Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 16
- Publication:
- Democrat and Chroniclei
- Location:
- Rochester, New York
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 16
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Ul! ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1903. 16 Rev. Wesley Barnes Frank Soule of child. Wreck of the bridge. The rescue.
Major Andre" ta Hartford November 6tn. a Aoinoar Iiarry Crostiy Ziby Tucker Arthur Gregory Feace at last. "Trinity Chimes" is a new melodrama, the work of Carroll Fleming and Bernard Kzi-a Blowers I rrmr opera Kling. It is said to be distinguished for The Lyceum Is to have "Nancy Bm with Miss Marie Cahill, for Its attraction. Effle Shannon, while In Tacoma, Wash cently, adopted a young Indian boy educate him.
a l' it i- a a i a HOUSE Harry Jackson Carl Newton George W. Mahare T. II. Nelson Geo. C.
Westeott Thos. Parsons Geo. C. Westeott Will Hubbard v. Kate Jackson Marie Falls Eleanor Sidman Millie Stevens tilda Russell Johnson Gordon Morrison Ab Springer Ben Tattle Wick Tilton Orson Biddle Orin Truman DeLancy Davenport Ton Widow Miller Jennie Emeline Hubbard Mrs.
Lyddy Martin Iligglnsea Girl Sadie Jack Lydla Yea mans Titus in imitations sings "Since Sally Left Om. In different dialects. LL James A. Heme's "Sag Harbor" a fln to be presented in Rochester. It will oo seen at the Baker Theater.
ni t-1 ishelle underwent appendicitis Uo for one- Synopsis. ACT I. Settln' room In the home of Myron Cooper and his sister at Martinsville, one Saturdav night Just after supper. L'arly autumn. 18S4.
ACT II. Scene 1. "Maple Lane" (cross lots), Sunday nisrht after ehurch Scene Town Clerk's oiiice In the rear of Ben Tut-tle "Emporium the next Vriilur Figuring on the rates of high priced theaters, the admission charge for a show of this magnitude would be $5. At the COOK the mana iu UW Oik. MAT INEE EVERY DAT its stirring sensationalism and intense heart interest.
The story tells of the murder of the old sexton of Trinity Church, New York, on Christmas eve many years ago. lie is killed as be is about to riDg the chimes and his assassin is tracked for eighteen years before he is finally captured. His capture, by a strange coincidence, takes place before the very altar of the church in which his crime was committed, as he is about to be married to Bess Trinity. Bess Trinity is a sort of a protege of the church, having been found on the steps of the sacred ediiice eighteen years before, the night on which the murder takes place. As he is about to marry her it is discovered that she is his own daughter.
Just as this fact is made known the ctiiccrs step up to arrest him, but he escapes arrest by taking bis own life. The church scene is very realistic. The chimes, carried and played by an expert musician, are similar iu tone to those they represent. A full vested choir adds to the effect. The scenery is described as exceptionally handsome.
The cast and synopsis: Itev. I'e-rry Chambers John L. Newton tl ACT III. Wood shon of Ellen Terry may be seen In "Th. Mltr.
of the Robes," a new play by Clo during her American tour in 1004, If the is a success in London. William, Gillette gave the first AmPric8 representation of "The Admiral highest prices are works, early Saturdav ACT IV. Same as Act fmi later. five past four or the Weiting Opera Callahan and Mack, two of the cleverest i nouse, tyracuse, N. VI VJ rears." She has vears.
io bus otten ueen eam-u Ihursday, November 6th AHAN CALI Irish character comedians on the Ameri Ku, A llussoirs tlonl-le. Hor daintiness of mau- Itusseirs double. Her daintiness of man- 1 William II. and E. B.
Joselyn can Stage, Will head the bill of vnrietlea are to g(r, at trie liaker Theater, on Snniin. this wek at the Cook Opera House, presenting their success of several seasons. Wi A ner, her sweet singing ana ner unt-presence have won her an assured position. It is a matter of grave doubt whether mi! foi-ii 1 Kt roiis cast was ever and Pf" The Old Neighborhood." This delight uaiD November 22d, what is said to be the est picture show on earth. F.
Wright Neuman says Madame Spmhrk. sang to or l.lioo paid tin It in to inini-tion of this kind. In THE OLD NEIGHBORHOOD. ful little sketch will be readily recalled by anyone who ever saw Callahan and Mack in It, for their work is artistic and the sketch itself is one of those deft touches has Fonlinnnd Cottschalk, who uer ursi concert tnis season and to 63 the second (popular prices). A beautiful twenty-sheet for that reveal genuiue human nature and gained no small fame in "the legitimate," and is classed to be one of the best known of the joungcr generation of American Babes FANNIE RICI loyianq is in preparation hv the Nation Show Printing leave an indelible impression upon the mind of the observer.
He may forget the names of the players and of their play; he may not even remember where he saw Company. It actors. civ. o.itohv music, a sane and 1, tI su Rich Belmont Fred Keky Tom Gannon Frank Si roug Joshua Martin Henry Stafford John Baldwin Jim Baker Allies Belmont Alice Gannon Bess Trinity Bridget McHugU Maud Hussell Grace Stafford Mandy Martin The Charming Comedienne In Some Jolly Surprises. J.
H. Green It. F. Sullivan Dan Brunalde Lyman Abby Harry Hughes Harry Smith Art Carlton Harry 15. Storms Miss Lillian Scj-miiure Abby Marshall Agnes Templetou Lucile A.
Walker Margaret M. Lewis Helen Holden Teddy Pusqueliaa Synopsis. Trinity Church. Christmas lucid book, plenty of fun, capable artists and a bevy of pretty girls and you have the main elements that make the success these days in the held of musical comedy. AH of these and more, are claimed to be characteristics of this production.
The cast and synopsis: wj -j i. bcicu colors. David Belaseo suffered serious effects la week as the result of swallowing a mou-hfui of ammonia, whicdi he mistook for a thrut lotion. Mr. Btlasco has also suffered acutL from sciatica during the past week.
Marie Cahill is very much pleased with hp successful song, "Navajo." This 8011g ADOLPH ZINK them and it; but he will carry with him the memory of the touch of sentiment conveyed in the acting; and, should he see it again, it will all come back as a renewed pleasure. "The Old Neighborhood" presents an irascible but lovable old Irishman, Intensely egotistic and cdannish, whose peppery disposition is played upon unmercifully by a young, mischief-loving fellow-countryman. There is no malice in the younger man's jests, but the old man's temper is kept at the boiling point and he almost goes into fits under the lash The Famous Midget Comedian and Impersonate-, 4 a i Ferdinand Gottschalk Albert Hart wiuu'u ujr iwo-riovcr western Prologue Old and Van Alstyne. Shapiro, BerusMi. r4 p- liams Co.
are the publishers of the sods. The Lyceum's offerings for the week are: Lord Dunsmoro Jack Bandoipix Squire Miuk Ludwig Kogenbogeu 1x1 ward Brandon Nick Calvert Napoleon Lee Marie Louisa Jefferson 1'ayno Hoi Marshall Blil Douglass Jim Small Dick Sauford Kilty Calvert Maud Baliie Karle Bess Jackson Sallv Suinpter Malvina Carrol Imogeuo D'ra Kdilli Helen ing of his tormentor, who even goes so far as to question the personal bravery of his companion, on such and such memorable occasions, of which the old man is wont to tell with becoming pride of his own prowess. But, having worked the old man into a fever heat, the young rascal changes Geo. Scuiiiet D. L.
Don Charles II. Bowers Wiliner 11. BentUy hailes lv. Charles Ii. Seheiler J.
Marshall Vernon li. leo I. M. Lumsiien W. llobart Kdward Fooley Irene Bentley Diamond Donner Adelaide Sharpo Laura Giiuay Belle Desmoini Hose Hart Kssie Lyons L'leanor Burns Maiwd Verne Ada Verne Scenes.
Tamarack, Mary- Joseph Hart and Carrie de Mar are to remain under the management of William a Brady, even after they cease to appPar in "Foxy Grandpa." This farce has been oa the road two years and is said to have earned JoO.OOO. Oiga Nethersole has just seeuroii two new plays. One Is L'Epave, produced a fiw ago at the Paris Gymuaso; the ouw drama written by Mrs. Craigie (alias jom Oliver Holmes), and ut present entitled "The Flute of Pan." Jerome K. Jerome, Conan Dny'p, anil Isra-'i his tactics and, by producing and playing on an Irish bagpipe, he strikes new chords Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday with matinee.
Wednesday: "The Virginian." Friday and Saturday with matinee Saturday: "-A Girl From Dixie." ''The Virginian" was dramatized by Owen Wister and Kirke l.a SUeiie from Mr. Witster'a stirring and widely read novel of the same name. The book has been bought by more than a quarter of a million people, and it is probable that each one of these copies has been read at least five times. This is unusual popularity even in this day of big-sellins novels, and it would probably be the almost unanimous verdict of tin's vast host of readers that there-have been few modern American in the old fellow's breast. Under the spell of the music that he loves so well, the old fellow forgets and forgives the teasing A.ssisr.ea Dy iuoving SNYDER BUCKLEY German Musical Comedians in "BLATZ WANTS A DRINK." A.
D. ROBBINS World's Champion Trick Cyclist. Lomse BREHANY Soprano. DAVIS WALKER Colored Comedians. LeRoy Clayton In "A HORSE ON HOGAN." a HvT Synopsis of 1.
School house. Eve. ACT Mrs. Belmont's Fifth avenue mansion (seveuten years later.) ACT II. Farmhouse in the CatskllFs.
ACT III. Luna 1'ark, Coney Island. (Illuminated.) ACT IV. Same as prolocue. ACT V.
Same as prologue. The National Theater's offerings for the week are: Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, with the usua'l "The Fatal Wedding." Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with the usual matinees: "York Slate "The Fatal Wedding" is by Theodore rem or. It tells of life in New York. The adventuress, by deep plotting, manages to separate the hero and his wife, with the intention of marrying the man later for his wealth.
After the separation the wife and her two daughters live on the Fast Side in poverty and want. "Jessie," the older of the daughters, is known in the tenement district iid "The Bittle Mother," because of her care of the children. In this way she earns her living and supports her mother and little sister. The management. realizing the importance of this role, has secured two child actresses for it, who alternate.
These are Baby Zona Keife and little Cra (Jaiuten, who have been warmly praised by the critics wherever the play has been presented. The role is a long one calling for considerable histrionic ability and the two young actresses have made a great success of it. The scenes ACT land. ACT Scene TI Ball mom of Stuyvesant mansion. '2.
Garden of nxbridge College, fcceue wed'iinsl re.jea i aai. 3, Kitty stories that have more richly merited suc rs for the in Theater's offei The Baker Zangvvlll appeared recently In London In the cast of "Merely Mary Ann," when the play was given for copyright purposes. also acted as stage manager, and Doyle wj properly- man. Toby Claude, In collaboration wlUi another young woman, has written a musical which she has submitted to the Shuuvrt Brothers, with whom she lias a three years' contract. There Is a possibility that she ma be starrtd iu her new play.
Twiddle twiddle widdle-t wuni twlddle-twum, vviddle-dah-de-day. I have been this week to hear your "Hiawatha" lay. And 'tis vc-ek are: Mondav. Tuesday and Wednesday. -nith dailv matinees: A Hidden Crime.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday with Gaily matinees: Trinity Chimes." "A Hidden Crime" is a comedy-drama by John 1'. Lockney, produced by J. II. Ward. This is the story of the play: Henry Adair, a slave to absinthe, deserts cess than has this realistic romance of the ranches.
It is doubtful if the appearance of any dramatization since that of "The I'risoner of Zenda" has been awaited with more eagerness by local fiction-lovers than is this play made from "The Virginian." With the evident intent of fixing in literature for all time that fast disappearing type, the American "cowpunohor," Mr. Wister has given iu "The Virginian" a character study that seems to have satis jumping in my oars, causing tears, UlDO ileep dismay. But I hope I'll overcome It his young wire and miant tiaugmei, the yet. Hooray Mirror. It Is said that in "Mile.
Napoleon' Is one song called "The A la Mode and takes parage for Australia; voting wife grieves herself to death r.v tout- to foundling asylum; and here tflore Girl," wuicil uas neeu given the most expensive presented in "The Fatal edding include the interior of a counterfeiter's fl and Night, Concert by Fadette 111 Woman's Orchestra, Moving Pic she remains until she is about 1'! years of age, when she is adopted by Mrs. Bran-deii, a heartless old vexen who keeps a sailors' rooming bouse in the slums of San Francisco. She treats Kose brutally and vainly endeavors to bring her down to den: the Palisades of the Hudson which ere shown during- a terrific storm; the interior of Grace Church. New York, on ture of Pope Leo and Cardinal Gibbons. the night of "the fatal wedding" and other familiar New York landmarks.
In the church scene, in the last, act, when the adventuress is about to be married to the hero, there is a very tdtective entrance of the boy choir of twenty-live voices, led hv Master Kov Charles. Miss Gertrude FREE! Haynos. an organist of some note, plays the organ in this scene. Just as the ceremony is about to be performed, the de f'TPi-Ati nrpQpnt this COU- nouement comes and everything cuds hap pon at tne dux uun-c yuu -will be given two reserved seats for the price of one for Monday pily. The cast and synopsis: Howard Wilson Hobert Curtis 'l'oto Peter Schwartz Itev.
Dr. Lanceford Irwin Churchill Albert Kooeardl Frank Baltin iYiaiincc, iuv. iu. Ky rle Lleanor Churchill Mabel Wilson Julia Balph Quiuten Alice Keife fied all demands or fancy regarding our Western range rider. The hero, though born in Virginia, has lived for years in Wyoming and is in perfect sympathy with the peculiar of civilization that obtained in that region during the 70's and 8S0's when cattle raising was the only business, cattle stealing the only crime, and lynching the only law.
Speaking of the cowboy as a type, the author says: ''He was romantic, whatever lie did, he did with his might. The bread that he earned, he earned hard, the wages that Be squandered, were squandered hard half a year's pay sometimes gone in a night 'blowed in as he expressed it. His wilil kind has been among us always, since the beginning; a young man with his temptations, a hero without wings." In the character of "The Virginian," Mr. Wister has given a composite picture of the cowboy all the good, th brilliant fascination and daring that might enter into the personality of a right-hearted man in such wild surroundings.
At the same time the ugly things about hiiu are told without squeamishness; for this wild v. est man swears like a pirate, smokes, drinks, assists at lynchings, "kills Lis man," and at the same time is as gentle as a lamb and as peace-loving as a dove. "I Lave never killed for pleasure or profit," he says at one time, "and am nut one of that kind, always preferring peace." For' heroine, there is a pretty pink and white little school ma'am from Vermont who has certain strict. Puritanical ideas about shooting and other cowboy practices; but in the end the Virginian wins her heart iu spite of the grammatical sins and others too numerous to mention. This love story, marked as it is by many clashes between her New Kngland conscience and Western instincts and jeopardized at every turn by amusing episodes and alarming adventures, forms, of course, the under-current of the plot, and a more absorbing has not been unfolded in this country for these many years.
The virtues of the story have, it is said, all been carefully preserved in the transition from the book to play and the love of the book's readers for the hero and the giil of his heart is, it would almost certain to be shared by those who face Zen a Keife J. C. Price Cora Williams Bridget Hospital Nurse Tin- Little Mother Jerry Dolierty Jolni Kelly Fattie Malon Mabel Moouey Lillie Stross production ever known to the theatrical profession. In it Miss Held is accompanied sixteen show girls, nu oue of whom wears a gown which cost less than $foo. Al Leach, who Is starring In "Girls Will Be Girls," recently got a request fur tlctets from a man whose only claim was his financial prominence.
The note read: understand that you are a good entertainer, riease send me two seats, tl. Mr. Leach mailed the pasteboards with the following reply: "I understand that you are a prosperous merchant. Please send me A. He got the money.
Raymond and Caverly, the German comedians, who for several months were starred la the far West in the various Me.VallJ farces originally written for the Kogers Brothers, winning great success, have returned Fast and reopened as vaudeville head-liners this week at Keith's, Philadelphia, with the circuit to follow. They will reuia'a in vaudeville the rest of the season, but have not fully decided ou their plans for nt year. In the course of three years during whica she has starred, Grace George has been sup-, ported by some of the best known player iu America. Among those who have appeared in her various excellent companies are Aubrey Botnlcault, Ernest Hastinjs, Kose Coghlan, Wilton Lackaye, Mai Freeman, Prank Worthing, Sheridan Block, Ealra Stuart. Grace Henderson, Vincent Serrano, Francis Carlisle, Annie Ward Tiffaay aai Robert Loraine.
"Laces and Graces." an instrumental not- elty by Gustav Salzer and John W. BraUon, is just what Us title would surest its that is, a dainty, graceful melody, full of th atmosphere of the bad room, and ronihv cent of frills and flirtations. It co-panlon piece to Mr. Bratlon's "la a CozJ Corner," and while it has none of the odd little twists and turns of Its famous preii-ecessor, it yet possesses an originality at charm which is already making it a i-'1 "go," it has only been out a ft months. P.
H. West Curtln May Went wort Mattie Franks .1,1 uimrimiiirr of Scenes. Synopsis of the tlsons. Scene ACT I. The home Corridor of tin; New York divorce courts.
a level with her surroundings. Jwose wins the love of Jack Harrington, a young detective connected with the San Francisco Police Department. She reciprocates Lis love, but refuses to become his wife, saying it would not be right for him to marry a nameless girl. Henry Adair, the father, returns from Australia a rich man, made so by fortunate operations in the gold fields; he tries in vain to find his daughter and finally employs Harrington, the young detectives' to seek her out. Jack "little dreams that the girl he loves is the one for whom he is hunting.
Cecil Newton, a gambler and rogue, who is Henry Aoair's nephew, overhears the conversation between Hose's father and the detective. He alone suspects that Bose Brandon is Boso Adair and endeavors to gain her hand in marriage. He makes her extravagant promises and she finally agrees to become his wife. Marie Ferrara, Newton's mistress, whom he has repeatedly promised to marry. overhears his declaration of love for Bose and upbraids him for falseness.
Newton, angered to desperation, strikes lir senseless, and with the assistance of Hep Wan, a treacherous Chinaman who has also cultivated a passion for Kose, endeavors to abduct Kose, who Las turned from Newton in disgust when she learns his true character. They are about to carry her off when she is Rescued by Harrington, the detective. Newton lures Henry Adair to his gambling den and induces him to drink absinthe. While under the influence of the cordial Adair makes a will in his nephew's favor, who then tries to murder him. He is saved by Hep Walt.
Kose is abducted and brought" to the gambling den, but is released by Marie Farrara. When Newton discovers what his mistress has done, he kills her in a fit of anger. While Le is stil! standing over her dead body, he is discovered by Harrington. They have a terrible struggle in which Newton gains the mastery and is about to plunge a dagger into Jack when Kose picks up a revolver which has been dropped during the light and saves her lover. From this time on Newton is a fugitive from justice and Kose and Jack marry and settle down in a little cottage at San Francisco; father and daughter have been reunited and all 1 x- i.
I I 1 Scene The home of the Wilsons. ACT II. An attic room iu a New York of his companion and joins in with flute and piccolo playing; and there is even a bit of a dance to add to the festivity. These musical features of the sketch are not in any sense specialties, however, but are legitimately a part of the sentiment and action. The little play is a gem in its way, and the entire vaudeville season will offer nothing more artistic in the line of Irish character acting.
Another head-liner will be Fanny Rice with her "Jolly Surprises." Miss act will be practically the same as the one in which she was wel! liked last season, her inimitable manikin impersonations being still retained. She will give a recitation, too; but the tale of the martyred Christians has been wisely discarded for a bit of Irish verse, with a change of costume that is reported to lie vastly Fanny Rice is a versatile entertainer and a clever one; and her act has the added charm of novelty and originality, for it is the only one of its kind in vaudeville and Miss Rice has no imitators at least, no successful ones. Adolph Zink, a tiny comedian who was one of the stars of the original Lilliputians, will appear in a series of impersonations and imitations of well known player folk. Little Zink is one of the drollest of midgets. His mere appearance on the stage creates laughter, before ever he begins his comical imitations of such pople as Edna May, Lottie Collins and May Irwin.
Mr. Zink was the first impersonator to hit upon the device of using the moving picture machine to fill in the waits occasioned by bis changes of costume. He appears first in dress suit, explains what be is about to do and then invites the audience to accompany him to hi dressing room. As he disappears, the picture machine follows him and the audience sees the little fellow hustling into his costume and make-up for the next impersonation. When he again appears in reality, it is in the costume the audience has watched him put on, with the aid of the moving picture machine.
This novelty made a hit in New York and should prove entertaining. The big bicycle act of the season is promised in the exhibition by A. D. Bobbins, who. since his last appearance here, has made a successful tour of Europe.
A London paper pronounced Robbins the "champion of all champions" and added that a new word "cyclataur" was necessary to describe his work. Snyder and Buckley, described as "merry lnon-arehs of the musical world," will present their musical comedy sketch, "Blatz Wants a Drink." Miss Louise Brehany, foruTerly soprano soloist with tSousu's Band, will be the vocalist of the bill. Walter LeRoy and Florence Clayton will repeat their comedy hit of last season, "llo-gan of the Hansom," in which Mr. LeRoy impersonates a good-natured cabman who is mistaken for an actor; and Sam Davis and Laura Walker, colored entertainers, will contribute a singing, dancing and grotesque acrobatic act. This bill of varieties will be presented twice daily this week at the Cook Opera House.
The manager of the "Jolly Grass Widows," the burlesque and vaudeville aggregation, which will be at the Empire this week, claims that during the last decade this style of attraction has so vastly improved that a really up-to-date burlesque and vaudeville show furnishes better entertainment than the average run of "musical comedies" seen in the regular theaters. If all the other burlesque and vaudeville aggregations were as good as Mr. Robert Fulton's troupe has been in the past, and is now unless its reputation flatters it outrageously, his claim would be reasonable. The "burlesque" and the "comic opera" are built on pretty much the same lines, and the vaudeville interpolation unless it is exceptionally bad, is rather a welcome variation, which the musical comedy lacks. In the high-class combinations the vaudeville is often very good indeed.
It is not uncommon to find figuring in the "olios" specialists who have recently appeared in best vaudeville houses. The "Grass Widows" combination is said to be a splendid type of the modern, high-class "burlesque" combination, elaborately equipped in every particular. The entertainment consists of a two-act musical burletta, with one act located iu a fashionable hotel and the other on the gun-deck of a warship, with a selection of first-class vaudeville turns sandwiched in between the two acts. tenement. ACT III.
Scene 1 The Wilsons' mansion Scene '2 A corridor in the house. Scene It The hut on the Palisades. AND WEDNESDAY MATINEE TVT, 8 AND WEDNESDAY MATINEE 3 Nights ACT IV. interior of Grace Church, New COMMENCING KIRKE LaSHELLE'S FRODCCTION of Owen Wlster's Ftsinatintr American Romance York. "York State Folks" is really "first class" attraction." The original cast in eluding James Lackeye, Kay B.
Koyce, Frnest Arthur Gregory, Harry Jackson, Kandolph Currie, Osborne Searle, llleanor Sidman, Kate Jackson, Marie Talis, Minnie Stephens and the other favorites, will be seen in the play this sea son. These players have done much to make lork State oiks the success it is. and in their hands a production worthy of the attention of the most critical the ater-goer is assured. "York State Folks comes to Rochester this year after one of tneir stage embodiment. The cast and synopsis.
the most phenomenal runs ever made by any play in Boston, where it kept the Majestic Theater open all during the hot tivii ii ii 1 1 iii ii i lit niiit'iiiYiflrrrn'iii 1 ri 't mt wPrtf. aJa-mim The life of Edgar Allan l'oe dramatized by George C. Hazeltou, "Mistress Neil," and the play, called -Ja Raven," is to be produced at once by Haa-rlce Campbell, with Frederick Lewis a1 iu lie presented in New lrk weather and played to packed house After the first week the popularity of the With DUNSTIIJ FARNUM amatlzed by Owen Wister aid Kirke LaShel'e Men and women In love with the hero of The Virginian." Bocton G'obo. A Thrilling, Dashing, and Withal a E'elieate Love Story of the Ranches. Prices, Night.
SI. 50, $1.00, 75c 50c, 25c. Matinee, SI, 75c, 50c, 25c lay grew so that it was found necessary to dispense with the large house orchestra. Lewis one of the holiday offerings. Mr.
ii the role, and The plav abound in little bits of natural uianv friends here will rejoice in his ism, most of which are usually overlooked by authors in writing a play of this kind The squeaking of the gate, the click of AND SATCRDAY MAT1NEH COMMENCING 2 Night Next Friday The Virginian Judge Henry Uneie llewie John Taylor James Westfall Alexander Carmody Andrew Dow Trampus Steve Honey Wigiu Nebrasky Baldy Educated Simpson Itazor-hack Charlie Dollar BUI Bar Keener The Birihop Frederick Ogdeii Mrs. Ogden Mrs. Henry Mrs. Ilewle Mrs. Westfall Mrs.
Carmody Mrs. I)iw Mrs. Tavlor the latch, the clock that has run down Dustin Famum Theodore Ma is ton Harry Hollid.iy Josepii A. May Ion John Wheeler Frank Vail I. Jucksnu Frank Campeau Wpnim'Si Joseph Callahan Bennet Musson Frank Nelson John Hammond H.
M. Gammon L-. Bobbins It. L. Jones Fred Roberts Harry Bo rk ha nit Margaret Lovell Florence Stanley Frances Bishop Mnrearct Grov Maud CilTord KUa Sothern Coiustoek and which has to be "struck around;" the letting out of the family cat, the chirping served promotion and brllliaut prospects- Marie Dressier, now appearing in va ville In the prluclpal New England clVJ meeting with continued success wlta pretty wultz song, "You for Me.
You." Dan Daly bas been secured by M- tham for a season of fifteen weeks in A vaudeville houses. For several moiithi Beutham has been dangling a very of the crickets, the croaking of the frog seems well, wnen uu uas oeeii hiding in the mountains, comes to the rot tage: he hides in the shrubbery until Kose is alone and threatens her with death if she does not tiy with him. Just at this point Jack is heard iu the distance singing; Newton rushes to a suspension bridge which spans a big ravine and cuts the cable with an ax, as Harrington attempts to cross. Thinking the husband has been k.i'ed, he is about to carry Kose away, when Jack, who has saved himself iu a miraculous manner, rushes in and makes Lin: a prisoner. "A Hidden Crime" is said to be very handsomely staged and capably acted.
The cast and synopsis: the glow of the tire-Hies in the "Maple Banc" scene, and many other features, all help to lend that most desirable "atmosphere" so necessary to a successful and satisfying rural comedy. The story Nixon and Zimmerman and Sam S. Shnbert's Legitimate Musical Novelty Success. AGiRL FROM DIXIE By Harry B. Smith.
WITH Tr.FTF TaT'VnrT FT7" a cast of favorites, ln- lit HNh Krrll -'udln Ailert Hart. fer.Unand SehilltT, Wihiier Bentlev. Charles K. Frcneh. Clmrles Shefter, Charles Bowers, Diamond Dormer, Adolnlde Sharp Fssia Lyons, Hose Hart.
A CHORUS OF FIFTY. MIRTHFUL AND MELODIOUS. WHOLESOME AND CLEAN. PRICES Evening, 25c to $1.50. Matinee, 25c to $1.00, salary before Mr.
Daly's eyes, but io of the play tells of a simple yet interesting the oner voiced comedian looked at finally of the until a few days ago, when he seated to entertain the patrons Molly Wood Synopsis of ACT I. Uncle Hewie Scenes, Ranch. P. Lockney Horalio B. Carpenter tlnuous houses with a specialty Duncan I'enwaideu some of the characters he has mude i l.
that his a1'' ACT II. Jnlia HenrVs Riioh. ACT III. Fxterior of Molly's cahin. ACT IV.
Street In Bird's Nest. will be in the neighborhood of week. Hyde and Behman Theater, Br "A Girl From Dixie," is under the direction of Mess.r. S. S.
Shubert and Nixon Cecil Newton Jack Harrignton Heurv Adair Hep Vah Tom Pa ere Curly Biack Bob Joe Mike O'Kiantgau arie Furrar.i Branders Kitt Bayiior Cleo" Kose Adair oi 15 cmwtn the scene lyn, has been a- Adelbert Knott Frank lie Leon James Thomosou it. K. Wortham Hobert llmersoa Hey Bose Bernard Kstelle La Verne Marguerite France Francis Fee Miss Pauline Fletcher Synopsis. game of village politics. The real hero of the play, is an old musician and organ builder, who is a veritable altruist and whose good deeds and sunny nature have won the love of all the villagers.
Then there is a contrasting type, shown iu the role of the village president, a stern, in-llexible, strong-willed martinet, who has been the old musician's friend for years. The building of a new railroad through the village causes a split among the villagers and this forms the stumbling block iu the story. The love story of the play is amusing and touching; there are tear but more laughs. Scenically "York Stat Folks" will be presented with great care. The dream scene in the finale id one of the most effective stage pictures ever attempted, and it has been warmly praised will occur on Daly's debut, which ber 7lh.
Manager Wollf, of the Lyceum Tt'1 has arranged with Mr. FTitz Nolle, dtr of the famous German Theater stock LYCEUM LECTURE COURSE THIRD LECTURE TO-NIGHT BY Rev. Annis Ford Eastman, Pastor of Congregational Church, Elmira, N. Y. it cinioiiinii fur- inmuer AZimmorman.
This newest endeavor in the field of musical comedy is the work of Harry B. Smith, author of Hood." The English method of having several composers contribute their efforts to a production has been followed iu this instance, and the following representative list of musicians have furnished the various numbers, each written in characteristic style, so that the widest variety is afforded music lovers Victor Ilerber, Ludwig Englander. Baldwin, Sloane, Cole and Johnson, George Kosey, Max Witt. Ben Jerome. Will Marion Cook.
Henry Waller, Manuel Klein and Moszknwsk'. Irene Bratley, who, in this no-star, non-featured ca.t. plays the heroine, has had a remarkably rapid rise in musical ACT I. Tlnrbor at San Francisco. Home of Bose Adair.
The false love ami the true. The denunciation. The fatal blow. Intermission of 2 minutes between flrst and second nets. Specialties by Kstelle De Leon and James Thompson.
ACT 11. Scene 1 The abduction. Scene 2 Interior of Hie old gambling palace. The forgery. The absinthe drinker.
The tempter. in dangerous grounds. A woman's honor sa veil. ACT IIL A moonlight evening. Curly as iin entertainer.
The love of liie rose. Kitty and Tom have a quarrel. The crafty Chiua-mnn and the bst will. A fatal quarrel. ACT IV.
The rose garden. A newly wedded pair. Curly's diploma. Father and L'HliJ, Ul icicmuu, ivi h. formunees during the p.esent season, intention is to give one performance month, the first one on Monday, NoeB1 30th.
Director Nolle says his company composed of high class artists, Berlin, Leipslc and Munich. There are ic ty-five in the company, and during the sea the German theater-goers of Rochester have an opportunity to see them ad 'B ferent plays. The company is so large the director can give twa perforniaacei Dramatic Notes. "Soldiers of Fortune" will sc-Qn be presented at the National Theater. Thomas Preston Brooke and his famous baud are soon to be heard in concert at the Lyceum.
Clyde Fiten occupied a box with his father, Major William Fitch, United States army, retired, and Mrs. Fitch at the first performance SUBJECT: "THE HOME OF THE FUTURE." RESERVED SEATS, 25 CENTS. ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. everywhere. It may be well to remind theater-goers that the scene of the play is near Rochester and the allusions to this city in the lines are not "local gags." The cast and synopsis: Myron Cooper Bay L.
Royce Siuiou Peter Martin James Lackaye Frank Martin Itandolph Currie Hal Murdock Osborne Searle.
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