrus Heverliiig.

Lebanon. 73 M'ilum K. BiirsiuiT. K. Hanover Hi-nry M.

Jonestown W. Weiss.Millcroek Harry AllenGimmie. ('ormvalt Henrv L. S. Anuville Adam Moek, Heldelberp C.

Nye, Si.rth L.Oeesey, Swatar.i Henry K. Dolincr, S.;inon. K. W.

Hunsicker. Bethel Wm. hk'cher, Norlh Lebanon B. Khert-r. Union Wm.

Alluvin. John Killinger, IS Hi ffi 23 25 110 75 45 2G 40 02 07 3531 49 62 S3 65 1350 Rli 42 01 $64506 COLLECTOU.V per cent.) PAY. FOU ISSi. Wm. Croslin's Third waul, SS2 FOK 1SSS.

.1. S. Weiss. Fourth ward, city $126 94 FOK ISM. A.

liarnhart. South $22 3S Wm. M. (ilick. Bethel Si 12 Uriah liingrich.

N. 32 OS John Wendling, East 3S 15 FOR H. L. Carman. South Annville.

09 Jacob F. Stronse. Bethrl 34 S3 S. S. Homberger.

S. 39 10 mo. Shuey, tast 3U 2S Thos. J. Strickler.

Heidelberg. 36 66 Wm. Olewinr. Jackson 76 33 Asa Bover, North Lebanon 70 55 John 3 25 Martin Earfv. 36 John W.

Millcreek 66 92 Levi Blouch. Lebanon 6 Hi John A. Vhler. First 115 85 John A. Uhler, Second 146 44 John A.

Uhler. Third 12S 91 John A. Uhler. Fourth 262 61 John A. Utiler.

Fifth ward 165 15 John A. Uhler, sixth ward 126 FOK 1S91. Cyrus Heverlinp, West Lebanon DEFICIENCIES ALLOWED TO COLLECTORS. FOR 18.86. Wm.

Breslln's Third ward, FOE1SSS. Jacob S. Weiss, Fourth ward, FOE18S9. A. Barnhart, South $10 94 Wm.

M. GUck-'Bethel 38 40 Uriah Gingrich, N. 1969 John Wendling, E. "MS2 $1,470 OS $8983 $12163 H'4 70 03 211 81572 3S3 90 43 935 39 "i5 18 A. Tiller, Third ward flu lohn A.

Uhler, Fourth 3,078 58 Ichn A. Uhler. Fifth ward 1.SI1 12 lohn A. Uhler, Sixth ward 1.442 05 00 TKEASUliElfS COMMISSION. For receiving S4 9fl5100 mills $593 00 or paying out 14 U-4 percent 1.0S4 00 $1,620 00 Balance due County 28 Total J1LVS6X5 We find the County debt in borrowed $73,73000 Against which we find the following credit to wit: laluncejn County Treasurer's hands Outstanding taxes, less deficiencies ami 93 hands of Alms House VI015 $19,439 30 Net County debt $54,290 64 We.

the undersigned. Auditors of Lebanon County, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, lo Certify that we met in the Court House of he said County, on the 4th, 6th, llth, 12th, 13th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st. 22d, 25th ami 26th days of January, 1892, and did audit, ad- ust and settle the various accounts required of us by law, agreeably to the several Acts of Assembly and supplements thereto, to the best of our Judgments and abilities. Before the said meetings, notice in writing was given the various ofilcials whose accounts is our duty to audit, a copy of which is hereunto attached, as follows "The undersigned County Auditors herebj give notice that they will meet in Room No. 3 of the Court House, at Lebanon, January 6th, at 10 o'clock, a.

and will adjourn from time, time as necessity mav require, to attend tc the performance of their duties, when and where you may attend if you think proper." In closing ouronicial duties we desire to commend the County Commissioners for the economy exercised in conducting the affairs of the County during the past year, and we express our hearty appreciation of the explicit manner which the accounts were kept and us by Mr. James M. Snyder, the Commissioners clerk. County Auditors. H.


SNYDER. Clerk, February 3,1892. P. Suavely, Cornwall township.since settled In full. house, ISSH: TATEMKNT OF ACCOUNT OP E.

KRAL.IJ. Treasurer Lebanon county Ajms- rroin January 1st, isyi to January 1st DR. Bal In the hands of treasurer, as per auditor's report, 1991, 259 84 To cash from Seven orders from county commlslo'ers Turnpike Co. for stone, Win. Benson for plaster, Yeagley for calf, Freylli jlnghousc for pigs, Lorenzo Blecker, for pigs, Toseph fcnyder for Prank Shaw for horse, Uenry Kllllnger for coBlo, John Boger estate, BenevelLebtK), David smith for fine, oatU, John Zlnn tor two cows, Moses Arnold for two pigs, Samuel Kafroth for boarding and keep- Ing Mrs.

Kafroth at llarrtsburg up to December 1st, 1891, J. A. Kolund for hay, Jacob Shaak, Samuel Gocklcy, ilostettcr for two calves, II. Eschelman for keeping and maintaining his wife Alice, at, Harrisburg, up to Junuary 1st, 1S98, J. II.

Loose for bides. Loose Bauder for bides, Jonathan copcnbaver for three pigs, John Oberly tor pasture, Miller for hay, CU By casli paid Lebanon soap Wo ks, coldren Zimmerman, qucensware, John Steckbeck, Detweller Lentz, groceries, Cohen shoes, L. Shugar, groceries, Geo. Schools, drugs, A. C.

llersh, drugs, A. Bowman, shoes, Mrs John W. KlUlnger, treasurer, A. society, E. Boger.

drugs, D. U. Baney, blacksmith bill, D. A. Frantz.

furniture, S. II McOowan, drugs. Bowman coal, Henry Fry, beef, Fox Blouch, mdse, A. Klse Son, hats, H. O.

Walker, coffin. Light chopping grain. J. II. Light, wages, C.

Spangler, mdse. Self In monthly settlement, gratuities, J. n. Shugar. groceries, David Wise, shoe ttndlngs, Bodeuhorn.conveylng paupers, I'ctcr Bates, conveying paupers, Stambaugh liaak, mdse, John E.

Mills, coffee roasting, A. Bomberger liquor, Wm. Bltner, wheel barrows, C. K. Light, clotblng, W.

S. Ream, groceries, Jacob Stoner blacksmith work, B. W. Fees, flour, Solomon Smith, saddlery, L. J.

Emertch, groceries, Peter Wentllng, groceries W. II. Spabu, soap and boiling. Henry Ilaak, flour and cheese, Relnhard Sharp, printing, D. W.

Gross, treasurer State Lunatic Asylum, llarrtsburg. Stein Kreluer, groceries, Mrs. Martha Kline, Ice, Jno. A. Capp, medicine, Jos.

Bowman coffins. Relnochl Melly, lumber, Frank P. lloke, oats, etc Jos. L. Lemberger.

drugs, D. C. Smith, affidavits. Martin Gebhard. mdse, Wm.

Carotbers, director's salary, Joshua Fernsler, director's salary, T. U. lieffelflnger, director's salary, J. A. H.

Boger, steward's salary, Levl Keller, groceries, Wm. Bellman, bacon, etc, C. W. snlffler groceries, George Lentz. steers, George Mlley, potatoes, C.

A. Moore, nsb and groceries, H. w. Lelninger, blacksmith, W. H.

Shugar, drugs, J. M. Shenk, carpet. J. Haner Sons, tobacco, Bomgardner Cllley, shoes, John E.

Bomberger, potatoes, Cornwall Iron company, coal, Isaac Wolf, clothing, Geo. F. Henry, groceries, Wardner.Bucknell E. H. Gingrich, drags, O.

Detweuer, groceries. 122000: 5 Ct in oo .1 oo a 5 (10 4 00 90 4 51 II 9C 1 01 91 OC 1C 20 4r 4 00 91 00 78 I 14 88 6 wi 4 01 7 44 4 18 00 19 8 00 aw i 14 a. 38 00 1'J i) 5C 325. 5 00 237 4 1G7 29 1 3551 2501 9 a 70 7 248 a 3S 1 1268 25761 51 5 5 I 0 21 1249 27 0 10 0 a. 23071 39S 381 41 5 25 51 43 1501 263 7 01 5 01 13 a 12 1 265 a 9 5 1 7 101 4.

a 1000 100 01 500 0 12 16071 27T 54 0 4498 5 6036 132.J 11029 6 3 4 38 9o 3 50 44 1 83 16 FOB 1890. Annrflle 7905 Isaac Seltzer, wages Paiatoll, Wm. S. GIbble, posts, John Sattazalm, labor, sss ass 75l 33S rare to Reading Harrtsburg, 54 is dam R. Light, one salary, preaching, oo ent for coal shute and coal, 18 00 oose Hauder, leather, 1 35 saluer, painting, 69 07 orris A.

Moyer, flour. 92 51 ohn Oberly i Bro-, mating fence, 103 24 almyra Shoe shoes, 34 oo S. Sherk, shoes, 63 42 M. Bowman, printing, 12 50 E. B.

Drabb, posts, 14 00 amuel Ulricn, conveying pauper, 3 50 ressler Spang, hardware, 39 21 E. oves, crocertes, 11 50 K. Knerr, coal, 155 46 arney Kelly, beef, 11 oo s. Greenawald, hanlware, 3 To omberger, Landls 4 steers 256 26 ugustus Maulfair, groceries, 2 oo ohn Lercb, medicine, i 5o erks county almshouse, maintaining John Mlsslmer, 95 43 eltzer hardware and spouting, 7s 99 Vm. Benson, beef, 33 63 onner, groceries, 3 oo K.

Bomberger, coal, lo 50 ohn Krall, steers, itte 36 eo. Krause hardware, 4 50 ohn Zlnn, steer, 87 42 -ouser 32 77 tklns i groceries, lo oo oseph Lowry, oread, 4 32 I. T. Blblghaus, solicitor's salary, 75 oo ohn s. Hope, Treaa.

State Directors soty, 15 oo ohn F. drugs, rant Light, groceries, Strtckler's Sons, flour, i. P. witmeyer, stationary, amuel Zeller, carpenter work, Nutting, lumUer, Verner Weiss, coal, W. iloore, coal, Ir.

L. A. Sherk, mdse, ohn Young, baking, U. Walmer, liquor, Weiss, salary, one year's, ilfred Gates Son, blacksmlthlne, Jeo. Itoss drugs, )ewald Kelnuard, tinware, has.

U. Bloucb, drugs, ieo. F. Sicily, coal, eltzer Sr avely, m. B.

Means, drugs, Rauch, two conins, U. Loose, leather, L. Bcckley, groceries, B. Fernsler, veterinary surgeon, ieo. W.

Bender, drugs. 8 So 56 lo Si 96 325 593 9 It! 6J399 41 25 00 62 00 50 330 00 25 OS 122 48 22 96 40 55 69 07 lO 00 15 20 50 3587 1705 5 60 2o 00 New Year Opening JANUARY Esro we arc again with, the Largest, Host Completo Assort- and Lowest Prices in Have you Celebrated Pills'bury's Flour It canma b-' .1 in makes Better. Mon- airl i any Hour bffnivlhc piiltii-. cers and Dealers. nots, Shoes, Gaiters, Rubbers and Slippers, A.

M. OAHI5EH, General Whou-sale if S.iluima. Consumptive Chronic Grip bughs oughs joughs Balance In hands of Treasurer, 3 4 5 6 9 7 a 6 $12786 SK 199 15 112985 41 We, the undersigned auditors, elected to settle ad adjust the several accounts of Lebanon ounty, do report that we examined the forego- ng accounts and vouchers thereto belonging, round the same correct. In witness where- we have hereunto set our hands this 26th day 3f January, 18-J2. H.


1,1892. Male. Female. Jnder lo years. Between lo and 2o years, 2o and 3o 30 and 4o 4o and 5o 5o and (to lio and 7o 7o and 80 So and so Total Inmates In Institution on January 1, .892, male, tio; female, 32; total, 92.

ci'-ldren bjrn last year, ii; died, male, 1.1; emale, 2. I'urelmsed and made during the year: 93 shirts, 12 sets of men's underwear, 55 women's aud (children's -chemise. 18 womea's under shirts, 51 pairs of men's and boys' pants.35 men's and boys' eonts, men's and boys round abouts, 0 boys' waists, 38 pairs of suspenderv, 04 pairs or shoes, 84 pairs ot shoe lacers, 49 men's and boys' bats, is straw iats, 3u combs, 21 tine combs, 3o4 pairs ot stock- ngs, 5 pairs of woolen stockings, 12 pairs ot mittens, 101 women's and children's dresses, 83 aprons, 44 petticoats, 23 sacques, 8 bonnets, SK )alrs of women's and children's drawers, 'W lairs ot men's overalls, 15 sheets, pillow slips, 9 pillows, 5 chair bags, lo feather bed slips, 13 bolsters, window curtains, 37 towels, dish cloths. 2 table cloths, 7 blankets, A pair of out door shoes, 147 bushels of out door wheat: I22x tins or out door coat Products of the farm 4o loads of hay, 1378 bushels of wbrat, 5o bushels of rye, 826 bushels of bushels of corn In the kusu- els of potatoes, bushels of sweet potatoes, 18 bushels ot onions, 29 bushels of turnips, 16 bnsu- els of red beets, 8 bushels of soup beane, boiled ii crocks ot apple butter, killed SS steers velghing 150-17 pounds, 8 calves weighing 743 )ounds, 21 hogs weighing 58ol pounds. Loose Brother, for hides, tramps lodlfed, 5o7: meals, 979.

J. A. H. Boat Steward, Do you not wish to save money, clothes, time, labor fuel and health, if possible? All these can be saved by the use of Dobbins'Electric Soap. Try once.

We say this, knowing that if you try it once, you will always use it, It is economy to save one two or three cents on the price of a bar of soap, and lose five dollars or more, in ruined, tender, clothing spoil ed by the strong soda, in the poor soap. Washing powders, concentrated lye, and cheap soaps, are low priced to be sure but they are terribly expensive, taking ruined clothing into account BEMEK- Electric Soap preserves clothes washed with Bleaches white ones, brightens colored ones. Softens flannels and blankets, and contains nothing to injure the most delicate fabric. Ask your grocer for it. Take nothing else in its place.

Bead carefully all that is said on the two wrappers and gee that our name on each. I. L. CKAOIS Philadelphia, Pa. Readily Cured by McGowan's Expectorant Acknowledged tiy all bo the only iiieilkine upon which you can pin your faith, with the a'jsuhitJ' assurance of a cure beiiif; the result.

'2oc, 50e and $1 per tle. Made aud by McGOWAX. Druggist, S. W. Cor.

7th Cumberland. Why it will Pay You to Deal with Us. Our Goods and Prices Talk Because weare buying in large quanti tics for cash for four stores, direct from the best manufacturers. This enables us to give Better for the price than can he obtained elsewhere. Because our stock is large, our 1 al- ing Square, our Prices Low, take No Advantage, make No Misrepresentations, ask No Fancy Prices, are satisfied with Small Profits.

Protect Your Interests, Aim for Merit and give Full Value for the Money every time. SO DON'T FAIL TO VISIT Fishe Phila. Shoe Store, No. 735 Cumberland Street, Opera House, LEBANON. FA.

PAMII.IES surrtiED WITH The Best Lorenzo 705 Citn.d Ian a LEBANON, 1'A. DELIVERED TO ALL I'AKTN (WT24-tf CITY TUSr THINK OK IT Clirtsinias tens. Better Cheaper Bef re. Evur Ori-en yaril. Laurel (in per yard.

20cup." Also. lish Mistletoe, Cut L'liwtrrs, at very low CALL AT WYNINGS No. 121 North Ninth Street. octmr AND UE U. B.

MUTUAL Aid Society of Pennsylvania ISCOhPOKATS!) il. This Society has paici for Death Losses. Its two new'Divisiuns E. an.i K. i-ir opon Improvements discovered In- and are Superior to any other i i-finsi: Division E.

has now been in exhti'mx and its death rate on 1 i 1,000. This would make thecosl each year, on a person or 00, only H.SH, tor four Ii yrar lajiu. While tl.isextr.iui-.^i.^rv i. death rate cannot contiiun-, it pflriority of this Division, Tor a little over one-half th TEW BKEAD AND CAKE BAKEKI. The undersigned desires to Inform the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that ha-kas opened a Bread Cakes AT 1216 Brandywine St, Next door to Salvation Barracks, Lebanon, Fa.

Fancy Wadding Cakes LEVI Late of ELBEKOS HOTEL, LONG BRANCH. oct20-tf young wunivu ol this further particulars vicinity should examine Hit they desire Safe Society. SUPPERS! Are Yon Aware of the fact ooo that we have the: Best. Assortment of Holiday ever brought to this city, and that we will still them from 20 250 a pair less than you can buy them elsewhere These are facts which we can prove to you when you have seen and compared our goods with others. eople's ouse, t.

CO No. dumber-land Street. RAILROAD and Lancaster Line. Oil and afler Nov. 1.1th, 1891, PASSENGER TRAILS TV HI be ran follows AM JAM! AM I Leave Arrive'1 AM i AM 1 51 I U)i 7 12 Bail: Lebanon ifsililuffl, 2.i! ii Cornwall 7 1-il 50! Miners' Village 7 UP 1 Penryu Ii 7 11-1.

Sit. Hope I 7 4S- Manheim 7 Sli i iri 1 King Lancaster Columbia J9 if A I A Arrive Leave 42 1245 527 .11 9 U) A Leave SUNDAYS Arriv Lebanon Cornwall Miners' Village 1'enryu Sit. Hope 3Ianlieim Laueiister Columbia Arrtva Leave! A A i 1- 5 at 45 I'M 17 14 9 8 IS 111 8 ifi A 4 nl I 47 OAVEAT3. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS CGPYSiCKTS, etc. For information and free Trrlte to MUKN i CO, BKOAiraMV, NEW YORK.

Oldest bureau ror soctirinc pntpntR in America. Every patent tiUct-n out by "a is brought before tho public by a notice given free of cbarso in the Scientific Ijanfest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No man should be without It. Weekly a Tear: six months.

Address MUNN CO, POBUSHKKS.3GI Broadway, Xew York. OTAR CAKPET CLEANING I beg leave to Inform tiir 1 Lebanon and county that I have supylK-a iijy- seltwltha Carpet Cleaning Machine. with which am enabled to clcn.n promptly and more thoroughly fngor wlitpping, and untie tu hk- 1 Carpets are no longer torn and with the old method. havtiiirr cleaned by machinery no otlu-r be used. Carpets made to look.lwc Orders left at the Carpet Store uf.J.

M. receive prompt attention. Goods called for and delivered promptly ami the work executed on the most reasonable terms. Give me a trial. GROCERY.

We desire to announce we a Grocery Ston it 317 North Ninth Wentzel'8 Old LEBANON, PA. will keep band a Full Lint (rroeerin ud FnriiiHi Onr Stock Is all New and Fresh. Steckbeck Will buy or excbanee all kinds ot eonntry dnce. Being determined to render No. sept22-tf JEFrtRSON B.

LIGHT, 141 Cumberland Street. S. K. STJYDEB, for all kinds Cor. Second Street and Shaefferaiowo Road.

LEBAUOS, PA. of Homo-Made Kurni- ture My Work must prove satisfaetory fore taken out. Come and see my I invite the public to give me their and save from 20 to 30 per cent. 1'arlnr Bed Koom salts, Sffleboards, in and a Full Stock of Kitchen Furi.iturn. BETAIBDJG A SPECIALTY aprt-t maylS Invltsrou toElvetuacall.

KMOVAL NOTI 72O HAND-MADE £ASY SHOES. D.AJVH3 WJ.SB A LKBASOS, PA. Maker of Fthe Boots and Shoes. All the Finest Grades ana Satisfaction Guaranteed. Particular attention given to Odd-Shaped Feet.

Easy Fitting Shoes for Conu Bunions Headquarters for all kinds of Shoe I Expenses to llarrtsburg, conveying insane, 80 97 south aide. ghth street, (Bowman Bdlktlag) second floor, Janl-tt Nitrth r.njl Snuth-biinntt trains connect at Lebanon with trains on Philadelphia Keadmg taiiii'iui and truni Harrisbtirg. Readlnp, J'ottsville, Philadelphia and New VorU. trains cunueetat an he i in with trains on UeadiugA Columbia Kailroada lor Columbia. i Kailroad.Company mileage books will be accepted on Cornwall CORNWALL LEBANON RAILROAD Direct for All Points en THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.

riMK NIL In Egi ctTimrsilay, November ism. 11 A A I I I 8 2011 50 1 3 5T.I 4.V,ii 8 08 II 4lij I Wl 4 4S ss 8 Mt. Gretna 8 11 12 Sill 4 li II) Colebrook 7 55-11 U4il2.44i :) 4 ai 5 -M. 1 :.4 Bellaire 74-111 IS 12 3 31! 4-." ii Conuwaeo i 7 30.11 115'IJ IT- 3 II): I HI iH 15 Columbia Ii 58 10 I li HI IlarrisburB mi 10 35 11 Wllllanisliort 2411: 8 2PI PM 1 i A I A lu isj li 1-Jiil 24 6 3B li 10 -'5 8 15 111 41! I.T 10 55 :) ssiii'Miii a i 2 9 5 501 4 01) 2 I Washington 6 5i i Pitt.sbtirK.... Carlisle Philadelphia Trenton, N.

1 241): 11 3D 4 50 10 00 11 8 10 6 25 4 30 10 5li 7 OH 112 lull 8 Hi II! 7 15. 111 I 11 I Ml All trains daily except Sunday. T'n-kcts for all Western points. Baggage checked through. For further information, see time table at the offices ol this and the Pennsylvania Railroad Coniparv.

IUI3II, Gcn'ISupt. K.B.GORDON, General Passenger Agent. TAP AT ALL I Union revving Company's ure Beer. A Pure Article. Don't Feil to Ask for it.

GEO. PRESIDENT. CHAS. SCHAFER Enterprise $hoe Mannfaetiiring (Jo, Ladies', Misses' and MANUFACTURERS OF Children's T.TTRAITOIT, Fine Shoes and Slippers. Shoes Made to Measure when Orders are Given through Retailers.

The Enterprisa Shoe can be purchased at al! the Shoe Stores in the City of Lebanon Ask for themX! mayffi-tf.

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