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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 2

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


(ONTINf'FTl KHOVf flSP. NEW OFFENSIVE BY GRAND DUKE AGAINST TURKS Aimed nt the Very Heart of the Turkish limpire. STOKHOD BATTLE UNABATED No Iarlnlv RHult(i for Either 3id; Rurfhinns Rpuls Furious Coin- I tff Attacks by Teutons nnd Tfikn Prionmt Patiograd Sayt their blaek fniiida KH'io'fl one. ynrd of ten in. "Kut of the Mi uso I- ren, allernpta at failed.

Near tlie of S'nivilli' our iiirtaiii of lire Impeded the Hllai Near Ihe l.iinfoe, work" the flttllrk Wlia flutiy "On the roat of Ihn froul miiio-mii enemy patron or el ronirer eontioiieniitf (lelaehnienl.s wi re liermnn pntrola brousht in prleonera from Cul' Ilea, Hi anlne, ami from a poinl of Mnrkireh," Hot Bombardment on Belgian Front Pnria. July II. The botnbnr'lriienr. the I'elfatian front htia renehed a poinl of the frenteat Inlenalty, neeoid illR to the olhotlll wtllteilieill isellnl by Ihe Wiir UHloe lo-nixhi The (irrnilliH luaih- two ntloinpu tlildit to utorm I'reneh poMiliims imrlli of the Aiane, at ii point soiiih of ill'! riu'-ltojw, but were eheked by the I'reneh iriiir-hino eun fire, Ihe War Mllu-e mi nouneerf (in the Verdun frntil artillery liiihlinir eontiuue In the Sourilie aoetor. There were patrol engiiKeinenla In 'lienoia vvemd.

There wore no Important developments no Ihe T-emalnler of tho front. The an iioiiiieeinent follown: "North of the AlMie, iu the retfinii sonfh of illo iiu Hoi Hinl on the Vnui'lore p'atenu. Iwo atlempta by the (jermans to nttiiekii were an-eMed uoltiptly lit the fire of our mnehiiie kuiik. "I In the, riuhi hank of the Mniw (Ver dun frontl the artillery huhim waa ery netive In the Souvllle lor. Patrol en- KHffenielltH I "tin the t'eiiiniftder (he front there were no linpoitnnt.

eveiila." Only Regiment Equipped with HeavySiege Guns. TO GUARD TROOP'S HEALTH Gov. Whitman Sends Lieutenant-Colonel Wainwripht to Texas to Report on Condition of New York Militiamen; 2d Battalion Leaves Albany, July Orders formally ehntii-iiiK the Sixty Fifth infantry, national Buard, of KiifTaln into the lhlrd tield artillery were issued to-day by Adjutant-! lenenil Stntesbury. Tbis is the lirst reciuient of Held artillery with heavy sicee Buna in tho t'nlted States. The orders routaiti thn now nsMintnont nf nfflcera nnd renrsjan-Isntion of enlisted personnel to conform ith the new irunmition I oa batteries Instead nf eonipunics.

The enm-J'anies are consoliilaicd int.i six batteries. OtlloerK who are ilcinoted, but rei-om-liiissioned and renssimied lo the new organization, are: Major John S. L'oorty. commissioned captain: Captain ,1. C.

Arbit-iist. coiiiniissiiincd first lieiiteiuint, nnd Ciiptiiiu W. T. Doane, eouimi-ssioned first lieutenant. Olliocrs fdficed on the reserve list are: CnptHin J.

X. Cw-inner, Captain Harvey L. li'-andy, I'ii-st l.ieiitoiiunt H. X. Itothenmcv er nnd Second Lieutenant C.

I I'Shnunhucssy. Joseph Kiniisbnry heretofore detailed from th reserve list duty with the Si.xty-tiftii is returned to the reserve list. Personal Interests Subordinated. Coniincniiii on tlie demotions. tlciiernl Stoteshury said: "The de-cisinii of the nthcers nf the reinieat to subordinate personal interests to the interests of tlie- government was most commendable and inspired by a tine sense e.f public duty.

It is a sreat credit tn the ui-Liiniatiou and the from which it conies." As prcvimisiv iinnoiinied Colnite! C. P. Itjlicuck. of the Sixty -Hfth. is plaei-d on tlio reserve list, and Captain I'min I W.

ILiud. of the Fifth Field Artillery. I. S. having ipiatitied enlonel, tield artillery, is assigned to command the new ortnnii'iition.

Former Senator J. Mnyliew lio recently wns conimi.ssi.iiie 1 a lie.iitenant coiiuicl in the insprctuM'-n-ernrs ilennrtnieiif, was directed by (Jov-ernor Whitnmn to-day to iroceed to Texas and report eoneernitiB the eondi-tion of Xeiv York's militiamen. In iiuikinc Hie annoinicement. Coy-enior htrnmn issued a elateti-epr liriiisine the Xiitional llmHsmrn h. responded to President Wilson's call.

Governor Whitman's Statement. "Althoiiili they have passed out the ju; isdiction of the the statement rend, "we are by no nienns relieved of the duty and responsibility of ronsidorini; their and of provid-Inir, far ns we for their coinfot--. M'hnlever the stale can reasonably and properly tin for ihese nun. without in-fririu'ii or hinir on the I-V-deval or military control. I am sure nnr citizens desire to do." In comnientitu: on his determination, announced yesterday, not to call a special legislative session tn provide nd'ii-tioual funds the guardsmen, the Cov-einor si, sutli.

ient slate funds woie available to meet nil rcuiiirenients. The enai-tiucnr of legislation to care for dependents of the militiamen, which win sus-osted by Majority Leader Crown of the Senate in reiiucsrim; the extra session, the iHivorr.or believes would be ht-M be nn onsi itutional on the coiind jhat the ConstiMM ion expressly forbids the fiv-iiiil by the state of any gratuities. Second Battalion Breaks Camp. Camp Whitiuau, Croon Haven. N.

July 11. Tile Second Hattiilioti. I'neutv-second Corps ot l-iliiueeis. New Vvriv iit. commanded by Major ilbam S.

Coniow vl at nieot to day tor --Ali. n. T- i e. 1... ill.

naut an C. Lie as. mtujii.b of tho and his sturi leave New ork to lake up hi a-Luin-tei at ii-Fort ashlui'-n av.nuo Armory ami recruit anoth- battalion of UKATHIK KtPOET. faOir lliiitiliuiiitim, July Ko-I'Ulillnin lli-riild cilltiirliilly k'Ih up tlm iii-w hiiiI intcri'HiliiK tliciry tlm tli Hliiirk raliln nil tin- Jitkc) coanl urn dun lo thn ar opfrntiniiH. ub- IIIHI'ilin ill( HUlflUf, III I In- RI'UK arniiinl Kurupi- whic I)hh rl nhf -rni'ij thrm weHlwiird anil I hut tlm on iiiotiBtfru, iiihHiidti in Kui'tipcan waiiTB nnil Hprclully around ami In tin- Mi'ditiTriiiH'aii tu a.

Iiavo hct'Dino to fraHt-liiK on human flinh during thn paHt two yriim bniHUBo ovt-r 100, urn) phi-plo hnvn binn Hrnt to th tu a'u hut-totn by mihtnarinos of both Bld in thn wutir and In major mid minor flfot It arxui'H Hint nkn tllf of IlllBHlH. llftiT Na Iiiikrin'B defeat, and la thin war and the Hoiih of Africa, after the riocr war, tlm Hhni'ltn havn hpcom- man fntiTB Ix'caiiHo of the opportunities ironrnti'il by th war. FAIL TO AGREE ON ADRENALIN FOR PARALYSIS roNTrvrrn kiiom pack ink. hiiiiip ii, -i snoiiiu irMiit iroin fiiiliiro nf pf-ramm to mnkc such ihi'jr koiiIiI In- held pci-witiul rivpunsi bio. Thn intnirtirin iiImi tin: hrnlfh of fliir In nif tlilit kIiihscs, ilmlirs npnuns nn, other urticli-a in puhlif plarca ni'c hornnclil disinfcctcl aftor n-n.

'I'lii, otllcrrs wim-o rcqin'siiil esjic lallv tf, inspnet sndii fniint.iins with ii view to Hi ruling Ktrlctlv. Cnse in Poughkcepule. T'ollffllkrcpsKi. II. I 'P.

S. W. 1. Kicc. Ilcnlll, cf tlll ton II of TWkmitn.

this nftc'iiifii tlmt thr iliflllit ilf piirn'ysis victim in b's ills trii't Is llilt it Pn-rsnii. nt-cil il-noili tnr of A. A. Pioison. Nn Knst stri-it.

N(-i ni ciiv lie siiid 'I'-' ono i In it" ilny. Iinrlnc isolntcil on tho sreond dm nfter ilio onset. The r.v niptoms of liifniitili- rmnilisis did imt until tho sith duy. Tiie me ill lb- r.irm lions Chnrles fnilf lli.lcs Piillip W'hinniin. W'Mshinvtoii.

II save rlrrs t'l'cin iltciuivi nielice "tl Hccoiint of Iho ri'slrii-timi which ninny cities iiml statis ti'iie up.n the mev incuts of children from New Ve'k hoi'illlsf. nf the liifimt ill- pn rnly is eni'leioio. 1 lull. -nllll Service I'mteil Slntos I'iiI to issued tin "All persons in fnllon iior ndvii-o 'i -onipn nlcd by children under ihe nef III vonrs. wlio cm teinplnte iourncv "hich ne'cssitnies tfmsit tlirotii'h Nt-- York i-itv ari ail rlsod In providt- tllelll'olvevs with rcr-tiricates stiitinir tlu-lr pbof pnrtiiro If this is tmi dune, inconvii-ner nud even dchiv nmy rosnlt tunny i-ilies.

In Iho aHseiice of proof, inaki" nc ilisiinctioti l-otween cliildfen nelniilly rs-sidinir in New York Itr nnd those who iin-roly me in transit through that lo-nu Mt-yl Tln-so should 1" i-nrcil from tin- lienHh ollieer ill of ilepnrturo nd mnv ho presented nnr inspn-tion ollierr as nn evid.nee that the holder does not oonio from tho infected district." NAYAL MILITIA WILL BEGIN CRUISE TO-DAY To Take Part in Maneuvers Off Block Island Sound, Rhode Island. Washington. July annual priictnv ciuise of the naval milma of the liiitid States ill besin to-m-r-ro nnd ciaiuue unnl July On Aiiiililic nine icscrve slops ciirriinj tllf nnlitia im-ii and under of KeHi-Adiiural llclul "ill leave their IX'lts tor Hlook Muni. K. where maneuvers under adoal Mill hi- i sseU for tin- Kastorn oiv-iuia- II.

ins dl sail Iroill liostnll. New Yolk. ii'h-a and Nort-IU and arc to rcn nt Hlo.k island, morn In 4 Tln-v will be niaiiuod ISO cut. bv niihii iincn and -lo per cent by enlisted 1 icon of tin- navy and will bo under coin- lniuid of rc-ular naviil otlici-rs. Car.

lull M'oli luis been tneii to the ratine- bv naval oillcuiis Hi oruer to siru 1 ih" in 'hruiiiini tlm lirst tnro mobr actual war venditions. p.ta! iiiiuil'i-r of militia nii-n pnrti- ecu-mini! in the hnttlrship iil be I aour olliivra and nu n. July I I re- i.ivi'i-il here shvrily after -I -In- ii ft -rriiv. sa th naval collier lle.v ii had been beached near tin- ion lo prevent h-e in di-niii nil hands hoard. MEsXICAN RAIDERS STOPPED Company of Texas Infantry Prevents Tarty from Crossing: Border.

"s.i:i Antotiio, Te. Juiy II I'nnr pain Si-eond Tevai Infantry, pi-e-vente i MevcKii roidini parly from cvossim; the Hio liramte near I una. i'en, todsi Si armed 'Mexicans atteiiiptniij to en-'or le' ritorv at A Nv ere O'ltposn, and to tcit (Miitinned The Texan opened tire The tire i re-1 im.l. l-'it discontinued afte- the harryina ba.l, lo their iv is-iviiitry. N.vnp ef the Aui-rhsns w.i inuireil ani helievcd none of the 11:5, hit.

MOVEMENT OF LINT, STEAJIEKS AURIVKP Cor-l(U I'orls Bo Xretsn't. from New nr er-'utuifi'u. rhh--vs-r It. (mm rs Piii-ins tsiti'ioiii Nrw Kilns, Nev Yuri, of railwar print-nj, itiflni at d-'nrt -pg au i i.ooiv,e, Adv nic into line with the French at llar-lieonurt. Further lioMty -hhii1it li-u Issued In-day give the miiiK' of officer killed, Till kllloil unci wounded Th center of Interest on the lliissiiin front rotiiliiucN In the Caii'-aaiia, whore hp ItiiaHifiii are uiiniitaitiiiitf their rnwi HKiiilitt llic Tin k(.

lriKhtin nn the Ktnkhod lia n-lnpwil Into trench warfare hut went nf the Utiipa, In furious Aiih-trinn wnniiT-iilkMcliH, tit HiiHsinna hlive iikcn another prisoner, Counter Attacks by Germans Ptil Down Efforts to Recover Lost Ground Are Completely Crushed, London Snys. Unfton, counter nt trk made by llift I ii'i-iniins in an 'f to lOCOIiejllrr Nome of 111" captured hr thii Hrilish III todaya drive, wcro completely crushed t.v the llritiah tire, m-eofdlliH to the ollloial at a lenient lasucit liy the war nnve, tu-niKliI, The text of Ihn ulatrniciit. follow "It Id now possible to further detail of th nellntt liecuu nt daybreak I Ihk mornitiir. Having driven the enemy hack step -by Htep to lli Kooond HVntcllI of defence, thn period from July 11th In Inly I'Jth wH timinlv ap'-nt hi our tnmpa In bombarding formidable enemy position anil III niakiritf other nroeasniy prlH i at Inn for further "Thi niomliu, after tin intense bombardment, the aaniinll waK launched nl A. M.

The enemy nn driven from hm trem-hea on the whole froul of tmk and many prlannera foil Into our hand. "I liTia tiKlitiiiR continued nil day na result, of wlil'Ti have sicadily in-(reused our aiitin Biol me now in pna-aoaion of the enemy's second position from Hue.cntiii If IVIII lo LniulilcTiil, both villauca inclusive, and thn of the Troiu-a wood. "In I hf Tronrs wood wo released a parly of the Ho.vnl West Kent lli'iri miMit who nepanilcd from nor own I roup" in tlm ri'i'ont fluMiug ml aurroundi'd liy UrrmiinN, hml Iwld out in tli norih fru rnd of Ihn wood for 4S hour" Who! Villain Brraptviifd. "Ttto dt'lrriiiiHi'd ntlnrka on ouf tflw portion wt'iii i-omplotidy iTUaliiJ ht our II rn. I.iiti'r In Ho- day nflrr I nrc coiiiiiicr nilm hi lir-r nmtia anoieodnd in rvnpiuriiiK li" II -lKP of Hntciilln la IMil, Iml inw at our, drivou out auuin ly our liilaniiv.

'I'lio wllols vlllngM ia oiii'rt more in our hnmln," London, July i 11.11 A. Thi Dritlalt tr'iop at dun today lirnk into lioMiian poaitiotia on a four null' front In Ilia rruioti north of the Soniuio and i-apturcd anvtMiil alrotujU ili-friuli'd looal-itit-. aa a un mi'llrr anuouiui'iiii'iit liy tho war olficiv 'J'he llfillnh attuok wax drliviiid on lh aoioud oynitun of thf (iniuan tha whu-h adda that boavy titilillut: omit in iik. The oVIoial alati-nii'iit read: "Thin morning lit dawn wa nflni-krd tha plioniva nooond ayatt'iu of didriu'ca. Our troopa hm brukon Into hoxtiln poai tlona on a front of four mill a and have raptured m-ccral atroniilv dofciolod lo calilira.

Hoavy lUbliuc Second Fhnre of OrTenaive. The Hrltlah adiaiiio ivimrtod in to-day's onViul apparrntly ion-Ktitutra Ihn phaa of tlm iirrat Anxlo-Kreiii'h off otiU In tho ni'ijihlior-liood of the Soiiuiie rlrer ln'itnu on July 1 ov. a front of aonirtliluit more than twenty The fut phase of thm offenaive (he Hritii loi nnr.1 to and ae them possession of Contnl maison and Montanhan. hut the I'renoli on their nsht nirtved Iheir line further lorward. The irporte,) eapture of l.oiiniieral and Kai-eiitin le (irand indu-Mox that the III to-day' Basault advanced ward or northward from I'ooulioaison or and that they apparently have hronitht their riulit wing on a pm-with the I'len.

led ami are tltritxl ine a anent del ween I'eronne, the immediate otijeetire, and rtaiuiunm, the point at whi- thu llntnh niorrnient la reported to lie due ted l.ousueval i ahoot three and one half miles east and Ha.en tin le (irand midway lu een those towns. Berlin Reports Xeiv and Violent liattlcs Claims First Dritish Assault on Trones Wood Was Repulsed, July It- II wireles to Sar Tltl New and violent haute am re, iag feiieM on both aide of the iner Semme thw monime. m.a the otlinal riemenl given out to d.iy In- the tier naa army rarlT this nionuus, the statement 1'r1tlb troopt tt, )n the tor of Mameu wood and Loinrueval and mde repeated effortu to eapture Trones wooU The f)rt flntish were beaten nd new battles are now prSi l'at of (he rier leue, In the rrfion of euiun, the Krrn. atteuipted ie eoiiTUfr territory captured by ihe mn. the otTH'ia! atatement mis.

Near the forfreia of Sntiville the Krvueh at impeded by euitaiu of fir, it (. de-lred, ne) (n the Tieinity of l.aufee work the tttaok mi ivmpletely repulsed The teU of the German statement low "On both side of the Sotmue new and violent wnil'in are lu progress. he Krituh frlr in the meriting Bttsekrd ui the e- tor of wood and I otiitue-al. nod they made repeated in Tror.e wooil "heie, yesteidat evening, the already were hit by the rpnl aduaoee of our rrnerve. "Afttr the firat pt of the ene-m Itiad hev l-eatee bi Ihe r-gaced in new ita.

'The rvu-h a'ter aumeroua failuies in tbe last few day met with another etbai-k yenerdi? when they oa-'f near IturVnt ant tr r-l Neitiirr lie I ren uor Preventive Measures Discussed by President. BEACH PATROL SUGGESTED May Appropriate $5,000 for Campaign Againat Man-Eaten New i Yorkera Warned to Ceaae Bath-, ing Hunting Sharks Popular YViialiinifton, July II. Tlm r'cdernl Koverinni'iit Mo-day lanvnsaiil Ha n' fur t-ouiliaiiiiK for invnsiou of North Atlantic rouai wateri by sharks. I'roaidi-nt Wilaon and his t'abiiiel dm cussed what oould bi ilmic to pri i ut more ti'iiKi'diOH like thoau which have oi'f-urri'd rcocutty Miotic Ihe Now Jersey and I ho ooint (fuard and lilo snv-lug M-i'vii-es wero ui'tli-ri-d to assist in Nhnrk evtcrillinutiou iu overy way pOH-ailde. The liunuiii of Vialicrii-a i.sued formal nati-rncnl dunni; tin- day ailvis-j if widespread I'shina for i-harka and nrninf tiatbeia to keep in shallow wnter, hut adinittinc Inability to nd-vuiich' effective- means of prevrntini! further nttm-hs.

The slntenient asserted. however, that there whs no reason ii panic aiiionc sensiih- bnlhers. A beach patrol win Piiisosted to the rtnronii Fisheries to day by lleprescii-tativo S. ullv nf New and Itepre-s. ntalivp IVn-hararh.

of that stato. Intro-duood ii rosolution to appropriate to aid the bureau and state nuthontii-s in thi rampaisn acani'l sharks. Matawan. X. July Professor John Nicholas, of tin- American nf Natural Mistoiy.

who was here to Investlciitf the nttacks by sharka upon batheiK in Matawau tu-dav the waters in and around New York will be visited soon by Ihe niiiii-eators. Will Visjt New York Next. "New Jersey has almost abandoned its sw iinmiinc and it is time for New v.nrk-eis to take waruinc." I'rofcssor Nicholas said. "It is tlw- white shark which has boon at work and this is the second time iu history that this type has been seen ninth of Capo The Kurbnite ia Now- York buy and ohm of out. hinii unstispcctine swimmers undoubtedly will brinir the oa tiiri-ra in Now York waters." Pntersoti, N.

July 14. Kiiddcr was 1n a resolution adopted to-day by the Chamber nf Com-no-tee In use his Influence to have the stiuo offer a bounty for all sharks killed in Now Jersey waters. It was nsserled that the panic caused by the nian eulers would result iu serious, loss to the coast re-sorts of the Mate. 260-Pound Shark Caught. Ailnntie 1 1 iahlands, N.

July 1 1. -A pound shark, eitrht and one hA'f loot boi'iinie eutiiticlod in Ihe net of Paul Tai'iiow, a pound tisheininn, ami was only killed after a Ihe shark was of the blue nose variety with while belly. In lis stomach were found twelve small sharks nioamiriii about puhloi-n indies each. The shaik ill be shipped to New York. New York, July I Shark hunting or tishinir suddeuly has hceouie a popular sport nlons: the New Jersey coast, iu the wafers of New York bay and alone (lie oooan une ot i.oun isiniui as a mini oi tho rci-eiit raids by niau-vatini: monsters from Jioiithorn waters which have killed four persons, lioporta of the ML-htuii or ki'lms of Miarks out aloiiL- uio snore reach tlie fit almost hourly and some rishernu-n an- brinuini: in Ihe bus tish tboy have killed to prove the truth of their stones.

Only a tew of those, however are described as man-killers. A pas-senior on a steamer is authority for the statement that lie saw two sharks the Hudson river near Tarry town. One slmrk was killed near 'airfield. Conn. Thousands of persons who i been driven to the hen.

in by the nave lo enter the waters in the -unity of New York Mine sharks killed a man a ii, I a hov in Mutuwan erecK. on Wedneiolay. Shark in Matawan Creek Shark hunters at Matawan ere. thev hnxf this shark up in th- creek behind a scries of ire nets which liitve been strum: across th- nt intervals from its mouth to scene cf the trnac-iy sixteen miles oin the entrance. Men armed with slcr-ms.

rirtcs ii n.l hartioons patroied tii. iters of the creek nunin to-day. Some cf them said they had seen five of the lish near the point where V. Stanlev nnd Lester Stillnell were allied At slniost low today i hody of Stilloell whs found in M'liwiiti creek alwilt (H' feef west of r-, spot where it disappeared after heiiu: anaeke, hi a shark. It been an tw.ialiove the wiiisiliue.

Joseph liuiin, the ten year i hoy lej was terribly lorn bv invader of sum nn ereck. i in a lospi tal in New HrtiiHwiok. N. .1. Little hope entertained for his Opinions of expert differ a to the emise of the presence of tto-se sharks, in the cool waters of this i-oast or why they eome so 10-11- the beaches.

John T. Nirhols. assisn curator of fishes of the American M-nmin Natural ll-ntorv, who went to Mnta-wan tn iovesticate the traerdv i.iiere. said he helicod thn killins done by a while nhark. or tirer shirk both of xvlik'li are wsrin water fish, and rarely seen tp-i-th of Cupe llstte-as Some of these said to a lencth of thirty feet.

Fishermen, hovr-rver. that th man eaters re of the orilmn'v tvpe of sharks which liavs hofsr-nie ravenous by arcity of I sn). Now York. July 14 A larf h.vol of (ihitrks, several ef which close to the xsas a ntn by the Itntish full I shii Cuuiberlsed whi.h arrived fnvm China, after vviyafie. On about f--'t i-auffbt nod killed.

Capiaio snid he on shark Jay was 'it fhre daysi aen and that never befe- h-s lonit career on the s--a had he seen sharks so far north. A Delightful Acid Drink. srsnvr.1 td 's nor is s-iai-Bir bwrrasv. -y a 4. I I i POLK AND ARREDONDO MEET Hold Their Third Conference Since Carianza'a Suggestion for Diplomatic Adjustment; Arredondo Warns Against Sensn.tionn.1 Tales Washington, July II.

-The Informal iielotiallotis for settlement the issues liotween the State and lieneral Ciirriuua are utiilersluod to have advanced a long step today when Acting Score! it ry Polk and Kliseo Arredondo. Mexican aiiibassudur-desiviiHAo. held their third conference ninec (leueni! 'urrana' proposal for a iliploiiiiitie iiil.iustinent was received and a Pled. Altlmutfli both Mr. Polk find the declined In say what iniillers were under dinoiissioti, thole were iu ilicatimis that, the conversation had passed into the dctindo uuestions were beini' for pi'duibb- siilunission to a joint in tornatioiial coiuinisslmi.

The eiitnmis i-ioii plan of settlinn differences between the two cnuiilries is provided for in 111.: treaty of 1MH. Moth Mr. Polk and the ambassador are contident that an nzreomont will be reached in the near future It is not known whether the powers of the nejoti ators Anally decided upon will include authority to fix the time nnd condition under hich American troops will be itbdrawn. Statement by Arredondo. Mr.

Arredondo issued a statement tonight wnrriinu imuiust sciisationnl stories published throughout thU country by those uljn desire in tel ven ion. "I heir to warn the Aiuericail people." he said, "ntainst the falsity of reports pu biisln-d within (he last few days, con-stitutim: ii iicttiul proiimandH system by (icl-soiis im, rested in t.uilsui a cnilict between tin- tvvo coutitrii especially nt this tune (but ttley see the favorable course of diplomatic negotiations between the two ciiunhes prnoeedinir toward a satisfactory settlement. Our of spite they invent reports of the kind for the purpose of uiislcadiiii; nud aiarniini; public opinion and bruiL-ini: new complications. "l-'or example, the nhsur.l of the defection of Ci-neral Jiieintu Tre-vino. chief eorninaiider of the forces in Chihuahua, whose loyalty hus doubled, as he is personal and intimate friend of Mi-.

Cai-raiiRH. who has follow ed hmi and supported him from the first. I received yeste-ribiv a l-dcuriim from our Consul in Kl 1'nso. Texas, i-endiiiir as follows- "'lienorul ilon.iiles has jusl received a teleuram from Cenerul 'I've vino detiytni; the ridiculous invention of his itcfecfion anil execution of (Icneral lemiein I'liriquez and that has been son.lmi: anus and a in munition to the WATCH FOR PASSAGE OF ARMS TO MEXICO Vigilance at Border Is Increased Zapata Garrison Wiped Out. 'asliincioii.

July 14. Agents of the Department of Justice to-day increased iheir viciaiice to jvrevi iir the passage of artns and ainiiiunition across the Mexican border as a result of reports of ed snout-tins: activities. The department requires ull munition dealers to report their sales and the railroads report their so smnsjlors have little chan --to operate. Moreover, the price of inun tiiins is so on a -eoiin- of die Kui-openi! ilemand. thill few snies ure miide nnd stocks in the hands of d.

ah i low ia I Ag. nt U.eU-rs at Mexico was iiistno tid bv the Slate Iiepurine-uT to day to invcsUs'iiIe a conipiaint umde by Mrs. riioolie Hcarsf liiat her ram iu Mexico had been cutiscBti by the ib facto Col erlUlient. An despatch lo tiie embassy late to-day niiuouuced thai a small sarrison of Zapata tr.iops hud been virtiiHlly in Hirlit vvith tones at Mdpa Aha. about t.hiriy mil, from M--i'- City.

Thi- War lpanmiiit made puli'i- l'voirtv an or. ler i oionei I'. IJIeiin. of start' the 1 opart-I in cut th'- under Major- General Leonard Wood, front tip- lienera! Staff nnd ssijuiOk- him to command of the F.u-liteonth He will relieve S. Ko'icers.

who is or-j di r. .) to reuiain nnas.sicnotl. olotiel l.lenna trfltislcr cr-ated coniineiP. as he has been on his present dutv only two years, retihir tviur lor staff duty is years. The order states that it is issued "by dirro lioli of the President." linker said iu e.plnnntiin that all available oft-cers were beina sent to the border and that Colonel lilnii, services er needed a a regimental i-oriiniandcr Major-lieneral Scott, chief of staff, and Adjutant-Heneral McCain refusi-sl to comment on the order." CARRANZA OFFICERS ARE FIRMLY UNITED All Determined to Restore Order in Mexico, Says Generfll Trevino.

Chihuahua City. Met July U. A deWara'ion that he and ail other members of the Carrrua are mutually in the firm determination of rsm cilishine orler in Mexico. was today by ilenernl Jaeinto military oominaoder of the in a iatnent to th Trsf i.nerl Trevino he made the statement becaus be had r-eived private information that pan of the Ameri-i-bi pre.t was declarinj that had re voite-i from Ceneral Cseran-a and p-mnuii to ally wui the i.i On Ihf. Hmiftiiin front, tdr t-'rnit 1 1 if of tho Mnkhrtt! in htiil riiKing witli tli iHMiie roinitininn in ihi tmli.n'f.

The mol important iirw from Hi ft uhhiii 'nt in in ri-nrii to tht-(on'rntion in th 'au-vt 1 1 Tin i Di lid Ditl.o NtfhoIfiH r-porte! rnntiiitioiiM nn, wnli-in nl iji I nMOffMPM fiKfiinst, thf 'I'tirUjf (iii'l is npFtnriMUly htiini-iiinjf iiti'ilhrr ureal rtUtnv iu th n'tfiou of it nd I hiilnirt, nmifl nt Ihe vrr.r hnrr. nf thft Turkish ftnpirrt. A HtirrhHful It TiHHlnn ml f)oo iilnns this lintt wftuhl rut off thn TurhiFh nrinifn In Ihn Bouth nn ngnn plnr fHRiliifl In Jeopjinly. Vfrutn.l, 14, via London. A 'liitiuio off on Hi npiir Htoliyotnvn, ion I Iiih of Kovcl, ih HlicmiTt to ilrivr I ho ItiiHuinnn frfn thn left bunk of tho Slnkhofl rtvr-r fuiiffl, affording in ihr Miiitfiiirnr tfiven out to iitirht by lli.t War 'I'hft hitciiHity of thf tho (iKhtiii(( wt of tho iripa rivop If KKflH'd.

TVtrnirnid, M. t(k A furioiifi roiinttT-nttnek whs JniiJM'hfd hv Aiintrinn and liirnnin fororn Ti-nt'Tdiiy niniitmt the ft urn in nn ttfst of tho Stripft. The war nrtico nnttoiinooitmnt ff to-day "in i in thl rrition the Ilusfitiirin ti'Mli il priM.inMH and riti'tur''d two ir 1 1 1 1 mid hini'tri'tt intnliiito jj 1 1 1 1 "North of I.nko Irinviiil.r rondnot-ct tiiiri Hf nl 1-ooonnii isn nope "I'hi'inv nvintoiR tltrrw nmirlv rv.Mitv (tnintiN nn tlm town Polonolrhki, north riil Hitrntiovi. hi, "'I'lif ninny nttn ki'd nur forco on tto ft ha nk of (ho Stokhod. In th ririnn nf tho luMi'i l.if.rr t'lmtm- opened 11 iii'lilliri- Cm- of tho Stripa tlm Vutro orrrH la rhfil 01 ioim oniititornt-fnrkw We i npt tired in thin rocion jiri.

"ton i iv iron1, nine torn nuirhino iriiim ntid on i bomb ihroivi-r. "On the it Hill im front, wom of lio-nmi, ii mrif ot" fortilird Tnrliih Hlroitilv ix in our hntidR In nuiny inipoitant Hortur btriro c.diumifi of ilio oni' tn tin M' bi on oloicn od rotrrtt tmn woit tvn rd. Wo nL'tuii ttttinkod Turkish foii'o whh'h aitotitptpd to nppmm'h. our Wrstorn poHition. In tho of MnM-n pan oiio of our buttorci rnuaod tho rvplommi of munitions dopot.

"A body of our bra vo Tnrkoatnn 11'oop. hiivjnC rrpuNod tt dorn furious tho ofTiMisirrt ntid marto an Hpn-ooial))c advanoo," Russians Driven Out of Foe's First Line Merlin, M. ISiissinn fnrers which hn.) Benin rnti-rcil ihe first nf the ierillilll ilefeinlcil iv troupa of Oneriil oimt vo llniliincf erp rioci nl. tin- liermnn i.lli.nil staiciin nt nnys. with coiisiilei loss by a nt- lllck "Knstorn thcal-r Arinv von l.insiiieen, 1 1 hn, a (in mini counter nl ii, near the Itussians ho had ndrmmvl.

We look H'-O nnd t-nptiirod hoiiik miichino jrutis, "iiernmn sutufiiciis snccessfullr rr their Htta. ks on thr rust bank of thn Stokhoil "riu.v tioup l.cneia! rount vnn llothnii-f i-i-emv ninii nntn-rd our hist Inn- hut was nUh consider iihlr loss l.i i uliack." BREAD WAGON RAIDED BY HUNGRY SOLDIERS Seventy first, of New York, Also Rifles a Small Hakery at Erie. Iie. Jiilv 1 lhl, York OhdhI,- ly lirst lleciiiient to the ih-r "topped inornii)" hiittdrcds of Ihe latin-ij ilie tr-im and so! of nuic'ii MiHi.htn.- lien- i1(. I 'ok ali fruit from a veu dels -ai-t riishel ilir.

si.cet small hakorv mid niied Ii. nrt-crs w.idi,-r wiih r-rles H. the and riislie.i them On lo their win hi nftfr oni pelinii; fiie.ti to jiv for rviiry thtnir tsken 'Vh- eoinplaincd thnv hud not Mii-ii sine- 10 o'clock ycsierdav morrntic 6 NEGRO TROOPERS BURIED CantA. Vittitna Given Full Military Honors None Identified. in isuMK JuW It Th rsf 'mv witVf fn'l tnifay huior- Non hi1 iil.

A si tiftilrn ftirtt'l l.Ni To rh fnt ctor v.vrtMnvv Hrkr sthi irtfr.on-rt1 chief of th arHu nnrn1 Ji -vi! w1 -n- (f t.u, nifm: N'ttunnat iv.M-)',! tM'u Pw T. R. Anrssin Volunteer DivUion. T--rV, Jutr 14 Colon! Th prit at 1t ho p'isn ra'? ft divt- ftl.n of voftiriiir tft hq nnniirNnnt ti iht by Ki IVst.

trr- rrrr roto Kuv, who In v'r hA rtroppf-i nt war Ualians Blow Up Summit of Mount Home, 1). via London The Hummit of Ciistelleiio in T.iinnn retfloll hill been 1 1 1 by 1 1 ii I In ii m. the entire AualriHii loree there InlilK buried In lh wreeknite. Ihe VHr (bhee nnnoun-ed loiliiy. The nniioiiurp.

inent follow: "In the Cumoiili'ii rallei- I hero wiih luereiiseil nelivity ot the eiieiui 'a ami lery nmiiuat oui- poitioiis in the Hml on the Adnmello, In the of Ihe Adliro valley our artillery obtained lit Oil I lie enemy hlltlol'lrs on the alupea I'h Itinaellii llli.l on rohlnilia of troops and a transport on Ihe inareh. A milliter attack of the enemy on Motile Main was beaten "On Sette Cntnuuj tdateau henvv fi ti ti 1 1 ti loiilinuea. In the To fit tin reirlon the onetny'a foitioti on Cntelletto "UUllllit, etst of the t'ol ibd Is oellk. ootntiiniuled Ihe rnnd of the polnmitea On Ihe niirht of Jiilv llth. exploded a powerful mine which blew them up entirely and pave im possession of them'" "The entire Austrian force wb.Udi oe-oupieil the summit wa buried iu the On ihe followins: nlpht Ihe enemy nltempled to reanin hi lot position, which we hud fortilieil wt roiiul in (lie inenntiiue, hut the attack broke down completely and the enemy lout heavily "On the remainder of the front to the ea the artillery was active.

list nithl hostile aircraft dropped boinba on i'ndua. The dauuice waa sliuhl Tvvo persons were killed and a lew were wounded," SAYS FRANCE SEEKS ENTIRE RESTITUTION Wants Hnck Former Provinces as Well n.s Invaded Land, Poincare Snys. July U. rm piivn Hit hr tuitlr no a he vshi ii hty 'u it in of tit iVh mi i-l (rrsln i Ioiiii'nrp in nn iiiiffn tf.i.i Mini of iiinitiir f( out Ihoir ruiVn vs t. hit-It for rrt.sstnn uonl.l only ri i fr hiil'n for ft''tt fiCiirrNsion.

l'h-r ktior mH Unit U10 ore (ocil t. Ihrm, llH( tlon ilirir oolonirji nmt tliry know inj Ily that Ui rt'ly lrs on tho ffu-tcrrtphloiil position of thrir rurlif than on chit ooni.itton of thfir trnop n1 thoif onpnnty for ro.xiwtnu.o nffoifiivp. nm temperament of thvr n.l their annit1 "Wo Kt'okiiic on-- ttwtt'loii pwmr fnrty nt vcrtis Tjolntion of nutu of or hor cm ft ptpt'i'a i roMttmion of and tho rttdvd ri-'Virntion for it (ho pou -o flud for tho i rb-'nltlv. do Uo 'I'iiinii! hobdity 1 d.oori ion on Hf- ffoir. of our nr.

riot W'fidont roif nr. Htird In otmootto.i (ion of tho Wrtii-h i Thf Proob'nt brtow. thl ftililt0 of KOidn.1 Ion iho front. Turnhu ton fird tlto fnidS of th dOfld 'd1ivM no nu- 'To von Irtd'os 1 ftddro lh doop nnd rpo'f fn? th)tnk of tho i-oitntrv. on hnvo shown hftt of inoritl frtl-tion burns flHh'n ton, i vd n-v initio ihi too flro tho cia'-d'-M-o our tfndiMom NO CESSATION AT VERDUN ClnuAtt Hnvf Sot WtthdrAwn a Oun or it Man tct 0vpf Brlrlnh.

JmIv IU ir. tit i 'I'll of the Vr t' A o-ttvn ivvt hn nut of A a nr or cm frojn th V.Miln f-Mit tho atMck on Vrt' tx f.r!rov i 1 (tviv'roi iiiii'nr i-t Any tf "rtfji NVw no jspr raui-rnnt on th Wfusm front noiti liar So'tvifi worthy of njnti- ti of th rooftti 'aUn ohi0 th tn 1, a it i to i urn1-'." th :n.irn hp! tht t-fpuni' I for vwvc (h mt ''vv i-oii the oop.i zc i S. Dii-t l(Orv, aiwi "mrx Mud Nx tU'llofii hoir loo of tLifta -i I'-i U'ti'! tircoiL Wather Fore.ast. New -T rt rinuiT fiv nmt r.ifrti fair Ktur- at- 1 pn; Local Observations. Ti( h'5'-t 'tr Tlgr ct.

atfiln-t th 'iar lo Vi in th in 4 th asaoH In sJ '-r ii 'j 1 prr "th riVs h.v;: fr-r -rrfa' at A. lilt wtattier, r..

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