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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 19

Rochester, New York
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IiOCHESTER DEMOCRAT XSD CHEOOTCLE. WEDJfESDAY OCTOBER 11. mi. 19 CHILD STARTS PIRE IN HUNT FOR PENNY Eat a Peck of Apples before You Bay That Bale of Cotton, and Be Loyal to Home Product APPROVES WORK OF COMMISSION Council Acts on Change in Clinton Avenue Grade. Our Boys Shop Light airy pleasant-lots of room.

Big assortments solid qualities unusual values. rles that represent Western Now York's beat are readily obtainable. This task is being made easier through the co-operation of Lewis A. Toau, director of the Farm Iiurenn. The subcommittee that, has charge of the mipply is headed by John B.

Prey. The songs? Oh, yes. Here is one. the tunc for which has not been announced, that was produced out in Indiana; Seems like I'm crazy for apples lin without auy so long; Now- that It's time lot the fruit to be prime, Sy, I just hurst into song. Other fruit's good tn Its season.

ll-it, ah, bow 1 welcome the fall. That pan of the yesr when the apples are heru The bulllest fruit of them all. There a tang to the taste of an apple, A lout like the keen autumn breene, With a savor that's won fro nitiio smile of the sun When it rlpeucd the fruit on the trees. Oh, I've hungered and thirsted for apples, With the appetite keen of a boy. And tbe season which brings in this viand of kings For me Is a season of joy.

For autumn means rosy-cheeked apples, And sonles menn elder and nle. And dumplings and such which you can' praise too much. No matter bow hard you may try. So here's to his Highney the Apple. Who comes with the eMspness of ill, When my palate's athrlll as I UI In niv till Ot the bulliest fruit of them all! Norfolk Suits for boys all the way from 6 to 18.

Immense variety of fabrics and colorings. Two pairs of Trousers with each suit See the Dandy Suit $4.95 will buy Others at $6.50, $8.50, $10, $12 and up. Every Boy Wants a Balmacaan Sizes 3 to 10 S4.9S to $12 Sizes 12 to 18 S4.9S to S20 A special value in blue, gray or brown chinchilla, iizes 3 to 12, at 1 $4.95 fl 'I I Fall Shoes for Boys Made for the usage that boys' shoe3 generally get. A big value at $2.50. I Il'-f VII Tin Union Clothing Co "Rochester's Greatest Clothing Store." Drops Lighted Match into Pile of Rubbish.

A daughter of Melvin Avery, of No. 37 Lyndhurst street, dropped a penny In the cellar ot her home yesterday afternoon and hunted for It with a lighted The match dropped Into a pile of rubbish cud a biaze started. The alrl and her sis ter run into the street and gave an alarm. Battalion Chief Lynch and five companies went to the house and out out the flames, which had dotie no damage. Children with matches set Are to a curtain la the Irouse of Isadora Maynard.

No. (X1 Child street. The flames communicated with a basket of clothes and did about $3) damage before men from the Ackerman Hotel extinguished the blaze. A alarm from box 73 called Battalion Chief Cree-gun and Ave companies to the premises. The fire was out when they airrtved.

The police are Investigating a false alarm turned In from box r. University avenue and Prince street last nlirht. Acting Battalion Chief Fltts and Hve companies made the run. Battalion Chief Creegan and fire companies were called to the North East Kleo trie Company's factory at No. M8 Whitney street yesterday morning.

A boy passing tbe building saw the reflection of a red exit light above a door and thought there uras a Are. He turned In an alarm from box 518. DINNER TO NEW PASTOR. Men of First Methodist Extend Greetings to Rev. H.

Q. Ogden. The nien of the First Methodist Church gave a diner last evening in honor of their new pastor, Kev. Horace U. Ogden, formerly of Jamestown.

Covers for 123 were laid. Itev. Melvin It. Webster, associate pastor, and Alvaro Thompson were in charge. The Ladies' Aid Society served.

The church orchestra furnished music fur singing between courses. Dr. Ogden made an address, asking for co-operation in ehureh work. 13. E.

Nbutt, ltavmond Cross and Thomas G. Skuse, who recently returned from Ku-rope, responded. Tliey assured the pus-tor that ho would receive support. A meeting of the Official Board followed dinner. RESUMING REGULAR STOPS.

Completion of Paving in Genesee Street Eestores Service. While the improvement of Genesee street was. in progress stops were made by Btreet care at what are known as "rush hour" stops, where wooden platforms were erected for the convenience of passengers, aud also to decrease the possibility of accident. Truck laying in the street has been completed and as rapidly as paving is finished the regular stops are being resumed. TTp to yesterday pnvjpg had been completed south from West avenue as fur as Frost avenue, and regular stops in that stretch of track were resumed.

NATIVE GERMAN RE-ENLISTS. Passed by Recruiting Officer and Sent to Columbus Barracks. The recruiting office In Main street, under Sergeant Charles A. liuuer, Is learning that rnitod States regulars like the service well eaougb to return. Anothor re-enlistment was taken yesturday when Alfred Schwartz, a native (iepnan, who gives bis address as Troy, was passed and ordered to report at Columbus barracks.

Schwartz was dLsehurged live months ago. The sergeant Is on a two days' vacation to Buffalo. He Is expected liaek to-day. To Go Over Barge Canal Plans. Consulting Engineer Usher has arranged for a conference between city officials and State Engineer Bensel before the plans for tbe I'-arge canal work at (ieneseo Valley I'urk are completed, In order to prevent the disfiguration of the park as much as possible.

State Engineer Bensel has assured Mr. Fisher thot the city's Ideas in the matter will be given North Church Women's Meeting. The Woman's Missionary Society of North I'lesbyterlan Church wlli meet on Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs George Trtiesdale, No. Fulton venue. The subject for study Is "The Child at Home," from the text-book "The Child In tb Midst." Miss Laura Fiedler Is the leader.

Men snd women are Invited to attend. N. T. C. Safety Meeting.

The monthly meeting of the Division Safety Committee of the New York Central Is scheduled for today. Superintendent 8. J. Kearns is chairaiaa. At enuh meeting the safety stops put in practice the previous month are discussed and new methods are proposed.

RECORD OF DEATHS. John J. Martin, for years resident of Rochester, father of Mrs. I. J.

South-gate and brother of T. T. and K. W. Martin, all of this city, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at tbe home, No.

313 Humboldt parkway, P.uffalo, aged f)9 years. Mr. Martin was connected with the New York Telephone and Western I'niort Telegraph companies for forty-two years. He was born in West Butavia and lived in llufialo the last six years. He leaves besides his Rochester relatives, his wife, three sons, three daughters and thne sisters.

Mrs. Wilhelmiua Wank, wife of Cieorge Blank, died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter in Wnylund, aged 611 years. She leaves, besides her husband, two sons, A. Karl and Kay nioud W. Blank, of this city; five daughters, Nnlhelia M.

Blank aud Mrs. Kd-ward Beck, of this city. Mrs, William Clearwater, of Wuyland, Mrs. It. Parent, of Schenectady, and Mrs.

Karl Itosen-crttnts, of Deposit; also nine gratillchild-ren. Miss Delia Carroll died Monday night at the home, No. 18 l'eck street. She leaves two sisters, Anuun and Hose Carroll, and three brothers, Eugene, James and William Carroll. 'Mrs.

Charlotte Lnts died yesterday morning at the home, in Clinton avenue, Charlotte, aged 74 years. She leaves a daughter, seven grandchildren and great grandchild. Mrs. Sarah Galletto, wife of Ralph Galletto, died suddenly Monday in this city. The body was remove to No.

IlMi Exchange street. Thelma M. Sclintl. daiwhter ot Mrs. Mary Kcirncv Schntt and the tate Frederick C.

rirhtitt. died Isst night at the I horns. No. 2S3 Monroe avenue. "Wake It is the purpose of the Apple Day Committee that people in Rochester and vicinity not only shall eat apples, but shall think dream apples, even sing apples.

The committee in planning therefore, not only to supply apples for eating, but food for thought, stuff to make dreams of and songs about apples. The committee will see to it that there are good apples to eat at all the public eating places of importance in the downtown section, and with each apple will go literature nixiut the apple. Its value as food, its external beauties and its internal satisfactions. A suncomittp of the general committee, headed by William H. Campbell, met at the Chamber of Commerce rooms yesterday noon and reported that the proprietors of all the larger hotels in tc-wu hud agreed to do what they could to make-the npplo's merits known to their guests.

In most. of. the downtown botuls apples will be served without cost and guests will be apprised of the fact that the apples served were gown in Western New York. The subcommittee on publicity, of which Roland 11. Woodward is chairman, will meet at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at noon to-day.

Throughout the observance the claims of the Western New Tork apple will be urged above those of every other npple. The committee has therefore taken upon itself the task of seeing to it that up- STRIKE ORDER STOPS SCEOOLHOUSE WORK Men Employed by Ford Company Called Out. At noon yesterday practically all tbe nniou Workmen employed In building Schools So. 'M and No. IS went on strike la sympathy with fourteen carpenters who quit work Monday at No.

2U School because of the alleged bulldozingtactlcs of John MeDuffee. the superintendent. luion leaders said not a tool would be used at either structure by to-night, and that work would be tit a standstill untid a satisfactory adlustment was made. The, It. T.

Ford Compuny has both contracts. The strikers say their grievance Is against Superintendent McDuffee and Insist that he be removed. On Monday the Carpenters' District Council called the strike that led to the general walk-out yesterday. At a meeting of the council last night It was said that plans hail been made to snread the strike to contracts tbe Ford Company holds In Buffalo. "The nersoual record of McDuffee woUid make Interesting reading." suld an officer of the council.

"He used profanity aud subjected the men to verbal abuse uiull tbev couldut stand it any longer. notified Mayor Edgertou and the rord Conipanv of this condition. Nothing tame of either conference but a promise to Investigate." Afer tbe general walk out was called at noon' only Plumbers and steutnfltters remained at work Xo. lbool an-pluudiers and masons at V. 20 School was said the plumbers and stenn.fltter, would quit work this morning and the masons this evening.

Klsht career, ecs joined the strike from tbe Ualstead street shop of the Ford Company. had been making the trim for the school buildings. Vnlon leaders further charge that unskilled labor was employed to work side by side "itb eipert mechanics, and that the company has been unwilling to oav time and a half for ov.vtl.ue work. Ther say the comtmuy has been antagonistic to mjion workmen on mauv pensions. LIFE CLUB TO OPEN SEASON Men's Body of Y.

M. C. A. Will Dine To-night Lecture and Election. The Y.

M. C. A. Men's Ufe Club, devoted to EtMe study and health lectures, will open this evening at 6:30 o'clock for The election of otttcers Is scheduled for this meeting. Membership is not limited to association members, but Is open to men from 1 to 60 years of age.

There Is no chargo for tbe course, aud no applications are necessary. It is estltr-ate-1 that fully two thousand have been connected with the club in the last seven At the end of the season, tbe Club has conduced a class In first aid to tbe Injured fbr throe groups. The results of tho extmlnntlons taken last spring have arrived from the Ked Cross headquarters. Tbe following passed tbe boys' course: M. J.

Obnslesd, Donald Anthony. Howard A. Brown, Howard Brown, B. Frooiuess, John 1). lUlstern, Loriruer l.

Havnood. Kodnev S- lllnes. Harold Ingram. 1-ewls Klein. Herman Matter.

Stan-li Oppenheinier. Arthur i'erry, Hubert D. Uoe. Howard Stelts, Domild Turher, and Howard West. Thosa who passed the second examination are us follows: Ko E.

Beers, Kaymond lleers. George Brown. Edwin Burns. W. J.

Darling, K. K. Dent, C. J. Delia.

August turtckson. Colba (flicker. I'Jid l.letzttu, George Long. John Mugldan. Herman A.

Miller, Harvey Morse Martin O'Shea. F-. A. 1'emlierton. Onnies Kawllnes, Walter Shields, Kohert Thompson, II Kenneth Weed, John K.

Williams and E. J. Wright. The men who passed the advanced examination are: Herman liottoh-r, Fliiott Crau'-h, Ib-nrr Der'vy. Edwin Fester.

Joseph llar-ivtt, lams K'oss. Ceorge Paddock ami Ilerm iB Wild. Last sprlnj a special course was started by the Y. M. C.

A. under tbe direction of Fred B. Messing, director of phrsfcal education, for thi Fastman Kodak Company, with th result that even- man who took the passed the examination (riven by tbe International association and the Red Cross. The men taking tbe examlnxtiou were: V. A.

Benedlit, Carl O. Cordn, W. T. Dtiifc, V. O.

Drydcn. Carl Hallnuer, Frank Mauser, Harry Herring, Frank (I. Kinsman, William le. Douglas Kirliy. Frank J.

Mannard. Bert Miller. W. J. Murray, A.

Norton, S. O. Jievnolds, J. Itoseerantx, A. Sinclair, Harold Smith.

Vr.nHlaek. Albert 1" Virk, tiny Gilbert Volllck, Funk Walsh, John Young. Tbe only man who took the advanced examination was l-nuts 1'X Hohiersen, who obtained tbu grade of 1X per the highest mark given to auy man In Koch-ester who has taken the advanced examination Indicted Man Arrested. Fxi'Vard Brady of INo. 85 South avenue.

Indicted by tha September (I rand Jury for alleaed flotation of the liquor law. was taken custody last night by Jailer i Hviisutlns. RAILROAD MAKES PROTEST Argues That Damage Fixed by Kep-resentatives of Courts Are Too High Big Batch of First Ordinances Snow Cleaning tTp Again After many postponements, the Common Council last night confirmed the report of the coninissionersappointed by the courts to fix the damage caused by the change in grade of Clinton avenue north at the time of the construction of the new Now York Central station. Attorney Itacon for the railroad again entered a protest against confirmation of the report on the ground that the awards were excessive and unjust. He guid that in one case the assessed value of a piece of property was $47,000 before the grade was changed, and afterward, yet the company was asked to pay $30,000 damages on this single piece.

Ordinances for Teralto place grading, (walks and sewer; redan street opening, Duke street opening, Lockwood street opening, and Kennard street opening were repealed because of flaws, and new ordinances, were presented. "Wires Ordered Underground. On motion of Alderman Dowd, of the Second ward, the Railway and Light Company was directed to remove overhead wires and poles in Mill street from Centraavenue to Brown street and put the wires underground in advance of the street improvement. Comptroller Osborne notified the aldermen that park improvement notes for $32,000 and waterworks improvement "notes for $100,000 would become due in December, and that waterworks improvement notes for would become due November 10th. He asked for authority to reissue these notes.

Commissioner of Public Works Pierce sent a communication to the council, stating that it was necessary to construct a water wheel to generate electricity for power and lighting at the gate house at Hemlock lake, and that it was impracticable to do this work by contract. He asked for authority to do the work otherwise than by contract, and it was granted. Special Permits Granted. The council granted permission to the Kelso Laundry Company to construct and maintain an electric sign at No. 5 Plymouth avenue; to KUa Knapp, to construct an areaway at No.

184 Jefferson avenue; to the Hallway and Light Company, to construct an underground steam conduit in Aqueduct street, and to Peier Winkle, to construct a marquee and three areaways at Ackerman street and Webster avenue. Superintendent Little of the Waterworks Bureau, presented a communication recommending the payment by the city to the Pnrsells Avenue Heulty Company of $S22, which was expended by that company for water mains when the section was outside the city limits. The property is now within the city and the city is vising the mains; The recommendation was adopted. The Public Works Committee reported favorably the ordinance for the extension of Colgate street from Aruett boulevard to No. 1(1 School, and the ardinance was adopted.

Action on First Ordinances. The following first ordinances were presented and referred to the proper committees: Additional llehtlng tor Andrews street, estimated, $776: Atlas street pavement, Kiwlid street asphalt pavement. additional llhtlre of I-ae venue. Smith street to city line, lev.ey avenue outlet wwpr, Rlrrstreet to Pciiccii parkway, llsln street grading. $1X: Exchange street tree Seward street tre' hunting.

SIM): Jlngnolla sttvot tree planting. 'U: Hove" Hreet tree planting, SU0: Greenfield street Iree planting, McKlnley and liuke streets seve. lenlse street opening. t- Duke street onenlns. SI: Hrdnii street opening.

1ockwno.l strc-t opening, Lark street tree planting, IHd- Tho following final ordinances were adopted: Snow cleaning or H)14-1015, Sherwood avenue extension. Highland avenue walk. South avenue walks. J'-HV H'lcker street grading snd walks, Blakeslee street gradine and walks. Gray street grading and walks, Action on the following ordinances was postponed for two weeks: I'ulverMty eve- r.ue pavement, Tin Grove avenue closing, opening l'luo grove avenue aud lllsd.m street grading.

The ordlnnace fur the at lantlc avenue widening, when placed on final passage on motion of Alderman Seller was referred to the 1'uMlc Works Commit- tee. OPENING MEETING OF D. A. R. Program for To-day Will Include Official Song and an Address.

Irondeo.uoit Chapter, D. A. will begin Its season's work at a meeting lu the Chapter House in Spring street at 3 o'clock this afternon. A feature of the meeting will be the singing by Mrs. Charles Meo-gle, of the Caledonia, of Our Emblem." writleu by Mrs.

Weir, of the Spirit of Liberty Cbnptor In Halt UiUe City, sit to music by Mrs. Angus MacColl. of the Caledonia Chapter, aud dedicated to Mrs. ftory, the president general. It has been adopted as tho I.

A. It. song. Kmtst H. C'ark, of East High Scliol, will deliver an tiddres on "Patriotism and the War." There wll llie songs Ly Mrs.

Joseph II. Bbaw and Mrs. William II. Iloy-land, of Falrport, sccuinpjuled lv Miss tiertrndo M. Jones.

The host sjscm aro Mrs. V. J. IloM.ison. fMra.

J. P. Allen. Mrs. Wheeler Alleu, Mrs.

I). II. Clark, Mrs. A. I.

Cranoa.i. Mrs. Frederick It, Crow, Mrs. W. A.

Hubbard. and Mrs. Frederick liecs. His Citizenship Restored. Governor Ulyuu has signed an order restoring to Paul (.

Hart, of this city, eitixeiuthip that he lost when he was scut to Auburu prison in November, 1011, to serve a term for attempted assault by shooting at a youug womuu employed at the Swiss Laundry. District-Attorney Barrett aided him in his efforts to recover citizenship. Celebrate Wedding Anniversary. The forty-fourth wedding anniversary of Mr. aud Mrs.

Isaac Line was celebrated by their frieuds at their home. No. 214 William street, last Monday. Members of the Community Chorus pro-Tided music between games. Refreshments were sgryud.

It's easy to oversleep these Fall mornings. Don't be late to work. Get an alarm clock and have it call you promptly. NEW MEN IN DIRECTORATE Shareholders of Empire United Railways Hold Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of tho shareholders of the Kmplrj United Railways, of whfcb the Rochester, Syracuse Eastern line is a unit, was held yesterday In Syracuse, with shares of stock voting.

Much of the votlnj was by proxy. Tbe resignation of E. D. Mettulf, vice president and director, was ajinojnced, he giving 111 health as his reason Th3 following directors were elected: J. M.

Gilbert, E. I. ICdfcomb, A. II. Cowie.

of Syracuse; W. A. Jones, of Newark, N. C. V.

Se.nnans, of New York. They succeed C. A. Benson, of Mluetto; Willis A. Holden.

A. E. Nettleton and Charles A. I-ux, of Syracuse, und li. D.

Metcalf. These directors were re-elected; H. H. Holden. Fdward Joy, Charies M.

Warren, B. Lyman Smith, Wil lam Nottingham, C. D. Bele. F.

K. Htscock, W. O. Morgan, of New-York; w. Hoebllng, of Trenton, N.

J. No announcement was made as to new policies of the company, out it is understood that tbe neiv equipment recommended by Ernest Gonaeabitoh. general manager, will be purchased within a short tlmu. No sucvesror to Mr Metcalf as vice-president was named. CAT MAKESVICIOUS ATTACK Physician Called to Attend Boy Whose Leg Was Scratched.

Suffering from injuries received when be was stacked by a cat, John Havden, 11 years old, is. confined to his home at No. 1 Motley place. The attack ocurreed several nights ago in Chestnut street. 1 he cat is said to have acted as if wild.

The next young Ilayden noticed that his right let? was utvitan and he told his parents of the encounter wun me cat. lie said the eat scratched him, hut he was sure it did not bite him Dr. George II. Gage, of No. avenue, is treating tbe wound, which show signs of improvement.

However, Or. Gage will use the Pasteur treatment! The Health Bureau ordered a supply of the vaccine several days ago. On Saturday lust a Charles E. Hughes, a Monroe avenue iueer, uiiti in agony alter having been bitten bv a do JVrsona i. Health Bureau went to the barn and witnessed the denth of the horse.

Much criticism has been made because, the norse was not shot. A renort is in rirpiil'it, that the dog that bit the horse also bit me cat mac auaeued the Hayden boy. The dog is owned by a Chestnut street family. It was takeu to a veterinary uospuai ana Killed. TACTICS SCHOOL EXTENDED.

Adjutant Receives Order to Enroll Line and Staff Officers. Not only Is It tbe who are to be instructed In military tactics, but the order comes to Captain Andrew E. Tuck, adjutant of the Third Infantry, to proceed toward the establishment of a school for officers of both the line and the staff. This school will be led by Captain P. S.

Couchman. of Company Adjutant Tuck and Captain Otto I. Chormann. Company II. The following officers will enroll: First Lieutenants L.

N. Smith, of Company (1. and A. M. Barager, of Company rjecona Lieutenants Frank Slmes, Company 11.

B. Chapln and A. Smith, of Company A. of First Drill of Troop H. Troop II got Into action for the first tlmo this season at Exposition Park Monday evening.

Lieutenant R. E. Hurst bad charge of the drill, as Captain M. Tobln has not yet been assigned to the One platoon passed through a mounted drill and the other practiced remounting while horse was trotttng. The regulations were read, as required by the military taw of the state.

Troop II will dri'l every Monday and Tuesday night. Social at German Home. The womeD of tho Baptii churches will hold a pound serial rf tl Herman Home for the Aged, South a' enuc, this afternoon from tr. which the pnhlie Is Refresh! 'uts will he serred. PERSONAL MENTION.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sabel have announced the marriage of their dHiurhtftr. Olirn Min Sabel. to Charles A.

Meyer, tn Atlantic CUT Sunday. October 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer will be at home Novemtier 1st at tho Hotel Rochester.

Mrs. Goldstein and daughter, of Mouututnilalo, are visiting Mrs. Goldstein's parents In South flreeee. Mrs. J.

J. Stlmnier. of No. 0 Slebert place. Is atteudlng the convention of Mothers' Clubs In Buffalo as a delegate from No.

'JO School, Excellent Alarm Clocks at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Including the Well-Known Big Ben Bastian Bros. Co. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS 211 Main Strtet E. Whitcomb Hous. Block REPUBLICAN METING DATES Big Gathering In Eleventh Down for To-night Vaudeville.

Republicans of tho KleventU ward will have a mass meeting to night at the Republican eague clubhouse, N'o. Jeffer-son avenue. Cook's Band will be In attendance. The speakers will be John 15. Mullan, Henry W.

Morse, Franklin W. Jwd-son anil Richard H. t'urran. Thomas E. Crouch will preside.

There will be character singing by Cash and Glbbs, and selections by ths Arlington Quartette. To-morrow night there will be a mass meeting of Republicans of the Nineteenth ward at the Republican clubhouse at Jefferson gvenue and Hawley Tbe speakers will include Charles E. Ogden, John O. Mullan, and Thomas E. Crouch.

Neit Monday a general kepijtto-Ucao mass meeting will be held lu Contention 1111. The candidate for governor, Charles 8. Whitman, of New York, anil the candidate for L'nlted States senator, James W. Wadsworth, of Oeneaeo, will the principal speakers. Other nestings wUl be scheduled tbli week aud the campaign will be pushed wits vigor In every ward and town ot the county.

i Drews-Banner. The marriage of Mrs. Dells Jane Banner to August Carl Drews took pises last night at the home of the bride, No. 15 Paul place. The ceremony was performed by Dr.

J. M. O. Darras. Mr.

and Mrs. FreiT Thomas weu tbe attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Drews will be at home after November 1st at No.

13 I'aul place. DIED. CAltnoLAr-Entered Into rest, Monday evening. October 12, 1U14, at the family renideiice, No. iS Heck street, Ubs Delia Carroll.

She leaves two sistMi, Anna ami Rose Catroll, and th-ivx brothers, tntoiie. Jaruos and Wttllam Carroll. The fuuerslr will take place en Thors-duv iiioruiiig, Octobui 151b, at tl o'clock fiom Coro'iH Church, Interment will fo nude in l.tma. At his home at Kenmore, N. Sunday.

October 11, 1DH. t'nnk. 1'. 1'ullou, formerly of this city, ued 61 yeurs. 'ihe remains arrived In Rochester evening and were taken to Hedges Irothers, No, 1J Kiist avenue.

The funeral will be held this arteritoou at If o'clock Iroin Mount liupoj ULANK At the residence of bur uaughter, Mrs, WIHJmn Clearnater, Way-land. X. Tiieliv morning, October lil, ltd. Mrs. Wllhelinlna lllaiik, wife of J.

fieorke ltlauk, aged years. Nlie survived by two S'Uis, A. Kun and Kay-luoud W. Itlank; five daipghters, and M-. Kdrd Ititk, of this eltv; Mrs.

William Clearwater, of Way-land, N. Mrs. Parent, ut eebetietady, N. snd Mrs. Erl Rosen-cntito, of lM-poslt.

X. aud ninu grandchildren. b'mir-rul servl will held from the rciii'oiu-e. No. 41 Fillmore stieet, Rochester.

Tliurlv afternoon ut o'clock. Interment In Uiveisl. cemetery. IX MEilOKIAM. S1I.VKII In losing memory of our dearly beloved mother, Mrs.

8. Hllver. Hbj passed awny Oeloler 14, Kllt, llor Children. TIMMERMAN HILL rUNMAk DIHiCTOH. 472 MONROE AVE.

CARRUOI OR AUTO RVICt MOORE FISKE FUNERAL DIRECTORS I 31 LAKE AVENUE KEEP LOOKING YOUUG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olivo Tablets. The secret ot keeping young is to feel Toting to do this you must watch ywur liver and bowels there's do need of haricg a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples bilious look in your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell yau ninety per cent, of all sicknesit conies from inactive bowels und liver. Dr.

Edwards, a well-known physician In Ohio, perfected a vegetable coiupbutid mixed with olive oil to set on the liver snd bowels, which he gave to hi put ten Is for years. Ir. Kdwards" Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel, are gentle in their actlun, yet always effective. 'They briug about, that exuberance ot spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning tip the liver and clearing the system of Impurities. You will know Ir, Edwards' Olive Tablets toy their olive color.

10c snd Ii5c per box. All druggists. Tbe Olive Tablet Coliunbus, O. TUB "want" ad. is a great ll domesilu aud business affairs.

$50 FUNERAL Will furotsil adult black cloth-covered casket, trimmed complete, boa. hearxe, two coaches and services for Other funerals In prooorrVm. HEDGES HOFFMAN UNOIRTAKIR. 511 Main Street East, corner Sci UllON'ES Chase VM, Plon 020. STRAUCHEN UNDERTAKER 265 North Street PUBLIC FUNERAL CHAPEL Pboo.


run and without trirtinn. A tr 11 will ooBT.rt Hi. molt yrouounnd sk.ptis,.

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