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Morning Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 8

Morning Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


That iMsketbiill game last night was Seed in Bulk PERSONAL MENTION. J. W. Hobbs came in from the north yesterday. MHs Addle Bongs went to Portland Saturday.

Mrs. Walter Ross Is in Albany visiting friends. P. R. Bell of Wnltervllle was In the city Special sale of baskets and dolls at the Tea Store.

Henry Lelter went to Salem Saturday on business. Senator Booth went south yester-dny to his runctt. Prof D. C. Kellems went to Drain to preach on Sunday.

E. 1j. Andrews and wife returned to a great thing for the freshmen and they certainly their vic tory from the way the 88 rooters sec tlon shouted. When the meet over, and the score of 15 to 13 was an nounceu the youngsters delighted In the work of their team, while the sophomores were forced to accept the We bought 1450 lbs of Garden Seed this Year If you buy your seed from us you will get NEW-SEED. Also-Onion Sets and Flower Seed.

bitter defeat that they seemed not to J2.50 waists Thursduy ,1.35 waists Thursday 1.20 3.00 waists Thursday 2.65 .65 waists Thursday 5 1.15 waists Thursday .95 2.25 waists Thursday 1,95 Ji.75 waists Thursday 1.25 waists. Thursday igj 2.00 waists, Thursday 1,75 3.50 waists -Thursday 3,15 1.50 waists Thursday 15 Junction yesterday. know how to take. It was hard for the members of '07 to be defeated by their clever oppo A. C.

Woodcock went to his farm at Irving, Saturday. nents, but the score was earned and It wa decisive enough to make certain the excellence of the freshmen. When the gnme was called and the Allen of Junction Is attending to business in the city. V. Callison of Pleasant Hill was In the city Saturday.

J. B. Winstnnley went home to Salem to spend Sunday. two teams were forced Into action first looked an easy contest for the THIS WILL" BE A BIG DAY WITH US ANDYOU WILL SEE A NEAT DISPLAY. COME EARLY AND GETTHE PICK.

FRANK E. DUNN sophomores, but each point earned by the men of 'OS only Intensified the Miss Shaver returned from her trip CHAMBERS' HARDWARE EUGENE, OREGON courageous efforts of the college child to Portland yesterday. ren. The longer the freshmen played W. Lair Thompson of Albany Is In the city visiting friends.

the better they ployed and the surprise of certain defeat seemed to para Miss Adele Plckel went to Portland lyze the sophomores to such a degree Saturday to visit friends. that they did nothing in the end. J. M. Williams went to Albany to Eagerness for victory coupled with tnke in the fun last night.

a burning desire to crush their oppo Bev. W. T. Matlock went to Har rlsburg to preach on Sunday. nents disorganized nnd ruined the team work of the sophomores who were City News Briefly Noted Miss Bessie Alexander went to overconfident of winning.

Junction Saturday on a visit. On the whole the game was a good Henry Maxwell went to Cottage one and gave evidence of great Im Grove Saturday to visit friends. provement over the sophomore-Junior Mrs. J. M.

Edmunson returned Sat game. A team chosen from the three urday from her visit to Portland. W. R. Barr of Fairmount went to classes would do honor to the university and It Is to be hoped that a schedule of games may be arranged.

Portland Saturday on a business er Walking Right Along IS THE WAY THE STUDENTS OF THE EUGENE BUSINESS AKE DOING Night School at Business College Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening. Tarma Reasonable rnnd. A large number of spectators were F. C. Bearu the Mapleton merchant present and the game was an excellent went to Portland yesterday on bus! ness.

one to watch. Another game may be urranged. Miss May'Hadsall returned to her Left His Hat Behind Saturday morning about 3 o'clocq J. L. Kurnlsh nnd wife were treated to a serenade.

Some fellow who had filled his hide too full of booze to know-where -he was, hung over their fence and sang "Auld Lang Syne" with variations thnt do not appear on the score. He afterward came onto the porch and seemed determined to get into the house. Mr. P. got up and got hlB gun and gave the fellow to understand that he'd bolter get away or he'd get shot.

This threat had Its effect, but the fellow left his tint lying where It fell Inside the fence, as he leaned over to sing. The chief of pollen has the hat, but la hardly likely the ownavwlll claim It. home nt Junction after visiting friends MRS. SIDNEY SCOTT IS DEAD In this city. J.

C. Branstetter went home to After a Lingering Sickness Passss Junction yesterday after a short visit tifio Eugene Business College in the city. Wm. Sheffer, representing the Chas. Away on Saturday Morning.

The unequal -struggle Is at last over F. S. HAROVN, L. L. Pres.

B. Hanford company was in the city on Saturday. and Death has claimed his own. The wavering spark of life in the weakened body of Mrs. Sidney Scott was ex J.

L. Oxley, the Goshen hop raiser was In the city yesterday and went out by train. tinguished at 10:15 Saturday morning Orpha Abbott, came down from and she has gone to her eternal rest. Fresh garden seeds in bulk at PUl ett's grocery and hardware, Cottage Grove yesterday to visit her Baiaball Ya.terday Tho flrot practice baseball game of tho season played yesterday between a team from the high school and a team composed of university stu-rents, and town boys. The high school tjoyi came off Victorious to the tune lOf 11 to 3.

with an errorless game to their, (The name showed that prospects for very fust team In the high school this season are very flattering. tho "southpaw" pitcher who pitched the first five Innings tho hlgil t' school allowed but Jilts an.l struck 10 men. Hans who pitched for the "pickups" also played good ball. The teams lined up as follows: High school Pickups King Johnson Pender Hans lb Driver Moore Houn Hobbs Smith sb 'Perot If Erlckson Catlln Kelauy rf Wilson Th. Christian Revival The rovlvul at the Christian church is drawing to a close, but the Interest Is by no means diminished.

A splendid audience greeted the speaker and his sermon was exceptionally strong. Thore were throe additions and five were baptised at the close of the sermon. Today Is expected to be the banner day. Thore will be service at 11 iu and 7: SO p. and there Us no doubt but that great crowds will bo In attendance, The big lee-ittiro Monday on "Tho New.

Thought" promises to give the greatest crowd of grandparents. Georse Mldgley for dra sol Mrs. E. Flynn and children of Co- Her many friends are pained to know that a beautiful character Is taken from them, but do not feel grieved that her sufferings are over. The funeral services will be conducted at the residence, 287 east Twelfth street dowa.

i burg went to Junction Saturday ta visit friends. Cottage Grove Saturday to visit her parents. Mr. Fierce came down on the night train to consult with his partner, W. P.

Manning of the Golden Rule store. H. Traver of the firm of Tolmle Traver will leave this afternoon for New York city to look after some prlr vate- business and to purchase, a fine stock of the latest in spring and summer goods. He will be gone about six weeks. C.

C. Matlcock and Frank Smith Take your Sunday dinner at lJ Want after Mike's Rabbit Q. Sacha. of Kays Gun store went to' Cottage Grove Saturday, and It Is slyly hinted he Is going to spend Sunday hunting for thnt rabbit that got uway from Mike Wald and his dogs during the holidays. He has a good supply of salt with him and ulso took Mrs.

Sachs along possibly to hold the sacks. If he falls to get It, 'we are going to furnish Furnish 'with some Information and send him after It, It wont do to let that rabbit get away from these gun' store boys. on this (Sunday) afternoon nt 2 raims. 35c. iz m.

to 7 p. m. were pasengers for Portland on bus! ness yesterday. o'clock under the direction of the John M. Woods of Oregon City came Church of Christ, Scientist and1' she A fresh barrel of dill plcklea Jiutnl celved at Pickett's grocery and blrij ware.

2-Ut) will- be laid to rest In the Masonic up Saturday afternoon to- visit relatives over Sunday. cemetery. Mrs. G. D.

Linn and Miss Cora Linn Melissa C. Boggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Boggs was born Dec. left on Saturday afternoon for Portland for a short visit.

im 1 1 1 111 lit mil 1 1 1 ih -h: 12, I860, In Putnam, county. Missouri. R. M. Cramer of the carriage and Examination Ovar Till Monday She came with her.

parents across, the plains in 1865 and they located on a organ factory at Albany was in the i Jesse Edy and James Winkle were clty-on business Saturday. arraigned beforo Justice C. Winter. ELECTRICITY Yes thats the word Kay went to Corvallls Sat meler yeBterday orV'charge of highway urday afternoon on a business visit. robbery and their examination was ad His wife Is visiting In Coburg.

journed until Monday at o'clock at the court house. TDhey were placed W. 1. CombB went to eastern Ore under 1600 bonds each, falling to fur gon Saturday to look after some bust ness in which he is Interested. Come around nish which they were again locked up Miss Freda Gay who has been vis In Ilia county Jail, King the family of George Brown, re u.

uiio limy nuiu iv uvnui CTuuiwiy afternoon, and we will exhibt a brand-new line of Elec-j tumed home "to Albany' Saturday. Call (or County Warrants, farm on the Mohawk In this county. She. was married to Sidney Oct. 1876, and lived tin a fanlv.

on the Molmwk for 13 years. 'and moved to Eugene. Three years'ngo they went to Arizona for the "benefit of Mrs. Scott's health, -but she Jfc6n-tinued to grow worse. They returned Inst tall and for a time she seemed to tliiprov but It" was only, temporary, and her death has been looked-for for a number, of Besides her.

husband, she leaves a daughter, Lorane. who is 15 years, old. She leaves also four brothers and 'two sisters. They are Emmett Boggs; of Mohawk, William and Leon and Mrs. Almelldn Hayden of Roy Boggs of Monument, and.

Mrs. Etta Thompson of Coqullle, alV of whom, Frank Ross has Just finished a three tricalifixturesjust received from the factory. Notice Is hereby given thnt all Lmie Attention L. 0. T.

M. and K. O. T. weeks' Job of trimming -2000 trees In county warrants from register No.

All Ladies of the Maccabees and. Sir the orchard on -the McElroy place. 6SS0 to register NoVI7S66''both Indus The prices are right and so are the goods N. A. Emmltt nnd wife of Folk Ive will be putd on presentation nt my eonntv are In the city visiting Mr.

and office, March 1405. Interest will Uane County Electric Mrs. Tilton, Mrs. Emmitts KlllfthtH are requested to meet nt I. O.

O. V. hall on Sunday afternoon. Vebrunry It, nt 1 o'clock p. to attend the funeral of our late Bister Iktollsta Scott.

Those desiring to view the remalna should cull before I o'clock Ji.C. McElroy and wife of Monroe cense on that date. Eugene, Oregon. Feb. 25.

1905. ROB'T E. EASTLAND, were In the city yesterday visiting friends and attending the poverty ball. i Lane Ore; C. Dorsey left for Spokane, as the services will be held at that time, nt the rcsldoncn) 287 oast 12th Washington- Saturday afternoon to I.

O. O. F. NotiM All t. O.

O. V. members" are request look over the country. In that vicinity. street.

i if- CECELIA JONES; Lady Commander. Ir3. W. F. Osburn went to Portland except last mentioned being present.

At the funeral. Mrs. Scott was a member of the Lndles of the Maccabees and also of the Women of Woodcraft and carried $1000 Insurance ed to meet a the hall Tuesday at 1:30 p. February 28 for the purpose of Saturday to spend Sunday with her sisters, she expects to return attending the funeral of out Inte We're Making a Drive 7 ON OUR BIG LINE OF STEEL RANGES FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS AND ARE OFFERING REMARKABLE BARGAINS IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE STOCK. In each of these orders.

She had a brother, 1.1, M. Rlsdon. All friends of C. P. Walker secretary of the Se wide acquaintance In the city and the family are Invited.

country and was universally loved. W. J. WARNOCK, N. All persons who wish to do so may take a last look at the remains on Taxes Coming In Sunday morning.

Saturday was a -favorable day and Don't Think of Buying there wero many farmers In the city Mora Scarlet Fever T-i children of A. 15. James of tho in Mom iMirt of the oily wore quarantined by Marshal Ollbert yesterday for murlot fever. The i-itses aro a boy of seven and girl vf H. und were re-pqrtcl by Dr.

A I wood. Masquerade Skating OnFrlday evening, March a mas-querado skating carnival will be glv- errfor the school children. Admission for skaters SHr, spectators 15 cents. SMITH, t-SIdU. Prop.

to 'pay their taxes; the amount paid NEW TODAY-. being about $5400. This makes a total of 27.200 paid this week, over-lopping the first weeks payment last year. FOR RENT Ten room house three blocks Willamette. Has UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICES.

WE CAN SAVE YOU GOOD MONEY DURING THI8 SALE. S. L. LONG plumbing, lights. and Is connected with the sewer.

Call on or address Cottag. Grove's Big Delegation Twrc full cur loads of Cottage Grove O. C. Beebe, cor 13th and High S-26dt5 attle Produce company In this city-went to' Portland on business Saturday. T.

A. McMasters and family will move to Ooshen Mr. McMasters will work In the Ellis 4 Andrew Svarverud and Chas. Cochran went to Albany Saturday afternoon to help make music for the merry M. M.

Strawn, brother of Section boss Strawn who has been here visiting him returned to Ms home at Portland yesterday. Carl Ostrander the popular has been called east to Chicago and leaves today. He expects to return at a later date. William Sheffer advance representative of the Chnrles B. Hanford company, which appears at Eugene Theatre, March 4 Is in the city.

Miss Myrtle Slater, who Is assisting In the county clerk's office, returned from her vacation spent at the home of her parents at Blachley. Mrs. Thomas Pierce came In from people went to Albany, to the Woodman MARRIED. log-rolling. They were accompanied by their fine band, which favored those who were at the depot with some line Socialist Speaking In Frank's hull, east 9th street at on Monday evening the 7th.

by James 1j. Berkley of Washington, Ooiuivono and ull and benr him. It will Py you. l-JSdts. HROOKS-MILLER At the home of music us they passed through.


FRIENDLY TREAS. the bride's parents on west Fifth street at 7:30 Saturday, February K. McMURPHEI sec'y. Diphtheria at Fail-mount 25. 1905.

Leonard A. Brooks to Miss Dr. DeHur has returned notice of a Rnuhael A. M. Miller.

Rev J. 8, McCalluni ollk-lattng. case mixed diphtheria In Kalrmount addition, The case combines follicular tonsllltls and diphtheria and the pa Circle, Members of Kugene Circle No. 16, will please be at the hull promptly at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral of our lale neighbor, Mrs. rott.

i Ot'AlMMAN NKIOHNOK. Eugene Water GoJ DIED. tient 1 Miss Myrtle Lines. It was quarantined by the authorities. RICHARDSON At Redlands.

Call Pulling for Convention fornln. on Friday, February 24, Mrs. Ellen Richardson of Monroe. She PURE WELL WATER FURNISHED FOR HOU8EHOLD PUR The various Christian Endeavor so leaves a husband and four children. cieties of the city voted to extend an Mrs.

Richnrdson was the daughter POSES MOTORS AND HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS. Ratea and terms upon application at the COMPANY'S OFFICE. Invitation to the Christian Endeavor union of the state to hold Its 1906 convention In Eugene. Sold Out of Mrs. B.

Coffey of this city. Deceased went to California a few month ago hoping her health would Spot Cash Prices. ROOMS 2-3 536 WILLAMETTE STREET. be but the change brought no relief. The remains passed through on last night's train to Juictlon where Th.

Palms Sunday Dinn.r. SOI'P. Cream of Celery nnd Consomme EISH Krled Halibut they will be taken to Monroe, tutor- ment nt Monroe cemetery. Livery and peed Stable ELI BANGS, Proprietor VANSCOYOC At her home i In Springfield. Saturday, February J5, 1905, Mrs.

J. H. Vanscoyoc. aged 74 years 11 months and 13 day. Dweased was born at Huntington, Parties at hotels dUtring to fj Florcnoe or MoKenrl.

polDta Stage Lines agvne- FlareiK. K.M.arfManalM4 Pennsylvania In isst and came to Preparing For will for iv few tiny a only give you nmny OUKAT 1UR0AINS to rvninnibor mo by Shoes One Specialty at COST and LESS noury tne STeniDg Mior. Oregon In 1SS. She Is the mother of Stag will not oail at prirate honaes. four children, two of whom are living.

Mrs. K. C. Martin of Sprlngflled la her daughter. Funeral will be held In MoK.nti.

stag laara ct 5:30 m. Florano itag. 60Q a. B. RELISHES Oren Onions Olives Sweet Pickles SALAD Combination ENTREES Rolled Leg of ljinvb with Currant Jelly Rrlsket Spiced Sweet Apple Fritters ROASTS Sirloin of Reef with Hrown Sauce Tendeiloln of Pork with Fried Apples Young Turkey with Oyster Dressing Roast Chicken with Cranberry Sauce VEOKTAHLES Mashed or Steamed Potatoes Stewed Sugar Corn Creamed Cauliflower DESSERT Wine Jelly Foamy Sauce English Plum Pudding lintndy Sauce Lemon and Appl.

Pl with Cheese. 1J m. to p. ni. Phone Main 21-1 West 9th SM Springfield at 11 a.

m. today, conducted by Rev. Oregory. Interment In Laurel Hill cemetery. All Valley Flour $1.06 Coal Oil per gallon .20 Stock Salt 100 lb SO Stook Salt 50 lbs .25 20 pound.

No. 1 Jap 31.00 12 Cant Whit. Wax Beans. 11.00 12 Cant River Brand 1 il.OO Dairy Salt 50 40 FORCE, CRESPO, MALTA VITA and CERO FRUITS 10 cants And oth.r good, tec numerous to mention at th tarn.

rata. W. M. Green 1 Will. St.

Phen. Main S51. Making Improvement. Carpenters are at work on the Ruby fShQ MODEL GROCERY Waurt a1r Taatra Kntraatc Reliable Goods at Reasonable Prices. restderc making some alterations and repairing th porches, preparatory to Via being used by Senator Booth, who recently purchased it.

C. H. INGHAM Ax Billy Wt OVARAXTtt aVATlfrACTIOM Tou will certainly enjoy yourself. If A full tin nf nnixln GEO. W.

DIXON, Prop. Ratal ISIl you eat your dinner at "The ralma." today, tie. II to 1 Mil and knlre at PK-kett a. t-HJU. I.

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