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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 14

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


E. WILL APPLY TO COMMISSION NEXT WEEK. In an ordinary reciprocating engine, when the engine passes the "dead eentera" there is a momentary slackening in the angular velocity and a slight variation in voltags generators, inpereeptible to tha naked eye but faithfully recorded by delicate electrical measuring apparatus. The angular velocity of the turbine is constant and these variations are avoided. Another feature is the condensing arrangements.

The steam holds no valve oil or other deleterious substances, thus making it possible, after the steam haa been ttaed, to return It to the boilers aud use it over and over again. These are some of the reasons why the Rochester Railway and Light Company decided to nsa a ateam turbine In preference to other forms, but there Is another, much more important reason, the capacity possessed by the turbine for carrying an overload. The normal capacity of the present equipment will be approximately 4.000 horse power, but by regulating tha admission of ateam to the turbine, the carrying capacity of the equipment can 001 TO-HPW The Day Has Arrived When You Must Break Away from the Old Clothes and Make Your Appearance in Something New and Nobby. Te point out the way and you cannot make a mistake In the name or number. We Show You How to Get what you need in the swellest In all the land.

We offer free choice of the largest in town at absolutely cash prices and you name your terms. a are as welcome here as in own home. There are no iiO PIPE WW OF FOUR THOUSAND HORSE POWER That'a the Normal Capacity, but It Can be Doubled Machine to be Delivered in October In Commission In November 150 Tons Tha Rochester Railway and Light Company ia about to add a normal capacity of 3.II00 kilowatts, approximately 4,000 electric horae power, to ita atenm atntion, the plant that atanda on the river tints at the foot of Furnace street and a short distance above I'latt atreet bridge. The addition will be by mean of a atenm turbine direct connected to a 3.000 kilowatt three-phase alternating-current generator, for which tlie contract has already been given. Some Men of the importance of the addition may he gained, from the fact that the increase in the normal capn-diy of the stntloa will be 300 horse power more than can be developed at the.

new Middle Falls station when all of the machinery the latter la planned to hold has beep installed and la, working at ita highest efficiency. Steam engineering practice is fendng toward the turbine, according to mechanical engineers, becaime of the difference in the initial cost per horse power, the com-parativly small space occupied by turbine, and the better mechanical design. Formerly, engines had a reciprocating mo-lion, which made them expensive to operate, to say nothing of the trouble required to keep them In order, together with lost motion and friction. In turbinea there ia atraighl rotative morion, wirh no lost motion and no appreciable friction. Makes lor Economy ot Space The new 'equipment, which appears: to the layman to be one machine, tins a diameter at the base of 13 feet 3 1-2 incliea, and a bright over all of 23 feet 3-4 inches.

When it is considered Ihnl the normal power of the equipment is 4.000 horse power, equivalent to the normal hprse power of about eight tnogitl freight locomotives, the great advance in Ihe econjmiisation of space alone that haa resulted from modern steam engineering practice will be readily seen even by th? laymen. The total weight of the turbine and generator will be about 130,000 pounds, made up almost entirely of cast iron, aiteel and copper. The contract for the turbine and generator been given t- the General Electric Company. The delivery ia to be made October Ut next, and about three weeks will be required in which to install machine after it arrives. It is expected that it will go idfito commission about November 1t.

While there are a few comparatively small ateam turbinea in this oi'y. this is the first large one to be ordered for installation here. To provide the atenm for the operation of the new equipment two large boiler having a capacity of into horse power each are now being Installed in the nation. Eltective Use ol Oil. The turbine and generator are horlion-tal, with the generator a short distance above the turbine, direct cmnected to the hitter on a vertical shaft.

One step-bearing supports the entire revolving or moviug parta of the equipment. turbine ia lubricated by oil forced between the two bearing plates hy a pressure sufficient to support the entire weight of the moving parts. Thus, all imposition of weight on the cylindrical bearings aim stiaft deflection are avoided, as well as nil differences due to Irregularity "f-pansion or imperfections of support. Tha result, it is claimed, is a turbiue of the most compact form and the greatest me-chniiical simplicity. When the turbine is In operation tha steam is admitted from the steam chest through orifices, nnd as it passes Into the turbine proper it expands and attains ve-locitv.

In tha steam chest the power of the steam ia potenuoal or latent, nut when It enters the turbine it become kinetic or active. Striking from the ei- nosiles, a t'uey are called, the active steam impingca upon the blades of the turbine, and, causing the latter to revolve, transfers to it the energy of the steam. Ordinarily. armature of a generator revolves and the field Is stationary, but iu the vertical turbines like thnt of the present one. the He'd revolves, while the armature reuinins stationary.

This is he-! cause the nrmatnre ia more complicated in methods of winding and requires stronger supports, while the field is of hut one convultion of wirs, permuting wir field to stand high rotative speeds. ans" tied on to our free to offer. Come to the Old Reliable Credit House straight goods and a square Come where you know you right Clothes at the right and a liberal easy credit will protect you in sunshine storm. You your KtW YOBK BROOKLYN TIOY AMSTERDAM SYRACUSE ROCHESTER -If" 11 Jj fJcT zSt Now I ahead. Just Just Clothes you the stock store own IT'S "ifs or all credit for deal.

get the prices, that or in inniBiiuiijjiiy I A Mutual Help. If a great many people buy Coal and take it in the summer months they will not only save money, but greatly help the railroad situation of the country next winter. Churchill Unglhh 108 Mt. Hope Ave. It Pays to Use Good Paint on your house, because it wears so much longer than cheap Paint.

A trial of Moore's Pure House Colors will demonstrate that they are both satisfactory and economical. They are made of the best ingredients, well -mixed, and in our long experience with them we have never had a serious complaint. We do not hesitate to recommend them to our customers. J.G.LultwIeler&Sons 14 twin AvMut, Opptiitt Cotk't SwMitw Phu 117 tNaMt1tT Jamestown Exposition I Norfolk, Va. I Excursion Fares via I New York Centra! nd West Shore Railroads May 1st to Nov.

30th I Apply to Tickst Agnt tor full particulars Ml Wortn ai Every Turn. rork Loins ForoiiiaiiPr Veal Mnduuarter Veal Sugar Cured Ham allfornlH Ham Broakfnl Fnron Salt Pork Cork Sausage Lard, 5, 5, 10 Hi palls, per lb. Best Creamery Buttor am Tomalofs 4 I nn Corn 7 Toilet Taper 12e 8e He He He lc 10-18C 10c 11c SrfC A. Perrez Grocery and Heat flarket 141 143-145 Main St. Waal 2-4 6 8 South Washington St.

Both 'Phonos FACTORY ON THE PREMISES Wn are in a position to make any any kind. style, or ahape lens thai i known to-day In the optical profession. Broken lenses replaced and repairs made with the grentest possible speed and accuracy. Perfection in everything neeesnnry for your eye needs. EMPIRE OPTICAL CO.

29 Clinton Ave. South Middle Sloro Becklay Bldg. SPECIAL ATTENTION Is jflven by our EXPERT. OPTICIAN to the examination of the eye and the fitting of glasses accurately to the requirements of all cases entrusted to him. TRY TMH "SO EASY" Eyeglasses for real comfort and complete satis-fectinn.

The Poller Truss r.TiTTi matt aaat at hire a. TAtta-tlS MM( atlS FITUOSY IXntTS ve ItAKLISS ELASTIC HOSIERY Tat tatirt aaatraa if taaaia II a matt Intwlaat aalat. tl awtaa av araiaura at at ia-nt, aa (kaMt at taa katta ana teat rtaatta tar Hit waarar. Atduwlnal tupportart, Shaula'ar tVaeat, Cafarntliy Appttncat, Spinal Curvatur Jaotila, tH mid ni l.t!d a.aaiura. KERMAN S1UR ARCHES 'rttattaat.

Wr Imifa tka mt, aiianatkm tka taatw a kikka Oaraa Bl aar mt. ataHtuMATiiM. tiag roa raiATttt. "Walfceasy" Artitlclai Lug Con-binr with their conttruction all tha laitu imrtmnt with comfort and durahilitv. SEND POR CATALOOUE.

PRES. GEOHSE FULLER Iilaat5r Entrnc IS Sout), Avenut. Rsclur Iraneh Facwriti: Buflala. Boaton. Philadilohia' RESORTS Luxury in Traveling to all pnlnta to THIS, LOCI uufomii Two train sack way evirj day.

tatret equipment i all-burnlBg loesnatlvea. SOUTHERN PACIFIC tnaulra III W. Wathingma Syractiaa, NY. i I WBPoint Out tfieway be sure you're right, then go MAY is, iwi MAT 1, 117 ft JAM -J (- JAN -ft-M 3 TA.H BAK 1 5pm. 4P.M.-- I JP.M.-H ttMIO 1 SB L.

71) 4 I- A) Cm I 111 Itwo TO-DAY'S DOINGS. City HallMeeting of BoHl ot Education, 4 V. M. nt Ulah 8rhooUr)flMt by K.ilt High Sdiool anil High School for Amherst Cup, 8 P. M.

RpvnoHi I.lhrnry Mfctlng of Rochster luiKlnwrln Hoolfty, 8 P. M. Alumni (gymnasium I'nlvvmlty of Boi-hei-tor clan of ltfttt In "itnahed," P. M. THKATKKS.

I.yteum Theater All week, randevlll; today, aod 8:10 P. M. National Theater All week, National Thea. tr Ktork Compnne "The Power ftehlnd tlia Throne;" to-day, 8:15 P. M.

linker Theator-AII week, Theater Stink Cnnipany In "In Dnrkent;" to-duy, 2:1) P. M. Cook Opara Hose--AII week, Tatiderllle; today, and P. M. ENGINEERS INDORSE ACTION OF THE MAYOR Approve of Stand Taken with Reeard to Charter.

Rochester local of the International Tnlon of Steam Kuglueera haa adopted Uia following reaolutluna, a copy of baa been r-crlred hy tJie Mayor: We, the niemlien. of the International t'nlon of Hleain Knglueeti, l.oi-ul II, of In memliin uBicnihl -il on May 14th, adopted ill followlug Wheri'aa, note by the pupera of May Htli, of the atand our honorable. Mayor, iillt-i, took at the special meeting of Hit Cbamlier of t'omiuerca called for tile of illKciiMlng til barter for the rlty of Itenolveii, lhai indorM the Hon. Jamea G. fuller for the mauly m.unl l.iken by I in In Uelwilf of the.

ilty and hla nppoal-Hon to thpw who hare no other Interwi but corpor.itac wealth and polttl.l and i It further ltesoivcil. Thnt a eny of the.e renolutlmia be forwarded to the Hon. Junea u. Culler, and a copy gheu to the il.ll ires. WILSON TROPHY COMPETITION Report ol Battalion Inspector ol Small-Arms Practice.

Membera of the Ktret Separata Company hava receded with a good deal of lntereal tha report of the luapector of auiall aruia practice of tha Second Battalion, allowing tha landing of the tlirea couipanlea In the nat-talUm, which competed Tor 1 He Wllaou f.oi by on tha Indoor range. This trophy which waa competed for for the aeason of lttt.7, la awarded to Company 11, iu Klrat Separata Company, wblcb will hold it until May 1, Tha membera of the company aay that thla la not, nuver, the Hat time that they pinpo to win ilia trophy. The report of iiitt'H J. V. Wllaon, the-battalion auwU.irma practba hows that the First Separata onuauy bad a good lead orer Its iist umreat foinpetitor In ahootlug f.r liia The taljle tra-pared by Ueutenant Wllawt la aa follow Klr Sejraie Couipiiiy -Aggrexate nture of merit tor January, February ami tin, rapid ttra ttgurl ot merit, total, lilghlh Separate Cmnpni Acsicgata Aguni of merit for January, l-Vbniarr ai llg'ita of merit, "l.ltS; lotal, SI Thirty fourth tliluie of merit, (or feiinavy and March.

rapid-lira figura of u.cnt, 1J IW: total. 2.k Knrty-aerentli Separata Company Not competing. It ia probable that thla trophy will he turned over to the Flint Separate Company and presented to the organlaatlou formally next Monday night liy Colonel William Wll-aonot the Third Rpglnwnt of the National tioard, who will up here from C.eneva for thla pinpoae. There will be a concert by an orrlietra from 45 to 8:15 at the Armory neit night, followed by drill and the reception of the Wilson trophy, and this will be followed by dam lug. Thla parly wlii be coin- having arranged by ho nienibeia of the First Separate Company for i their friends.

ELECTRIFIED ERJEWSES CURRENT Leak Causes Temporary Suspension of Trolley Service. Trolley ears have not keen In operation hot wren' litis city M- Mrri on the electrified portion of the Krie, since M'cilneKtlay. when the current ami-ili-nly failed. The interruption came ah.o-ilr nfiar noon, leavinff ho CATS help less between ntationa. Iicomolivea were adit out to tow the caw to the end of their in its.

Expert electrician were aent out on the ll it noasihle. the liVlt'-in of the leak. 'Hie leak hail not been di- rovered up laat night. i ne ejerinr aorvice wa begun Sunday la', and will pe resumed aa anon aa the Irak ia repaired. Wanted in Schenectady.

H. S. Miller, wanted lu Schenectady on a charge of grand lnrceny, waa taken hack to that city yesterday by a detective. It rlaimed that Miller aolrt a machine after he was discharged from the aervica of the While Sewing Machine Ompany ami collected S'Jfl payment. coFrTnews in brief.

Supreme Coait calendar for today: Noa. 46. Ti. S3 1-2. tT, 1, 1M, 41, A3, 134.

Appellate Hlvtoion calendar for to day: N'oj, 8A 2, 4S. 1211 2. Motloua: No, ft, 10. 12. 14, 2d, 28.

A Terdlct of for tha plaln'lff broaght In by a Supi-eme Court Jury yester day morning lu tn caae timer san an-dale agatuat Homer Knapp. Tha plaintiff aued to teiwer damage for Injurlea In falling from a naffoMlng whlla he was In the employ of the defendint, who a contractor. The action of Andrew lea! against tiie, Rochester. Syracuse F.aafem Railroad Company la on trial In Civil Term of Supreme Court before Jnatto- llllam W. Clark.

'ihe which haa Keen tried before. I brought to ravar dsraigea for trea-pA and the deatruct'on of a 8na trea on the pretnlaea of the plaintiff. i i i I i I HEARING EXPECTED NEXT MONTH Last May Not Come Until Fall-Grading Not Expected to Begin Until Next Year, and Laying of Rails a Year Later NewEngland Wakens Th Buffalo, Rochester Eastern Railroad Company will go before the Stat Railroad Commission next week with a request, for the commission to appoint tha date for the first hearing on Ihe application of the company for a certificate of public necessity and convenience. Where the first hearing will he held Is not known, but in view of the fact that Troy will be one of the terminals, and all but on of the directors are Massachnsetta men, It Is believed that the hearing will ha held in Troy or Albany. Ordinarily, tha initial hearing is held in the headquarter city, which, in the present case, is Rochester.

But In view of the fact that the company does not Intend to open office in this city for some time, perhaps not until fall. It is not likely that the hearing will be held here. The fact that the company haa selected Rochester as Its headquarter ha cauaed much remark in railroad cire'es. It Is not usual for a railroad company of the importance the promoters say tha Buffalo, Rochester Eastern will be to slect an intermediate city rather than on of It terminals or eXw Vork for it headquarters. "Why did your company select Rochester for its headquarters?" was asked of Secretary A.

D. Hobinson, of tha R. when he was in the city last wrek. Most Convenient Point. "We thought it was convenient, and th best situated city for the purpose, being almost a half-way stop." "But other railroads, like tha say that It would be more convenient for them, in many ways, if their headquarter were in New York, or Buffalo, or Pittsburg.

The same I true, of every other important road in the conntrj. Th fact that you have chosen Rochester has caused much remark among railroad men." "Those railroads are capitalized from New York," Mr- Robinson said. "Our capital, aa our certificate of Incorporation show, will come from Massnchttsetta, and there is no reason for us to have an office iu New York." Aa the plan of the New York, New Haven Hartford for the absorption of the Boston Maine develop, the belief gTows among railroad men in this section of the state that th R. A E. i a part of those plans.

The prevailing opinion is that when the proper times arrive the Buffalo. Rochester Eastrn project will be used as a lever In furthering fha plan of the New Haven road to attain the ends its is reaching after. It is hnown thnt the New Haven i after th Boston Maine, and the indications are that It will get it within a reasonable time. Deal On with Stockholders. There has been no conference or action by directors of either rod, far a known, but negotiation ar said to be pending between individual owners of Boston Maine stock and representative of the New Haven.

It ia claimed that owners of one-third of th Boeton Main stock have individually given their assent nnn.nrehensive nlans" which in volve the development of the New Haven and the Boston Maine a a jn'nt system, the burden of financing and development to be borne by the New Haven. It is figured among railroad men thnt when plans reach a certain point, the opposition of the New York Central will be auch that a wnr between the New York Central ami tne n'm suit, and that in (he Buffalo, Rochester Eastern, the New Haven will have a proposition with which to prevent any such war. or, if the war comes, to render the New Haven independent of the New York Central. If the K. la or is Intended, eventually to be a Vw Haven property, it is likely to be built with more speed t'hnii anv other road, steam or electric, that has ever been constructed tin state.

But the date when grading may be begun is dependent largely tipou the hearings before the State Rnil-oad Commission If the first hearing held in June, which is probable, it is likely, if determined op-position develops, tbat the last will not I held until late in the fan. wmcn grading will not iff begun until next spring. It i. not likelv that rails will be laid unit toe spring of assuming that the road is to be built. They're Taking Notice.

That people In New England are recov ering from their trance and ar beginning see what is to them a new light rela-iive to the Buffalo. Roch-ater Ac Eastern, is hhown bv the following dispatch: North Adams. Mas. M.y 1 VorV'lUnUrdnd the Me Is ndauced that vlih Bulla. o- 1 nronoaed Irctr'theT 1 RtC.lwais Company, the New lork, le Hav'n ilartfonf.

holding companr 1 fo. the operation of siner railway line's. of the bultlr Ot R.rV.hlre street railway aud eVo 'Massachusetts at wlii-1 Is President Mellea. of tb Nw Haven road, one of the frjnootjr. of th.

riso director of th. Consolidated Ka.t- we'1 As the Fltrhbuv dlrWoti of th. Bst" I I Trnv. which Is to b. eastern terminal of the propose new a.l the Vew York.

New Haven Hart-fonl In control of the Kttchbnrg dtv dsloa nf Ihe linr irvna he provided with facilities for transporting freiaht direct from tha West to New tog-lend points. Big Bargains in Trunks On the Four Corners. Three Hundred Thousand Roll of wall paper at one-half ih pric that is printed on the back of sample nd made tip-In books, oBered for sal oy agents and canvassers who sr II wall paper our tore and save 50 per cent on your wall paper bills. lO.iHtO rolls Vf IS-inch jilt to match ingrain paper at 10 cent per roll. Geo.

Weldon Company, 113 East Main street, between St. Paul and Water afreets. Through New York Sleeper Via Lehigh Valley. Daily S. V.

iL be increased 100 per hence, while the normal capacity of the equipment is 4,000 horse power, the actual capacity 8,000 borse power. LARGE CLASS FINISHES COURSE. Seventy-seven Pupils to be Gradu ated from West High School. Seventy seven young men and women will ba graduated from West High School late In June. Some of those who will receive dl- ploniaa did not enter with the June, class at the annex lu tha fall of 10U3, but passed the necessary examination In time to graduate last Juue February.

I lie claas officers are: President, Selden Hug brown; vice president, Alpha Jrieuxic; secretary, Marlon McLean; treasurer, Wilt C. Richards. The uietnbere have elected Stephens's drama, "The Contiueuutl Dnijjoou, for tha senior play, and It will be presented the ulght ot May 24tb, In the assembly hull. Tua receipts from till enlerulnmeut will be used by the clams lor tne purchaaa of gUt tu the aciiool, Uoublle statue. The coiu-uiltteea appointed tor cummeuiemcnt tt-all- I lies art; seuior play Theodore C.

iUxard, bi.lne manager; cdwiu auei1, properly uutuagtrr; iiatoiu tirvgory, euga uiuuger; rtuaiu iritu, auveiiMiiig uiauager. CIsm Day chairman; Alpha Munaie, iesle isUcher, Miller, Uauual buiym aua ercy i'uuuett. rlcuic liurt i. iUDcoiii. chairman: Olive Mathews, iialnerlua McCarthy, l'helpi, sua Harry Ltaiuou.

Koiign House Alfred Kane, chairman; urooks, Dorw McLursuey, wit-lard Douuy, KayuiottU Uiuders nul Hiliiaul L. Ktclurat. The members of the graduating claaa are: Unise C. Acker, Rose Marlon Acker, Henrietta Hurrowa Atinoge, toward T. Alter, Anna Frauc barr, jlauu nue: uaucr, Kurt C.

Baacuin, hatnerlue I baxler, Uohrer, Umt Henry Brandt, I lossle F. ttreehl, Selilou King drown, Ueorgc H. Carpenter, Myrtle Alice Chreaeuun, Margaret Clapp, Maoel Clunls, Ada Marie ilium Costello, Anna llalsell, Ktliel Cope-laud, Dorothy C. Crows, Harry H. Damon, Marcus 1'atil S.

Kuiersou, Hauls rxitelle Ferguson, Anna Marceha, F'lynu, John II. Foley, Oil Pearl Foster, Final Klliaheth Fowler, F.thel Doreefl, Frost, Raymond II. Fuller, Hoblna Julia Unite. Katharine l.oulse M. Justice, Auna J.

kalb, A ta-talde Louise Keeler, Fthel Marie Langslow, ticna T. lwler, Hele H. Luscher, Florence Retldlng, Fnituw Ktliel Robinson, William Sackett, Kvesia Frances Salter. Lowell W. Shields, Hamlet A.

Smyth, Albert M. Snacker, Alice T. Speer, Harrison Morton, S.irlnger, Adolph Slut'T, Harrison Carlyle Taylor, Mabal Margaret Thitle, lirace Ella Tattle. Ella Marlon Vanderlioiigh. Lois lreue Webber, Helen Kmla Williamson.

Rayinoiiil Landers, William C. Rb-hanta. Kathryn McCarthy, Doils McCresney, Marion M.icLean, Olive Muthaws, Alpha Mensle, Frances Edith Miller, Hanel Mllllgan. Frank H. Moody.

Sadie E. Morse. J. Alfred Kane, Favthe Lucretla Otttwuier, Nellie Fhelps, Richard Robert Iteldon Powell. Mary France prvor, Louise Ralsheck and Clara Rapp.

Examination tor Stenographer. i eiaminatinn for stenog raphers in the Monroe county service will be held in Rochester Juue tith. One of the positions to le filled i in the office of the superintendent of the poor at a salary of -V a month. The list will be certified for other positions in the county norvice as vacancies may occur. Full particulars of the examination.

may he obtained by addressing the State Civil Service Commission at Albany. Programme by Pupils. Tiauo and vocal music pupils of Fred A. Revnolils gave a recital last night in Mr Reynolds's studio in the Central build-in Those participating included Mie, Isalielle and tirace Line. Harriet F.rnie.

(irace Hartman. Mercedes Page. Lucille Tiper, Tniiline A. Reynolds, Florence Williams, I.uella Williami, and F.lizaoeth il-linms. of Fairport.

nnd Harold A. Keyn-old, and Jesse Webb. Alumni Association Reception. St. Mary's Alumni Association will hold Its annual reception next Monday at Haines Hall.

The committee in charge has completed arrangements and an enjoyable time is promised those who attend. is absent the members of the committee will work individually on various portions of the matter before them. Whether the committee will meet while he ia away. Mr. Cutler did not know last night.

Attorney Isaac Adler, a member of tin Evecutlve Committee, will investigate legal aspeo.s of the matter while Mayor Cutler is away. -We want to gi all these matters together," Mr. Cutler said, "and the com mittee will need a week or ten day more in which. prepare it report." Order Liberty." It's Best. Even though we to your home at rKtc a doien.

a rase, the same quality is not to be found in any other beer. 'Phone 1S5. the Blowing Company. R. P.

Sunday Excursion Fares. Senttsville, 40c: Mumfoid. I.e Roy. 75c; Pavilim. Wyoming.

Warsaw, Silver Springs, Perry, SI: Mount Morris. $1.10: Hornell, $2.1.1. Train leaves A. M. On the 4 Corners, A new trunk store.

Where Crowds Gather One may see many "Gard ner" suits, tha proper-fitting lines of which distinguish the wearers from their fellows and. at that, the "tlardinera" cct less than tha others. The Richard Gardner Store. No. f2 Stat atreet and No.

2T Main atreet cast. a a Whiskey 54.ll UTICa SCHENECTADY BINGHAMTON ALBANY n-r I AUBURN i.i.uU'iiu (vWk fLliUlSiUM nr I Special Sale Saturday, flay 18th A lare Bottle Executive Committee Will Report in AbmdTwo Weeks Now Gathering Information as to Value of Plants of Subsidiary Companies. j-l Rock Candy I Pure Rye I cBU-a(itaw An effective stimulant and an remedy for coughs and colds. It Is expected that the report of the Executive Committee to the CtminiittM of Twenty-five, appointed by the crs and stockholders of the I mted ates Independent Telephone Company, will be readv in about ten or two week. If ihe repor: of ihe Kxecutive Committee is accepied by th parent committee, as it undoubtedly will be.

a meeting of the bondholders and stockholders will be called afterward to receive and act upon the report. The Executive Cnmuiitiee has had a conference with Mr. Ferris and -Mr. Poole, of Vtica. the latter lxing the manager of the I'tica independent exchange, relative to the value of the property in Vtjca and points east of that city.

'ay-or Cutler said that while the committee had no powers in regard to any agreement and while neither Mr. Ferris nor 1 Mr. Pool "as authorised to make fer, the Executive Committee thought it was well to talk over value, especially ir should he decided later to dispose of the various properties. The Syracuse In- I dependent propertie. were also discussed.

Hoy R. McCanne, of the L. f- t. is iu the awurlng similar information relative to the company and properties in Indian in which the I S. I.

holds stock 'If it i decided to of these properties, Mayor Cutler said, the committee wants to have all possible information In ita possession in order to give intelligent advk- on the aub-jeot to the bortdhvdders. Mayor Cutler wilt leave today fog New York and Washington, but whlla ha 45c For This Sale Per Bottle Street E. aIn Free Delivery M. "SALZMAN 47 Main BeirFhon2071.

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