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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 7

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTEll DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE: SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1893. jjE-W ADVEKT1 SEMENTS. WESTERN NEW YORK NEWS mans, Elward Whftoomb, George Stamp, ber of invitations bare veen eent to all Jametj Huey, George Sanford, James parts of the state. CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT AVallace, Charles Nve. Alonzo Shattuck.

t5 Levi KeUer, David M. Trumbull, James NIAGARA. a rum bull. Thomas D. Burke.

James F. TO ALL TO ALL TO ALL DRESS UP FOR TO-MORROW. A'an Keuren, Georgn Daniels, David Shattuck, George AV. Tolbert, Delos Shepard, ffiafGEORGK'S PAWN SHOP. Z.

FVT MA IX NEXT TO rf-w 1 II VUier Hld'sr. Fire proof build- mTsamuel, pawnbroker 27 PROMT STREET. I nredoeme I pledges, consisting of List of Grand and Trial Jurors Royalton Caucus To-iJay. Burns Carroll, E. T.

Hewlett, John'K. Baker, Ira Buckley, Edward Heinaman, Following are the names of those ex Easter the services at all the Palmyra churches wiU be very elaborate. Zenobia Comanandery No. 41, Iv. will attend Zion church at the morning service.

The rector, Rev. L. AA. Ridhardsom, will officiate and deliver the sermon and a chorus choir will render a special programme. The otiher services at this church will be morning prayers at 6:30 o'clock, children's Easter service at 3 o'clock, and evening service at 7 o'clock.

Savannah Lodge No. 7G4, F. and A. 3L, conferred the third degree upon Rev. G.

E. Campbell Thursday evening. At the close of the ceremony the members of the order together with a number of invited Gentlemen 1 atnek Kearney, Menzo Ivecler, Jamse Shannon, Cornelius Storms, Andrew E. Carroll, Otis Coburn, George Iv. Bowlby, Henry Nk-hocs.

pected to serve as jurors at the April term of the court of oyer and terminer: Trial jurors II. liaii-som, Porter; J. W. Cowan, Porter; James W. Parks, Lowis- watcnes rinjrs, elotbinsr, puns cud revolvers, for sni at a bar-, gain.

Money loaned on bicycles. ONTARIO. tou; John Acker, Iloyalton; Aarou Biek- ru EVERY 50c PURCHASE Conclusion of the Teachers' Institute it Phe ps Death Not'ces. OF MOL LSU.N'S i-UKE Wdr verities vou to a tine Picture (unframed) for a only, at No. 18 Allen stree Kocn-br T.

iSave the wrappers.) For sale by Pa funeral of Hiram Burnett, of Fhelps, who died Thursday morning will rocera vq'j be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock guests repaired to the opera house where a banquet prepared tw the wives of the masons, was partaken of, about 100 being present. L. C. iSheruKin acted as toast master, and speeches were made by Dr. AVillium II.

Sweeting, James AVright of AVeedsport, Rev. G. E. Campbell and Horace AV. Smith.

at the late residence. Deceased who was We will place on sale to-day the most elaborate line of Spring Suits and Overcoats that you would wish to see, from up. Tailor-made, elegant finish. Boys' and youths' from $3.95 up. Ladies and Misses Do not delay, but call as early in the day as possible, Our line of Jackets, Capes, Dresses, Millinery, is the largest and finest in town.

Special bargains to-day. PAYMENTS, SI. OO A WEEK. HOGAN BROS'. MAMMOTH CREDIT HOUSE, Over 235 East Main Street.

Open Every Evening. an old resident of Phelps and a prosperous BY STEP. THE REPUTATION OK Piano continues to fro forward. It at each trial, and thereatter is JjVays a special favorite. Miller Piano Store.

63 STATE STREET. farmer, been in feeble health for a long due to stomach trouble, and was taken with a chill on AVednesday, and died the following morning. He was aged 0 years and leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter. The burial will 1 be at South Lyons. At the Teachers Institute at Thelps on Thursday Dr.

J. M. Milne, of the Oneonta Normal School made some very PARTIES HAVING Eepalriiig or Brass Work of Any Description To be done should call on the Shipmnn Enjrine ifanufaeturini? Company, Bismarck Vlace, who hv every facility tor this work. Estimates Jurnished on specialties. Telephone KU.

"Busy," Did You Say I Tell you should see our display room our imttinc room, our work room and the poods me show. Well, they are beauties. Come in -nd vou will join, the procession, and leave Jour "measure for a spring suit. HI IPJ KV Ml ..11 3t BI fV Lk ifl iU Bl in La 1 Zf ami forxL IlarQand; A. E.

BirxisalL Hoy al ton; TliODnas W. Davenport, Liockport; Jacob Moyer, Pendleton. Charles Culver, Wilsom; Jesse Smith, Wilson; diaries lice, New-fane; Deney Drake, Newfane; Newton Howe, Ivockport; John iLattesoai, Hait-laud; C. K. lxiiiboug-h, Charles Lindsay, Xewfane; Byron.

Smith, "Wilson; Henry Tike, F. S. "Whittaker, Lewdstoru; A. J. Browimam, Somerset; S.

N. Olliphant, Oambria; Christian Walk, Wheatland; William Sock, "Wilson; It. M. Randolph, Loekport; J. 1.

Walck, Niagara; P. 11. AlcKnig'ht, Newfame; Theodore liase-ley, Wheat field; W. II. Crasier, Cambria; Georgre Mor-paw, Lockpjrt; Lee li.

Sanborn, Lwistom; Sylvester Thomjicsort. Porter; Wallace Hoot, Oambria; Henry M. Treich-ler. Whentfield; Jihn Ham, Hartl-and; Michael Burke, Loekport; E. A.

Wakeman, (Jrarid jurors II. D. Maxon, ljewustou; C. N. Stain thorpe, liockport; William C.

Sehiiltz, I ja Salle; Pn-d Zeicrer, Niagara Falls; James Spark, Tonawanda; Jaredi QYuesdale, Youujrstown; Ijouis Smith, Loekport; C. F. Siinlorn, Sanborn; Alex. I-tfke, Newfane; Iliebanl Dogan, Loekport: J. H.

Matteson. Hartinnd; P. A. Ilictoanbaon, J. Laaden, Simers-t; II.

T. Van lMu-en, Ixn-kport; William Beers. Newfane; Jones Thrall. Cambria; James H. Itand, Tonawantk; Allert Iiotler, Shawnee; Jacob Garnet, liockport; Alfrcl Clark, Ixxkport; Jones Alleci, Haitland; Edward Sehmalle, Niagara Palls; A.

II. Isluck, Niagara Palls; N. J. Kelley, Loekport. Lockport's p-iper company lias to inerea.

its pla.nt by about wxirth of new Ttvaehaiory, and it is ala-V enlargirg tlie building. Dr. E. L. Downey, of MidJleport, returned Friday morning from Albany, where he read a papt-r on th Evolution of EleeticWsm," before the State Medical Society, Thursday.

Royal ton's Democrat town caucus i being bob! at Royalton Center to-day be a a i I MONROE. Special Easter services will be held tomorrow in the Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and Catholic churuhes. The annual meeting of the Speneerport fire department will be held on Tuesday evening next at which time officers w.ll be elected for the ensuing year. The appropriation of school moneys for the town of Rush is as follows: District No. 1, No.

2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 0, No.

7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, total, $1,290.03. Exercises appropriate to Easter day will be held at tihe Methodist, ISaptist and Catholic churches in AVebster to-morrow.

Those at the Methodist church will be held in the morning and will consist of telec-tions by the choir; a sermon by Rev. Thomas C. Carson: upon church extension; pinging and reci tail, tons by members of the Sunday-school. At the last meeting of the Brockport Business Men's Association the following standing committees war appointed: To advertise the 'advantages of the village, D. mteresting remarks on sclhool discipline.

The doctor's topic for njFternoon was School Economy." The subject of "In-teret and Discount," was also discussed in the afternoon session. Dr. Milne gave an interesting lecture in Gibson hall, in tho evening on Our Mother Tongue." Yesterday morning's session was devoted to a consideration of the topic "School Records and Professional Courtesy," and a class exercise by Mrs. Carrie G. Dillon, one of the teachers in, the Thelps school.

In the afternoon Miss Woodward, of the Geneva Union Sdhool treated of the subject of "The Faculties, and the Order of Their Development." An interesting feature of Tuesday afternoou was a spelling contest for a Webster's unabridged dictionary, 100 words being selected from various newspapers, written down by the teachers and submitted for examination. John H. Stevens, principal of the Clifton Springs nehool, was the successful contestant, spelling the entire numher correctly, Mrs. Nellie Holmes, of Clifton Springs, spelled ninety-nine correctly. jlerchant Tailor, 1 SS East Mala SC.

Our opening was a grand success. Many of the garments, ordered for the occasion did not arrive until late Saturday. We Avill place them on sale to-day. If you are looking for Easter garments, do not fail to see our Jackets, Capes and Suits. I r--rrrr ksi.

JJ COLUMBIAN WORLD'S FAIH. WE ARE TOEPARED TO FURXISII first-class accommodations for all wishing to visit the fair from this vicinity. Hotels for those who prefer hotel life. Boarding houses for those wishing more quiet. Private residences for those desiring the comforts of tome.

Call or address, O. B. DAVIS, Manager, 139 Towers Block. without Holmes, T. S.

Iean, J. D. Bums, John N. Drake, II. N.

Jolinston, E. AV. Briggs, E. oflers a first-class handsome urRtGMT pi A mo, nt fc3ii0.00, to the person F. AVeleh; labor statistics, II.

D. Chrp- SAVE YOUE SENECA, man, i organ, n. Frank AV. Peckham, P. J.

A llson, 1. X. Beadi, Thomas C. Berry; to provide for An Old Man Kdled by Falling From Load of Hay. an excursion, etc, S.

P. Frost, en d-over, C. II. rhiLbrook, Andrew ISoyd, Fred Schlosser, George T. Comes, Edward Harriiwn.

Another meeting of the asso ciation will be bold next Tuesdtiy evening D. A. WIGHTMAH, 34 and 3B St. Paul St, at the public building. fight is over supervisor between the present incumbent.

"William Johnson, and Caleb MeNair, of Gasport. Supervisor Johnson, of Royalton, has countermanded the order given for a Myers voting machine for the reason that there are about 1,100 votes in this town anT oae machine cannot vote over 5'X) in one) day. C. II. Francis, of Middleport, returned Monday from a trip to Chicago, where he Tou can have a fine Switch made for only 50c the entire switch, any weight.

New Switches tilsoades in stock, from 1 upwards. Bang's cut, 10c Five prong Waving Iron, 2jo, at GUGGENHEIM'S HASH EMPORIUM, 215 EAST MAIN feTREET. who semis in the first correct solution of the above rebus; a reward of a handsome Ladies' or Gentieman's soud aot-O watch, valued at $100.00, to the persou who sends iu the second correct solution; a reward of a pair of genuine diamond ear-rings for the third correct solution; a reward of ah elegant swigs music box for each of thenextthree correct solutions; a handsome silk drcs3 pattern (13 yards) for each of the next three correct solutions. Every one sending- a solution must enclose with the same go cvrs (tworcent stamps, postal note or silver) for a three months' trial subscription to the Buffalo Sunday Truth, Buffalo's High-class Illustrated Weekly Newspaper. The envelope which contains correct solution bearinar first postmark will receive first reward, and the balunco in order as rticeived.

Ail letters must pass through the mails as postmark is given precedence. Thus, persons at a distance have an equal opportunity. for the correct solution received last is offered a SArcrr Biorcum for the next to the last will be given an clejrant pair of pen nine diamond 'eAmm for the third from the last will be awarded a handsome so- watch; ior tho from the last a Swiss music box: for the fifth, sixth and Seventh from tb6 hist will bo awarded a silk dress pattern (1 yards). Every successful contest- nt must become a vcarlv tubsoriber. Additional Friiss consisting of Silverware, complete sets of Dickens' Works, and many olhnr uelul and valuable prizes will be awarded to Every Person Sending In Correct Solutions.

Karnes oi those receiving rewards will be published in our uoper at clone of competition. All answers must lie mailed on or before June 15th, 1S93. Tho objoct in livincr away all of these valuable priics is to secure trial subscriber, whom wc exprct to please so well that they will renew their subscriptions and thuawoe' build up a lartrc circulation and get more advertising at hieiicr rates than we would other- wise. The Sunday Tedih has been established for eleven years and occupies a prominent iosition amonsr newspaper publishers and business men as a Htgh-clsss Illustrated Weekly Newspaper. Perfect impartiality is guaranteed in civina the rewards, bend in your answer early aud you may receive a valuable prize.

Address The Sundav Truth. Buffalo. N. V. attended the annual meeting of the Batavia YATES.

Cornelius O'Connor, died at the residence of hi parents at Five Points, in Pcnn Van, Thursday, aged IV years. The funeral wrvices will be held from St. Micliael's Church this m-oraing at 10 o'clock. The following pathfmasters for the town, of Milo Irave lecn appointed: Ireservmg comprising the canning factories at Middleport, Speneerport and Baitavia, he representing the stock held in this section. A divident of 9 per cent, wfu declared and the capital stock in CTCibmas 'Davis, Cortes Culver, Charles AValker AVUbam Keefer, Bradford creased ito i.xtensive improve Cronk.

J. J. Gardner, AVarren Sanfor.l, John Bigelow, AV. B. Brundage, A.

Town- We have just opened in addition to our clothing gtore. a Ladies' Department, where you will find large line of ladies1 cloaks. Mackintoshes, dresses and dress roods of the latest styles Bad patterns, which we sell on the same terms as jrentiemen's carments. 1.00 per week payments." EMPIRE CLOTHING Open until 8:30 p. m.

99 State street. The board of trustees of the village of Seneca d-ills hold the regular April meeting next Monday evening. The annual meeting of the AA'aterloo Library and Historical Society was held Thursday afternoon. The fodiowin-g t.jes were elected for the term of three years: IMwaxd Fitzinger, Sannu-l R. Welles, Irederick L.

Manning mid Charles K. Heniou. Tho trustees held a subsequent meeting in the evening and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Sam-mi R. AVelles, president; Frederick L. Handling, vice-president; Charles Iv.

Hen-ion, secretary; Andrew G. Mercer, treasurer. A fatal accident occurred on the swamp road, two miles nortii of Waterloo, on ITiursday afternoon. George Weih-s, an old citizen of Junius, aged 73 years, was sitting on high load of hay and driving a spirited tenon of iiorses. Suddenly one side of the road gavo under the bind wheel, undermined, as rt is tljought, by musk rats.

The wagon tilted and 1l whole load was capsized. Mr. AVelles was flung headlong downwanL striking his -ad violently upon the hard frozon. enrtli. Tlusi who witnessed; the aifair hurrixl to bis assistance, but found him brecrthing his last from concussion of the brain, death occurring immediately.

The decasrl was an old resa.lent of county and a much respeored farmer. The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon. ment has been made in all three factories. The managers for the factories for ithe coming year are: Speneerport, P. II.

Lahey: Batavia, F. E. Brownell; Middle-port, C. W. Odell, II.

Francis, peneral manager, with headquarters at Middleport. teiul, E. C. Jilbt, A. C.

Ansbw, Amners Towiwend. John T. Andrews. F. li.

Swart bout. Miuers Ranalee. Benjamin Fulla- g-r S. M. Rector.

Andrew Ijongnell, 1). AVoodruff. Zahnema Rmeg, Herbert SCHUYLER. Jones, Frank Jvaapp, John Freeman, WM. LEACH.

WM- MAINS. $40. $30 Lewis Jayue, George Eldred, Myron Morris. Bert S. Pitcher.

A. N. Coffin. AV. The Mysterious Death Near Watkina Due to Natural Causes.

'lomslict, T. R. Norris. l'rank Maloney, Sam M. Miller.

Leander tirague, Gideon ft 1 Jefferson lodjre, No. 332, F. A. Iongwr, AV. C.

Iunn, Andrew Uhame, 4Jeorge Ctark. M. B. Andrews, John ROCHESTER DYEIHG FANCY DYEING AND FRENCH CLEANING. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments of every description cleaned, dyed and nicely pressed.

Special attention giving to cleaning Blankets, Lace Curtains and Draperies equal to new. of W'atkins, will confer the third degree nest Wednesday evening. Kwarthout, I'eter Coons, Alonzo Shultz, Colon Randall. J. K.

Miller, Fall Brook The town farm in Iler-tor will be in Railroad Couipany. AV. I'rentis. F. charge of John lieynohls during the coming L-.

7 year. Thesre are about twenty inmates, rnt the home. After to-day, tho name of Big Stream Beauty of Figure is the result, not 69 and 71 Mumford Street. Telephone 065. The above figures represent the prices we have made on a lot of choice Haviland French China DINNER SETS.

A rare opportunity to buy a really first-class set cheap. Haviland's China is too well known to need any description. SPECIAL DINNER WARE DEPARTMENT 2nd FLOOR. station on the Northern Central railroad of costume, but of GENESEE. will be known as Glenora, to agree with Sniith, R.

J. Gardner, C. W. Iletcher, Duvid Clark, AValter May, Marvin Henderson, Roger Yost, -S. Swarthout, El-lert B.

I'orter, 'Merton Own, N. AV. Plaiste.1, T. C. I'erry, II.

S. Rapalee, G. I'rosser, William II. Fox, Elmer Johnson. Nelson Hyatt, Arnold Rapalee, A.

J. Milliard. Gilbert A. Bigger, J. M.

Simmons, Henry S. Nicihols, Edward Benhan, Joseph TxK-kwootl, John AV. Beard, F. E. 5Icrt.

Northern Central Raiilroad company; Hiram T. Henderson, Milton Fulver. the names of the post-office. The marriage of Walter Isley, of Brad A LeRoy Man Drops Dead While Preparing to Retire. Changed Daily.

Appears but Once. Read It. ford, formerly of Watkins, to Miss Dora Stoll, is announced to take place next Wrednesdav at the residenoe of the bride 9 father, Andrew Stoll, in "Watkins. LEADING MERCHANTS SELL THESt. Sishool Commissioner Andrew has apportioned the public school money for this county, as follows: Cayuta.

Dix, Co. W. H. LENNY Heotor, Montour, EAS Orange, Reading, Ty rone, 9. Why should the famous compact known as the "Holy Alliance" be justly considered the most pernicious of modem times iv.

BSjT. 10. "When was it that watchmakers had a monopoly of the banking-business a pood time they could not keep i iii. 424. See Ridpath's History of the World.

Tbk Lyon Book Asrts 38 Meigs st reet, Rochester. Coroner L. Bennett, of Watkins, assisted by Dr. Mot tram, of Weston, made a This Will Be post mortem examination of the remaiins ALLEGANY. George Walworth of Cuba, has leased the American bouse at Friendship, and takes possession to-day.

Messrs. Charles Curtis and Henry Marsflo, of Cuba, have leased the New-Palmer (house at Olean and will take possession the middle of April. General J. B. A'an Petten, principal of the Claverick, Columbia county, military academy, has been engaged to deliver the memorial address at Belfast on Decoration day.

Edward Rutherford, late surrogate's clerk of this county, was recently elected Becretary of the Buffalo North Main street and Tonawanda -Electric Railroad. II. A. Holden of Rushford is one of the directors. of Mrs.

Manila Stanton, of Tyrone, -ivhose dmith on Vcdme.lay was so.iiewhat mys AN EASTER 1IVMX Archdeacon Pariar A HYMN OF (il.ADNESS Cecilia liavergal PASSION VI.OWI-.KS C. S. ll.ip-mail A STL It CAltOLS Phillips Urooks EASTEKTI UK Charlotte Murray POEMS 1-Olt lvASTElt F. It. Iluvcrga EASTER CARDS EASTER BOOKLETS.

t27 Easter services for Sunday Schools. A Gala Week 0 9 WITH US IN terious. The inquest was completed yesterday and the verdict of the jury was that death resulted from a complieatkm of diseases, any one of Avliidh was eu Indent to cause death. The evidence contained a stattimcnit tliat on sereral otvasions prior to her death, Mrs. Stanton in the presence of a friend and her husband tluat she had been poisoned.

The i-orcnei-'s jury was oompose! as follows: E. R. Bissxdl, G. S. Van Meet, A.

Covert, L. Crawford, G. Van ATeet, M. Crookstosne, L. SunderUn, G.

W. Baker and D. S. Crawford. GARTEN REMEDIES Mrs.

Mary nendrick, for metny years a resident of Bergen, died yesterday Morning at her home in that village, aged 09 years. She will buried on Monday from St. Bridget's church. About 9 o'clock Thursday evening occurred the death of Charles AV. ltumwey, of Leltoy, after only a few days illness, aged 74 years.

Mr. Rumsey resided in Bethany and earn to LeRoy only a few years ugo Co live with, his van, Ezra Rumsey. For a number of months since, he ha-s made his borne with Mr. and Airs. F.

P. Hawks. Atnhe alove hour Mr. Rumsey went up stairs to retire. Shortly after reaching his room, Mrs.

Hawks beard him fall. She called to him, but no answer came and die went to his roonn, where she found him lying on his side. She hastily called a neighbor and a physician, but nothing could 1 done to save his life, he dying in a few minutes. Deceased lias one brother, who resides in Califom'a, The funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Monday afnernoon. Rev.

Pierre Gushing officiating, with interment aX Bethany. WYOMING. A brother of Mary Ponlson of Portage was killed three years ago on the bdge at Portage by a collision on the AV. N. Y.

P. R. R-, and his sister ha just received one thousand dollars from the company in settlement. Since the organization of the Silver Lake Fish and Game Club a marked decrease in the number of illegal fishermen on the lake has been noticeable, and the prospects for a complete eradication of tha evil are good. The club has a lairge membership of the best men in the towns of Castile and Ferry.

In regard to the report that the Young FOR CURE OP TRIMMED MILLINERY. lipr, Opium and Tobacco Habits -ARE- SURE, SAFE AND RELIABLE! ORLEANS. Tho East Carlton echool closed yesterday for a two weeks' vacation. There are two new cases of scarlet fever on the lake shore in the western part of Yates township, and one at Lyndon-ville. Tho wadding of George Clack, to Miss Frances Newing, and of John Clack, of Gaines, to Miss Bertha Lent, occurred at Albion on AVednesday.

Three of the parties were from East Carlton. There will be Easter song services tomorrow evening at Lyndon ville in the Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal churches. The pastor of the Yates Baptist Church will preach an Easter sermon in the m'oru-lng and there will be appropriate services in the evening. The annual meeting of the churcbi and socktty occurs on Monday. Every hat in our show room is a masterpiece.

The work of Paris and our best trimmers whose cream of conception combined with the best and richest of trimmings gives our hats an appearance of refinement so different from the ordinary. Patients treated without publicity or Interruption to business. Terms of payment easy and cost of treatment reasonably low. Treatment given either our offices or residence of our GARTEN GOLD CURE 4 1 1-4 12 Eliwanger Barry BIdg. Men's Christian Aissociation of AVarsaw was to bo drslnamded on account of lack i- of funds, the secretary, R.

Ren-ney, makes the statement that it will not disband but that the rooms will be kept open for a time and hat means may be. AH. TRACT SOCIETY, 93 Stats St MOXllOE COUNTY COUKT Electa M. Love-crafo tuiaiiMHt IXiuriet A. Butler, George A.

Butler, Ixulsa Xefendoi-f, iHsfendorf, and ilolluJter Enuuber llniited. iu pursuituce a judiimiit and decree of forecloeiii-e and eule, Uuly praated iu tlw atove en titled action, anil entered in Monroe County Clark's oUicu. on tlie 31st day of March. tlie undersiKiwl it'fen-e will sell at. publlo auction at, the front steps of the tJourt House, In the city of Kochenter, comity of Monroe, N.

ou tlie 17th thiy of May, 1S03. a.6 11 o'clock A. M.t the premists described in ald judgment and decree as follows, viz All that tract or parcel of land situate In the town of IleurieJtta, county of Monroe and state of Js'ew York, being a part of lot aiuuber e.ijrhteea (IS) in ranjje number three to) of Sots of said town, bounded, and described ai follows: lU'Kianing at the northeast, corner of the lot, wtoe the Jate James 11. Mcliaseltlne rewided. at a iolat in the north line of said lot nuuibor eighteen (18) which is also the center of a highway and in ranse with tho center of a lane; thonce along saia ceater lino of dd lane south twenty-seven (27) decrees west three chains and six links (3 cn.

6 1.) to a stake; thence south eighty-six tuid one-half (Srt 1-2) desrees east twenty-seven (27) links; thence south twenty-four (24) degreos west three chains and ninety-four links (3 ch. 1)4 thence north eltrhty-flve and one-half (S5 1-2) degrees west) five chains and thirtv-tihreo links (5 ch. 33 thence north twenty-one and three-quarters (21 3-4) degrees east four chains and forty links (4ch. 40 L); thence north fifteen (15) degrees east two chains and thirty links (2 oh. 30 1.) to the north line of the lot md center of the hlKh-wav: thence nloiitf said center of hichway south elschtv-six and one half (Kfi 1-2) degrees east five chains and eighty-one links (5 rtt.

81 to tho of bepinnintr. r-ontalnins1 fonr (4) acres and sixteen hundredths (10-100) of an aero, be tlie same more or less, Pated at the city of Rochester, N. this 31st day of March, 3S03. HENRY J. SUIXIVAN.

Keferee. Cliarles M. Allen, plaintiff's attorney. 1 DID YOU EVER KNOW? A sailor who wouldn't shake and shudder If ne lost his vessel's compass or the handle of his rudder. How in thunder could he guide ber? Slim his chance would be to ride her To any port of safety in an unknown sea.

"Will you not upon luflectlon. Ssil by chart of our protection. Which is daily bread to thousands. And may do such to thee. NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.

FRANK C. MANN General Agents, 21, 22 and 23 Elwood Rochester, N. T. HASLACHER CO. NEW Y0EK MILLINERY STORE, 40 East nn.

RHEUMATISM devised for continuing the work on a permanent basis. STEUBEN. There will Ik- Easter Sunday-school exercises to-morrow evening at Che Methodist Episcopal Church at Cohocton. Commissioner of Highways Royal C. Clark has appointed the following path-mastars for the town of Bath for 1893: Clay Winuegar, John II.

Bowlby, John Ackerson, Leroy De Groff. Thomas TJ. Smith, Cliarlecs S. LongWell, Jolui G. Miller, Horace Jones, Henry C.

Dudley, James Wagner, John W. Moore, J. C. Magee, John Cochran, J. Chamberlain, John II.

Sitttrly, Lester Rolords, Joseph Brooks, Ezra Niles, James Tigue, Evert Ioxk, Stephen Morgan, Wakeman Gilbert, James Hadden, Edward Moore, J. M. Brown, Lavelle G. Conine, David Conine, David Utter, Samuel Hayt, William R. Nivor, Thomas McAndrew, Sterling Brooks, Prank Conine, AVilliam Kniflin, Chauacey Warren, J.

M. Thomas, Jamiu S. Kysor, Jaojb Little, AVilliam Stewart, Ezra Durham, Jerome Niles, AVilliam R. Stewart, Matthew Smith, Henry Foster, Ixwi Snell, AVyckoff Wixon, John D. Os-born-e, AVilliam Geld-Tr, Henry AA'heeler, A.

J. Sin- lair, Thomas AVood. It. II. Hoyt, AVilliam II.

Gay, James Ilermn, AVilliam Little, Harrison Niles, James 1. Sinclair, Robert Shannon, Moses Buckley, B. F. Grant, Hugh McEntee, James G. Stewart, F.

M. AVarren, Amasa Eels, A. R. De-Puy, William Coiddin, Gonwge MeChesney, Calvin Fuller. Jay Rising, Smith run-da go, Hoxie AV.

Smith, James AV. Oeland, James Green, Jndcwm Bryan, Clinton Pel-bam, Dudlev Allertou, Oiarles 1). Gay, Thomas AArallace, P. A. Bryant, Mr.

Dti Bois, AVilliam President, James Stinsron, George M. Seager, Andrew Gay, AA'Mliam Areeley, Isaac Skinkle, Isaac Johnston, Lester AVoodaxd, Patrick O'Brien, Charles H. Robie, Henry Chrwler, James II. Collier, Rufus Piatt, Awtin Honeyman, Stephen D. Velie, Myron Brooks, AVhitney McDowell, James Lindsay, John Sharp, AVilliaxn Johnson.

James Dart, Thomas Mosst Thojuaa Faucettt BEEBE AND SMITH WAYNE. urto, tS. Specialists In the Treatment of all Chronic The marriage of Cyrus Aikens and "teases of both sex. Office. 1(17 Stute EC, over toe Americaa oflice.

office hours: 9 to 1. 2 to 6 p.m.; Monday, Wednesday and turday evenings, 7:30 to Sunday. 10 to 12 Miss Alta Pierson will take place et the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.

R. Pierson, of Butler, next AA'ed- nesday evening. CATTARAUGUS. The apportionment of the public money for school purposes among the several towns -of the county is as follows: Allegany, Ashford, $1,557.02: Elli-eottville, Farmers ville, Franklin ville, Freedom, Himsdale, Humphrey, $S27; Iscliua, Lyndon, 081.37; Maohias, Olean, Port-ville, Yorkshire, Oar-rollton, Cobisprmg, Conewango, Dayton, I-lvat Otto, Elko, Great Valley, $1,280.45: Mansfield, Napoli, New Albion, Otto, Persia, $1,083.70: Perrys-burg, Ramdolph, Red House. Salamanca, South A'alley, total for the county, $54,111.45.

LIVINGSTON. The soventh annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Association of Caledonia Presbytery will convene at Covington Tuesdtay next. The funeral of Rev. AVilliam Hunter, of Springwater, will be held at the Pres-bvterian church in that village to-morrow Every church in Clyde will appropri COACH AND HACK HARNESS From SI 00 to $400. Made from best oak-tanned leather, with fine mountings.

A superb stock for your inspection. Remember we are manufacturers ol fine harness and saddlery goods. ately observe Easter Sunday to-morrow. H. K.

Compson, of Clyde, while at work with a buzz saw Friday noon lost a PERKA5ESTLI CURED. part of the thumb on his left hand. At the next meeting of the South Shore Grange of Ontario, which will be BRANCH OF 863 BROADWAY. held April 8th, the question for discussion is: "Resolved, that the raising of small fruits is more profitable for the farmers of AVeytara New York than raising grass." Palmyra Lodge No. 248, F.

A. GEO. B. PAGE SON, STOVE REPAIRS cPrHURST Successor to Parkhurst Siebert. 30-23 Cortland KlrkDatrirVs old stand.

will give its eunMual reception at Masonic hall Friday evening, April 14 b. A large, orchestra will furnish the music and a will served. Several committees afternoon, Rev. George Iv. AVard, of Dants- KotVnA VAItlETY OP CTTOCOLATE Rran(1 displar fat tasiir.

ito-Ufcaai'1 Novwities mntablo have the gaxty in charge and a large num-Jville4 officiating. Tlr.

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