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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 17

Rochester, New York
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ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT CHROIClE. 2. IT. CONSIDER BRIDGE ffleffarlin Clothing Co. One-cent Postage for Letters I Our Great -great -Grandfathers AT RIVER GIOUTH BIDS OPENED FOR HEW HO.

3 SCHOOL Contracts May Be Awarded To-morrow. 'Supervisors Shelve Inter- Certainly Never Dreamed of It park Plan for Time. REFERRED FOR TABULATION PROJECT LEFT TO ALDERMEN Supporters of Bridge Connecting East and West Ridge Roads Give Way to Interests That Want a Structure at Ontario Beach Proposals Are Made for Separate Parts ot the Work at Meeting ol tha Board of Education Report of Attendance in City Schools The fr a river bridse cuu-iwiMnif the Kiilj mad iM not ma-V'riaJiM the llrst Oay ot the July meeting of the llourj ot Miit ii, jmHtU'iv, a quiet tip being in circulation Hurt ilio HtU'nip: to rpviv the Sum-uierville-Outari Ueaoli Uriiig? project triple letters, triple, aud quadruple, quadruple. Every packet composed of four or more pieces of paper and weighing one ouui-e or mora paid single postage for each quitter of an ounw, except letters conveyed tv watr routes. hich did not pay mor? than quadruple postage unless the packt actually contained more than four distinct letters.

Each newspaper carried not more than Naj miles paid 1 cent, and over 100 miles 1 12 cent; but if carried to any postulllc in the state in which It was printed, whatever the distance, the rate nas 1 cent. Mngarinea and pamphlets were rated by the itieet. When carried not more tb ii fifty miles the cbaig wit 1 cent, over fifty and not over 100, 1 1-2 ceuts a kheet, any greater distauce, 2 cents a alicet. According to these rates, which were charged before the dais of envelopes and the railway, It would cost a young man a little money to send letter to a you rig woman in Boston, aid to eend some of the magazines that are now printed in New York to Rochester would have cost $2 each: to-day many of them are delivered at tha door for a modest Ti ceuts, which Include subscription and pottage. Oue-eeiit letter postage aud a general revision of the postal lawi are advocated by men and aodetiea that claim that letter rale are high and there is no reason for it.

Iu view of thia a comparison of the pust'ige rate of to-day with tha rates of more than one hundred years ago is interesting. in Charles Hull published a register of tho stal of New York In which he gave tlie rates of postage then, lu the hook the a are f's. The covens are horsehide cracked and broken, but the print is as nod as to-duy as when it came from the press. That the postage charges io-day are almost nothing when compared nilh tlume of WW the follow-inu rats, taken from the old book, will show. Singln letters, or these composed of ono piece of paper, were carried auy distance not exceeding forty miles for cents: over forty miles not exceeding lilnety miles for 10 ceuts: over ninety and nut exceeding 1.10 miles, 12 Vi cents; over 350 aud uot exceeding 300 miles, 17 cens; over 300 and not exceed-iujf M) miles, "JO cents; over liOO miles, "0 cents.

Double Wttersi or those composed of two pieces of paper, paid double rates, HOLIDAY WEEK ACTS AT ONTARIO BEACH Attractive Bill Offered for Lake Park Patrons. MAKES INQUIRY INTO DEATH OF YOUNG MAN Coroner Takes Testimony in Joseph Smith Case. An Inquest was begun yesterday by Coroner Killip into the death of Joseph Kmith vesit old. of No. 78 Geimer Bids for construction work on the new No.

3 Public: School building to bt erected in Tremout street were opetied yesterday by the Bourd of Education i.i the Municipal iBuiidiug and were turned over to Secpetary J. tj. Mullen for tahu-laiioti. The bids will be considered at a special meeting cf the board to be held to-morrow sfternoon at 4 o'clock when it ia expected that some or all of the contracts will be awarded. filed were as follows: Mason, carpenter and electrical work Goorge C.

Kosscll, tuas and carpenter work. A. V. llopeman Sens Company, A. I'rleoVricbs Sons Company, It.

T. Ford Company, mason work. A. V. Hopeman Sl Sons Company, Gorsline Swan Construction Company, t.8G8; iP.

Hauck, carpen-ter work. Homer Knapp, $15,317: A. W. Hopeman Sons Company, Fred Glesswn. H.

P. Sickles Company, Frank J. Sauer, $28.11 (including paintingi; electrical work. Wleeler-Grei-n Electric Company, $2.863. Healing and plumbing F.

H. uValk, $32,088: K. T. Ford Company, To we Devendorf. $37,000.

Bar- Creeltuan, $35,040 (including ventilat-lugi; plumbing aud gas-fittiug, C. II. Bliss. $0,7 IB. Plunge A.

Friederichs Sons Company, J.3,707; A. W. Jlopeman Hons Company, George C. Koseell. carpenter work, hardware and lockers for plunge, red Gleason, $750; Homer Knspp.

$846; plumbing and -car-peuter work for bath, H. (P. Sickels Company: plumbing and fixture! for bath, C. If. extra closets, showers and basins for bath, 'Barr Creel in an Company, The secretary's abstract from the moutbly roports of the teacher shows that during the month of June C7.742 pupils were registered once; 23,014 pupils were the average number belonging to the schools, and 21.757 pupils constituted the average daily attendance.

The abstract showed also that the total registration In tho public schools of the city, between iTanuary list and June 21st. exclusive of the transfer and non-resident pupils, was SI, 877. HONORED IN HIS ABSENCE R. D. DeWolf Elected President ol Heating Association.

Roger l. DeW'olf, who recently re van to be irivea ptwdenie. A reviluton ofltrwl by Sdpprvisvr Louis lubelbei of Irowleqimit, thut will probably nloptel today, r-tviriVs for th appniiitiumL uf a spwial committee of tive to invcmigaio the prartkability, necessity ami ecu of aui'li a bridge aud to router with the I'uited states War aud tho New York Statu Railways ou tJ: aubjei t. 'Die railway company owns the frauohiaa of tha ancient, ferry, but would probably bt jlad to givm it to the county iu exchange for it share of maintenance mm of a bridge or other means of ero-ine the river mouth. The rirer moiitih tindimbiMly would supply the lait link in a line 'belt line for drivers of motor can, if su-h a plan i fcanibln.

If It in, a determined effort will be nnule to ncikit tin supervisors build it, nlthoiijh i loud noixe certain to come fnim 5he ton in when the cot i' a estimated by experts, Tha ItivenliiiHtinff committee will not be very expensive, there in no nocewtity of a junket to Washington to set in touch with the War Department. There ara federal ofllciaM stationed here who will be authorized furnish Information to the supervisor, if the latter (lislikea the ordinary cbannel of orrepontnce. The foverninrnt. ha on file all the data con-cerninj the mouth of ithe (ieneaee, lu relation to bridge silea, that will be needed, and it is up to dale. City Project Referred to.

While the river bridge enthtia-iaats are bavins their laT, (the city su-prrrianrs mun content them.fihes witJi the ntwurancp they may see a bride connecting Sncca and Maplewond parka ar.d the llidgs built entirely at the expense of the municipality of notwithstanding that it wiM admittedly be a boon to the omitity iin 1 evpecially the northern towua. Tho town of Grence ha not been onnnuljed ill the river month invalidation. Tlie CJrecinn would lik the bridee. If feaaible, th-own anro from a ipoint within the 'harlctte ritlse" limit, where there nmp.irativelT high ground, that it would not be net eary to mine or open ithe bridge every time a motor boat throhbed throurA. Supervisor florae' resolution for an street, who died at the Homeopathic Hospital on Friday morning from a fractured skull received the night before when he fell down the sieps of the grocery at No.

112 Carter street. The cir-(iiiiistances of the accident are said to have bceu of an unusual nature. The coroner will continue the inquest this afternoon at 2 o'clock. FOR A COMFORTABLE FOURTH-OF-JULY Men's and Young Men's A QK Suits priced up to $22.50 $11.00 Featherweight Mohair Suits $15 "Tropical" Crash Suits, $15 to $25 Fast-dye Blue Serge Suits, $15 and $20 Blazer Coats, $8 Blue Serge Skeleton Coats, $3.50 to $7.50 White Duck Trousers, $1.50 White Serge and Flannel Trousers, $4 to $6 Khaki Norfolk Jackets, $3.50 Khaki Trousers, $2 Linen Dusters, $1.50 to $6 "Unionshirts'a new garment. Outside outing shirt and knop drawers with elastic seat -all in one Meal for golfers and tennis players mercerized, $2 soisette, $2.50.

Imported Sennit Sailors, $2.50 Duck and Crash Caps, 50c Cloth and Silk Caps, 50c and $1 Silk Sox, all colors, 35c and 50c Washable Silk Neckwear, 50c Wool Sweater Knit Bathing Suits, $2.50 Beach Robes, plain colors, $3.50 White Canvas Tennis Shoes, $1.50 Special Tan Oxford Shoes, $3.50 Athletic Underwear Special nainsook short-sleeve shifts and knee drawers, 35e; three garments for $1. Extra thin bleached lisle union suits, a splendid garment, $1. We carry all leading makes. $2 AND $2.50 SHIRTS, $1.29 An auMpsy after Smiths death showed tha fracture of the skull and a ruptured stomach as well. The man did not re gain consciousness afler the accident.

Tt, im-e is conducted br Herbert W. Dingman, who was represented at the Inquest by Jsmes Hrewer. J. Mclnerney was present in the interests of the dead man's family. Dingman was first, to testify yester- dav.

He said Smith was intoxicated rhM) hm en tered the store. He cot an ic cream cone, he said, refnsed to pay for it and staggered out. uingman saia the screen door open so the man could get through It. At the top of the steps he fell headlong. Dingman Krl Arnlinser.

10 vesrs old. of No. JTnllister street, testified that Smith "fourth of July" week cotues but onre a year and a group of outdoor attractions such as have been selected for the occasion and which were shown for the first time at Ontario Beach Park yesterday afternoon is, usually, seen hut ouce in a neasou. It is a program, ea.h member tf which is a distinct novelty and the enthusiastic reception accorded its presentation yesterday foretell that it will be a potent factor in drawing a reiord-breakiug croud to the resort next Thursday. The big "Ihrll" feature of tho per-fonusncc in the during shown by the man and woman billeJ as the Aerial Howards, from the peak of the high pules set diagonally ou the platform in tli center of 'ihe park had beeu stretched a small i-flble.

Across this, mounted on a bicycle, the woman member of the team rodn backward and forward, while underneath, upon a trapeze eusjieuled friiri tho wheel, the man gave su astonishing performance. With a beautiful "airrht'' act, the Three Remain made their Ontario Beach Park debut, the trio having but lately returned to tins country from Germany. Vpon two unsupported ladders, Roman, presented a display that is new to tbse parrs. Engaged at the 'opener'' of the program, Carl and Mile. Hermanns with their wonderful doc.

"Prince," proved a surprise. Hermann began the display of her abilities by toying with car wheel trucks. The clntm has been made for her that she is the strongfst 130-pound woman in the world, form, ing (i backward "bridge" the woman supported the member of the troupe, he juggling the heavy trucks while standing upon a smnll platform upon her knees. During the act. "Prince" did some heavy weight juggling en his own account, lifting weights with bis teeth and then making an atonishing jump of twenty-two fee; over a row of rhiirs.

George Honing and his Military Band is at Ontario Heath Park this week, which i enough to impart the knowledge that the harmony portion of the celebration of "Courth of July 'Week" Is In capable hand. WILL HEl.r IMMIGRANTS Woman Worker Here Goes to Buffalo to Study Methods. Mrs. Olga Hirsekorn, employed to dldn full. tliat "ne got pusnea in me turned from tha West wss informed yesterday that he had been elected president of the National District Heating face." He said he saw Ihngman lead Smith to the door and that the grocer placed his hand against Smith's face and pushed him out of the door apd down Association.

The annual convention of the association was held at Detroit last the steps. l.eo Rannrski. 11 vesrs old. of No. SS week and delegates were present from all parts of the I'nited States and Canada.

The membership of the association Is made up of the various asoaciatioue of North America which do a general heating businees and 75 per cent, of the irmergeney fund of Jt.WX for Barrc-tr. was referred to the I 5.iiw Committer and will he approved 3 and returned to the hoard for adoption 4 o-day. Superrlaor Puhelhelea offered a resolution for the ajrphalting of the Kaat fide boulevard for three mile for (W. County Attorney George Y. Wcb-I uter reported that the mate allowed I rlaim of for county farm laud I taken for barge canal purpose.

4'vun- Geimer street, said Dingman refused to give him a glass of water for Smith and finally ordered him out of the store. Kaveral other witnesses testified, in assoriatons are members. Last year Mr. PeWolf was on of Judge 8tetheim notified the b'Mird cluding Dr. C.

V. C. Comfort, who performed the He said the walls of Smith's stomach were of the thinnest tissue he had ever seen. the vie-prcsidenta of the association and chairman of the rate committee which had several important matters to solve. Mr.

DeWolf did not attend the convention this year being in the JUNK RAN ACCUSED OF THEFT West and his election came as a sur prise. that he apojmUed William C. White i temporary probation officer for July and August, whi! the regular probation officer is on hia vacation, at $75 a month. Routine Business. Seymour Tierce, of Mvndon, sp.

rointed commissioner for burial of deceased soldiera and sailors, to aucceed J. J. Murphy, decenned The apnohit- PETTY THIEVES VERY ACTIVE Makes Mistake by Wandering on to Beat ol McCrath. Taul Carbo. 51 jeara old.

of No. 300 State street, made a mistake when he ventured into front street. There he rient was on morion of Supervisor l'ort- who ji'k, Ahttn0t th ntlia I of a honlder of crushed tone, two feet Wl'rlo An mA t- i Honenje-Rush lod. Marrv Grab Anything from Rug to Rolls of Copper Wire. Donald White, who has a store at No.

132 Clinton avenue south, complained to the police yesterday that his place was entered in the night and $3 taken. Entrance was effected through an open transom. The Rochester Railway and Light notified the police that forty pounds of insulated copper wire was stolen in Kent street, between Jay aud Smith streets, yesterday afternoon. May Mi who lives at Park avenue and Oxford street, reported that on iiBcifarlin Clothing Co- HOWARD A.

BARROWS, Pres. met the "Oar" of that thoroughfare, Patrolman Dennis McOrslh, who haled him into police court yesterday on charges of peddling junk without a license. Sp Carbo paid his fine of and thought his troubles were over. But he was greatly in error. Ha had hardly started for Exchange street when MoGrath blocked bis passage to the street with a warrant, charging him with petit lsrccuy and unlawfully entering a building and removing certain i.v "owinurv sireer ana yuen-tin Durward, of No.

207 William ttee er i.ppninted laborers Ihe armory of Troop fiif. Cavalry, nt fsrk, at a rwlary of $.1 a for uiKi dais a rear. County Poor Superintendent Cash Hit a letter of thanks for the co-operation of the aupervisors in entertaining tbe recent convention of poor overseers uf the etate. The board received from Secretary Peter Rohrer a copy of tho Central Trades and I.tor Council's indorsement of Supervisor Kane's resolu-t'nn, by whbh ti irs called on the railway rompiny t- extend the Ifixturea therein. The Italian is ac Sunday night a man tried to S'lJte her handbag in front of the Chapman II oust In South avenue.

cused of stealing iron pipe, lead pipe, copper wire and brass electrical fittings from ine Columbia Plymouth ave work in this city to improve conditions in the home, under the direction of the North American Civic League for lui- I migrants, has gone to Buffalo to study methods there. he will remain In Buffalo for a month aud will form classes in sewing, dressmaking and cooking, which will meet at an institute there. The course of training under 'supervision at the Buffalo headquarters is expected to increase her efficiency in this city. The Extension Committee of the league working in this city has organ-Sued an educational institute in ihe Polish section of the city, with a lib-j Tary, reading room aud classes in Kng-; lish and citizenship. Mrs.

Hirsekorn hss just completed a house-to-house Dr. Charles O. Boswell, of No. 31 Gibes street, complained that a rug, valued at $15, was stolen from a clothes line in his back yard yesterday. WISDOM Sxsi outh avenue cur Ine to lola Sanatori-tim.

Chairman f'ecly, of the luv committee, reported favorably on Webster village's petition to abo'ish its ds litrict and let the tiwn of Webster collect the fav. Est Itochester'a petition or the iTeation of a dog tax district was held up for another thirty da.vs. notwithstanding a determined fight for if by Justice James S. Itryan. who has his'urd with Supervisor Rridges, of on the enbject.

The snper-j visors will hoard a Rochester Kasieni 'sr at 2 o'lo'k thi afternoon and go I to JWhnell's Hn-iin to witness the skill of the Xaval Militia on the rlUe range. DINNER FOR CIVIL SERVICE MEN North King, Caspian Excursions Single Fare for Round Trip BAY OF QUINTE 1000 ISLANDS Ticket good going June 29, July 1 2 or 3 and to return not later than July 5. PORT HOPE COBOURG Tickets good goifig June 29, Jury 1, 2 or 3 and return not later than July 5. Special Lake Excursion AEROLUX PORCH SHADES ARE THE LATEST AND BEST. A Fourth-of-July Flag for Everyone survey of the immigrant sections here, and it i expected that she will carry out some of the ideas obtained in Buffalo when she returns.

ACCUSED OF ASSAULT ON BABY Liquor-crazed Ironworker Charged with Kicking Little Son. James Sheridan, 35 years old, an ironworker livng at -No. Mfi Clinton avenue north, was arraigned iu poiiee court yesterday on the charge of assault, third degre. He entered a pica of not guilty, and will be tried to-oiorrow. The man is accused of having kicked his little son.

14 months old. Sheridan is aaid to have started upon Every home, atore, office and factory should throw the Stars and Stripes to the nue and Spring streets. The materials are the property of Robert Odbert. After the man's arrest Patrolman McGrath searched the man's mom and found a quantity of lead pipe that had been cut. out of the Columbia flats.

All of the recovered property was identfled by Odbert. MUST SELL CREAM BY MEASURE Genesee Street Dealer Fined lor Selling Short Quart. Jacoh a Genceee street More-keeper, was tried in police court yesterday on the charge of selling ice cream in a short measure. He was convicted and fined JflO. City Sealer Stephenon announced that he will j-isit all of the ire cream stores in the city and see that the law regarding full measure is observed.

One day last week a man entered the Heuman store and asked for a quart of cream. (He was given the cream in a paper box. After leavng the store, he thought the amount seemed a email quart. He and found his suspicions wera correct. Calling in the city sealer the two men went to tho store.

Heuman is alleged to have admitted he did not measure the cream, but merely lumped it into the box. The city sealer accordingly obtained a warrant. lu city court yesterday Heuman claimed hie had no intention of defrauding any person. Gives for Salvation Army Auto. One man ha sent $1 to Adjutant W.

H. Meift. of the Salvation Army, us a beginning of a fund srith which to bur an automobile in which the army could give outings to poor mothers and their children. To bur the machine the arTV.y needs, perhaps $1,000, and It hopes that it can find about nine hundred and nin-ty-nise perves disposed as is this ro. tributer.

Othr contributions have been premised on. the understanding that the a -my shall make a gvd beginning towards buying the automobile. Mrs. Oliver Of No. 35 Frsnklin street, reported that her room was entered through a window yesterday morning, but nothing was disturbed.

Takes Acid by Mistake. The ambulance of St. Mary's Hospital wss called to No. 32 Jones street last, nig'ut, where Mrs. Sarah 27 years old, had takn a small quantity of carbolic acid.

The surgeon administrated sn mtic. and she She was removed to the hospital, patrolman La Bar. ho investigated the case, reported that the woman took tbe a -id by mistake, intending to take some liqmd to' relK-ve an intense toothache. Lawn Social Tuesday evening. July Cd.

corner Dewey avenue and Flower City park, nnder auspices of Dewey Avenua Reformed Misin. Good music in attendance. Private Ballroom And large pleasant porches for privato dances, pedro parties, eic. with lunches. Rochester Yscht Club.

V. Fischer, steward. Automobile Trip SOc. The most popular recreation of th day is out automobile trip. 'Busses leaving Powers and Seneca liote-s at 7 P.

M. through the most beaufiru! eec-tion of including lin avenues, Ea'r Side parks, wide waters, city buildings, Genesee Valley Park, price 50c person. Call early or late. "Phone 08. Zimbrkb's.

Household Favorites. Demgh'te 8-year-otd Monogram rye, full qt. $1. Dcnoghue's H-yesr-old Maryland rye, full qts. Donoshne's 4 vear-old Superior rye, ft! i'.

50. Donogtme Ltuvrtlrs i. STiI-l'Sl -Mi in s'leet tuU breeze next Thursday. We are offering a large and beautiful flag at the bargainvprice of a liquor consuming crusade on Friday. later he drove his wifs frooi the house.

July 4th, Canada and Back One hour ashore at Port Hope. 51 9'8c Ssturdav night he is said to have attacked his wife. The woman appealed to 'he police, who escorted her to tho house. As she entered Sheridan is alleged to have kicked at the woman, missed her. bis foot striking the baby she carried in her arms.

Amidn-KalbflUn 4 Main St W. Ubiflh Vallty, 67 Main St. East Size 4x7 Feet Entertainment Planned for State Convention by Rochester Council. Rochester Council of Civil Service Fmployees, will meet this evening in the Municipal Building. The atate convention of tha civil service employees will ha held in Rochester August 31st, and the council is preparing to eutcrtain the delegates with a banquet at one of the bay or lake resorts.

These conventions bring together employees of the various depigments 0f (ne and wayt of Conducting business are talked over. A benevolent feature is to be added oy the Rochester council. Youthful Elopers Return. Kdna Hammer, years old. of No, 306 Central prk, and Anthony do.

15 years old, of No. 105 Central park, returned to their home late Sunday night, after having spent Saturday and Sunday In each other company. Relative ef the youthful eeuple they hid, gone away tegether, and tht police were It is said that proceedings may brought I wait the jxmtb. Fast Colors Geo. Engert Co.

Whtlttait and RttaN Dtalart In Completa with S-tt. Staff, Hops and Ragular SUff-Holdar. This is such a fag as is generally aold at from $1.50 to $2.00. Mean Swindler Operating. Mrs.

Martha Cannon, of No. 413 St, Paul street, complained to the police yesterday that a stranger called at her house last week and introduced as an agent for the Western HMifmmtQmpii 'lAJT HWH. 3 H.B. GRAVES 78 STATE STREET C(Q)AL mm i I'nioa Telegraph Compart. He en Pa7riPAu5a gaged rooms for eome men.

h- sa'd fccre coming to the city. The price for the rooms was She rr-td che for giving -tb" man $1 in change. she found thu ghe-k was worthless, Try a "Want" Ad to-morrow No 308 Exchange TlklfMOtl..

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