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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 1

Rochester, New York
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Three Section! Sixty-six Paget lllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllll OTII YEAH. CKXTS. first section X. SUNDAY, NOV KM It MI I tvvxntyfour paces WKATIIKU I 'i Oak Hill Site is Approved by: University Trustees; Wells Says World's Fate Rests With Arms Council View of Oak Hill Grounds as seen from Airplane Present Plan IVo'uid Place College for Hen on County 8lub Site and Medical School Elmwood Avenue Peace or War Depends on Outcome of Conference on Limitation of Armament Declares lioted Viriter Immensity of the Issue and the Triviality of Men Attract Attention of All Peoples. College for Women to Remain on University Avenue Campus, Using All Buildings and Equipment.

(Br Jrrinirnl lth the ew lurk W.rt4 m4 Trlb.iw.) r.prrl(ht, br The Pm. (. V.rk W.rld) an4 Chirac Trllinne.) After more than rijflit month nf sludy of sites Hip II inril nf Trustee of the Inliersily nf ohrtcr rlrrl.iy npproird the innnosal of Interested riiiren to establish the (nllrge fur mi I he Oak Hill (uuiilry (lull criMiiiils nn I he (icnese rlw, mirlh of Klinwimd avenue, ami the Medical Kikyool mi near-by properties south' nf Kim wood avenue ami east nf llir t.rr mid Lehigh Valley rail mail tracks, It mas decided tn rmiM'i Hip present university plant lulu the nllrge for' Women. All Hi In la dependent upon adequate financing of llir hlg project by mean of a motie) raising campaign. Hver since a group of rinnln of the I'niversity of Itoehrstor suggested tlint First Ordained some provision be made to aciomnmdatc the (run-th of the institution, there Inn bis-n niui'h apprulaiiun to future bniiip nf university and (he Mriliral School which ha been made possible by 1 Voman Minister Dies, jiged Antoinette Blackwell, The conference nominally for the limitation of lrmaments thai now gathers at Washington may become a cardinal event in the hii-tory of mankind.

It may mark a turning point in human affair or it may go on record as one of the last failures to stave off the disasters and destruction that gather about our race. In Aufu.t, lull, an age of insecure progress and accumulation enme to an end. When at last, on the most momentous summer night in history, the Innf I preparations of militarism burst their bounds and the little llelgian Clrage Via went up in flames, men said: "This is a catastrophe." Hut thy found It hard to anticipate the nuture of the catastrophe. They thought for the most part of the wounds and killing and burning nf war and Imagined that when at last the war was over we should count our losses and go on again much as did before vni A well might a little shopkeeper murder his wife In the night and expert to carry on "businewi as usual" in the morning. "Ilusiness as usual" that was the ratcbwnrd in in liUj of all the catchwords of the world it carries i now the heaviest charge of irony.

The catastrophe of ll'll Is still going on. It does not end: It increases and spreads. ins winter more people will suffer dreadful things and more people will die Untimely through the clash of 1014 than suffered and died in the first year of i the war. It is true that the social collapse of Kussia in 1U17 and the exhaustion of food mnl munitions in Central Luro; in 1119 produced a sort of degradation iand enfeehleuienf nf the mmhnlanr efforts nf our race and that a futile conference at Yersuilles settled nothing, with an air of settling everything, but that was no more an end tn disaster than it would he if a man who was standing up and re-, I reiving horrible wounds were to fall down and writhe and bleed in the dust. It I would be merely a new phase of disaster.

Since li'l!) this world has not so much I henled its wounds as realized its Injuries. Born in Henrietta, Passes Out. AUTHOR OF 50 BOOKS the gifts of tlcnrge Kastmarf ami John 1. Hockcfeller. Tirat OfflcUl Statement.

Among the earliest suggeslion of a kite for the greater university was that of the Oak Hill Country Club, a silo of treat natural lieuuty anil one easily ae-cefsible from the rity. Several, other possible ites were mentioned from time to time. Yesterday's announcement, which followed a meeting of the Hoard nf Trustee of the university, was the first orlii ial statement from the aiilhorilli'S. When menliou miule of the Oak Hill grounds it wan agreed on all sides that tin' university rould nut obtain a inure beaiiliful site, but there some talk that the Country Club property, which consist of approximately eighty across, would not permit of sullicicnt expansion in the future. Then the pox i liility nf i' i ill i if Innil adjoiniue tin" Country Club property was considered.

The derision to retain the present I Set Apart for Church Work in 1853 at South Butler. Decay That Spreads and Spreads sr.sjto -dC1 --iiPfipy3 wh -vv Klizahclh, X. -Nov. a. The Ir.

Autoiuctte Louisa 1'iUi I. ell. bclieied to have been the lirst vicmun ordained to the ministry in this country ami a pioneer woman Miff rage worker of the plant of the university for the use Here ars the Oak Hill grounds, bordered below and on the right by the Genesee river. The white square just above and to the right of the middle of the picture ii the tennis court. Just below it the clubhouse, which Is a large building, but scarcely to be seen in the picture, so large are the grounds eighty 'acres, as compared with twenty-two acres" in the University avenue site.

Chief among these injuries is ibe progressive economic breakdown, the nisgui-, Hide of which we are only beginning to apprehend. The breakdown is a. real 1 decay that spreads and spreads, in a time of universal shortage there is un in-j creasing paralysis In production; and there is a pariilj sis of production because the monetary system of the world, which was sustained by the honest co-oprnilioii of governments, is breaking down. The fluctuations in the real vslue of nmney become greater and greater and they shake ami shatter the entire fabric of sociul co-opera-j tloll. our civilization is, materially, a cash and credit system, dependent on nieu's confidence in the value of money.

Hut now money fails us and clients us; we work i for wages and they give us uncertain paper. Xo one now dare mnke contracts ahead; no one can fix up a stable wage agreement; no on knows what one hun- dred dollars or franc or pounds will mean in two years' lime. What is the good nf saving? What is the g'std nf foresight? lliisiness and 'employment become impossible. I'nless money ran be steadied nnd restored, our 1 economic and social life will go on (iisiutegrat ing, and it can be restored only by a ollcge inr iv omcu semen nn w-it ll SllsUU H. Authony, died here to day.

She was fMi yrara old and a nuthe of Henrietta, X. Y. She was ordaiued as a minister in the Orthodox Congregational Church at South Hutler. X. in Milk Strike in Armistice Day Later she became a I'liitariau iiud lvasf New York City Arms Council to Examine Dispute Over Yap Island in Last Stage world effort.

But such a world effort to restore business and prosperity Is only possible between governments sincerely at nnce, and because of the failure of Versailles there is no such sneers eiice. Kverywbere the governments, and notably Japan anil France, arm. Amidst the steady disintegration of the present system of tilings. Proclaimed as a Legal Holiday pastor emeritus of All Souls I'nitnriau church hcie. Mis.

lihnkwell was the author of more than tifty books, most of them nf .1 religious nature. Sketch of Her Career. One of (he Inst sumviiigwonicn' active with Susan B- Anthony in the us to hip aueqiincy or tne iiiik urn sue and nt the same time nunle possible a miirh more effective development of the College for Women, which will have almost twenty live aces available for its use. Dependent on Money-Raislny. It was pointed out after the meet ins of the Hoard of Trustees yesterday that i he whole scheme is dependent upon He -net-ess nf the interested ritizens of Rochester in obtaining (he money necessary finance the project.

No announcement van lmidv hist night concerning the phl'is for such campaign nor when it would lie undertaken. The meeting of the Hoard of Trustees uis held yesterday morning at the home of lr. Kusli Ithees. nf the I li-'. versity.

lr. John 1. Munn. president nf the boiird, presideil over the gathcriu, which made history for the city of Chester, for the university nnd for the; I w- York, Xov. B.

MTlk distributors hose drivers are on a strike, announced toniglit that their deliveries had increased to 7o per cent of normal and promised house to house deliveries after election day, when more police will be available for protection duty. New List of Demands early light for suffrage, the liev, Antoin-1 cite I'row Hlackwell was noted also for haiing been the first woman ordained to the ministry in the I'nited Stutes. She 11119 bom of Puritan ancestry nt I ewer cases of vio'iuce were reported Said to Have Been President Sets Aside November 11th in Memory of Heroes. they prepare for fresh wars, wars that can have only one end an extension nf the famine and social collapse that have already engulfed Hussia to the rent of lit world. In Iluxsiii, in Austria, in many parts of tJermuny, this social decay is visible in actual ruins, in broken down railways and such like machinery falling nut of use.

Hut even in Western F.urupe, in Fruncp and Kngland. there is shabbiuess, there is a decline visible to any one with a keen imniory. The other day my friend Mr Charlie Chaplin brought his keen, observant rcs back to linden, after an absence of ten years. "People are not Inugliitig and careless here a they used to be," be told inc. "It isn't the London 1 remember.

They are anxious. Something hangs over them." Coming as 1 do fetim Kiirope to America, 1 am amazed at the apparent buoy, nncy and abundance of Xew York. The place seems to possess ait inexhaustible vitality. Hut this lowering, thundering, congested city, with such a torrent of traffic and such a concourse nf people I hnve never seen before, is, nfter all. the Kuropean door of America i draws this superabundant and astounding life from Henrietta.

X. LM, and during the day. Long Island was the scene of most disorder. Ketuil milk stations were opened in nil sections of the city, while a score of trucks uuder police protection made Made by U. S.

dispatch to Democrat find Chronicle Xov. 5. Wbh the Inter no -amp sctiooi teacher netore shp was lw years old. (irndunred front the theologi-i cal school of Oi.erlin College in KA), 1 license to preach was denied her on ac-i count of her sex but she won such re-i iiown as a speaker in lol she was or- Washington, Xov. 5.

A proclamation tours selling milk at the curb. Inercas- setting nside Xoveniber lltu, next a a ing numbers of men have applied for nation's higher educational system. Those present were the following: Joseph T. Ailing, lirst vice-president; Key. Willi-mt It.

Ta lor, Hccnnd vii presiilent t'luirles M. Williams, secretary; Kingman Not: of respect I1" es ni jne srriKtus. of respect holiday "us mark national Conference ou 'LiiuitutioU nf daineil as the pastor of the Congr ttie nuik companies sain. the memory of those who gave their lives Armament nnd Pacific only a few Hohins, treasurer; (leorce iioiiister, 1 1 trade, from trade whose roois nre dying, New York in a Pe'riloas Position STEAMER ARRIVALS. I in the late World War.

as typified by the unknown nnd unidentified American sol-I dier who is to be buried in Arlington days off, it now seems practically per-, tain that negotiations' between the Walter S. Iluhbell. Willwi.e H. H.ile, I 1 rl Kdwnnl J. Miner.

James Cuthr. suh'iuently entered the ministry of Herbert S. AVect ami lr. Hush Ithees, hm'r1'- I'nited States and Japan to settle din" When one looks nt Xew York its assurance is amazing: when oiip reflects we cm-cs ouer American rignta ou the; realize its tremendous peril. it is going on as London is going on by hikI Kl'Mi TfMiowinff year mi1 whs mnrriiMi io ltochester; Albert II.

Harris ilinn I HI (l npy H( Island of Yap ill not bp cnncliub II. Hooker, of New York; and Hon accumulated inertia. Willi the possible exception of London, the position of Xeiv i York seems to me the most perilous of that of any city in the world. Whaf is to children with one of whom, a daughter National emetcry on that liny, was Issued io night by President Harding. It fullows: "Hy the President of the 1'iiited States nf Aiuerieu "Whereas a joint Kesolution of Cou-fcress.

improved Xoveniber -1. 11121, "to At N'pw York Olympic, Southampton; Carmauia, Southampton; Columbia. Glasgow; Mitiiicknlida. At Hamburg Cothland, Antwerp. At Christinnia 1st, Bergensf jord, Xew York.

At Libau 1st. Estonia, Xew York. Soviet Warns Expatriates. Moscow, Xov. 5.

The. Husspiu Soviet council of conimissorys to-day announced that all Kussians who have been abroad for five years will lose their citizenship unless they obtain passports before March 1, 11122. K. Taylor, of Murrain. 'Die full report which the Site Committee submitted to the Hoard nf Trustees and Which the board adopted is as follows To the Board of Trustees: Vour committee appointed to consider the problem of the removal of the university to a new site, respectfully submit the following report: 1.

We recommend the retention of the before the conference In this contingency, ti.e Yap controversy doubtless will be thrust into the international conference jiong with Ps-Icifio problems. Ollieiufs of the State I Ucflhrtmpiit said to-day flint; the Yap negotiations were progressing favorably, hut that some details remained to be iworked out. What these details are they would not divu'-e. Xoither would they predict final sct'lemeut before the nliicini assembling of tup international conclave. happen to this immense crowd nf people if the trade that feeds if ebbs? As assuredly it will ebb unless the decline of Kuropean money and business can be arrested, unlessthat is, the world problem of trade and credit can be grappled 1 with as a world affair.

The world' wouomlc life, its civilization, embodied In its great towns, is disintegrating and collapsing through the strains of the modern war threat and of the disunited control of modern affairs. This in general terms is the situation of mankind to-day; this is the situation, the tremendous and critics) situation, that President Harding, the head and spokesman nf what is now the most powerful and influential state in the world, I has called representatives from most of the states in the world to Washington Kliabeth, N. .1.. Mrs. Hlackwell made her Inline in re.

wit years. Mrs. Hlackwell was widely known as a writer on religions, philosophical nnd scientific topics. Her ljook, the "Philosophy of Individuality," published. In was said to have advanced theories which have since been largely accepted by physicists.

The principal Idea of the work was the hypothesis of "a persistent individuality in each of the ultimate rOXTINt EI ON PACK 2, 3d COLl'MM declare Xoveniber 11. ltd, legal public holiday," provides as follows: "'Whereas "Armistice Lny, Xoveniber 11, 11121 has been designated as the appropriate time for the ceremonies incident to the burial of the unknown and uni CONTIXCKD UN PAUK it. I'd CHU MS' to discus. Whatever little modifications and limitations the small cunning of diplomatists may impose upon the terms of reference of the conference, the plain common sense of mankind will insist that its essential inquiry is. "What, are we to di, if anvthing Informal Agreement Beported.

Athoiieh silence is miii'ituined here on the details of the necotifitions there came to Watl ington jn di-patches to- Yoke, Old-time Star, Pet of May can possibly be done, to nrresf nnd reverse the slide toward continuing war i I I In. I ,,..,,1,1 1. INDEX TO THE Sunday Iday from Tokio, ignoring the new simper 1 momentous conference wouial gather in a mood of exalted responsibility, with inioozti, me sujiemcur mat utter an in- evei.i npiip-naujr uriy eon npfiirnnipir 'ii-imruiioii in Hiasp ine enormous DfntOtrat 'fnrnial agreement had been reported i issues involved. Royalty, to Forget By -gone Days by Sale of Long-treasured Gifts Section I. Ceneral News.

Late Local New. Financial News. Classified Want Adj. dentified American soldier in the Arlington National Cemetery; and this unknown soldier represents the iminlioo'd of America who gave their lives to defend its integrity, luuyir. and tranquility against any enemy; and 'Whereas the nations of the earth lire on that date joining with the I'nited States in paying respect and homage to this unknown soldier: Therefore be it, 'Hesolved by the Senate nnd Jhe House of Hepresetitatives of the Chited Slates of America in Congress assenihled, that the President is hereby authorized to issue a proclamation declaring Xo-ember 11, 1II2L a holidoy, as a mark of respect to the memory of those who gave their lives in the Inte World War, as typified by the unknown and unidentified American soldier who is to be buried in Arlington Xafiorial Cemetery on that day; and the President is respectfully requested to recommend-to the Governors of the various' states that proclamations be issued by them callingipon their people to pause in their pursuits as a mark of respect on this solemn "Xow, therefore, Warren O.

Harding, President of the United States of Japanese embassy on the subject I 11 reality too often ignored in the dignified discussion- of such Yap, the I'nited States had presented businesa as this Washington Conference, and that is this; that the human mind the follow ins group of supplementary takes hold of such very big question. as the common pence of the earth and the terms: general security of mankind with very great reluctance and that it leaves go -ri vessels piiterinif ibe ports extreme alacrity, of Yap and other South Sea Islands are naturally trivial creatures. Ve do not live from year to year; we live uude.r the Japanese mandate are to be from day to day. Our minds naturally take short views and are distracted by laocorded the same treatmeut as those little, immediate issues. We forget with astonishing facility.

And this is as true of the high political persons who will gather nt Washington ns it is of any over worked clerk who will read about the conference in a street car or on the way home to supper and bed. These big questions affect everybody, and also they are too big for anybody. A great intellectual and moral effect is required if they are to be dealt with in any effectual manner. SPECIAL PlSrATCIt TO THE DEMOCHAT AND CIIltOMCI.E. New Y'ork, Xov.

5. May Yohe, star in many theatrical successes of by-gone ilayf and one time pet of English royalty, has again renounced the lure of the footlights. This time the decision is final, for she finds the place she once held in the hearts of theater-goers hns been usurped by butterflies of a new variety. Just to show that she is in earnest in her retirement; announcd to-day she would place on the auction block next week at Xo. 2-12 Fifth avenue, the long treasured tokens of ninny of her most brilliant successes.

Along with a silver framed photograph autographed by Kipg Edward and a Pontificial robe of Leo mementos of the days when ae was the bride of I.or! Francis Hope, owner of the Hope diamond, she will sell tapestries, ornaments nnd personal effects, gifts of Irairers in foreign courts and i America. She Biakes but one reservation her jewels. With these she refuses to part. Financial dlffic-ltles? Xo. only a des! to forget the fickle memories of the past, she says.

The sale over, she plans a life of quiet nnd seclusicn in the companionship of her preset husband, Captain John Smuts, a cousin of the South African Premier. of Japanese and other countries belonging to the League of Xutious. "The Japanese government is to give America the necessary guarantee of expropriation by America of the land required for the. establishment of the American wireless station in Y'ap, not-withstanding possible opposition from Section II. Dramatic News.

Editorials. Local News. Sport News. Section III. Special Features.

Automobile Department. Woman's Department. Children's Department. Comics. Patting His Attitude to the Test the residents.

"Japan to agree to the enforcement I in the South) Seas of the existing treaty I find the best illustration of this incurable drift toward triviality vi niyself. In the world of science the mieroswpe helps the telescope and the infinitely little illuminates the infinitely great. CONTINCED ON PAtiB 1st COLtTMS CONTINUED ON l'AUE Jd COLUMN. CONTIXCTD ON PAGE 2. 3d C0I.11IN.

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