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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1933 HITS SYSTEM 15,000 os SAW TERROR: SURGEONS MAY AID WOMAN TO BECOME A MAN British Trade Pact Faces Fund Drive Refugee Aid Gains Backing Fight Is Seen Peace Sought By New CI O. Jobs in Italy Anti-Semitic Ban Is Put in Effect; Cathdlz Leader Seeks Pact LOS ANGELES, Nov; 19. (JPh-Physlcians sought a surgical way1 Honorable Terms With Congress Row Congress Opposition To Predicted by Borah Oregonian Offers 1500 Acres to Aid Refugee Settlers today to gratify tjie wish of Lila "Mickey" Higgins, 24, born a girl, to become a man. In Superior Court for sentencing on charges that she stole $12,000 A.F.L; Unity in Labor Movement Desired, By T. F.

COMAN from a firm where she was em ployed as a male cashier, Miss Hig gins was sent to a hospital for ob Democrats Praise, G.O.P. Finds Fault WASHINGTON, 0 19. (iF) ATeampaign-to raise funds to as Senator Borah Idaho) expressed PITTSBURGH, Nov. The servation on orders of Judge Ingall sure a fair trial for Herschel Grynsz-pan, 17," Polish Jewish emigre who 1 A 1.1 the opinion that any attempt new Congress or inausuw or W. Bull.

With Agreements to revise the immigration laws to ganizations, molded from the eld Dr. Glenn E. Meyers reported to killed a Nazi official in Paris, gained imhn In the Bav region today. Vi the court: 'The patient told me she has al take a of additional refugees from Germany would arouse "tre CJ.O., equipped with a constitution and set of policies, and led by the while various organizations passed resolutions supporting President Franklin D. Roosevelt's condemna WASHINGTON, Nov.

19. W) Conflicting viewpoint expressed on the new British and Canadian trade n-mntji h-r businessmen and mendous opposition in Congress. veteran labor champion John ways considered herself a boy and that she had numerous fights in which she has been able to knock do not believed desirable to Lewis, moved Into the main stream men across the room. undertake to change of labor history today committee; tion of Nazi persecutions in Germany. At the same time an offer of large acreage of agricultural land in Ore poUUcal leaders foreshadowed today "She always held employment as a man, and was 'married' to another tion laws at this time," he said.

"Any to two objectives: Oreariizatlon of the unorganized possible change would be wholly a lively discussion in tne new -o cress. woman several years ago. She workers of America on an industrial shaves twice a week, and her male gon for resettlement ot jewisn reiu-tM from Germany was made in inadequate for real relief." The comments ranged from bitter basis (one big union xor one components are too preponderant Chairman Dies Texas? of the San Francisco by a former Portland woman. and too accepted preferably by her House Committee Investigating tin. unitv in the labor self to permit her changing to nor mal feminine interests." The National Journalists' cam movement with recognition of the American Activities challenged the criticism to unstinted praise.

Those of Congress members, -for the most rk part, followed party lines, IJemo-U crats praising the agreements and Republicans questioning their value ROME, Nov. 19. r- Fifteen thousand Jews were said by usuallr reliable sources today to have been dropped from Government and private jobs in the past four days. The action was in compliance with tha Cabinet decree of November 10 (excluding Jews from Government positions, restricting their businesses and professions and forbidding their marriage to Italian Aryans Twenty-five hundred of those dismissed were in Rome, it was state 1 1 The same sources said Jews would be barred from participation in Italy's repatriation, project under which more than half a million Italians living abroad are expected to be returned to the homeland. They expressed the belief that many jobs now held by Jews in Italy would be given to the repatriates.

A commission was created last Thursday to carry out the Meanwhile, political circles heaH that Father Pietro Tacchiventurl, rector of Rome's Church of Jesus and noted peacemaker between the Fascist Government and the Vatican, was seeking a solution of the marrriage law dispute. 1 Pope Pius 'protested against tfc marriage restrictions on the ground they violated the concordat between the church and The girl insisted her name Is principle or inaustriai unumiMu. right of the President to extend the paign to raise aerense xunas ior Grvnsznan. 'of which Dorothy six-months' visitors permits under. DOOR LEFT OPEN Lionel Michael Francis Higgins, but her mother, interviewed by proba Mn ihMn terms the new C.I.O.

which from 12,000 to 15,000 refugees to the united states. Anv Hi.rn.cinn in the next Con tion officers, said "Mickey" was naa been admitted. i ell open the door to peace with the Thompson is general chairman, and Chester Rowell is local representative, has been by several San Francisco clubs and organizations, Rowell announced. christened Lila. She was .17, the EXTENSION SOUGHT American Federation or iDor yes gress will almost necessarily be in the nature of an informal review, Twaiis the reciorocal trade act Roosevelt disclosed vesterdav that court was informed, when she left her home in Paris, to join a traveling orchestra as a saxophone and trumpet player.

She came to Messages of support and contribu tions were coming in rapidly. gives the President and the Secretary of State authority to consum-innte agreements without Senate Los Angeles with the orchestra. he had asked the Labor Department to grant six-months' extensions. Dies said he had never understood that the President had the power to extend visitors' permits Indefinitely.1 v. TO ASSURE FAIRNESS terday after closing its first constitutional convention in the same city where the rivalt craft unionists began their organization 67 years ago.

The noisy, highly demonstrative convention, working under the gavel pounding of the C.I.O high command, elevated Lewis to the first nrmidencv bv acclamation, filled StrfngfeUow Barr, president of St John's College, of Annapolis, who has banned Intercollegiate athletics. The order will become effective next September. A J. Wirephoto. In a letter from Miss Thompson, Miss Ion Robinson.

Amar- artist, told, today, oi shocking scenes in Nazi cmtl-Semlttc riots. Wirephoto. made public by Rowell, it was pointed out that the raising of the Certainly it is the spirit of the fund was not to De construea as condoning assassination, but simply ratification. VETO POWEB Members of Congress who are dissatisfied with the results, however, may press for an amendment to the law so as to give the legislative branch, a veto power over future agreements. the visitors' permits are granted for temporary purposes," he said.

i rv. lesser offices and the seats around SB-man executive board, and as an effort to insure wai me Borah declined to discuss the assassin "got a break." passed reams of resolutions. Th record of the five-day assem "There is no desire to relieve him probable source of congressional opposition, to easing the immigration bly disclosed that the question of of the penalties of his act except to, Athletic Cut Union Pickets Face Contempt Injunction Violation Charged to Men in Drug Store Case Orders to appear in Superior Court labor peace was consiaerea tne most restrictions, but' one membe'r ot the the extent that evidence and the laws American Artist Tells Nazi Rioting important matter Deiore tne con Senate Immigration Committee, who of Europe may provide," the letter said. "The greatest danger is that vention, but no one professed to know how or when labor peace would not- permit uie of name, said that labor orgarrtzatiDntjCOuld be expected to RELIEF PROBLEM Ttrrr under the German terrorism which has already intimidated the French At St. John would be PEACE ISSUE: NEW, 10.

OPh-An Pershing Classmate SAN DIEGO, Nov: Cot Edward N. Jones, retired Army officer and West Point classmate of John J. Pershing, at the age of 73. He was founder of American Legion in San.Diego., Government -into curtailing the freedom of the press, the same Influ The round of debate on the peace Some members or notn pouucai parties expressed the opinion in the last Congress that all the agreements should be subject to Senate ratification. Others have proposed that the effective, date of trade agreements be held up pending their examination by Congress.

'A group of leaders in 'banking, Industry and commerce expressed general approval of the new agreements during a radio broadcast last night. They included Gerard SwOpe, of the General Electric Company; Winthrop W. Aldrich. chairman of the Chase National Bank; George H. Davis, president of I ences might prevent the.trial from being public, thus making possible American girl who witnessed the rioting against Jews in Berlin only a week today the scene homfied.

her. more than anything she saw earlier in the Spanish war zone, issue filled the convention hall with the same demands heard at the A.FX. convention in Houston last month "We want an honorable for picketing six Guy's drug stores. ')': Intercollegiate Games Abolished to End 'Professionalism' garbled versions in Germany, witn 1 in the face of a permanent injunction, were served today on 16 A.F.L. mass trials there of persons whdm the Nazis might construe to be peace." Pharmacists' Union pickets and three Fruit TJ (j.

(pap bag apaolal) A convention committee report tit- was horrible," said lone Rob-inson; a "I- never wpuld officials. The writ was signed by Superior Rowell said that contributions adopted by the delegates contained the following "declaration of policy ANNAPOLIS, Nov. 9.m might be sent to him for the Journalists' Defense Fund, or could be Historic St. John's College, which of the C.I.O. in regard to the problem of a unified labor hit the trail back to the classics a mailed to the fund at 730 Fifth Ave "The C.I.O.

states with finality have- thought that there could be such sadism among human beings." While she tajked freely of what she 42, German-Jewish artist, saw for the first time and: wept: at the, rail. of the Hamburg-American liner Hansa as it moved past the Statue of Judge Frank M. Ogden after Attorneys Carleton L. Rank and H. Gardner Putnam submitted an affidavit signed by Thomas Guy Shafer, operator of the chain, UNION TO APPEAL year ago, took another bold stride the United States cnamoer 01 commerce, and Alfred P.

Sloan chairman of General Motors Corpo nue, New York City. 1500 acres Offered that there can be nov compromise with its fundamental purpose and. away from the convention pattern Resolutions commending 1 aim of organizing workers into powerful industrial unions, nor with its 'of American colleges today by abolishing intercollegiate athletic At the same time, the Union filed ration. SEVERE BLOW On the other hand, Russel T. Fisher, president of the National otinn of Cotton Manufacturers, dent Roosevelt's stand against Nazi persecutions of Jews and Catholics in Germany, were passed, last night obligation to fully protect the rights notice of 1 intention to appeal from comnetition.

and interests of all its members and With the departure from the in' the injunction decision. An influx of he' said, would contribute immediately to American He also said there was believe that lowering of bars might arouse-- mttSemitic; sentiment in this couhtrjv----- Both C.I.O. and A.F.L,' leaders have denounced Germany's treat-, ment of minorities. In a broadcast address last night, William Green, American Federation, of Labor asked Nation to boycott German goods and services in protest. Foreign Newspapers In Germany Seized BERLIN, Nov.

19. () Seventy-seven foreign newspapers were seized today and their sale forbidden. Among those banned were the November 8 and 7 issues of the New York Times. Most recent issues of the leading Swiss, Danish, British, French, Belgian, Norwegian, Swedish, Rumanian, Yugoslav, Polish and Vatican City dailies were confiscated. The reason apparently was that' the papers contained descriptions of anti-Jewish activities in Germany.

affiliated, organizations." Om More) Early this week, Superior Judge John D. Murphey issued a perma He, his their four Children and his father, 74, abandoned their Hamburg home on the night of November 9, when anti-Semitic looting broke OUf Simon said he' planned to go to tit Im stTiutomer by the South of Market Boys and by the San Francisco Labor Council. The San Francisco Industrial Labor Council of the C.I.O. en declared the Administration had away employment in text 3 kWful TrMh HatcFwUn nent injunction to prevent picketing tercollegiate picture came a sharply worded statement by President Stringfellow, criticizing what he termed a "semi-professional system" in which "the tennathletic scholarship' is widely used to hide (alts Jltu "uj, im ny etui it is to enforce a closed shop contract which the court held to be unlawful. dorsed the defense fund campaign.

twdtr) aun I 'ma, it odw it'i in San Francisco. A brother, Dr. Max STORE STRIKERS, WORKERS BATTLE Meanwhile, through an attorney, subsidy and professionalism" in Pickets were removed in ccfmpliance with the drder, but returned the next day after notifying Shafer that they were establishing the new line In an attempt to secure return to po America's collegiate athletics. Mrs. George Perkins ,1250 Jones Street, former Portland, resident, stated that she.

would donate, for the purpose of colonization 171 the seotck candj-mnner who hick prices and fair wit roar sweet 3th. CHIEF NUT at the home mt a atlllloa not a. St John's, he said, from now on -will give first consideration to Nonstriking employees of the "student pleasure." And so, after sitions held prior to the strike. for Jewish refugees, laoo acres oi Kress Market Street store and per the end of the current school year, Simon, he said, lives in Los An- Miss Robioson said, she drifted through Berlin streets for bours, watching mobs destroy shops of Jewish owners and beat the owners after wrecking their i "If anybody opened his mouth he was set upon and beaten," she said. "At one subway station" I heard a woman protesting.

She was quickly knocked down by a mob of men." agricultural land near St. OFFICIALS ACCUSED and its athletic schedules, the ivy- Ore. Her offer was wired to Rabbi sons 'identified as members of the striking A.F.L. Retail Department War nt at 4IM Biealvar Way out I. Wti, eer.

At. 0or. 'thattnok Vnlranlty law Aloatrta star Alalia In his affidavit, Shafer charged covered college on the banks of the Stephen S. Wise of New York. Mrs.

The National Association of Wool Manufacturers told its members in statement that a "severe blow had been delivered to the industry. The new trade agreement with Great Britain will affect the daily life of the average American in many ways, State Department officials say. Americans on farms and in cities will observe a direct effect on the prices of many of the articles they buy, or might want to buy, officials believe; These officials are confident, too, that there will be important indirect effects in the form of increased employment in some Industries and increased purchasing power on farm. The average American may note ffc rflrect effects when he buys Store Employees'' Union engaged in quiet Severn will concentrate on Baxter said she inherited the land, the pickets "did wilfully and with personal knowledge of said judgment" picket in violation of its provisions, and that it was his. informa pitched battle on Market Street greatly expanded Intramural pro and that tax deficiency against OaprritM, INI, Awful Trash Maerarlaat aeeeeeealrad Kara Sf Mtnimmm, ,4 early today, according to San Fran Cisco police.

the property could easily be met by members of the Portland Jewish colony, in return for title to the gram. HAS NOTABLE RECORD St. John's has produced some top By the time radio car patrolmen arrived on the scene all but two of the principals had dispersed. tion and belief that William Spooncr, secretary of the Alameda County Central Labor Council; Ralph Marks, business agent for the union, and James Galliano, union counsel, "aided, abetted and assisted in com notch lacrosse teams, which became intercollegiate basketball. Sijuads always Officers arrested William Picker land.

Anti-Semitic Drive In U.S. Announced TONIGHT IS YOUR- LAST CHANGE TO ATTEND THE have ranked wiUL-thft. top lives in ing, 23, of 351 Sacramento Street, on an assault charge and sent Man the East. fred Quinby, 31, of 489 Fell Street, -NEW YORK. Nov.

19. IP) Fritz This year's football squad, playing a program, sched nonstriking worker, to Central Kuhn, German-American Bund mitting contempt by instructing, advising and directing said persons to violate Judgment." At the time the second picket line was established, Galliano indicated that the action could not be con uled live games and has lost lour Emergency Hospital for treatment of scalp lacerations and head in- leader, announced the Bund will campaign "to rid this country without scoring a point. The fifth, ury. with Johns Hopkins, will be played of Jews." Kuhn told a rally of the organ) W. E.

Zurcher, store manager, and E. Roberts, a store official, said November 28. Next year the college will play six-man football strued to be in contempt, since the ticketing was on an issue entirely zation in Queens last night he would pattern its program after that of they left- the store shortly after 8 tXCLUSIVI ASSOCIATfD, 'MSI WIREPHOTO (INITIO MISS pair of woolen socks, a bath robe, a new wool suit or a linen The prices of these articles coming from England will be lower because duties on them have been reduced. BREAKFAST TABLES More American breakfast tables should be able to afford marmelade or Jam, on which the duty has been cut from 85 per cent to 20 per cent. The American housewife' may nma into closer contact with the on an intramural basis.

separate from the one on which the Injunction was issued. with five other employees in Adolf Hitler. "Intercollegiate athletics," said Barr, "involves substituting a spec their two cars. Three machines containing nine-men. whom they iden "While the Bund has absolutely no connection with Germany," he tator psychosis for student particl said, "it is out to do for this couri patlon.

It meshes the college in with a semiprofessional system in which Alaska Is Proposed tified as former employees, followed them and forced their cars to the curb at Ninth and Market. try what Hitler is doing for Ger scores are more important than many, namely, rid it of the Jews." All occupants of the five cars pleasure and skill. effects of the British agreement The Bund leader declared the American1 press and radio were piled out and a general melee en As Refugee Haven HIDES PROFESSIONALISM "The term 'athletic than will her husband. Ronidei beine able to buy certain COOKING 7JCjmlL CLASSGC Oakland Municipal Auditorium Theater i at 8 p. m.

sued during which the windows of Roberts' vehicle were smashed. controlled by Jews "who are trying to smash this country even as they NEW YORK. Nov. 19. OT A he added, "is widely used today to Quinby was released after emer tried to ruin Germany.

articles of British-made, clothing more cheaply, she may also purchase British cutlery or silver- nronosal that Alaska be opened to hide subsidy and professionalism, gency treatment Referring to the National Admin victims 01 rsazi snii-oemiuc jucm- Athletic scholarships are granted by many colleges, with a good deal of Elated articles, among other house old soods. at lower prices. ures followed today announcements that Spain and Cuba had offered Defeated Union istration as the "Jew deal," Kuhn said Jews had begun to dominate American In the last six years, he said, the number of Jews holding -Government positions here hypocritical talk about scholarships', high grades, fine character, In cooperation with Candidates Sue eligibility, but for the obvious purpose of providing teams with SAN JOSE, Nov. -19. Defeated She will find that the duty on toys for the children was cut more than one-third.

Arvid L. Frank, chairman of the trade agreements committee of the Automobile Manufacturers' Association, contended that every home has risen from 4 to 60 per cent. The meeting was picketed by haven to refugees from oermany. Declaring Alaskans "continuously appeal for new settlers," Rep. Charles A.

Buckley N.Y.) said he would be happy to introduce a bill at the next Congress excluding Alaska from quota restrictions on candidates in the election held by large group of anti-Nazis. the local A.FX. Cannery Workers November 10. today started superior court proceedings, con In the Nation would be benefited the immigration law. Col.

Fulgencia Batista, comman hundred police kept order. Belgian broker Beaten For Trade With Germany tending fraud in filing of 103 ballots. directly or indirectly. AGREEMENTS PRAISED J. Van Valer, unsuccessful can didate for president; M.

L. Terrill, der-in-chief of the Cuban army, and Fernando de los Rios, ambassador from Government Spain, offered their countries as sanctuaries for Henrv A. Wallace. Secretary of paid players to win games. Both Valentine (Dutch) Lentz, athletic -director, and John Donohue, his assistant, have resigned, effective in June.

A tutor, with athletic experience and a "full understanding" of St John's new academic program, will succeed them. Under the new program, a radical departure from the established system of higher education, students study 100 classics covering thelfield of humanities and the sciences. It was introduced last year, based on the idea of "educating people to live, instead of to earn a living." Tonight, Dorothy Ayers Lou'don, famous home economist, will present-1 the last of her current series 'of Tribune Homecrafters Cooking Class -4 sessions, which have thrilled tho usarids of Metropolitan Oakland women. See these demonstrations of modern' cookery methods and appliances on the stage of the Auditorium Theater. Celebrate Big Game night at The Tribune Homecrafters program and eliminate household headaches on Sunday and for years to come." ANTWERP, Belgium, Nov.

19. (IP) Marcus Hirshtall, a Jewish dia defeated for the, post of secretary' treasurer, and Myra'S." Eaton, un Aerieulture. oraised the trade agree. ments program, but said it could distressed minorities. mond broker, was severely beaten today by some other Jewish mem successful contender for the post of recording secretary, asked a court order to take depositions of Chief not substantially relieve tne prop, lem of cotton surpluses.

bers of the trade who blamed him for sending a rough stone to a German factory for cutting. The Am of Police J. N. Black and Patrolman Expressions from farm leaders were somewhat at variance. Edward A.

O'Neal, president of the Sit-Down Strike Case Before High Court August Kettman, 'who hold tha box sterdam Diamond Exchange decided containing protested ballots. WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. November 14 to act Jointly with Belgian exchanges to prevent their members from giving work to Germsny, The Supreme Court considered to American Farm Bureau Federation, contended farmers would obtain distinct benefits. Louis J.

Taber, master of the National Grange, said be hoped the agreements would 'aid agriculture, but asserted that the reciprocal tariff had not day whether to review litigation to test the right of an employer to discharge workmen who participate Switzerland Admits Teamsters' Peace Conference Not to Halt Strike Walkout in a sit-down strike. This directly affecting done co in the past Refugee Children SPARX Gat Circulating Heater There are mora than SO models to choose from. A size to- suit everyone! So, for comfort and economy, heat, your home with a Spark! Retail valua $1950. By courtesy of Jackson rmrnitnrs C. LADfeS; WRISI WATCH Beautiful two-diamond yellow gold Ladies' Bag-u-ette wrist watch.

Courtesy: of Milens, Jewelers. perry Drifted Snow Homo Perfected Flour Used exclusively in eook-' demonstrstions at The Tribune Homecrafters School. Modal No. 432 Spark Gem Ranej Here It 1st The gas tangs women have been waiting for. Peataring Beauty Cleanliness, Convenience and Economy in operation.

Extra large oven, fully in-, aula ted. automatic heat con- troL Retail value $139-50. Courtesy Jackson Farni-tars Co. the Fansteel Metallurgical Corpora BERNE. Switzerland, Nov.

19. tion of North Chicago, was before UP) The Swiss Government today granted -permission for a limited the Justices at their regular Saturday An announcement Peace conferences Monday morn' is expected Monday. number of Jewish children in Germany ta enter: Switzerland tempo lng between Joseph M. Casey, international official of the teamsters' The National Labor Relations STEVEDORE STRIKE DELAYS PROBE OF VANCOUVER BLAST rarily." Board appealed to the high tribunal union, and representatives of the Associated General Contractors of Permission, was granted at tha re- from a decision by the Federal Cir Quest of the Swiss Committee for America will have no effect on plans cuit Court at Chicago that the stnk era could be dismissed. Aid to Children ot Emigrants, which agreed to take steps to find perma The board contended that the tit- of A.FX.

building trades unionists for mass walkout in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties unless the Contra Costa -conduit Job Is re nent homes for tha children in other down strike resulted from refusal Quality Groceries, Vegetables and Prodtel featured by thy Laadon. i MARSHALL STEEL presents a most interesting demonstration that will help yon solve easily many of yor notjMbold problems. alice ames Beauty salons will award to every woman attending this session free shampoo and fingerwave Unloading of the S.S. Vancouver at Grow Street Pier was halted today by a walkout of CXO. long countries.

Roosevelt Discusses turned to them. striking groups, who seek return of jurisdiction swarded the CI.O. in a recently negotiated contract Reynolds said" the strike strategy committe had received word-the contractors' representatives would be unable to meet before 11:30 Monday and bad answered that the A.FX. deemed an earlier meeting necessary if the' tie-up was to be averted. No reply was received.

WILL IGNORE TIE-CP I In accepting the conference bid. Casey asserted ihat'teamsters will not have any part of a general tie-up as long as contractors willing to try to adjust' the difficulties," and would attend the session regardless of action by other AF.L.' groups. The conduit contractor announced of the corporation to bargain collectively with representatives of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of America. This statement was made today by 3. Reynolds, business representa Refugees With Brandeis Because of this, the board said.

tive of the Alameda County Build shoremen over a ware dispute. The cot)Uoeiiy will delay the probe of the bombing of the vessel In the ertuary on November X. Officials plan to inspect the exterior the men continued to be employees WASHINGTON. Nov. 19 ing Trades Council, who pointed Cousfcswi Modal Ko.

13 President Roosevelt and Supreme Court Justice Brandeis talked about out that the walkout oa heavy-duty construction jobs had been set for under provisions of the Nstjonal Labor Relations act and could not bo dsKharged. i of the bull when the vessel is moved am. Monday, while the confer- 'Spark. Gas Rcr TTvil is full wi Jewish refugees today for tiy second time within recent weeks. feo drydock.

Ship officials said they had eftce is not scheduled until 11JO. WORKERS' CONFERENCE A White Souse official said after G.ant SpH Burner, rirvt planned, to complete cargo discharge Apartment Owners, the two had conferred for more than of ciat. ine,i Any chances which might develop -TO BE AUCTIONED TONIGHT 1933 Do Lux Nora cubic ft. Eafriaaratcr Tamous Norfe Rollstor mechanism has orly I slow movlr.i parts in a bath cf oil and Norfs you a 10-year warranty the FcKator Ccwprnw frit FetaJ vsloa tSSO. Courty jMkea Ce.

half hour that this was the sub- Unions to Sign a- i- in connection with present plans, Reynolds said, must originate at a meeting of all affected workers to jeet discussed. Brandeis. leaving the White House, ignored all questions. the b' two c- -is iwrt in irf sU of i cn. t-p Fci 1 ark win Fsm.tar I b.

morrow afternoon at Martinez. The that 70 CI O. men are at work at prevent and the force will be increased to Ml on Monday. The A-FJL plans to move against all other ermu-ectors in the two counties affiliated with 'the AG tmleas the conduit contractor re-rwvee the CJ O. men and rector the job to the AFX.

wrurh has session was arranged by Frank Law and proceed to orydock tomorrow, but that movement of the vessel would now depend on whether an agreement could be reached tinder which stevedores would continue to onload watersoaked wheat Henry Schmidt longshore union official aajd that three rangs. comprising 54 tnen. quit work yesterday because increased pay demand tor tb damaged carta bad refused. Municipal Judge Fined rence, president of the Contra Costa Building Trsdes Council, to com SAN DIEGO. Nov.

Formal signing of a part between the San Francisco Owners' and Lessees' Apartment House Asancistion and the A FX. Building Service Em-pktyees Union has been -set fT December 5. according to J. Carroll, association secretary. Te i -irer ha rn by tha men-eci-'; cf plete preparstjrris fr the nc.rl Judfe Ejjer Pt-ey Jr srd rrea o.her were :9 rr Fed- Bnndirg traf.rt effiriais declared I Faul J.

'cCrr-k been en strike against it fcr several wetts. that Casey rrreents his own union and da cot foe tt, s.f.oct-.g cf.

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