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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 38

Rochester, New York
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S3 ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AXD CHRONICLE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1921. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 4 Energy of Electric Plants9 Generators Equal to Light VUTED HENRY J. KLEE 15t East Mais St. Radiated by Immense Stars coxTmrn mom Ktatlnn 2, at Commercial street and Ilrown's rice, 1 a near bydrsulk: station Business May Be Encouraged When It Cannot Be Forced tha Middle Fall and that riven it by of compart design. Although It Nature In the Indian lake like Coiiesua occupies only one-tifteenth of th floor spare of th former station on that site, BU AutM I1M tw CHILI GARAGE, Inc.

509 Chili Arena H. X. (iaJUgher, JUr. tterafs mil Hepsl'11. AerVnriH, l.ssi.llse SIM) OH.

Art Vuir Hrrrlr4'll Vs, it ha twice th hydraulic-producing ra parity of Ita predecessor, tbia now amounting to 5..100 horsepower. On th st side of thn river near Cen tral avenue is station 4, a hydraulic and transforming station with generative rapacity of liorsepoa er. Station 1, and Honeoye which feed W. With It present equipment, tha lighting company ran general aboi.t 123.tKX,0(J kilowatt- lour power inauilly. Storage Plana Outlined.

Rochester in a favored eity the development of Jt Water-power resource, (treat a It rorewul oikly fractional part of it possibilities. It I with a Jrriiilit vision of the future, future in mIiHi Rochester ii rrrtsio to heroine a lrgr and more important mu a substation in Leighton avenue, trsns forms elei-trlc current for msnufactor ing purposes snd siso to send out to town far to the north end east a TOIStl OATHS GENESEE HOTEL Turkish Bath 11.25 Room $1.25 Room and TuritUh Bath $2.00 TURKISH BATH SI North Hlshugh SlreeL Kst. Rochester. Webster, Wokott nd Red Creek. It has rapacity of nicipality and in which use of electricity will etnv nd esfeod.

that the engi Iimm-power. tat ion 'Jn, on the west side neer of Uie lighting company hr ur 'eyed and outlined development of the (enesee a water power rewourcea which will barnr uie rirer so It mint giro tha maximum amount of it generative 'We are more optimistic regarding the future every day; we see the time is at hand to plan for business with and courage. We believe that greater blessings and stable prosperity are just around the corner. The faith of the Central Bank in our country is such that we freely offer money to all who have established a line of credit here. Your account, be it large or small, is invited.

We pay interest on special accounts. Cms Wiring and Fixtures Now In tha quiet period before tha Sprint building begins, 1st ui glva you an estimate on wiring your old or new bouse. You will surprised tha (mall coat. Miller Drug St Electric Co. 220 and 222 Mala St.

Watt tl MAIM MM 4 STONE Op F-vsnlngs of (j raves street, generates electric energy of ilOO horsepower nd furnish" team to sdjscent building. Htation 34, steam-generating plnnt on the east side of the river at the Smith street bridge, generate l.OoO horsepower and baa a transforming capacity of 7,500 horsepower. Htation 33, in LitrbQeld street near C'snsl street, is a powerful unit, bsving a trsmiforming capacity of horsepower and a ateam-generiting rapacity of 300 horsepower. It cre for th needs of many West Sid Industries. The company transform to tttiO volt for treet rilwjr use and th feed linn leading out to residential district and factorie carry volt.

Th underground cslilp Is copper v. Ire n-rssed In a lesd pipe. Mnny- Miles of Copper. Should Rochester ever be burled like Pomnrli ami centuries hence be evca- energy. Their plan Include three other bug nl costly development beiride the on already made at th Lower Kill.

Theae ra the construction of big dam at I'ortage, the placement of another dam at I'ortage, the placement of another dam at Mount Morris and tha construe-Hon of a tunnel wbli-h will carry the water of the river from the Court streot dam for delivery at a plant at the western bane of the fall at Central arenn. ftne who hue paid a casual mi to Teirhwnrth I'rk probably would re'll th high gorge of the river there nd jump to the conclusion that a dam could lie built there with no fremendoii outlay of money. Hut a dam across thia gorge would lie futile in result. Heal river d. velnpuiuit at I'ortage would mean tJitt vated, the diggers will uncover a fhn louly rich copper mine in the conduit systems of the lighting eompsny.

There sre 1.197 miles of underground cshls la the city. 1.014 mile of subwsy dust, niilra of overhesd wires, street ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE MEN WANTED Twa liva electrical applianca mn to tell tha Laundryalla rlothsi waskar and 5wper-Vae claanar en atraifht commission ban. An es-callant opportunity for producer to maka good monay. Sea Manager of Appliance after 5 P. M.

LAUBE ELECTRIC CO. 338 Eaat Main. construction of a dam many foot high on the brink of the fpper Fall, Such dam would bark up the rirer for miles, creating a huge reserve pondage, while dam in tha gorge would only fill th gorge and establish minor It ha been estimated that a dnm at I'ort II il sre lamps, 0,012 treet Incandescent Ismps and a of shout 35.000 electric consumers. Large construction snd re-pelr force sre constsntly at work. Storms plsy hsroe with th system St time and the linemen and electric expert work feverishly for hour out in Ia h1 th anltrrM nf age would coat to 12,000,.

Wat 000. Another Immenia Reserve. The proposed dam at Mount Morrl would brk up the water to the Portage dnm, thn rreiting another immense re-nerve of water. Station would be built 1. f.

t.1- I- I. I I trouuie and repair n. irmiore is nunni hack almost instantaneously to the stations snd few minutes And the troupe men on the job. It is bsxsrdom work, often times, hut the men engaged in it love It romnce. revrl In it its battle.

Everything I done to protect them. Rubber gloves are inspected carefully st the compsny's laboratories at frequent Intervsls snd safety mechanisms snd measure sre in use throughout OF ROCHESTER Main, Corner Exchange Street Wilder Building Deposits made on or before Feb. 3 draw interest as of Feb. 1 "The Realty Mws" Ask for our new listing tingle and double houses, apartments, for ial. All Investigated and honestly reported WM.H.

GORSUNE Granite Building Seoa 3362 lOCHEaTEi 1 at the not of each of these dam and their generated power would be ent over tha wire under high tension to Rorh-eter for transforming into current for Industrial, railway, borne and itreet lighting una. A dm at Mount Morri would cvwt about I7.0li0.000. It la estimated. Theee two great dam would connerve a largo part of th flood water of the rirer and th reeerre could be fed downitream during the periods when the rirt-r low to give a continual hydraulic rnervy equivalent to mora than 80,000 horsepower, or more tlian five time that available now. the system.

History of Illumination. The history of electric illumination In Rochester dates bark to hebrusry 2.1, 1SS0, when few hold and Intrepid Investors with faith in the new light msde from electricity formed snd incorporsted the Rochester Electric Light Compsny Th third development, that of the tunnel, I possible hy the joining togeth er of all the water rinht owners on the 1 II sTs.Cwtjfc A Johnson Seymour, Carroll I'itzbngh Itrown'a and Kant rres and the con truetioa of Wie proposed tunnel and erection of one la re power plant next the city. At the lakeside it Is lighting to sliition at Central avenue, Activity Craataat Building activity and Real Etat development 1 the city it jut commencing on tha Charlotte Boulevard. Let ua hew you a homo, a cottage, or building ita where value won't coma down. Ccpsny 609 Ellwanger-Barry Bldg.

with theae great water power develop. homes, cooking light lunches and creating eomforta for cottages sll the way from tnnuta viaualised by the engineers at fn Sodus to Msnitou Reach. Canandaisus. tnre neressitlee for the welfare of Roch Red Creek, Hilton and the village ou the ester, the executive of the lighting com to generate and distribute current for rc tamps. Popular fancy was so taken with this arc light, more brilliant than previous forms of llluminstlon, that another group of Investors came into the field and oresnized on July 23.

1SS1, the Rrush Electric Compsny, -which operated with the Rrnsh are light generator and lamp. Edison hsd developed his Incandescent type of Ismp to a point where Its possibilities looked unlimited In the next few years snd on April 23, lrt, the Edison Electric Illuminating Compsny was formed here. This new compnny Introduced the electric motor and its clesnli-ness, economy snd sdnptabiliry to all power use brought thia concern a grow, ing and enviable business. During the next six years, th three eompanjei supplied the electric needs of the city. 'Appreciation of the waste of competition such ss duplicste extensions brought pny believe that Greater Rochester will outer circle of the power district center-big Rocheater electric plants are sll drawing the-vitalising current of their require more electric power and that fur tlier development1 of eteam-generatlng civic and industrial life Irom here.

In the factories electricity is playing plant will be necessary. Water Saves Money. a nig part in the development of the arts. iou find electric welding, electrolysis, At station 3, the visitor ha seen coal electric furnace and many of it art 1 Ov A being burned to make steam which gen growing in vogue. More and more elec triclty from central energy station and rate electric power to licht the eity, rnn -street ear and vitalise Industrial mschines.

At station 5 he hns watched the wtr of the Genesee pouring Thomas i'awger, superintendent of "What a Beautiful Lighting Fixture!" "Where can I get it? What will it cost How will it look in my dining room, or living room Is it the best light for my home the lighting company electric department, predicts that the next few decades through turbines, their energy grsdunt will find electricity lighting snd heating ing in more electric power to send out. over tihe gret radiating feed wires of nil Rochester homes, running the factories snd doing score of thing now the system. He ha pictured here the (ienesee river winding for H5 mile done crudely in other ways. a -Tltania Bebekah Lodge. through wterhed, or catchment roe.

Thing I Do Rudolph A. Gutfrucht, 913 C. of C. Bldg. "Year of Knowing How." Titanla Rebekah Lodge will hold Its about the consolidation of the three companies on August 4.

1S02. Into the Rochester Oss and Electric Compsny. Histofy Kepeats Itself. HMory repeated Itself, true to form. Two other competitor cme into the field, the Citiscns' Gss snd Electric Company on October 4, 1W2, snd the Munlc-ipsl Oss and Electric Company on January 8, These two companies merged their interests on June 7, 11102, snd preceded through a rather tempestuous csreer to a destruction of their plant by fire snd purchase and consolidation with the Rochester Ga and Electric Company on Slay 23, 1904.

A short time afterward, a new group of men with next regular meeting at No. 00 State Includlnir tortuous trihutaries, of 2.A4H square inilns. a flnsliy stream which grows over night from lary. trickling brook to a turbulent river. He bejrfn to faintly appreciate what Roreter street, on Thursday evening, at which time a class o( candidates will be in Our salesman is going to call on you, to answer itiated.

Considerable routine snd other owea to the fertile valley south of it HI next visit i to ttion 33. at Klm-wood avenue and the Lehlsh Valley Rail STUDENTS road track. There he find a third kind broad vision and wide knowledge of th business is to be transacted. The officers snd members of the staff are requested to wear white. 915 Broken Lots $20 In suits and overcoats that formerly sold at 130 and $40.

Gentlemen, we have just msde one lot of them and yon may take your choice for $15 snd f20 only, your money bark if not satWied. Acme Sales 05 Main St, one flight up. light and power business affiliated themselves with the industry, bringing in the much-needed capital thst made the ex tensions of service Rochester required possible. Adv. The Rochester Railway and Light every question you want to ask about the new Welsbach Semi -Indirect Gas Bowl He will explain this new delightful method of home lighting, so free from glare and dark shadows, just restful radiance everywhere.

He will also explain our special introductory offer, continuing for only a short time, and making it easy for every home to secure at least one of these beautiful modern lights. This Special Offer Is: Company wa formed to tske over the of electric production, that of transformation. The layman ha heard of transformer and their work with titanic voltage, stepping it up and down. He looks forward expectantly to a trip through tills largeet transforming station in Rocheeler. He Is most disappointed.

Transformer Very Prosaic. He finds a transformer to be a very prosaic thing. All he see is a great Iron esse. Perhaps if he could split it open sml look down in its grcitt rolls he might be more im pressed. As if is, he comfort himself with the thrill that the nine gisnt transformers in the station sra taking a current of volts from the transmission line from Niagara Fall snd transforming it to a current of Rochester Gas snd Electric Company Special Notice ARK XOW BEISifl REGISTERED FOR THE EIGHTEEN WEEKS' COURSE IN TECHNICAL OPTICS BEGINNING JANUARY 3 1ST TOR IVKOHMATIOX ArTLV TO THE Rochester School 1 of Optometry Office of tha Dean, 38 South Washington St.

and two small companies, the Central To sll mem-bers of It rick la Maons' Light Bnd Power Company and the Roch snd Plasterers' X'nion No. It. A specia 1 meeting Is to be held in our hall st 77 ester Light snd Tower Company, which sprang into existence in 1S93 and 1003, Ms in street west, Thursday next, Febrnsry 3d, st 7:30 P. M. John Geiss, respectively.

Many Things Done Cheaply. To-day In Rochester for one cent's president Adv. The Kerr School of Ta.nclng, 104 East avenue. Dancing Tuesday snd OOt) volt for use in Rochester and ita neighboring town. The transformers are worth of electricity ons can burn a 25-watt lamp for five hours, or toast ten slices of broad, or iron six handkerchiefs, two towels and two pillow esses, or run c-aturday.

Beginners' class Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Private lessons. With Next 6 Cat Bith When Inttalled $3.75 $3.50 Stone 4.44. Adv. Creamery Butter Lower.

Best quality, delicious creamery but tor for only 60 cents per pound at Rocn ey's, 7 Front street. Adv. s-s-s-s-s GOOD SHOES sn electric piano for one hour, or raise a five-passenger elevator five stories a minute, or raise ten tons ith an electric crane twelve feet high, or make four cups of coffee In an electric percolator, and do many other things st a cost which would have been laughed at ss impossible a few years sgo, Industrie are using fifty per cent, of the company's lond, which amounted to 103.0H0.000 kilowatt-hours in 1020. Street lights consume about 8 per cent. Twenty per rent, goes to do tilled, or insulated, with oil, which is cooled by water coil.

The losa of energy caused by stepping down the voltage is absorbed In this cooling oil. The energy loss amounts to GOO horsepower an hour. Much Niagara power bss been purchased by the lighting company in past yeara, much more than now. The maximum amount was bought in 1012, when fhe -'Niagara lad as as high a horsepower. 1 luring the war the Niagara circuit wa so heavily taxed by" war Industrie that Rochester was asked to supply it ith sddrtion! power.

In 101S the power plnnt of the company sent Card of Thanks. Don't miss this unusual opportunity. If our salesman doesn't call on you, soon, telephone Bell Main 3960 Home Stone 3960 Or, stop in and see the fixture, lighted, in our salesrooms. wish to thank the many kind friends snd neighbors for flowers and kind expressions of sympathy received That' the only, hind that find a place en our (helve and wa ell them during our sad bereavement. Children iS 1 1 mestic use.

of the late Timothy Sullivan. Electricity generated st the plant AT FAIR PRICES Mysterlou Dance Music. th lighting compsny 1 now playing a tremendous part in Industrial, street and home life and the very future of the city depends upon the water-power develop flisck to Nisgars loads up to horKopower, so it may be said that Roch First time in Rochesterof course, it' Smith's "Ianc Csstle." 81 St. Tsui. ester supplied power for war Industries as far west as Niseara Falls, Tower Is ment of the Gnee snd extension of We have jut received a shipment of Coodycar electric service.

The surrounding vil lages, cities and towns sre also drawing the vital current from Rochester plants ROCHESTER Gas and Electric Corporation 34 Clinton Avenue, North sgain being taken from th Niagara lines as the company feels that, by this power, it conserves coal in time when coal is not plentiful. Power transformed at station 33 is fed out to the city's system, as far eastward as Canau-daigua, as far north Charlotte and westward to the Lincoln Park Industries. Every evening. Try it. Adv.

Secretarial Training. New classes it all departments sr being organised at the Darrow School of Business, 21S East avenue, to accommodate those whe bsve recently graduated. Many are beginning their work with ua on Monday, January 31st This is a good time to begin, snd if you are planning to take commercial work, why not enroll with thia group? Adv. waited hoe for men, in black and brown leather that aold last summer for $9.50, now priced at $5.95. Snyder's Shoe Store a 120 Weft Main St "Tela Bio- rolma trie." snd nndergoing great transformation.

Windmills no longer dot the horizon in Irondequolt. About 250. electric motors sre now operating In that township, driving pumps for gardens and greenhouses, feed grinders snd other machinery, running lights in homes and barns, changing the whole complexion of the neighborhood and giving the comforts of the city to country life. Increasing Realty Values. ESleetrleity from Rochester is raising the productivity nf lands snd greenhouse Other Electric Station.

The other electric station of the eompsny all have their Interest Station 6, in South Water street, a comparatively new station built around a century-old flour mill, ha a transforming eapsdty of 20,000 horsepower and a hydraulic generative capacity -of 200 horsepower. Fifty per cent of tha power running the street railway come out of this station. Provident Loan Society. F. A.

Phillips, manager. 31 Exchange street, cares for loans on diamonds, jewelry and household furniture, with th privilege of monthly or weekly payments. Before borrowing a-" am of $300 or less, rontult us. Adv. s-s D.

C. "WANTS" BRING RESULTS and Increasing their reslty value, making, most prosperous and happy environ toi iLT tnr Kent cards tor sal at Jea erst and Chronicle oBc..

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