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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 18

Rochester, New York
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18 ROCHESTER DEMOCKAT AM) UHKOMULiS. WEDNESDAY. JUKE 18, 1919. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FREE USE OF CHECKS LED GALLAGHER ASTRAY Efforts to Finance Honeymoon Land Him in Court. Vigorous efforts to effect an early clearance EASTMANSCHOOL OF MUSIC ADDED TO UNIVERSITY Announcement Made by Dr.

Rhees to Trustees. Pretty and Useful Witts to nam up briefly the domf. latin reason for the selection WHITE IISKJf shoes fob childho this season. Onr best grade of aline of thin type In mado a wrll a any we have and are verj excellent In very ward. They are a yery desirable foot dress for the rell.

ious or other occasions of thin aeason and are food for the whole tnminer, too. COMMENCEMENT IS TO-DAY -w the Record Hour Sales Savings Read of Intricate operations by which Ruck ley Gallughej, aged 11(1, of Toronto, sought to film nee bis lmmyuioon, involved hiu in ditliciilties-in two cities and led lo his arrest bere by Oetective Itackiitader on a vagrancy charge, which may be elm aged to one of grand larceuy, the detective suid, uiilesa restitution of ou a check on which payment was stopped is made by (Jallayher to the I'oweis Hotel. (iillugher Is alleged to have bought a roadster in Buffalo, giving a check for and assuming a chattel mortgage of folio, The deal was mode on afternoon, when the banks were closed. The salesman claims- he received assurance over the telephone from a relative of (iallnghcr that (lie man's check as good. It was returned on Miilldnv.

lifiwiV(r. Samuel W. McCall, Former Governor of Mamachuselta, to Deliver Principal Million-Dollar Addition to Endowment Needed. To-day's Events. to A.

Omntiicnci'tiient exercises In (he llilnl I'l-eMiylcrliin t'liurch. Address by Hnmilel W. Mct'all, former gciviynor nf mi -1 ue ioi'iai uuly or tA Funds." mi a 1. din animal in Alumni Wyiiiniisliiin. Special Coiintv J.

Warrunl t'aslleiuan, Sl, presiding I. Cninm'ii''eii'iit dinner of Diiiniinii in Anthony Memorial Hull, Mr. Hi-leu Hurtling Kobliiwn, 'J Meanwhile fiutlagher bad motored to Itoi-hester in the roadster, bringing his bride with him, and the pair had established themselves at the I'owers Gallagher sold the roadster for to Tamp and hlirh Pony f'nt ton in Is made of White Reiirliskin Linen, The Hour Sales noted below should make a magical appeal to everybody. It does not require even meager discrimination to detect the enormous savings that are yours during these advertised hours. It is important to remember, however, that these articles are only on sale at the prices printed for the period named.

Come promptly for your share. 8 in in P. M- -President' recent Ion In the tjle, orer Nature ftwpe lust. Snunn ly j- Memorial Art duller). Tribute to the liviiiu hiw) the ilenil of tcre learner nolo finished natnral lioodyear welt Our highest a dealer, producing a bill of sale to I show that it was his.

Notwithstanding this evidence, the dealer became iw-picloiis and stopped payment on th 1 check he had given Gallagher, which the hitler is- said to have used ns se- eurity for a loan nf $75 from the hotel. I Articles limited to hour selling because of limited stocks and almost unlimited price cuts The management of the Powers complained to the police. Gallagher was arraigned in City Court yesterday and Judge Kohlmetz adjourned his case to June Slrd. Mrs. Gallagher protested tearfully that her husband hnd done no wrong.

irriMie. isfzci in II, and I widths. Children's slirs havre spring heel and are carried In It, (' and widths. The price Ik somewhat lower than an equal (rrade of nil-leather shoe, Iieeanse they Rare leather. Children's sizes 8 to 11, $3.50 Misses' sizes, to 2, $4.00 For iiMWnU MRLH we hare the same (rrade as abore described except that they are mde orer a medium, narrow toe liit, are 0 Inch height and tli huropenn War will he paid to-day lit the exercises nf (H- sixty-ninth uuullnl commencement of the' of In tie Third C'liun-h.

Sniiiiicl W. former governor of will deliver tho coNiinciiei'inent ndiln-KS on the mih-Joet, "The Upei-inl l)uty of the Hchohir In a Iieniwriir.v." A Npeeial meinorlnl Ken-lr-u for JWeNwir Joxeph H. (iil-niore and Henry Hurlon and Howard T. Mnnher, who died iu the pimt year, also will ba held. TrusleeH of the university, members- of the faculty, gmrliintea nnd KtudentM Mill On Sale 3 to 4 On Sale 12 to 1 Silk Petticoats extra fine, made in very smart styles of popular silks in the latest and best color effects.

$4.45 values for $3.29 On Sale 9 to 10 White Petticoats beautifully made of good cotton with deep flounces of lace and embroidery. "95c value for 83c $1.35 value for $1.17 1.85 value for 1.64 nare i inch height heeL Then In 49c 50-inch-Pillow Tubing 41f TALCOTT WILLIAMS AT CHAMBER THIS NOON t)ean of Columbia. School 56c 6j-inch Pequot Unbleached enter ti church In aeniicmic procession. At the exen'laee. in addition to the con-fr-mnir of degreex, auuiiiini-cmeiit will be made nf prized and honors.

I Sheeting 50c i nun mums; sixes to 7. Price $5.50 Few Indeed are the footwear re-qulremcntii whlrh we do not All with entire satisfaction and at an economy. of Journalism Speaker. 45c r4-inch Pequot Unbleached Sheeting 38 20c yard wide bleached Cotton. 14c 26c English Long Cloth 19 yon are not acquainted with our Ivory Cream will keep ivory articles in perfect condition.

25c quality for lOc' re, rome in and we will Intro-jee you to exceptional service and cUlsfactlon. Colored Cotton Petticoats a grade that will please ladies of discriminating tastes. MilHon-Dollnr Drive in Fall. IliyniiHe nr conditioiiH Kevcrely taxed the HniinciHl retiniirceM of the I'oIvit-ity of Itocheater, drive for a new million dollar endowment fund will bo launched in the fall, President Hush KhecK announced yesterday morninc in his annual report to the Hoard of Trustees. This however, will cover not only the war deficiency hut ulso the accumulated and annual deficiencies, and will, in addition, provide for cert in increases In tie teiiclilim staff nnd more adequate salary increases.

(ieonre Kaxtmnn already has pledged $100,000 toward this fund. CI. A. Hrown, 'TO, j. W.

How-en, 'TO, and 1''. It. Welles. who offered to contribute $2.95 values for Taleott Williams, dean of the Pulitzer School of Journalism at Columbia will urrive in Rochester at 8:13 o'clock this morning to address Uic Chamber of Commerce members and guests at the mid-week luncheon meeting at noon to-duy. Or.

Williams, who is one of the bost-knowu newspaper men of the country, will speak: ou "The Near Future" and it, ia expected that his address will prove of exceptional Interest in the. way of a forecast or prediction iih to the developments which may be expected iu political and Industrial life in the Vnited States during the next two or three years. Wood Filling has the appearance of hard wood flooring; invaluable for etc. 65c value for, a yard 29c $2.14 Sterling Silver Hat Pins 2 in a box. $1.00 quality for 66c II ANDREWS ST, On Sale 10 to 11 -each for a new library endowment pro vided that, In addition to the cif of On Sale 1 to 2 Roberta Front Lacing Corsets were reduced for our great Retirement Sale to $2.00 a pair.

The price will ba $1.00 a pair. MAPLEWOOD JOYS TO MEET Parents to --Gather with Them to Hear About Camp Iola. checks and of it. A. Sibley, $100,000 be, liivoii by others for Mich library endow.

On Sale 4 to 5 Germantown Yarn, either 4 or 8 in all colors. Retirement Sale Price has been 19c a Skein, for Ginghams in plaids, stripes, 32 inches wide. 49c quality' for nient. have agreed to recosmie 24c4 contributed to this new fund ns tulnlt-Inir their condition, since the general endowment will provide funds for library maintenance. In recognition of what.

Vniversity of rtoihester men hnve done for the vic Feather Pillows All selected white live goose feather pillows 4iigh grade ticking. 5 pounds to the pair. $5.98 values for, a pair tory of the cause of liberty in the Kuro-neiin war, the Associated Alumni hnve Royal Society Cotton 10c quality for Mercerized Rep Venetian, white ground with pink, blue and maize, rose bud designs, 32 inches wide. $1.25 quality for 63d 75c Bench cloth, 36-inch, for 37c Colored Poplins all shades, includ ing white and black. Maplcwood Young Mcu'a Christian Association boys and their parents are to have a meeting nest Monday! evening at o'clock in the Oriving Park avium-building to interest them in Camp Iola, tho ussiH'iation's camp at Canandaigim lake, which will open on Tuesday, July 1st.

Colonel S. P. Moult hrop will be called on to addrewM the boys und their parents on enmp life. Clarence S. Scbwuinaker is to give a reading, the Central tumbling team il give an exhibition aud Louis will entertain with ven-trib(iii'-m.

At tlie close of the eveuing's entertainment refreshments will be served. Oougnl 10. young, who has been the sccrolury of the Cnuliuunliuu Committee i of the Find Yourself Cuiupaigu since March 1st, bus been selected by the! Hoys' Work CiMiimittce of the oung Men's Christian Association to be as-! sociuted with City Hois' Work Secretary! 48c 75c quality for Heavy Gray Homespun Blankets all thoroughly shrunken, large size, soft and durable. $5.98 values for $3.98 Corticelli Sewing Silk all colors, 50-yard spool. 8c quality for 4c Notion Depart meiu.

projected a Victory fund campalun. In this drive, nil alumni will be asked to suliM-rilie as generously an possible, payment to be made in Liberty bonds. Mnny friends of tho university outside of the alumni also have expressed inlet-eat in the uew endow incut fund. Eastman School Taken In. That the Institute of Musical Art.

endowed by (ieurge Kiislmun. has been relented to the university and thut the charter nf the university has been so en-bii'ged iu scope by the State Hoard of Hcgeuta to permit the institute to become a port of the university under the title of the lOBstmiiu School of Music, was announced yesterday by Or. Hhoe. The work of construction of. the uew school iu (iibbs street at the corner of Main street east, probably will bestart- Pink Lonsdale linen finish suiting, all cotton, 36 inches wide.

59c quality for 27c DON'T Worry About it WHEN you're puzzled to know what to give the children, visit the nearest Van Dyk store. Buy some fresh eggs, creamery butter and a jar of delicious Van Dyk pea-nut butter. A soft-boiled egg a sandwich of pure peanut butter and a glass of tn ilk. Nourishment a yum-yum taste! S. V.

Eggs 53c dor. Elgin Butter 59c lb. Best Peanut Butter 23c lb. VAN DYK 343 MAIN ST. E.

near Stillsoo St. 'I'hniif. audi Htimr. iml Main SKM.ISll KM IKS. KM Main Ml.

W. (irnruM MX. 13 lUnlou Art. N. Muln 6IIA.

Frank K. (iiigeluiaii in directing th camp. On Sale 5 to 6 Children's Romperstall sizes in the best colors. 95c quality for 79 THREE AWARDS AT PHILLIPS On Sale 11 to 12 Scotch Ginghams in a good range of patterns. 32 inches wide.

65c quality for On Sale 2 to 3 Favor and Wedding Cake Boxes-great assortment regular price 50c to $2.00 a dozen, for Stationery Department. vtl iu the fall, he said. Many cliiingfN In the faculty were made public. Complete rcorganUntion of the department of economics will take plueti in the fall with Or. William Kirk ou a year's leave of absence and Or.

Meyer engaged In industrial work in the city. Or. i Scott, acting prolcssor history, will remain at the university to assist iu the Rochester Boy Wins Prizes and Scholarship for Excellent Work. To Clarence S. tint, son of Clarence S.

l.uut. of No. II Hiu kink-hum street, has coitto many honors lor his work ut Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. In the awarding of' prizes aud last week, which was coin-meucemViit Week at Andover, he received two prizes for excellence iu scholarship and a scholarship at Yale I Boys' Blouses a good, practical waist tor active boys. The quality is good and they are well put together.

98c grades for Q4c Camping Aprons rubberized 59c quality for 39c Button lepartuienl. deiiaituients of history aud eeouomics. i'taiik K. Wing, executive secretary or Crepe Kimonos A garment that every woman needs solid comfort lor hot weather negligee. $2.44 values for $2.14 3.44 values for 1 3.14 3.84 values for 3.54 the Social Welfare I.euKue, has been appointed to take Or.

Kirk's classes in so Fajama Crepe Toilet Paper Black Dress Goods extra fine French serge, one of our best numbers. $3.50 quality for $2.75 Wanted 18c quality for 12l a The young man. who is a member of thci middle class at Phillips, was' awarded the Valpey claMcal prize for Latm com-1 position, the John lierman pri.e for excellence in (iei-inau prose and ttie Henry P. Wright scholarship, awarded! on the basis "I high scholarship and character to a member of the middlcl ciiss who is preparing for Y'nle. Big Economies offered throughout entire day ciology.

Holiert A. iimpbcll, or Cornell, has been- nominated us acting pru-fessor of economics. Other Faculty Changes. Iu the department of philosophy and education. Or.

I.onis A. T'cchsteiu has returned from army service, and Acting Askistant Trofcssor William O. Owens will leave at the end of the academic year. Or. Ilajtnond O.

Havens, who served, with the V. M. C. A. iu Krance, will rejoin the depart incut of English, and Carl Cariuer, instructor in Kng-lish, who has been in the army, also will return in the fall.

James A. McMillen. librarian, baa re-sicued to become librarian of Washington Vniversity, St. Louis, and Or. H.

liivins, assistant professor of biology, also has resigned to accept the directorship of the research laboratory of est I'eun Hospital, Pittsburgh. Captain Willard H. lane has been nominated for as-istuiit professor iu MEDALS FORJ. A. R.

MEN la Be Presented by National Hend of the Organisation. Medals arc to be presented to thirty-seven members of Rochester Chnpter, Sons of the Amercinn Revolution, who were in the service of the Vnited State Unusual Price Concessions in Silk Comfortables Beautiful satin Comfortables, lined with silk, filled with high grade Australian lamb's wool, all in rich shades. $15.08 values for $10.98 Men's Percale and Madras Shirts Soft cuffs, 15 to 20 fine patterns to select from. $2.00 Percale Shirts $1.39 3.50 Satin Striped Madras Shirts 2.35 5.00 Fiber Silk Shirts 3.95 We have several positions open now for girls between 16 and 25. Good place for girls leaving school.

Clean factory. Good Wages. Permanent Positions. Bastian Bros. Co.

69 Mount Hope Ave. in the recent war. at a meeting to he held in the P. A. R.

chapter house, No. HIU Spring street, on Thursday evening, Buy at These Bargain Prices Blankets An opportunity to buy good blankets at less than present wholesale prices. $3.98 Fleavy Fleece Blankets $2.50 5.98 Wool nap Blankets 4.50 7.50 Fancy Plaid 5.50 12.50 Calif. Wool 8.98 15.00 Calif. Blankets.

.10.98 17.50 Calif. Wool Blankets. 12.50 20.00 Wool Blankets. .15.00 5.00 Camp Pdankets. extra long, gray or khaki 3.98 5.98 Indian Blankets for canoe or porch 4.98 Now's the Time to Lay in a Stock of Neckwear The presentation will he inane throngt President General Chancellor L.

Jenks, of Chiengo. who was elected at the national i-ongress held In Octroi! in May. Mr. will be the guest of Harvey Remington, recently elected president of the Umpire Stale Society. French Sateen Comfortables Full size, with circular stitching.

Persian $7.98 values for $5.50 Comfortables with cambric covering in neat figures, rilled with lamb's wool, light, warm and Values for chemistry, and Miss K. J. Knapp has resigned ns assitant. iu chemistry. An-dnus Hryne, instructor in modern languages, has also severed his connect iou with the Vniversity.

O. Whiting, as--isiant physical director will have the uuireraity this year, Fine Fine Fine Fine Fine Four-in-hands Four-in-hands Four-in-hands Four-in-hands Four-in-hands Past Presidents to PicDic. Knitted Ties The Past. Presidents' Association of C. A.

Gliddon Auxiliary. No, 1. will bold a picnic in Highland Park to-morrow afternoon at o'clock, At the Inst meeting of the association, held at the lome of Julia A. Mnyulhan, past presi-lent, the following officers were elected: President. Mrs.

Surah Outton; vice-president. Mis. Clara Steelsmith: treasurer. Secure Home Bulletin Just oil the press the largest, bent Home For Sale bulletin ever printed In Rocheator, containing several hundred genuine home baying; opportunities. Copy for the sslnir.

Ida R. Caler; secretary, Julia A. Moynl-han; press correspondent. Liela Tomer Miller. Gifts Announced.

The following gifts to the university were announced: From F. II. Welles, for current incline. Jesse t. Hosenberger, for an addition lo the lloscnbeijier Lectureship fund, from Mrs.

James S. Watson, for instruction iu the history of art, JOO; from Or. 11. It. Hrow for the department of biology, $100; from W.

II. Chaffer Hausch Lonib Optical Company, six crown glass prisms, three polished fai-es optically correct, ami the replating with platinum o( the mirrors of reflecting telescope and of the interfer of the Vniversity of Oklahoma, a collection of fossils from that state. Surah J. l'ddy. of Rristol Ferry, It.

for Antlmny Memorial, an oil pot-trait of Silvan H. Anthony, nnd Leila Vshcr. of Cambridge, f.Mir bronze medal of Miss Anthony to be given as prize for essays on Miss Anthonys life and work. CONDITIONS OF SALE No C. O.

No Exchanges No 'Phone or Mail Orders Filled Carry Small Parcels. CONDITIONS OF SALE No C. O. No Exchanges Np 'Phone or Mail Orders Filled Carry Small Parcels. Inm.

ometer. Professor H. L. Folrchild, a Inrire and valuable collection of shells from Florida; John W. ltadcr, a collection of min T11K "want" ail la a gram tuuouiiwf ut domestic aud bualnaaa affair.

erals, and Professor Charles Decker, uv Thrift Sttme..

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