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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 17

Rochester, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 191S." C0RHH.L CLUB WILL HEAR OF GREAT DRIVE Major J. S. Thompson sIs to Address It This Evening. UNIVERSITY MEN QUARANTINED TO CHECK INFLUENZA Put. Music in Your Home and There Will Be Sunshine in Your Heart Xo matter what other Christmas gifts you buy or what ones you refrain from buying be sure there is music in your home this Christmas, aud sec to it that your home is equipped to have music every day of the year.

Order Issued Chiefly as Precautionary Measure. CITY AND COIfiPANY PRESENT CONFLICTING STATEMENTS OF TROLLEY'S FINANCIAL STATE City Says Company Has Only Small Deficit but Company Claims Large One Public Service Body Hears Arguments. COMPANY SUSPENDS CURTAILMENT ORDER PENDING P. S. C.

DECISION FEW CASES NOW INS. A. TX Military Authorities Believe Quarantine Will Be Matter of Only Few Days Health Bureau Ee- ceives Reports 226 Flu Cases II i operation. Sir. Cun- port deflcits here in nliit'lniiii gliof buck: Meii of the Students Army Training-Corps at Cue CnivershYv of Rochester were placed tidier, a rigid uamntine yesterday tit- n.Min as a precautionary measure against tlie s( read of ir.tincn!ca.

for tbe second time since the outbreag of the epidemic in tliis city. Special orders were issued by Captain Ren Alexander, commandant, revoking all good conduct and week-end passes and nnnnauntiing the intention of the military authorities to make the present fiuarautine a temporary one. The following orders were posted yesterday: "Due to the prevalence of influenza in the city and tbe number of minor ailments in, this command on this date, treglnning ajl 12 noon to-day all the members of the Yg-iTf and views lecsus apart as to financial hiatus cf Itocliefeter lints ef tie New York Uailways, their elrnios capacity aud Lbe ajquacy of probaile service under the curtailment tiered by tlic company to taiie effect sa Monday were "en by represeuta-t of the city acd the street railway Lcuiny yesterday at tbe hearing before tlie Public Service Commission of For the Yoke and Piano. Waiting, 30. Forever Is a Long.

Long Time, OOtf. Through the Years, SOf4. Blue Rose. 30c. 1 Gathered a Rose, liOc.

Think, Love, of Me; 30. God Be With Our Boys To-night, 30. One Fleeting Hour, 30. Love Like the DaAvn Comes Stealing, 3t. I Magic of Y'our Eyes, 30.

Dream On. 30v My Rose Marie, 30. When the Boys Come Home, 30. Only a Rose In No Man's Land, SOf. etc.

Postage lc per copy extra. Mail orders, which will be filled promptly on receipt of correct amount in Btamps or money order preferred. SEW RECORDS FOR THE SEW EDIS0S MAJOR J. S. THOMPSON.

The Corne'l Club of Rochester, which Includes alumni of this city and vicinity, will hold its airaual meeting and election Player-Pianos $375.00 to $800.00 We are sole local agents for the orld famous Gulbransen player-pianos, which are Bold at strictly one price to all everywhere in the country. These are the best value for the least money to be had in player-pianos. Y'ou will also find here the Apollo player-pianos, which we have sold for fifteen years and which are the finest players made, embodying such features as metronome, spring motor, use of the piano keys, the Dynaline, a device which enables you to pump correctly. These are patented features you will not lind on similar instruments. of ojcers at a smoker this evening at the the Second District in the Court House.

It tlie old, old story of directly statenieuts wLicb. apparently Students' Array Trainig Corps at this October Deficit $55,156.32. Tae company contended to the eouimls-siaa that its deficit in opeiitioa of the Rochester lines during the month of October amounted to $55,150.32 and that the deficit for the entire system was for that period. It was urged tliat to this deficit should be added Increased wages due but not paid until later, amounting to It offered statements from reports to prove that Instead of matin- $300,000 in operating the strictly city lines of the company this year, there would be a deficit of Mr. Cunningham urged the commission not to take the October deficit at Its face value as it was largely due to curtailed riding on street cars because of the influ-euza epidemic, lie argued that heatless Mondays, Ughtless nights, the Influenza epidemic and war conditions are responsible for losses ia revenue which make t'he showing of earnings of 191S so much lower.

Receivership or Fare Increase. "Without a fare increase or reduction Id service, what will l.e the result?" was asked. Rochester Club. The committee In charge has prepared a program which includes luncheon and entertainment. The special feature of the evening will be a talk by Major J.

S. Thompson, of Medina, who is first otfleer of the lOSth Regiment to return and lie able to tell about the wonderful fighting that the men pt no further in basic value than to coufute. station are quarantined until further orders. "Limits of the quarantine are bounded as follows: University avenue, Prince street, College avenue and Goodman street. 'This quarantine will be strictly enforced, and it is hoped that it will be necessary to maku it a very temporary measure." To Facilitate Demobilization.

Deficit Figures Disagree. For instance, Corporation Counsel from this -section did in smashing the Hindenburg line. Major Thompson, who B. Cunningham offered the the railway company for tbe q'tarur eadin- iseptenibtr 1.US, as vhowiiig Unit the entire ystem bad a de- It is believed tha the second quarantine won his promotiou from captain on the fiehty Ivd the battalion composed of companies of Niagara Falls: i- of Medina, and and of Rochester, in the battle has been fixed to keep the soldiers at Wie 4 it oa mat uute 01 ouiy a m-iie in He claimed that at. that time University iu the best physical couditiou so as to facilitate the work of demobiliza tion next week.

Lnder army orders, no mau is mustered out who is uot in good Indiauola Fox Trot i'oe New York State Railways had cash haud of approximately 1S0.CXX(, bilis mil accounts receivable of $115,000 and nnii-vjeratiiis income such as track due of Substraetiii the de (it of tliis would hhow, accord-sj to Cunningham's figures, a health. Dr. Rhees confirmed the above statemeut 'Iteeeivershio." was Mr. Hamilton's curt answer. 'Nothing can save it.

We will at Le Thiswas one of the most bitter engagements of the war and cansvd heavy casualties in the twenty -sv-venth Division, livery officer of Company and every sergeant was knocked out. Corporal Clark, of Medina, took the leadership of the company, but be too fell later. Afr-T the battle of LeCatelet, which broke the back of the German defense and rendered the Hindetaburg line useless, Major Thompson and his men advanced about miles. On Octoler Kith he last evening, saying that the ordr would have a cash deticit on December -1st of Camouflage One-step. Indianola Vocal.

Down in Jungle Land. -80399 Scatter Seeds of Kindness. Safe in the Arms of Jesus. Cod Be With Our Boys To-night. I Hearts of the World.

iu no way enect the women of the uni versity, who will continue their classes as scheduled. Asked if he considered his company is giving good service now, Mr. Hamilton replied. Our equipment is in lietter shape. Our schedules are better.

The service is generally more satisfactory." The most Serious case at the college is that of Carlis Darling, a member of tbe Students Army Training Corps at Hobart, Sftjo- Smiles. jlaiii-e ou the credit side of the system -Jr of Ti.injis looked rosy for the street rail-uy iiiiupauy and receivership was fad-in the minds of the listeners as a when the street railway ebni-entered the arena of through the mouth of James V. When Y'ou Come Back. Prepare now to welcome the boys home. Form Fife and Drum Corps aud Bands.

We have everything necessary, including: Fifes at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Bugles at $3.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.50. Drums at $9.50, $11.50, $12.00, up to $35.00. Cornets, Trombones, Baritones, Basses, etc. If your drums or instruments are.

in need of repair we have a well equipped repair department were we can fix them for you at reasonable prices. v-ho came with his uait to' participate in Hat Daddy Mine the drill on Thanksgiving Day. The case Sorry I Made You Cry. was detailed to return to America and take across fresh trrfops to replete the division. In one engagement he was gassed.

In the losth Regiment are a number of Cornell men, one of them being Major Turubull, in command of the first battalion. iiiiniltoi), ice-president and general I'll Think of You. Rainbow Girl Fox Trot. S0427 lauapT, under qucj'tiuuiug of laniel question if the people agree with you about that," put in Mr. Cunningham.

In reply to a question as to how much stock in the New York State Railways is owned, by the New York Central Hailrcad, Mr. Hamilton thought it was about half. "It is 51 tier isn't it?" interjected Mr. Cunningham. hi.

ISeaeli, who appeared as counsel for Douglas! Tender and True. A Wonderful Thing. 8036 tc company in conjunction with his An Old Garden. 80361 ulB'T. W'iilis A.

Matsou. Mr. (iiicke of a deficit of the system on Look Down, Dear Eyes. I'tember )th of and ur- was pronounced that of iutiueuza at the Homeopathic Hospital, to which he was at once taken. He is no.v in a uior-j favorable condition.

His home is in Corning, X. Y. There are very few cases at the University. Twelve Deaths Eeported. Nine deaths from influenza and three from pneumonia were reported to the Health Bureau for the forty-eight hours ending at 0 o'clock yesterday afternoon.

Reports of 220 new cases of influenza and WHEN YOUR WANTS ARE MUSICAL COME TO that this deficit should be increased 91 CSBV fam SPACfi FOR KiWANiS EXPOSITION IS SOLD Posters Increase Demand for Free Tickets. back wages then due which' th paid later, making a total deiicit -wxr I I EVERYTHING IN MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS after taking nil items of iit and debit into consideration. Commission Favors Increase. Onwnis.sioner John A.

Baxhltc. of Lester, was chairman for day. il villi him Charles B. Hilf, of believe so, was the reply. To Keep Franchise Eule.

AVhen asked by the commission if he had considered iu his curtailment that his franchise demands that he maintain at least a tifteen-iiiinute headway oa all lines, Mr. Hamilton st that he had aud that no greater headway would obtain after the cut. He stated that since his original announcement, changes and reductions had been made iu the proposed curtailiurr which would entail Ies loss service to the public. five cases of pneumonia were received for Wth every available foot of display space the same period. The increase in the number of new cases is accounted for by the sold, the Rochester Kiwanis Club will on Monday place their exhibits in the auditorium of the Masonic Temple for the' sec brief office hours in force at the HeaUh Bureau on Thursday.

iffiilo: Thomas V. Feuuell. of Eliuira. ond Kiwanis industrial exposition, wuicn Jerome L. Cheuey, of Syracuse.

lr Yesterday developed the basic posi- These deaths -were reported yesterday at the Health Bureau. INFLUENZA. i ins of tlie two contenders as they 'If service will veal them to the public. The street Daniel Barber, 44. of Lincoln Park, died be adequate then, you than adeouate service are giving more cKiiy company avers that it is en- w.II be held there next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Printed posters advertising the shop appeared alwmt the streets of Rochester yesterday and increased the demand for tickets upon the members of the club. Tickers are not sold; they are given to those who desire them by members of the club. at St. Mary's Hospital now il to a cent fare reduction in reminded Commissioner Hill 36, of No. 404 of Xo.

570 Jay Johannah W. Taylord, Avenue IX lidward M. Ballard, C6, street. rvu-e to enable it to meet tlie miriicr "We have been taking into the longer waits of passengers but of operation due to increased wages pri'-es of material. Indications are it the l'ublic Service Commission explained our cars have not been full, Mr.

Hamilton. illiaui Ijowio. chairman- of the i t- it ii. Js this same view. Girls and Juniors' uuimou iioiureo.

out tnat service Premium Committee, has about completed his jab. Two hundred premiums are necessary to allow of the award of one every Pfteen minutes while the show is in prog on all lines dnnng the business or rush Ida T. Uschold, 5, of No. 600 Jay street, Nelson, 2, of Xo. 171 Berkeley street.

Maria Riggo, 2, of No. 4 Niagara street. BRONCHIAL I'XEITMONTA. Carmine Di l'asquale, 1, of No. St Frank stret t.

Femole Cartpa. 3 days, of Xo. 173 Davis street. Eleven new of influenzt were reT May Allow Curtailment. Mr.

Cunningham, spcakiug for the 7. takes the stand that the company hours up to 0 o'clock in the morning and from to GMQ o'clock in the evening ress, and he says he has gathered that wouni dp ine same as heretofore. Speak number. He will have a few extra in case iSSES COATS and DR ing or euttlug out of through service on of any hitch or extra awards. the Goodman street north and Emerson ceiyed yesterday at the city hospitals.

No Plans for decorating the hall are complet anu uie i-niwug I'ark and Webster lines ed. The general scheme will be one that tmamiaMy able to maintain tlie fare and that it should give mJc-itc csn iee under its franchise. The rpratiou Counsel has been quoted it times as detdaring that witJiio five ars street-car tracks will be so nnicli deaths rroui lunuenzu occurred at these In stitutions. except duriug these rush hours, Mr. Ham will harmouUe with the exhibits of flowers.

in rum inui muu ears would be run lie exposition will be open both days AT Physicians have reported 13,625 cases of influenza and 442 case sof pneumonia since from 1 o'clock in the afternoon 11 irom tne ends of these lines to juuetions October 1st. There have been 046 deaths clock at night. Attendants at booths will make explanations of any products with othe-rimes every fifteen minute. Petitions Are Presented. a mot'ir-i'iis transportation will K'lant the trollej.

lie has estimated it cii-ht hundred fux-h busses avouM eg-iod service to Rochester. Uu lisr- shown. from influenza and 15 from pneumonia during the same period. TOLD 1 A WORD OR TWO. FEASTED AT ST.

ANN'S HOME that when right bus is devel-' 1 it can be purchased for not more hich ould make the net for citv opera tiou about Both Mr. Reach and Mr. Cunningham reviewed briefly events to date in the fare dispute, including the successful light of the city to pre'veut the commission from deciding the rate of fare to be paid here. The petitions of sitv business men and Temple Berith Kodesh will hold its 1-4 to 1-2 OFF IN THE F0RMAN QUARTERLY weekly dance to-night. Old People Given Pine Dinner on 'MA The aunual inspection of Auxiliary No.

Thanksgiving Day. 1. S. O. will take place to-night at 8 etocK in the City Hall Annex.

liter the hearing had been praotieai-fonduded Commissioner Barhite re- kl pointedly that "there is evi-before the commission to -t the service under the proposed cur- The ocnester Bar Association will hold its aunual meetiug ou December 10th at Hotel Seneca. The Society of Higher Ideals will meet A Thanksgiving dinuer was served at St. Ann's Home on Thursday. Tlie menu included chicken soup, roast turkey with giblet gravy, celery, cranberry sauce. nnisbed potatoes.

hubbard squash, pickles, jelly, pimipkiu pie, ice t-re-iii) anil cake, sweet cider, tea and cofi'ce. manufacturers and that of the bankers of the city in tbe name of the Rochester Clear iug House were olTcred to the commission as evidence. Two Idg facts developed were that Hamilton proposed to routine his curtailment in serice to Ktep "within the law" the city franchise so that the city will be powerless, in case the Public tfi-rvb-e Ctiiimiissioii refuses to act, to order Oieut Avill not be adeuunte." this evening at does tn the Hebrew Library, No. Z- Chatham street, to elect Cunningham renlied that he STOCK-TAKING SALE ollieers. The Monroe County W.

C. T. U. will ''i if necessary, produce plenty of nesses to show that is not adequate lie thoubt the report of Charles hold an executive meeting oil Monday afternoon at I o'clock iu tbe Central J'resby- teriau Church. Tlse following dinner: Bishop Miss Elizabeth da I'anber.

Mrs. contributed or the Thomas F. llickey. Harper. Miss II.

Stearns. eleetrieal expert for the of his inspection here in to-nith other investigations of the Sale of Separate Fur Collars. Heady to put on. Also furs in skin, -mission would show the status of thel Nus furs for bunds and trimmings, bauui's. North Clinton.

Adv. ''-e Rochester sutlicientl.v to prove further enrtailment might' be dan- more fnipieut service, and that the commission will not oppose the company in its proposed curtailment provided it can prove ability to give good service even if the headway is increased to loss of convenience to the public or can prove that it is noc making enough money to do othewrise than curtail its schedules. The coinmissiou thought that it might take two or three wtks to detcrmiue the status of the Crapsey Lectures. "Bise and Fall of Hohenzollerns. Sunday evening at oVIock.

U. Auditorium. Tickets 2T cents. Adv. it lien e.

ut ou itu. ts. es- Mrs. Charles IJauber, Mrs. Johu Haubcr, Mrs.

Anna llrm-k. Frank Carberry, John II.McAnaruey. Mrs. Joseph T. Cuuuiugbam.

Mr. and Mrs. B. l.eiseh-ing. Miss if.

I Jennings. Mrs. B. LMtle. Mrs.

Willtain T. Mrs. A. 15. Hone.

Jo.sepli J. Brown, Mrs. J. ii. llickey and Mrs.

S. Ilauber. The Sisters in charge of the home extend sincere thanks to those who contributed to the happiness of the old H'ople and to the women of the Rochester Branch, of the Needlework Guild for a donation of two hundred garments for the oM people. 'th fisures and evidences tangled, and a wasted day so far as the observer the eoiiiniission ordered a bearing on its ordec for the com-1 to stmiv cause why the proposed is This will take Wednesday afternoon at "0 in Albany, where Mr. Cunningham.

Girls Coals, sizes 6 lo 12, which Mere 819.30 $14.95 Girls' Coals, sizes 8 lo 16, which were 28.30 $19.50 Navy and black all-uool serge dresses, sizes 6 to 12, which were $13.50 $7.95 Peter Thompson dresses ol navy serge, sizes 14 to 17, which were 828.50 $19.50 Look General cleanup sale of lall ami winter merchandise now iu progress wxhg the ty. aud Mr. Reach and consisting of tninn.nd and uutrimmed iiats, vilvi'ts. satins. Mowers, bat frames "lals ttiB roinpanv.

will be heard. and all miiliuery supplies at astouisli ine company eas hold up its curtailment order in.gly low prices. Tbe Bee Hive Millinery Supply 211 Maiu strctt east. I'p urn? ilight. Adv.

iv i- be son. of TWO 1N0lVD IN CAR BURGLARIES BAILED Morris Rosenberg and HenryBernst at Liberty. Uttle is added to developments from the car burglaries and thefts from the Hosenberg Brothers' Fashion I'ark plant. Morris Rosenberg, charged with having received stolen property in the first degree, appeared before Commissioner Kdwin C. Smith and uriiisf'ed the amount of his Ivai! of $1,500 for his appearance on Decern' er lOtli.

Henry Uerust. the IJoclierter Junction baggagemai. who until yesterday Lad not been able to raise the amount cum iv. it uiai uie t'- ''maibnetit will not give adequate to rk.iehster aud also that the run fii under its CAR SERVICEJS BLOCKED Motor Truck Knocks Down Tree; Wires Carried Down by Impact. AVhen a heavy delivery truck owned by tlie Maier Furniture Company, No.

21 Fist avenue, was heins driveu out rtltps of I i company, to give one M.iie iy I'uv lor. MOist avenue by F. J. Harter of Xo.

41 r'o o. ttissioner Defends Companv. itw, rcat ivva "'iiiiius' vrsr. togeruer kellCon Of the .,1.1,.,. In the 2 to 5 Section Plain criWham dresses which were $1.50 Novelty plaid dresses which were 32.50 95c 31.50 Blue and pink chambrav dresses which were $1.25 Corduroy coats which were $7.75 89 $5.75 Chinchilla coats which were $12.75 S9.75 1 President Wilson and His War Cabinet.

Fvery copy of to-morrow 's New York Sunday American will contain as a free separate supplement, suitable for framing a group photograph of I'resideut Wilson's War Ci-biuet. with fac-simiie signatures, reproduced ly the gTavure process, on tine paper. This picture, which is a historic souvenir of permanent value, can only be obtained by buying tomorrow's New York Sunday Auier-icaa. Warning is hereby riven that, as the edition is limited, it will be tdvis-ablo to speak to your newsdealer in advauccto avoid possibility of dis-rppoiutmnit. Adv.

You Can 'Register At the B. B. I. for any day courses Monday. December 2.

also for any evening school courses. Tuesday evening, December Adv. SltM for the belief tl.i tlVet i. syj iiimh- 'W abie llll's. Clifford avenue, yesterday afternoon, it met with an accident in I'ark avenue, between Oxford and Buffer streets.

The driver undertook to turu the machine about asd in doing so it collided with a tree at the curb. The tree was uprooted and thrown across the street. The upper part of it fell upon the trolley wires, bringing them to tie pavement. front part of the truck was badly damaged and the windshield was broken. I'M ward Smith, of No.

12 Herald street, who was on the seat with Harter. reetlveil a from broken glass on one of bis bail of jfU-OO tieinaadod. arrauged for that amorist ami bis bearing was set by Commissioner Smith for Decesnilter 11th. Ail live men in the affair have r.ow been arrested on Federal warrants and to date the charge made against them has to do with burglaries alleged to have been committed on the nights of October "Oth and Noveuiiwr 11 th. although say that there" have been other violations.

Wjen Mr. Cunningham jester- l.i ens cotitention tlat Roches supporind li.jes in other 'A die i fare Syracuse -y a prv.tit in its tines of s- rti a will have a d-Ocit of idaj bo.d er 3- FORMAN CO was blocked reruitid that the New Yerk hands. Street cir traffic about half an hour. ajs still has a deticit in yearly meet of more thai. SLiOO.OU).

that Ihi 46 Clinton Avenue South represents the loss ou very 5or Influenza Use CermiciJe -as follows: Spray thnuit and use as gargle. Gel a bottle at jour druggist's to day and pri-vent s'ckn ss. Adv. When asked he' her Ladies. 'We Are Selling Furs To-day At bargain prices.

1'ur carfs at S8.50, fur muffs to match SX.Ii'J. Nusbauui's. North Clinton. Adv. pen, NO AUVKISTISKlt Ki.l screech at the top of his lungs in order to attract attention to an advertisement In ''lis apcr.

l-eople read every page of U. i-d notbiiia that deserves atteutioo escapts their notice. 'J I- lople of Syra- 0U- A Quarter a Day Keeps the Hun owayBuy a'Thrift Stamp Today..

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