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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 14

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


OPTICAL PLANT TO USE ELECTRICITY DELIVERY OF POWER TO BAUSCH LOMB IS BEGUN. JAN. 19, IWfU JAN. IK, IM Our electric broughams are very popular. Have you tried this branch of our service? Tlioiics 1235.

JOHN LEADER SON CO. I.lvery nnil Electric Garage, Arlington. 3 THIS TIME MANUFACTURERS ACT 1,500 HORSEPOWER WILL BE USED Geo. Eagert Wholesale anil Retail Dealers In Yom Stoe Window Is the point of contact with the passing public. You can make it the "bright ipot your whole itoro, and make it pay bigger returns per square inch than any other space in your shop.

Tungsten Lamps MONDAY 55.1.10 II FSUAV 55.U20 ElKNtS WAV 5.1,!i00 TIU'RSDAY FRIDAY 65.SJ0 SATIRDAY 55,270 Total for the week 381,150 STATH OF XKW VllRK, I Connly of jjonroe, W. ii. Mnlliews, I'r-'sliient of the Itocli. Piter Printing I'ouipniiy, publishers of the liemm-rat. and Cliroiilde, being by me duly sworn, dotli depose liad say that the lO'inocrut and riironlcle printed and circulated during I lie past week the above number of daily papers.

W. II. MATHKWS. Pres't. Hworu tn before inc.

this lijih day of January, lwr.i. Wf. II. CDOK. Noturv Piihlle.

3AK i AH AH ItAM -1 UM 1 2PM --I 3PM -4M. IPM BHIO -J5 31 1H I ham JM -1 S'M -j 4 P.M. -j JPM PH IJXIO fT80 V- I ui f-IB CMi Chamber of Commerce Fromotion ol Trade Committee Circulating Documant and Getting Many Signatures in Part ot City Alfectad Present Delivery Is One-third ol That Amount-- Rail way and Light Co. Will Also Supply Steam lor Heating-Will Build a Substation No. 306 Exchange St.

TELEPHONE 15? TO-DAY'S DOINGS. LETTER OF REGRET FROM DR. HILL Sent from Berlin to Society of the Genesee. The Wise Housewife looka carefully nfUr hor home belongings, tliidlDK grpat. aatlH-faetloii Jn the iih of Nonjireil Furniture t'ollah and Miisollne Mdul 1'ollsh.

Kach liax a hlftb minitailnn In Ha parlleiilar and la vtry iiopular villi our customers. Manufacturers in Lyell avenue who have occasion to use the curs of I he Itull'alo, Luck port ii Hochestor railway and those of thu UoHiestur Ituihvay Coinpiiny have taken up the matter of the proiMwed orosHintf of the Charlolto lir.iiich of the Sew York Central at that Iboroughfaro. There has been a proportion up in recent mouths, and a hearing was held hy the Public Service Commission, hich decided that it waa a matter for the city to Bottle. A heir-lug wan Kiihsc(iuently held by the Common Council, which said the subject win one for the pooplo who wore to use the crossings to decide, among Hoth an overhead and a subway crossing hnvi) been recommended, Vmt the adjacent properly owners any tbey aro willing to havo tho crossing remain at grade. The crossing is wanted in order to permit the cars of the Buffalo, Lock-poit A Rochester Railway Company to enter the city uud ruu to the Four Corners.

At present the curs are compelled Equipped with Holopbane Shades, will do more to brighten up your windows and store than any other lighting scheme you can adopt. We have Tungsten Lamps in several sizes and Holopbane glassware to match. Just 'phone our Commercial Department. We want to tell yon more about them J. G.

LUITWIELER I SONS 24 South Opp. Cook's Roehitttr Thoni 617 Ball 'Pfcona 2117 lto.vuiilil4 An-iiilc of i i--i ninl Iilmr C'iiini'11 (u orifiiiiiia a l.alwr 8 1'. M. Ilimifiipiiihli- Iliwhltut Aimuiil me'tltii of lliinnt uf (iiiviTiiurs of Il iiliil, 4 I'. M.

CoiiMTitiiin 1 nil I' "t'miu 'tlnmp-toii It.mdK in Hiiii py Heiir Ailmlrnl Kobicjr li. livuns, V. S. 8 v. m.

City Hall Mi-dlns Ilnard cf C.n-tiu- nml HupT'ly. A. M. t'ttr Hull -I'ulilli- liparliia l)f Commit tci; of oiiimuii Cnunrll, 7:30 I. M.

Slmliiinli-K TiiHt ltnt llxblliltlnn of pie-tiiri'H of Wutirr Color Cltil), HI A. M. tu fu I.vifiim liniti.r A Waits Kmini." mill 8.15 1'. Vf. Ilikor Tliwiti-r -All Vangliau IJIiihit iitul r'tnpiuiy to pi' Huns ot a iti'iiiKhiiil toe' V.

M. Tlnittrr-4'lnitiiv. "Aitlil Hiot-lmt;" lo tiny, ntid 8:15 I. M. 'fok Hihth Hmnp.AH M-ook, nu'loylilp; toftfiy, mihI 8:13 M.

I orlut 'rlii iiti'r All wivii, Sum (i rl'im'r a Mhon to-ilm, and V. M. Rochester Railway Light Company 3H0 Clinton Avenue North Many ladies have truly said, The housewife with a level head Insists on having Escott's Bread U'e deliver regularly in all parts of the city. Shall Wo Call On You? 'Phone or send postal to ESCOTT'S BTAKERY 381 WEBSTER AVE. tall 'PtMna M7S Chau RMtiutw 1911 POLICE TO HELP IN ALLAYING DISTRESS Captains Instructed to Relieve Urgent Cases.

Secretary Clarke, of I lie of Commerce, received a letter yesterday from Ixiuis Wiley, the Now York. Times, inclosiiiK a letter received by Wiley from Iiavid .1. ILill, ambassador to t'urinany, in which Mr. Hill regret nt his inability to 'be present, at tlio coming annual dinner nf the Society of the (ienesee in New York, when Slate Treasurer Thomas It. Dunn, of Rochester, will be the gui-st of honor.

r. Hill's loiter, which was postmarked lier-lin, say: I cannot be present iu the flesh, I am at least always, present in spirit when the Society of the lietiesoe sits down to its allium) feast. I am very glad you are to honor my fellow towns-mail, the Honorable Mr. 1 Intnl. slate treasurer, on Fcbitiary (lilt, which adds another reasou why should he htippy to be there to join ill Iho celebration.

"It is one of Iho sacrifices incident to representing one's country abroad that one inut forego Ihesu delightful festivities. It has the effect, perlinis, of pinking one a belter patriot; at leas), more conscious of his patriotism, to dwell in a foreign land. I must confess that it has that effect upon me, although I have found mudi to admire in this empire, where my Insk is set ninl where I Inn found many friends of my country who nro pleased to honor it in any person. is this mediation nf friendship -between Hie two great nations which constitute the chief delight of my mission ami compensate for Iho joys must renounce, in my absence from lny native land. "Wherever I may he.

I shall silently lift my glass on the evening of l'oliru-ary lilll lo the sous of Hie Society of the (ienesee and its honored guest', and I find pleasure in the thought that I am of yon, though I cannot bo wilh you." WANUNYESTIGATION OF PATENT SYSTEM Inventors Would Have Commission Appointed. The only American Champagno to receive a gold nieul at Paris Exposition. Q7 PJ to slop at Kossuth utreet. and Lyell avenue, l'lisongers change there lo the Lyell avenue stub line and agalu at the Now York Central crossing lo Iho city cars. This is a liuisniico to nil interests eoneerneil, including the passengers.

Tho matter of grade croscing at that point was taken up some time ago by the Chamber of Commerce, and a. resolution was iidopted favoring the elimination of the grade crossing. The present petition, which is addressed to the Common Council, was prepared and is being circulated hy the. I'loiiiotion of Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, of wheh Albert li. Eastwood is ohniriiinn.

It has been signed by every manufacturing company in tho adjacent territory, including tho American Woodwork ng Machinery Conipnuy, Cluni Ar. Atkinson, llopcmau ltrotbors, Mocrlbaoh Itrewlng Company. Crosmau Frisian Fur Company, the llrooks Moriey Company and others. It is also being signed by residents of the Fifteenth ward who are employed in the factories In that part of the city, ninl hy residents of other wards who are a (Tooled by the conditions. The matter has been oivestigiitnij with reference lo truffle: on ftp lluiTalo, Lockport Ai Rochester interurhnn line.

Tho company has shown that dining tin-nioujh ending with Novembia) I', ITN is, it brought pnseiigors Into the city and t'sik 1 out. "All these passengers," one of the men interested in the circulation of the petition said, "wore inconvenienced the necessity of changing cars. The New York Central has sgnilied its willingness to make the change, but the people must decide whether they want an overhead crossing or a subway. It does not seem to me ns if more than people should lie inconveneiiced every month because adjacent property owners do not want a grade crossing ta our CHAMPAGNE It was scknowledged by Parisians to equal the best French, wines. The Bausch Lotub Optical Company has begun tho airbatlliitlon of electricity for ateam In Ha plant at St.

Paul and Vincent street, and within tho next five months the entire plant will bo equipped for operation by electricity. Tho power will be supplied by the Rochester Railway and Light Company, mid the dollvery tf ftUO horse power wua beRtin on Monday. When the entire, plant Is operated by electricity, there will be a total of 1,500 ltorao. power In use, the largest liistalliiiloii In this city pure-plied by tlio Rochester Railway and Light Company, except to the Rochester Railway Company. The subject of the substitution came up some time ugu In connection with the matter of providing power for the large addition to Iho works, then approaching completion.

It was thought when the addition waa planned that. It would he operated by steam, llko the remainder of tho plaut. Electricity was suggested, und General Manager J. T. Hiilcliings, of the Railway and Light Company, was asked as to the cost of equipping the addition and of current.

Eventually agreement was pp. lercd Into between the two ronipanies, providing for sufficient current to operate not only the addition, but tho entire plant. The apparatus, needed' was ordered arid the wiring of the plant was begun, A sufficient amount of Hie Installation had been completed hy the end of last week lo permit tho delivery of power vn Monday. Hut that ia only a nmall part ot the work that la to be done. In order to supply thn entire complement of LfuiO horse power, and lo takp care of other business In that section, It will be necessary for iho Railway and Light Company to erect a substation In that vicinity.

This substation to bo built at. (ias and Vincent streets, the former -being thn thoroughfare that goes down the hill to the gaawork9. This substation will provide room for three fiOO-kilo-wutt motor generator sets and two steam nulls, und lis eventual caparltv will he kilowatts, or about 2M0 horse power. Thi" substation will Jn? below grade, the roof of It being level with tho grade of Vincent, street. To provide for tha vertical retort house, the large, addition to tho gus plant which the company plans to erect this year, it will be necessary to erect a house for unloading -coal at Vincent and (ins streets.

Tha stibblatlon will be unttl-Led for his, the coal unloading plant being on. I he roof of tho substation. The substation will be built of concrete, steel and tile, one slory In height and 30 by so feet )n Blze. Tho east wall of the substation will bo built Into tbe cliff on the Gas street, side, while the other end of the building will be supported on columns resting on the rock at a lower level. The Rochester Railway and Light Company will alao supply the riausch Umili Optical Company with the steam for heal fug Its entire This steam will come from the gaa works, und will be -transmitted to tho Hansen Ixmil) plant, through conduits constructed especially for The purpose.

The entire Installation will be completed as soon us possible. Grand Army Men Overlooked. Surprise has been expressed In mma quarters that no member of tho Grand Army fof the Republic has been named on the KxecuUve Committee for the Lincoln Hay celebration to bo held in Convention Hall, when Governor Hughes will make an address. It has been suggested that as no seats are reserved some provision should be made for members of the Grand Army. The comments huve come not.

from the ranks of the veterans, but from persons who think It. would he a deserved compUmaut lo pay the (irund Army. Annual Meeting ol Hospital. The animal meeting ()f the Rochester Hon piithle Hospital will be. hold at the hospital, Alexander street, nt 4 o'clock this tifiertioon.

Seven members of the Hoard of Governors will he elected, tti succeed those whose terms will expire at Hint time. Any other husine that may properly come before the, meeting will ii Imp lc transacted. The call is signed by Granger A. Holli-ter, secretary of the corporation. if f'liit'f of t'lilicp tjuiclcy wii'l jvKtordny tlml.

ho to nwipiralM with tin1 rity I'ltarilifi I i-t tiM-ut In promptly relieving giTniiuo rnio of ilistross wliiib i inino lo 1 irl while llm rlinritii'x Ihiithii is i losi'd to tlio piilili''. An ordcf trnnsmitti'il yostordny to u'l tlio stntioiiM iiiHtrtii'ti'il tln enptnina and liptili'iintilH to bio that pntroliiion rrpnrc to thoir s.itioiiH uttd uricotit diKe of ixm'iI uml to limke hiiro thitt ciuh cumos nro i'inionirily roliovod by mipplios of con I or provision. A rtiMirt of nio roliovod ik lo ho forwnrdod to I'onmiix-Kionpf Mrllnrnoy overy innriiirtR from I'lU'll of HlO liisliitrsnnioiu.s timde hy rnptaitm and lii'tttoiiatilH for ciml or foml for tlio nn-fortnnatoK mi? to ho roporlod cvory day 10 tlio ('hiirilios lluroiin ami Iho Mils will ho Iron) oil ns voinhora ill the hu-roan's aocoiiut, A pittahlo oaso of dostitiilion wan ro-ported hy f'uptain MoAlostor, uf tUo Third pfMitnU hirk woman who lives In ntroot wtt lis-rovorod lo ho without food or coal mid her illneis hud not been ntloiidod to by 11 physhian. t'uptaiii MoAlostor what aid was poxhihlo tiud titrnod tlio on over to I'liiiiinissioiiiT MoKur-noy and Chief guiKloy. Tho fatlior of the family has not boon at homo fur two or throe days.

Ho will bo arrested on a warrant this morning. The order lulled yesterday is operative from 4 M. to II A. M. every week day mid all day Sunday.

The oUW of Iho Commissioner of Charities is Hosed lit those Union mid upplioations made to patrolmen or other police ollli-crs will hp investigated mid relief given in tlio natno wav as thiwo things are done in lnininoss To hear the Victor to want one. Wc can tell you about the wonderful musical qualities of the Victor, but mere words can't do justice to it. The Victor must be heard to be appreciated. Ten minutes spent in listening to the Victor will convince you quicker than anything we can say. Go and hear the Victor let it tell its own story.

Any Victor dealer will gladly play it for you. A Victor iof every purse $10 to $300. Easy payments if desired. Victor Talking Machine Camden, N. J.

To ((I best remits, use only Victor Netdlei on Victor Record Reirember Our Location Opposite Lyceum Theater-Middle Store Beckley Building EMPIRE OPTICAL CO. 29 Clinton Avenue South K. AKItlNOTOV, rilOi'ltlKTOn. HEAR ADDRESS ON INDIAN NAMES Jmiirs at tlio ollii'o of Iho CoinitiiHsioner. At the meeting last niglil of the International Congress of Inventors, Chair-lunn Joseph .1.

O'ltriin, of the l'atent OHice Con.mittee of the organization, siiluiiiltcil a brief utillino of a genera! bill to be introduced ill Congress seeking to bring alKiiit thorough iuveistigatioti into every phase of tho' patent system. The bill iinolves tlio appointment of a commission of ten or more members which shall investigate patent laws. Hie value of protection, court procedure, condition of tho I'uletit OHice, abuse of law and practice, development of industries in America, knowledge relating to that development, needs of science iiiiil art, economic value of development, relative position of America in sclent i tie discovery, foreign patent laws, negative tendencies, Knglish and other nou-woik-ing laws, present ep.uts, effis of foreign patent laws on exports and undeveloped opportunities fur expert trade. "Such bill." said Mr. D'Hrien, "should carry -with it an appropriation of fit II 1.111 1 or more, and give the cnininls-sinn delittitp powers so Hint the coimilur service, the census service anil other services of the government would be at the disposal of the commission or easily accessible to it.

The direct aim the bili should lie lo improve iiiiniedia'idy oinliiioii.s confronting the inventor of the cou iirv." At Inst night' meeting the constitution of the Congress of Inventor was aminled so as lo limit membership to inventors and to make the annual duos .1. It. Fortune, of llolroil, anil II. Waterbtiry, of Mbblleport, N. wore clci'ti'd lo membership.

LICENSES FOR MARRIAGE GRANTED Permits Granted to Applicants at City Clerk's Office. Vantage licenses wore granteil yester-tiny by tbe Uly Clerk to the following ap-plk'aiitri: I Kalpli Wheeler. Xo. t.lld Main Daughtera ot American Revolution Have Interesting Meeting. Members of lromlcpioit.

Cliiipti-r, litiujjli teis of the. Atnc.ili-aii UcMi'tillon, heard an ailtlnss by Nathaniel K. Old on Iho origin of Indian and early isuiuvv'ted with places In Western anil Cen-trnl New York, at a Meeting held yesterday afternoon in tin' Hotel i. Itcf.gV Mr. Olds talked Walter Really llnll Rung iliidiau f'tlk songs.

He prefaced tluwo Willi iloai-ripllotis of c.usi uns of the Indiana giving rl. to the pongs. Mrs. Krank V. How, wtio presided, spoivo of the deatn tf one.

of the chapter's former daughters, ltns Sav-lon. Mrs. Kotielt K. llurl.ugu. peiTelary, read brief H04raphh.11) of Miss I'jiilliin a leal tlatighier of Hie lievolution, who risiittly dVd, The next inisiing will 1 hehl on ruury when an ntldp'ss Hill h.

nnule hy 4'Jiarle. Flieli on Altrntiam Lincoln. Members of Hie chapter an I ku-'sIs were revived Mrs. William S. l.lttlo, former sttito rcai'itt: Mrs.

Martin W. Cooke, Mrs. William Hiiyl, former reecnt of and Mrs. Iioiv, present re-iteut. Kefreslitneiits were servptl, stui'i pa-t, and Mary t-'llatietli l.llii ain street east.

I lira. il i 1 1 1 it No. I'lit-tnii! Mi'Prt, anil Mrelhe Cilnn Iao cli'lo'. No. I.I Plymouth II I III S'Hlt tl.

Tt thi ItBekheldtri e1 the Btttimir I Uk Crli Coal Mining Company ht-f to edvp-e yon Hull tlio A mi Itn I ItleiMillg of tin- of "lll' (Mill- l-ani ulll be told lit Vt Zi Imrrli street, Itoeiiester. New nt 'i li I' iit-iltiv. January for tin1 pipeline, the Itottrd ot lorei-lnts Hit' ensuing year lrsn-aoiliig too- 1h.I'IS ttlit'll Id.iV III'- III Ollfrtlt il'fttle llP rneotittg. louts irtitv, vs. 3 hfiTi-t-nv.

Notice of Annual Meeting Tti mini nwM-tluK of tli ciirn.rMWm Hie Kiu hi'ftrr llMitut.i pttni "Ml ti liH.) -it tin ImpUmI No. jhhUt f't'i-t. "it ul it-i tuw-n, jn, 4 oVi. for Hit ttr Mt, i lei tis w.vp 11 iiriutr, htn (if or)) 1 will 1 tii'tt iire, ani for th- iriiiiftu'H'm of uny other Imsluc 1lntt mav oum Iwfnrv thn inwi luii i A 1 i I HOU.ISTICIf.. SeiTeturr.

tttHhettter, Jwrniary urn. The Advantages of hflng aide pay out fu lids Ity slitiilt ilntnhik' jour rhick Hunlii-t jiiur tut arrount Is not all that appcaln to a di'pottnr. Ilii rc's fusrliiutitm In liullillng hank lialiinco, uml a ntKiitt'lli'ii In tlio Initiranoo It nlTiirds airniit ul ore ailiTltj. ou rannot afford to lie without a liank airoiint. I Aitelnier Hums, sireol, am: astasia Cullins, I.U'hili street.

Tsmperanre Legion Supper. loyat Itfi.m gave an miimt Monilay it I je It sir the homo of Mis. W. Ciirletl, No. CI tut aireet, Herbert S.llifol'il, preslilent of Hie legion, as toa.tiiiii;tcr ami rcpoiises were iiniile Uy It.

l''vrplou I'onne, W. II. i.rleit, Mrs. Kiikleniiin and Vlvl.iu Holi-ll'i. I'ri'il liolinan cnnlrliiuieil vik-iiI solos, Mrs.

I.iiklcniaii reaillngis ami l.f nn Mohertr pIi.iw mid M.sie Pall piano solo. 'I ne next iui- IIiik Mill Iiebl Mou.I.iy alulit at. f. T. I Hall.

h'oiglirld" v. id to oil I'niilMiHT "tsl. Perry-Conner. At the home of Mr. and Mrs.

F'lnirT TV Connor estorday their daughter IMTORTtRS "I or I IMPORTED fINt CM1NM (ierlrude KliMheth Conner was uniied in nun-ring" to Anthony orry by llev. George K. Warren, assistant pastor of i he I Avenue Ibiplist Church. The ECURITY TRUST COM FAN Rff-MtsTtrt. May Have Come to Rochester.

Iiireeior of. Iieloclires Whaley lias been nskdl to look out for one ('. L. l'eck, who is wniiled ill Mount Morris on tho charge of passing a forced check for SIH. Tlopiuy Sheriff O'Loary, of Livingston county, jesterday wired the man's den riplion end said that Toi-k-describes himself as paper ami glue salesman.

He Is very bald and that Is the one salient feature of his description. liritle wore white satin ninl vnlonei- oiines l.ico. Her sister. I. ilium maul of honor ii ii.l Williniii Mnln ftri-rt Kiit ami Turner was best man.

The wedding Sheffield Plate Going at a Lively Rata mi 'Hi', fa IP it-7 zf Btukeman Was Careless. Ctironur Kleindienst lieid an inquest oil the death of Henry Cro-itiu, who was. killtsl'iu It. i )'. yards Naiunlay afternoon.

Witnesses said that Croniu stepped in front of a slowly moving engine and Hint ids death was due to his own carelessness. A deep ion to that effect wa made. Course on Gas Engine. Ai the Mei hnnt'H Infill me lo day will he begun a tin englno courw, an applied to automobile, nioiorcyctea anil rnotorlieaia. 'I'hls le (inereil by fourieea le.oin, fim ri from elementary tne.

There will be seven lecture, lllntrateit, Ave or teore laborniory exercise anil two leisons snutjlnif iiiitoiiiobiles. Alien H. tVockei' li til be InMrtu tor. Off 25 Byron-Rousseau. Miss Mamie Rousseau, of Ontario, X.

ninl James W. Hyroii, of this city, were married Monday evening nt the home of Mr. and M-s. H. I Mien No, o'lil Monroe avenue, by Rev.

K. H. Martin, rector of St. Thomas's Kpieeopul Church. supper was served at the linuio, it Kent street.

After all Knstern trip, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry will liie in (ioodimi'i street. i IntHiit'a Body Unidentified Coroner Kleindienst is investigating the fltitecp.lcnls of nil infant who' body wns fo iml. frov.en stiff, in shed in Curtice slreet yesterday morning.

The find was made Ity William Stocklou, a railroad man. who was passing the shed at shout tOieUV The child wns. apparently, hut a few hotiis old when it whs abandoned, The rags wrapped ahont tho body gave no clew to the identity of the persons who left it in the shed. Evans to Arrive This Afternoon. llenr-Adnilral Itnhloy Ii.

rvnns, who Is tn apeik in Convention llnll to-nhtht un-dir Hie auspices of the HP'-ond Seiwmte Iilvlslon, Naval Mllllhi. will arrive In the city tills afternoon. He will met by members of the. Reception Committee tn iiilloiiml'lles, and a roar-iuluili-ars snlnt will be tltc.l In hi honor. Th parry will be taken to loner Hoinl.

Singers Entertain A snag recital was given last ltlht at Mis. Kahlil' slt.dlo. No. South sfieet, by Miiis Ilerthti flongtitou nn. I ll.ilph Miss llniuihiita tins a leirnnn nh-e of nunlpy and Iter se Wiitrr rifiTd outll 40 INTtnEST PAID ON ACCOUNTS 0 SUBJECT TO CHECK.

Di-poklt-i now rxrerd 1 MmiSMSIIHilaillllllallllll I 'III Travel in Safety TO California jtif Lfcruir Block Signal System T1IK UNION PACIFIC SOUTHERN PACIFIC IuRiimi pmtpr-iinri travaltng mi lt I Inc. Equipment nd Service the test that Money Can II uy iiire Jlnnr llckit nml via tlili line, hiiiilrn uf 4. It. DrFlllDST, i. Httwdvay.

N.w 'ntk, -fi rn.lC4 tut 111. ilirlmi.j JtuuM" tu tlui KukI a a "Xteouaviia Wundan. TOLD IN A WORD OR TWO. There will he a pecinl meeting nt the Jefferson Chili to-night ot its quarters In Hie Livingston hulldlmr. A musical will he to-tiljht hy the ZIcb KnilPiivorers'- Sodetr In Itappapnrf Hall, No.

J.Vi hsthain street. Cutter of fta A runn' Phee factory are plamilng a bollni purty iir.d to bo h.Md iievt Monday lilglit nt ('enesee Aiiiuaeinetit Hail. To morrow evening a pa'bir anilal nf tin ITfi-nlU Wind W. C. T.

V. will held at thu home of 11. WcMlehnel, No. I'lynn street. Ah a K.

Ileh her w.u 1 iecte.1 tin-tee at tlio llrst uieellng of eredllnrs of I'lillllos llrnthers, toba, -ennlats, before- Itefen-a yuWcy Van VonrliU. 'Ilie ouug l.adle' ttoiliitiy hacraiiuuit I hnrch has pontpom-d to a later dn (lie pedrj parly whh'b was to liar leu holj In the cliun hall night. TUn Woman' fo'lul Cabin, of the Monroe Avenue, I. Ii il. li ImI I Hi cu 1 1 it' ittt'i uttf --ifiliimiiit of Hi wl i-er eoiitfO to-morruw eveiiln at e'clo; i-i titn cU'ir -li will lie a iiclal liiorlllig of bands of Ilia roiifriilernliy of Mary lit Mi.

Mal.l's Ctuircli Hall this evening tn 111.1 1m arauitentcnis entertaining; tho con-traternliy ou lh night of I't-Jtiiiry lt. A popular talc is the annual clearance of Sheffield and quadruple plated silverware at U'isner'a The great showcases know but one law, and that is the law of expelling ALL contents at the end of the season, even though the wares are all new, fresh goods, less than sixty days from the maker. Winner's clearance sales are remarkable in their value for little money. To-day we name some of the Meat Clatters: llea-iilar Itidueed A 15-inch Flutter, rope edge $8.50 A 17-itich Platter, rope edge $12.25 1.I7 A 17-inch erapo pattern border $15.90 11.H2 A 20-inth shell border (pattern $19.25 14.41 An 18-Inch well and tree, crape. $2.1.25 17.44 A 20-inch well and thread edge $24.50 The above items are all Sheffield Plate.

No wares on approval; no exchanges. COURT NEWS IN BRIEF. The Court, of Appeak calenrior for to-day t. Nop. 1-', 101, CI, 13.

The Appellate lUvhlon cnlendar Mr today Is: Nn. XI, VJS, 51, Ho, 14ti. Jiisil-i) l'oole' trial Nop. aiT trliili. XK, I'7.

vri; Thurp'lny, Xo. 1S2, 'Jt, itn, iV.i, irru, ms. Art Inn- Ware w.i gUey a mnllot of diiin.i!is ugaumt Clurlc It. yosteril.iy In an nellon to remver for Injnrle Mlli'g'sl lo hato biiea riv-clved iliroiiglt liU wagon PeliLK slriek by iho i1i fnlanl'ii an. tlH'UIIS.

The Teoy anepeot hold John I'riwser, alleged murderer of Anient liiliui, win aeon lillil by Jnliu of I'erintoii, who anld lie aomevhat resiniObst Uiiiiii-liuw'a funnel- employee, Tho Appellale III tat mi heard arguiipnl jeaierda.Y of Hie appeal of tin' Hililk-ii Conipiiny from a vi rdli for Hie death of Aiunni lielliva, li i nan killed while working Hie dormiilntit iiir)i my tu inusiriuUou uf th UutTjT'McJj-licrucy building. A Night with Burns. Conceit ami ball in Convention Hall, Jan. iilh, under tho auspices of Clan MoN'utighton. All tirst-clsss talent to Inks part.

Tickets, mid 'Possum Succeeds the Teddy Bear. It is host to any good-by to the Teddy bear. The opossum seems, to be the aiureasor. The old-faNhioneil lnger bier of the American Brewing Company 1 comparatively new beer on the market, yel it is surpassing all other in popularity. The iiiisner is qua lily.

The Oshuin House, No. IfU Hoiitli avenue, is the only first-class AnicrlcHii plnn hotel in this Htr. Ion rooms with hot ami cold running wnler, 'r day; 60 rooms with baths, and ei day, Crouch, proprietor. lection upro itnicn etijio'i-d. Mr.

HenryCWisnerGmpany Stat and Church 3rt3 Is the ti iinr at Hi. I'tinl a Kidscopul Clitiri li lb nan Htm a i hnnu that i Bintrcdut- ed ty hi bnarcra..

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