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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 22

Rochester, New York
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ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CUROXLCLE, SUNDAY. AUGUST 9, 1914. 0 jj NBW ADVERTISEMENTS COMPARATIVE TEMPERATURE GREAT WOMAN IN II COST OF SWING BRIDGE LOWEST County Would Pay More for Bascule Type. Your Opportunity TO SECURE A Magnificent Home Site Location if dote to Lake Avenue on Albemarle and Alameda Sts. This property has been withheld from sale by the Nazareth Convent for many years with the result that the surrounding section is entirely built up with beautiful homes.

All lots thoroughly restricted-streets improved and paid for beautiful shade trees Mazda lights. Salesmen on ground each day from 2 to 6, including to-day. Hi I in til be eti fce a VP 3 1 tb t'S ci til f1 ft s'i it Inc. Bradburn Realty Co. Horn 'Phone I THE flDarIborouaf ATLANTIC CITY, N.

J. Cftpnnlty 1100 400 Private Bth Vinnirit wfln4 tnntia try nijht throughout th yar. Two fotork of ffn.o front, liniilnir Horast-b-rk ridlor, Oolt, Theatro and couqum uuuMuueou. Ownership Mos-ant Oft I FT A AONK COM PA XT Less Work No Worry Let us do your family washing and save you the work and worry. Ail flat pieces ironed and most of the other pieces ready to use.

Fifteen pounds for seventy-five cents, excess weight four cents a pound. The cost is less than if you have it done at home. Tatlock Bros. Laundry Main or atone 3191 You should own a lot at What prfi trtlewnt. Term) mrs I wy.

Weatioft most favorable for naxt building boom, and traet unpravemantt ara most astannva. Only two block! bayond praaanl and of Lyal) Ava. car or aak for trip in our autamobilo. BRANCH OFFICE ON TRACT Electric Trains AS FAST AS STEAM ron TORONTO Six Daylight-Hour, of Delightful Travel by Rail and Wtltr. THE CHEAPEST WAY The Mast Picturesque Toronto Electric Special Laavei Erie Depot.

Roche.Ur at 7:15 A. M. and 2:15 P.M. Daily. ROUND TRIP Ona Day $2.25.

Threa Day S2.7S and no berth expense. G.t our Nw Rate to Niagara Falls on page 16 of thia papar. Buffalo, Lockport Rachsstar Ry. The Indian Convinced 'Em at Worcester In the 24-Hour Endurance Run 525 Miles Only one side car toam finished. This was the Indian.

Machine and riders weighed 954 pounds. Condi tions were trying-, rained all through the night. ANOTHER CLEAN-CUT INDIAN VIC TORY CONVINCING-CONCLUSIVE. THE TEST WAS GREAT BUT THE INDIAN MACHINE WAS GREATER. Immediate deliveries, all models.

Reliable repairs. Supplies of all kinds. The Geo. L. Miner Co.

Ave. Cor. Court St. Next Week We'll Concentrate Our rfTort nn claiming up .11 our "um(t rare" to ga to utart a 'now flate.1 Xo, we are not eapeclall? "nrwtle1 for room." not "oviTtoikr' 1th acoouij hand giitonmlHIi'H: hrn'a gU we have only worlh. Hut we lo want to have thum off our nituda, wbon the vai-g-tlotUxta get bai-k to work, Ul-or I'ui, awl Uie fall avltJug cBlng.

I'rtcv-a are reaaonahle from laio. to fl.tgio. Ktwj obo la good value fir price. National, a T-pnMMiuer, far, for leaa than half. A fci-Hlelmlier

Iv a new cur, run, gay, Ult1f. Mitchell Dollvpry, a martnter. with a Im, nlr painted ml. iWi Kve-rett "30," a touring car, grx'd value. 1(112 AWtt-lotrolt, powerhil 1-pm'niti'T touring car.

M1.1 Kciw-llgrtiordk a aci'fnitiihle ataiiilnrtl toivrlna; car. llrta Htmleliaker tonrlnif car, la gKl rouilltlon. low price. A lutun umrlng car, not a Into model but naalile aud very cliwip. 1010 toinrlnf car, not 1 miK-li on atjnle, cut and aound.

A tUoarng touring car, not a lata niodci, and ao for aale cliap. IUH KamWoT touring car, a gtauilarxl uakit, at a luw price. Bahcock Metric Coupn; vou'U be auniHawl at the low price. rlwtrtc rtcllvrrv car. larice cnmiuh and ainatll enough for nlmoHt any ijiisincm, "Umkvta" are Juat aa curtoti avrwB mn rcELLHURST Badatpk Srkalal Ttnwi.

AUG 6. 1911 VAUG 8, WI4 SSTA 13 1M r-68 t- so AM' 14 64 84 S4 78 78 L.80 ai 4P.K -I -84 -8J 7P.K S2 81 r- L.50 76 1 ELKS RECEIVE DENVER PRIZE Awarded $300 for Greatest Aggregate Mileage Outing Plans, A check for $300 waa received yenter-dy by Hodieater Lodso of Kits in a Mtor from Thomae M. Hunter, iocre- tary ol the Ienver Kunion Committoe, nonounciog that It waa for the fimt prize won by the Antlera and accompanying- Klka In the recent trip to Den-vor for the grentcat tisrgrpsute mileaso. The committee allowed the Rochester continisont 127,000 miles, which wai 29, 170 mileg more thnn that of the Onk- land, lodgn, whloh received gecond prize. Sleniberg of lie Itochestcr lodge, espocially the AnOcra, are elated over having received the prize, eince thi anm.

added to the cash prize won by ltochostcr for gecond beat appearance in the parade, make, a total of $500. Koehoater alo captured Brst prize of $75 for having the tallest man, Rose Bryant. Arrungemenla are practically com pleted for thn Elk a outing, to be held next Wednesday. The aale of tlekita imlirai cm an attendance Umt will renuifo nn extended effort from the committee in charge to make the outing enjoyabl for every one. The HUbcomraittee on tranaportation, ronaistiiifr of Krnnk -Pine.

Samuel O'ljeary and Louia Mln cer, annoimeea that chartered wt will leave the Klk's Club at A. M. The tirogrnm will Include a ball game be tween married men, captained by Frnnk l.el'lre and aingle men. captained by Krrnian Himon. Luncheon -will be isrved nil dav.

and in the evening broiled steak will be on the bill of fare. Iho outing will he for Klks only. TIES WRISTS, HANGS SELF Determined There Should Be Ho Hitch in His Suicide, After forcing a window in the base ment of the 'Kibgtein-Holter lenient Company's plant at Portland avenue and JKurlong street eurly yeaterday morning, Frederick Manzek, -HI yonrs old, hanged himself with a rope that ho threw over a rafter. 'Before throwing hunelf off the atepladder that ha used in fastening the rope, the man tied both hi wrist ao that it would be impossible for him to rescue himself from death. The body was discovered shortly be fore 7 o'clock when a blacksmith en tered the basement.

Ooronor Killlp wa notified, and thfi body was removed to the morgue. The coroner learned that uManzck lived at No. North Goodman street and thnt until July '10th he had been employed by the firm. Thclnna was married, it is thought that he brooded over the fact that he wai tin able to obtain work. The will give a certificate of filicide while temporarily insane.

MINOR POLICE COURT CASES Visitor from Boston Sent to Peni tentiary for Thirty Day. Thomus Scott, 42 years old, was cni milled to the peuitentitxry for thirty days, in police court yesterday, f.i stealing a load of scrap iron, valued at 10, from Williuni Wilson, of No. 00 Wolcotl. street. Scott waa employed by Wilson.

Judgment waa suspended in the case of I'hilip (Jasper, of No. 41 Catherine street, charged with fighting in tiio street. There was no appearance against A Stein, of No. Ill Arid park, sndacbiinse of assault, third degree, that stood ngulnat him was dismissed. Fred La Porte, 42 years old, Boston, was committed to the penitentiary fo; bitty days on a charge of vagrancy, Lu Porte reached the city about si weeks ago and, the police gay, made In headquarter in the vicinity of Uie canal bridge at Alexander street, lie was ar rested on Friday night by Patrolmnn Charles O'Brien, after he had asked persons for money and a pail.

He ex plained that he wanted a pail to get food In. SAYS MAN TOOK HER MONEY Eatavia Woman Causes Arrest of Railroad Employee for Larceny, James O. Tosh, 28 years old, will be arraigned In police court to-morrow morning on a charge of grand larceny second degree. He was arrested in Ka THnnnli yesterdny and brought to til city by Acting Detective lncall upon complaint of Mrs, Ada Anlmtt, of Ha tnvia, that she had been robbed of l'it 'J'ohIi denies that he took the money, Ho lives with his wife and mother in cavanuaii. osh is a railroad emplojee.

Ha met Mrs. Abbott in Butuvio, where she wn employed as cook at the Willowbank Inn. Abbott came to the city Wednesday, and on Friday apooured at headquarters. Mie told I'etective Sef g.mnt atej'omua tnai mie naa Rive Tosh her purse to keep until ma get her baggage, which was nt the New York Central station. When she re turned to the hotel Tosh had disnp- pea red, she said.

City Gets Elevator Plant. The Otis Elevator Company hm trans. erred its property In Commercial mi Frank streets to the city for the sum awarded by tho condemnation commissioners for the widening of Frank gtreet. The building will be tor down, but it Is not likely that work ou the street widening will begin until next spring. Parmer's Burns Are Fatal.

Thomas Simpson. SO years old, dic-rt in the Cleneral Hospital yeaterday after-Boon of Injuries he received Wednesday afternoon when he tried to rescue a cow from hia burning barn near Churcbville. Coroner Kleindlenst had the body taken to the morgue. An hnniPKt may not be necessary. SUFFRAGE RANKS Dr.

Anna Howard Shaw a Leader by Right. TO SPEAK AT ONTARIO BEACH Agitators Will Es cort Her to take in Striking Style Automobile Parade Planned for Aug. IB-Long Public Life That trend, of thought and conviction are bred in the bone and are certain to come out la the act teems to be dem onstrated in Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, wiio is to speak at Ontario Beach Au gust 18th, Three generations ago l)r. Mhaw'g grandmother, a Unitarian by fuith and an Kngliahwoman 1y birth, objected to paying tithes to the Church of England.

History asacrts that every year for a long period she at on her doorstep while some article of her household furniture was sold to pay the church tax. Vr. Shaw Is a native of Tyne, England. At 20 years of age, when ghc had shown that she could preach, ghe was granted local preacher's license by a district conference of the Methodist Church in Michigan. This license was renewed for eight years, she studied three years in Albion College, Michigan, and in 1875 she entered the theological department of Boston University.

She was graduat ed with honor in 1878. Although she served three pastorates fourteen years nnd passed the best examinirtaons, she was refused ordination, on account of her aex, by the New England iMethodist Kpiscopul Conference. Her application was again refused when she appealed to the General Conference lu Cincinnati in 1SSO. As was characteristic of her de termination, she applied to the New York Conference of the Methodist Frot estant Church, being the first woman ordained In that denomination. Has Preached in Europe.

Dr. iShaw hag the distinction of being the first woman to preach the gospel in Holland, Hungary, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Some of those countries hint full suffrage at the time of her visit, and because of the agitation arising out of her occupying a pulpit, women of those countries have since been ordained as ministers. With the feeling that faith have a norma1, allowance of works, Dr. iShaw took a course in medicine at the Boston University.

Tho rtiid enlargement of opportunity for women nnd, with thnt, the greater desire to apply their education and equipment to world problems, turned Dr. Shaw's interests to the question usually political. She resigned her pas torate and devoted her time to the lee- ture platform in connection Witn the 'Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association. She was elected national superintendent of franchise for the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. As vice- president and president she has served the National Association for Woman Suffrage twenty-two years.

Dr. Shaw was an intimate friend of tnj Antuony sisters and spent much time at their home in Madison' street, Rochester. Afternoon at Beach Park. Rochester suffragists havj arranged with the management of Ontario Beach Park for August 18th to he suffrage day at that resort. Dr.

Shaw will be the spenker nnd will lie to the park early In the afternoon by a long line of gaily decorated automobiles carrying heralds of and petitioners for votes for women. The men and womei. Btiffragistg who come to Rochester ou that day are to he the guests of the members of the chester Political Equality Club and will occupy some of the automobiles in the jiarade. ince visiting Rochester last winter, when she spoke at the mass meeting in Convention Hall, Dr. Shaw has been to F.urope and was one of the speakers at the Women's International Council in Rome early in April.

She is opposed to war as fundamentally wrong and, with the other leaders in the equal-suffrage movement, believes that if all the women In the civilized countries bad the political franchise there would be no war as It exists to-day. BAKER-STONE. Pretty Wedding Ceremony at Home of Bride in Stone Road. Harriet I'. Stone was married to Stalham S.

Baker at the home of her pareVits, Mr. nnd Mrs. George B. Stone, in Stone road, Saturday evenitig, August 1st. The ceremony was performed bv Rev.

Benjamin Copeland, of Charlotte, In the presence of eeventyJive guests. The bride wore a gown of crepe meteor satin trimmed wilh Oriental lace, and a tulle veil and cap with orange blossoms. She carried white roses. i. Father Stone, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.

Iler gown was of shadow voile over pink silk, and she carried ro.ea Rot White was nest man. The bridal party entered the room to tho atrnlna of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Miss F.inma Swift, cousin of the bride. Six young women rnrricd roues of flowers, forming an through which the bridal party tia.sed to nn arch of ferns and asters. Miss Baker, niece of the groom. aria.

Ituth Lott were the flower Ai. an.t Mrs. Baker left for an East ern trip. They will be at home after Sontember 1st at their new home in Stone road. Election Inspectors Slow.

Mayor's Clerk Williams has sworn 173 Democratic and upuuuui-uu inspectors of election and poll clerks, and i- estimated that about 42M have fttilei to take the oath. Those who have not been sworn in should report at Stayor Kdgerton's ollice at once if they desire to serve this year. A school of instruction for tho inspectors1 will be started soon The compensation of inspectors and clerks will bo C. M. B.

A. Meeting Called. The Ways and Means and Organiza-of Central Council, a announce a meeting to lie held to-morrow night at which plans for the fall membership campnign will be dis cussed Branches that have not semen for tickets for the ball held in April have been requested to do so at this meeting. Order yonr half-tons plates and slse etching! from the Democrat snd Chronicle's art department. Adv.

33 SB. ANTTA HOWARD SHAW, Noted Suffragist, who is coming to Rochester August 18th. DIVERSION IN MANY FORMS Organizations and Individuals Entertain in Various Ways. The Stickers Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. K.

G. Cook. The prize was won by Mrs. Minxes. Mrs.

Herbert Bridgenian, of No. l'J4 Bryan street, will be the next hostess. The annual outing was in the form of nu excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The Clematis Pedro Club was enter tained at the home of Miss Christine No. 342 Avenue A.

Prizes were won by Miss Adeline Staub and George Staub. Miss Elizabeth Tiieim, of No. 110 Flower street, will be the next hostess. A party will be held nt the Hotel Ontario. Ontario Bench Pui'K.

next mu- urday afternoon. Supper will be served. The Jolly Kight Pedro luh was en tertained at the borne of -Mrs. Me iter. No.

UH7 Smith street. Prizes were won by Mrs. Draper, mis. lvuue mer Mrs M. JleBUCr UUU Mi, llo silineuler.

ot -o. ioo ouuiu tl.Alth street will be the next hostess. a The ladies itarmony iiu fih chicken dinner at bummervuie. The meet us will be ut me nome ef Mrs. Bucbanau, No.

1.001 l.xcuange A surprise party and lawn lesuvui were held at tne umue ui i.u..u -o 117 Wellington avenue, Thursday evening. About sixty attend- n.l The evening -was passeu in piiij ui. games. was served on the lawn, which was decorated with colored streamers and Japanese innterns. MOTORCYCLIST FINED $25 Ran Into Young Woman Alighting from Trolley Car in Hudson Ave.

Frnnk H. Moore, 21 years old. of No, 71(1 Wilkins street, was fined J-" jester dr.y in police court for passing a street car on the left side wuue opera ung nmtorcTcle in Hudson avenue, at Vienna street, on Friday evening. The machine V'nnnv of No. S-'l A'ienna" street, who had just alighted from a enr, knocking her down i l.ioiik'ms? one of her wrists.

Joseuh Weber, of No. 20 Clevclant' tdnce, was fiiifd $3 for speeding his mo- hvwnln in Clinton avenue north. it I'nrtei- irot off with a suspend erl sentence, after admitting he had tii-en out. of a garage an automobile thnt diil not carrv a number. V.

IT. (iodiiard. of No. 721 Meigs street, nnd William Neubauer, tif No. State street, also drew suspended sentences.

Thcv left their automobiles within thirty feet of a street car slop in the congested district. Charles Abbev, 10 yea's old, of Ana mosa, and Karl Hoffman. IS years old, of Perry, were committed to the penitentiary for fifteen days for stealing a Prest-o-Mte tank irom an an tomobile belonging to Charles Priest, of No. 21 Meulo park, on Thursday night FIELD DAY FOR CHILDREN. Those of Industrial School to Be Quests of Commandery.

The children of the Industrial School in Exchange street will be guests of Cvrene Commandery. Knights Templar, at a field day to be held September 1st at the farm of Arthur Warren in Clover road. Besides the members of the com mandery, the wives and families of the knights have been invited. A program of contests has been nr ranged. Luncheon will be eaten under the trees.

Ti start for the farm wi mode at 1 clock and the com mnmlerv will meet at the Industrial A feature of th afternoon will hn nn exhibition bv the drill corps if Cvrene Commandery. Commander George C. Fichter has ate pointed the following committee to take elmrire: Thomas T. Durgin. Kdniir Mursh.

Arthur Warren, Shindel ft Case. William S. Banr.trt, John K. Mabie, Rev. Dr.

Arthur O. Sykes. Hury K. Huntington, Henry E. Knndolf, Ucv T.

Johnson Bulger and Walter R. Stone BOY DROWNED IN CANAL Little Fellow Tumbles into Water While at Play on Bank. At play with other children yesterday afternoon, Howard Keefc, 8 years old of Shortsville. fell into the canal nea the Four-mile grocery and waa drowned The l'ody was recovered. Coroner Klein dienst will give a certificate.

The bov waa visiting an aunt, a Mrs, Olsnn, of No. Flower City park Wilh her he had cone to call on friendi In ltidgewav avenue, near the canal 1 llnru ha met nthei. children, and wen to the ranal. None of the hoys Could swim. Frederick A.

Otto, Teacher of modern dancing, wants six young ladieg and gentlemen to learn to sssist in teaching modern dances. Appiy Monday 3 P. AI nt. H-M P. Floral Hall, 2 'phone 0383 Main.

Adv. mi a 7 We Make Them Clean as Hew! The Daintiest, aa well as the Plainest ONE FIRM LOW ALL AROUND Penn Company, of Beaver Palls, Looks Like Winner in Competition for Contract for Building Bridge to Span River at Charlotte The bids received by the County Building Commission for the Genesee river bridge at Charlotte were all above tho first estimated cost of the structure given to the county engineers, with one exception, which is tho bid proposed by the Penn Bridge Company, of Reaver Falls, Pa. Deducting about $30,000, the sum that the New lork Central Is pay as its part of the cost, would bring the entire improvement, including the construction of the turning basin, down to 177,020. The bids for the total Improvement submitted by the contractors are as fol lows: 1 J. Carlin Construction Company, of Now lurk, for the olht'lal plans, t'euiick Company, of liiiiluio: In it 1 kM.Wi flan No.

2 piau No. a No. 4 lau No. a. l'lan No.

ildiurg. liiirton Company, of New York. hid ou the otllciula plans I'lau Jo. 1 Plan No. a 2 l'lan Man No.

4 l'lan No. 6 IJIiWe.OO iSirobel Steel Construction Couionny, of Chicago, hid ou oliiotal plans rum i Seneca Knglneeriog Company, Montour I'alls, bid on olaclal plaas Man No. 1 Man No. 9.m.,..K K. T.

ord Comnni'v. ot Rochester, bid on official plans Man No. 1 Inn No. 2 lenn Itrldge Balls, Pa llid oe olll.iul plans S231.P4O.I50. nn No.

1 Man No. 2 6t Mail No. 3 C(T7 022.flO The Penn Bridge Company is low on II the three types for which official plans and specilicatious were made. The plans are for a siugle-leaf bascule bridge, a double-leaf bascule bridge and a swing-span bridge. The lowest priced type is the swiug span, which is below the next lowest type.

The bids and plans for all three types were submitted to a committee consist ing of the city's consulting engineer, Edwin A. -Fisher; County Superintent of Highway. J. Y. McCliutock and State Highway Kngitieor Hermann.

This com mittee will select a plan and report to the Board of Supervisors. The super visors will confirm the report and award the contract, or reject it and adopt a plan to its satisfaction. It is not likely that the report of the committee will be turned down. Plans 'os. 2 and 3 were prepared in York aud contemplate a swim: bridge with the pivot pier fminded upon tli rock ledge on the west side of th river, giving a clear channel of 130 feet by the titu'ner fenders and the shire, nu bridging the span nbovo the New York Central right of way.

The swing bridge In closed position that is, a position permitting traffic to pass across would have a clear run above the hverage water stage of thirty-two feet. This would permit the passage of ordinary pleasure craft, tugboats, barges and, in fact, almost all boats passing up the Genesee river, with the exception of the lake steamers, nnd on hat account may be more desirable than a bascule lift bridge, whose main structure niemliers are below the bridge floor and, therefore, do not give a waterway which would be of equal valne to that given by the swing-span design, which can be built at a cost of about $20,000 less than that of any of the other types of bridges upon which bids were submitted. BICYCLIST HIT BY AUTOIST Blow Causes Concussion of Brain. Motorist Under Arrest. When riding a bicycle in Joseph sve-nue yesterday afternoon, Henry C.

Norther, 33 years old, of No. 23 Eiffel place, was run down by an automobile diven by George Outer, of No. 070 Avenue D. and made unconscious. He was removed to the Homeopathic Hospital.

It is said he has concussion of the brain Mouuted Officer Holliday investigated the accident and arrested Oster on a charge of operating an automobile in a reckless manner. Oster left $23 bail at the Joseph avenue station and was released. Chef Will Remain at Hofbrauhaus. A statement was issued at the Oden-bach Hofbrauhaus last night to the effect that nn error had been made In the announcement that the chef of that popular cafe, and restaurant, Charles Dos-senbach, expected to leave for New York city this week to report to the German consulate, preparatory to joining the German forces. No call has been made by Germany for the reservists and Chef DoKsenbach will stay at the Hofbrauhaus indefinitely.

Adv. Just Back from New York. It has been determined and fashion is decreed that strictly tailor made effects will te the proper styles for women during the fall and winter season. 1 have just returned from New York with advanced styles for the fall and winter season. Great reductions In prices will be made during August so as to keep a larger force of tailo's.

employed. W. M. Goitesman, ladies' tailor, 323-20-27-28 Mercantile bhlg. Adv.

a Entire Stock at Cost Buy these goods for present snd future aud save 50 per cent: Wall paper, window shades mads from our stock, all widths; cova room moldings, 3 to 5 lu'hes wide; fixtures, shelving, office woodwork, Moslur safe, Peerless 30-inch paper cutting machine, display racks, bundle trucks. tvie-writer, electric fan, electric chandeliers, wall paper trimming machine, 50 to 73 per cent, off cost price. Weldon's Big Store, 70 and 81 St. Paul street. Adr.

Women's Dainty Summer Neckwear. New French models, embroidered oil fine organdie and new ideas, in.veatees nt to 3'lc. Nunbnura's Lining Store, 50 Clinton avenue north. Adv. Ladies' Men's Wovei lav--- Your satisfaction guaranteed.

Wm. C. Brown Co. CLEANSERS bTmVJT' 60 Clinton Ave. South Stone 3472-J Linen Suits Lingerie Dresses Parasols, etc.

Palm Beach Suits White Suits Flannel Trousers Panama Hats ueanea 5 pair AND DYERS C(ma4 we. a va a BTILLSON Eighty Years OUR NEW STORE The Sunderlin Co. Jewelers Our Creed Is Quality and Sarvlee Qdn Main LOCAT ITION m-tw ilium Established.

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