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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 26

Rochester, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2G ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JULY, 0, 1927 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SUMMER HIGH Second Copy Found of 'Breeches Bible' Comparative Temperature abaters Standard Tin. Rmlnlpb ftclimlat A Thermometer Henry Morgan, Twice Assembly Member, Passes jily 5, licit), 200 TEACHERS WILL STUDY AT OSWEGO NORMAL Instructor and Principal of Pre-vocation School Have Posts There I JUIA- 1027. 7A.MjSl. 61 63 1U.M.I 69 77 SP.M." 77 iP.M.- 77 IP.11.1 77 7P.M."" 70 75 1S.U( 73 to f- 60 A.M." HA.M.

f. 12M. TT sr.M. Kll 8P.M. 75 7 P.M.- j- J3 70 r( Seeking for Beauty? Then come to our showrooms and see the Studebaker custom cars.

They are truly beautiful. li. Gallagher Motor Inc. 81 Monroe opposite Chestnut Stone 19S0 VENTILATED INSULATED Gas Ranges With Heat Control 1 he (treat uas Saving Range The Range That Has Revolutionized Gas Cooking Cook Id Comfort Tbe Year Round With A UAGEE Holds the Heat, It Saves the Gas Toe Results the word and reason why it pays to advertise regularly in the Democrat and Chronicle. "Keeping Everlasting at It," plugging away at your, prospective clients through regular advertising in the Democrat and Chronicle, will bring you maximum results at a minimum cost.

Why not start to-day? Legal Record CITV OI RT IXiVirNTH Jsrob Chernofky vs. Frank J. Out-i berlet, II I The National Cash Register Com-I isny vi. John A. Klirrman, Wilson K.

Mary vs. Taul C. Wtiir. W. R.

Oulribr Company vt. Stanley 11. Newell. i Willis Van de Wall vs. Giuseppe il Hi I mil nn Sim 23.

i I'eier Michael vi. Charlea U'larlrh, Julius Harris vs. Joseph Flchera. i I William J. Mcllrklo vs.

Harry B. DbiiIpIs, 141.1.25. Charlea Wnt Coal Oompany, vs. Mumpson Harhrach, I Wiimler Cook Cnmnany, vs. Nelson A.

tlK.m Ss in iil 11. Laiilon vs. Morton's Little nonnet tshnp, ll.W.W. Morris Manson vs. T.

C. Twlftineyer, nt mivKMsi i vnr.K Asst uki namk Kavmnnd Street Advertising llny- momj Miller, ut No. 04 Htate street. Msndel Kleetrlr f'ompany Henry Mamlel sn.t Mary Matulfl, of 3S Centennial strti't. Avnailale Bakeries.

Ine. Kllsaheth Post, o( No. 4l Main street east, BBAI. KSTATK TR. VNFKRa Helen K.

Miller to Hoscn. Haynea, proierty In Ksirpnrt. Mamie Ktilnrd to Mary H. Edgett, property In Kalrpnrt. (Jrafton Johnson to ltlrlurd T.

Rrhuln. two transfers of pmueriy In Inintleijuolt. Hampton (Jardrin, to fisorge Marollle and wife, property In Greece. KuhManelal Realty Company. to Alherta M.

Smith, property In 1'erln-ton. Brnwn Brothers Company to Joseph P. Weston and wife, property In Irnnrte-flunlt, B. Frank Simpson to William A. Nlemeycr and wl(e, property In Ironde-ttuolt.

Slater Brothers, to t.uey B. Branetiaii, properly In Lake avenue boulevard. Nnrhert Streb snd wtfe to H. deKrles and wife, properly In Creeee. Clyde O'Brien to Kll Aronow, properly III I.ltchHeM street.

Kdwirrt W. Welland to Howard M. C.rrull and wtfe, property In Hoek-view terrace, Charles K. Biuuiell to Nettle T. Ilnn-nell, jiroperty In Illy street.

A li re 1 1 a Hlebert to Michael Crnwley i ami wife, property In Silver street. i Catherine de Lorm to John (iuilaa. property In Fairbanks Jtatimaa streets. Helen Frayne et al. to George Praper, property In Irondequoit.

Michael A. Fisrhelte snd wife to i dMiranrt. property In l.nlngton and Kewey av.mies. i Mary Amlco. by referee, to Mlelisel A Klsebeite, property In l.eilngtou and liewey sveuues.

Slefrled Steluirr and wife to Fred Teiuplehm and wife, property In Wren (licet. I Neat Stsfford snd wife to Ray I). Carlett, property In Brighton. Joel C. I.amtnii snil wife lo Andrew (illllr slid wife, property in boulevard.

Charlrt W. Heat snd wife to Flor. I ern-e A. Towner, prupvrty In lrondo- quoit. William MaeFarlane and wlfa to Florence A.

Towner, property In iruntto-quott. Monroe Avenue Land anil Improvement Cnmpsny, to Freilerlrk C. Tohl slot wife, property tn Brighton. Conrad Hehuhkogel snd wife to Anthony tiesltnskl, projK-rty In North Street. (ilnsrppe Sriitiere and wife tn MiehaelMiigelo rsliissslo, properly In i A URDU nil Frederick I'ohl and wife to Lewis E.

Ar.R0 LOCK SHINGLES ftA.AO pir q. -will) ttli-jr twit Bwttnjr of all Itinrt j)d ami ii-li(l fey an 1 1 1 1 I) emi tm F. E. HAYES CO. 44 A (Minima M.

Fhon. for sttjwal-atain 8709 Machinists' Work Our Spmolalty Kxaerts In repairing printing rhlnarf. Call Hton. 67M. PATCHEN HOEFLER Ileclilva Aiiatuf Mtrt FIFTY CENT TAXI MAIN On Persons WANTED STOCK CLERK and BILLING CLERK Man.

24 or who has hsd ft- perlence snd csn typewrite desired. Shorthand henefiolsl lint niM necessary. Wonderful opportunity fur advancement, if are In ernt. We might take 8 man reg snlless nf es perience, If he hs brains, know how In us them, unit In nof rn itl of work. Kiste rull particulars In letter sddrcssed in BOX Thl.

Office. EXECUTIVE ABILITY Man with $5,000 or more, capable of developing and managing a business. Nothing new. Experience In paper industry desirable but not necessary. Address XX-30, This Office For Rent c-CC 5,000 Square Feet located le.a than on.

minuto'i walk from th. Four Corner, two clean, light, well ventilated floors, with pas-enger and freight sprinkler lyilem, janitor and night watchman. Floor, will carry 100 ton. each. PRICE REASONABLE.

Address XX-71, This Office Erie Railroad Excursion Sunday, July 10 Round Trip Fares To To Owefo 2.7S To Waverly 2.75 To Elmira 2.50 To Corning 2.00 To Bath 2.00 a per 11 (rale will tear. Rochester tun A. M. r.asl-rn Htanrtarri Tim A. ill.

Ilayllaht earing Tim. Full delall. and ticket. Krle It. R.

f'nsenger Klntlnn, Court Mreel. I'hone Main 3'Jlt. TirheU New on Sale. liam II. Campbell, retiring district governor of the twenty-eighth district of the international organisation, at a luncheon meeting of (he Koihesler Kolnry Club yesterday.

Mr. Campbell and Harold Stone, hraker, newly elected president of the Rochester Rotary, who attended the week's convention it Oslend, returned to Rochester laet Saturday. Mr. Campbell descrilied the reception accorded Colonel Lindbergh when he arrived In France. "Seven thousand men from thirty-seven countries sat down for a week in counsel, fellowship and friendliness at (Intend to discuss Rotary great sixth Objective, that of "ndanoement of good will ami understanding among all said Mr.

Campbell. The formal njiening, Mr. Campbell said, was made by King Albert of Helgiuui, who is a member of tbe Urussels Rotary Club. mm I Double COUPONS TODAY SCHOOL OPENS; 1400PRESENI Officials Astonished at Big Enrollment for Monroe Classes SENIOR, JUNIOR WORK AH Subjects of ReguiV Curriculum taught; Pupils Eager Conditions at Monroe Junior Hlri School building took on the appear, ance of regular school years aessieu yesterday morning when the senior and junior high aihool opened for an eight week session. 'The Johnnies in Sues had turned out in such num-hers that when Mrlrin K.

Coon, priu-cipal of the aummer mchool, faced the assembly, he looked out on a room nearly full of children. In Senior Group More than fourteen hundred chil dren were in attendance. More than thirteen hundred of them were in tli senior class high section and about one hundred in the junior high, iur this summer session all ninth gnuls pupils have been placed in the senior high school, and all seventh anil eighth gradera in tbe junior school. All high school subjects are taught in the senior section, and the usual seventh and eighth grade junior high subjects in the junior department. The re-gist rut ion lias astonished the school authorities.

T'ntil last year it was believed by only a few school otlii'inls that there was a demand for a summer senior high Then, as a test and an experiment, the summer sessmns were launched, ith the result that almost three tim" as many children registered as pro vision Iwid been made for. Attendance Voluntary. As attendance is coluntnry, th large registration is taken as an dicntion of two facts. One is tint modern high school boys nnd girls like to go to school; that they are eon-scioua of the opportunities afforded them for shortening the time in school; ami that they want to make the bet of their privileges; and, that parents roeognue in the sh-IiooI a means whereby half days of their children may be fully and profitably occupied throughout the summer sea son. The school meets the problem of how to employ boys and girla in summer months when they begii' feel surfeit of time.

A numlier of pupils from out the city are attending, paying $115 tuition for the privilege. Two Women Arrested in Irondequoit for Owning Slot Machines Mrs. Lulu Hitter and Mrs. Mamis McCabe, proprietors of places in th Lake road, Sea Itreeie, were arrested yesterday by deputy sheriffs on charges nf possessing slot machines. They were arraigned last evening; be fore Justice of the Peace Isaac Ituyck.

nn am, p(W((1(1 $25 each for an apivearnnce on July 11. (Tement Kosenbaur, of Sea Rreeze, arrested two weeks ago for posaessinit a slot machine, failed to appear yesterday, and his bail of $25 was declared forfeit. Judge Ituyck had the Visual run of illegal parkers and motorists charged with rutting to the wrong side of signs at street corners, and collected atmrnximntelv $2r0 in fines after hs llllu customary homilies on behavior to the abashment of culprits and tbe amusement of the spectators, Culling of Poultry, Lessons in Potato Spraying under Way E. T. Bard well and II.

F. Wilgtis, trained poultry cullers from the State. College of Agriculture, began work In Monroe ctuinly yesterday in the Farm Hureau campaign to remove tbe unprofitable hens from Hocks in the (utility. More than one hundred flocks, with a total of Hi.OOO hens, are on the nailing list for this service. These cullers nre covering the county, traveling from farm to farm.

This fiit culling will continue for two weeks. The Farm Hureau has employed cullers for six weeks of this service in late August and September. The removal of tbe low producing binU from so many flocks will save Monroe county poultrymen thousands of dollars In feed along, according to the Farm Rureau manager, E. 1). A school to train the operator, of the potato spray rigs and potato growers who desire to do an efficient Job of spraying was conducted yesterday at the farm of George School, id Pittsfotd, by the Monroe County Farm Hureau.

It wns attended by operators of tbe fotrteeu potato spray rigs ia Monroe county and others from adjacent counties, besides a number of growers who nre planning a program of thorough spraying. Dr. M. F. Harms, potato disease specialist from the College of Agriculture, gave Instruction on ths diseases to be controlled and th preparation of materials.

'Chester Arnold, who operated the Penlield spray rig last year, discussed practical points in sprayer operation. Earl II. Merrill, manager of the Monroe County Farm Kurcati. soke on equipment and management of the job of spraying. This is the first school of this in New York state.

Acme Sales Co. Fishermen, we have a very fine assortment of South Rend, Shakespeare and other reels, casting rods, plugs, etc. You can save money on your fishing needs. Acme Ssles Msln gt. one flight up.

Another "Hreeohes Bible" has come to light. Publication in this newspaper yesterday of the description of the "Breeches Bible," printed in England In and now owned by Frederick Hansromb of IOs Angeles, and on view at Waterloo, N. brought out the fan that Kabbi I'hilip 8. Bernstein, of Temple Merit Kodesh, also owns a copy of that name Bible. Rabbi Bernstein bought hi copy In an old bookstore, in Cambridge, England.

three year ago. He believe that it is even more valuable than the one owned by Sir. Hunscotiih, because it has a genealogy of Jesus from Adam down, traced upon jt flyleaf. Wife Prostrated by Discovery of Body of Missing Husband Suffering from ehock received at the sight of the body of her husband, lliomas Soboia, years old, dangling I ltlP in of hia home at No. Atlantic ave nue, the wife, Sirs.

Sobota, whs under the care of a physician last night. Hobota had been missing for fourteen hours, when his wife, going to the celliir yesterday morning, discovered the body hanging from water pipe from which the husband had hung hiuieelf with a rone around hia neck. She called hysterically to her three children playing in the kitchen and then collapsed, the imlice reported. One of the children summoned a physician, who called the police. Investigation fuiled to reveal the icause of the suicide.

Slra. Sobota said her husband went to the cellar about 7 o'clock Monday night. She said she thought she paw him leave the bouse later. Funeral Services for Mrs. Schroder Conducted at Home Funeral services for Mrs.

Fredericks Scbrnder, who died Fridi.v, took plnce yee-lerday at li o'clock at the home. No. 20 Vick l'nrk B. Hev. Frederick It.

Knnbcl, minister of the liurcli of the Reformation, conducted the services, assisted by members of the church choir. Members of the various societies of which Mrs. Schroder was a memlier served as honorary hearers. She wa a member of the Guiding Star, Fierce Sisterhood, Dames of Malta I'niled I.onib Circle, of the (i. A.

li the White Cloud Council, anil the Hurra Society of tbe Church of (he Iteformntiun, The nctive bearers were Frederick tind Frank Schrader, Hon-n It I Terwilliger, Kilwnrd Thieni and Cuher I. ussier, all nephews ami cousins of Ms. Schrader. Interment was made In the family lot in Iiiver-side cemetery, where service were conducted by Rev. Mr.

Knitbel. Mrs. Schroder leaves two daughters, Mrs', Lillian I. ussier anil Miss Florence Schrader, of this city; a son, Charles Schrader, of Victor: four sisters, Mrs, Elizabeth Ridden, of Omaha; Mrs. Theodore Slefevater, of Bntnvia Mm.

Louisa Kanhnuser and Mrs. Leo Le May, of this city; two brothers, Frederick and Henry Kolil-liagen, and seven grandchildren. AI Gl STI .1 VMKS JOM.KV Funeral services for Augustus James Jolley, president of the Koch-esler Coal and Coke Company, who died Sunday at his home. No, 21 Arnold park, took place yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at No. Chestnut street.

Iev. Frank K. Ilissell. nsMst-ant rector of Christ Kpiseopal Church, conducted the services. Interment as made in Mount I lope cemetery, CONSTAM) I.ANDSCIIOOT Fuuernl services fur Coiislaml I.nnil-schuof, who died Saturday morning, took place yestenlav morning at o'clock nt the home.

No. 3 Kestrel street, and at II o'clock at Our Lad; of Victory Church. Solemn mass ofl requiem was celebrated by Rev. 't'am-lel VanllerMuelen, nssisletl by Rev. Patrick Moffett as deacon, and Rev.

Gerald Rrennnn as subdracoii. The bearers were Leopold Van Ecke, Peter Cusse, Theodore Hogaert, August D'llausens, August CussC and Henry He Maecker. Members of the Kelgiuni-Ilollnnd Club served as honorary bearers. Interment was made In Holy Sepulchre cemetery, where he final hliwing was given by Rev. John Ho-gan.

MRS. flKKTII.l KELLER Funeral services for Mrs. Ileiiha Gchhardt Keller, wife of George J. Keller, who (Led Friday, took place yesterday afternoon st 2 o'clock at the home, No. 21 I.ang street.

Rev. Frederick J. Frankenfcld, minister of Salem Evangelical Church, conducted tbe services. The bearers were William Schtoeder, Fred Simpson, George Wahl, William trail he, Charles Frani and Joseph Reynolds. Interment was made in Mount Hope cenie-lery.

MRS. MARIE MKNGEI. Funeral services for Mrs. Marie Mengel. wife of William Mengel, w)0 ed Saturday, took place yesterday afternoon at o'clock at the home, No.

li Argo park- Rev. Adolph C. Ilaltset conducted the services. The bearers were Charles Handera, Elmer Ryer, William Messmer, Harvey Leonard, Thomas Fitngerald and Edward I liftman. Interment wns made in the family lot in Riverside cemetery.

Gregg Secretarial School There are distinct advantages to those who nitend this institution. Write for catalogue or call at the school, which is in session now, 130 Plymouth a ve. Advertisement. Beauty Ciilturs All branches taught. Individual Instructions.

Pay and evening sessions. Rochester Hairdressing School, 257 E. Main St. Main 7323. SPECIAL FEATURES 1.

Absolute evennees of rooking. I. Odorless and smokeless broiling. One-quarter rooking in oven after the (a. is turned off.

4. Great saving of M. ft. Automatic heat rontrol. A Cool Kitchen In hot weather.

All Magee parts kept In stock, also parts for all popular makes of furnaces, stoves and ranges. Nearly two hundred Rochester school teacher are enrolled for the courses of instruction to be given at the summer school sessions of Oswego Normal School, which opened yester- day. The schedule includes courses in i academic, industrial, and kindergarten I work, besides it nming, special clauses, and other subjects. arson Rookoff, instructor In academic work for the special classes, fur sub-normal children at the I're-VooaV" itional School, yesterday assumed hi 'duties for the iiimmer as director of the department for special clnsa teach-'era at Oswego Normal. Tufa is his fourth year a member of the sum-jmer school faculty, and his promotion the directorship of his department is the result of intensive study of sub- tirilntnl lh i I rl ro li hmlilum, mil and the results he has acconm- lished.

Director Ilockoff was graduated from Columbia 1'nivernity Ian February with the degree of bachelor of science. He majored in psychology at that institution. Mr, Jtockoff wrh graduated from Washinijton Junior School in the clnss of June, Kast High Nihool in 11120, and completed a two-year course of study at Oswego Normal School before en tering Columbia. On receiving an appointment in the Kocbester publ'C school system in February, he was assigned to bis present position at the I'te VoiatioiiBl School. In the lnnt two months, Sir liockoft was acting euperinlendpni of the iuli Children's Hume in (torham street while the head of the iriatitiit'on.

Jacob S. Hollander, was on a Kuropean tour. Mr. Itockoff's experience in children's work includes a number of years' connection with the Jlochester Hoy Scout movement. Frederick iinnb, principal of the Pre-Vocational School, is also a member of Oswego Normal fnculty for the summer, and is teaching; cabinet assembly work.

Goats to Complete Plans for Trip to Cobourg, July 1 6th Arrangements will be concluded at meeting to-morrow night for tbu tourtli annual water cruise on July llith of the float Club tit Cobourg on he car ferry Ontario II. which the oluh has Candidates for membership in the club will be initiated on bonrd after tbe boat bi left the (rencsee dock. Tickrla for the trip have been distributed to committee composed of Charles K. Welch, chairman; Sheriff Albert M. Maker.

Cornelius N. Kuonouio, Julius J. Clark, Michael Alderuiuii Fdwnrd A. 1 lentinger, Kmanuel Koveleski. Kugerie J.

O'Neill, I.eo A. MacSnenney, Fred II. Hudd. Alderman Fred II, KiiMstnaiil, Frank Willis, J. Vincent (iilboe, (ins Werner, Supervisor Timothy Kelly.

Harry JlcKiasick, Wiliinni Schmitt, nf Greece; Isaac Hnyek and Frank Ituyck. pf Irondequoit: Tbomas Hcet, Charles (i. Hchoener. Hiram I. Davis, Gent go 8.

Taylor. James H. Rryan and Sergeant William McLaughlin. The car ferry will leave the Sum-merville dock at II nYlnrk, daylight time, immediately on the arrival a siieeinl train on the Buffalo Rochester and Pittsburgh ISailwoy, which will leave the Main atreet west at 10:30 o'clock. Fred Zeitler and his Fifty-fourth Regiment Band will play for the Goats, and the official goat will he tnken along to asslet George VV.

Miller. Joseph T. Hawkins, Fnianuel Koveleski. Franli Willis and J. V.

Gilboe, comtHising the dgeree team, in putting on (lit1 Initiation. Federal Civil Service Tests Are Announced Announcement of the following Fed- p' eiaminaiions is ninue i.y r.uwarrt jr. Hoscrhagen se'retKiy at for the I'nited Slalea Civil Serviie t'on inlsslt.n. Ueceit.t of annllcnl ions will close as follows: July Kith Associate horticulturist, to year, ittnlor cartographic engineer, at July 2'Jd General automobile mechanic, in the motor vehicle service at the postotfice at Ito hosier, at an entrance salary of with promotion of $10O a jtiir until the maximum of $2,100 a yesr is reached; driver mechanic, at an entrance salary of a year with promotion up to a maximum of a at an entrance salary of a yesr and promotion to Sl.tlflO a year after one year's satisfactory service. July 2lb Associate social economist, at a year: associate farm Are prevention engineer, at a year; assistant nrm firs prevention engineer, at a year.

For full informrftli and application blank, apply to Kdward F. Rosen-hagen, secretary, board of Civil Service Examiners, isialoffice, Rochester, Hobhertln and 4J UOlt. Ife, property lu Ironde- Oeorge A (tr.h and wire to William C. Allen and wife, property In Ureece. Harry TIshkorT snd wife to Tisnknfr Thea'er Corporation, property In Clinton avenue north, Kdwln K.

Hesll snd wife lo Msr-garet A. Kupplnger, property Is Flower City park. Robert S. De'nise et to Clisrles J. GlsUe and wife, property In Greece.

Mamie Carson to I'eter Michel, property in N'orih street, Kdward H. Kuppluger snd wifs to Genevieve L. Cooney, property In Bro-k-port. Herbert Hurdles and wife to Harold A. snd wife, property in (isles.

No Meal In Rochester Like The Maryland fried chicken dinner at Hay Fagsn's Plantation, Gardiner avenue, All you ran eat for $1.50. Advertisement. KRKK ias, water or flue connect ion HENRY MORGAN. Henry Morgan, lifelong resident of Ilrorkport, snd for two terms a member of tbe New" York State Assembly from the Tlroekport district, dieil at bis home in that village yesterday. Mr.

Morgan was horn in Hrockport un August 1S71. He obtained his early education in the Hrockport Normal Scholo, and Inter wiin graduated from the law school at Yale I'niversity. In lll'Ml he served his (list term in the New York State Assembly, under Governor Charles K. Hughes. Mr.

Morgnn was married to Miss E. May Kingsbury in lNH'i. Mr. Morgan leaves his wife, Mrs. May Morgan; aeon, Haylnn Morgan; three daughters, Mrs.

Ilorolhy lirown, and I ho Misses Martha nnd Emily Morgan, nil of Hrockport his mother, Mrs. 1 1. S. Moriian, of Hrockport; three brothers, George 11. Morgan, of Rochester; William P.

Morgan, of Huffalo, and Gifford Morgan, of Hrockport three sisters, Mrs. F. A. Manning nnd Mrs. Susan Macy, of Hrockport, and Gladys Morgan ltichards, of Rochester.

Mr. Morgan whs a member nf Corliey Court, at. Yale, the Rochester Har Association, and the Yacht Club and Silsby Hose Company, of Hrockport. For ninny yoni's he was member of tbe Genesee Valley Club, but resigned sonic time ago because of ill heallh. Funeral services will lake place at Mr.

late home at 2 o'clock to-morrow nl'lernono. Interment will be in the family plot at Lake View Cemetery. Mrs. Mary E. Cox, Widow of Shoe Man, Dies at Mt.

Vernon New York, July Slra. Maty Elizabeth Cox. widow of Joseph H. Cox, a shoe manufacturer of Rochester, N. died unexpectedly yesterday at the home of Iter daughter.

Mrs. Thomas J. Howling, of No. 'i'M Highland avenue, Mount. Vernon.

Funernt services will take place Thursday morning at tbe Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ilnclii'ster. For more than half'n century, Mrs. Cox. who was 7, lived in Rochester.

Two moot bs ago she came to visit with her daughler lit Mount Vernon, and appeared in good health. ester- nay o. leeung am by heart attack. I Cox was born Hrooklyn, She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Don I-ing, Mrs.

M. Ilassclwnnder, of Rochester, nnd Sister Gertrude Marie, of Avon, N. Y. five sons, Joseph Louis Edward Waller and J. Austin Cox, and two sisters, the Misses Margaret and T.

Shanalmn. Mary Cyrane Raker died yesterday morning at the home of S. Hinchey on the Hinchey road. Gates. She leaves a sister, Mrs.

George Maxwell, of Motion. Stephen died Monday evening at St. Mary's Hospital, aged ti years, lie leaves his parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marceletti, The body was removed lo the family home, 4 Warehouse street Ella Irene Gould, formerly of this city died yesterday nt her home at Monticello, Fin aged 7H years.

She leaves a niece, Mrs. Amos Hulibell Cobb, of this city. James J. Murphy died Saturday at his home in Itufl'nlo. He leaves his wife, Mary Forbes Murphy; ihree sons, Jaiiics, Henry nnd Arthur Murphy; six daughters, Mm.

James II. llunu, Mrs. M. V. Huffy, Mrs.

Edwnrd P- McllufF, Mrs. Arthur G. Hinsy and Mrs. Kdward Rice, of Huffalo, and Mrs. G.

H. Melton, of Onltlniid, brother, John Murphy, of this city; and two sisters, Mrs. William Hicks, of Windsor, and Mrs. Mary Atkinson, of Toronto. Mi's.

Allele C- Kowler, wife of Arthur W. Fowler, diet! yesterday morning at the Ueneral Hospital. Resides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Charles Ross; a son, A. V.

Fow ler; a sister, Mrs. K. O. Fitzgerald; five grandchildren and a great-grandchild, all of Hrockport. William K.

Mess died yesterday at his home. No. 1SK) Hewey avenue, aged (III years. He leaves his wife, Rolns Mueller Wess a son, Frederick W. Wess; three daughters, Ed ward Lane, Mrs.

Callsghan nnd Mrs. Fayes; his mother, Mrs. Marguerite Fry, and thirteen grnndehildeu. Samuel J- Dyson died Tuesday. He leaves his wife, Emma Hyson; a daughler, Mrs.

Isabell Corey, and two grandchildren. Isaac II. Mori died yesterday at his home, on the Klinck road, Brighton, aged 4'l years. He lenves his wife, Susie Mori three daughters, Martha, Laura and Ruth Mort; a brother, Albert Mort, and two sisters, Sirs. Charles Kiihlinniin and Mrs, Minnie Schesing.

I I Main Henry Sieberl's Sons loz Andrews M. GiflWGEROUS Autoists and Are hereby notified that traffic on Main Street East, between Culver Road and North Goodman Street, is extremely dangerous. Those using this street do so at their own risk. Pedestrians Contractor Rotary Convention at Ostend Described for Rochester Club Two outstanding events of IH27, the special li ght of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and the international convention of Rotary at Itelgium, have strengthened the relationship between Europe and America, declared Wil THOS.

HOLAHAN Ball, properly In Brighton. Itklgewood Manor IieTetTTfTment Company, I nr. to tdllb h. Ma I iil, property in ii reeve. Hay H.

Howell and wife et al. to Frank K. Huydea and wife, property la street. Augusts Spragne et .1., si eternters of Csruttne Meastnan. lo William H.

Itlamu, property In Henrietta atreet. I.ulgl and wife to Mirbael-a me I ii I'slusxalo, prupvrty In Augelo street, The Omega Company to The Palmer Estates, property lu Wehater, B.rt tl. Van Ingea tn Wllllsm J. Klme, sntf wife, property In Webster. Hells A.

Krsmer lo Hugo l'enigen, property In Ctirunilnga street. Lena W. Gilmsn snd wife to Mtlllrent C. Lake, property lu lirecce. Tlslikuff Theater Corporstion to Harry Tlshkuff, property in Clinton avenue north.

Kdwatd 3. Rtoll snd wtfe to Karl H. Kiiiuli sud wife, prnp.riy lu Irondequoit. John J. Hoey et al.

tn John F. fttone, property in IrondfNpintt. I'aeln Gaudlo to tltefsno Marlasettl, property la Flla F. Fsrsgher lo Fred E. lisvld- son, property In Rochester.

John llurkharUt and wife tu Joha A. To the Roofing Trade Please take notice that we, th. 'Undersigned, have no connection with any other firm, a part of wKom title t. "The Great Lakes." Qnat Lakes Paper Carp, holt salt Hoofing Material! 114-128 Child Street Read the Want Ads Card of Thanks We wish to thank all for the beautiful flowers and the comforting messages and acta of sympathy during our bereavement. II r.

and Mrs, Uustav Itrautignm,.

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