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The Fairmount News from Fairmount, Indiana • Page 1

Fairmount, Indiana
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The News Faermgun Southern Grant County and Fairmount First Fifty-lhird Year FAIRMOUNT, INDIANA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 New Series, Vol. 5, No. 39 FRIENDS CENTENNIAL early history or FAIRMOINT MEBriMJ Ding, Ding, Ding BIG FROLIC TO INAUGURATE "I At the Centennial celebration held; DRAWS LARGE CROWD the Friends church Sunday. Wii-i vliam S. Elliott, now years of I BOULEVARD IGHT SYSTEM ape.

read the following history of, MANY 1U.UK FOR FINK PRO gram and im; basket DINNER St'NDAY I tho Quarterly Meeting: i i p. uuarteuy Meeting was es- 1 tahlishcd in 1S41 bv the Yearlv Ml lectins Of The quarterly Meeting from Richmond. The dele- KIWANIS TO JOIN IN ixcrrwrniro-uuw ixue that wpr 5int to BIG JOLLIFICATION Mating Attend In IWt-Ccnten- tho Q.lartcrly Meeting at Mississin-mat Address By Milton 11. Hadlcy wa waJS PRO fotlrth pf a mjle it Northern Quarterly Meeting. Atj Plans IJeing Perfected For Housing Celebration When The "Juice" Is Turned On Hand Concerts, Fireworks, Fun And Noise "There'll He A Hot Time In The Old Town" That Night.

The Indiana General Service Com-, pany's construction crew this week began the work of installing the Sunday was a big dav for the that time it was" a long place north! hcat Friends church, the occasion of Irdi.ira Friends churches. County Agent Hutler And Members Of His County 4-H Club Hand Entertain Kiwanis The regular meeting of the Ki-wanis club held Monday night in the Christian church was largely attended. M. W. Hunt presided as Frac-.

The next year. 1842, a large of its centennial celebration. tkaHy all cf the membership was Friends meeting was established at! out ar.d every Meeting ef the Quar-? pac Creek eight miles south of teily Meeting was represented. while Mississinewa. On account of the, many from ether places attended.

arc- meeting there the Northern! Mcmwr? oi rre nuie wi.i chairman of the evening. A band- new boulevard lighting system along ette made up of members of street between First and Ad-members of the County 4-H club' ams, and it is the expectation to band, under the direction of County! have the work completed by the Agent M. D. Butler furnished a' last of next week. Monthly Meeting came in a body Meetings at Pack CreekJ after their Sunday school Tl-on nimhr At the org casket dinner served M-ssissineva sissinovri always attended the- always attended program of music which elicited With the beginning of this work the church room, a rtwrd Meeting at Pack Creek:" much applause.

TO PACIFIC COAST BY AUTO the Quarterly Meeting at Mississinewa a large officials of the Fairmount Commercial club announced that plans were already under way for the celebration on a large scale of the inaug- then? wcr possibly tnorv. Many ijj The Kiwanians voted to join with ithe Commercial club, in arranging j'or a big boulevard light jollifica new at the service who net at- r.u:r.ber vt fricm at Rack Creek II tion The matter of arranging for! "ration of the new lighting system. tend the morning. attended at Mississinewa. I One hundred year? ago Sunday, belonged to Mississinewa and then was DELIGHTFUL" ONLY IN SPOTS lettering of some roof or roofs' tn's being in the nature of a big with the word Fairmount for air i jollification, with an amusement and the first Friends Meeting was es-t told that several young Friends tallished in the Back Creek neigh- pack Creck often "walked down.

pfi In INDEX, Sept. 13, 192? ter dark and came to a sign which was referred to the public! entertainment program that will borbood. ir.ts grew and eventually those days there was no wav to came to be known as the Northern fr id.i. ti co time. Kli Thomas was then clerk of the Quarterly Meeting.

and in was to Fairmount. I prove an attraction for not only a every one in Southern Grant coun-j ty, but which will also bring to Fairmount on that day and evening hundreds from all over the county. Some of the experiences which we said "Do not attempt to cross if committee. had on our return trip from Indi-, water is running across the road." The ladies of the church served ana may be of interest to you so I' After inspection I found that no very fine dinner- will attempt to relate a few of water was running across the them. We started and encountered a little flFPARTMPWT PI I IP ICCHfC vjuaneriy he.

living in a liter to Sunday tho local rrunds brick house south of Marion, thurvh had Ken thoroughly cleaned riaw js mnv jn Marion near The tho uu mil miM I ULUU IvJUULU as well as many from adjoining counties. While the plans are not yet fully We left Terre Haute on Friday mud. However, we had no trouble August 10th at 10:45 a. m. tho low place with the exception ing the nose of the old Studobaker of one of our tires got flat on one ATTRACTIVE YEAR BOOK ar.d some rvpa-rs were made.

The, Weslevan Methodist ctllege. He K-autiful new carpet was laid and was active and fine in his work as this with the add'tion ef baskets Clerk. i developed, it is exneeted that th towards the land of the setting snr. side. This Im.l t.i changed on ar.d vases cf old fashioned Cowers Interesting Programs Outlined Hy Indiana fienrral srv A years following the close are me nwisiue ana while we were do-t made the large auditorium Music.

And Drama ture And Art the ing this some of the family nd Litera- will be ready to turn on the new Section i boulovaid lights for the evening of aty attractive. Old fashioned made They -n-Mutule states. All went well used as decoration for ers were also the on invoice of the road ahead, into; (Continued on page 3) gregation and one year at Rack first Poi ct- 5- and thos having the dining tables. ick a division of the Ouarterlv ct i charga of the plans for the pro- mortvrjy srrvi.v yv r-v working to Commercial programs beginning September 23 that end Whn 1 n0 nnJ 1 I1J AOn COUNTY CORN SHOW took the initiative in the mat- the cub wi alone in WILL BE HELD HERE over to Stephen Scott, the oldest in vlri hunt Up 8 nh minister cf the Meeti-e who de- I fnMn.w who has fhr Hvewd a most five serrn It" mT" A St0re Hml en the necessity of one having a '1 Th WM With Wm Wme vita! wtUru-u experH-ce Chnrles Thomas time. We then decided to take a M-bitelev Wh? bl Sen TntmUrd at the Mar uthwestern course across Missouri Ltra ive tiWu the Friends Th" 'Y American Hoard "of Mission, 'and Mon" ST jiiipn Hy ine music anu 'fostering the celebration or in mak- drnma and litornfiiT-o nn.l ar: I the big thing it is intended alternately each i Ti, to be- The Inter-Organization Coun- COUNTY AGENT PUTS PROPOSI TION UP TO FAIRMOUNT THROUGH KIWANIS I muse oi mc iwoi.m 1 C1' the Sorority girls, the Business general meetings, Nov.

19, 1929! rir. "UJ5ines' I u. 1L I tiirls club, the Kiwanis club, and Guest Night, when a three-act playl fKo- t- I will b. on ther oreanat.onS will all have -x ill- i ri i iirriimi 110 innr nii x- a Ill till mm 1 irt ussutv tri lining a ho is pastor beau- m.i,.iu arointed vieiK ot Northern yuar- an excellent highway and a ef the Marshalltown. la.

trN- t(ir for i i "eir full part in the program Will Mnthori nn.l rtimkno; to be Local Club Votes To Stand Bv Com munity In Makine Cominir Event the day and niSht- annum IMIMR. aUIV: v. r.j iit i i Although the nrocram has not irg senior. Mr WbHelcv i a re- true with th, exception of a couple tve ef Wbi'el of th jtc "f5 1 rPmted of detours which amounted in all1 7 L-U Cle.k. Tho discourse of Four month- to about fifty mile I might addl Kuige neighborhood and came over lv nxtin i add iy30.

January 27 is set apart hcin 7 I Heen In Past Two Years -I)atei as the annual election of Jf it is planned Not Yet Set inai lnere he band concerts. that there will be from Muncie Saturday morning A wre inai WUI le tmproreit morning I given on that night, Pbabl" hat Main street again have the! The nnHi A b.etween 1 and Adama wil1 be oormern eventually all the way to Los An- Quarterly Meeting was large and geles as much work "is being done. atttnd the Quarterly Meeting. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon Fairmount is to "timptf nn.i at a terly upon it in the various states. llow-I annual county corn show.

M. D. i. to traffic, so that the crowda f. ivmesi was neuT, ir.e speak- quue a num- ever at present there are rouch Butler, county aeent.

in a talk be-; i ample room for frolic un ers taking part being Charles Inr cf ministers from a -i conunuuy ot suo. jnt.rfprp. w5tVl ollt this 1 -j n.v iuuic in many o. umi- me iviwanis ClUO Jionuav even- it rr-, 1 "nU inJl anenaoa. th states nr ctot.i k.f i Irol ic will be permitted to take on Fixwer.

Mr. Corvell. one of the i I uecember program conforms to the i 'un. v.i iiic naiuie in a iiaiiowe en judges in annouTH-iiff Miss Brewer lRe sumraer number of, RBro lin ic. munny uesirea, ic woum ie neia holiday season and the February merry.makinff It is already prom t.e content.

als hich- ttend th Quarterly Meet- Rnd headed for Arkansas City to here again for the third consecutive 1 program is patriotic. In March the winner ised that there will be bushels and following the talk, a mo- mUsic and drama section will ly comrliiv.ented Charles McCartney' irp frpm Amlerson, Alexan- soe an aunt anJ a couple cousins of time, upon his delivery. Chiulc MeCatt- Ha ml Marion, most of the crowd nv'ne- To our PIcat surprise we tion. bushels nf nn.l plenty of as made and carried bv the' TP .1... on an operetta.

The of- Kansas, club to have th? show here and i noise making contrivances attending on Sunday. Due to the urd some rough roads in (Cor.tir.ued on -a ge 41 uimirr hip uireciion or ifact that the house was too small'0" ih other triP which we had, back the community and help in; Mabel Costion and Mrs. Nettie Hoi- to accommodate the crowd it was lnaue acro? state we found every way possible to make it the lingsworth. ficials of the Indiana General Service company have pledged their fullest cooperation in making the event one gigantic success, and a meeting of representatives of the necessarv to hnl.l rr a roaa equal to a pavement even success it has been in the ION TO BE HOST TO two( The personnel of the official staff: and program are published on page! two or three places on the in up" were "ot paved. At years past.

The matter was turned ground. At that time, then forty! Arkansas City we started south on, over to the Agricultural committee years after the origin of the Nor-itne pavement which ran towards of the club, of which Superintendent 3 of this issue. MEMBERS OF H.C.TJJ: i various local organizations, together with representatives from the con-I rtructing company has been called for this afternoon at 2 o'clock in Tventy-Fir. Session Held Quarterly Meeting many car-! Knid kla. There we hunted upj F.

S. Galey is a member and plans CcMcr First And Second In raPc? anJ horses were seen as well 5onie the people which Ethel will soon be under way for the Frcsiyurian Churcn 1 as the railroads, making it possible knew when she lived there. We al- coming event. for people to attend church. i so tlrove past the old home place; Not only was the exhibit, which i so drove I I 1 l.

fa.l i i i After I acted as Clerk for six' lather had settled after; was held at the high school build- The r- annual convention TO 0BSERVE RALLY MONTH President Of M. P. Indiana Conference To Deliver Morning Sermon Sunday October 13 the town hall, when the details of the event will be worked out and committees named to carry out the program as it may be arranged in all of its details. The action of the council in entering into ths contract for the new of the Woman ChrNtian 1 to Liberty strip, ing, last year such as to attract ance uni.ui will e.aT ne in a vo-1 oTnieJ a new Friends church and' Wat pened by lhe swernment. the attention of corn growers over days' session at Marion, October 1 1 a member of the Marion Quar.j 1 niust sa that this is as fine ajthe county, but of those from other and 2, in the Presbyterian church Meeting for 23 years.

In 1912 of farming country as lj sections of the state. A fine pro-A srlendid rr back here, the olace whi.h I haVe eVer acros' and the giam was also carried out in con- i To V. 1 The members of the Methodist Protestant church of Fowlerton have set aside October as Rally month. several numlers beins- fur- considered my home. Elwood in? e-exniou ana speak I lighting system has met with the heary approbation of practically all I property owners and taxpayers, and nihl Kv Ellis followed me as rinrk- were prosrous.

After spend-j ers were brought here from the ini j. little I. i .1 -i I 1 IV III I 1 1 1 V. T. t- HVHin OK I IV UHU1 (ft I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 fl 1.

OT Purdue A special program will be given Leora Bogue will direct the song rthern Quarterly Meeting 1 vuai iriir Jivpiinir. I in 1 1 41 1 few r. H.I.. lur tana PI ine service Tuesday. The annual orange university and other places.

The! Sunday evening October 6 and there we ran banquet which was held on the last1, aftur th v. -i wii tnc msi.niiLT curing ine month will eiec- That afternoon L.ll I -t lltVIIVil Will uc tion ot omcers will take place in I eiect aeiegates to go ji into the hottest weather that I night of the show was the largest' something special at each service 1 a v.a IIV1 i I km i I A I installation of officers Wednesday Northern Quarterly Meeting was' inwa. ine mer-, ua.u,uet neia airmount years. Sunday, October 13, has been des it has been years since there has been so much enthusiasm manifested over any event as is seemingly awaiting the throwing of the switch which will flood the business district with light. Definite announcement of the date, the program and all details will be given in next week's issue of The News.

morning. There will be an official tnen changed to Fairmount Quarter- usj-Ke aw me oanquet were pro- board meeting Tuesday afternoon! Meeting, which was near the! the W8y vi mc viiinc in me iront ranniuuni nau nanaiea matters. center of the eight monthly meet seat made things uncomfortably I They warmly complimented Mr. and a memorial service Wednesday afternoon. There will be a number of addresses given during the ings.

Mahlon Harvey was, at! tha't time appointed at the head ofj the Ouartprlv Afnnf in i Galey and County Agent Butler upon their work in this connection. No date for the show has been set warm. Across Oklahoma and Texas haj a fairly good road; but we we Fairmount. on The program will be found page 3 of this issue. were soon cross the line into but it is thought that it will be Mexico where the roads resembled soon after the turn of the year, a wash board.

I think we would! It is expected that other organi-have washed some of our clothes! nations and clubs will fall in line there had there been inv water with the Kiwanie rlnh in K.u; HIGH SCHOOL LAD HOME FROM HOSPITAL Wright Horine, high school lad. ignated as Rally Sunday which is to be observed in the Sunday school department as well as the regular church services. The morning sermon will be delivered by the president of the Indiana conference, Rev. G. L.

Farrow of Indianapolis, followed by communion service, after which a basket dinner will be served. There will be services held in the afternoon and also at night. The day will be in the nature of home coming as all former mem. hers of the church, who attended in years past, are invited to be present. Ly Mrs.

Charles Compton and two sons, Leland and Harold, spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. H. Monahan EMERY C- ADAMS TO LEAVE FOR WEST Emory Adams, of the E. C.

ams Products company, who who hs patient in the Ma-'they were eettimr a little dustv. Tn'un Fairmount in I m7- this section they had a heavy rain i enterprise, making the corn show rioh hospital for the past weeks, was brought to his three home been in poor health for some time. MRS STEWART HAS SECOND BERRY CROP Mrs. Grace Stewart, whose home is at 615 North Morton street, brought to The News office several branches from her raspberry bushes, showing clusters of fine large raspberries. Some of these were berries that bear only onca a year The fruit on these was unusually large and fine.

Other clusters wer of the ever bearing variety and these showed ripe berries, green berries and blossoms, an unusual sight for the 25th of September. writl leave soon of 1930 even bigger and better than ever before. auivni ana; nere in tn I'arr. ii x- a few days previous but one could not tell it only for the washouts in Ida nil Hri. 1 BIMUU- California for an indefinite stay fo; lance Sunday afternoon.

His con dition is but little improved. He the benefit of his health. During Ms absence, his brother, Ross Adams of Newark, 0 will take charge of his dairy plant. ncic staiTrc itrlr the same as in Arizona but there Charles Lafler of Evanston has was no water to contend with ex-taken a position at Marion with cept in very rare cases. Blumenthal in the men's de- One evening we were driving af- partment.

was accompanied to his home by his nurse, Jiliss Ira Ruby of Marion. Jwho will remain indefinitely. and family..

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