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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 6

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Democrat and Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 minimi 1 1 Petition to the Executive Board From the Citizens' Committee. The Upton Park improvement is still giving the Executive trouble. The following communication signed by the citizens' committee was yesterday presented to the board through Alderman Lewis Rochester, July 14, 1891.

Gentlemen of Vie Executive Board: We leg leave to submit the following statement to more clearly define the position Of the Upton Park paviair matter: Every resident, by preference, would like the red brick as per original cample. Five or six persons, of 24(1 feet frontage, are content to allow contractors to lay what they please and abide results. The balance, representing 7ti0 feet, are pronounced in their mands for the brick, like samples originally submitted. We submit that a eo-callea scicntiuc test of a few brick, no matter how fairly chosen, cannot possibly determine the value of the reniainimr bricks; that a scientific tost, is of little value iu determining- the result of tho elements and actual use. The red biiek as per sample have been subject to the only test of any earthly value, that of actual use.

The yellow clay brick have, by admission of the makers, never been mado until within a few weeks "nd no one knows the result that will follow actual use. All brick are to a certain extent experimental and untried brick especially so. We do not want experiments with a brick of which r.othinif is known, no matter how tfood it apparently is. We want the brick that have already been testoU.which were promised us.and samples of which were placed on file in your office and that of the city engineer. The claim made toy all pavinu- orieu makers is.

that it is the presence of iron and aluminum that (fives them their peculiar value. The manairer of the t-yracuse isricK tompany admitted before you that the yellow clay from which these vellow brick are made contained no Iron whatever and was not prepared to sav that it contained anv aluminum. He also admitted that his company had never sent out a yellow brick for a sample. Must we be tho first to make a practical test of the untried clay? Are we not morally and legally entitled to just what we bought and not something which may appear to be" Just as good me answer is in your nanas. POSTOFFICE BUSINESS.

The Annual Report Issued New Carts for Mounted Collectors. The annual report of Postmaster Rey nolds showing the number of pieces of mail handled at tho office during the year ending June 30th, gives the following figures Total number of delivery trips Total number of collection trips d'J Registered! letters delivered 2n.BC3 Letters delivered Postal cards delivered 1,49.313 Second, third and fourth-class matter delivered Local letters collected l.ltn.47S Mail letters collected oeul postal cards collected ST.VSa Mail postal cards colleoted Second, third und lourth-class matter collecteJ C18.318 Total number of pieces handled Average number per carrier Superintendent Hutchinson of the mail ing department makes the following report of the amount of out-going mail distributed and dispatched during the year: Mail distributed Letters. 21.741.04(1: papers.ll.- Ity mail dropped at postoffice Letters.679,371: postal cards, circulars. 1 otal numher ot pieces handled in the distrib uting department. umber of clerks on duty letter.

paper, stampers. dispatchers, 1. No more monthly reports of the business of the ollice will be issued, as the collection of statistics regarding the number of pieces of mail matter handled by the carrier has been discontinued. The order di recting the discontinuance of this practice applies only to the collection and distribution of local mail. The number of pieces of out-going mail will be reported as heretofore.

Yesterday the four mounted mail collec tors who were appointed last spring made their trips in new vehicles constructed for their special use. The new cart consists of a box about four feet wide and six feet long mounted on two wheels. The collector enters the cart from the rear, there being boxes at the sides and front for the reception of mail. At the back is a movable leather seat for the use of the carrier. The cart is mado with what is termed a drop-coach axle which brings the body near the ground.

Over all is a canopy top with curtains which may be raised or lowered at will. On the sides of the box are the words U. S. Mail. The carts are impr6ved patterns of those in use in Detroit and were made by A.

F. S. C. Stewart of this city. The body of each cart is painted a dark green and the running gear a bright red.

Suit by Harmon's Assignee. Through Browning Marsh, an action has been brought by Aldice G. Warren, as assignee ot George E. Harmon, against the Union Bunk to recover about $20, 000. The plaintiff's complaint alleged that Harmon hud on deposit $5, 000 as a special deposit in the bank in June, 18S3, and a mortgage on which there was nn unpaid balance of $13, 000.

The bank claims to hold the cash and mortgage as collateral security for the payment of the Cole notes endorsed by Harmon, of which it hel about $18,000 at the time of his failure, there being at that time, as is claimed by the assignee, nearly $20, 000 of his money aud securities in the bank. The assignoe claims this amount on the ground that the notes held by the bank were void and constituted no legal claim against the fund. Report From the Reservoirs. The following table shows the condition of the reservoirs during the past week. At Mt.

Hope the height is given in feet and inches at Rush, in feet and hundredths I 1.1 1 1 II I II I I II I II I III 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 JULY BARGAINS Low prices to reduce the surplus stock during the present month. flow is the time to secure bargains. We Offer To-day Fifty pieces White Shaker and 25c Yachting Flannel at 12 I-2C, 20c and All extra values. We Offer To-day Fifty pieces all wool Navy Blue Flannels for bathine and mountain suits, at 25c, 30c, 35c, a yard. 40c, 45c and 50c Extra Ood bar- gains.

Mir To-day Lfilly Pairs gray, Dlue and red jJfankets at 1.50, $2 and $2.50. Just the articles for camping out. We Offer To-day Black Surah Silks at 39c and 44c actually worth 50c and 75c We Offer To-day India Silks and Wash Silks at a sacrifice. We Ofier To-day Several lots of Bath Towels much under the regular price. We Offer To-day Fifty White Marseilles Quilts at a decided bargain drop in and see them.

We Offer To-day Full lines of Wash Dress Fabrics at exceedingly low prices. We have made large reductions in the prices of all kinds of hot weather dress stuffs, which will be to the interest of all to examine. BURKE, FITZ SIMONS, HONE CO. The Coroner Jury Decides That Act was Premeditated. Coroner Graham concluded the inquest last evening into the cause of the death of Mrs.

Agnes Tice, killed by her husband lag. Saturday. John Joslyn, an Id acquaiat. I ance of Tice, testified to seeing him sharpen. ing a knife upon an emery wheel the sash factory of Brown Maser last Friday.

Charles Kehi, at whose hon Mrs. Tice was employed at the time of tug murder, corrolorated the Btory of previwu witnesses relative to the occurrence itntut diately after Tice had made his tnurderoui assault. Kehl said that he met the latter the morning and that he was under th influence of liqnor. Officer John Dana testified to threap made by Tice that he would "get even'' with hia wife as the time of hii arrest several weeks ago. The witness nij that he saw Tice at the jail last Saturday few hours after the murder.

He was lyin, a drunken stupor on las coat. jl- Officer Dana said that while bringing Tic the police station for examination Laj Monday morning the latter asked how Lij wife was getting along and at which ho. pital Bhe was. Tice did not know then that his wife was dead. Stephen Hibretsen, of No.

113 Haywood '-Park, a fellow-workman of Tice, said that the latter was at work until Friday. came to the shop on that day and the wit. ness saw him sharpening a knife at tbt emery wheel. When asked what ha in. tended to do with the knife Tice said that it was for cutting belts.

Hibretsen thought that the knife shown him by the coroner was the one he saw in Tice's hands. A similar knife formerly kept in a cap. board at the shop was missing last Satur- i day. Charles P. Murphy, a reporter forth Union and Advertiser, gave some expert te.

timony as to the appearance of insane per. I sons and detailed at length an interne i which he had with Tice at the jaiL The case was then given to the jury, aaj the following verdict was returned attr fifteen minutes We find that Mrs. Agnes Tice corns to I her death from wounds inflicted by a knifi in tne nanas oi ner nusoana, ana mat tin act was premeditated. PUBLIC INSTALLATION. Temple Ledge, I.

O. O. F. Enjoy 0a of Its Typical Evenings. Temple Lodge, No.

412, I. O. O. held a public installation of officers at Ut hall, No. 90 State street last evening.

Tin hall was crowded with the members and their friends. The following officen were installed according the impressive ritual of the Odd Fellowi: Noble grand, A. F. Peo; master, W. H.

Spencer grand treasurer, Philip McConnell; grand warden, F. A. Brotsch grand conductor, C. F. Burritt The noble grand master then announced the appointment of the following officers: R.

S. Noble Grand James iliili-man L. S. Noble Grand, Jama Gilman; inside guard, E. J.

Butter; outside guard, Robert McKutchen; R. a 8. S. F. Totter S.

S. E. Burgess chaplain, J. A. Wilbur orgamist, P.

Arnold. The vice grand master then appointed tit following supporters R. S. V. G.

J. Osburn L. S. V. G.

John Danford. After the installation of the officers and tin charge of the noble grand master, a very handsome group of the retiring grand officers was presented to the lodge by D. D. G. M.

William J. Denny and accepted bj Noble Grand A. F. Peo. Thi group includes William J.

Denny, D. 2. G. M. August Rem, O.

M. tViUi- Schlenker, G. S. A- Killip, G. Miller, G.

W. A. Dalton, U. P. S.

and PhO. Arnold, G. T. William Schlenker then presented Vict Grand Master H. Spencer with a verj handsome gold headed cane on behalf of tha lodge and Mr.

Spencer responded in a few words. The retiring grand officers wan then called to the front and D. D. G. H.

William J. Denny was tendered a Landsomt gold badge. The presentation was made ia pleasant manner by Frank Fag and Mr. Denny, taken completely by surprise made a very neii speech of acknowledgement. Speeches and music followed, the speaken being Mr.

Denny and Grand Representative W. Stebbins. The music as furnished by the Schultz Brothers' Quartette, May Winton, pianist, and Mr. and Mrs. Sabey, vocalists.

After the programme a supp was served. To Niagara Falls. Two excursions to Niagara Falls, Lewa- ton and Niagara-on-the-Lake, one on Sat- tirday, July ISth, and another on Wednes- day, July 22J, by America's greatest rail- f. road. Leave Rochester at 8:35 A.

M. rive Niagara Falls 11 :30 A. M-. Lewistoi I 11:55, Niagara-on-the-Lake 12:30. Fan for round trip only $1.25 Niagara Fw I and return, I.

50 to Lewiston and 1. to Niagara and return. These are deiigbv- j-ful trips. Do not fail to take at least oa of them and enjoy a ride on the River Vie trains. Call on New York Central tick agent for further information.

i Without Leaving the Store You can purchase more variety of arM for dress, for the house, for the kitci. for the feet and for ail wants at Fahy'it in any other place in the city. Go there and save time and mosey. We have found the Century Dictionary great value in our profession, owing not o.J to its accuracy of definition of words general literature and law, but to its clef illustrations and explanations of the scientific and technical terms. With usitt superseded the necessity of reference other dictionaries.

Baldwin, Davidson a Wight. Pat. Att'ys. To examine dictiona? call or address Agent Century No. 32 Meigs street, city.

July Bargains i A P.i.V. PilvRlmnK. Jt- lY 't. Aj full line of half wool challies 12 Class 42 Annual picnic, Thursday, July iPth.0 1 Manitou Beach, via electrio cars and Gr Vipw Beach Railwuv. Meet at Cenff" I Church at 7 :30 o'clock sharp.

RoundM 1 tickets, including dinner, 75 cents. July Bargains At Burke. FitzSimons. Hone Striped challies now 30c, sold ha se ason for COc. all thrw Bargains in Carpets.

Our fourth floor is well filled with PJ line of dilTereat grades of carpet9 which are selling at great bargains, including" is left of the Carter stock. This is opportunity to buy carpets at e-treme'y. prices. A complete line of straw watt at very low prices. Howe Rooers, Nos.

80, 82 and 84 State streev 1 1 Presses. 3 6c a yard good fast color challies at 4 1 Oc and 10c. Good fast cambric for w5 5e, Scotch ginghams, 10c. American hams, 6. and Sixty-four by ico at 5c, and 100 Other staple an.

ROOMS WITH POWER TO LET BV ROCHESTER rUWER CUM-pany, on North Wafer street, between Andrews and River striets. New buildings erected for tenants lor nnuratunnir. Terms reasonable, bteum powir ana water power. FOR SALE I Four Cases of Tobacco! Moulson's Pure Soap is made from the best tallow. Housekeepers should buy no other.


Formerly of ELL8WOKTH SANFORD, 222 East; ZMZaiTi. St. Teeth extracted wituout puln. WHEELER WILSON, PAWNBROKERS, EAST MAIN ST. OLDEST AND 07 most reliable.

Money loaned, tioods left with us are absolutely pafe. Fur laore and fireproof 6ales. Right watchman employed. BICYCLE Ttr tir tn fur fr aim- lltoCoats, $3. Knee runr.cit ceieoraica jersey Knee Breeches only $4 a pair.

Bi cycle Caps, Hose, Pins, Tights, cold cr silver Letters, Punnett's In visible Pants Holders, 25c. a pair. Be sure to write now. K. A.

UiNiNhil, lanorand Athletic Uuttitter, o3 100 West Rochester, N. Y. All strictly first-class work at moderate prices. THE BEST ENGLISH DRIVING GLOVE FOR SI. 00 in the market at Busbv's Glove Fac tory, 12 Front street, only three doors from Main Also Baso Ball Gloves, Boxing Gloves, M.

KNAPP Painting, Kalsomining, Hard Wood Finishing. 58 OSBURN HOUSE BLOCK AT TIIE LITTLE Store Around the Corner You will find a laree and varied stock of the following (foods Ladies' and Misses' Outinp Jackets and Dress Goods, Men's find Boys' Suits. Books Albums. Clocks, Wringers. Lace Curtains.

Draperies, Huns and other house-furnishing jroods. ail sold on the easy-payment plan. Call and see us. Open eveninirs. JUDSON WOOD, Off cor.

132 Stato St. 5 and 7 Mnmford St TO LOAN At Low Rats of interest. On Furniture (without removal), Timo. Horses and Carriages, Stock, Itonds, Second Mortsa(res, Loan Association stuires. Life Inau ranee ioiiciva and Collateral.

ESCON Fl DKSTI A L. FKANK W. DICKINSON, 107 Block, 1st Floor. ST. LAWRENCE LINE Kingston, The Thousand Islands and Alexandria Bay.

The new. staunch and well-appointed Upper Lake Steaiuer, 5 (( L0RA, Will leave Charlotte, Tort of Hochester, at 8 p. m. and Ontario Beach at 8 :30 p. m.

every Monday, "Wednesday and Fridav, for Kingston, Clayton, Round Island, Thousand Island Park and Alexandria Bay, paing through the beautiful scenery of the Thousand Islands by daylight and connecting with steamers for Montreal, Quebeo and the Saguenay River. Ample accommodations, large and light staterooms, awnings and seats on the hurricane deck for all who may come. For passage tickets, staterooms (which may be teeured in advance) and rates on freight, please apply to Lewis Co. 175 Central avenue; Lehigh Valley Railway Co. 1 East Main street, corner of Exchange; W.

J. Wilcox, 12 State street, or at Powers Hotel, Rochester. JOSEPH GORMAN, Master. GENESEE OPTICAL CO. Bank of Monro Building, 21 EXCHANGE ST.

HEADQUARTERS FOR SPECTACLES, EYE-ifiasfceh, In6-s. Lorti ucttt Opel a of linet-t quality and most artistic workmanship. OUR SI'KCIALTV-A sci-ntifio and practical optician always present to examine and fit the eyes or till prescriptions of oculistaj We Fully Guarantee Oar Work rruiE CALIGRAPII is the best Wrting A. Machiue upon the market. Ovor 400 in use iu tins city.

Agency 4(411 Powers Uloek. A. P. LITTLE. An elegant prep oration for keeping the hair in curl.

Our price tor large bottle, 25 cents. Bangs trimmed, luc. Open Evenings. GUGGENHEIM'S HAIR EMPORIUM, Whitcomb House BTk 20 Mill St. IfOCHESTEX.

KY. ClHESFDHOENCS StlLlCITEZ. SAND! SAND! rriflE FINEST IN THE LAND FOR MUCK A and work. New bank at foot of Carter btrceu fcpecial discount to contractors, COY A IIEFFER, OUice 11J Uudsou St. REAL FOUND mmm Plenty of Drill for the Peekskill.

Boys at THE FIRST DETAIL FOR GUARD Captain Hess as Officer of the Day-First Separate Company's First Experience of Battalion Drill. Hot Work But They Like It. Correspondence of Democrat and Cnnosicn. State Camp of Instruction, Peekskill, N. Y.

July 14th. The First Separate Company had its first taste of the more serious requirements of camp life yesterday. All the morning, or to be more exact, from 5 o'clock to noon, was taken up with inspection, skirmishes and battalion drill, to the last of which the men had been looking forward with about the same anticipation that some inevitable calamity might arouse. But they not only survived the drill, one and all, but seem to think that in time they might grow to like it. Indeed, they are greatly elated over the success with which they met the numerous difficulties that must necessarily confront any company the first time in camp, especially a separate company that has no opportunity for battalion drill at any other time.

Unaccustomed, as the men are, to such violent exercises under a boiling sun, it came pretty hard, but none suocumbed either front heat or fatigue, though four men from the Twelfth Regiment, out at the same time, gave work for the ambulance corps. The first is th color company of the pro-vissional battalion, and the boys strove hard and well to keep up the dignity and importance of position. This Bhould please the hearts of the many ladies who did so much to enable us to buy our beautiful new flag. The skirmish drill in the cool of the early morning was much more pleasant though not quite so much of a novelty as battalion drill, for the boys havo been practiced in this twice a week for some months before coming down, the only difference being in the interval taken between skirmishers. It was an interesting sight to see the long lines deploying nearly lost to sight one minute in the veil of mist that Btiil overhung the whole parade ground and appearing the next' to assemble and move forward or by the flanks to gain some desired position.

Many were the remarks made to the effect that "if the people at home could only see this they would appreciate as they never could at home what the National Guard of New York really is. Companies come here to work and not play, and they do work good, honest and conscientious work too, every maa taking an interest in his company and striving to reach a continually higher plane of perfection. So though the requirements in some respects are irksome, personal feeling is sacrificed for discipline and the axiom that a soldier's first duty is to obey is the war-cry. If ever there is need for the service of the militia citizens will then, if never before, appreciate that the National Guard is a factor in the civilization of this country that cannot and will not be disregarded. Captain Hess is officer of the day to-day, and Lieutenant Turpin will be in command of the company.

The company also furnishes a guard detail for the first time with Sergeant Warriner as eeuior sergeant of the guard, and Corporal Doty with the detail made up as follows Privates McVean, Bryson, Briggs, Cory, Cossett, Dodge, Esser, Goold, Schantz, and Hanford as supernumerary. This is the first appearance of the battalion on guard duty, and it is their openly declared intention to show the regiment ideal guard duty. There is considerable friendly rivalry between the regiment and battalion. Yesterday was rather more busy than the other two so far as amusement is concerned. In the afternoon there was a very exciting game of ball between nines selected from Doring's Band and the Sixth Separate from Troy, in which the musicians demonstrated that there is more than one thing they can play, winning in the lost inning by one run.

To-morrow the First.which captured the pennant last winter at indoor base bail, will cross bats with the Sixth. After dress parade foot ball and tennis were indulged in, but the camp did not really get awake until it should have been asleep, and late last night shouts of dillerent company yells mingled with the airs from several amateur concerts and the whole camp seemed fairly teeming with good spirits, not, however, of a liquid order. The men are all well and have not failed to report at every roll-call, and the captain is pleased beyond measure at tho good work. To all curious friends we wish to be remem bered, although this seems unnecessary if one may judge from the number of letters re ceived enclosed in envelopes not of a shape commonly used for business purposes. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.

A Woman Knocked Senseless and a Street Car Touched. During the storm yesterday afternoon Mrs. Joyce, of CamDbell Place, was 6truck by the lightning and was rendered uncon scious lor a time, but was not seriously injured. She was in a room on the ground floor of her home and the bolt came tearing down through tho roof and second story of the house, doing considerable damage on the way. The roof was torn up and every bit of plaster on the ceiling of the chamber through which the bolt passed was knocked off as cleanly as though it had been out off with a knife.

Mrs. Joyce was thrown to the floor by the shock. She was picked up insensible by her husband, and Dr. Earl, who happened to be in the neighborhood, was summoned to attend her. She recovered consciousness soon and, although a delicate woman, did not appear to be much the worse for her experience.

An electrio car which was standing at the end of the Mt. Hope avenue line was also struck by the lightning, but no damage was tlone to it. The current burned out the lightning arrester and passed harmlessly away. The magnetic disturbance was unusually violent during the storm. At about o'clock, the hour at which young Long fellow, whose death is noted iu another column, was struck by the lightning at East Rush, the magnetic needle iu the weather observer' a office was deflected over seven dosrees.

Telephone No. 245, John A. Van Ingen's coal office, Nos. 9 and 93 Smith street. Leave your order at onco.

telephone orders promptly attended to. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Tho best assortment in the city, and the best fitting and most stylish shapes and pat terns. We are closing them out now, to gether with the blazers and jackets. Go to the oloak department.

J. Fahy Co. Home, Sweet Home, Is made doubly sweet by exercising good judgement in selecting wall paper. Go to Weldon's and select from the largest stock ia the oity. 119-121 East Main street.

July Bargains At Burke, FitzSimons, Hone Co. s. Home chttice styles in chock cheviots, which have been reduced to-day from 75c to 50c. in in to Do You Remember When you used to cross the CI I A. 1 icny iu ouduowiown uy way of the Rockingchair It will remind you of those days when you see the new electric fans waving back-ward and forward in our store.

Four of them are of celluloid, the others Japanese, and all are handsomely decorated. Our store has been one of the finest in the State for some years now it is one of the coolest. Come in out of the sun, and while you are looking at some of the many handsome novelties in footwear, you can enjoy the delightful coolness produced by the mammoth fans. Gould, Lee Luce, 10 State Street. iimmimiimmummimmmm YOUNG BURTON BROWN, Of 40 Hickory St, this City, Made Well ami Strong by Dr.

Smith's Magnetic Treatment ior a year tlurton Brown, residing as above and employed as fireman at the Stein Manufacturing Co. 's, Buffered from the pangs of nervous dyspepsia. After eating there was a full, heavy feeling, like weight in the stomach, and when the stom ach was empty there was a faint, all-gone feeling that caused palpitation of the heart, and a terrible, uncomfortable, suffocating sensation. lie had shooting pains in the pit of the stomach, chest and sides was very nervous, blue and melancholv. Everything eaten soured and distressed him.

He was run down in flesh, and when he applied to Dr. Smith, the magnetic physician, 19 North Washington street, he was utterly discouraged and believed that nothing or no one could cure him. From the first magnetic treatment given him he commenced to improve, and from that time (two months ago) he steadily got better, until to-day he is perfectly well. lie can eat any kind of food without the slightest trouble, sleeps and feels well and is, in fact, in every way a sound man. From the first, he has never lost a day's work.

Mr. Erown will answer any letters or questions regard to his restoration to health. Dr. Smith is permanently located at 19 North Washington street. He treats every known form of chronic disease.

It costs nothing to call upon him and have a friendly talk in regard to your trouble. Consultation free from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.

TANDARDWR Watches! Yatches! Watches! JUY A CHEAP WATCH to take -with you on your vacation, and leave your gold ono with us to have cleaned and re-adjusted. Wo make a specialty of line watch and jewelry repairing-. Bargains in that cannot be beat. VAN BERGH JEWELERS, Sijrn of Time Ball Simial. 124 STATE ST.

Rudolph Schmidt Co. Optical. Mathematical and Electrical Instruments. 8prclul attention iriven to fitting Speo. taoiet and Eya Ol asset accurately.

SX ost Mala opp. Front. JULY AND AUGUST. IF YOUR II A BY IS TEETHING. ROWELS and stomach deranged, buy a bottle of L.

Hewitt's Anise Cordial; 25c a bottle. Manufactured by him at No. 1U0 South avenue. For sale by ail tiruir gists. holesale at Davis's Drug More.

State street. 13ft Bicycle For Sale SECOND HAND COLUMBIA LIGHT ROAD-ster safety. Cushion tire on n-ar wheel. S.o cash will buy this wheel. It is an 10, and iu lirst-claes condition.

Address CUSHION, this office. DIRECTORY FOR TRAINED NURSES, Rochester City Hospital. MISS A. F. FRINK, Registrar.

TCLEPHQNm No, 65. i TELPPHONB BJItorlal Rooms Counting Koom CALL: HO 87 COMPARATIVE TEMPERATURE. Rudolph Schmidt 1 Thermometer. July II. July II.

1891. a 3 A. 99 3 A. 74 7 A.M.-9 A. M.

11 JL 12 M. 2 P. 3 P. M. 4 P.

P. P. M. 71 76 H.I Hi IVi K2 79 7 A. 9 A.

M. 11 A. M. 12 M. 'i 2 P.

M. 3 P. M. 4 P. M.

6 P. M. 7 P. M. 9 P.

M. 12 MID. -76 -SO -MO -H7 -MS -m: -Mi -7 -7 -74 12 7G 71 0 Weather Forecast. The forecast for Western New York for to-day is: Fair, except showers on the lakes, slightly cooler, southwest winds. TRY OUR WANT COLUMNS.

TO SUMMER TOURISTS. Readers of the Democrat and Chronicle who eontempuiti temporarily ahnntiwj thcmnclvc from the eitg can have the daily edition mailed to them regularly, jjontpaul, at 1- cents per tccck. or 50 cents per month. Subxcribers can hare their paper tramfe-iral, pofiye iaid, by leaving the addrt at this nfice. The address will be changed as nftcn as dcsireil; hut in all cascttlic old as ueli as Uic new one must be given.

TOWN TALK. The wood building committee of the Common Council will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The Seventh and Twelfth wards C. T. U.

will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock at Xo. 1209 ilouroe avenue. A meeting of the Empire Phosphate Company will be held at 51 a Wilder building at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Ui-O-Ka-Too Tribe, 74 I. O.

R. M. will give a reception at Ited Men's hall, S'o. f2 State street, this evening. Business at the Rochester Clearing House yesterday morning was as follows: Clearings, 3G5, 273.

33 balances, Tho Veteran Union Grays will leave on the first train for Portage to-morrow fore noon. They will dine at the Cascade house as the guests of Major General Kelly. A certificate of the increase of the capi tal stock of the Kenyon Hat and Fur Company from $50, 000 to $100, 000, was filed in the county clerk 'sollice yesterday. The McAllister Terrace Afsociation has elected the following ollicors President, Samuel BiodgeU Vice President. S.

II. iraves; Secretary, V. L. Uawson Treas urer, M. 13.

tauford. There will be a special meeting of O'Rorke Post Drill Corps this evening at 8 clock to complete arrangements for the trip to Detroit, August 2d. All members of the corps are reiiuted to bo present. Leonard 15. Field's will, which lias been offered for probate, devises an estate of ifO, OUO to bis housekeeper, Mrs.

Roberts. He left neither wife nor children. It is said that nephews and nieces will contest the will. The Elm Beach Park Association has elected officers as follows: President, John W. Taylor Vice President.

James M. Aikenhead Secretary, C. E. AV'ood- ward Treasurer, A. D.

McMaster Directors, Charles Salmon and James S. Graham. The Chautauqua county Equality Club has invited tho vv oumn's Political Club of Rochester to visit Cbuutauqtia on Saturday July 2oth, where addresses will be delivered by Mrs. Derelda Wallace and other prom ineit woman sulTragists. All members de sirous of attending are requested to send their names at once to Mrs.

J. G. Maurer, No. l'JO Court street. Chairman Aldridge of the Executive Board, City Surveyor Teacock, Contractor Weider, who yesterday made an assign ment, and his assignee, Wallace J.

Haga man, nela a conference yesterday morning with reference to tho work on the east end of Piatt street improvement. for which Weider McMahon had the contract. The assignee will probably apply to tne court for permission to continue the work. PURELY PERSONAL. Mrs.

J. O. Kuapp is passing a few weeks In Lyons. Morris M. Myers and family went to Rockaway Beach, L.

I this morning. George Boiler, of Buffalo, is visiting his Bister, the wiie of Judge erner. Misses Ida and Maud Finley, of Battle Creek, Mich. are visiting their uncle, Hugh Cooper, No. 19 Campbell street.

Mr. and Mrs Jacob Maurer, celebrated their golden wedding last evening at their residence. No. 1 5 Lat orce Park. Miss Mary McNulty, now of Topeka, Kansas, is visiting at the family home in Rochester, No.

82 Alexander street. Brother Anthony, the principal of St. John's Colleee, at Fordharn, New York, is in the city, the guest of Mayor Carrol). Rev. Charles Siobenpfeiffer and wife will leave to-day for Loon Lake, in the Adirondacks, where they will remain for two months.

Miss Old field, of Rochester, is at the Gi'sey House, New York. She is engaged lor a series of concerts to bo given at differ enS watering places during the summer. Martial Band Officers. At a regular meeting of the Independent martial baud the following officers were elected President, Frederick Ferguson secretary, llliam Lr. Stulltuan treasurer, Edward F.

Atkin leader, Charles V. Bo- gart drum sergeant, Frank M. Brownell musical director, Charles Link finance committee, William II. Huntington, George Barnes. Charles Mculaghlin manager.

i nomas iu. Atkin. Thanks for Gifts. The directors of tho Reynolds' Library de sire to return thanks to the following who have made donations of books and pam phlets to the library during the month of June: J. Sherlock Andrews, Mrs.

JosiaU Anstice, D. B. Beach, Mrs. L. C.

Charles, George P. Humphrey, Profossor J. M. Levi, Hon. Donald McNaughton, Union and Advertiser Company, E.

B. Whitmore. YOU CANNOT GO lo Carlsbad, but you can have Carlsbad brought to you. Procure a bottle of sreu- uine imported Carlsbad Sprudel Salt and dissolve a teaspoonful of it in a tumblerful of water. It is tho best natural aperient and alterative extant.

Nothing is just as good when you can get tho genuinu imported article. date. Mt. Hope. Pres're Rush.

7 A.M. 7 A.M. Tuesday lift 15 lbs 14.21 Wednesday, L-'llCin IS lbs- 14 70 Thursday ltt lOiu 15 lbs 14 til) Fridav Kfl2lu 15 4 fri Saturday 14 45 Sunday lift 15 11k- 14 il7 in 13 It 14. Furniture Company. The Meuleudyke Veyhl Manufacturing Company, of this city, was incorporated yesterday, to manufacture furniture and upholstery.

Its capital stock is $20, 000, divided into 4, 000 shares of $5 each. The directors, who are also the stockholders, are as follows: Abram Meuleudyke. No. 13 Upton Park, 1, 900 shares Henry E. Veyhl, jNo.

21 Hart avenue, 1, 990 shares David Iv. Pierce, No. 133 Whitney street, 10 shares Charles Blunn, No. 9 Hudson l'ark, 5 shares; John Meulondyke, No. 01 Avenue 5 shares.

An Important Conveyance. A deed from JuDius Judson and wife to tho Edison Electric Illuminating Company, conveying property on Mill street and Brown's Race, was recorded in the county clerk's office yesterday. Tho consideration is There was also recorded a mortgage from the Edison Electric Illumin ating Company to the Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Company, as trustee, to secure tho payment of bonds issued, to the amount of 000. The Hartung Examination. The examination of Charles W.

Hartung before Commissioner Gilbert yesterdav on the charge of selling liquor without a trov- ernment license, resulted in his being held xwi iuc vii nuu jury. xao ava oau. It is 1 ,1. alleged that Hartung, who is a contractor sold whiakey to his employes by the half pmi uua jpint. (1I I III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml I equally as cheap..

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