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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 3

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


derbilt that bis proposed plan for the construction of an iron bridge over the Main strcef crossing of the Central railroad is accepted by the council. Adopted. 7AdvertfMAaaeiUof Ww For Rent," Lost," "Foa, not exeeedins tlarae lines, TWEW- XT-FIVE CENTS for cl lnertiol9 each additional line. FIVE CENTS. On motion of Com.

Williams, -the original resolution was then adopted. Ex-presidcnt Wile being present, he was invited to a seat in the board. Mr. Wile excused himself, for the reason that he could remain but little longer. Com.

Brown, from the fuel and fire fixture committee, presented the following itEcrivEn for coai. at sn-zrvrxrryrN ITKU'E, BOCH E8TKR MAY 1TM, WW. FINANCIAL ASP WraiaCIAI ROC HESTER ARK ETS Tt E8BAY. fievased dally for the Democrat and Cnronleia. GRAIN- Following: ar the ruiuur notations paid by boyara- What-lOHaiiato bash for Post, wait Michigan and Weeks, iokxhc bus for Clawaon, 100) Ue baah for Amber aad 108104 a bosh for Bad choice (trade only commanding outside prices.

CoRjr oui at Hii-q VtfOfes tot whit and for yedow. OAT'S quote at 80t38o for mixed and 339 3ttc for whir. Km noted at 90t3io 0 DRB88KD HOGS Quoted at 0.0O5.&0 100 outside prtee for choice light pig. 11 A AND 8TRAW-ioliowmit aretfae ruling no i i EDI CATIONA L. LADY having college eiuration and experi- lAlin, Ifrench or tierman, preferably Ltia.

4 city. BOARD AND ROOHIS. OOMS AND BOARD. -Double parlors, with small Room off; also other verv desirable room, nicely furnished. House brick, nearly new.

with aU Lhe modem impro mems. R-'fereiicea exchanged. Appiyat -yuth Fitzhogh-st. 846 WANTS, WAJfTEI- Immediate! 7, a practical ner-r. Only sober and industrious mon need.

apply, at P. PITKIN stone yard. 'tZ West avanu. "WANTED. Thirty-two good girts to work in splendid city and country, for fn-n jsnng recommeQaa.

ANTED. A girl to oook. wash and iron. Must thoroughly understand her buaine-ta. red.

Apply lor two days at vrj ANT D. A situation to do general house-TV work in a small lamily. Ity reference. Ad-drew No. 4 Wainut-st.

netr Jay -at. WANTED. purchase a Horse and Phaeton. -ill rae niu.u. iM" lady to drive.

Add res PlIAKTON, this ANTED, A smart Uttle ffirl to attend in a smaJi lamilv. Wares 1.00 txsr A Prot- emant pi-efcrrt-d. Apply at once at 39 bavaimah-st. Bring reference. ANTED.

A Horse and Wagon in erchartire for a nicely fitted up Tea i tore. So oiler re- iusea. Address A. B. this oflice.

ANTED. flood. Gentian or American man to on larm. Good girls on band for house- 11U 9tat-sc. ANTED.

A competent cook, who is also a TT goa1 ianndress, tor a smail family, wherearr- "AN1ED. Private families, water cures, TT watering Places and rirrt-ciass hotels, in want nrat-clJia, help, such as miom- kefiers. uining-roorn giris, chambtruiaids, firat-claa cooks, ar.d good girls lor general houses-work; aifo.children's nnrses and famiiy aeamstre-ssea, applv at the Select nphoiuent Agency, over Quafcer No. Mam-st. bridge.

Ma3. 11. gAMOBU. dining-room usework.over gir and good girls for general ii tyuaKcr i-imcn. atamst.

onoge. SANKt-RLr. AV7" ANTED. An energetic salesman for Rochea-U ter and vicinity, to sell on commission Jae- asnd French B. acting and I Dressing.

Ad-reas Box I Sat, Station New Vork City. Yr ANTED. A good Home for about two months. ill be weil taken care of. Apply at il lLuig atieet.

MPLOYMENT WANTED. By a younff man. aged is. who understands garoemr.g. and will make himself generally useful, t.

CO RUE FARS-HAM, 100 East avenue. Rocheter. WANTED. A situation, hva reqrectahle woman, Tv as Child's Nurse or to do trenerai housework in inmny. Best oi reierencea given.

Aauxeaa "WANTEDi A girl for general housework. Ta g(-od one steady employment will be given. FARLEY, Mount Ho; avenue. VI 'ANTED. An energetic man to solicit order.

A competent man can find a good situation by addresaiitg thia office, Salary or ooinmiasioa CMALL HOUSE WANTED, vritn a large lot, In a nit neighborhMd. Must rent very low. Ad- Biatuig term ana location, j. it. tai ANTED.

A Ladr Canvasser, to take orflers; TT something entirely new; work lit-ht and pay Anv iaay oesinog respeetarjie, genteei employment wiii please send her address to Post-ofbee Box PIP. City. ANTED. A Second Cook at the Orient Dining Hall, corner of Main and under Masonic Block. WT ANTED.

Two men. who are willing to work. to rae oraers ior our fUDiicartons tm complete form, salary or commisi UKK, Room ii-5, simith'a Arcade. P. CXL- ANTED, Two good Cooks and twenty Girta to do genei 191 East Mam-st to do general housework.

Apply at onoe at IKAAUALL S. ULLAV AU. ANTED-A good, reliable man. experienced TT at covering cloth caskets and trimming ths same. A pleasant and permanent place of the cityt.witli moderate wnaes, can be secured.

Address, with references, stating the compensation desired, CASKET MA.NUFACTt RER, FOR. BENT. ASH will be paid for a House and Lot in a good location, worth from Jl.OOOto $1,500. Must be a banrnm.

Address CASH, thisomee. IXR SOxlSiU, on Lake avenue, witfet rear part of house, for 1 1.500. just wuat the lot is worth, inquire at A L'SCH A UKANSFiELD'8. Aretide. TOR SALE.

Amateur or Dental Lathe almost JT new. Will be sold cheap. Inquire ox J. W. over41 1-ist Maln-st.

SILVER LAKE ICE, cut from pure living water, furnished to families at 20c par week, by the on. N. COY, Boa 148 JOR SALE CHEAP. A handsome Brown Mare; kind and true; nice for a tarty to drive. Mist inquire oi ill ittw ratac 1XR SALE OR TO RENT.

Durable House ana Lot, H3 Meiga-st. Also House and Lcrt. wit. riBfCK BAB.N POR RENT. On Bcho-vl alley.

tar Piym-mh charch. in rear of No. 40- Inquire of JiiRuMS KKVKS, on the premise, orC. HILL. TXR SALE OR EXCHANGE.

Thirteen vacant lot-s in the city oi Auburn, in a desiraile locatioa. will i city, inquire of M. N. VAN ZAJSDT, 15d Aiexaadsc st reei. IXR SALE.

A very desirable cottage and lar lot on the tMke Beach, east side of the river. A IOR SALE CHEAP. A nice leather-top, two-eeated Carriage, in tlrtsl order, smuable foC THE CHEAPEST first class residence tn ttuseirv, aitaated on one of the best localities on the east side of the river, and every way desirable. Don't full to see me before par-chafing. Inquire oi M.

N. VAN ZAJSUT, 133 TO RENT. The Office lately oecrrpied by tha Oien Hal! Mannfacmring Co. on Sooth Water -ct. Aljh r- mf-inder ot aama buuaing.

ijuquix at J. HILL' ofhee. look water, beater: has ten rooms, besides alargw attic and gvrod cedar and atone cistern. Inquire ot BUSINESS CARDS. SUMMER RESORT- Olifton House! riiitou Sprlnea, Ontario If.

WILL OPEN MAY 13ta, 1S9. For terms, address GEO. ASIIBY. Proprietor. DKIED BEEF SLICER.

Ho Grocer or Meat Market ahonld be wtthont on. t7THK BEST ONK IN USB. For sal by K. W. BUSH, 68 South Unioa-St.

otice to i Iders. PROPOSALS SOLICITED. EATJfT PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT l' the office of the Suuerinteudent of the Soldiera' and Sadors Home, at Bath, N. until Friday, the 3oth day of May. at noon, for furnishing materials anil ereetirir two additiotiai building, on the grounds of tbe il rue.

at accorditii to arawiuga ana specitC at ion, furnished bv Warner i Br-ckett, Architects. R.chestcr, N. which drawings and specifl-cauons can be seen at the office of the Superintendent and after Mav lath.! bids will be ream red for ea fi buililing and must include in one proposal all work contained in the mason' a and carpenter's speei- ncations. Bids indorsed Propoaais for Soldier' ami Sailor Home, and addressed to K.

C. Parkinson. Sup't. Bath, N. Y.

The right to reject any aad ail bids is reserved. Acceptable bvnds will be required from the snecesa. ful bidder for the faithful perform aaoe of the work. Bath, N- May 14, 7tf AVSON J. MrCATX.


as. mi r. 1. THE MATTER OF THE ASSIGVMElvT FOR benetit of creditors by Kgoert K. Tattle.

Purxnant to nu thorn to me irranted bv Hon. Will- lam C. Rowley. County Judge of Monroe County, tins proceeding, tne creinor oi ue 3iti wwawot, Kgl-ert K. Tuttfe, of Hamlin, tn said county, are ad-vertid and notified to present their claims agaaa-t the stud assignor, with the vouchers therefor, duly vended, to the undersigned, the assignee named ia said assignment, at the law office of Henry P.

Norton, in the village of Brock port, in the county of Monro, a or netore tne fourteentn aay ot June, i-Jiv. Dated April fi, 1ST. WAITER A. FERRIS. Assignee of Egbert K.

Tuttle lor the btment of credi- t. rs. H.P. Norton, Attorney. Trusses Supporters THE FTJEXTBLE RUBBER TRUSSU-Oonoeded to be the very best Truss made, anatomlcaliy adaptea toenre every form of Rupture; cheap, light, wit boat traps, elastic belts or other appendage that stop the circulation.

Inducing paralvsia and destroying im portant urgujis. worn wnue owLaing. Aito wum Supporter and Trusses, for sale only at Kxeeisiije Truss office. 1 6 ftouth Ford street live mlnat' walK west ironi City Hall, or take atreet ear. MONEY TO LOAN.

THE EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK now loaa-injlQpoo Boot! and Mortaaga, or apoa Uaiia Btataa. Cltr orLiounCT tsonaa. P. B. BocratAiT NO CURE, NO PAY.

I Xj market rales 3-ltJd aad Mid- V. M. BKKAUSTPKFS FTOTTR-iM(ai0s ennlal. Wheat 7ii.l...-J,ad for Snrmz, RKXi iHsM for red Winter, Ssrtli(2ct for wbite Calitoniia and SsldifttfBSd cenuu lor Hub. Cokx 4s4d cental.

Oats 5s6d cental. 5s3d cental. Peas ftfSrt cental. PoHK-7saa. Laud Baco.v --aisiftSaed.

Bxxr 74sftd. tallow 34s6d. chxxsb 42a. Keoelpts of wheat for the past three days 173,000 centals, 150,000 ot which were Amerlciui. Apple aud fotato markets.

THICAno, May 11 APPI.K3 Trade Mow. Choir red applet in a ma bbL wi fancy rvcrasi. a hiirhor. A law tine russets sold in a -niatj way at bbl. 1 TATOKS'-Mtirkiit quite a' iv, with nothing npw tn mentt'in hore wpre but few cnri of cbopte stfiffk sale, nd the thippijig demand was meagar.

tiood to choice peach blow -i by the car load it about TbfitHIr bush, with a shade better; eitrly rose quotable at aout 'h bush tor choice; mixed pota-tits slow at Ot-taKic bu-h fur fair to choice. Inter-Ocean. Chlcatso Live stocK niarkat. Shipments ft.5X) head; market fairfy active and price shade hiiiher; sale couian ls fair packitJK' at 13.35 45, choice mixed at i.Ooi.tKJ ant! Hat; and heavy closing nrmcr. ATTJiKr-Kecelntsilonhead: sh omenta 2200 head: fihippinp dull, the best hit hi weights selling at.

butchers' firm with sides cows at W.i.M. bulls and mixed at 2. Mi tuia fwjiena uid stockers nnchitnited at PH EEr lteceiptsH;) head; shipraenti 40 head: demaDd good at ta. BnfTalo Livestock; iriarket. BTTTAtft.

Mav trt-3av 27 bend: market dull and Mow; wmIcb me'lium good ahipier Mecrsat choice f4.H5iaftG.3T), cows and hodt-rt at 5C v4. 25. builH at f3, Blockers al t.50r3,5 feedwiA at ifcHr Am las ks recfliPT lo-qhy itAi neaa: market rules qaiut and tending down; Bales to clipped at fS.TW.m.i HOGS-KecciDt to-day l.tvi head: market ruts moderately act i vi luir sales to Yirtcers at medium and heavy at 3.W 4.W, 7U and extra at Broona Corn flarket. CniCAflo. May Ift-BROOMICORN Msrketsteady nt muot and unchanited.

Following are Quotations which sales are made from store: No. 1 green burl and best carpet bniflh quoted at 445o 9 No. Bat about 4c, choice green (that is self-working) or generally Classed as medium at 4f444C, lair to good QO SatVrc, iiderior, stnugh and common at 3c, ani some satfs of coininlssion lots at yfiiac less, inside and oovers at iio.4c. ivtcurding to qaaaty, aad crooked liisc Petroleum markets. fr ivfi ami.

Mt tetP KT Ro L' Market rules firm at He for standard white. PAKKKHH, May Oil 7-c Did SlrtClly. On, i'lTV, Mar Ollr-7Vc btd striotTy. TiTravrLL. May 2U OlLr-Markat steady with bid Rtrictly.

AsTwshp, iway vf rti nULBL ji vaowa m-ii for tine pide Straw Hats in all the leading staple and nobby styles. Elegant Mackinaw, fine Milan and Manillas, Palm Leaf, Hammocks, Umbrellas, Our stock is very large, comprising edl the goods found in a first-class establishment, which we offer at' Wholesale and Retail at a very small advance from manufacturers' prices, R. S. KEN-YON 100 and. 102 State-St.

NAVIGATION Daily Lino to Canada. Steamer ruiuete M-srtday, iSt leaves ot Ko. S'sndiiF' except tva, e-t I'ort li i arid Cubounc with Lia ir. i. muui.i.

Calis at Brian: wrumit; Colborne. eat her pemoiting, Tuesday, TtiarjUiy. Friday and jjai'irday mi-niii'tf. imrn.i'e "wtiiroavs at 3 r. n.

tJ'jn necttng at port tiojewnh tra.tlt- for tueK.vSU Keirning, I 7 -Jtl aui ron nope lit, on a.rr:vai more ing tntiirn arnving at liurio! te in tiai to c-nneet wi: i trsln.i from Kochea-sr. This is ll favorite roe to he Ric Lake sod oi her fishing oor north ot Iaic Ontario, i ara ave N. V. C. d-'i-t at P.

St. and state Irum 4 P. M. to connect teaiur. ti.

hi i it 'r i i i -j mhi-su, Agent. CAIT. eliKRWOul'. Port Uut. PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS.


CAl'T. S. J. Will leave ALBANY WEEK AV at P. on arrival or from the rth wrd w.

age Iran ff erred Ire Iroui trains of N. it Ha. K. R. tt) at A.liiU!".

i team. Men! f'" t. tn. PASStGE KX- l'KhN TtCKKTS fi. Ttckeis reading via ltd- si liiver are iwd lor and ntate berth.

1 K-ki'in sold ai bigHge checked at tho Lioany office, sicmuu Lat huidiiiai. Aibanv, and un board the bo; j' ii i ii p. i i v. wenerai nrira ag t. M.

II. WA I KIW. lien. P.vts. Amt.


TL NK Ift-B A.M ARIZONA Tl'KSllAV. Jl NE 17-3 P.M. ADA TrKSI) A V. 1 A.U WI' NS1N TCKftllAY, Jl.LY 1-3 P. M.

These steamers ar built of Iron. In water-tight partnittms. and are fnmiched with everv to make the passage across the Atlantic both safe and i ue are ail on diH-k. thus In suring those greatest of ad luiurtes at sea, perfect ventilation and light. CABIN PASsAiJK (according Hiate-room) 175 and -yi: iNTKMlibiATk.

40: HTKKKAtiK. SM. Apply Yo F. .1. AMSUKN.

tier rowers Hank: AMillKW Mi lADK, 3 to itte-st. UKi. C. MAUKKR, 7S Kant icnta Rochester; or to WILLI AM St tiUION, 'it Broadway. IS.

Y. NEW YORK-ROTTERDAM. The Brst -class sttutrcer of thts.Mne 'W. A. CA I.A ND," "MAA8," 'SClll KI A and "KOTTKR DAM." Carrying lie t.

Mai! to the Net herlands, Com-pany's pier, Jersey Ctty, every suLernatet Wednesday and Sat urday. tftt aum fv fTO. "facaoia ir rvn. meerageias. FCNCtl.

1 1 A I L. W. MORK1B, tJ. New York 50 Broa.lway, New Vork Kre'athf. Agent.

H. CAZAUX, General Anent. 27 tiouthWUllaai street. IN IE iOKtt. LIKE.

UNITKD 8TATK3 AND ROYAL MAIL STB AMKR8 WKW YORK TO yUKKNSTtWN AND ERY TilCRSDA or SATURDAY. Tons. Tro. a CtTT RKRI.rfT, 6-IPt 1 CTTY 0 MONTRBAL, 44 HO City of Hit iiwoxtj, 4m7 Crrv or BHrsstcus. 3T7fi City or Chkstkh, 45-ki City or Nkw Vouk, 3606 Thesa aim Ifl cent Steamers ant ta rye and rasteat on the Atlantic, and have evtMy modern Improvement, including hot and cold water and eiectric belli.

In staterooms, revolving chairs in "alooiia. bath and smoking rooms, barber shps, etc. For rate Of pMHaage and other Information apply tnjoHNU. IiA i.e., Afc-etiT. a i it road way.

iv ortoiU'NTINO TtN A ASH LEV K. I.LINtifl: STETTH RIMKU TON a t). Btat street, Rochester. North (icrman Llojd 8teamhlp Line Belweea New York, BvatDBBipion. tionaoii' mm and Bremen.

THE PTE-AM El IS OF THIS COMPANY -tv will sail every Hain May from Bremen irf'p- ter, foot or uoboken. -y; KATBSOF PA8H AtJR. FYim NW Tork to Southampton, london, Havre and Bremen, first cabin, 100; Second cabin, steerage, t-KS; KKH Ati Tic It KTH TO A1.L I'OINTS IN TtiK SOUTH OF KNO-LAN1) For freight or passage apply to OKl.KlCllrt A 8 Bowling Ureen, New York; or OKO. 0. MACtlER, Agent for Rochester.

Pacific Mail S.S. Co. for California Japan, chxxa, ulinm, New Zealand, AuMtrmlla, BrlttahColui bta, Northern and No a th era fomla and Artxonau QTEAMER8 SAIL FROM NEW YORK tm the hh and attth of eaub month, carrying laasvngera and. freight tor San Irmnclsco. Through Smigrant Tickets to New Zetland and Atit-tralut B-'ld at greatly reduoed rat.

Circulars giving full lniormauon regarding th climate, soil and products of the two countries, and Ui prup4ita for awnvi iam, iitTcuu hjji'oitiii nm. Fur paannge or tntortuation In regard toeome. Ply to th Company' Paasenger iKjparlnient, 'M7 hhoadwaV, nkw Vrmir rpHE GHOST OF UEDHHOOK A Novel. Bv tit author ot The Odd Trump, Ac. Price vac.

co or uuu iiv BCHAaiTyM, WETo RB 10 V0-it, Ialverpool, May 20 txrrrow Ann. Middling Hi', suds quoted at the the the and of id on and of 1H7 sell to "1 ,4 SKIGVFE'S SALE OF REAL E5TATE. The eubscritrpr. as Asijjnee of John T. Brigs and Chas.

W. Rriggs. fir the benefit of their respective creditors, wiii oiler tor sale ai pubiie aaction, on Friday tbelHrth day of May. 17i, at a o'clock P. M.T at foot of the Brand staircaae, in Powers' Block, in cltr of Rochester.

N. the folio wtng proOaiTty, aspigried to me bv said John T. Briggs, vii The property at No. KW Mjrtle street, ia Ward Tt, in city ai Knchenter. N.

Y. consisting nf lot feet wide hy 100 feet dep, on which is a medium sixe franui dweiUng house. Also, the fallowing Seaeribed property, assigned to mebyChas. W. Britnrr.

vis: Ths property near Float Bridge, known as the "Iflag lot," consisting of atxmt 40 acre. The term a of sale will be known at time Of sa'e. Dated May ifth, 1S79. aiS NATH AV P. PON'D.

Aasignee. TEFERKE1S A I.E Cotttty Cocrt or Monboe I. Cor XT V. Ro -hester Savini-H, plaintiff, Patrick Byrne (sometimt eaiied Patrick Bvmesland others, defendants. rn pursuance of a tidiment of foreclfaiire and sale, dulv granted in ibe above-entitled action, nd entered in Monroe Count Clerk's office un the 10th day May.

l-K7. tbe unrieryiirned Referee will at public auction, at the front porrh of the Court, the eityf'f Rochester. Count tlf Monro. N'. the 3d dav nf 179.

at 0 o'clock A. the premises in said judgment tollows. vtr. All that tract or parcel of land situate in the city of Hot-heater. County of Monroe and State of New York.

dftinguiHhed on a map of the Hubby 11 tract, made by M. BrutT. and dulv tiled in the office of the lerk of Monro County as lot number forty-two (41, situate on the west side of Plymouth avenue, and bounded by the lines of the kit. Dated. May 10, 1-oM.

MARSENTB H. BR1GGS. Referee. Eijwahd Hamas, prira An y. 23 CITREME COURT Monroe Cocntt ss.

The Mntual Tife Insurance fompanv. of New Vork. plaint itT, against T. BrUrys, Charles W. Bnggs in pursuance of judgment of forecl'tsurfi and sale made in the nbove entitled at a cial Term, the Supreme Cxiunt.

held at the Court fTouse in the City of Kochester. N. on the mh day tl March, present. Hon. Charles C.

Dwight. one of the Justices 4 satd Court 1. the undersigned, Sheriff of Monr-reConmy, duly appointed for the purpose, shall at public suctiun, at the front porch at tiie Court -Hou-e, in the Citv of Km-hesrer, in id Count oa the '-Kith day of May, i-7. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following, described mortgaged premises, wit Ad those certHin lott, pieces or parcels of fland situate in the ity of Rochester, County of Monroe and Stale of New York, itnd bounded and decnbd as follows: Being lots numbers one hundred and flnyiiiVK one hundml and hfty-one liilj and one hundred and fltti-two oi the 4ne hundred acre twd. rstited.

bounded on the north by Himaiu arreet nw West Slam on which it extends one hundred a'd thirty-two feet. by Piynn.uLh avtinue (lor- ireriy stretjt', south by trie Kne canal, and est oy an auv. Dated Mwf t3t 179. JAMF. K.

BURLTNOaMC Sheriff of M-mme ounty, iteieree. HAHitis, Attorney. 23 IONROE COUNTY COURT. -LavendaT. Hug-Tl gins vs.

John Hohmann et at. By virue of a Jud-nwit of toreclosure and sa'e made in the ahove entitled action, at a Term of the Monroe County Court, held at the Court House tn the city oi Rochester, in County, on the 2rh day of Msr. ITU-Hon. Will-am C. Rowley, County Judge, presidlns: the undersigned, a Referee duly ap- poimeo lorxoai purpose, wilt sen at fiuu.ic auction to tlie highest bidder, at the front, steps of the Court House, in the city of Rochester, on the flth day of June.

17. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described premise: All that piece or parcel oi isno sit uaie in ine citv RfK-hester. Count of Monroe and State of New York, beiti- a Dart of lot number thirty-four i.Ui, as laid down on a map or plot ot a part of he farm of James iregorv, in tne citv oi uocnwiHr. nmi surveyi-u by Iniei March. bing thirtv-three CSil feet off from lot number thirty-tour oh Mount Vernon avenue.

and one hundred and thirty-nine il.TSO feet deep. tot is located on tne nonnf-iaeoi Mount ernonav-e-nue, commencing at he sou heast ctjrner of lot number thirty-foar running westerly thirty-three (W, lff tnence nonnerty one nunarea mm y-mne i i.wi feer: thence eaateriv thirty-three feet; thence aooiherly to the place of beginning. imtea May imut JAM B. P1KK. Referee.

A. N. Fitch. Pl'ffa Att'y. 101 Powers' BUma.

Rocheeter, N. Y. i3 HERIFF 8 ALE ON FORECLOSURE Sc- i'hfsie Monroe tv.nntr William R. Reward and other aiiinst Bur rail Suencer and others. Bv virtue of a decree of and sale, made rrt the ahove entitled action, at a special term of the mipreaw ourt, neid st tne oiun iinuse, in tneuij In and for the County of Monra.

ti the 15th dav of April. lsTS. present Hor IMvid Runisev. Justus, and duly entered in the Monroe Coumv' Clerk's office. I.

the underianed Referee amy appoimea ior inni purpose. sen ai puottc auction, to me mgnesi oinaer, on tue iront step oi County, on the Wh day of May. l7w. at 10 o'cI-ck In the towmlng of that day, the preui ie id escribed in he il4eri'. HA )l'Wi.

VtB. AH that tracx or parcel oi land situate tne city oi rimntv of Monrt and State of New York. and west of the Krie Canal, being designated on a map oi a pan ot tr snowing lana netomring to tlm estate ot Ir. Maiher Brown, deceased, made by J. M.

omen, sui-veyor, Aiarcn isi. as iota ii. la. is, 14. lo.

17. i jh, sra. Ki, zo, ao, 4i. 47. 4W.

SO, 51. 5.1 ar.d 54. being numbers ll inclusive, and numbers 37 to 54 inclusive. Also all that other tract or parcel of land situate in th riiv of Rochester, count and sTjit.e aforesaid. known and di-stmguisned on a subdivision of a part of Frankfort in staid eity for the Mather Brown estate, tnade v.

J. M. Cornel', and laid down on said Cor- K. as lots 1. 2.

3. 4, S. rt, 7, 30. 31. 33.

33. 34. 35 and as. and bounded as follows: tin the south by Jay street -J00 feet, on the east bv tireen street feet, on the west by Maime street i32 feet, and tho north by lots eight and memy-nine, according to said map. laaiea Ap-ii to, tnte, JAMES K.

BITRL1NQAMR. Sheriff of Monnje C-fUuty. iieteree. Coos wei. i Pkkkins, Piff's au'js, 23 The shore side is adjourned to May 21th, 1378, at the Sitme plaice anu nour.

JAMES K. BURLING AMR. 23 BherriT of Co-unty, Ueferee. FORECLOSURE. CovXTY Oti'UT- ('ounty of Monroe.

Rtcneier Savings k. taint ff. aa-amst Mdrv A. toomrUf and other. In purmiance nf Judirnaent and deree of foreclosure and sale.dulv zrajited the abre entitled action.

and entered ui Monroe Count rierfc's on the day of Mny, luTV, the undersigned Sheriff, will at public auction, at the front stupa of the Court tiou. in tne city ot tt 'CuesTer. ouniy oi N. the dav of Mnv. l-7e.

at 11 clock A.M.. the premit deMiaod iu stl jmlMunmi. iutd decree as f.Ji.iwn Mt Al! that tract pr paree! of land situate in the cltyot Ko-neaier. i ouniy oi Monroe.ano oi i or. on the sde of hsrloue street- being part of Ioi(.

number' eighteen and nineteen and 1W), as thestmie are distingutsbed on the map ol the win tract. rll-d or recorded in Monroe tun: Cierk' Mid parts oi said lots thiny-eiirhtv it iji Hum aj une iaztu imi depth. be.riK'he tme premt-ies cnveyd to Andrew nnol Dy; and wife by deed recorded in Wnre CouTity Cierk" orhee in liber one bnndred ion r-ons oi deed at page ttv rtunarea ar.a touneen and the same premit owned tnd occupied by tiie wild Andrew Connolly tn his lifetime and of whivh be died ied. Dated May t. 17V.

-J. BT. Bt'RUN'OAMB, Sheriff. r. 1 1 a a it riAtt y.

as HKKIFF'S 8AJ.E IN FORE(TSURE-Coi-xtt d'BT. i a The Rochester r-avings Bank, plain tiff airamst slant Irajik S. 1 stem r. Itar.ipl W. Cbase.

l.ynnin tif. Maler V. Wolf, (linnet I-, MHjith, t.nmur? li. i'erkms. narvey Br-'Wp, Mary Vtgt, 'i'aiiress Vyt and Fraucis Vogt, aeiencianis.

In pursuance of a judgment of forecloanre and sail Dade the above entilied action, at a Term of tin County Curt of Monr Count haid at the Court li-'siM. ii: the city of Rochester, N. on the 3d day or My. I'iV present. ton.

Kow.ey, omit presidirr the ShriT, duis lor the purpose. hail setl at public a- the Inn direc1. at the front the ourtlC thecjty of K.tcnes'ier.on the'afi! hdav Mar. lT. at 11 l-H-k In the foremjoa, the luiiowing descriived m-niraired uremises.

All that tract parce! of land situate rn the city of Ro. -hesier. County ol and Slate New York, on the h'nth side Caro.ine street, being the north hail ol the east halt of lot number euhty-mne a the said lut in on he map of a ot a part Hie lireaory farm, rted or recorded in Monroe otintv Clerk" hirtv -three fMt In width bv huad red ucl seventy il70 teet in dept h. -re IMled May 3, 17V. J.

K. BL'ULINGAMK, gaeriff. R. HAHHIS. PifTt Att'y.

1 EFEREE'R RALE TN Cot iet- M'-nrue Fire Department of the City of itutihester against Jacvb J. Babser and others. In purstisnee and bv virttie of decree of foreclosure and sate, made in the aiMve emit ted action, at a term of this Court, held at the Court in the city of Rochester, tn and for said County, April A). J7ir- prt wenr.

Hon. WiJ iam C. K-wiey, County Judge of salo County, and duty entered in Monroe County Clerk's office un tliat dav the undersigned Referee, a pp. un ted therein for that purixie, sell at public auction. to tftehinhet biader.ori the front steps of the Court House, in the cut of Chester, sa'd C.iuntv.

on the S4th day of May, isTt. at 10 o'clock A. M. the premises described in the said judgment as folhiws, AU tract imrce; of tand situate in the city of Rocheater atoreaid. brinniiig at tiie intemeetion of the iiOrth line of lot cftv -seven 37t as laid out on a nun' if a part of the farm of James H.

Gre.rorv. which wa -tied on the February, with the west line of Oakland Park; mnntrig thence southerly along sjaid we-t ninety-mne tivi teet hence westerly in a line paraMcl with said north line of lot. tin seven ton pom', half way from aaid Oakland Park to South avenue, being about one hundred and fit! v-four i i4i feet thence northerly in a line parallel with the west line of Oakland Park to said north tm of lot fftt v-even thence easterly along said north tine to the place of ttegmuing nmety-niue fWWt teet front and rear and about ode hundred and a ity four feet deep. lstd May ii, 1STW. i SAH1UU? D.

BKNTLEY. Referee. A PlvHliiNS. PiffS Atty's. VrREME Ctl'RT Mosrof, 0mrr Giles F.

ag-iT. w. t.oierana otners. In pursuanceuf a'judgroent of forechisure and sal made and entered in the above entitled action, bearing date th ad day of Mav, l.7y, the Badersigned, tue Uelcree in said jttdgment named, will seil at pub-ht! auction, at the front steps of tife Court House, in the ctty of Rochester, on tlie 24th day of Mny, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of tlutt day, the following descri ed premises: Ali ths! tract or parcel of land situate In the city of Rochester. Comity of Monroe, and Siaie of New York, being part of a subdivision of part of lot one hundred and six! -nine in the Twemy Thousand acre tract, and the same being known as lots Nos.

1. 2, 5, 7, U. 13, 1. 17 and lit in the tract, reference being had to a map of said lioler tract Hied In Monroe County Clerk's oflice rn the asm day of iteeember, ls7, in ber Sot naps at page 43. s'd preiuist's one twenty teet on the road, so railed, same in roar, and Ave hundred and twenty feet de'i.

Uated May lid. MAKf-HNCS H. RlUUliS, Referee. A kiima a Atrya. a3 1 REFEREE'S PALE.

Sitbkmk ttRT. George Loveridge, ptanntiff, against Lydta A. W.Cartter, Ueiendant. hi pursuance of a jndgment or decree of foreeiosnre and sale made in the above emitted action at a Special I'riu id the supreme ourt, he.d at the Court llou-je the city of R-M-hester, N. on the 2d day rf jjv, I-llp-present.

Hon. Francis A. Macoiuber, iw'ttce l. the undersigned Referee, duly appointed lerelor, shall sell al public auction, on tue iron eps of the Court House, tn Rochester. N.

on the day of Mv. ls7t, at 10 o'clock A. Uic fol-witig descritwd premtae Ail that piece or purcil of land situate in the eity ochester. i'ountv ot Monroe and State of New York, mg lot number al in the tract kr.own as Maiihatuut according to Kii Millson's survey 1SS7. feaid lot is sit uate on the sout side of t.a!usha street, now Chestnut.

Park, and is fifty feet front and rear and one hundred and three feet deep reference being had to a deed executed ny i.ucretia rov ana isecie. to Thomas B. i-orsvtn, ma rectraea in aiour County Clerk ud'ce tn liber oil deeds at omre aW. r.i i talis, i a rv n. tv, tveodree.

H. 8tftvf. 110' a Alt' y. ASSK.N'EE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE The subscriber, as Assignee of Charles W. Brig 0 oi jonn ongs, ior ine oenent ox uieir respective ereilitora.

will offer tor sale at mibllC auction, on tha day of April, lfCtf, at o'clock P. at the foo oi tne urajia stHirc-xse in rowers moca, in ine vvy The feilowimr pronertv. ajwio-ned a me by said John T. Bngti-s. via: Bounded on the noct bv sa Main strtet, on the east by l-'iyiuouta avenue.

on the sou ill bv the Krie Canal, and on the west tr dt alley, eomprisittg lots loO, 1D1 and ira of the one tiumirea Acre tract, i nis property nan a rront- age ot J3B te't ou Main street, and-the same frontage on the F.rie Canal. The portion fronting on the anal is, ana naa ueen ior many years, occupied a ooai-yitru. ii inciuuea me tour-story Dinming known astlieHriggs Hiock ana other substantial buudmga. ano tnciuoe-s ten atoros, seven or wnicn tiMnt on et. This propertv will be sold in narce or alto gether, as the sulMtcriber may deem best at the um oi sai.

Also, tne tine owening- nnnse and premise. North iBul street, in said Citv, late the hiH of John T. Itrit'L-. The lot 1 hv The terms of sale will be made known at the time oa tne sate. Dated AprU Ut, IHTft.

2a NATH AS P. POND. Assignee. The above aale la poet antil Wedneaday, May 14tn, at tlte same nour anu puvoe auuve Haled AprU Hvth, lt7. N.

P. POM, Asalgaee. The above sale is postponed nnttl Tuesday, May IfiTW, at ne same nour ana piace aouve statea. Hated May l4ih. IbTW.

N. P. PONH, Aaaigai-e. SSJC; NEE SALE. Ptirauant to the power and authont vestml me under the ireneral aastr i- of Chas.

W. 11 intra i heretofore doma under the at vie of Brlggs A Brother) 1 shall offer for sate, at puotic auction, tn a rtioin in inp atone ouuumg on in rear of the Hardware Store id Krnst, on the Wtii day of May, 1H7W, at 10 o'clock A. M. an tne personal interest and une wnuD may have tn and to a quantity of Lumber, Tools, Tomat and Cucumber Seeds. Unsettled Aocouuut aad beed Aceoimta.

quanltif of Old Type, AO, Rociieater. May 17th. loTw. HATII P. PONI.

tn wi I liiH Kf TT will "I a 1 J. UUd Scene la North Carolina-Three Burglar Executed lu tbe Driving Haiti After Some Fearful Bungling. Philadelpliia Times, Hn.LftnoRO. N. C.

May 16. Henry AI- phouao Davis, Lewis Cailtt'n and Henry F. Andrews, the notorious Chapel Hill bur glars, were publicly executed to-day. Davis and Andrews are white. The third man ig a AU three belonged to tie Dkk Turpin class of and believed that the world owed them a living.

They have been implicated in many a burglary. The scenes in Hillsboro for a day or two have been most disgraceful. To save a few dollars to the county, the county. commissioners consented have the place overrun with roughs anxious see the execution. The jail is a rickety old shanty, entirely unfit for the safe-keeping of prisoners.

Iast winter those confined therein suffered greatly from the cold. All were frost-bitten, for the cells could not be sufticiently heated. Davis's frost-bitten hands and feet and nose showed plainly the suffering to whica tbe prisoners had been subjected. In this mhoi-able Is gallows, in construction entirely in keeping with the rest of the prison. The county commissioners, instead of erecting a scaffold in an enclosure, which would have cost perhaps a hundred dollars and would have lasted for many years, decided to build some sort of an arrangement on the public square and allow everybody for miles around to witness the execution.

All day yesterday carpenters were work putting up booths and stalls. All this morning people thronged around them as they were at tending a country fair instead of flocking to witness the strangling of fel-low-men. The trains yesterday and last night ere overloaded. '1 his morning wagons filled with farmers and their wives and daughters drove into town aud took up positions on the aquare. The doomed men were not without hope to the last.

The execution was originally lixed for the 2d of Mny, but the governor granted refute to allow tiie men to prepare for death. Carlton, the negro, baa made professions of n-ligion, but Iavia and Andrews, the white outlaws, declared yesterday that they saw no light. Andrews was half crazy with grief. He walked up and down his cell, crying ami sobbing. "Oh! I can't he would exclaim.

"Mercy! Mercy! Iam not ready I do not want to die. He bad wasted away in jail, and the blacklegs and sports in town yesterday were letting that he would nave to carried to the gallows to day. Last night pools were st artel as to which would die first. Hundreds of negroes from miles around, who managed to get here in some way, were putting up their small savings, and the excitement ran high. Laud anum was found concealed in the cell occupied by the whites, but they declared that it was left by a former prisoner, and that they had no intention of taking it.

A strong guard of armed citisens was on duty throughout the nhzht. Within the jail the downed men were with the clergy mm and gave themselves up to religious exercises. This morning an immense crowd hung around tlie jail. An was made hy the prisoner' counsel for another reprieve, but it was fruitless. The three men procUmed their inno--once to the last moment.

Carlton spoke an hour on the gallows, and said his sal vat ion was sure. The parting of Andrews and hi sister on tiie scaffold was affecting, and moved the crowd of itnesses to tears. All were firm and showed no signs of wavering. Tbe banging took place at 2 .10 and was badly botched np. The roper around the necks of Davis ond Carlton were too long and their feet rested on tbe ground.

They were raised and the ropes retied, causing death from strangulation. A terrtftictliunder-torm raged during the hanging, and the scene was wild and terrible. At b-st 8, 000 people were present. Chiw Jackhor's Hxht Sweet Nary Tottacco. BURKE, FITZ SIMONS, HONE MFOUTCR) OF Fine Hit finis Havcn ai! lanportathms FJNK GOOD.

nd ikKJiTH Kt.f'I KS. flwpwctaiiy adapted to th r-qBirfaiwii of the nrit itm trad. AH Un pHjUjinen! ot Blact Dress Sis! Al.l. TUB NEW SUA DBS OK COLORED DRESS SILKS At wrr prices than wa have Mm abl to offer during the pfasi Ave years. Many new aad drirf style ef Dress Goods Never offered before in this city.

ttltAt'KS jf AU Lb NKW Caclimire d'Inde, Cachmire Foule, And rarlnui III. ACS (M( IIMIKKS from Ui. bu etilbrut turnnut act antra uf Paris rtxcX Lyons Fine French Cambrics, Onrandictt, anil I'rlntiHl and a Full Line of 1IBESS 0HMS from TIIIU.E CKNTS lo TWENTV FIVE t'KNTS lVr Tanl. A Large Assortment -cr- Olf TIIK NKWB3T STVLEd. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT all the newest and finest goods imported.

A1 th ebuioe shades of TREFOUSSE KID GLOVES IKiUSK-FUKNIsrilNfJ GOODS, aod ali kmdi uf I.1NKN 4J(jlrt. u.uaI. the bwi nek In th. Htato, All th NEW KST STVLKU of BU.K. CAM llAIUimd SH LL1.IAN Gloats, Saps ani Dolmans BTIAWT.9 In endlM rartet, from ON HI DOLLAR to ON II THOUHANl) DOLLARS.

UPHOLBTKRr and LACK CUKTAINH Dapartmant contalru all Ihe mioit gooa. na UitiMt auttwiu. 53, 53 57 East Boctesler Free Academy. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION A EXAMINATION FOR ATX THOSE PUTV posiufc' enter tli lrfe Ai(advitiy m-xt term wi Aiikikttuv m-xt larm wti t. tiwia wu 'lilt K8DA i Hth n-ro and KltiOAV, June 5ih aud Hv direpttun nf the

and In aoniirdane with the itmt Tactions of tin Ucninla, the candidatos arit those si'holnrs who are if.umea to liavt uom tU-tfd prclimirmrj siudWut, ami who may upplf 1 stich exuinltiiitlon. hi'itriim the earn th -ate the nrl clial teacher" of the scln in which they havisbi bnen tllUKiU, thtlt, IN 111 HI CH Mt MO! I'llKl'ARroiii Pah riiK i ii Rl aHIM Tl uS. sni are ncossi ttl mi salon thi eniindiuill'jfi. uttd sn Ihu uumlmr ot uunl totuna must Ii tmncmtttt! tn Albany mi or before the ilnthof th proMUit month. In ordr to stimire the qastons.

thi hli'ruid no dolus in LninanitttuiB to the I'rinciUtU tin Acadmy such tiert iflt-atus, coiiuilning also th ruuufl, mi- aud resiawics or eann ai'pii'iuti. N. W. HKMSliH'T. Pririf IpttT.

I IWTCiHY OF KNOI.I8H L1TERATURK ly H. i. ConinlutH in rme volume. (Jood true SIKKI paper unminK. i nrpfi tit In AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS TRAINS DEPART.

Direct Boad (Eatt). Ktc, H.Y.El. 7 15 A.M. 10 Scorn 5:00 p.m. ZW.Aa, 4:45 pM.

2 W.At Ex '15 p. M. J.X)Ula Ex. .11 P.M. awmra Boad East), Exprf.

5 :00 A. M. KT I'lPnW. 7 35 A. M.

Kartic K-1-- it. 5: P.M. pUMli. ate Ontario Bond (Burt jforttwru 5:45 r.M. ogdheater and Sfate LilW -41.

Accom Pay 5 55 P.M. Emigrant 8 :30 p. M. Chicago 10 fiuaio Hood (Will). St.

Pa 5: 35A.M. :Ua.m. Areola Itostno Ex. ...10:15 a.m. Emurrant 4 flu P.M.

Spec. ly Ex. 5 :35 p. M. Chip.

..1030 p.m. Brit Hood South). Halt. Ex 7:20 A.M. N.

Y. Express 9:00 A.M. Atlantic Ex. 4 HO p. M.

Pacaville Mail 4 :40 p. M. Way Charlotte Boat. 8.S5A.M. 8:20 p.

M. I Acm 6 :00 p. M. Jx Ontario Boad and SSS' p.m. 6-20 ffeU, Road (HVjf). ScaLPa. to. -10 :15 a.m. (Wetty.

NlapaF. Ex. 4 :20 p. M. Ft aud Aocom 8 :30 A.

M. Lakt Ontario Boad Katt Ft. and AOCOm 5 :30 A. M. Express Express 5:30 P.M.

TRAINS ARRIVE. Bond (iait). a. l-rais 6A.M. a7i MailE-- :I0a.m.

6:15 P.M. Ki'-lO Charlotte Boad. lMm 50 A M. 22 4 45 p.m. Atlantic 4:55 P.M.

Acoom. Ex 8:00 P.M. Buffalo Boad (Wraf). Y. 7OTA.M.

Spec. Day Ex. .10 A. M. S.W.AU 4 S5P.M.

75 P.M. Si. Louis 11 KB p.m. Erie Boad (SoutA). PawTllle 8:50 A.M.

Ex Bait. Exprww. 8:10 p. M. Rochr Kx 6:50 P.M.

Day 11:30 p.m. Anton Kood (Rut). Chicago Ex 1:30 A.M. Ex.10 00 A.m. Accom 8:15 p.m.

7 :40 p.m. Bait. Express. :50r.M. Ontario Boad Wtrfy Express Ft and Accom.

5.1-1 M. tote Ontario Bond Eajl Express :A.M. Express Ft. and Accom 8 :40 P. M.

Aocoro p. m. jfcrtAorn CetOrol. rtunr)W ffll A. M.

i5S- XYpress p. m. ggOer and State Lme Boad. 415 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Fallt Boad (WVxf). T. Express. 7:00 A.M. ja, JUyrmB.


GRATIS SrEClFIC MEDICINE flaf jfRK MpMliilT IWOD'TRADE M. failing cure tor KAKM.H3, ITRMATiiRRHEA, ImI'otisct, and all diseases that ftllow MESailKT, L.M- BStre TaJdujr "V' 4 Taking. 161, tuid many other disease! tnst to Inmnttf. DmMimption -n PTPraattnf GntTe. ail of aj trnie, are Unit cauufcd bv Wfiatinjj rmin tna patn 01 Mjuj and over The SpwHc edicts nf warty and re any year of eipen-icoe in treatmn these sLrtal Fall TwimeTi-w, in oar winch we desire to nend free isj Thp Smeifle Vtdtcir.e wild br all Drvfitt at per3tactet-re, or pad or wiH be eot bj mu r.n receipt of th MEIHriNK w-Botd in BeiKiheflier tty 8.

NBWMAN, H. and by DrttfrUtJ ererrwhere. a. To all who are BnifTertnj? from th5 errors and m-dlBeretioni of yonth, nerrou weaknesa, early decay. low of manhood.

Ac. I will send a recipe Uiat wti cur you, FEES OF CI1AKGK. TUti great remedy wa AiMOTered by a missionary to Soath America. Send a leif -addressed esrekpe to the RK7. JOSEPH T.

1NMAN, Station New TorkGty NOVELTY IN ART The art of dyeiryithe hair in Are minutes so as t'J eecetTethe whole wnrld baf been dcovered. CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE iA tiie ouiy chsmicai combination in eustenoe which cmiuti the eolor of the hair without tnjarins; the uriSG PHisciPLE which leeda, moisten ana sustain tte fibres. CEISTAIMmO HAIR PRESERYATITE. vataable adjunct in the Dye. in dreeslna and pro-atotinc the growth and peitect health of the sfcr, and of itself, when ned alone, a sale-mrd that protects the flbrfi from decay Kder all ct rcum -Us1.

and nnder ali eHrnes, KualHctared by i. CBI8TAIOKO, Ko. 88 Wuiiam fc New York. Botd by ail Uruiretsia. Applied by ail gtir Trpm'T BENSON'S At no tune in the istory of medicine has an article apptmred which hua met I with streater arproyJ and i saceeM than Benson's Piaster.

Why ther are preferred to all i other porous pisaterB, ts owing to their inaproTed 1 comptsilion; they act iu-' stRntanenalv.cnre speed-i ily and effactaaliy. byatcians and the gett-; era! pabiic who the gretxt benefits di-nred he use of I xie ordinary pcirout plas- however, maintain that their action is not prompt, re-1 qtiirlnjE tim. patience, i and continuous wear to i etfect a cure. Bens ta's CAPCIHE FOBODS PLANTER HAST rArTTBirtt. AWASDKD THI OSLT MEDALS AT CENTENNIAL, 1 STOAT i Caprine this difEcalty by i-Ufalfia in a few faura i thai whitrh tajces any other piaster a many Attbotuzh a recent in-i ventlon, BmaoD' Capcine Porous Planter has been PARIS EXPOSITION.

and nave pron-'unci-d tiie rui4ttT. ifTic.iiiious pittarleer ev-r devised. Its marvel--its irtflaeo' oTt-r the circulation, and t-neraJ cfltn. on the sy-U'm iis lUiii'tst incredibie: tr ti moment i' ap'ihaiti'n to the -ifrerted irr. (Jintes with n- li-f and tires more effe-j aiy Ic-Li'Wn Piaster, I.iuirucnt or Lajiu- you desire prompt 1 relief, 'ur ltrtxnu-' T'ir peine piatpttPrs faiiTiiiAt a suriiiar rtoundmft name.

Kenijine has the w.jrd a i wailed C-A -i N-K. bj all Irurists. FOR LAME BACK, Heak Ba' k.Klico-Katlsim, Kidney Ktobtxtrri Bj Neelef ted feacb and fold, Female Ut-akiim, aad all l.rtAbPH ftad Pains, It i perlally rccona-toendfd. DENTISTRY. D.

J. S. WALTEll, DENTISTS, R0OM8 33 and 33 Rmlrii'l Block, sorter ot Wat Main and Roctiestsr. N. Y.

Dentist, Oter 20 State Street, Rochester, Offir. R1 A M. tn 5 P. M. SCHTJYL1R H0FHEINZ IDorLtists, Hofims formerly occtjplea by HIOBGAJI IKIlllLEK, torn.r North St.

Paol and Ktreets. f. BcHcri.KK. R. 11.

HoPHnnre. P. 1. B. E.

F. WILSON, Dontlst, 184 POWERS' BUILDING tengexperienos mtreatuiand aTlnstsetB. WANTED. $10,000. A COPARTNER TO TAKE A OSE-tt hall tt one-third mtereat weil wtMDii.hM tAtfi, bujitneHS.

Cash WHlt4 re-wwlnot lasB Uia ln.j:ilreot a PoftTKIt tHAfole R. T. Kimball Bankers brokers, 4 Extltann ut New York, fears mrntbtt Mhif tn Stock Exchange, BJ mnd j- itiiart, or Cttth, er on tan-Juii InvtUmcnt L'ts a suit. Liceisil Pantooler. AfOJ'T I3AKED OH DIAMONDS, i'i Jewelry ot all llnl, and aU At -ii.

eeom; New Furniture. fT.EART STORE IS ITU. OF NF.W fir nu upe- Piwt'trand nr jia ti I'mV i iw as sad a4 Butt Maln-it. i-avi ia CA1 1M1NE, WHITE AMD I'T Wsiii. Ac.

ltetwly f'ff afta i Tuiiiinif wer. inn to iJie purpifw. JtajT-V mC Ps1ntr. anjati. cheap a.

a. MLHTiNUTyn, A OF KtrTWINO For Family aatf Pllsrti under the direcUrjc rf IWn-l for Naraea, duo fHjf iU. yt.iMi, jrav LOCAL MATTERS. THKCOTITION COI NCIL. Resnlar Sleetliis Tbe Railroad Bridge Over (be Main Street Crossing Agreed I por.

Tlie Gas (lueatlon Ouce lUore Personalities mnd Empty Discussions A Little Work Accora-plished A rogtilar meeting of the common council was held last evening, President Cbace occupying the chair. The Rochester Steam Heating and Power company permujicn to lay pipes under the street. Keeeived, filled and ordered published. The use of the city hall was granted, by resolution of Aid. Mandeville, of the tenth ward, for the state press association, be held in June.

The ladies of the Christain Temperance union petitioned -r permission to take part in the erection of a fountain in Court -bouse square. The street car railroad oomjany asked permission to lay tracks upon North street and Bay street, to as to form a connection with the proposed Rochester and Ontario railroad company. Referred. Aid. ritz tnnons said the attitude in which the street railnxid company came before the council was a peculiar one.

There was an ordinance Eoverninc the matter. which provide I that a license of five dollars paid on everv car placed on the streets. It had never leen done, and when they were sununoned to pay it, they sent in a communication in which they said they were not governed by the council, hut were operating vinder a stato law. Now the council had the power to stop the farther extension of the racks aud he thought they should do so until the company paid the tax on the sixty-eight cars they were now running under theecntraet they ma-le with the city. tty-attorney "Wheeler said that upon investigation he evncluiled that hy art of legislation the cominy was released from the provisiens of the urigiual contract.

gJTbe i petition of the street car company was giunted. Aid. Hebinj: from the law coiuuiitte re-I-vrted in favor of paying John R. ArkJand TM, as settlement tf a suit brought by him for r00 to reevver damas from the effects of the Lake avenue outlet sewer. Postponed two weeks.

Aid. Hehing presented a resolution, asking that the sewer commit-tet" 1 authorised to investigate the --ewer above complained of. The city treasurer reportexi the t'tal receipts from the muni'-ipal court sin its establishment to date as S. An invitation from tilonei Markell was presented, asking on behalf of the veteran or- gtfniiations the presence of the council at the Jterciies of Decoration day. Ordinances for opening a street from North street to North avenue on property of the New York Central and Hudson river railroad com pany, estimated expense.

$3, 000 for Aiidrews street for sprinkling West avenue, were presented: Final ordinance For opening a street through the Hair property. i Remonstrance against the above, was sent in and read, reo ommending a street through the MLnges prop erty instead. ity-surveyor Peacock was called on and said he had examined the ground and that the Hinges property could not be used without crossing the Goodale property, which could not be bought at any price. There was a dis tarxe of sixty-nine feet from the track at Goodman street. The ordinance was adopted.

Final ordinances for crinkling Plymouth avenue, for sprinkling Fitzhugh street, for sprinkling Monroe avenue, for sprinkling Park avenue, lor improvement of Hudson street and for Evergreen street plank walk were adopted. The final ordinance for the stone sewer on Hunter street was indefinitely postponed. Final ordinances for Violotta street plank walk and Mansion street plank walk were postponed two First ordinance for sprinkling Phelps avenue was adopted. Final ordinance for opening of street from Lake avenue to Hastings street was rererredto proper committee. Donald Mchhersnn asked permission to use the city hall on T.

hursday evening for a lec ture on the iniiuaian treatment or the insane in asylums. Aid. Ctiace morM that ttie oMinanee gov erning tiie use of the city hail Is appended during the ('lose of Corinthian hall. Aid. Otis moved to postpone tn question mdeiuntcly.

Lost. Aid. A 11. viile and Ah Weaver spoke arainst the motion, and ou being put tf vote it was lost. Aid.

Weaver withdrew tlie motion granting the use of the kali to Sur. Mcpherson. Aid. Otis gave notice that at the next meet ing should proio-a an antemlment to the 4enal ordinance reganiing railroajis paMed rebruftry 1 The matter of iii.1 coutra for the poor department was brought up and elicited along discussion. It wa ciaimett that thre was monopoly in the matter of the city yard privnVees and that the cost of dt-livery as con tracted alndv, was too much.

The contract wa let for 1 00 per ton, and one of the pro posals as read by the clerk, was for sixty cent a ton. Aid. Hart said the men who delivered for coal yards in the ordinary busunex were paid only thirty -five cents. He thought the com mittee, should advertise for lnts and give body a chance. Aid.

Vav said the city dit not need a yard It was a monopoly that had existed for year and should be broken. Aid. FitidSimons moved refer the matter back to the committee, with instructions to advertise for proposals to deliver coal "from the yards of the diiolers, said coal to be cleaned and scrvene' 1. 1 Aid. Chace oppfsel the motibn on the ground that they had a competent committee, and he for one would not stand upon the council floor and insinuate that everybody wa a thief.

fAid- Tra'-y, interrupting, 'Everybody is but the aJdcrnmn from the second Aid. Hart naid he insinuated nothing against tiie committr-e, for he knew they were fair men, but he wanted ti matter done in the ehape that would make it for the best interest of the city. Aid. Crouch said that he had heard for the first time that he belonged to a ring. He did not know it, but thought he was working for the iitU-rests of the city.

If the al'lormen thought the committee was not competent to do the work in the right manner, be was willing to tw out and let someinxiy else have a chance at it. Aid. Tracy said had been stated that only two men had access to the yard. He wished to gtate that for the last ten year? the coal had been delivered by canal, and all dralers iiad access to tlte yard in that way, as the canal ran by the rear of the yard. Aid.

Weaver said it was evid-nt that the coal bid accepted was the lowest of the lot The matter of delivery, however, had not t-een oip to proposal. Aid. Fttzmmont satd he believed the coal was an inferior article. Furthermore, he did not boast, as some aldnrmen did, that he had trfect conhdeiicc everybody, but be con fessed he was susj'icious and wanted the people's money clearly accounted for. Aid.

titzMiuoim 8 motion was carried. Aid. Crouch presented a reKlution that the petition of tlie Rochester Hteam Heating and Power company to lay pipes under the street be granted, upon the uruishing ot a satisfactory bond in the penalty of 10, 000, protecting the city against damage, and uwn the omcnsati'in of "0 per mile. Balloting for police commissioner was then taken up, and on throe ballots bning taken one having an excess of votes furthor trouble of that kind was postponed. Aid.

a resolution asking our representatives in tlie iegislafure to withdraw the bill before the governor i-ijstrict-Ing the expenditure for the extension of water maina ameiidexl so as to provide that the water works and Are board shall not expend for water pijie extension in any one year an amount of money exceeding the balauu of receipts after the expenses for the care and maintenance of the works shall have been paid. Aid. FitzBimous wan astonished that the alderman could bring in awn a resolution. The council waj the legislative body of the ciiy and not the composing the fire and water board. The authority should be vented in the council and then gross mismanagement could never occur.

Aid. Otis presented an amending resolution to the effect that the council approved the charter amentlment which had passed the legislature and requesting the governor to sign the bill. Aid. Chace said he would never vote to retard the progress of the city of Rochester. He didn 7 1 twiiieve he was a reformer, for he would never vote to place the city in darkness, to substitute an oil lamp for gas, or for anything ebe which was a step backward in the inter-ct of tlie city.

Within forty-eight hours after the resolution wan passed by the council tiie alderman from the second was oa his way to Albany to legislate on his own hook. Aid. Fit -Simons said it was alxmt a week aft tiie adoption of tlie resolution before he went to Albany. He went dowu to preserve the rights of the council, and be wan successful. Aid.

Otis' ameiiflxnent was carried. Aid. MandeviJte presented resolution in- itruvtitfi tfcc city cisri 'w iuivrai ilr, Y- or is Aid. ritzSimons moved a vote of thank to the senator and assemblyman from this district for their promptness in amending the wrong done at A Ibany in the passage of the bill regarding the water works expenditure. Carried.

Aid. FitzSimons presented the following amendatory resolution Resolved. That tlie mnvnrhear.H! hp herehv authorised and requested to enter into contracts la behalf of the citv with the two gas companies for one year from the first day of Januarv. to ply gas for street-liphtihg and also for tighrimr the city hall and the 'Front street buildiBtr' at a price not to exceed two dollars per one thousand feet, and that the amount of ira. hv stivet lumps shall lie computed by the size of the uumr.ij.uw- iii u.

iiameiy. (nreeana a iiair ret't per hour under a pressure that wilt maintain that consuiuulion at each bnrnei. nnd tint ih called Cleveland system, or time-table of tire American Meter comnanv. ln adonied infcad the present system; tlie companies to Imlit. exliiiKuish.

clean and keen in reitair all rc 't n-ps so supplied at an annual ctMt per lamp of not more than three dollars; the citv to reserve the ritfht to change the Lime-rable bv trivinirone cek's noii'-e the citv to rwn-i r.ha Hht ooiitinue the use, to remove or re-hwatr anv lamps as may he determined by the common coun- Ald. Chace moved to amend bv usine the old system instead of the Cleveland system. Aid. Crouch moved to amend farther that the contract be for all night and every night. Aid.

Mandeville said the Cleveland system hadn't been given a fair trial, and he didn't believe in going back on anything until it had been proven a failure. Aid. Chace said he was assailed on the streets by hundreds of men who objected to the present lighting. He didn't think much of getting up at 1 o'clock in the morning to light the lauijw after they had been in darkness all the evening. Aid.

Crouch withdrew his amendment and Aid. Chace1 amendment was lost. JJAld. FitzSiraon's resolution was adopted. Adjourned.

BOARD OF I IX CA1ION. ukul'Lak mbbtwo may 1S79. Preut--Coins. Sully, Brown, Wray, Kingsley, Tait, Williams, Noyes, Jonee, Westcott, Kase. Martens, Cork, urayer, lnckmsson.

Absent Com. Weltlon. President Noyes in the chair. Com. Whitmore moved that the minutes of the last regular meeting, hdd May 5th.

and the special meeting, held May Oth, be ap proved as published. Carried. Com. Brown presented the bills of Walters Doyle and Robert Kirk ia trick, and moved their reference to the fuelaud tii-e fixture com- mittee. So These bills were subsequently reported by Com.

Brown, approved by his committee, and on bis motion referred to the finance commit tee. Com. Tait presented the following bills and moved their reference to tiie supply commit tee, viz: John Hill, (two bills) Edward Htreeter, J. R. Cbamlerlain, George A Mone, I.

r. Carter, Wets Brothers, James Brown, Lawrence Feelv (two billi aud John C. Moore. iSo ref erred. Com.

Tait sutaeouently reported the above bills audited by tlie supply comimttje, and moved their reference to tlie finance comoiit-tee. So re ferret I. Com. Jones presented the bill of John C. Moore, hich on his motion was referred to the library committee, ciulrse mently this bill was reported by Com.

Jones, approved by his committee, aad on his motion referred to the finance committee. Com. Westcott presented the bill of L. Gardner, which on his motion was referred to the building committee. (Not referred to finance committee.

Com. Wray presented the bills of 1 Charls Forbes, 8. A Milliujjton. Matthew Ioton, M. OalHger itwo bills', John C.

Moore, and tSherlock Sloan, end moved their reference to the free academy committee. Ho referred. These biHa weae subsequently ripoi ted by Cora. Wray, approved by his cmnmitteo, and on his motion referred to the finance committee. Com.

Wfstcott presented th following report R'- hvmfr, May 19, Ti hmitiinrf iiimimttiv wHm a n-fernti the matter of plana for a new at hcus4' in the wanl, ad a lditirttial rooni! school number 4. vuid ptnseiit the fui-low iiij; r- -rt 'irthr huiitiinr iB the ward. mimier iat. recom inenii the ilaa hv h. lii-'Biaa.

J-or the sw(i1ttkrwU ro.m to nmh-r 4 we r''im-mend the pian hy A. VS arrier S. Therefor Mt-her fi mtj; iCejHvt-d. That lh- aboe rei-it adnntfd. warn f.

tn'orr, V. H.TMoKK. Jonas j.nks, HKNKY WHAV, Committee. Cimbi. Whitmore move! the adoption of Lite report Com.

Sully moved that the report be laid upon tbe table until the next regular meeting and that the different plan submitted, lie left in the meantime in the hupertnfe'ndent's oitiee for the msjiection of the commissioners. Ixnt as folio Yea- -Corns. Stilly W'iliiams and Noyes Nay Coins. Brown, Wray, King-dey, Tait, Jone-t. WttC'it, Kms', Whitmore, Mortens, Cork, Beyer and 1J.

Tbe renrt then by thu fallowing vote Yea Coma. Sully, Wray. Kiugidey. Tait, WUliains, Noyes, Jones, Weuitt, Ivaiw, Whitmore, Martens, Cork and Brayer 1 i. Nays Com.

Brow.i 1 Com. Whitmore trom the organisation com -mittee present! the fidhiwing: flf h-tnl of Kf wit tun nf the city Your count it ue to whom -re re the last tin-T'tinf repctfii That our '-hatrntan. tosrettier with len.ieni, jMTh.naiiy h-x. 1 i'Vefal tfuhv report i iT.b the Hier .1 twenty r-Mirili. liut 581- ami f'juud the uuith 10 lremr lit tM' nion ttbout refernn, tUi miarv ciTu of laryc a number scholar tn a I'jOhi, it ts iifl-l'iit state that in the i-pimoii commit uh tiie faci(ttt-s ef iri-tructn-fi of mj.

a number were and are Kifh-iel)t. YfUr therefore iuul aoUt forty scholars ran errel to Umeilah jfrade room and recoil itneiMliwl to the tt-ai h-r" coiiiiihUm) at'iftnt an additional teacher frr tb4r instruction, (m il are informed tliev cottatdemt and acu-d upon. Your committee considered the feibiUty rentiLis a rritn oiitwte the -school lioiiw. but in view of the brief interval before vacation, d-emed it to transfer tiie the eighth gray te although givittg tentte ai jfht mcoiiveinem-e, and thereby sac the SMlatUonai iK-iiSc of rciit. Tie sanu; day your committee visited tuiinler 25, and would retort that lli-y See no riKHJii bv auditiotmi bmUHnar tlut ho-d.

Tl w-inKii a full atU'D-Laitce only during tiie winter irjontbti, auu c.W' tlie wtMMtl pkuii wimiihi te in bImimhIi- ti IJHlliU in flit 11 rf I mmiirer couid eaaiiy be tranaferrvu to the proiHrsed new Mchool. ntiiiiifr iW. Your commit t4-found the eeHar of nuinlier 2ft free rrom water, but somewhat damp. At c-rtai eaoiiH of tiie year a quantity of water ooll-ct anci remain the cctiar we an told. We tit in it tin arineri from the detective gnvtmg of the cellar.

rathe-OiftJi from the condition nt the dram face wt4ter dunt ik the wet seaus flio-rs thnmli the Mil and up thruivh the proui cement ana tliu tri.rtiuii of the ceiiar. In cementing the cellar tii graile was made away f-om rather tlifin towards the sewer, When tlie water arrl-l to tbe oneti ing ot tttc dram runi ofT easily, a waa cvideucc! from tlie water from the nsieni bib. Your committee would rwcoinutend that Home tiUn lw- nut into the cellar and tltegnute of the cement flooring lie cliaitged to ilitiit bward the out-sioe dram. '1 hey recommend alttothat the grounds about tlie school ijc trriuWl awar from the lnH'l the estjtbiihed by the sidewalk. That tiieae iinproveim-nis, wincf: Imay Im? done at slight pciieM, Ije made drlii j-vactttioti.

Tliat Some tree lie net out in the fail of the year after the grading lias b-n done. Vour cornfiiitt-e also stat tliat orn of their ber, ('om. Weacott, jrermmally nurnler2 and 7, and by transferring impila from crow. led grades to rooms itm crowded ui other K''ai oiiui ar to the eate in ihihiwt rene-an-d tortne the causes of ooiiinlaint, and thereby also saved the expense or renting additional ruoum anu eiuidovmg additimial Ymrcotiuiuttee alito reiptjrt that in conformity with the rew'bmon the Iroard of lant meeting thev leaeil thromfh huiwnntetiiteiit lalilMtC Mini. Mylacrainc an ft'lddionai room for pupils at the rate of lifty eents pr'ik from the 10th day of Hav lH.v to the cione of the l.n.-seiit MCtiiXd year.

The room has lt--n suppliM ilh seatu and Is now occupied by over forty scholars, making nvarly binty ninth grade scholar in thin building. Your committee also rete.rt that they found the ninth in mint ber crowdeu l-eyonil the pacity of tiie room. Hy placing the second and first grade toget her hi the principal' mom and r.x.vinu- fi tr ity u.ttl with of tlie lower grade their Order, we obtained one of the eurhib nmniK eiilire In which a new ninth grade clank was rormeu iinmrr me uwMmr, iiiina Jf'rckstra. who was formerly asMiHliug In one of the ninth Lf-nutea. This give four large mnlli grad roonih in this who'd, Ugether with two seventh and eighth grade

vve uius avoiu tiie ex ientae of iii, n.liiil ionnl IrACh'T. S.imewhat, simdar though less extensive changes were made in mimler H4 to rtrUeve the crowded conditions of the ninth irrade. AU of which is resy-ctfutiy submitted. ItAKIaK M. WILLIAMS, THiTAiT, NICHnLArt KAHE, N.

MliAYKK. WARN Kit WLdTCOTT, M. N(YKS, Committee onorganiantiou and grievances. On motion of Com, Jones tbe report was adopted. Com.

Kingsley from the printing committee presented the following Resnled, That the ppweedinga of this board Onehidbw aliost be triiitel In the Democrat and hnjnicle, t'uioii and Advertiser, ICventng rontiany and Heobachicr ioroneyear, irom apru Imi ik-tu Ai.rd iHrtb for the mini of SaOU or the' first three papers and tlie sum of HX to tlie (4ertttan naner. tiuB being the name a last rear, each ijly iuir to print the slips for four nioutiis csK'h. H. A. KINUKI.KY, liAUIL'S i.

KI IXY, N. L. BHAYKlt. of coiumittee. Com.

Tait moved tliat the Democrat and Chronirle be made the officii paper of the board. 'arried. Com. Brayer moved that the proceedings be published in the Rochester Volkblatt, at an expense of not over luu. iaxx.

as ioiiows Yt-as Corns. Westcott, Kase, Whitmore. Cork. Braver. Dickinson O.

Navs Corns. Bully. Brown, Wray. Kings ley, Xiatt, V.U.naois, aW, JMMS, iaaaw C. A.

F. C. Grate. Fjw 'fov. 0iet.

Watters A Doyle A. Phillips Co (teorfcre Kneert O. r.aies Reciie H. Baocock. Si'.

t.70 S. 85 2.85 S. 95 279 2.70 2 HS 2. 75 2.68 s. no 8.

75 Resolved. That the superintendent be and he is henby authorised to contract iwth Messrs. Vatt'rs ltoyle and U. H. PAbcock for fifteen hundred coal, the same to be delivered as per advertisement of committee.


WHITMOKE, N. L. BRAYKR, W. 0. MARTEN'S, Comuiittee.

On motion of Cora. Cork, the report was adopted. Com. Martens, from the finance committee, presented the following statement showing the condition of the funds May 1'Jth, 1879 Teachers' and contingent fund $16. IMS Kiiittinff fund 30 72 Library fund 70 (iv-nessee school fund 14 17, WS IS 771 74 Repair fund Amount on hand $17,081 39 By Com.

Martens Whereas, Through the unusual delay in receivinR the state appmimtpriation, stihictent funds were not to our credit to meet the whole of the budjret passed at our la-wt meeting; and, her -as, The Kloiir ity natiora! hank aivaned nearl in payinc tlie che-ks of ti'acherK and others, and hoj.lim; the same luittl the board should In in funds; there, ore. Revived. That the thanks of this hoard of edn-catittn are due. and are hereby given, to the oftVers and directors of said bank for their kindness in thus advancing money to pay the tmlance of our hist ithuut any cnaie for the trouble or for Interest, On motion of Com. Whitmore, adopted.

Com Tait sent up the following Resolved. That the buildinic committee he Instructed to Investigate into the feasibdity of adding an addition t-ntiiber 8 school. Com. Sully moved that the matter be referred to the organisation committee, to inquire into and report upon the necessity of additional room for nunitier 8. Carried.

Com. Westcott presented the following To the Honorable the fffwmf of Education Resnhed. That the butMing committee be in-struct rd to take into consideration tlte subject of remotiehng the west part ot number 0 school, and rvfort at the nex: regular meeting, Adopted. By Com. Martens: Resolved, That Sully be appointed a committee of one to act in conjunetkm with the nrjan-iaatmn ct'mmitte.

tuinmire into the overcrow del condition of nunher 8 'h-ol, and report at the next rrtrular meeting of the hoanl. Adopted. Com. Williams stated that he had a letter which had pribahly leen sent him by mistake. the party evidently thinking htm to be upon the textbook committee.

He therefore asked its reference to hat committer. So referred. On motion of Com. Williams the commit tee having in claarge nrrangnnientK for Decora tion Day wre granted the privilege, under direction of the suimrintetidetit, of soliciting plan and tiowera from the public schoo's Re stated that he believed it was the intention of the committee to ask tlie school frr oon- tributions of plants for the soldiers' graves. By om, Dickinson Reolved, That the supiily committee be author ised to nlace acisleru on the preuuseti of number s-hoou Adonted.

On mot ion "of Com. Wray the biard th. ljonrned. A. L.

Mahhktt, Clerk. A K( IMI) FGL1MI HOIK. Father Avenge III Daaahter Wrong aad Become a Coovirl. Iotidon May 8, English justice strive to be iuwt and pure. and Knlifa jndg in otir day suimimVtor tin? law wilh an uprightni and a srnse of duty htoh hav elevaul the bench alorc all nwh spi-Un.

Knghwh justice and t'ng sh judge are human and fallible, and smi times even In thou- moat nwprrtfu! hour Uy crmmit unavoifinblt wrong. They nntu-d such a wrong, we Uhve. in th- rwent Instance of Hcnrv I'ace, aiul this, not with ittAiKhi'-g the apprUy lni-nt whi -h was Um htm by lrrtt Oilerrid fr tin UuinifinhLrr of Msurirp Cede. ISot the U'lith tiT ttse tweutivth tart of the pathos in th trntc iilyll whkh we pubhsli to day eoukl, by anv tv-wuliUity, roms out at th truU. iow fr Urf itmt tintf ti4 ptitdic us tliat in I l-rry I s-y timre pirmd at th tmr 4 him ciMiutry pi3-ti" a mt crwliiAt.i reu- vc of Kmrindi artiaartship.

No iguo do orgajitv-r atrikc. no j. house rrequuU- is this Mbiilful ami foial brrrful at hi biitor, happy and i his boini' biioguis up hi nuany cbiidrwn. a far as ti -p hka him. suid to do tlkWr duty the convict now tolling at idiiune- ful taak wa asgo-ul ani towful a sub ject as her majewty wrti.

Though iw-gan hi day' work in l-rk4-n oil at tt svsry morning, he hail takr-n a cottgi amid the frvh country air f-r hi uie a far away a tw. mil l- yoml tnkleigh t'ark ta- tlon. and rount.Nl tin? daily tramp atvl fro a nothing so that bp tutght tbui ail wU arvl hearty. Ho th-i -t tall his iff and eight living liiidren, as me do, wum- bratw 1 tiifj- were the delight of his honmt life and he maule room in hisi horn tjeidfor his i Id father, and, in a most rvil hour, for rind aid ft How -workman. I it judged how dr t' urh a man must have been bis baud noma eldiKt girl, the drat child of hw ymtbful nwrring-; and let it also judged, while this tale is read, what thoughts, what nit-murie inuft have tn-eu in the twtrayed father's heart in tliat fatal hen he pokp alone with Maurice Cole for the la.wtof many bitter time, and when the gathered agony of hu bitter r-row and sliame broke forth In the lightning flah of a death blow.

Out of good-nature and comradeship l'ace twk his younger follow workniati down to the pretty country cottage a showy, plnuMblc fellow, glib and unacrupu lous, who quickiy the ruin of this peaceful home, by meatui of its very innocence and hospitality. IaIst, knave arwl practM-e-J Isxocbee, this Maurice Cole atands rortb as the type of the clever but bad Knglih artisan, as Henry I'acc remut tlie good and td- fnst worker. Wiiat followed is so faithfully and thoroughly set forth in our narrative that have no need to recapitulate the too familiar sU-ps by which the daughter heart wa Hrst eKj-anged from her accepted lover, and then from her father and family, to tie cast away upon this hi human an imal. Only when all these new particu- lam are mastered can the public sense of justice begin to place within the heart of tins brave and suffering father, and to think from his tortured mind. His generosity repaid by treachery, his happy hoarth deHpoiied, his child estranged, his bomehuld honor mocked, his life-long efforts over thrown, and, to crown all thane things, which had already changed his very nature, tiie sud den knowh-dge tliat his girl was become mother of a bastard, and the discovery that the in solent cause of this diHgrrve was far too familiar with such matters to do more than laugh tlie father off when he demandod tliat Cole should make a wife of his victim.

In the picture which we present of Pace's state of mind, aftcrall became known, exists a revela tion of the havoc which anguish and dishonor can wreak upon a strong, upright man, clearer and completer than is furnished by any sensa tional hction. His kind and hoiiost mind was not, indeed, overthrown, but it was tempest-tossed and furious on the morning of the fatal day. He bail not slept he had not touched food he kissed hi baby, but turned without good bye from the wife he loved so well, as he strode out of the cottage to the workshop where he must meet Maurice Cole. Vet, knowing he must meet the betrayer, this convict! prisoner carried no lethal weapon and cherished even then, no violent intention. It was only whan he confronted Cole, face to face, amid the whirling machinery, and something passed Viet ween them a plea, an entreaty, perchance.

on the one side, and a jeer, an insult on the other that 4oe affronted manhood in i'ai-e leaped from his burning blood to his vigorous arm. In his hand was the iron sanner just used in tundng an engine-nut no weapon of manalayer, but the implement and symbol of his manful toil, of tliat toil so outraged, robbed, and ruined. Was it maiiKlutighter la any but a merely formal and legal sense which, before reason and self-restraint could whisMr calmness to tlie father's instinct, drove that avenging iron through the villain forehead It is a bold, and might lie, under any other cir enmstnnces a dangerous thing to say, bat Henrv Face's deed was, except technically, not so much a crime as an offense against human law. It has so been punished but while the convict In jail is condemned, the friend lineandpatienee of that good husband may be faithfully laid against tue rigubeou of the father who loved his daughter, even in her shame, with a devotion that knew do bounds. It roniovpt wrinkle and soften the skin Tb rmilar use of MUKHAY ct LaHMAS'B Ki.oria Watks at the toilet tend to pre vent and remove wrinkles, the softness of the kin nroddced by it taking away the natural inclination of the cuticle to form into ridge and furrow.

FIVT FIK CENT SAVED. by using HiaiHNB' German Lauhdrt Soap because it is pure. Ak your grocer for tt, and give it atrial. to to a at if tations: HAY-tft15 ton, according to variety and! condition. Bauio Hat 60a75c 100 STRAW ton fcf oat and wbeat, 7a8 for rye and in tut bundled rye.

CUKRKNT QUOTATIONS ATT BY BCYBUS: Potatoes bash, according to variety wotttione. Appies bosh, according to variety ooa.s."a Butter Good to choic a (iaiter tcilt-edge). 12-t4o Kirm i-resii dosen llclo tneese (wnoiesaiet CabDnges (bead) 4 dosetl. Onions bush Sr9 71000 65-VT5C astsc Turnips Potatoes bbl (shippers prices). Dried Apples Bleached ft do Aldun process do Comnioa I Dressed Turkeys ft Dressed Chickens ft Beans Medium bush do Marrows bush do White Kidnevs bush do Ked Kidneys Seeds Timothy uh do Medium Clover bush do arge Clover bush Bide Steers Hides ft do Cows and Heifers do boils and Stags a Skins uunrj ykina each do Pheep Skins flo Calf Rklns Wool Fine Fleece ft do Coarse to Combing TaJiow Rough ft do Triad ft 754H5J ROii(t5o 40 ....10041500 WO to tHaOC The Visible Supply of Grain Comprising the Mocks In gnvm rv at tbe principal points uf iicunnihu ion at hiki? and" stihonrd ports and trunMt by rail at the undermentiuiied dates was as follows: Mav 10, '7(t.

Wheat, 15. Ms. 416 Corn, bmdi 10.iiatl.y00 Oats bush I.7rrf).i:i3 n.irlev. Hje, bush ST7.174 My3. '70.

May 11. '7 a. 045.41V B.OH7. 1' A 1.31, sm 600,453 Total, bUSh.Kfs4M,287 m.hHilO N. IT.

STOCK INK ITIOIHEY ITIARK.ET9 Folio wing are the changes In th Stocka uamed ftoad op from the last Board) sine May lU; APVANCBTl. Western tTnlon Milwaukee St. A. P. Teh-graph 2-H MiL A SU Pwul li Michigan Con trai Wb.

a West Vninn Pacific Fort Wayne 1 Northwestern pref Chicago A Alton Cleveland A 2 Han. A at, Joseph Bocklsland. DECIJNMO. DelawnrPik Lake Shore pacific Mh.i1 Illinois ('antral Adams Kxpress 2 Cleveland V. New Vork CeuLraT.

New Jersey Centrsi Kne Ctiicago Alton Krlc pre-fern-d Ohio A Mississippi Lateat monetary ISxw Yoax, May 20. Money etosed at 8 cent. Prim mercantii paper closed 3v4H cent. Kxcbang closed 4N7-4 tor long and 4HH for short, Government bond nrong. Bail-roads active aid stocks strong and excited, fiiik-B 203.000 shares, 23,000 of which were luk ore, iKiaW'ire.

lAcaawaua West era ana 1.000 New Jersey Ynt rah GOV KRNMKKT8. a. Rs of 'HI rag. V. 6.

nawSs res. 104 P. ot '68. lOnH 8. 10-U rig new 4 rag RAILWAY STOCK 8.

PeUiwsr A North western B4H rns A Ksncx i't Liee. o-i1 Naw Jersey fiO -ck inland Milwaukee St. Psul Mil. A St. Paul tern Union I a i.

a- -ac Mall 15s- York 1 1 jp.i., vao. a osl. Fort ill Chicago 4 H4 Chicago A A iron pref. 110 Kr-e preferred teH urtMD ichtgaa CentraJ Panama Union Pactflo 74 Ijike Hhore 74 'J Illinois Central Onto A MtsststiiDiri Iel. lja3.

a Wesusrn. 57 Hurllngton A yninoy.117 Han. A l. Joseoh leveiana a ri. ortbweetarn Hiui.

A jt. Jo. 41 Lanaua PACIFIC RAIUKOAD BONita. Central Parlfle Ill lAnd UranU 112 uiwn Pactae 1st i -4 Miasma l- anas 11 tkM.r ti r-m i rv a. ilams ICxprfwis Uv American 4a Waua, Uoiwd State.

5 iokk iiARKrrs. KiwTORi. Mar 20. p. COTTON Market iinttii-d ar.d irtcw W-higber uIm amT i.iiin tat ft-r miilill'na uulaonln.

I-HH Aii SRdlj-'f I'M It-IVWUiPUl, WU DDIS. ft for Htnle ustt-rn conr dun an in huverV fsvor. la.OOO bbl at U.0 Qtf.lHi fr Si. 2, f'-r sutarrlne 'tMt snQtavi i L' eura rn mid for to cbuirw extra urn soul mkiii, 4.3avMO,iE ntiuon cn-mt ttu! r-st or omrci itra Hud 3.r"a'i.ob cm nr.n to ol nrriHt. oioslng OUHU- KTIUji r.H lirmt'r: siii-r io- si sate Wwrtrn.

CntiN Mka i mn-rfcct uiore I A 1 XV T- VtM (SJO bash; msrkt oisn-t b'd hcitvT uic t-'Wfr: aies ooo So. 3 -iiTing. vH---z f-r ungnidt'd 1 Ml fSi10V TT Io. 5i -ilnOir. 1 IIS! inc ll-i a nter rrd.

l4tU4ta4- I.t IMW- lll N'o. i ah'ite and wiidr-Stat, ii It n.arktrt ni-'S a' and WiMten. at HttUc. Biiii rv max dnl! sn! -m'n-il 1 Ok-tit Cni-fida qiciwi at -tjsasc and onr-ruwed, at rVaa.To,'.

M.t,T siarkfi niv.rt- r1ioti- w'r'-pr m-1r-. at M. c.taj rtMM-pu Uki-OiiO aaUi mrkt rule buh f-T tiicKt' st-fBr and tHtC'. f'r No. g.

aTH-rweliiti us tut; rmvi ht'ir l'ir. naitts fs tuifh at J-Wk-c for UHALS -lu Ainy ly. Mar 1. a'7jhO TfM.OOO 3U. iHJO roi 4.1.

4-M 74. sr Barief. T--l b'l 3.31:1 HA Warkel rtilci Hupf Market rat steady with a tighi trade; New York anoltil Sotl-. ir liio (jiK'td at iu-a tuin hut Brru A quoted nt iuli(d at r-l al an4 crif-aed it f. M(iUi mnrhit.rn'ea flriu bMt steady; i VTut, i't: Hn oisrket rui.f steady; qu i -'d fa M-Markwt rtiii and uni hutted; crude Mdk at ie avid at v.

TAl.U-W- Majket sji as at fl'f. I'll i i-i in- ruow. a -h l-iaw: sa at i lo.lakiO i'iKitiS Bi t.i'-mHi't Jiitrt. IK.O r'l-'j. quii-T W'i.

tdy tio--n ai.fwU.ojt, I'T VI i aT -niiir- pofc-l i( ''iKlcr4 ixl Hr. d-rt i kii N-M'i'H at Kfeo and i-'xc. MhiMk iark-t stoadi a Spiirn riear at 1 1.50. rr i nif-pii-ar at i.K And -hort-ai Mi t-AtC' iiitrk 't riu and tn btiers line ntmui at UJ. IK TTKK-'- I i at 1 1 aqHlv 1t.t --ae.

-aiaranrrt. qu.oi Hauo- at 4 to Mt I 1 rC. Miirki-t qnUt btit firm; rhMnwi out. erly rose at U. TCj, and -Market nomliiaJ at 101 auJ 1 I A 1 1 1 -t-d ai KPIKHA a.

DI4HH ET. nnelnnatl. May o-WHISKY market rnlen nuiiy mill a.od dv atand: ioUnl at liK-c. Htrolt, Wav SO- beat market ntles atronir; whit MlchiKan uuotfd at Hks No. 1 whit Mii f-a-h, l'W fc aelier N-rJmir and )' bid Jul.

Ret'Kii'i 4- DuaIi whxavL. billl-MKN bUali Albany, May 10 -Wnfit market mVn -pnt-lk tjufet but -reauy; qn ted at -r9c r-r rr1 iota. maiktil atewtt With a moderate i-matid; salf Western at 41 'va-C-C f-T dintaij. to yellow. HAP tmn1v ttnd unetia'ige-! -tales I.

No. 1. IIaki Et -majktjt netiiecutd. Mai-X nmr-et atetMlT- Toledo, M-iv SO Fton market ttAy. Vhkai maxkitt sr aaiea amber at ht.

I'liiiN' strong; a-iivs hinh-nn-J at HMr and No. at al OAT--iarket nilei quiet MM no, x. jii-iu ii mij a witnu at iClWe. bust, wheat, il 000 bush eorn buyh oata. bush wheat ,) busa corn.

Iflllwaiukee, Slav 30. Ftovtt roarkHt rules iii and WHKAT market ciof-d Ml ii ies Nu, 1 hard at 101 ii and No. 1 oa wukea at O.hN inarket ijii.ri tint tlrmer ial at OATH-nuirkut st-ady; aaiei Pi if at 27Sc. uiark.t xutt'lv ftaleA N-i.

1 al tlAltl.k nia-sei iieK-'en -ni'. irj.ii.'ii at KTri t'Dis Dour, is.tssj wiKat hll ij'M l.M-tli,ur and Uuah Whwat. it loll th- wiiuat. to uuiaio tHtv. Nt.

E.oala, May SO-- Fuh market riles firm ami ii longer with 101 sn'tive tuatid, taltm d- tiijie-4l-tra Fall at 4.im4.7o, trehle-eAtra r'ali at H.Hi4.s0. Uy at o.l.6,. and ehmeto lane at 0.40i it.aihi'L Bir.niai aim 1 i PIV. CoH.s ni sales No ed at li.le; and jmr uiii-hao ilieai. ii ii.

bUSli i and '4. 1 blttley. lo.i'Of! uh ci.rn. t.000 tils whuut. 1,000 bunh ryo and LOOO barle iliHfco, May SO.

FiA)t'H -market st dv un. i.wi .1 sales bbis at No. 1 Uprintt, tor a-nb- er. so. mi.wi"r nu if liter.

at t. for new pna-ets sp.vf) for grnhnui. SAT market st ead rWaie.1 pi red tate fit i ise nun i hit wine muk- hi i iih-. n-t sLeuilv- KUI4-- No. 8 Weaiern al sot HAH ikel extra iriwht niiai! hell at No.

1 bright aiiHdaat no. a hnnt i 7rx77(-. No. I t. at and I'anadii I Kvi- market rule stead Canatla otioteil a' H4c In Nim.

Coi' MK-d, niai ket unch aimed Quoted at lH.rM) f'r hoited and I1H.50 for unbolted. Mil l. FkRii-quoted ai 14, oO for shorts, for ahtnatufl and lrtt17.O0 ton for middlings. Rat HOAl I-ksiohth- V'our to Now Vork iMK) and to Al bany a At. kEI i.

li is i neat peaa o. II "pti1. Ulinr Sim rvr U' new i or I 1.00 to All.iuo nd2.ta)to New York. Re a -H'l lUtil fet lumber and 7. OOP bush rve.

8111 nu 1.000 bbla aur, ouau Wheat ami luet uiiitHtr. i hli avo. Mav 'JO. Fuirn market acttve and inhan.el, Hlea 'Spring extras low grade at ff.ootaC. TO ami winter fliirai ai AT lllfirSel aei ive ami unu ai biciiit it; res; atuia No, M' liteago rtpnng at k.wt,4C esh and ous luaikel rulen a Nluide lughtti mde No.

niUt'd isaMh and Hrvwi: seller June. OATS market rules a shade higher with detiiuod; aale-t No. at cash am seller June, tt nuirket tlrm hut iiM haiii-e at Haki.i'.Y niarket rules tlrnior mil en ifkOtic. 1'ouamitrket ruioa lower; miles at l'. 5o th and fO.rmDl.l Soiler juiy, j.aku maraei asiive nru-e a nhade lower Males at r5, OTWd, 10 cah or lerJune.

MkATa market rules steady and urteen unchanged aitles shoulders at AjUS. clear- nhi at (4.70 and clear-nldtja at WHISKlf market tniMt'tt led and l-iwer. eloMng with seller 10! r. RsX EIPT 14,000 Ms flour. 117000 bush whaat, UO.OOO hiiah eorn.

lito.OoO bush oat. T.tsrti biinh barley and H.000 bush rye. Ubls floor, 110, 00 bush wheal, 177, Oct) bush corn, bush oat 4,000 buna rye ana uusa uartuy, Hnlt'Bto. Mav SO Fiotm market and L.noh uiiL-hung' aalei looobhlsat fi.H5.78 for lo. cdy-grounti Mpnng, tor No.

a anithAtl (' for Amber. 7f' for whlto Winter and tor now process. Jtvic Ft.ot it quoted at (0. sin txii quoun ai i- ior eoarso. tiA mi Bne and t.lo.00 for Hnthed.

Coiin Me al quoted at Kii.4o6c for coarse aud oftiiiiOfio for Hue. Wukat market unlet; salua No. Milwaukeo at lldc ami white Mu higau at lllte. tToit market stead? mh lev new Wexieru on track at 40f'4ic and high miinil Weateru at 4le. OATH and in good maiui aalea a lute on truek at Uyk -No.

2 West ern qn.Jt.ilat foe. Ba hi. is v-market Inactive. Mux Canada quoted at and 8iate at li0.11(ic. Bit Kim market idt-ady and tlrm; sales medium clover at S4.00 and lurne clover at fl.5o.

PtiUK market atfHiiv: httaw Diaas and short-cut auuted at aio.ooa $10,26 and ahort-cui elear at 1 12,00. Unu-markt-t rtihi quiet but stemlv; tiercen and barrels quoU-d at tol8 and kegs at and pads at HliJUWlNKS- market at loi city -made. Raii iuiaii kkkiout wheat to-c, com ocand sata 4e, to Naw York. CAN u. FKEHiUrt areieroV ItAIl.HOAl Hki bhls flour.

sy.oou husn wneai, ousn corn, iw.uuu nusn oats, 1 (Mil) liarli-v and I. Out) tottti rve. Ku. Bhiinents-Iik ooouids tlotir, H7.000 bush wheat, 71000 hunh oo i. 000 bnsh oats.

l.fVOO bar 1,000 hush rv. Ukk Kki kut ti.ootf bbia dour, mi.ooO tuihh wheat nitd 1 mm. 006 corn. Canai wheat, 60,000 bush corn aud in Dkl nil mi rva. tiKAlN-ln sLora Muy iv, 1711.

17H.1I7 U1W 11 XM S.715 Mav 12, Mav 13, 1S7W. 1H7. 3J1.7U VLW.m.! rt.4:cl BO.TyO Wheat, Oat, bush Bar buah lt). bush a (Vi. at at at at i i i i I1 .1 AND ALt DI8BAPB9 OF THB RECTTJM praaa-ntly cured without the knife or any of the Old and patnful remedies.

Reference giran to aromliieoA Ottiaena who have been eared. AT DISIiiVSES of MEN Treated in the moet anooaeafni manner. O0NBULTA-TION FR. Otto hour, 0 to 11 A. 1 to 5 ana 7 to F.

Ma HOWARD STRONG, M. H3 Cftfth noor) Power' Roeheater, W. T. H. F.

GILBERT BA1SEER8 AND STOCK BBOEER9, 10 MSWYOKK, ArUOINlSO K. T. STOCK RXCHANGS.1 Buy, setl and oarTy, though the New York tftook. g-change, all the active stocks a long as on I percent, margin. First-clas stock privileges (wall ale I at from 1 to SVPer cent, distanoe.

ifixpianatiartr circular and stock report nutated tree oa apPiioa-tiun. I3o THE OLD INSURANCE AGENCt tW.oijtt 107.ii UVERPOOL AND LONDON AND OLOBB, OONNKvTICUT VIHU, HARTFORD, w. F. HOLMES it pens, bush Malt, 1'wUi HO, WO Ko. 6 Siwonlc Hall Block..

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