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Wilkes-Barre Times Leader du lieu suivant : Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
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rou WILKES-8ARRE, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1921. tllllllllllljim 1 'i Iff I I iney we -t uergman a vre riot uccasionai sj: Flapper Dresses Choice $4.39 Regular $6.98 Value Fashioned ot fine colored checked lawn and figrured voiles. Many styles: panela, tunica or rutfia JUDGE LANDIS. ISSUES SET OF BUSMTEN'ETS Lays Down Principles For Ending Building Trades' Disputes To $1.98 BLOUSES it $1.00 I "SEALPAX" 4 unionsuits1 6 Made of extra fine quality In yss.

nainsook; a thistle fa Vv style; knee length, fw Blglue, 'yf included tire ulinprg an4 Peter l'on bloue nf i dotted novelty C3 -W iLow jiow fnc ca Children's Sox 59c 69c VaWto $1.10 Children'g very fine quality silk aox in the latest fancy sports mixtures, cerise, blue and hello aixes 4 to 6V, tp $, a I 0 of Bigger reconstruction, i when and Greater VALUES! In theae dayg of mi well aa nations are gtrivin? for return that dollar saved ig a dollar made! 1 Thig big in which everything advertised (together with mentioned) is marked at a NEW LOW PRICE- gives for every dollar than is possible at any other time and supply your needs. trlmmej.iz to io ye-. Look For The Blue Signs Unrestricted Choice! 1 1 Three Huge Lots: A A household to normalcy. No if''-v eluded. No Restrictions! EVER Y-summer IDlil IN THE HOUSE! 1 Formerly $5 to iced in r1 $M5 Ginghams! Voiles! Organdies! Etc.

Surely it is a favorable sign of the tfime when well made dresses of good materials in the best styles of the season are to be obtained tomorrow at $2.95 $5.00 $10! Even in the years before the war" there were never better dresses at these prices. It is doubtful if ever there were such good ones! And it will pay you to come many, many miles to attend this great Economy Dress Sale! The finest to go at $10. A wonderful lot at $5 sensational ones at $2,951 Appsrel Section Second Floor REG. TRADE-MARK WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Our Big Grocery Dept. i Brookfield Butter, Creamery 43k Large Jan Easton's Mayonnaise 99f Large Cans California Hebe Milk Product-Label Soiled but Every Can Guaran- QQ teed; 12 cans Sam-Flush For Cleaning Closet 23c i 1 1 11 Pure Lard, 15c pound Selected CoiuvOr try Eggs, Do.

OJt Mansfield Evaporated 10 Honor or Borden's Milk 12 Cans $1.35 COUPONS REDEEMED Fab, P. Star or Libby Milk Coupons Leader Brand Butterine lOAp pound L2S Wilson's Certified JBiitterine, OQ- pound White House Coffee, lb. 35c Cape Spiny OQp Lobster, can dVy' Regular Price 45c Freshly Smoked Hams, Picnic Shoulders Breakfast Squares Norwegian 1 Herring; can In Tomato Sauce No. 2 Cans Tomatoes 9c Quart Jar Pigs Feet 69c Qtoss Orange BlackweM's 45c Marmalade, jar Swansdown. Flour pkg.

Cake 35c I is WeSelI5KINHERj th hiht grd Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and Macaroni Prodwctg. WLTELESS AID TO TliE FAR31ERS i asnington, Aug. z. ror- some time the postoffica department has been sanding out bulletins by wire lees telegraph, giving summaries of weather and crop conditions. The bulletins were relayed to air- plana mail-radio stations in all parts or we country.

There they wer pick ed up by county agents and farm bureau officials and sent out to farmer by mail. This service is aaid to have helD. ed farmers a great deal, but it Wasn't entirely satrafaetory, because It took vhe bulletins a long time to get from the relay points to the farmer. Now tha postoffice department pro-Fss to overcome this difficulty by rending out the bulletins by wireless phone, instead of wireieaa tela- i. i nat mans that any farmer who wants to install a wireless phone ap Tsratus ran get the hot bulletins in own hme.

eifni wirolrss phone spparatuei -bg instarllt-d in -a drmhoue fur Also, In The Down Stairs Store An Extraordinary Economy Day Group of WMilei's to 8 Low Shoes $1 Chicago, Aug. I. Federal a A IT Krnuw MoiiTitiln Unitli has laid down a set of business principle for the building -construction -lndutryi His tenets are expected to form ft country basis for settling building trades wage disputes. After shooing crookedness out of baseball, the Jurist vm called wn to adjust the notoriously evil building trades situation In ChU-ago. Ha seised tha opportnnlty to take graft nut of boms bullrtln a task that three federal Juries, a snectal county grand Jury, and tha ES Running Commission had long labored at and without success.

And now it looks aa though hi "common sense arbitration" la about to meet with favor. Her are tha principle 'which Judge Ijanrit draw op and Insisted tnuat underlie any and all working agreements between th Chicago Building Trades Council and tha two employers' associations: Article 1. Monopolists elements, of saserla tlons or unlona ara Intolerable unless, (1 1 Tha public la aerved mora economically with them than without them. (2) Unless anyons qualified may Join them without hindrance or dts. crimination.

(I) Unless they aerva any one on demand without discrimination. KM (4) Unless sufficient apprentice be taught to supply enough iklllful managers and workers. (6) Unless working rules and conditions etlmlnats waste of time, effort and material: increaes quality and quantity of product; encourage Improved methods, materials and appliances; produce Increased skill and contentment of tha workers, and help to preserve peace In tha community. Article 2. Other thlnga being equal, tradea should have higher wages or wages above tha average, (1) If the work Is more hazardous.

J) If greater akllt Is required. (I) If a longer term of apprentice- ship la raq.itlred to become proficient, (4) If tha work is intermittent or unsteady due to weather or season- able demand. Article I Other thlnga being equal, tradea having rulea or condltjona that produce or permit waste should have a lower wag, or a wage lower than Urn averngw (1) Rulea that limit or curtail in any way the amount of work per man consistent with reasonable com-fort and well Velng. (I) nutes that require ordinary m) travel to and from the Job to be on employer' time, or otherwise waste lima paid ror. it) Rules that require skilled men or high rate men to do work that less skilled or lower late men could do.

or that other tradea could do more economically. (4) ltulea that expressly or liy In ference Interfere with the manager or foreman In the dlhnatch of the work or tha use of new and Improved methods. materials, or appliance. (S) Rules that require work to be done by hand that could be better or more economically done by machinery, tools, or other Improved appliances. Rules that require work to he Hone on the building that could oeuer or more economically gone in the ehop.

(7) Hulea requiring excessive ralea for overtime, or overtime waits for shift work. SEVENTY MILLION RAISED BYTAX Likely to be Included in the New Revenue Measure Washington, Aug. 2 Tha extrem ity to which congress is forced in Its search for new sources of revenue Is Illustrated by the proposal, sanctioned by President Harding, that letter pontage be Increased from 1 centa to 1 cents, tha proceeds from tha In-crease to turned into the treasury as general revenue. It now seems certain that this let EE) ter tax will be Included 1n the new revenue bill. Between 170.000,000 and $80,000,000 annually would be ralat-d by thia letter tax, with practically no additional expense for collection.

While the President has Indicated ha favors the higher letter nostaKe aa'an equitable means of helping to prevent a deficit In the PoatofTlce Department due to Increasing losses In parcel poet bualneaa, the Post-office Department disclaims responsibility for or Interest In the proposed increase. The extent to which postal revenues have been shrinking la ndcated by reporta from the fifty largest cities for the month of June. Chlcaou'a postal revenue for June waa 16800 behind June, l20. Philadelphia showed a shrinkage of Cleveland of 70,000, Brooklyn of 71,000, Pittsburg 141,000, Buffalo 132,000, Akron SS.OOO, aqd St Paul 130.000. New York City to June showed an Increase, but the gain there was more than offset by losses elsewhere.

1 It is understood a postal deficit of 1 close to f40.000.000 will be rennrtmt for the present fiscal year. The deficit for the nurfil vesr 1ft 20. rruii-ait in.r December was $17,270,482. CANADIAN TRADE B00AIS Ottawa. Ont- Aug.

J. Italy has in. fcreased its imports from Canada over 300 per cent in a year, accordlnr to CZ. ituvit ma jlimu imenc or Trade and Commerce for the fiscal year just ended. -v.

In the preceding twelve months Italy spent 117.000,000 for Canadian products; last year its purchases totaled $47,70.000. Most of this was Invested in wheat grown on the west ern pralriea which are rapidly being settled by farmers. France Is Canada's best customer among European continental nations. nccoroing 10 ine report, which, further shows sharp incerases in exports to Sweden, Norway. Turkev.

Spain and I Kxports for the year were more 5 1 Women's Silk Hose 39c Women'g extra fine quality all It hose 'In black and choice colors. With double, sole and- heel. Regular 7 So quality, Vary special at 30 pair. ECONOMIES Men's 19c Hose, 9c Pair Fine seamless cotton hose In black, cordovan and white. t.

Men's 75c Silk Hose, 49c Silk plated 'hose In the wanted black or cordovan; double sole and heel. Supply your needs now. Men's Uhdemear at 79c Choice of fine silk finlRhed bal-briggan shirts and drawers In all sizes up to 60. Men's Work Shirts at 79c, Real dark blue work shirts; cut full sixes. Extra well made and finlHhed.

Regular $1.25 value. Men's Dress Pants, $3.98 Exceptionally fine quality all wool blue serge pants finished with cuff bottoms. $0.00 value. Boys' $1.50 Overalls, 98c The famous "Black Diamond" overalls for boys' up' to 17 years of age. Double knee styles.

Boys' $1.25 Knickerg, 79c Made of extra (food wearing grey craan ana Knnki, too! Splcn aioiy maae tor hard wear. $2.98 Waist Sweaters $1.49 i Of fine wool: lace weave: wun auimy val. lace collars- and veateea Several shades in the lot. Women's "Cumfy Cut" Vests, 16c Each A well known brand that usually sella for 29c. Fine ribbed oottonj can't-sllp shoulder straps! Main Floor.

Child's Sox, 49c Pair Three-quarter length so in black and cordovan. Of fine Hale. With rolled tops. Sixes to 10. Regular kind.

Misses' To 29c Hose, 9c A special Economy Day grouping of misses white cotton hose; medium ribbed. Sizes to t. Women's Silk Lisle Hose ored Very Special at 29c Pair And they are In the much wanted White, too! Fine silk liale; donhl high soie ana neet. All sizes. Ban value.

A Women's Union Suits, 44c Fine cotton union nit rious knee; regular and extra larse In sizes. Regular 9o garments. Extra Size Vests at 39c signs women extra large size fine rlbried cotton vests with tailored topa. eiies to 60. at 89c.

Child's Union. Suits, 29c Think of Broken lots of various styles suitable for bovs and to $1.25. While they 25c 50c 36c 50c 50c Te $6.50 Dresses $2.29 i Of organdy, figured Voiles A ana aimities: smart Dsy styles; to 14 yra. fsmous gether 6eoond Fleoft, I Just "aSsjBa, VWemen's HJS Silk Hose $19 Heavy alike: In black, VV cordovan, white and ft navy. Regularly ft A.

priced at It.M per palrl v--jST we must remember RARE OCCASION, many others not you a greater return or placet So come J. quality. crepe in 40 variety permanent 86 tan, Extra variety ECONOMIB Special Lot of $2.93 House Dresses at $1.89 In regular ana extra lurse sisn Of neat plaid or gvx hams. Adjustable btlu. Mi collars.

Aprons, Choice 94c tableful Of them. Of perrafe and ginghams. Many smart atjln formerly priced to 11.98. Dressing Sacques, 69c Of dark or light percales; fki tic fitted waiats and belt; roll i flat- collar. Worth $1.25.

Polly Prim Aprons, 59c Of plaid or broken rhecW ginghams; with ric-rac trimmlnn Two large roomy, pockets. Ill value. Women's Kimonos, nrettv deMlrnur Vmniiv neat eat in ribbon- trimmt'd. Ill w.lue. 98c Petticoats at 68c Women's regular and extra lanp size petticoats or seersucker; pits or tucked flounces.

Down Stairs Stori) To 39o Yard Ribbons 15c yd. IHalr bow wldthn: odd i pieces from our regu lar stock. Plain and fancy. Undermuslins, Choice, C9c A lot comprising of niclit rowiii. petticoats and bloomers; of nainsook or crepe; white or pin 11.59 values.

Sateen Petticoats, 79c Of fine quality white wtwn: tailored flounces: elastic fittl waist Worth $1.60. To $1.50 Corset. 89c Of white coutll: medium bust: long sklrta. Sizes 20 to 28. 50c Brassieres, 24c Of cambric; lace or enihmider trimmed: also RAKDKAl'X pink mesh incluied.

All sines. 1 Women's extra large size cotton blouses of voile and lawn; tucks' fronts with embroidery colliw Sizes 48 to 62. Girls' Dresses, $1.59 Ea Pretty plai.1 and assortfil chocked in a big variety of styles for srlrls to 1 years. Girls Dresses at $2.69 The noted "Harem Scarem" dresses of in pltid' checks and plain colors. SIM to 14 years.

$1.50 Alarm Clock $1.00 Guaranteed alarm clocks; th kind that is Btire to get you up in timet' i Boys' ff Wash Suits 79c One and two-pleeo niyln and iiImo Borne ptay suits, Vine mu-V lerials in all fam 3 colors. P. Coats' Spool Cotton Alf numbers in black and white- 6 SPOOLS FOR 33c R. M. Crochet Cottons-All numbers in white only Specially PRICED AT 9c BALL DOWN STAIRS STORE PIECE GOODS Shantung De Luxe, 79c Yard Formerly priced at extra fine; lustrous In natural color only.

Crepe de Chine Shirtings, $1.69 Regular $2.45 quality; an exceptionally fine fabric for men's and waists. 25c Standard Percales, 17c Yard 36 inches wide; pretty patterns in all fast colors (lights or darks). Pine quality. 49c Turkish Bath Towels, 33c Fully bleached; extra heavy and of exceptional quality. Large size for Jiomes.

10 Yards Longcloth, $1.39 and remember this is the regular 19c yard Quality EngllBh longcloth. Super finish. Dwight Anchor Cases, 39c Each The famous Irwlght Anchor pillow cases; hemmed; size 45x36 inches. PYee from starch. 5 Yards Apron Gingham, 49c Regular 15c yard; 27 inches tvlde and a surprisingly good quality; fast color checks.

PUMPS and OXFORDS Every pair lh this collection of odd lines and broken sizes Is from our own regular lifRher priced stocks. Choice of brown and black kid or calf pumps and oxfords. Military or French heela. Women's Shoes, $2.95 Pair Women's- grey kid and- two-tone lace shoes with French hels. AH sizes and widths.

Worth $10. White Low Shoes, $1.95 Women's white canvas pumps and oxfords; military or French beela. Not all sizes. Child's and Misses' Shoes 11 $3.45 f0 2 $3.95 Hapd sewed brown or black leather lace shoes. Regular $5.00 and $5.50 values.

Down Stairs Store DOWN STAIRS STORE SENSATION! Women's and Misses' JUMPER DRESSES Linenes in Wanted Colors; Smart Pockets and Leather Belts $1.35 Plaid Suitings, 85c Yard 45-inch wool mixed black and white' suitings medium large plaids or babychecks. $1.69 Swiss Voiles at 59c Yard Inches wide; fancy swlsa' voiles in a big of pleasant colorings. Imported Organdies, 75c Yard Excellent quality imported swlss organdies; finish; all shades. Worth $1.69. $1 .25 Fine Ratine, 79c Yard inches wide; In honeydew, rose, copen, grey and others so much In demand.

Babycheck Ginghams, 29c Yard fine quality ginghams In variously col 19c Outing Flannels, 121c Yard out" flannels; extra heavy quality that is Veil napped. 69c Table Damask, 49c Yard 51 Inches wide; an nnusually fine quality and neat patterns, too! Good weight 4 Yards Linen Crash For 99c ehn.LP!ieeKnenuCash toeUng; 17 inches wide; choice of bleached or unbleached. Satin Bed Spreads, $3.29 Each 5 ,5 00! Hemmed; double bed good weight; desirable patterns. Crochet Bed Spreads, $1.85 Hemmed; full bed site; pretty crochet nat. terns: closely woven: Worth 82 rS MANY OTHER BIQ BARGAINS, TOOI babycheck effects.

Worth 49o yard. $1.25 Surf Satins, 75c Yard inches wide; splendid quality with a very lustrous finish. In black only. 50c Fancy Dimity Checks, 32c very fine sheer cotton fabrlo woven In va size chocks. An exceptional value.

$1.25 Fancy White Voiles, 79c pretty patterns; lace mesh effects or de beautifully interwoven. Main riooiuert Asie TOILET NEEDS Melbaline Face Powder. Melba Face Powder Djer Kiss Talcum 19c Pebeco Tooth Paste 33c Mell'm'a Baby Food 39c Main Floor Cntr. Men's E. W.

Shirts (Including Other Good Makes) Worth Up To At wonderful Economy $1.49 orouoina of this wiske shirts to with others. Bia Economy Day Sale of Sheffield Plate SILVERWARE! Values Up To $5.00 Dozen YOUR loc ea. Lot 98c a wat a in fasi uisiiw 'yva I 48c i Dainty night gowns, petti- coats, chemises and 111 bloomers; lace and If Vv embroidery trial' I Union Suits (f 79c 1 11 Dark grey mix and cream a color ballriggan. Various styles to niako a selection A splendid collection te choose from. Dessert Forks Dinner Forks TeaSpoons Dessertspoons Table Spoons Butter Spreaders Oyster Forks, Etc.

Choose now whila thi. of nobby pat- -terns and colore. Sfforda ltselt Main Floor -v I Inside the North North times those of twenty T.rr?Pwwwevevvw 1 Store Hours: Daily, 9 to 5. 1 4.

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