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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 5

Rochester, New York
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ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, FRIDAY. JANUARY 2. 10U. KOSBHBHeal i 7 tn f1r nim In r1 rl tr ALLIANCE BANK Corner Main and Stone Street 53dWedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs.

William Scoficld Married on New Year's Day, 1861. Main St near Brldgo Main St Cutler Building Hate Street, Opposite Allen All the Fresh Seasonable Foods Our GoodQuality OnSalefcrfheVVeekEnd at Prices Far Below the Market Value. In the Center of the Retail District W'atcrlixi. 1. Mr.

and Mr. SoofirM, wuo retitlo lnut ihri-e 10,000 Pounds Fancy Fresh Pork Cuts at Big Saving Bargain Prices For This One Day Selling wer married at tl of the lrid-' p.irrn!s on January 1. by Krv. Abl-liai Stuticlil, father of tbe pwni. Mr.

and Scotiob) remoTiM to tin-it Irisi'nt hnmt about forty-sW yoars 'hin? thoy have kiih residetl. They have five children, Mrs. liynm A. Tobpy, Mrs. William Sotilc, of Mm.

(Icorire I. Teter. or Geno'a: tTiarlp atvl Georje SeofieW. of Waterloo. Friday Pork Saie niilrs west of W'atorloo, in Uiis Inwn-sliip.

crU'tiratod thfir lifty-thin veddini; annivfrvary tn-day. Both a ri nativra of ihe statn of New York. Scotii'ld was tyru iu Willi-t, t'ortlaiKl county on July 22. 1MO, wliiV I lior liuxbaml was born at I'ett'rIiorouKh, New Accounts Invited Resources Over Nine Million Dollars Interest Paid on Special Accounts at Current Rates Madison county, on March 1M1. lioth arc eicrllcnt hfallh.

Tlwy SceyPigesh Pork Loins, lb. i 6c Wolght 8 to to Pounds lach. Half or Whole Fresh Little Pig Pork Shoulders, lb. 12 I -2c Fresh Pure All Pork Sausage, lb. 1 Sc Fancy Fresh Pork Loin Chops, lb.

Clear Fat Back Salt Pork, lb. 12 l-2c Best Fresh Raw Leaf Lard, lb 12 12o HOH Mr low meat prices advertised to-morrow -before puctiaslDg meats (or Sunday SAY G0TTS SOLD WHISKEY AND BEER AT HOME WITH A WISH TO SEE NEW YEAR, WOMAN DROPS DEAD Mrs. McNamara. of Geneva, Dies Without Warning, Watching Old Year. DIRECTORS ALEXANDER M.LINDSAY Vloe-Prealdent Sibley, Llndeay a Cure Company ALBERT B.

EASTWOOD President William laetwood a on Company EDWARD G. MINER Frealdont ffteudl0f Company THOMAS E. LANNIN CDCCU riCU FAD lDITHV Pollock 8c GEORGE W. ROBESON Pro. Koohastor lUmplrif Oo.

Treat. Nobtton Cutlary Co FRANK S. NOBLE Olreotor Baetman K.dak Com. pany of N. J.

J. HUNGERFORD SMITH Pres. J. rlunserford Smith Co. JOSEPH T.

ALLING Proeldent Alline; Jh Cory Co, F. HARPER SIBLEY Attarnay JAMES G. CUTLER Prtta. Cutler Mall Chut Co. Cutler Realty Co.

ABRAM J. KATZ Retired WALTER S. HUBBELL Attorney. Director lutmiin Kodak Company of N. J.

HENRY A. STRONG mtmn KodnK Company of N. J. inLjii run rui iiuinr Steak lb. Evidence Presented Against Manchester Pole.

Vis HAD BEEN ARRESTED BEFORE ALL VARIETIES ON SALE FRESH FLOUNDERS, HERRING, HADDOCK, pound 9c FRESH YELLOW PERCH AND BLUE PIKE, pound 12c FANCY FRESH LAKE ERIE WHITEFISH, pound 16c GENUINE FRESH CODFISH STEAK, pound 14c HALIBUT, lb 18c SMELTS, 8c SALMON, 17c SMOKED FINNAN HADDIES, 10c SALT MACKEREL, each 5c Gorton's CODFISH CAKE, Select OYSTERS, VEGETABLESBest Home Potatoes, peck, 21c Ory Onions, Carrots, Parsnips and Squash, 4 10c Fresh Head Lettuce and Celery, 3 tor 10c OFFICERS JAMES G. CUTLER Proeldent ABRAM J. KATZ econd Vlco-Preeldent vidence Too Flimsy on Former Occasions to Hold the Man Search for Head of Illegal Liquor Selling Business Has Been Long One THOMAS E. LANNIN Third Vloe-Pree. and Caehler FRANK S.

THOMAS Aeeietant Caehler ALEXANDER M. LINDSAY First Vioe-Prealdant WILLIAM J. SIMPSON Aaeietant Caehler Gciievi, Jan. 1. Kxprcaslnf tile wish that slie might keep awake unill the Mowing of (he whistles and the ruigiuj of bells ushering la the New Year, Mrs.

Bridget Mc.Vuuiura fell back tn ln-r ehulr, dead, in the pivfeuis of her children, who had gatli-ered at the home of her daughter. John M. Sclioot. of Shcn'ill street, to watch the old year out. All her children were with ber except Mr.

ar.d Mrs. He'iot who had gone to Condie; to visit Mr. School's paieills. Mrs. was apjuireiitly In excellent health last evening up to the time of her su'iden ueatn at o'clock.

She bad been resident of this city for many 'tir. leaves five clillilri-n. Mrs. 'John M. S.

hoot. Miss Mary McNamara, Thomas and James McNamara. of tl.ii city, and Mrs. Louis MeMiiboii. of Syracuse.

Mrs. McNamara was the widow of Thomas McNamara, who died suddenly two years ago. '1 he funeral will be held Saturday morning at VI o'clock from St. Francis l'e Sales Church and burial will be uii'le In St. 1'atrick's cemetery.

Daposits Made Before Jan. 6th on Special Accounts Will Draw Interest from 1 st. GROCERIES FRIDAY and SATURDAY Friday Soap Sale VbVZ or. 25c Mohican Fancy Patent Flour, 24 1-2 lb. sack 69c Fancy Candied Citron, lb.

17c Candied Lemon, Orange Peel, lb. 121 2c New Cleaned Currants. 3 packages. Fancy New Seedless Raisins, 3 pkgs. 25c Choice Baking molasses, 3 tins 25c New Pure Mince Meat, 4 pkgs 29c ransr.tlaitfua.

Jan. 1. Illegal lienor selling Jn the dry town of ManWicster. flDiony i'nrwgiira Mpt.lully lian Uopt (In.1 ronnty vlflt'ials on an pikIU'Ss to tlrni Iho fferaltrs. but lit the arn'st of Gnfs, a To'i', 1 1 olflriuls rlai'u thoy Lave ono ylronjr fvl'ltiH-(V (iotts Li b-in bi-hl at.

the foiuity jail upon a touiporary eommittimMit InsiicI hy Jiisth'o of tliH I'i-uoo Kdward II. Kuiry. Hall lias boen tUttl at ..00, Tint man Las not b'vii allt? to uhtaln atiy bondiijcj. His lK'arin f-Up'lulo1 to Up 1-U1 'u January 1 It U. Uotts arrest rami alnrnt as tiip I'fuU a tonvorriation iu bfukit I'nlish ovcrhciinl by SU riff I'nuik O'llrlcii.

nf Sliorisviilo. O'lirit'n at Uie ttnir was iu cstlKutiutf' an allcxetl thoft of from a man uanu-tl Johu Ilu-U. It was ilnting thy nrtfumriit bftvvfnt Goit, Ush nii'l st'VWjtl I'olcs over tlir tLoft that O'liri-n's susitk1-lous won- aroused as Iho liijuur tiotls, It. is said, paid to Uiwh $75 to qui tin utatler and tli next day lh deputy i-ii'riir took several of Hie iliU'sscf be fure tlie distrit't-nttoruey and coinmwued John pro'-fedln, At least four witnesses tcsulied at tiotts is said to haj been imdrr suspicion by tlte ortii-ern fir nearly two years but Lot enough eviUetiee has be otttainabb; uirainst hlni. One lirtiud Jury heard eliures him but failed to lndkn a the cvUb'noe was too flimsy at thnt tii'ie.

Pure ixtr. Lemon, vanilla, 25c Dot 19c Fresh Rolled Oats, 3 10c New Prep'd Buckwheat, 3 lb. pkg. 12 l-2c Choice H. Y.

Slate Corn, 2 10c tins Solid Pk'd Ripe Tomatoes, 3 Ige. cans 25c Hew Early June Peas, 3 12 l-2c cans 25c Fancy White Head Rice, 4 25c Fancy Dry Yellow Peaches, lb. 9c Fancy California Prunes, lb. .12 l-2c Hew Karo Corn Syrup, 3 tins 25c N. B.

C. CRACKERS Sodas, Grahams, Saltines, 3 packages 25c Hew English WALNUTS, lb 15c The proper drinking Fresh Roasted Colfee, 30c value, lb. 19c WOULD LIKE PAYING A LITTLE WIDER Albion Plans Special Election to Voteon Matter. Beans, Tapioca, Baney.Peas, lb 5c WISTARIA CHOP TEAS -all varieties, in sealed canons, pound pkg 35c Best Mixed NUTS, lb isc Beer New Layer FIGS, lb 15c of pure Fancy Fruits omnSes. doJwwc Fr Grape Fruit 2 5 Apples, doz.

21c29c, 35c White Cluster Grapes, lb. 18c Cranberries, 10c Tangerines, 19c FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS lor FRIDAY and SATURDAY but not the abuse of it, is good for everyone. It flushes the system of waste. Most people drink too little liquid. Their systems become clogged with waste, thus impairing the efficiency of the nervous and digestive organism.

Mobican Seal Carton CONTRACT LET FOR ML MORRIS SYSTEM G. B. Richardson, of Ridge-wood, N. Successful. FRESH Srs Lily Brand 4 fr- Eggs 30.

SButterineI9E Jan. 1. A special meeting of the ta.vpa.iers of the village of Alhluu has bcu called by the Hoard of Trustees lor Friday. JuM'ary t'th, to vote ou the proiwsltlou of paving Kast and West p.vt-mies with brick in addition to the sitceu-foat pavement which the state will put through as part of ltoute 3u, trunk highway. The proposition calls Tor making the street thirty feet wide from McKinstry street to King Mreet and twenty-four feet wide fron MrKlustry eastward to the Tillage Hue ami jfroru Kiug westward to the village hue, at a coat not to exceed and authorizing the trustees to Issue 5 per cent, bonds.

1'bt so would be payable la eight cqunl annual payments beginning in H'I5 and eud-Iuk in The interest as they become due Is to be levied, one half en the taxable, property of Ibe iIIiikc at large and otie hjtf on the property fronting on the streets To ue paved in proportion to the frontage of eiu li parcel or laud. The t.iate hldiMity. sixteen feet wide. Is to be put through Kast and West avenues tbe coiidug summer. I believed by many that these should be wider.

TUe laying of the sewers noag the streets iu qiieMhn has been completed so as not io interfere with the street iuiui-ovv- mellt. Mohican Fancy Fresh table f)r Made BUTTER Zo Creamery Butler 5z Creamery Quality Ms Finest Quality Rich Whcls Milk Dairy Cheese, 20c ink Sclilitz in rown Bottles Mount dan. 1. Tlte commit for tlie ion uf tbo new water for tile village irf Morris was awarded to tieoa-e li. lliehintsou, of Kidevwiod, by the vill'se Ito.ird of TniMt" iu se'ial ki ssion last evening.

Mr. Kk'lninhim's bid wan in tlto neiv'iborboivl of this only the work, Idle the village wid puii hase the material direi 1i''m UPHiiifMeturers at a cot sume-thinj; like :i.tKi. so that the new system will eo irti'tle utiiiv (ban this not the water riislitu and lights of way between Silver lake and Morris. Aeeoi'duiij; to the terms of tbe eentraet work on the new K.vstein is to eounnem-e at once, and it is to be carried on just us rapidly jih possible. The distance from Silver hike to this village is about ten miles, ami tbe route of the main iiH? line will be through the village of 1'ci'ry and then acvoss country to a point near the place where tin; outlet of tbe lakeeinpiies into the tieuesee river, near Silver Creek, and where the pipes have already been laid uuderneulb the river.

is understood that a lai'tre force of workmen will be put to work at nee to lay tin' pipes, and with a mild winter, a lair part of the job should be cotiipkMcd by spring. Th trustees have met uiih such splendid success iu securing water rights and nahts of way for the pipe line, that they of the opinion lhal all of the necessary rit'lits will he obtained without any trouble whatever. The Year and the lew Business prudence sanctions the advancement of your financial interests. Blot out the delays of the old year and start the new-year with a firm resolution to make prompt deposits in the bank. Your account is cordially invited.

4o Interest Paid on Depcsiis to 510,000.00 KETTSES AFTEE 21 YEARS. E. T. Montgomery Give3 Up Wyoming Co. Treasurer to Smallwood.

Warsaw, dan. 1. Charles li. Small- oml, the newly elovfod county tii'iis-nrer, assinued llie duties of his ollice today. Kdward T.

Montgomery, the ongoing; trcaxurrr. lias bcbl fie oliiee toe p.ost seveu Iitiiis, or years. Hereafter tiie oflice ill lie hsatcl in a room iu the Court House, which lu.s been tilted up for that purpoee. llurit.g Mr. Montgomery's terms (lie otfice lias boon located in a building owned by him.

anil this will be the first time Hie c.i,ns troasuircr will iwupy quarters th coiiuiy buildiius. -Mr. -win, is si ierio feaclicr in tiie Warsaw High School, is resigned that position, but the resigna-tino lias not been ais-opted. I'titil such time as another teei-her is procured, lie v. ill liuve an assistant in tiie treasurer's olticp.

and get all the good without the harm. It is not enough to make pure beer it must be kept pure. "Beer exposed to light for five minutes becomes undrinkable." The Brown Bottle keeps Schlitz pure from the brewery to your glass. MAIN ST COR EXCHANGE ST ROCHESTER. WM.

C. BARRY, President R. C. WATSON, Vicc-Prcs. and SeCy.

FRANK BREWSTER, Vice-Pres. I D. BIDWEU Assistant Secretary See that crvwn or cork is branded "Schlitz." Tire in Clyde Boarding House. 'lytic. 1.

Yesterday uflernueit about 4 n'eli tbo Collins lioardiu, a building ill Wrd str-et. imin by K. K. Chalker, ami occupied by Mrs. William Weeks, caught tire from an overheated kitchen, and was dam-ngeil to the ui.iomit of about S'd'O, before tic Fire licpuituicnt iiuild subdue the The dasiuigo to the furniture, ro-rtrly nil of which as removed from the building, will be ahont Tb -less on building ami furniti're i.

fully covered hy insurance. Makes Three Districts of S. of V. lialli. Jan.

1. -Milton K. (Jibbs, im llochesler. ib pai'tinent conunainler uf the Sons i Vt tenuis, lias divided Steuben county into thriv districts for tf.n purpose of jrt lurinir organization. lii-trh't (omprises the cunips at liatii.

Avoca, I'ohixton. l'rat tsburb and llma-mcnilsport, and is in charge of K. S. llrown. of 'dii)ctii; riisttict comprises tbe Addison, Caton, t'onuiij mid VV oodhull camps and is in of .1.

S. Chatiield, of l'ainteti 1'nst: Oistrk-t is iu charge of liev. S. S. KoumIi and ivmpri.ies the camps of TToupsbaiv, llorncil and Allegany county.

Phone Bell 1582 Genesseo XV. F. AHman 82 Wilder Rochester The Beer Bill for Bath Postofflce. Ttatn. Jan.

1. Ooinrressman K. S. ndfr. till has bill In Ci- llonar of lii-pres, ntathej calling an t'en of $70,0 ju for tbe eonstrucllun of btilbtlug in this villase.

Mr. dirllll for tho site for the lao ynir. 1 tittl n-imses with the or.iai.t;ce on l'uhlie litiilillugs. Farts About Furs. I'hhailclptda Public Ledger furs, the saie of which i con-trohvi by the governnicnt.

have usualic tx-cn cnt to the Loudon market. This IwdH'y bus been pursued in spile of the fact, not known outside of the trade, that St. l.ouis, right here at home, is otic of tbe most Important distributing eotiter-3 for raw skins in t'ue The ivertiiueiit ib-idi-d to try the St. Iotiis market this year, and ordered tbo furs wnt t'lerv instead of to Loudon. Ail nuction of tbe skins began fu That Made Milwaukee Famous.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Construction of Ststo Forestry Building. Sivalfl irupiisuU tor ihS uuti vciiti and liitUig and wurlj tin1 New vanity. N. wt.i lit to -ivfd l.y tlu of the New V-Tk Mutt tAt.le;;.

of 'nrvs: ry. Syru I'm-ersly, Syrac.ft', ninti 2 V- on JV.uuui'y hU. whtii lin-y bi hi Utr ofiirf of i lit ui't nii'l im'sili-iy. Hid ill lp rMi.vl fnr li of tilt work tfvrjtiijr iiint of hjtS will I'rnpKvils Khali lu uvtiiu (atnvtl by trrtllh'-l in tho rttui) vt 0 jit-r ittf. tiiy muoisut lul ami I Ik ontra'tt-r- ho.u iN jsmpU arv mailt; -will In ivquirtM to Mitv'y pany 1 t.mU ihf Mini t'vr -Vnt.

tf anion tit if rottrraci wiin.u hirty tt- odv-al tittifv of, of i-oiitra't in with NlH'v'ltl No. I.SiM, l.sJJI and l.vra. The to jit any all tlU. Iirawititf itn-1 rta.iy I 4ftiiu'tfMl mikt forms of ir-jwnl o'aaiio-d at ti. tV tn of tho irk H' kt-f trr SyrafHsv I ui rsi Synii'UM, N.

tutil at liu oiJiiv -if tUo tte avvii itiH-t. I'tt-nplott' wts of plans nul will I'untishi to propor)i? MtWorn tic.i rot 'n thf iiiKorr'i ru of tiu( rtai" an-Uitt't. K. I'iMuT, ADVERTISING is Uk Hirrirant mnt baf mm) run swiftly am! it'imit frictt-jn. A triaj wiil wnrtrrt ti: moil prtaousceU skeptic.

price of black skins should fall to there would If money in tiie business it fov only understisjd artthuietic wi ll as rabbits do and could multiply wi'h the same unerring precision. to0UBI Supervisors to Meet at Hornell. Hath. Jan. 1.

The Steuben county Hoard of SuiH-rvisors w-ill meet for at Hornell on Jaunury 1Mb Tiiere no OEMvoMtion to the T-eleetloo of Frank llaveiiR as clerk, anil i. if nfebt. of Cr.ton. it is thought wi'i is chaii altho iuli there are several tuhvr for tssltlon.

Agricultural Society to Meet. STAMPS" COLLAR SAM GOTTRY CARTING" CS Furniture and Piano MOVERS OmCE, GROUND aCOR POWERS BUILDING Tuesday with moat wutiafactnry resiilie. IVrfwt bine fox nkiiia brought 1 auvl iM'rfect seal skins tokl The government official lnokiux after the sale said that te average i liriccH were from 5 to 10 per cent, high' than those realized in l.omlon last jenr. i The price of the blue fox skins should be iriteresfting to those eis-eulators ho art- int'n tmmey into fox ranche on he a perfect fox skiu will briug and silver and blu I ALL DAY TODAY Itnth. Jan.

l. -Th annual of! Unsatisfactory Conditions. pe. Ualie- Well, youse a sight. I t'oognt you J'nl Id Ink Miiter 011 yr lieu'l nil' Is.le x-r lu-l liehic year hack.

I tiie StenPen County Agrlruliuril Swlei i 1 Called for flnesd fter; eu HollM. this villain-. lie ni 1... ri-d ami eb-lcl for 'm i y-r i si -b woidUu I'stsv -So 1 skins in promrtion. Hut even if the.

ffght (tat y..

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