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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 14

Rochester, New York
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B. DUFF.7 HEW POSTOFHCE HOW ORDER WAY Quite a Rush of Business on First Day. Business Associates Will Be Active Bearers. COMPANIES EXPRESS REGRET i 1 Many Business Organizations, Public Bodies and Individuals Voice Sorrow at Death of Pub- lie spirited Citizen of City I WILL INSTALL LOCAL GARRISON OFFICERS Vice-Commander of Army and Navy Union Here. General Grge Buetl Downs, enlor Tlca-nattonal commander of the Army and Kavy limn, arrived In yesterday from Urle, to remain through tomorrow, and wulle here will rrake arrangements with the convention icommlttee of the Cbaaiber of Commerce for boldtag the fifteenth rational encampment of the national corps of Ihe Army and Navy Union In tbU city dvrfeig the week of tbe G-A.

K. national encampment lu Tin? Army and Nvy Union national encampment wa to 1 held daring the c-end week in September lu this elty, but tho date ha teen ctanged on account of Ihe reuncst from tbe Convention Commtt-lee in IhU city. Commander Pow.u will install the oBl-cerw elwt of K. J. Feebler Gnrrlaoa.

No. Aj-my and Navy Union, In this city. Hud will complete the organiiatlcai and Institnt a new Harrison to the Army nd Navy Union. Mr. Down Is a retln-d uaral oinVer, h'avl'ig tcned In both the old ami eew navy foe-thirty years, and Wh placed on the retired list on August 1MW.

He I a writer of navs: yiirns of some no'o under the name ef "Spun Yarn." The National Commander, O. A. wi! be In this city to-morrow, when th- two conimatuiers will meet with' tlw local Convention Committee and make arrangements for the coining national ennnpraent of the two military orders. The national convention cf the National Corps of the AuiBriry to Ihe Army nod Navy Union will be held in this city on the tame dates that the two other encampments nre convened. The histoiy of the Army Mid Navy Uuior.

dates fro 1s, when 'ieorie Washington (Jarilson, No. 1. was Instituted 111 Cincinnati nud articles (t Incorporation were grunted by the state of Ohio, sin whh It CniK'vss has endorsed the i.rjranliatlon 4y a sfecial act. All Iwn-orally dlw iiniged ibliers, rallors and ma-lines, sregulars or vottiiitveis. regardless of stivbe liiHiuy purilcular war, are ellirlble for in the Army and nvy l'nlon, the rtcr of which Is perpetual.

It is not a recrct older and lu no way Ouiflkts with social, civil or religious liberties, but Jus a di dlnctivc uniform, b.ulgi niul b'lilou, grips, and iMSswonls, that comnOcs and "liiiniintc may rcog-iilze one another. TRYINGTO FINISH SERIES NO COAL IS BETTER THAN IT3 DEEDS! What does YOUR COAL do for YOU? Row much ASH does it make, more than good coal ought, or don't you care about that? A Paying coal prices for ASH, DIRT, STONE and CLINKERS is not a first class investment, especially when YOU CAN BUY "COAL THAT IS COAL," if your desire is strong enough. DEEP VALLEY COAL is sometimes called "Condensed Sunshine" because of its purity and freedom from waste. TRY IT NOW! The MHlspaogh Green Co Offlei, 9 State St (rowers Black) Both 'Phones 273 Yard and Trestle, Exchange Street, Corner Clarissa. I Men's Far-Lined Coats at Clearance Prices This tale offers you in unusual opportunity to purchase ft Fur-Lined Coal ai a low price.

The shells arc of German broadcloth the linings are of carefully matched skins, selected for dura hiliiy. Here are a few suggestions: Furniture Moren Piano Movers Freight Deliverers Sam Gottry Carting Co hW Slate tt IatrM Of 'FMONK WOODPECKER GASOLINE ENGINES Ready to Run 2 to 15 Horse Power Hopper Cooled on Stool Skid The Only Engine Good for All Purpose IrtCIAL TtRMI aiNTI WANTED Belting Machinery Co. 301 State St. ROCHESTER, N. SPECIALISTS IN EYE EXAMINATION For the fleod off Glasses EMPIRE OPTICAL CO.

29 South Clinton E. E. Arrlngton, Proprietor PALATABILITY Has much to do with the value of a Even a wholesome food does more good if it tastes good. This quality is a noticed hie characteristle of FLOUR lis aureeable taste finds favor wherever it is used in making tread, biscuit and rolls for the family table. Rot ltcster.MJr.

All grocers aril it. MOSELEY MOTLEY MILLING COMPANY flW'L DOUGLAS SHOES JX5 iriTF YOU COULD VISIT W.L UU DOUGLAS FACTORIES AT BROCKTON, and see for yonrttplf how carefully W. I DotifcliM kIihoh ant mudc, yon would then umlortitaml why dollar for dollar they nro Kuaran-twtl to hold their shape, liok and fit better Htul wear loiiffor thrtn liny other :i.50 or hW. you ran buy. Quality counts.

It lias made W. I. Knights shoes a hoiwliold worn everywhere. t. POttOtAS HAWK AND THK RRTAIL PRICK ARK STAMPED ON THI BOTTOM.


tf tmtf 4MiSf ftnms wieelT una W.I.PtHiglM SkMt, writs tot Mii ntciM rme, W. L. lOl Uraaktaa, Mas. Rochtittr Store 60 MAIN ST. EAST TUN Tlint JANnS of aatlanM pslrena ar tb.

best attnessea af the kind af aarvka war want idraiUatwesta glva, Sib NATIVE OF THE (HY Richard Whalen Observes Eighty-third Birthday. lllchard Whalen, president of R. Whalen A Company, tobacco manufacturers, celehrnteil bis eighty-third birthday anniversary at the ifmully residence. No. 7,1 Frank yesterday, a irr rounded by children and grand.

MMrfu. Hn la probably th oldest living cailr of Roheter. Fir aona, a daughter and thirteen grandchildren of Mr, Wbnleo attended the fch-tli-liny celebration. Among tb on va John Kililry Whalen, former lecretary of New Tork tate. Klshop Hlckey wilt among thoan who visited Mr.

Wbnleu durinft the day and many well-known rltlaens dropped In to pay their rwnseot. Mr. Whaler: la In re markahly gnoA roudltion for a nan of hl age aivi poBsesse perfectly bla mental FIRST TIME IN ROCHESTER Frontier Rate Committee Will Meet to Arrange Schedules. The fat that for Hie first time in the city's Malory the Important- Proncier I In It CiainiiihHiou -n ill meet in Urx-ticj-tr, the initioi ycuioii oiK'iiini; ut the JlolH SHtii-a thin iiiorniutf, i Miilkative ol tlm iiu-rcuMiig faiiMrtsnce of the city th! eyoM ut tratlic men. Hitherto the iinnuttl of the coiiunittHL' Jiave K'MvitaUxt batween Buffalo, Ni-ofc-uru l''ivils ami Toronto.

Tlie comndt.tee' function i the Hf uniform rat(-i tx'twocn the tnri'XU trunk linen interested in )ma-atiiii'W irjlliu Ixiteni tlie I'miUnl St-iti imI tniiHiht the Ninara frontier. Theiw ini-luile every railroiui yttetsi tlie Middle Kiuttern nud New tocelher with the (rratid Trunk, the Caiindinn Northern ttiul the t'aiiadur. l'atitic! Riilroada of the Dominion, rei n-wnta-tivet cumin from us lur vM hh Winnineg The atPitmbout linen ncraLiiijr cn the (iroiit will be represented, im will the coast wine tleuiiMliip linex ins; between points on the X-w Enifhiud const north to Cuiiudinn ixiiti- Todo.V'a seeimi will 1h in tlie nnture uf iireliniinnry work, ami will lie, in of rilo clerks reiirenentntivo of the various linen With the completion of their work, general pus. tttietiu of eboiit twenty lines ill isw inli'e on A eiluenluy to puss tiinm Ihe It i pxprnted (nut the work of tlie conunitlce will Ut-coiii'linled T'lmsndiiy. BUSY WEEK AT Y.H.C.A.

Meetings of Lite Cluls and Sleigli Rides Among Features. are ioiuplted for (trninuie toinorrow evening ut resinn of too V. M. T. A.

Life i lnli. "Haul, I he rirt Uiun' ami "'lUm-i i ami 11m Kffivt on Iail- of the It.irtv" will lie the topic dlctiiMci In the I linn, A nieetliis: of inciini -in win lie IrJd prior to the club meeting to rehearse ror ine nut ruH- con. e. i I Ho. mutual minstrel show.

The eluh for be-Kllinern will lowt follottlm; Hie cluli n. Blnll, Arninifeioi'iita for the aniiiuil li-li ride, whleii be held Tliiirsdny evening, 111 be dtauaxed. will served nt anil IwtnroH will bealuit 1' The menihorshlp contesi whl.h lie-gnu lat week by the Boys' lii'imilinent Is how In full ln(, nud iiiMIIIiiiui to membership B. ipiv emilii In, or 50 fenls iiuy bo.v In the illy liwr beiwno a menilier for one month, provided he hi belween tlie na-os or II. Slesng, of the Working Iloja' flub, will Hillings a meetlnif of Ihe club this reiilug un "The Kffeot of Totieiii on the Human Hod.v." V.

II. Itiirger, slule se'-rettiry of hoya' work, will iMk to the club mnniiers concerning a mil palitii for the lielleinient of ao-vial aiudlllona nmoug wurklug boy which belli! waied tlirotighont Ihe state. MORE INDICTMENTS FRIDAY Grand Jury Expected to Make Second Partial Presentment. The Jii tin uy Jury, which baa been In armki for two weeks, ami which emne Into Muyivnte Court ill tiro end of the Unit week lo luillct Hiiln.t Krledntan met Jsenh Knlm for tj tieontn A. fohtte'ci rt teiirilrf, will probatily m.ike a -eind psr ltd renelit ueut of ludli inn iits nest Iilslrh Altonvy flarre't ileslroua that tbwe phull be no mineeesNiry delay the of the rrltntiinl eanea iiendlng, nnd lie will hue etiouu-b -nsea tea it to atnrt wllh wheu the e.t rrluilinil lertr of Conn-t 4'otirt ni'iis AlilimiKli a lnre mimliei of ein have elie-iily Sifen rcni-lilereil by (he tfcrnnd Jury.

Ihrre ai still immy which nwslt InnellBiitlon, and It motsilile ttiat tho present aeaaloi: will last for at least two morw wecioc Men's Club to Hold Smoker. I he Voting Men flub of St. Drldnet'a tiinrt'h has arranged for a smoker to bo held Wfdtieaday evening In Um hall In 1 1 ii ml Con Alhrlxht and Walter Kigun, Jip Krlacber and Clere I'olter, Mud olhera, will be on the programme. The t'tihi uo and iho cluh qiiarlrtlea will log ICitward Murray, Johu tloellu and Tliotnaa MiMnllen aro th eoiumlttea la chatge. TOLD IN A WORD OR TWO.

AiiniHineemeut Is made at the Park Heard ottne that winter aporta aro In Tull aw ing at all the larger elty parka. A meeting of all the hoards governing Homeopathic Hoapllal la called for 4 o'ebek le morrow at the hoapltal. It. PeWolf, assistant mechanical engineer of the Hocheater Hallway and Ught Compsnr, his gona to Schenectady to confer with representative of the (leneral Company. Dr.

Frank Mbley, of No. Uke av-line, who Injured hl wriat In a fs.ll on an Icy aldewalk, Is not ao seriously Injured a brst reported and wtlt return to hta of-ilea within a week or two. Iba Rochester Hallway and Ught Oom-lstiy sent Pnhlle Kafety Coairalssioner tiB a ehei for tha penslea fuoif In r(Hieltlo ef tb flreineu'i eervlc-ea whea a l.iri tank hroka and flooded th com-putiy't pnperty rently Merchants Bank Building. Main alreet eaat and Kotith avetine. Of.

Hcea In ahova bnilding for rent at rea-omM fWoa, lmjuirt at baukiug oIDcb, Opossum Lined RcEulnr Price $30, January Marmot Lined Regular Price $70, January Price SUNDAY OPENING QUESTION No Large Demand for Sunday Mail Expected at Branch Olfice and Practice May Be Discontinued at the Main Office Superintendent William T. Water-houae wa preeent to receive I'oMtmaMer W. 8. hittleaey, Aaaistant I'oatniliater Crane anil Superintendent of Curriers Joseph 8. Yii'k when they rnllod at the new Central avenue postolilco, which wm opened to the public yesterdoy uorning.

The otllciala made uu iuipec- tioti of the building and iiw rspiipuieut, and the I'oMtmaMter declared hiniself pleased with the accommodations that tho New lork Central has fuTninhed. The arraoKetueota at the new atutioo for Sunday delivery have been couiplot- ed. Clerk stationed at two windows will rail off tho names of applicants to carriers si a tinned at the various cases. Handled in this manner, the delivery will tic rapid. But a large Sunday ileniund not expected nt pn-ient.

I'll til canceling machine in iimtnlled, W. T. WATE3HOUSE. very Klishl pcrcelltuue of I lie city collections will be miloHileil nt llie new of-tlce. lluml stnliiliiiuf is obsolete-nmt expensive.

The niiieliiiie is relKirleil somewhere on the Mini. The motor is ready lo be iuslulleil uuil us soon ns tile nut-chine arrives it will he matter of a few hours to put il in operation. The Sunday opening of Isdh the niuiu ollii-e uuil Ihe new station as niitlter that is still receiving some iittcniion. It has hecii decided at Scheneclmly that the ollico will be opemsj only to trail-sienb) who need the it jcumiuoiliition, not to permanent citizens. The l'ostuiuster read seeliuu 'Mi of the general provisions relating to post-olllccs, to ri'imrter yesterday, as follows: "Where mail arrive oil Sunday Knt-ofllces must be kept 0'n for an hour nr more for the delivery thereof, if the public convenieiii-e lfiiuives il." "lbies Ihe public convenience require it asked 'ostiuastir Whittlesey.

"l.e.s than 1 per cent, of the population of this city uses tlie Sunday delivery facilities. That is nol a very large hiuiiIst of people to make a rule for the city. The average of calls at this olfW would not be inure than on Sunday, out of li'-UUOO people. The rout of the wclion. "If the mail is received during the tinio of public 'worship the olllee need not be opened till nflor the close of services.

OtHoes niil not be opened on Sundays if no mails are received between the hour of jelos-ing on Saturday and 0 M. Sunday." "As has been said, it is all a mutter of habit," continued Mr. Whittlesey. "As you know we tsted to be open from 1. to I o'clock on Sunday.

Then we had a large number from the churchew that surround us on every side. It became necessary to ojieu from II to 10 o'clock In the morning, and that crowd no longer came near us. This would rather indicate lhat it was not a mailer of tieeessity, but matter of "I have Mlways been in favor of Sunday closing ami Would like lo see it effected. It would not be opicd by the large business houses, as they do not semi for their mall mailer on Sunday. In the smaller businesses where the competition is severe it as to be supposed that attention to Sunday mall gets a few orders for a house In advance of a rival house.

So they call for Sunday insil. Hul if the ottlif were closed to nil alike it would hurl none, It aeetus to inc." Superintendent James Connolly pave the new office about worth of stamps as a starter, and monoy order blank. Yesterday a considerable number of money order wsti sold, and the foreign population of the district will make this buwlnee a large one as anon as It become accustomed lo the place. REPORT OF CIVIL SERVICE WORK Municipal Commission Submits Statement to State Board. At meeting of the Municipal CIt Sendee 4'otnuitsalon yeaterday the report for into was drawn up for urthiulsalon to the state commission and to th Mayor.

The cotnmlaakin set forth that It held forty-two meetings and lhat there are at present In the city employ PIS In the rnierasslnmt service, eie'uslve of elected officers, forty, two In the eempt class. l.uftS In competitive, l.TO In uasveonipetltira and 2,.4 la labor classc. Hlvleen Humiliations wor held, with candidate' of whom S19 passed, 277 failed and ninety eight railed to appear. The largest esmlntlon for meter reader, at which there were S' candidate, of whom 70 passed. Appointment were made In tne etempt class.

competaive, non competitive. r.T: removal, 31, resignation. 12. There were S3 ppl from rating, of which 8 were atauled ud IS dlmld, eV Tlie funeTal of Walter 15. Duffy will be held at HO o'clock this morning from the home.

No. SoS Lake avenue, and at 10 o'clock from St. 1'iitrick's Cathedral. There will he no honorary bearer ami the active bearers will Is? young men who hare been associated with Air. Duffy in bUMincss.

ltishop l' liickey will olliciate at the requiem mass. i i i'i. L.lUi:iit-. PUHB flUU II Hotel lliicltes'ar were draped blacisy, last nii'ht and the store will closed during the funeral. Actiou was takci.

on Mr. lulfy death by many pub'io bodies and busiucss corporation ami the family received a eheaf of tel-grauas of Hoi-hcstcr Knight of Colum-bu, nrrauif.Kl for spr.oe in tlm for ite fuuernl inoruiiiB anil will assemble at the church at 0:45 o'clock. President Kugeicj J. Dwyer, of tla Common Council, t'jtough the city clerk, called on tho aldermen ti attend the funeral of one of the most prominent and useful citizens the city has had and it is expected that many of the twenty-two members of the council will atten.l.' The New York Kentucky Company directors held a meeting yesterday at which resolmioiw eulogistic of Mr. Duffy were adopted, saying, in part: "He stood for independence, for courage and above all for absolute integrity.

His thorough interest in public affairs, his mature wisdom in groat nintteT of commercial enterprise, his championship of worthy and progressive undertakings made him one of our foremost citizens and availed much in the advancement of' our municipality ami in augmenting popular interest in Ihe welfare of this community." The, memorial adotiled at si medim. of the American Fruit Product Com-. puny directors ooiilained thia statenier. "One of Walter IWtiani Duffy's strongest characteristic was-his intcnsa loyalty, to such an extent was lie loyal to his frieuuV and to lirs city that 'he frequently made great saerlliccs. His charities were many and given in such an unassuming manner that only those hear ami dear to him knew of them." The memorial of the Comprfuy directors contained this reference to the deceased chairman of the board: "Walter B.

Huffy left the impress of lils living upon lliis city, which may bo proud to claim him. To libs civic pride, biMitiess sagacity and intelligent enterprise in a very large measure are d.m the business development anil progress oMhe city of Rochester. The ttochester Herman Insurance oiiipany (lireciors adopted resolutions which the following appears: 'Wise in counsel, progressive in thought and action, possessed" of a mitnl rich iu business experience, hi advice stiil judgment were highely valued at th0 deliberations this board." The Lincoln National Hunk of Hodi-csler director adopted a memorial. In Hie course of which they spoke of Mr. luilly as "a man of I prehcnsive.

jiidimienr. ai.i.. l. prill "nil fur-sooiuLV uf nien witnout seii-swkiug. naturally twk III.

HIT HH- Portant entenmses with which ho was IHISIIM II, tfl ills iiecieii. generous nw,) Kindly, ho araras t- i .1 ueserving harlties and worHir cause apald to him in vsin At a spi-ciai uf Hoard yesterdnT .1 100 1'iiriioso of taking actum on the death of Coui- i pub-; fly fur the first time that it wa through Mr. Duffy's city aiiiuirc.l the property a't the en-tranci of Mitinw.w..i 1....1. i s. which 111- uded an old liotel at Lake and Driving 1 ark avenues and several hoisses.

.1 was estimntcil at the time that Iho total cost wa about All hough It wa announcej (hiN givi-n to the eitv. tho -1. fitctor was at his request. Yes. terda the rcsolntbui death Mr.

1 inn bcuefaclor. The rcto-lution follows: liraMiiK-t be set oi, 11 ti bme Mend llirr'irabil 'Hod rinffr'a I 1 I'eaiily sihI o.q.lete.esi of Ti cnenlty not bo in him vV. hi, MIq Irondequoit Chapter to Receive. Iron-leqiiolt Chapter. O.

A. win hold -) a receitlon at Its house in Spring' street this afternoon at It o'clock. hon- Mm. TVIIIIam Cummlng Story, of Nv York, former stare Beut. A pro-grjaime of addrcosew and nmslc will ba presented at 4 o'clock.

The hostesse. ara lo be Mr. V. A. Hoard.

Mr. J. r. Art-, ler. Mr.

C. If. Habcts-k, Henry Ibirton. Mrs. C.

DePoj-. Mr E. Kllwnnger, Mrs. C. E.

Kmuiaii, Mr, ft, ti. Raymond. Mrs, W. M. Uelsts.

NIrs. I Robinson. Mr. A. J.

TownJ son. Mis Cresswell and Miss rurman, Illustrated Lecture on Japan. At the First Ppttst Church thh ei-ea-mg. V. W.

Chapln will give his lecture on wita stere.m;lcon r.letnru front photegraphs taat he took during recent trip to Asia. Th lecture flren, ander the auspice. 0f Ihe Vonng ro-pl1 Society la the prayer maeUng Kmn, There will be no cbarg ts- admuulon, but a collectloo for mission will ht taken. The public ts llwlted. 1 At Cost.

12.000 Rolls Of wall paper, amall lot, eight to forty rolls of a kind, and 2WQ feet of room; molding will he sold at cost and he- low cot. George Weldon 11.1 Main east, between outli I nu aad.Watar street. u.i -wi rn fsnwH-wa ivs.1 or tmMnesa ii cental ami In i.t. ne snail mis iic U1 ixnam. The inomhcrs of the Park Ttoanl -r-alfcnil body.

ln MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 14 Main St. West 11-15 State St. 186 Main St. East Walter Bentley Ball Subscribers to Hold Meeting. A niee-ilug of snlwcribers for Ihe Walter llcntley Hull series of conceits will he held to-morrow vcnlng at the Chaiulcr of Commerce h.ill lo discuss ways and means for continuing the Velio, v.

his thus fur p.oved a llnaneinl failure. In view of the evolli'Uce of the eou-certs bnve bci Ivi'ii. nuinj cf who hnvi; feel that it would be inMlnke to allow the series to laiise. Mr. Hall dads himself facing- a detlcit of fiUI, and unless some mil' n' is by the iiibserlbers, the remainiug uuuibers of the coiirne cannot be given.

A (ii-cular letter has lnvu aibhesseil to all of the subscribers, asking them to attend the meeting tomorrow evening, ami It Is suggested that by the contribution of an additional by Ihe So sent holders, ti by the 3.oU sent holders ami $1 by the 1.j0 sent holders, ihe. situation imiy ba aavtsl. The loiter la sicued by ltuh lthees, Mr. James S. Watson, Kdward W.

Mul-llgau, Janes p. Imn.v. inuu. lis-h, Kdivnnl Angell, Uiram H., Chjabs p.

Ford, Clarence A. Harlsiur, M.a. lnh K. Kuller, J. Itedfern Alusmi and John 11.

Strong. transferTlroperty Daily Record of Changes in Ownership in City and County, The following transfers of real estate were recorded yesterday wllh the County Clerk: I''. C. lllai. au.l wire to J.

Armstrong and others, property lu Mumford; It K. Armstrong to J. Armstrong, pronertv lu Wheatluinl: iioioci.v Last lliilliling Compauy to J. It. Iliwker.

property In i'ittsfonl: ft. M. M. Keener to C. A.

Caulklns and others property lu Ueliucr street; 1. II. (Jiuelin and wife to B. Steuh. n.v.

propertv in Kcdle farm; J. 1 C. H. Maltliy and wife to M. liuiton.

proiH'My lu (iates; 1. M. A. Keeler to U. McCabe and wife, property in I'anna1; $1.

K. W. Ilnlllster to llolllstor Heal Kstata Company, properly In Oliver street $1. C. Aire to 1'.

Julw, properly ln Muudou; vl J. W. Ilopklna anil other to K. A. Itcott.

pnIirty lu I'ittsfonl; 1. C. PeJonge to tl. licjotige, property Hlumeiulial tract; l. V.

J. Kelso to K. Heath, prtiperly In Ilnnilln; gl. W. B.

Perkins Company to II. Vandcr-bllt. property In HhalTer street; C. M. I'roi-llrhcr and wife to T.

A. (ion mm and wife, properly In Sirasburgh tract; COMMISSION ON RE ROUTING PLAN Early Decision to Be Announced by State Board. A letter from the Public Service Commission has been received hy the Chamber of Commerce saying that It would lake up the matter of the rerouting of the Rock, etser, Syracuse Eastern car a soon as posalble. and It decision be known Immediately thereafter. The mtter, having received tho sanction of the raxtuu road Interested, the city offlclalt and the Chamber of Commerce, await the ruling of the commission.

Th commission i governed in Its consideration of matter of this khid. It learned, by the urgency of teh cs and whether the propoed Infringes upon any rights, a In this lntncB everyone has agreed upon its advlsah'llty, the commission wtlt probably find It In Its heart to approve. RECORD OF DEATHS. Mm. Ropbla Holfotb.

wife of Cble llolfolli, died yesterday her home. No. 1.1 ltrdman street, aged 71 year, lie. side her husband he leaves three Pretlerlck and William llolfoth. of Ho ester, and Ixwt llolfolli, of rittsrord; thre dwiightec.

Mrs. Charles Miller. Mr, tin Weffen, of rittsfoitl. and Mr. C.e.g (loff, ef Rochester; twenty sis gramlclill.

drea, and eren greal-grwndclilldren. Oenrge J. King died la cp rea-terday. He leaves one o. tbrei (laugh-ter.

nd three grandchildren. remain were taken to No. M.ilq street west. Tbe Oemorrat and Chranic job printing department ha up-toxlale UciiiU sad ujsto-dat Uu. Muskrat Lined Regular Price $75, January Price Other coati at Proportionate reductions.

150158 South Avenue There arc more 1911 PACKARDS in tifc in Rochester than all other makes of high-grade cars added together. We have. only a limited number of our allotment unsold for deliveries in January, February and March. Let us send our salesman to see you to-day. MOTOR CARS Rochester Automobile Company JOB, i.


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