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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 21

Rochester, New York
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BATTLE ON THIS AFTERNOON 'bout time for new These and Other Details Made Public by Dr. Rush Rhees at Dinner of National Association of Motion Picture Industry. 7 fLLIANCE OF MUSIC AND PICTURES TO BE DEVELOPED IN FULLEST WAY rousers For the establishment of a sdiool of music George Eastman lias purrhaspd land in (Jibbs street valued at has aside $1,000,000 for construction cost and lias deposited an endowment fund of in the. Alliance Bank for main tenance and upkeep. Jn brief, Mr.

Hastman has provided more han for the promotion of the musical interests of the citr. as the old ones show wear These details were made public last night at the dinner of the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry at, the (icnesee Valley Club. Dr. TCusli Rhees, president of the I'niversity of Rochester, explained the scope and character of the undertaking. The school will be owned by the university i .1 i i i' Trousers for all occasions from vocation to vacation Any pair you select will be a splendid value at its price ana acnninisierea uy a special Kastman and the trustees of the Architects Are at Work.

Tin- building, the plans uf which arc now being drawn by Now York imd Rochester architects, will front foot nu Gibbs street from Hurrett alley Main street east and extend feet en street and feet Swan Mreet. There will be a power plant in Swan street to serve the building. The inrl.itpcts lire MeKim. Mead White, New York, and Gordon Kaelber, A.i this citv, wild It. I until.

The problem of correct acoustics will be in the lntnds of Professor Floyd II. Wat-Km. of the University of Illinois. Dr. Rhees explained that 'Mr.

Eastman's gift followed bis gilt to the uni-verslty of the Institute of Music in Prince street and the Rift of instilments to that school to be lent to public schools. The new school, which will be known as the Eastman School of Music at tile earnest request of the Board of Trustees of the university, will express the desire of Mr. Eastman to advance the musical interest and understanding of the people of this community. Motion pictures will be used us an ally to the advantage of both arts. Dr.

Rhees Give3 Details. Dr. Rhees said: "Mr. Eastman proposes to call in the mma or motion iiieiurcs his treat, enterprise for musical eduea- All fabrics all styles all sizes from makers who specialize in trousers UNION r.lOTHINC CO, "Rochester's Greatest Clothing Store" I CITY CHANGES ONLY COMMON COUNCIL CAN GIVE TRANSFER CHARGE PERMISSION. CUNNINGHAM'S VIEW Corporation Counsel Says He Will Fight Petition.

NEEDED, HAMILTON ASSERTS Street Railway President Reminds That Hundreds of Other Cities Are Paying Higher Pares Says Transfer Request Was Result of Grant to New York City Railways. Rochester will not pay 2 cents for a tntinfer without a desperate light. Corporation Benjamin B. I'liunlugliam Indicated this plainly yesterday. util such time a Hie Conuuou Council shall see ht to change the contract existing with the trolley company, It Is my duty to see that the eiistlng contract la maintained," said Mr.

Cunningham. It Is the belief of 'municipal authorities- tliat the decision the Court; ot Appeals to the effect that the Public Service Com mission lias no power to change the trol-lev company's contract with the city, applies to the application mude to the com mission Monday liy Harris, Beach, Harrl Matsoti, attorneys (or the trolley company, for a two-cent transfer charge. Improvement Deferred. James t' Hamilton, president of the New York State Hallways, made the following statement ou the suhject ye-itenlay "The application to the Public Service Commission made by the New York State Hallways for permission to charge two cents for transfers within the city of Hneli-enter Is the result of the recent order of Ihe eommls-lon granting the New York Hallways authority to charge two cents for transfers. "The conditions that this company Is fur-lug are Identical with those thut caused the commission to grant relief to the New York city cunipaily.

Tor some time this company has heen furnlshluif service at less than cost. By deferring needed repairs to tracks and equipment ehe cars have been kept going, hut to present especially of the tracks, now forbid the continuance of this method of operation. Tie company must have money at once to provide for maintenance and Improvement! of tracks and equipment or service cannot lie furnished. Other Cities Pay More. "The position of this pnmnini In nlshlnjf street-car service to the eltv of Rochester must be appreciated when It is realized that the street-car riders ot nine teen cities are paying lO-eent fares, twentj cities 7-cent city-ione fares and fi cents In each two-mile suburban lone, eight cities 8-eent fares, seven ty-eight cities 7-cent fares, seventeen cities 7 cents and 1 cent additional for transfers, and one hundred and seven cities U-oent fares.

The transportation systems of these cities are facing the same conditions of high costs that I ho liochester company Is. "The citizens of Itochester must eertnbi- ly sec tl at this company will have to Vri the necessity of very large expenditure for renewals and replacements. The- cost of operation of electric railways has been peiumnontlv placed ou a high level and it Is bile to evade the conseiiienoe which arc entailed. To meet largely Increased ex- i pciwes requires materially Increased revc- noes. i "Only the other day Thomas A.

Killsou Mild to the Federal Electric Hallways lorn- mission, appointed by President Wilson; Industry's Advance Stopped. 'tJeiiileineu: 1 have been very much lutei'osU'd Iu the progress made by the elect! dial railway since 1 first built one at Meiilu Park, in ISM). sjsteuia operated and the appar-tits have now reached great perfection. Some of the greatest engineers In Uie coun try have given almost the whole of their lives to attain this cud. The end Is not yet reached.

The great trunk lines will be In time udded to the electric domain. It Is i to bo the greatest advantugu to the public that evory encouragement be glvcn'lo Uiuhii who have and will still further act, as pioneer In the further perfection of this ilcvlblu and highly economical system of power distribution when our usIiiibI fuels ore conserved to a greater extent and nil the power of waterfalls utilised. 'At the present time the electric railway industry has reached a serious stage. Kierythiug bus stopped advancing. Counties millions of securities based ou thl Industry are held by conservative Investors, families, who are possessed of a dread for the future.

No more capital can he obtained except In special cases. May of Flesh." 'The Iron-clad contract between the road and cltle made In the pioneering (lay under norm! condition 'have no pro tectlve clsues against the greatest change that has taken place In centuries, due to the world war. The municipalities cau en act their pound or ncsn it they so netire. lth the ultimate bankruptcy of fheso or hut the spirit that is now abroad In the world 1 against this. We are now all trying to play fair.

If suffer wo must, let suiter alike. If prosperity comes, all should participate in a like manner. hope the commission will succeed la placing this Industry on Its feel again. This In Its turn will stop itagnatlon; give Hie roads jtablltty to raise plenty of capital; new extensions will go on; new tblngi will be perfected and Introduced; the rest less Americans who work all day and far Into the night are forever puahlng higher and hlnher that great line of rhe thlrty- I 111 11 i prf a IP (TJ) IT i Sale tion. The alliance between music and picture is not new, having been worked out on an extensive scale iu a number of metropolitan picture theaters, a development in which S.

A. Kotlmpfel, of New- York, been a highly suecess-i fttl pioneer. The success of those thea-4 tors has demonstrated not only that the ft enjoyment of the best motion pictures is greatly enhanced when they are interpreted' by carefully selected music, but also the people who are attracted to motion-picture entertainments tiud interest and pleasure in music notably increased. "This fact indicates the possibility of greatly enlarging the number of persons in the community who will know and i value the satisfaction which good music has to offer, arranging to use the music hall iu the new school for motion pictures of the best ittnlity accompanied by music which will be furnished by a orchestra. I "PntiMHtiea Supei visor and Former Supervisors with Their Families Plan to Go to Newport for Annual Outing.

Other Picnics, Fast and ta Be. Leonard J. l'arth, captain of the He-publicans, who will meet the Democrats in a l-iisebiill game at the supervisors' pictiic this afternoon at. Newport, declared there wouldn't be even an animal cracker left of the donkey Main when his G. t).

1'. forces (tot started. Harth ami his trusty men will endeavor to chn-e Supervisor Edward A. Dent-ingor'N hunch ol liiill-tusei'a to the showers to-day and he lays stress; on the fact that County Judge Willis Gillette will pitch lor the G. I', and that Fred II.

Ifapp, of the Nineteenth ward, will be behind the 'mil. Sheriff Andy Wioiien-niun has consented to act as umpire if lie gets a share of the two boxes of cigars to lie given to the winners. Peanuts, pop corn, lemonade, all-day suckers mid various other kinds of sweet foods will lie distributed to thtt'childreu as well us to the older folk. Fourteen events, including the baseball game, and a quoit contest to deterniine the champion pitcher ol' Monroe county among the supervisors and former sunorvisors, hac been arranged for by the Athletic Committee. It is rumored John Men-geriuk.

of the Twelfth ward, has dark-horse former supervisor up his sleeve which will run away with the quoit event. This will he the thirtj-four annual picnic of the Monroe County Supervisors Association. A special street will leave the Court House at o'clock this looming for Hen Haven, here nats will be hoarded for Newport. Overland Auto Picnic. About seventy-live employees of the Overland-liochi'ster Company and their lricnds will hold their first picnic to-day at Island Cottage.

They will motor Irom the main ottlce, No. US South Union street, at 10 o'clock iu ten machines. The baseball gtimo between the Salej Eurce and the Office against the Shop will be called at 11 o'clock. Chicken dinner will be served at' mid various stunts and races will be iu order for both women and men at o'clock. The event of the day will be a boxing contest between Harry Eincher and Jack Maynard, claimed to bo the all-around champion of the Overland company.

Hoth contestant have agreed that the loser shall permit himself to be tossed into the lake with all Ins clothes on. Luncheon will be eaten iu the grove about iW o'clock and dancing will be held from o'clock. Music will be furnished by an orchestra. Lockhaven Picnic To-morrow. Tim postponed picnic and business meeting or the Lockluiven Charity Club will he i held tivaiorrow afternoon at 0 clock In Mapltswood Park.

Should It rain, the meeting will he held at the home of Sirs. W. Green, No. 41-' Monroe avenue. Aided by Wing Travli, a one-armed pitcher, and "I'ucky" Palmer, a one- legged catcher, the Thirteenth want do- i feat ed the Ninth ward In a baseball game i on Sunday at tho picnic of the Ninth t'luli, 7 to In ten ril(ldy Kllne aml Dllve Brennau made up the buttery for the Ninth ward.

MAYHAVETiROWN HIMSELF INTO RIVER Night Employee of Light Company Missing. Investigation into the disappearance of Kdwanl t'arr, 21 years old, of No. 3 Renfrew place, from Station 4 of the Kncliester Hallway und Light Company at the Lowtr Falls, has led to the belief that he committed suicide by throwing himself into the river. A telephone call to the station at 4 o'clock yesterday morning was not i.n-sivered. was believed at first tthat t'arr had been taken 111 and wns unable to get to the 'phone.

An employee was sent to the building, but a thorough search for Carr was fruitless. Mis clothes, which he hail changed for hi overalls in preparation tor tne nignt work, were found hanging In their usual place. Another search was made by Coroner Killip, who was called by the police. The theory of suicide is based on the finding of an open trap door near the dynamos. The body will he dragged for.

WAN'S IDENTITY DISCLOSED Partially Regain Consciousness but Nature of His 111 Is Unknown. The man who was found early iMon day morning at South avenue and ('apron street, in an unconscious condition and taken to the Hahnemann Hospital Mi, Knuirs loile PllOUL'll VI-stlT- dav to tell 'the hospital authorities that his name was 1arence Vritohard. and gave his address as No. 47l l.yell avenue. The man has not fully regained inn-sciousticss.

It is not known -what ails him. TOLD IN A WORD OR TWO The Ladies' Patriotic Drill Corps will drill on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. O'Horke Woman's Belief Corps will meet to-morrow evening at o'clock in the City Hall annex. Save 30 Per Cent, on Furs At our August sale; special natural raccoon coats, with belts, at a deposit will hold auv garment until wanted, li-ansa 1 Tiow nstairs) Fur Store, ttb Clinton avenue south, next to Victoria Theater. -Adv.

Amona the yontiic holies of Borneo elenr nted esr lobes are eoustilered a mark of beauty. Everything that goes up must come down, except the cost of living. wwhi in anenois iittmeu uy jii. university jointly. nient of the music.

The other side of it is that music is not simply bait: music under proper supervision becomes the ally and adjunct to the urt of the motion picture. Just as music wedded to drama has made opera, which is probably ono of the drama's highest forms, the time may come when the alliance of music with the motion picture will carry in its trian compositions to accompany certain significant, pictures and pictures thut are adapted to certain musical compositions. So there may come ill the development of the motion picture something comparable to the development of the opera. This new music school would be the natural home for such a development. "In calling in the assistance, of the motion-picture men we are extending to your art the recognition which it truly deserves and are extending an opportunity that will he welcomed.

Since the new music hall will he noncommercial it may lie practicable, to make in it experiments that a commercial house could not undertake." William A. Brady a Speaker. W.lliam A. Rrad.v, president of tho National Association of the Motion Picture Industry, spoke for bis association and paid a tribute to Mr. Ktistninn and what he has done for the motion-picture industry.

For years I have been predicting the day," said Mr. Brady, when tthe motion-picture industry would he recognized as a great industry and a great art. This moment has been realized tonight when I have heard the president of a great university announce the gift of a great citizen to a great city of a great building which Is to be erected to promote the appreciation of music and is calling in the aid of the motion picture to accomplish this. "I may say to Dr. Uheos thnt: the day may come when the motion picture will be used not only to improve the musical knowledge of the people, but will assist in imparting knowledge of other sorts to students.

1 firmly be. neve that the motion picture will nnniiy become the greatest educator In the i uiiu. lie meu nere lo-mm- can ouiy In a slijiht way realize the future. Of Service to Country. "Our work is not over.

What ne did in the war for our country we can do doubly well iu peace. The (lay is not far distant when our I'resident will be required to cull upon the motion pictures for assistance. No method of propaganda can so well meet hat faces the country to-day as the motion picture. the war we were draffped before legislatures and communities and treated as you would not treat a pickpocket, or a second-story worker; we were called every Ft of name in thp attempts to pass per-seeutinir legislation. With the knowledge of what, has been said hero to-night, however.

I feel and know that our association has not existed two years for nothing. We have crossed the Huhi-con: we arc over the lop. Now let us make good." Adolph Zukor spoke hrielly and urged members of tho association to bend every effort to make films of such literary and artistic worth as may correspond in value tho gift of Mr. liastnuin. alter Irwin, of the Famous l'lsyers-I-asky Corporation, also spoke.

Mr. Eastmnn life Member. Mr. Hrady announced that a resolution had been passed electing Mr. Kastman an honorary lite member of the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry.

More than one hundred men were guests of Mr. Kastman at last night's dinner, which vas served In the ballroom of the (icnesee Valley Club. The cards bore a picture of the first factory in which Kastman tilm was manufactured. At that time 3ti0 feet were made in twenty-four hours, while now ihout (SKl.tHKI feet are turned out in a month. In his short talk Mr.

Kiistninti sketched the origin of tilm from tlie tiny a when he began his 'experiments until the time when the first motion picture theater was opened. High Cost of Living' A few suggestions that may help you out in the high cost of living problem: Kaney creamery butter. 57c strictly fresh eggs, -IHc; best white compound, shredded wheat, lie; Campbell' soups, lie; Kellogg's Corn l'lake, 11c package; sardines, 7c can; Kels Nnptha soap, 7c; Ivory soap, 7c: salmon, Ilk': best brnnd bread Hour, Hold-en Cup coffee, "best on earth." lb. and plenty of bargains at nl the Hart's Self-Serving Grocery Stores. SiiL'ar today.

We open another new store Friday, August 8th. at State street. Adv. Invest in Furs. Save money and purchase fura now: a wonderful selection in ready-to-wear fur coats, arfs, capes, muffs, chokers, we arc manufacturers and sell for less; every garment guaranteed, Vm.

Ganss It'pstairsl Fur Shop, 10 Clinton avenue south, (next to Seneca.) Adv. i amnituues Ol peopio who uie l- Ijtraeted by pictures will learn what mil- Sit 1 ton, nnrt i.thnr Inn 11- East Avenue Home tildes attracted by music will learn new Impossibilities of pleasure and entertain-t'Miient from motion pictures. Inasmuch as the music hall will be a part of the school equipment these exhibition!) will not be conducted as a commercial enterprise for profit. Any proceeds accruing from the exhibitions will be turned back into the enterprise itself with the purpose of making the orchestra one of outstanding superiority and of developing as far as possible the adaptation of inu-iiic to the interpretation of pictures. "Grand opera demonstrates the value of music as an ally of dramatic art; the Eastman gift furnishes an opportunity to, carry to its fullest development the alliance between music and the motion picture, the possibilities of which have SECOND FLOOR Owner's bedroom, very large, with private bath and shower, 2 large clothes rooms opening into piazzas, all modern appliances and appointments, three other bedrooms, with clothes rooms, main bathroom, lavatory in bedrooms, bevel plate glass mirrors in doors, linen closets, white enamel with mahogany doors and numerous electric fixture.

THIRD FLOOR Maid's room and 2 large attics. CELLAR Laundry, fruit room, stockroom, vegetable cellar, toilet and boiler rooms. HFATIN'C Hot water heating with ample radiators with auxiliary furnace to heat in mild weather. GARAGE Built of concrete and stucco for two cars separate, hot water heating system, with living rooms over and bath. LOT feet handsomely laitl out in lawns, sunken Harden, shrubbery, fountain, flowers, several large trees, ample kitchen garden, small fruits, with water lines running to all parts of it.

HOUSE IOR Stucco linir-h. fronting Eat I'ortc Cochere to Side Entrance, roomy front piazza, and lare outdoor living room, opening front main living room, overlooking lawn and sunken garden. JXTliRIOR ThroiiKh an1 vfS" tihule into large and spacious hall with fine stairway in centre to second floor, the large living room, den or library, dining rooms are entered from this hall and side entrance to driveway, coat and) safe rooms also lavatory and toilet rooms, butler's pantry, kitchen and kitchen pantries, refrigerator mom with tlie finest of plumbing, meeting all needs along this line. been so closely demonstrated by mana-' who have hafl the courage to mnin- i'ain orchestras for interpretation of their picture offerings." Music Hall to Seat 3,000. The great building will be divided into Uo pHrts.

The music school proper will Obtain thoroughly omitppod olltces. fc rooms, studies and a small assembly ballY seating lino for school concerts, I ehamVer music and special recitals. This hall villi be worked out in a beautiful inanm-lr and will be Known as Killiourn Hall, iju memory of Mr.Eustmah's mother. I The! other hall of the building is to intni the music hull setting more than ms people. i he latest principles of mf'fy, acoustics, comfort, lighting and tie, ration will be employed to make it of the most magnificent balls of its JimI in the country.

FOR PARTICULARS Both Phones KEEN1NTEREST IN GARDENS Director Expects Bigger Aggregate Crop Than Last Yenr. i-bildren of (he public school are show- lug a ecu Interest In their icmry gsr Ucis and are puttliis lot of hard work into their cultivation, according to llii'o Zoruow. who ba. the work In charge. The gardens last year," said Mr.

showed the children wnat im i ntiie of effort Is This year they mcney i in Ins endowment gut ot L' .1... 1........ t- r.Msmini! SI IJ'lllII Lff. Hit Hit- lllttllllt: 'ilone is to be used and to bp devoted to Ifhe support and maintenance the Si Kastman School of Music in such a way "tfjliat the enterprise shall most effectively Lumber Co. East Avenue Beautify the Complexion -v IN TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAM Th UatwItJ Beaatificr Ummiuni En Jar By rAwMsA Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc.

Ex-treme cases 29 days. Rid pores and tissue of impurities. Leaves the skin clear, oft, healthy. At leading toilet counters. If they haven't it, by mail, two ie, 60c and $1.20.

NATIONAL TOILET fmtit. T- chief iujury. The child was taken to the Homeopathic Hospital. Ptitr dtnan, Smylie, of th oseph avenue police station, lnvetigatea tlie acoi-. dent.

Witnesses said the boy was to tdame. Buy Thrift 5tma. Rochester 2040 CALL made at tho Industrial Kxposltloo, and there will be Iocl exhibits in each of the school bouses here there arc garden club. Flnt, lecond and third prlies will awarded Kpolllun t'r for each nrlely of vegetable exhibited and in d-tlilon each child will be given a ribbon badge and button In recognition of hi effort even though he does not win one ot the prises." HIT BY AUTOLEG BROKEN Boy Injured When He Darts from Curb in Pennsylvania Avenue. Kliuer W'alzer, 31 year old, of No.

North street, last evening was driving an automobile owned' by Iioinhiick Molinari, of the same addres, in I'etin- stvlvan.a avenue and when In front of n. 4'J Pennsylvania avenue Tony Patti, year. old. of No. 0 Pennyslvania ave- nue, ran from the curb and was struck, by the machine.

A broken leg is Tony'a deuree ancle. Illustrating the' rise of Ihejnmv working with economic value as their HMunioe musiim iuu-icm pcutimiy Chester and its vicinity." Music and Motion Pictures, commenting on Mr. Eastman's gift IllioeS said 'The project which is being fathered Mr. Eastman works two ways. The limber of people who respond to your nterprise is legion: you have the public wnien ie lovers or music won rntn secure, we reenrd it as a nannv su- etion thnt there should he a wedi inr the motion picture and of orchestral mv.sie ss near nertect ns nossili e.

or- hestrnl inui thnt will be Inereasinirlv perfect, because the proceeds from the -actions nictures will go to the minrove- American nanon in weaon ana power. "I really believe the lallson re worthr of careful consider-1 "on-" Mayor Hylan to Fight. I Mayor Mylnn. of New ork. 1 preured to throw the matter of the 2-cent transfer Service Commissioner Lewi.

Nlvoi, ln, the rnurts. lie declares that the order Is 1.1c l- I It ZrMXiX to issue refund slips and set aslile the addl- tbinal revenue for possible reijate, pending a decision by the court. crd of motive, but with the patriotic one tm In view. "Though the weather conditions were the entire forepart of the summer auverso hid because of the excessive heat and drnu tV.llnmed fit fa till. PXDtCt tU" aniens to aggregate greater production 4t TMr, "We to the I interest through exhibition In the fall- eihlblttou thl year will 1 1.

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